The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 14, 1912, Image 4

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    -The Plattsmouth Journal
Published Sed-Weeklj i PlJteaft, Nebrtska C
' R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Postolfice at Plattsmouth, Nebraoka, as aecond-claa
The socialist vote may reach
10,(i(i0 in Nebraska. It was only
3,525 four years ago.
:o ;
As tin' elrction is over, tin real
question now is how to get that
much-needed overcoat.
No person would make any kick
on serving in the Nchraska lepis
laturc imw, at ll per day. Would
, :o:
Don't forget that Christmas
will soon he here, and that yod
want to do your advertising early
to get the business.
The recall of judges has been
adopted in Colorado. How long
will it be before it will be adopted
in all the states?
Thanksgiving two weeks away,
only, and it is time you was think
ing about that turkey that is go
ing to cost you about 30 cents a
We know how hard it is to "get
left" in the election, and can
sympathize with the defeated. So
there is no use to get grouchy. Up
and at 'em again. '
The people are willing lo place
confidence in the administration
of President Wilson, and you can
depend upon all classes getting
the right kind of treatment at his
The publisher of the Appeal to
Reason, the socialist paper print
ed at (lirard, Kansas, has com
mitted suicide. Worry over suits
in court is said to have caused
the rah act.
Not many days until senators
and congressmen will be Hocking
back to Washington for the short
term. There will be many new
faces in both houses after the
ith of March.
(loverner Aldrich refuses lo call
an extra session of the legislature
' to consider the grievances of the
insurgent members against the,
action of the ollicers of the M. W.
A. in raising the insurance rate
lias Coventor Aldrich issued
his Thanksgiving proclamation?
Or has he not gotten over his
grouch sulllcienlly yet to do so?
Hrace up, governor, there are
other joys in this life worth the
::- .-
Kvery one of the constitutional
amendments were adopted at the
recent election. Members of tin
legislature will now receive $10
per diem, and we will only have
one election every two years in
stead of every year.
Some members-elect to the
legislature are beginning to figure
already on changes in the election
laws. The best change to make
is in the form of the ballot. The
one in use now is too bunglesome.
Printing the tickets nlongside one
another is the best sort of a bal
led the same as used in Iowa and
The season for killing bull
moose politically ended last week
and you cannot now hunt thcinun
der penalty of the game law. They
are protected now for two years
and it is expecte'd that within the
next four years they will have
multiplied sulllcienlly to pasture
all over the standpat preserve.
c understand President Taft
will recommend in his forthcom
ing message, to congress to have
all bull mooso dehorned.
The Nebraska vote is 20,000
less was four years ago.
. :o :
Wilson' plurality in Nebraska
is between 35,000 and 40,000.
The .solid south proved true to
Covernor Wilson without even a
Aldrich says someone "will get
licked two years from now." Well,
sure t hey will.
The socialists polled over 800,
000 votes this election. Quite
an increase over four years ago.
The suffragettes have evidently
W. J. Hrjan has substituted the
song, "This is the way I long have
sough and mourned because I
found it not," for "Onward, Chris
tian Soldiers," which is now con
sidered out of dale.
The editor of the Nebraska City
Press is now worrying its "sweet"
little self almost to death because
Hon. John H. Morehead will be
the governor after 'next January,
limit do it ; you may burst a blood
There will undoubtedly be a
scatterment of republican office
holders' back "home" after
the ith of March. Well, they
should have enough by this time,
(live others a chance at the soft
The man who thinks thai
lloosevelt didn't, get any demo
cratic voles in the late election
should disabuse his mind of thai
fact, because he received thou
sands of them, ns the popular
vote will demonstrate.
Henry E. Schneider's term as
gotten encouragement enough to postmaster of Plattsmouth does
feel good over the recent election, not expire until a year from next
:o: January, so we can't see any par
Covernor Hadley of Missouri, ticular use in hurrying the ap
like the present governor of Ne- poinlment of his successor until
braska, will soon be out of. a job. at least President Wilson is in
:o: auguratcd.
Just what we thought. Paul :o:
Clark, now that he is defeated for W. J. Bryan refuses to discuss
congress, will return to Clai- cabinet possibilities at home or
fornia. in the eastern cities. And we do
:o: not suppose that President-elect
"If the laborer is not worthy of Wilson has even thought of nam
his hire" in politics, as well as ing his cabinet members. Mr
other occupations, then there is Wilson is not a man to get ex
not much use in parly politics, cited over such matters so far
Ain't that right? ahead of time.
Aldrich is going to fool 'em a Omaha is indeed a great con
Iriii. Not "Hack to David City," vent ion city and no mistake
but he's going to stay in Lincoln. The teachers were greatly pleased
No one can blame him, afteY get- with their treatment in the me
ting snowed under so badly in his Iropolis last week and they al
own county. have a good word for Omaha and
:o: her manner of entertaining her
The nigger, Jack Johnson, is guests. That's the reason they
certainly getting what is coming tare all anxious to meet in that
o him now. He is sleeping be- city.
n'nd the prison bars. He should I :o:
lay there for all time. The most unkind cut of all dur-
:o: ing the campaign was that of the
Now that the election excite- Nebraska City Press in suggesting
menl has about fully subsided, that the nigger slugger, Jac
el's all get down to business and Johnson, take the place of the
occasionally think of good times dead vice president. Can you pos
we may enjoy when Christmas sibly realize that a newspaper,
onies. published in a civilized com-
:o: munity, would bo guilty of uttcr-
Muiisey. it is .said, had tlfty- ing such unkind remarks?
seven magazine writers boosting :o:
the steel trust candidates. This When Paul Clark was here
in addition tojhe handsome sunt just before the election, he called
he placed in the campaign to be at the oJurnal olllco and thanked
used where it would do the most I he editor for the jabs we had
good. been giving hint. He said the
:o: people in the county would not
President Wilson is going into nav, known he was running had
hiding for a few weeks in order il ,R,t heeu for t Iini- We guess
to secure much needed rest, while ,,iat nhout right. Front Ma
C.overnor Morehead spent several guild's majority in Cass county
days last week in hunting the M1' ilnt seem lo have run very
festive fox and squarrels down on ''"-
the Missouri river. 'Q-
:o: What effect did the calamity
the season for big stalks of cry, sent out front the Taft head-
corn is over, but the time for re- quarters, have upon the country
porting the number of bushels of in the late campaign? Can you
corn husked in a certain length of perceive any difference in the
lime is practically here. Don't condition of affairs now that the
let Cass county lag behind in the smoke of battle has entirely clear-
reports. We have just as good ed away, The country will be
corn and good buskers here as just as safo under the administra-
anywhere and we can't afford to lion of democrats as it would bo
get into the rear rank of the pro- under the control of republicans
cession. and the neoolo havo siniDlv dono
- :o: away with the- calamity howlers
The writer deeply regrets the J
lealh ttf Capt. Logan Enyart, Most of us can remember when
which occurred at his home in a political campaign that was na
. -
Nebraska City Saturday. The de- tional in its scope would cause
ceased was a very wealthy man, business to bo at a standstill. In
notwithstanding he Arrived in Ne
braska just after the close of the
civil war with only 50 cents to his
name. Having more than a pass
ing acquaintance with Capt. En
yart, we recognized in him a man
of great executive ability and one
who was good to his friends, if
that friendship was not abused.
Ho was a good citizen, notwith
standing a money-maker, and his
friends were legion. Peace to his
Covernor Aldrich has it within
his power to largely increase the
lemocralic majority in the next
tate election. The process that
will accomplish that end has been
uggested. It is to proceed to
unusual methods to prevent Gov-
rnor-elect Morehead front en-
oying the power to make such
appointments to positions under
the state government as the law
onteniplates he shall make in the
onduct of his administration of
I lie state's affairs.
II has been suggested that as
soon as it shall have been demon
strated by a canvass of the vote
tiiat the constitutional aniend-
lent for a board of control for
slate institutions has been adopt-
(1, Covernor Aldrich, through the
o-opcration of a friendly stale
senate, may proceed to appoint
that Ijoard. It is sincerely to be
hoped that il is idle gossip.
It has also been suggested that
men who have been appointed to
positions under the Aldrich ad
ministration for terms terminat
ing with the Aldrich tenure of the
executive ofllee, may have their
appointments extended for the full
two years. For instance, Warden
Melick was appointed to fill the
vacancy created by the death of
Warden Delahunty when the lat
ter was assassinated by mutinous
convicts. His appointment was
made to continue until the first of
January. II is hinted that the
record may be changed to make
his appointment for the full term
of two years. The suggestion is
that oilier interim appointments
may also be extended by Governor
ldrich before his term expires,
to embarrass Governor-elect
Morehead when the latter shall
take his seat.
this woulq certainly lie one
method by means' of which Gov
ernor Aldrich could requiet state
employes for the unusual sums
be taxed them for his campaign,
but it would not prollt his party
very much in the end. The vot
ing masses like fair play, rather
titan trickery, even though the
latter may have the technical
sanction of law. They do not like
a man who gouges and scratches
after he has lost the decision, and
they are apt lo hold his party re
sponsible for his conduct.
Besides it is not at all certain
that to take away from Governor
Morehead the power to make ap
pointments would not be a great
favor to him and to his party, as
it is a recognized fact that out of
the distribution of appointments
come the most dangerous and
troublesome problems that beset
public man and the worst
menace to his party's supremacy.
Then, too, if Governor Aldrich
should establish such a precedent,
it will not be appreciated by some
other member of his party who
may want to be governor two
years hence, and who would not
like to bo charged with responsi
bility for an administration upon
which ho has to rely for aid and
substenance upon the hostile ap
pointees of a defeated political
adversary. Lincoln Star.
Teddy says he is not done yet,
and proposes to have things in
better shape next time. We will
wait to see how.
Wilson's plurality in Illinois
is something over 18,000. That
is good enough for all practical
Omaha is now in the throes of
excitement on account of the at
tempted defeat of Congressman
Lobeck by fraud. Investigation
is demanded.
The democrats are claiming
tlie election of Dunn for governor
over in Iowa. There seems to
have been some tinkering with the
vote in some of the counties.
If your horse is afflicted with
some disease you don't understand
name it "dourine." That is what
the department at Washington
l names a certain kind of horse
lodges, democratic candidate
for governor in Kansas, is elected
by 25 majority. Capper, the re
publican candidate, says he w'll
contest. It is awful hard for a
Kansas republican to give up.
They are beginning to agitate
another date for the inauguration
of president and vice president,
and also a date for the beginning
of a new congress. The first -of
January is said to be a favorite
dale with Mr. Bryan.
Uncle Joe Cannon didn't care to
be re-elected, anyway. Omaha
Bee." Oh, no, not, when the people!
had gotten so tired of hint as to
defeat him. There are others,
too. For instance, Paul Clark,
whom the people did not want.
William J. Bryan will take
about as much notice of Aldrich's
assault upon him as an elephant
would take of a mouse running
around its heels. In other words,
he no doubt feels like the fellow
who was kicked by the jackass
simply considers the source.
Nebraska horses are now mar
ketable. The quarantine has been
raised and now our horses are
good on any market in the world.
. :o :
There is another public char
acter who sits back with a smile
of contentment on his brow, and
he isn't a democrat, either. And
that is Robert M. La Follette.
Taft ami Roosevelt shoved him
out of the running, and now they
both have gone down in defeat.
Senator Bob told them both how.
it would be. and he rejoices.
S. H. Mass. Benchley, Texas,
says: "My baby had a dangerous
attack of croup, and we thought
we would lose him. But one bot
tle of Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound pulled hint through.
We would not be without it in our
house." For sale by Fricke & Co.
For Sale.
12 horse power engine and elec
tric pole wood saw, at a very low
price if taken soon.
I. T. Royer, Murray, Neb.
Forest Rose Floor
Guaranteed to Be the Best on
the Market
-sold Br leading; dealers
fact, sometimes there would be
it is quite fortunate that the
panics on the money market. But
United Slates has grown beyond
this contingency. It is too big a
country to be so easily disturbed,
and a panic cannot bo precipitated
on so flimsy a ground. During
the campaign just closed very lit
tle was it noticed in tho business
world that thero wa3 a campaign
on. Things went on just about
as usual.
The editor of the Journal has
been editing democratic news
papers for fifty years. He was
twenty years old when ho began
to write and aid the party that
has just been triumphant, and
lias never before asked for a
position within the gift of the
parly. We are now 70 years of
age, and are going to ask our
friends when the proper time
conies to assist us in making our
life somewhat easier in the next
four years. We think we are capa
ble and deserving, and if we have
not earned some sort of job
from the incoming administra
lion, we would like to know the
reason why. We have assisted in
the election of many democrats
and now we are going to call on
them to assist us, because we fei
in our declining years we should
be recognized when the deserving
are sifted front the undeserving.
According to the amendment
adopted in the recent election it
is believed by many that the
officials whose lime expires next
year will hold over for one year
more, tints increasing their term
of ofllee one year longer. This
no doubt will suit the officials.
There is a move by the city
council to have the city census re
taken to learn if Plattsmouth does
not possess sufllcient population
to vide on the commission form
of government. At the late census
we lacked about 700 of having the
proper number. We have made
decided gains in the past two
years, whether enough or not is
to be determined by retaking the
Attorney James Manahan, who
formerly resided in Lincoln, and
at one time was the democratic
candidate for congress in this dis
trict, turned republican up at St.
Paul, and in the recent election
was elected to congress by the
republicans of the St. Paul dis
trict. Jim was bound to break
into congress by some "hook or
crook," and he has finally made
the landing.
We are now handling a complete
ine of coal. Call and let us quote you
pricea for your fall and winter coal.
We handle wheat, oats, corn and
chop of all kinds.
Ind. Telephone 297
Nelson Jean & Go.
rhe, democratic parly of the
nation have just, cause lo fee
highly elated over the recent
victory, and while this is a fact,
and that President Wilson wil
have the senate and house both to
back him in his efforts to do right
by all the classes, the supporters
of the democratic ticket must not
expect the administration lo be
gin radical legislation from the
very beginning. Radical measures
may do more harm than good, as
this is a nation In which all legis
lation should not be in the in
terest of one class. We taki
i-i esuieiu-eieci v tison lo lie one
of the most Jevel. headed men in
the nation, and with the assist
ance of a carefully selected cabi
net, we look for one of the mos
prosperous administrations thl
country has experienced in many
Real Estate
Bought and Sold
Insurance Placed in Best
Farm Loans and Rental Agency
Virgil r.lullis
Wilkinson & Hall
The holding of successful sales is
our line. Our interests are with the
seller when it comes to getting every
dollar your property is worth. For
open dates address or call either of
us at our expense by phone. Dates
can be made at Mte Journal office.
Th6msen, Dontlat, Weacott Blk.