-The Plattsmouth Journal - 1 Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsaouth, Nebraska cS5 R. A. BATES, Publisher. Entered at the Postolfice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-clas matter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE :W-H-HH"!--HW-W-W' fr THOUGHT FOR WILSON. J I do I In very best I know J how the very best I can; -I j ami I incaii to keep doing so I- mi it 1 I lie end. If the cud I brings m out all right, J what is .said against, me J won't amount to anything. J If Hit' end brings mo out wrong, ten angels swearing J I was right would make no J J difference. Ahraliam Lin- ! J coin. ! I hl-H-!"H-J-H"I"l"I-H"H-H :o: Democrats will have the lower lionse of the legislature by 8 ma jority, while the republicans will have 3 majority in the senate. :o: The suffragettes are getting so bold that they are talking of de manding a place in Mr. Wilson's cabinet. What do you think of that? :o : ' Cabinet-making will now oc cupy the attention of the people until about the 'ilh of March. Hut Mr. Wilson will attend to that matter anil save the imjuisil ive a lot. of worry. :o: Congressmen will be quite busy at the ensuing session of con gress sending out, about 00,000,- 000 packages of garden and Mower heeds to I heir constituents. Senators and congressmen are running oil" to Washington to get rid of applicants for ollice. Hut that will do no good as long as (he mails continue to travel east ward. Letters will follow these servants of the "dear people." :o: . Elect ion returns are not, all in in some of the states. California is still very close between Wilson and Roosevelt. :o : Thanksgiving only two weeks from today. What are you going to do about, that turkey' None but, the rich can enjoy roast, tur key this year. :o: You have got to hand it to Jiill Tafl. lie is about the most graceful loser this country ever put, over. There may be Mich a thing as his being glad that he was defeated, for now he can de vote all of his time to bis judicious temperament and the grand old game of golf. :o: Note the olllcial figures in Misouri: Wilson, 351,938; Roose velt, 15, 288; Tafl, 7y,250. Wil son's plurality over Hoosevelt is '.'00,050; over Tafl, 272,088, and a majority of 127, -400 over both Hoosevelt and Taft. Elliott W. Major was elected governor by over 100,000 majority and the en tire state ticket by the saint ma jorities. :o: The bull moosers intend to be up and at it two years from now, and they propose to take in all the republicans who want lo join them, but they can be republicans no longer. Well, now, will that be "the dog wagging the tail, or the tail wagging the dog," lias it. come to that, point of the g. o. p. outliving its usefulness, and are they ready to give up'.' We can't believe it. W. E. Andrews, the Nebraskan IMallsiiioulh merchants are preparing for a splendid holiday trade, and from the present out look they are going lo enjoy it. There will be no occasion lo go away from home to get your Christinas goods this year. :o: The Kansas City Star failed to wield a great deal of influence in the late election for Col. Nelson's favorile, Teddy Hoosevelt. That paper principally circulates in Missouri, Kanssas and Oklahoma, and all of these states went over welmingly against Toddy. :o; The bull moose party say they don't propose to have any more tieups with the republican party in slate or nation, i noy, propose to try to kill ofT the old republican party. Thai is going to be a ban thing to do with a tarty I hut saved the nation in the dark davs of the civil war. :o : Senator Hitchcock denies the report that originated with one of the Lincoln papers thai he ex peels to retire after bis term ex pires four years hence. Senator Jliicncock is in line Health am sees no reason why he should re tire, unless the people of Ne braska gel tired of him. The 1 pie, however, don't ustialy get tired of such faith public servants as Senator Hitchcock has proven. :o : Will Maupin addressed ihe Ad club in Omaha Tuesday, advocat ing a semi-centennial exposition five years hence, to show how the state has developed since its ad mission in 1807, declaring no stale had accomplished more in that. time. Will Maupin's head is level on a great many things, and be lias been an incessant ad vocate of everything that would lo Nebraska the most good. Wo hope the exposition will grow ripe as tl'o lime draws near. ho has been holding down a soft osilion in Washington for the past sixteen years, was in Lincoln the oilier day, having come home to vole. He is assistant auditor of the treasury department. He says iiio aiders oi nooseveii are likely to drop him now ami look around for another candidate for four years hence, or come back to the republican parly. :o : Labels on country school houses showing whether r not they are up to the standard is an Ilinois device which promises to be taken up in this state if ad vocates of the plan have success in laying I heir ideas before Ihe next sessiiui of the slate legis- alure. I'nder this plan schools are inspected as to grounds, san itation, water supply, ventilation, library building ami hearing and ipialitlcat ions of the teachers. :o : The Journal would like to see the incoming legislature change Ihe form of the election ballot so thai it would not be so bungle some. There should also be some changes m the primary election law, or abolish the primary sys tern altogether. We don't believe the primary system is a good way to select state candidates there is always some felows who get on the ticket that the people don't want. Sure thing, every year. :o: Ex-Senatori Lorimer is danger ously ill with pneumonia. :o: 'Twixt Optimist and Pessimist, The difference is di;oll The Optimist sees the doughnut, The Pessimist, the hide. :o: Champ Clark will have clear sailing for re-election to the speakership of the house. :o: There is one thing certain, and that is thai if Jack Johnson, the black brute, does get off easier than be deserves, be won't be so frisky after while girls as he was. :o : Some men are born lucky. Now look at those fellows who will get to hold ollice one year longer in Consequence of the adoption of the constitutional amendments at the recent election. :o: President-elect Wilson will probably call a special session of congress soon after his in auguration. Thai seems to be the consensus of opinion around Washington at this time. :o-.- Did you read thai Thanksgiv ing proclamation oi governor Aldrich? Wasn't it a corker? ifut who can blame him he didn't have much encouragement to write a proclamation this year. :o: The women want a represent ative in Mr. Wilson's cabinet. You bet if Ihey were lo succeed in gelling this the public would know what was going on, with either open or closed doors. :r: The open door policy is lo be adopted by President Wilson. There has been too much of this closed door business done in tin past for the good of the out in people, who have a right to know what is going on. :o; It is now reported that. Ihere was a falling off of 40,000 votes in the recent election in Ne braska, compared with the vole of four years ago. What caused such a slump no one has yet, been able to explain. ;o : It's a big asset to be a good mixer if you don t all gel mixed up yourself. :o : Teddy announces a policy of silence. Eight to three thai he does not live up to it. '0 : A socialist will have Ihe decid ing vole in Ihe Kansas state sen ate on all questions that may arise between republicans and demo crats. There are 20 democrats ami H republicans, with the lieu tenant governor on the side of the republicans. He will be able to hold Ihe senate pretty level. :o: Ob, no, it will not be possible tor congress to cut the high tariff all lo pieces at one whack. Don't you think itl The democrats will proi I slowly and carefully on this mailer. They are pledged to an IV reduction, and the tariff on onrnodities that will reduce the high (ost of living will be the first tep taken in the direction of tariff eforin. That's where the com mon people will be benefited. :o: Politics possess strung bod ellows always right away after a presidential election. more specially this time, when Iho leniocrats are successful. Soino fellows are democrats today who didn't know really where they Of the twenty-eight governors elected on November 5, the demo crats got twenty-one. :o : Now for internal improve ments and economy in the man agement of govcrinental affairs. :o: Loafers in a store or ollice are an expensive luxury and the less you have I tie better von are off. ;o : There i a .movement on foot for the Nebraska democrats to go to (he inauguration of President Wilson on a special train. :o: Edison needn't claim to have discovered thai four hours of sleep is enough. Ihe lathers or colicky babies found that out ages ago. :o: rbe Journal predicts that in another year Ihere will be no bull moose party in Nebraska, and that Roosevelt and Taft will be con signed lo private life. However, we hope not. :o: I'he more privileges they gel Ihe more they want, it seems. Tin women of Colorado are allowed lo vote, arid now they want the right to sit on juries. Oh, Lord, what is tins country coming to, any way? :o : (iovernor Wilson lacked only one vote of getting as many as Hoosevelt and Taft both in Lin coln and Lancaster county, and Ihe Old Slate Journal gang doin their level best to make it other wise, loo. President -elect Wilson says lie expects to carry out his pledges to the people. Every one of bis supporters bad explicit Confidence in (ioei ucr Wilson from the very jlieginning of im campaign, and jlhoy will not. he disappointed in the least by the new president. :o : Aside from Ihe election mT (iov ernor Morehead, the democrats The farmers are awful busy right now getting their corn in, and they have been favored with f a illy good weather for that purpose. :o: The Omaha republican mem bers of the legislature are already fussing over the leadership of their parly in Hit house. Mighty little thing to be fussing over. :o: Several candidates for speaker of the Nebraska house of rep resentatives have alreadv been an nounced. Among the number is McKissiek of (iage county, who i very well qualified for the posi t ion. :o: Col. M. A. Hates, for many years editor of this paper, but now editor of the Plattsmouth (Neb.) Journal, announces his candidacy for the postoflico in his city, lie edits a daily and weekly paper and has done splendid work for his party and deserves Ihe position be seeks. (irant City (Mo.1! Times. :o: Only a short time till the holi days. Our merchants will all be ready to supply the demand and there will be no need of thinking about elsewhere to buy holiday goods. Our home merchants are all preparing to display their selections, made especially for their trade, and we trust that our people will appreciate their efforts to please. Their Christmas goods have been selected with a view of pleasing the most fastidious, and we hope there will be less go ing to Omaha to do Christmas shopping this c;tr than ever before. Governor-elect Morehead says he is nt going to be in two great a hurry' bi making his appoint ment. He .-ays there is no necessity for any rush in the mat ter. He is going to be very care ful in his selections and learn the character of the men before he makes his selection. That's the proper course to pursue. Sheriff William I'. Kenton of falls City is mentioned as a suit able man for warden of the peni tentiary under tli" administration of Coveruor .Morehead. The writer has (he pleasure of an acquaint ance with Sheriff Kenton and we know of no one in the state that is better tilted for the position, lie is the present sheriff of Richard son county, and when his present term of ollice expires he will have served in that capacity twelve years successively, being re-elected each term by an increased ma jority, lie is very popular at. home and abroad, and possesses all the necessary essentials to make a good warden. Rea IE state BOUght and Sold ON COMMISSION Insurance Placed in Best Ccmpanies! Farm Loans and Rental Agency The cry has gone up all over the country for good roads, jus as if they could be built in an in stant. II takes time and money to build good roads. Many of the taxpayers who are calling for them would be the first, to set up a mighty howl if the officials taxe up an extra amount for Ihe build ing of them, liood roads are slow of building and the funds for the same are slow in coming in am therefore when they are once so cured it takes money to keep them up, even if they are built of lb bst hard material. fared worse this election on the stale ticket than they have in several years; ami Ihere being 50,000 less voles this year than four years ago, the stay-at-home vole must have all been demo crats. :o: The defeat oT (iovernor Slial lonberger by George W. Norris for United Slates senator is re gretted in more ways than one. He is a much abler and better man than Norris and would have come nearer retlecling the sentiments of Nebraska than Norris did when be was voting with old Joe Cannon. Shady Bond, Kansas, the town that suddenly gained considerable notoriety by tarring and feather ing a young lady school teacher, has a rival in Norwalk, Ohio, only in the latter town they used red paint instead of tar. How any civilized community can adopt There is a prospect I hat con gress may be called in special session soi. n afii r March 4 to take up tariff revision promises in the democratic platform and fulfill the party pledges. The people of Ne braska voted with reasonable unanimity for the election of (iovernor Wilson to the prcsi ib'iicy. The reasonable presump-r lion is that they supported him because of what he stood for, and he slood for what his party prom ised in its platform. At the same lime the people of Nebraska pre ferred George Norris for senator. Congressman Norris did not stand for what (iovernor Wilson stood for. When congress meets he will have a chance to take the side which President Wilson will take and help in redeeming his prom ises made the people. Will he do it? It is going to be worth while lo observe. Lincoln Star. Virgil Llullis ROBERT WILKINSON DUNBAR L.J. HALL UNION perceive. stood before the election. Andisuch measures we are unable to then, again, we have professed i i ...i. . i I. .... : (RMlUHTiUS WHO IlUYt'l WHIK illlj ill- Q ' terest in the party's success, only when their own interests were at slake. These fellows are now all enthusiastic democrats. Ain't thai funny? :o: The tabulation shows that the combined vote for Roosevelt and Taft was approximately a million and a quarter moro than that for Wilson. One of the interesting things is that the vote for Cov eruor Wilson will probably run on a correct computation to about the same figure as that given Mr. Hryan in 1008, and that yet, while Mr. Uryan was defeated by 1,209, 801, Governor Wilson is elected by the unpredecented margin of 2,001,000 over Roosevelt nnd of 3,039,000 over Taft. The Journal worked as hard for the elect ion of ("iovernor More bead as any paper in the state, and we rejoice that he was triumphant. We look forward to his administration as one of the most, economical and prosperous the people of the slate ever en- joved. All hale to Governor Morehead I :o: Turkey is about on her las legs as a government, and now abandons all hope of aid from European powers. She ought to bavo thought, of the predicament she was getting herself into be fore she rushed into coercing he neighbors. She is badly whipped, and should now be made to suffer the consequences. Wilkinson & Hall -AUCTIONEERS- The holding of successful sales is our line. Our interests are with the seller when it comes to getting every dollar your property is worth. For open dates address or call either of us at our expense by phone. Dates can be made at he Journal office. -WILKINSON & HALL- Ofien Buttered Never Bettered MARK ED L Y SUPERIOR Gooch's Best Flour is not an "average" flour. It is a superior flour, made in a superior way for the superior housewife, with superior skill, superior facilities and superior wheat. GOOCH'S BEST FLOUR COULD NOT BEJIMPR0VED. -ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR FOR SALE BY A. VV. White, Plattsmouth A. G. Bach &. Co., Plattsmouth W. T. Richardson &, Co., Mynard. Neb. Hiatt &. Tutt, Murray, Neb. Mrs. Ruth Thomson, Cedar Creek, Neb. t