The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 18, 1912, Image 1

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    Neb Stale Historical
NO. 95.
I til
Earl Wagner, Graduate of Platts
mouth High School, Forging
to the Front.
From Friday's Dally.
Another former Plattsmouth
boy who is rapidly forging to the
front in hi chosen profession is
Earl Wagner of Detroit, Michigan,
who is in the city visiting at the
home of his grandfather, John
Waterman. Mr. Wagner is a
graduate of the Plattsmouth High
school of the class of 1903 and
spent four years in the school of
engineering at Worcester, Mas
sachusetts, from which he gradu
ated as a draughtsman. About
eighteen months ago Mr. Wagner
accepted a position as draughts
man with the Ford Automobile
company of Detroit, where he has
rapidly risen in his work and is
one of. the most capable draughts
men in the employ of the large
manufacturing plant.
The Ford company is one of the
largest concerns in the country
and employs some 7,500 men in
their factory at Detroit, and even
with this large force they are un
able to supply the increasing de
mand for their cars. Last year
the company placed some 75,000
of their cars on the market and
the coming season they expect to
double these sales, which will
mean that 150,000 Ford cars will
be sold.
The principal occupation of Mr.
Wagner is tho designing of the
tools that are useil by the work
men in the construction of motor
cars, both s'ock ami special order.
The Ford company is about to in
t.'.ll in their factory the largest
srasolinc engine, of 75,000 horse
power, and which has a fly wheel
weighing forty tons. This gigantic
wheel is cast, in two pieces, and
the whole engine is one of Hie
creates! sights in the city. The
engine was designed by Edward
Cirey of I he Ford company, who
also designed the present engine
of 1,500 horse power. The com
pany also has a huge gas tank in
which is stored all the gas con
sumed in the factory building, as
well as Ihe latest style water
tower, which is used in connec
tion with Ihe sprinkling system
for (Ire protection.
The advancement of this young
man will greatly please his many
friends in this city, who have been
watching his career since leaving
this city, and it is safe to predict
that a still brighter future awaits
him in the following of his pro
From Friday's Daily.
Yesterday morning at 8:30 in
Lincoln, occurred the marriage of
one of Plallsmouth's most charm
ing young ladies, when Miss Vic
toria Janda and Mr. Hoy F. Jack
son of Havelock were joined in
tho bonds of wedlock by Father
Casimir of St. Francis' Catholic
church. Following the wedding
ceremony the happy young couple
jriie to this city to visit the par
ents of the brido for a short time.
Tke bride is the daughter of Mr.
aid Mrs. Frank Janda, sr., of this
city, where she was born and rear
i to womanhood, and has hosts
f friends whom she lias made by
her charming and pleasing dis
poHition, who will join in wishing
her much happiness. The groom
is a highly esteemed young man
f Havelock and has a very luc
rative position in the Burlington
shops iy that city, where Ihe
young people expect to make their
future home. The Journal joins
in wishing them joy and success
in their wedded life.
For Salo.
Twenty-one acres of gnl hind,
just outside of the city 1 i . i I s on
North Fighth and Ninth street,-,.
No rily taxes. Will s!l r!onp for
cash. Call on Mrs. J. E. Lesley
for particulars.
Returns From Gary, Indiana.
From Friday's Dally.
Fred Dawson returned yester
day from (Jary, Indiana, where he
has been employed in the chemical
department of the United States
Sleel company's plant at that
place. This is the largest plant
of its kind in the world and the
only drawback Fred found was
that he was required to put in
about ninety-six hours a week.
From 'Friday's Daily.
A'agent of a New York orphan
asylum arrived this morning,
bringing with her some twenty
youngsters, who are to find homes
in the west, and among this num
ber were Edward and Anna Itoes
sler, who have been taken by Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Schwab, living
south of this city, to bring up.
These two children are very bright
appearing little folks and are
very fortunate in securing a home
with Mr. and Mrs. Schwab, as they
will be given a most pleasant
home, as well as a good education,
and can grow up in tho surround
ings of a pood country home and
not be brought in contact with
conditions sich as prevail in the
great western cities. Mr. and
Mrs. I. N. Isbell also took one of
the children in the party to adopt
and make its home with them.
The rest of the children are to be
placed in homes in Kansas among
the farmers in that great state.
From Friday's Dp'.iy.
there was tiled today in the
county court a complaint against
John McCee, charging him with
wife abandonment. McClee work
ed in the Burlington shops in this
city for about live months, and
during the time he was here was
a member of the Burlington band
and made quite a number of ac
quaintances while here. He left
here several months ago, leaving
his wife here with relatives, and
was finally located at Sioux Falls,
S. IX, and the sheriff left for that
place this morning to place the
young man under arrest. This is
quite a serious offense under the
laws of Nebraska.
From Friday's Dally.
Last evening the Birthday club,
which is composed of a number
of ladies of the city and meets
with the different members on
their anniversaries, gathered at
the home of Mrs. J. II. Donnelly
to remind her of the fact that it
was her birthday. The guests
were treated to a "sauerkraut"
supper, which was prepared in a
most appetizing manner, such as
only Mrs. Donnelly knows how to
prepare for her guests. After the
delightful supper the guests
amused themselves by playing
bridge and in social conversation
and they departed feeling that
they had one of the best times in
their remembrance. The guests
for this pleasant affair were:
Misses Mia and Barbara dering,
Verna Leonard, Dora Fricke, Ma
thilde Vallery, Mrs. Anna Drilt,
Mrs. Henry Ilerold, Messrs. and
Mesdames C. Ci. Fricke and H. W.
It Is Grandpa Frledrich.
From Friday's Dally.
County Commission Friedrich
is "batching" the last few days,
while his wife is at the home of
their son, Nick Friedrich, gelling
acquainted with the new grand
daughter that has just arrived
there. The Journal was in error
a few days ago in staling the new
baby was a hoy, as it is one of
Ihe sweetest little girls in Ihe
Typewriter supplies, suri as
paper, carbon, ribbons, oils and
brushes, at the Journal office.
A Play Full of Love and Mystery,
at Parmeel Theater Wednesday
Night, November 20.
From Saturday's Dally.
A tale of love and mystery en
acted In the shadow of a great
mansion of mystery, on the shores
of an Indiana lake. From this
house old John Cilenarm secretly
departs, leaving the impression
that he is dead, that he may the
better learn what sort of men are
Pickering, the executor of the
estate, and 'John Cilenarm, his
grandson and possible heir, and.
if the thing be possible, bring
about a marriage between the
young man and Marion Devereux,
the alternate heir.
He confides his plan to Hates,
the butler, the serving man, who
is "too good a servant to be one,"
and pledges Hales to secrecy.
Things might have gone smoothly
enough had it not been that old
Cileiiarin left behind him a strange
and unusual will, with clauses and
provisions therein as whimsical as
the old man's fancy, and, as ex
ecutor of it, a certain Pickering.
Upon the testiment turns the
story; Pickering and Cilenarm
both conclude that a hidden treas
ure lies concealed in some
mysterious passage of the mys
terious mansion, and both in
stitute search.
Cilenarm, however, falls in love
with Marion and asks her to be
his wife. Though he has been led
to believe that Marion is not
Marion, but Gladys Armstrong, he
has, neverl heless, violated by his
proposal an important provision
of the will, and the estate, ac
cordingly, by the terms of (he will,
reverts to the girl.
This in' itself would iiialu; small
difference the fortune would be
in the family in any event, as it
were but, unfortunately, Picker
ing does not give up so easily. He,
with the assistance of coincidence
and circumstances, convinces
Cilenarm that Marion has willful
ly deceived him that she might
obtain the hidden treasure and
the House of a Thousand Candles
and bestow them, with her hand,
upon the villain himself and not
upon the impetuous and impulsive
young man who has dropped so
suddenly into the Cilenarm pre
serve. But young CVlenarm refuses to
vacate the premises. He is con
vinced that Pickering has some
ulterior motive in desiring im
mediate possession of the estate
which he has and he defies Pick
ering's hireling assassian, Mor
gan, and, with his friend, Dono
van, and Bates, the butler, the
man of mystery, barricades the
doors and prepares for a siege.
Into the midst of these belliger
ent preparations comes Marion,
through a secret corridor, to warn
Cilenarm of his peril. Pickering
suspects her mission and follows
and, unluckily for him, brings up
short in the enemy's camp. Mor
gan attacks with a mob, and a wild
bullet, thudding against a panel,
betrays by its sound tho hiding
place of old Cllenarm's treasure.
Cilenarm and his friend make a
hasty examination and they find
that Pickering has borrowed
$300,000 from the senior filenarm
and given his notes therefor.
These are due and Pickering can
not pay hence his desperate ef
forts to gain possession of them.
While the battle is at its height
Marion appears in the library,
where the battle rages through
out another secret panel, bearing
a message from the elder Cilenarm
in answer to a telegram sent by
Bates. The surprise is complete
and the effect on beseiged and
beseigers alike astounding. Tho
attack comes to an end. Picker
ing is made prisoner, while Mor
gan escapes during the excite
ment, and in (he explanation that
follows it. develops that Bates is
not Bales, but a man by the name
of Creighlon, who, fo shield the
father of Marion from the penalty
of forgery, assumed the crime
himself, fled to America and,
answering an adverl isemenl,
found himself in the employ of the
eccentric architect of the House of
a Thousand Candles and within a
stone's throw of the school where
Marion herself resides. Bates
remained, not only because he had
concealment as an object and a
motive, but because he also fell in
love with Marion. But to Cilenarm,
who "is a better man because she
loves him," he resigns her without
hestitancy. But Bates is a man
of good character.
The above attraction will ap
pear at the Parmele theater on
Wednesday night, November 20.
All the special and trick scenery
is carried by this company and
the production will be complete in
every detail.
The publisher of the Platts
mouth Journal has just secured
the contract, for printing the
oflicial publication of the Ne
braska Degree of Honor and the
January issue of that publication
will appear from this office. This
paper will be published here in
the Journal office every month and
the copies mailed out to the dif
ferent members of the order, who
number some 12,000, in different
parts of the stale. The mailing of
these papers will mean consider
able to the local postollice, as
there will be 1 i 4,000 papers sent
through fl ofiice during the year,
and as the contract is for a term
of years it will amount lo con
siderable money paid out for post
age. The new publication will also
call for a number of pieces of new
machinery in the office in order
fo handle it, which will put this
plant in (he front ranks of Ihe
printing establishments of the
. .... rr r .
The ofiice of County Superin
tendent Mary E. Foster was the
scene of I be gathering of a large
number of handsome young ladies
yesterday and today, faking the
teacher's examination. Those
registering were: Irma Kopp,
Elizabeth Brodine, Mary Spence,
Louisville; Frances Campbell,
Luella Sawyer, South Bend; Helen
lfadraba, Pauline Palechek, Mild
red Snyder, Sophia I'lrich, Eliza
beth Holly, Cecelia Kalasek, May
Cilenn, Hose Jerousek, Viola
Haynie, Nora Itosencrans, Helen
Egenberger, Lillian Bajeck, Cliadys
McMaken, Violet Freese, Cierfrude
Hitt, Edna Morrison, Josie Kiser
and Cressic Hackenberg.
From Friday's Dally.
When the parcels post law be
comes effective January 1, an en
tirely new series of stamps will
be required in the transmission
of articles by that method of
The designs of some of the
stamps have already been pre
pared, and the issue will be ready
for distribution to the 00,000
postollices that are to be supplied
by December 1.
A series of twelve such stamps
will be made. They will be larger
than the ordinary stamp, and will
be distinctive in color and design.
They will be printed in three
series. The first will illustrate
modern methods of transporting
mail, one stamp showing a mail
car on a railway train; another an
ocean mail ship; a third, an auto
mobile in the postal service, and
a fourth the dispatch of mail by
These stamps will be at hand
and ready for sale to customers
at the time the postal law goes
into effect.
I The Cosmopolitan club
'l- will give a social dance
! Saturday evening, November
I 21, at Coates' hall. The
music will bo furnished by
the M. W. A. orchestra. A.
good lime to all attending
I is assurred. ltd-lfw.
R. A. Bates of the Journal Buys
Outfit, Subscription List and
Everything Connected.
From Saturday's Dally.
With this week's issue of tho
News-Herald the paper will bo
discontinued for all time to come,
and the good will, subscription
list and all property has been pur
chased by the Journal. This step
was made necessary by the retir
ing of the late publisher, Mr.
George H. Bolton, and those finan
cially interested in the plant de
siring to dispose of tho same.
In buying the News-Herald,
all parties interested seem to be
very well satisfied in disposing of
the same, and seem to be well
satisfied with Ihe fact that Platts
mouth will have only one news
paper in the future. And while
such situation may 'not prevail
any great length of time, the busi
ness men generally seem lo be
well pleased with but one paper
in the field, one that covers the
entire territory, giving them bet
ter results from an advertising
standpoint, and at the same time
having but one price to pay
It is not the intention of the
Journal lo retain nny great
amount of the material in the
News-Herald plant. As will be
seen in another column of this is
sue, we have just closed a five
year contract with the Crand
Lodge Degree of Honor for the
publication of fheir oflicial paper,
the printing of which will require
a great deal of new material.
Some of Ihe machinery can be
pressed into service in this work,
hut. the balance will b returned to
the factory in exchange for new
(hal can be used fo a greater ad
vantage. The late publisher of the News
Herald, Mr. i. II. Bolton, decided
some lime ago to continue (he
publication until after election
only, and in taking Ihe machinery
over, Ihe publisher of the Jour
nal does so with Ihe hope t hat. we
may be able to continue the entire
good will nnd patronage of both
papers. It is not with the idea of
creating a monopoly in the print
ing line in the city of Plattsmouth.
Some have even staled that now
Ihe printing business will increase
in price, but such is not true. The
largest advertisers of the city
have a contract price, and this one
price in nil lines of work will pre
vail just as long as the Journal
remains alone in this field
As above staled, Ihe subscrip
tion list, of the News-Herald has
been taken over by the Journal,
nnd all those who are not already
on our list, will be mailed a few
sample copies, and should they be
Jdeased with the paper we shall
e glad to continue them, but, I hey
must notify us of their desire to
take tho paper or the same will be
dropped. Tho postollice depart
ment now require all subscrip
tions paid up, and even though
such a law did not exist, it is not
our desire to mail a single copy
of Ihe Journal where it is not
wanted. So if you think well of
our paper kindly notify us at the
earliest possible moment after you
receive a sample copy.
It is also our intention to treat
everybody alike in a business way.
Wo believe that during the past
ten years that we have resided in
this city wo have exerted every ef
fort to do this, and to this end our
efforts will be greater in years to
come, nnd more especially should
the Journal remain alone in the
field for any such time. We want
every citizen of Plattsmouth to
feel that, the Journal is being pub
lished for their best interests, for
the upbuilding of Ihe city, for tho
interests of all things that will
make Platlsmoulh a belter nnd
more desirable place to live. By
kind and courteous treatment to
all, and by hewing straight fo Hie
line, we hope to maintain the con
tinued good will and patronage of
the citizens of Platlsmoulh nnd
Cass county.
When ordering flour nsk your
grocer to send you a sack of
Forest, Hose Flour Ihe best flour
In District Court.
From Saturdays Dall.
A petition was filed in the dis
trict court today asking permis
sion to sell real estate in this
county by Wesley Chilcott,
guardian of Mrs. Anna Chilcott,
his wife, who is at present con
lined in the insane asylum. The
parties are. residents of Frontier
county, where Mrs. Chilcott was
adjudged insane April 15, 1912,
and is unable to sign the papers
necessary to sell the property in
this county, so her husband asks
the order from the court to allow
him to close up his holdings in
this county.
Miscellaneous Shower In Honor of
Miss Lena Young, tho
From Saturday's Dully.
Miss Mary A. Moore of Cedar
Creek pave a miscellaneous linen
shower in honor of Miss Lena
Young of Murray, in Ihe Degree
of Honor hall, Friday evening,
November 8. Since the an
nouncement of her marriage ,
brought to the minds of her
friends the fact that Ibis is Miss
Young's first step in matrimony,
they proceeded lo give her u les
son along thai line.
About 8 o'clock the chairs were
arranged in Ihe hall, guesis and
lady of honor were seated, after
which a mock bridal party was
ushered in, taking Iher places un
der an immense wedding bell. As
is usual in such cases, Ihe cere
mony was performed in a most,
impressive manner, after which
the bride and groom "slowly"
wended their way down I be aisle,
to be met, by congratulating
friends and relalives, who most
heartily expressed I heir best,
wishes. Later Miss Young was
blindfolded and sealed before an
Indian tepee, from which she was
asked to take packages, guessing
Hie contents, she being the recipi
ent of many beautiful presents.
Refreshments were served, and
the guesis departed with an as
surance that Ihe lady of honor
would not be apt to make any falal
Those receiving inilalions
were as follows: Mesdames Mary
Schneider, Sarah Schneider, Marie
Schneider, Ida TherolT, J. p. Mci
singer, Ella Wolff, Nina Slevens,
Anna Ault, Anna Wollf, Anna In
helder, Fiances Sayles, Hut It
Thompson, Molly Duff, llattie
Meisinger, Mary Sfokes, Ma Sey
bert, Lizzie Seybert, L. W. Meyers,
Mary Frey, Clara Slander of
Louisville, Amelia (iauer, Anna
Ciauer, Crace Metzger, Ole Dasher,
Ida Mockenhaupt of Slerling, D. A.
Young of Murray, (na Lawlon of
Murray. Tillie Hirz of Platts
mouth, Messers Eva Sakles, Claire
Bookmeyer, Lula Sloehr, Amelia
Mel .per, Minnie Melzger, Km ma
Ciauer, Louisa Ciauer, Anna (iauer,
Lula Blofzcr, and Lena Young,
Clara Young and Wella Moore of
Social Workers Meet.
From Friday's Dally.
The Social Workers of the M.
E. church held their regular meet
ing yesterday afternoon and were
delightfully entertained in the
parlors of the Perkins house by
Misses (iarnet and Florence Cory.
A part of the time wns devoted to
the regular business session,
which the ladies of this organiza
tion hold at these meetings, and
at which time they planned for tho
bazaar, which the ladies of the M.
E. church expect to give Novem
ber 29 and 30. Several very pleas
ant moments were then whiled
away in social conversation and
fancy work, after which the hos
tess provided some line refresh
ments. There was a large num
ber in al tendance.
Is your husband cross? An ir
ritable, fault-finding disposition
is often due to a disordered stom
ach. A man with good digestion
is nearly always good nalured. A
great many have been permanent
ly cured of stomach trouble by
tnking Chamberlain's Tablets.
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.