The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 14, 1912, Image 3

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    FarmeSe -
on the Stage Today is being presented by
The Locke Theatrical Enterprise
-The Girl-
-The Gawk!-
(By Will H. Locke)
a&Ttoes the title strike you as a peculiar one? Well, it is a
peculiar play. You never saw one like it. So do not be mislead
by a wrong impression. Or you will miss seeing a really clever
and meritorious performance.
PRICES 25c, 35c and 50c-N0 HIGHER
Seats on Sale NOW at the Riley Hotel Get Them Early!
Local News
Rev. J. II. Steger and little child
departed th:s morning for Omaha,
where they spent the day.
Miss Victoria Janda came in
this afternoon from Havelock for
a short visit here with her par
ents. Mrs. John Schleussener of West
Point, Neb., came in this after
noon on No. 24 for a short visit
with Rev. J. II. Steger and family.
C. G. and F. J. Hennings, two of
the wealthy farmers of Eight Mile
flrovc precinct, were in the city
today looking after some matters
of business.
Mrs. Frank Beeson and two
children of Scotts Bluff, Neb., ar
rived last evening on No. 14 and
will visit here for a time at the
home of Mrs. Allen Beeson.
The Rebekah social will be held
at the home of Mrs. M. Hild, on
Granite street, between 5th and
6th streets, tomorrow (Friday)
afternoon. Everybody invited.
Harry Rice, who has been as
sisting John Isner in plastering
the Iliatt & Tult store building at
Murray, returned home last even
ing, having finished up the work.
Delbort Switzer of the vicinity
of Nehawka, drove to this city
this morning to attend to some
business matters. While here he
called at this office and renewed
his subscription to this paper for
another year.
Mrs. Joseph Karnes of Omaha
arrived in this city yesterday aft
ernoon for a visit with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller,
south of this city. Mrs. Karnes
called at this offifllee and renewed
her subscription to this paper.
Special llomoseokers' Excursions
Join me on one of these excursions and let me show you these rich far m
landa irrigated by the Government where you do not have to pay a profit to
anyone-simple return to Uncle Sam during the next twelve years, the actua
cost of irrigation without Interest.
ALFALFA: Here you can see about 12,000 acres of alfalfa now in stack.
It is a wonderful showing and tells you better than I can what you can do on
your homestead.
HOMESTEADS CLOSE TO TOWN: You need not go more than three
or four miles from Powell to get as good farms as any now growing bumper
1004 Farnam
. I
Week of November 10-24
FOR SALE Duroc-Jersey
boars. George A. Kaffenberger
Adolph Wesch and Carl Kuns
manii were business visitors in
the metropolis this afternoon.
Henry Perry returned this
morning from Glenwood, having
visited there over night, - with
Misses Josephine and Nellie
Vallery were passengers this
morning for Omaha, where they
will spend the day with friends.
Mrs. George M. Porter came
down yesterday afternoon from
Lincoln and will visit for a few
days with friends in this citv.
Mrs. John Schulhof and Mrs.
George Lushinsky departed this
morning for Omaha, where they
looked after some matters of busi
ness for the day.
T. J. Brendel of Murray was in
the city for a few hours today,
driving up to take the 2:25 Dur
linlgon train for Omaha, where he
was called on business matters.
Mrs. James Higley and daugh
ter, Mrs. Rhoda Cotner, were pas
sengers this morning for Council
Bluffs, where they will visit with
Grover Eledge for a few days.
The T. J. Snkol Dramatic club
will give a Bohemian home talent
play, Charleyova Teta," "Charley's
Aunt," November 27. Watch for
further announcements.
Today was quite a busy one in
the court of Justice M. Archer, and
the judge was kept busy handing
out jusliee to those who had of
fended the majesty of the law. In
the case of the state vs. Robert
Crawford, the matter was dismiss
ed without trial by the county attorney.
Write today for illustrated folder with map show
ing how conveniently these gifts of Uo Government
St., Omaha, Neb. Immigration Agent.
Another Pioneer Citizen.
John V. . I'rwin of Louisville
was in I he city today looking' after
sumo business matters at the
court house. Mr. I rwin is one of
the pioneer residents of the coun
ty and recollects well the or
ganization and departure of the
First Nebraska regiment from this
city at the outbreak of the civil
war, although he was only a small
boy then.
Now Taking Orders.
P." E. Ruffuer. the old reliable
fruit tree man, has began to take
orders for next spring's delivery
for the famous Mark Brothers
nursery of Louisiana, Missouri,
which comnany is one of the old
est in the west and has a host of
satisfied customers through this
ection of the country, and as Mr.
RufTner is an experienced man
with fruit trees it would pay pros
pective purchasers to see him.
Bazaar November 29 and 30.
The ladies of the M. E. church
will hold their bazaar on Novem
ber 29 and 30, in the rmm for
merly occupied by A. L. Henry in
the Riley block. They will have
all kinds of fancy work and aprons
for sale and anyone desiring any
thing along this line had better
wait until they see what the ladies
will have. U-14-3td
Gets Toe Mashed.
While engaged in loading
small car with iron at the shops
Tuesday Peter Carlson was so un
fortunate as to have the car run
over one of his feet, mashing one
toe in bad shape and causing him
to have to take an enforced lay
off for a few days from his duties.
in the shops.
Dance at German Hall.
Don't fail to attend the sp'en
did social dance to be given Sat
urday evening, November 10, at
the German Turner hall. The
M. W. A. orchestra will furnish
the latest and most up-to-date
music and a good time is assurred
all who attend.
May Term Adjourned.
The May term of the district
court was adjourned sine die by
Judge Travis and the matters be
fore the court closed up, prepar
atory to the assembling of the
jury for the November term, which
opens Monday, November 25.
Mynard now has n new black
smith in the person of Mr. C.
Davis, who has taken charge of
the shop of R. L. Propst in that
village. Mr. Davis comes very
highly recommended as being
sober and industrious and a first
class mechanic. He has moved his
family into a collage close to I he
shop and will be found attending
strictly to business from Monday
morning until Saturday night.
Henry Ilirz, sr., was in the city
yesterday afternoon attending to
some matters of business
T. W. Vallery of the precinct
was in the city yesterday after
noon lookin'g after some trading
with the local merchants.
Mrs. II. J. Slrcight and grand
daughter, Miss Beth Jackson, re
turned last, evening from Omaha,
where they had been visiting Mr.
Streight at the hospital.
Miss May Rio hey departed yes
terday afternoon for Louisville,
where sho will visit her brother,
Charles Riohey and family, for a
short time.
Mrs. Luke Wiles returned last
evening from Omaha, where she
had been to look after some busi
ness matters.
Wash A. Young and A. L. Todd
were passengers this morning for
Omaha and Council Bluffs, where
they looked nfter some business
In County Court.
Cass County, 89.
In the Matter of the Estate of
Jacob Henrich, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given to tho
creditors of said deceased that
hearings will bo had upon claims
tiled against said estate, before
me, County Judge of Cass County,
Nebraska, at the County Court
room in Plattsinouth, in said
County, on the 16th day of No
vember, 1912, and on the 10th day
of May, 1913, at 0 o'clock a. m.
each day for examination, adjust
ment nnd allowance.
All claims must be tiled in said
court on or before said last hour
of hearing.
Witness my hand nnd seal of
said County Court, at Platts
nioulh, Nebrnska, this 17th dav of
October, 1912.
County Judge.
"The Girl, the Man and the Game"
Draws a Large Audience and
Pleases the People.
The Parniolo theater was
crowded last evening with a de
lighted audience to witness the
presentation of "The Girl, the
.Man and the Game," with Billy
(Single) Clifford in the leading
role, and the show certainly was
made for laughing purposes only,
as the audience was kept in a
continuous laugh by the comic
situations depecled by the nctors.
There were some very pleasing
musical numbers given and the
members of the company have
some excellent voices in (lie cast.
Especially noticeable was the
singing of Miss Marie Welter, who
sang the selection, "Rose of Kil
larney," which was one of the hits
of ttie show. Ed C. Clifford, as
George Livingston, gave a num
ber of baritone solos and made
the hit of the evening in his song,
"Bring Back My Bonnie to Me."
The company was very good in
their presentation and made an
evening of enjoyment to all who
attended the show. Mr. Billy Clif
ford is one of the best farce
comedians that has apepared here
this season. Jack Trainer, as the
grouchy uncle, was delightful in
bis rendition of the part and it
would havo been a great pleasuro
to the uudience if lie could have
held the stage during the entire
show, as his acting was finished
and very laughable".
Manager Shlaes is to be coif.
gratulaled on securing this com
pany for last night, and the fine
attendance certainly shows that
the theater-going public ap
preciates his efforts to serve them
and it is to he hoped that he can
secure more shows as good as
"The Girl, the Man ami the Game"
for appearance at the theater this
The next attraction at I he Par
mole is ''The Girl and the Gawk,"
next Saturday night. II is said to
be a beautiful southern play that
does not, depend on murder, stolen
papers, wills, mortgages or any
such hackneyed and threadbare
ideas for a plot. There is no
shooting, killing or crime de
picted, but still there is such an
.intensity in the story that it holds
the audience in a spell of excite
ment until the happy llnale. It
is a play that has been witnessed
and approved by clergymen of
every denomination. It is a whole
some, clean and pure play. You
never saw one like it, so don't bo
misled by n wrong impression, or
you will miss a really meritorious
performance. It has plenty of
ginger and fun to make it in
teresting, nnd also plenty of ro
mance. Don't fail to see it at
popular prices. .Remember Sat
urday night.
W. L. Miller and August Eick
jost, who bad been found in a very
bad state of intoxication in the
village of Cedar Creek Tuesday,
were brought in this morning by
the sheriff and brought before the
court, who, after hearing tho evi
dence in the coso sentenced them
to thirty days in the county jail
and to pay tho costs in the rase
amounting to $9.35, and the men
will probably have to lay out the
costs in the jail. This is a some
what expensive spree for the boys
and they will probably hesitate the
next lime before indulging so
heavily in the drink that cheers.
To Visit In Oklahoma.
G. W. Ilomnn departed today
for Oklahoma City, where ho will
visit for about a month and will
then return home for a short time
and then go to Corning, Iowa,
where he expects to spend the
winter with his brother, who re
sides near that place, nnd who is
in poor health. Mr. Unman ex
pects to return to Plaltsmouth in
the spring, as be thinks there is
no place ns good as the old town,
but his brother's health makes it
necessary for him to nssist, him
during the winter.
Journal for fancy Stationery.
Stork Visits Hayes' Home.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. R.
B. Hayes was made much happier
last evening by the arrival of a
handsome new daughter, who will
make her home with them in the
future. The mother and little one
are getting along nicely and the
general foreman of the shops was
able to be around at his duties to
day, though still in a very excited
condition. This is the first child
in this family and consequently
there is nothing in the world too
good for the Utile lady.
'The House of a Thousand Can
dles," a Play That Takes
With the People.
The management of the Par
mele theater announces as tho at
traction coming soon the original
New York production of "The
House of a Thousand Candles," a
play founded upon tho novel of
Meredith Nicholson, by George
Middleton, and produced at Daly
and Hackclt theaters in New York
city for nearly an entiro season.
The dramatist has succeeded in
translating to tho stage tho story,
without loss of dramatic interest
or value. It has been extremely
successful from tho first perform
ances. Tho action moves at a
rapid pace, and the scenes succeed.
one another in logical and pro
gressive order; it is a strong,
virile drama, with a plausible,
consistent, convincing plot, that
can bo as easily understood and
enjoyed by ono who is a stranger
to the book ns by one who ha3 read
the fascinating tale of the house
of mystery.
The most is made of every
dramatic situation in Mr. Nichol
son's novel and a play has been
modeled upon it ns clear and in
teresting ns the novelist's story.
To tho plot as revealed in the
novel, more substance has been
added, and this, in turn, has lent
weight, to the drama, built a
stronger story for stage purposes
around each character and assist
ed in developing to their fullest
extent nil the dramatic qualities
cf the book. Bates, the silent, in
scrulible butler, steps into the
position of hero, and though it is
by no means easy to make a hero
of a valet, the dramatist has suc
ceeded admirably. Moreover, the
elevation of Hates is accomplish
ed without detracting appreciably
from the prominence of young
Glcnarm, I lie hero of the novel,
and in one scene still the hero of
the play. But behind the foot
lights Bales gets the prominence
which is really his due and which
the story of Mr. Nicholson allowed
him by suggestion, rather than by
emphasis. This adjustment of the
( liaracterH' values is less a liberty
than a development of tho novel's
possibilities, and not only does it
modify the story to any material
extent, but assists as a mailer of
fact in making the stage version
clearer Ihnn it might otherwise
have been, and the scenes nnd
situations more effective and more
The expense accounts of the
central committees and candid
ates of the different parties in tho
recent campaign indicate that the
voters of the county were not cor
rupted by the use of money. The
democratic commitloo received
$55 from the candidates and ex
pended tho sum of $15, while tho
republicans did not receive any
money and the secretary of the
committee expended the sum of
.8.75. William Weber, republican
candidate for commissioner, spent
$31 in the raco for that office; W.
B. Banning, democratic nominee
for stale senator, expended $90.75
in the campaign in this and OLoo
counties; 3 J. Gustin, tho newly
elected representative, spent $37
to win his seat in the legislature;
W. R. Bryan, tho successful can
didate for assessor, spent $20,
while his opponent, L. A. Tyson,
expended $51.15 in tho race. The
laws against tho spending of large
sums of money in campaigns is
evidently not in danger of being
violated by any of the candidates
in this count'.
Cole. ll-ll-2wksTwkly
Art Exhibit and Program of
Entertainment for Patrons
and Everybody.
This afternoon at 4 o'clock the
II. P. Whilmoro art exhibit from
Omaha, without doubt tho most
magnificent one ever shown here,
will open in the Plattsinouth High
i-ehool, and the public of the city
should see the exhibit, as the pic
tures shown there are copies of
some of the world's greatest
masterpieces and it is well worth
the price of admission, regard
less of the good cause in which
it is given.
The auditorium at the High
school will be open this evening at
7 o'clock for tho inspection of tho
artistic pictures. It will remain
open until 10:30, and everyone is
urged to lake time to look the
exhibit over thoroughly.
At 8 o'clock the following pro
gram, lasting about one hour, will
bo rendered by pupils of the High
Piano Duet
. .Elsie Rossler, Sophie Hild, '15
Piano Solo. . .Blanche Sayles, '16
Song Mabel Adams, '13
Piano Solo.. Emma Cummins, '14
Mandolin Duet
Sophio Ulrich, M i, and Josie
Ulrich, '15 U '
Piano Solo. . , , Helen Hadraba, '14
Song Kato York, '15
Reading Myra Stenner, '18
Piano Solo .Mae Darker, '13
Song Ferris York, '13
The tickets for tho art exhibif
!:aye been going Jjke hot cakeo,
each of tho children utrikinff"
friends to purchase. The money
received by each room from the
sale of tickets by the pupils in tho
room will be expended by the
tencher, ndvising with her pupils,
for a beautiful picture to be hung
in the room. Tho children will ap
preciate Ihoso pictures tho more,
knowing that they have been se
cured largely through their ov-n
Charles Tracey of Richfield,
Idaho, who has ben visiting at the
home of Frank Moore, near Mur
ray, was in the city yesterday aft
ernoon en route to Omaha. Mr.
Tracey formerly resided in this
county, about thirty years ago,
living in the vicinly of. Rock
Itlull's, and has a warm spot in his
henrt for his old home. There
were many of the old friends left
in this vicinity whom Mr. Tracey
recognized, but the buys and girls
of those days have grown up and
the older people have, to n large
extent, passed away. Mrs. Tracey
accompanied her husband bnck to
the old home and is visit ing.wilh
friends at Murray.
There has been reports of
several occasions of late where
parties have visited some of the
residences in the north part of
the city and thrown rocks nnd
other missels. At the residence of
A. W. Dawson two windows were
broken, while at the other places
visited they contented themselves
wild pelting the houses with dif
ferent missels. These acts may
have been done in a spirit of fun,
but if anything serious should re
sult, the perpetrators of tho deed '
may get into very serious trouble.
Gets New Contract.
Frank Gobelman has just closed
a contract to paint the Metzger
homestead, near Cedar Creek, and
will begin the work in a short
time. Mrs. Melzger is to be con
gratulated on securing the serv
ices of Mr. Gobelman, as he is one
of the leading painters in this sec
lion of the state.
Farm for Sale.
135-acre farm, four miles from
town, between 50 and CO acres
under plow, 7 acres hay land, bal
ance pasture. Running water.
Seven-room house and other im
provements. Inquire at the 'office of Rawls
& Robertson. 10-i0-tf-wkly
Constipation causes headache,
indigestion, dizziness, drowsi
ness. For a mild, opening mcdi
enn uso Doan's Regulcts. 25c a
box at all stores.