The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 11, 1912, Image 3

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A Pithy Dlscccrs3 01 an Inter
esting Sufcjd.
Pastor Russell Claims Report of the ,
International Bible Students Asso- '
ciation Committee of Which He Was!
Chairman Was Too Mild Rather Than j
Too Severe Committee Unanimously j
Stand by the Report and Challenge 1
Criticism Full Report Now Offered
Free to All.
Otta va, Out..
Nov. 10. Pastor
Kussell, fiH usual,
liiul law audi
ences. We report
one of hid Inter
esting discourses,
on the live subject
of Foreign Mis
sions, which is
stirring Christen
dom. Ills text was,
"This Gospel of
the Kingdom shall
be preached in all
witness unto all na-
the world for a
tions; and then shall the End come."
(Matthew xxlv, 14.) He said:
A year ago the International Bible
Students Association, perplexed by the
conflicting reports, resolved to send a
Committee of Seven to investigate and
give a candid report on missionary
prospects In foreign lands especially
in South India, where It is making a
special effort. I was one of that Com
mittee, which otherwise was composed
of four successful business men, one
doctor, and General Hall, of the U. S.
A. The Committee performed its du
ties conscientiously, and made its Re
port to one of the largest Christian
gatherings ever held in New York City
in the Hippodrome, March 31st. Its
Report, published in pamphlet form,
reached a very wide circulation
amongst Christian people. I am au
thorized to offer the remainder free,
one copy each, to all interested in
Foreign Mission work. A postcard ad
dressed to "I. B, S. A., Brooklyn, N.
Y.," requesting a copy of the Mission
ary Report, will receive prompt atten
tion as long as the supply holds out
The Committee, In preparing this Re
port, felt sure that it would be dis
couraging to some loyal Christian peo
ple; and they therefore laid bare the
facts In as kindly and Christian a man
ner as possible. Every one of them
being deeply interested in the heathen,
every oue of them a sincere Chrlstiau.
what else could they do?
Now, as the Committee feared, the
truthfulness of their Report, which so
many Christian people gratefully ac
knowledge, has irritated a few persons.
These evidently fear that we have
shattered their Idol and discredited
their fairy tales respecting the Imme
diate conversion of the world by hu
man Instrumentality and more millions
of money. We sympathize with these
enthusiasts, who seem to deceive them
selves as well as others and who shut
their eyes to facts, while hoping against
hope to maintain exploded theories.
One of these. Mr. W. T. Ellis, alias
the "Religious Rambler." attacks our
report after the style of Pon Quixote.
Falsely he declares that we journeyed
on the same vessel from San Francis
co to Shanghai, giving the impression
that we had not visited Japau at all.
Then he declares that we merely raced
through the country, did not visit all
the mission stations, nor talk with all
the missionaries; and he wants to know
how wo could know anything on the
subject of our Report Our Report
tells the facts. The Committee of Sev
en scattered, and spent six days In
Japan, or a total of 42 days of investi
gation. Our 23 days spent in India,
similarly recorded, would be the equiv
alent of nearly six months' Investiga
tion by one person.
Our I. R. S. A. Committee were not
commissioned to Investigate missions,
nor merely to ask missionaries to cor
roborate reorts promulgated by mis
sionary societies. We visited and in
terrogated the people, saw their con
ditions, attended meetings, etc. As
for myself, this critic charges In one
breath that I did not preach the ser
mons which appeared In the newspa
pers of the world; and In the next
breath he declares that I spent all my
time In preaching and therefore had
not time for Investigation. A discern
ing public read between the lines of
such criticism what the Bible symbol
Ically describes as "gnashing of teeth."
The Only Practical Method.
If millions of money were leliig
s)H-nt to give Instructions In French.
If the trnchers gave glowing reports
of their success, anil If a committee
of business men were sent to Investi
gate the success, would they ask the
teachers and professors for a confirma
tion of the reports they had already
made, or would they go amongst the
pupils, and seek to ascertain to what
extent they had a knowledge of
French? There can be but one an
swer to this question. The principle
applied to Foreign Missions, shows
that our Committee took the only
proper course for ascertaining the
fm ts. They did obtain them and I be
llevp that rvery missionary and everv
other person who has been In foreign
lands, within the last live years, will
on reading our Report, concede that
I it is very truiurui. at trie same tune ex
tremely kindly and sympathetic.
; Surely our Committee's method ami
; Report will commend themselves t
: unprejudiced intelligent mind.-.. Prob
ably Brother I-.llis diihculty is teitri
I that the hollowness of missionary
' claims Is coming to the light.
! "Not Understanding the Scriptures."
' Sympathy for the heatheiand doc
; trinal errors respecting the everlasting
j future led Christianity astray in its
missionary work. In full harmony
j with other nonsense received from the
! Dark Ages, we believed God Intent
I upon hurling all the heathen to ever
j lasting torture, unless they should hear
about the Savior iu the present life
I and should accept Him and become
saints. Frenzied by this misconception
of the lHvine Character and Plan, god
ly people hastened to give their lives
and their money for the rescue of the
heathen from the fate which they er
roneously supposed an ull-wisc, nil
Just, all-loving and all-powerful God
had foreordained for the Non-Elect.
Now our (former) darkness Is depart
lmr. As we betian to see the utter
hopelessness of our claim that we
could ever convert the world, we also
sec tnat we nan nusuiHieisioou our
Heavenly Father's Plan in respect to
the heathen. We began to see that
only the first part of the Pi vine Pro
gram has yet been put into operation;
viz., the gathering of the Elect from all
nations to constitute the Bride of
Christ, to be Joint-heir with Him in
the Abrahamlc promise, "All the fa ita
lics of the earth shall be blessed In thy
Seed." Now we see that the saintly
few from every nation and from ev
ery denomination of Christendom will
constitute the True Church, the True
Bride of Christ the Queen of Glory,
the Seed of Abraham.-Galatlans ill. 20.
"This Gospel of the Kingdom."
Our hallucinations respecting eternal
torment, which the Bible, rightly trans
lated and properly understood, does
not teach as every scholar in the
world will ngree has been the foun
dation of all our errors. Alas, that so
mnny ministers and learned men should
have cast away their Bible without
ascertaining that it Is in direct con
flict with all our creeds! Missionary la
bor has appealed to the most devout
of God's people, the most sympathetic.
Even though, they have misunderstood,
we may be sure that God has granted
a heart blrslng to all lovers and sup
porters of missions. This Is no reason,
however, why we should continue to be
blind to the true situation. We must
no longer delude ourselves with the
thought that It is possible to convert
the people even In our home lands, un
til God's time, under. Messiah's King
dom; for "Unto Him every knee shall
bow."-Rom. xlv, 11; Thll. 11. 10.
Think not that the Bible has no mes
sage for heathen lauds: Think not
that 1 am opposed to the heathen or to
good works done for them! I nm op
posed merely to our misrepresentation
of God and the Bible amongst the hea
then, even ns in the past we misrepre
sented both at home. I am deeply In
terested In the work which the Bible
declares should be done amongst the
heathen a work, however, which the
missionaries have not been doing.
"The Gospel of the Kingdom" was to
be preached to all nations before the
end of this Age would come. not for
their conversion, but for n irittirsx to
them for the purpose of gathering out
God's Elect to be Messiah's Joint heirs
in Ills work of universal blessing.
The Goiri of the Kingdom means
the good news respecting the King
dom. The I. B. S. A. hns missionary
workers in India. China and Japan, in
forming such of the peoples there as
have the Intelligence to comprehend
the Message. Many of them are re
joicing in the good news that Messiah's
Kingdom is about to be established;
and that their friends, instead of be
ing in either purgatory or eternal tor
ture, are merely asleep in death, await
ing the blessing which Jesus promised,
saying. "All that are in the graves
shall henr the voice of the Son of Man
and come forth" to a resurrection of
Judgment, trial, testing, to prove who
will accept the gift of eternal life and
who will reject It and suffer the pen
altySecond Peath. Romans vl, 2.'!;
II The.ssalonlnns i, I).
To a certain extent, wherever the Bi
ble has gone, this Gospel of the King
dom has gone. If the missionaries had
only read the Bible to the people -and
had not attempted to teach the creed
of the Park Ages, many more in hea
then lands today would know about
Messiah's Kingdom and appreciate the
import of the prayer. "Thy Kingdom
come; Thy will be done on earth, even
as it Is done In Heaven." But the mis
sionaries apparently for the last few
years have been telling those who
would hear them at all. very little of
anything religious. Their activities nro
chiefly with the children; and as our
Report shows, the children get scarce
ly any religious Information, and many
nf the denominational schools are be
ing turned Into civil or state schools,
with the understanding that there shall
be no religion taught with the money
appropriated by the governments to the
teachers for secular Instruction.
Missionary Effort Postmillennial.
The admit led failure of missions as
respects religion and as shown by the
fact that there are twice as many
heathen today as there were n century
ago means the fall of the Postmlllcii
nlal theory that the thousand years of
Christ's reign will precede His Second
Coming; that the Second Coming of
Christ cannot take place until after the
world has been converled and has had
Joyous reign of righteousness for a
thousand years. Following this erron
eous theory, all effort has been coucen-
' I rated upon converting the world, and
thus bringing In the Millennium,
Our Catholic brethren claim that this
thousand year relgti of Christ ended
in ITWi; tnat we are now in the "little
season" mentioned iu Revelation xx. 3;
and rjjat the success of Protestautism
during the last 112 years is the loosing
of Satan. This is the explanation
given in the footnotes of some editions
uf the Catholic Bible. It must be dis
couraging to our Catholic brethren to
see how many blessings have come to
the world under wuatjey claim
Satan's regime. Surely initfVf them
will contrast this with the'supersti
tion. bigotry, and the persecuting spirit
which seemed to dominate both Prot
ectants and Catholics during what they
claim was the Millenium.
As for Protestants in general, the
kindest statement of their position is
that I hey are confused. They do not
:i'..e to nuree with Papacy that the
Millennium is past; and yet they agree
with Papacy in claiming that the great
l;mi:i'oisis of Europe are parts of
; 'l.rist's Kingdom, notwithstanding the
!'!'-t that they are impoverishing thcin
xXves to prepare for blowing each oth
er :T the face of the earth.
Christ's Kingdom Brings Millennium.
I':e:::i: eiini.iliMs bold that Christ's
:.. ' i. l Advct'.i precedes the establish
t: -::t of His Kingdom: and that the
, !i';'.': i duviu:;' the Gospel Age Is in
i .cpaiv.tion for the Kingdom honor.
o. v and scrvi.-e. Such believers iu
e teat bins cf the Bible alone are
pro, '.chin;.: that the coining of Messiah's
Kingdom i the hope of the world, and
that the call of the present is for the
l ie -t. to share in the Kingdom. Hark
to the Master's words. "Fear not. Lit
tle Flock: for It Is your Father's good
pleasure to give yon the Kingdom."
To these it Is not astounding that
the heathen are not all converted.
eltM-r at home or abroad: for they Real
ize that God's Word does not so teach.
They find the Scriptures to tell that at
the Second Coining of Christ "the na
tions will be angry." and God's wrath
will come upon them. "There shall
be a time of trouble such as there
never was since there was a nation."
They find that during that time Mes
siah's Kingdom will be established,
and that incidental to its establish
ment the First Resurrection will take
place. They note Jesus' words. "Blessed
and holy are all they that have part
In the First Resurrection; they
shall be priests unto God and unto
Christ and shall relcn with Him a
thousand years." "upon the earth.
Revelation xx. fi; v. 10.
But Premlllennlallsts very generally
make two mistakes: (1) They think of
Ills Kingdom ns one in which Christ
and the saints will hold earthly court.
They fall to discern that the resurrec
tion change raises both Christ and the
Church fully out of the human nature
Into the Divine nature; and that God's
Kingdom, spiritual and all powerful,
will bless mankind through earthly
agents already prepared. These will
be the saints who died previous to
Pentecost, and whose resurrection will
be to human perfection to which all
of the Non Elect world will be granted
opiKirtunlty of attaining.
(2) Premlllennlallsts fall generally to
discuss that the Bible teaches that bless
legs will be granted the Non Elect who
have died during the past six thousand
years, without having full opportunity
of attalr.I:'. to life everlasting. They
have overlooked the Scriptural state
ment that all the dead of Adam's race
sleep until the resurrection; that the
Morning of the Great Pay of Mes
siah's Kingdom will be the resurrec
tion morning, not only for the church,
but for the sleeping billions of human
ity. Our unscrlptural conceptions of
the dead, as alive Iu Taradlse or In
Purgatory or In a Hell of torture,
came originally from the heathen; but
we have used our greater enlighten
ment to Intensify the Joys of the
heathen Paradise, and the sufferings
of the heathen in the intermediate
state. Hence it is that the most Intel
ligent people In the world, by neglect
ing God's Message, the Bible, today be
lieve things respecting God and His
purposes more monstrous than any of
the doctrines of demons which afflict
the heathen world and drive them
from God In fear.
Applying Now Our Text.
We note that the Lord did not say
that the Gospel would convert the
world, but merely that it would be a
tritness to them. The word here trans
lated "witness" is in the Greek mar
turiim, from the root mirfus, the equiv
alent of our English word martyr. Thus
seen, this text agrees with all of the
Master's testimonies to His followers
that in becoming Ills disciples they
would be sacrificing earthly friend
ships, honor, etc.; and that they would
bring upon themselves sufferings. To
be His disciples, therefore, they must
be martyrs, witnesses for the Truth
and the light, in the midst of dark
ness, bigotry and BUer8tltion. The
additional light and Truth which the
followers of Jesus would possess and
testify to would make of them
martyrs; and only such would be ac
counted worthy to share with Him in
the coming Kingdom. "Marvel not
If the world hate, ye know
that It hated Me before It hated you.
If ye were of the world, the world
would love Its own"; but now "ye are
not of the world"; for "I have chosen
you" out of the world, "and ordained
you." "Whosoever will live godly in
Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."
"To him that overcometh will I grant
to sit with Me iu My throne."
Our text contains the Gospel In a nut
shell. It tells of a coming Kingdom.
It tells of a proclamation of that King
dom during this Age, In advance, it
tells that such a proclamation will lie
niurturiaH witnessing through suffer
ing. It Implies that the sufferings of
the witnesses will demonstrate their
loyalty to God and their worthiness to
be Joint heirs with Christ in that
Kingdom for which they pray, "Thy
Kingdom come; Thy will be done on
earth, even as it In done In Heaven."
Jolly Comedian and a Fine Lot
of Show Girls Here Wed
nesday Night.
With a bevy of exceptionally
pretty singing ami dancing girls,
a splendidly balanced company.
Hilly "Single" Clifford, supported
by that clever prima donna, .Mario
Welter, will be seen iu the mer
riest of musical farces, "The Girl,
tne .taii ami me uanie, at llie
annele theater Wednesday night.
November 13.
The success of this clever play
the past season from coast to
coast was little short of phenom
enal. This season it will be seen
lo m u c Ii bellcr advantage, the
company being' unproved liv llie
addition ol Miss Mane W oiler ami
a very clever little singing ami
dancing soubrclle. Miss Mao Col
lins, who was ii feature the past
season in "The Pink Lady," ami
at the Folios llorgero, in New
York. The chorus will bo up to
the Clifford simulant, which
moans much, and Hilly will have
the best and brightest selection
of songs he lias ever had in his
long career.
"The Girl, the Man ami the
flame" is a success with a capital
"S" as Billy Clifford's brand of
comedy and dancing is delightful
ly pleasing.
Charles (iulhniaii of Murphy,
Idaho, arrived yesterday morning
on No. i for a visit with his par
ents, F. II. (iuthtnatin and wife.
Mr. (iulhmann is looking in the
best of health ami is greatly
pleased with his location in Idaho.
Miss Minnie Gulliinanii accom
panied her brother as far as Den
ver, whore she will visit, and also
at Cheyenne, Wyoming, where she
will visit for a short time with
Miss Clare Dovoy, who is teaching
in that city, and will then return
to her homo in this oily. Mr
Gulhniann, in company wilh K. .1
Meyrich, motored to Murdock yes.
lenlay afternoon for a short visit
wilh Henry (iulhmann and family
First on the Island.
vv niiam Miuin, the veteran
thresher, has just llnished the job
of threshing the wheat crop of
Sam Schwab ami John Gouchen
otir, on the big island southeast
of this city, and Mr. Smith reports
thai the wheal made a good yield.
This is the lirsl steam threshing
machine to bo used on llie island,
ami while there was some dif
liculty in making the crossing,
under the careful guidance of Mr.
Smith, I ho work was aoomplished
iu good shape and a very satis
factory job of threshing done.
Fresh Lobsters and Crabs at I he
(). K. Restaurant. Short orders will
be our specially, but wo aro up-lo-dale
on regular meals. Sinnott &
Fgetiberger, proprietors.
Such Proof as This Should Con
vince Any PlattsmcKith
The public endorsement of a
local citizen is the best proof that
can be produced. None better,
none stronger can be had. When
a man comes forward and testilles
to his follow citizens, addresses
bis friends and neighbors, you
may be sure he is thoroughly con
vinced or he would not do so.
Telling one's experience when it
is for t tic public good is an act of
kindness that should be ap
preciated. The following state
ment Riven by a resident of
Plattsmoulh, adds one more to the
many cases of Home F.ndorsemont
which are being published about
Doan's Kidney Pills. Head it.
W. M. Harclay, proprietor of
restaurant, Main street, Platls
inoulh, Nob., says: "I have not
bad a single symptom of kidney
complaint since Doan's Kidney
Pills cured me several years ago.
f am glad to verify the statement
I gave in 1 1)8 endorsing thorn. I
had an extreme lameness across
my loins, when I began using
Doan's Kidney Pills. This remedy
soon corroded the trouble."
For sale by all dealers. Price
r0 cents. Fostor-Milhurn Co.,
Thiffalo, Now York, sole agents for
the t'lrilod Stales.
Ilomcmhcr the name Doan's
and take no oilier.
Some Fine Apples.
Charles Guthniann, who arrived
from Murphy, Idaho, yesterday
morning, was a pleasant caller at
the Journal oliice this morning,
ami made us a present of a sample
sack of the famous Idaho apples.
They .were indeed beauties and
were raised about live miles from
Murphy, by Ernest Frietag, who
lias unite a large orchard. We
aro now able to vouch for Idaho,
as an apple country, also the
ability of Mr. Frietag iu growing
the good variety.
lElllllS SIMM
The Morgan homo was the
scone of mud her very pleasant
entertainment Saturday after
noon, at which lime Mrs. D. C.
Morgan and daughter. Miss Gert
rude, entertained a large number
of I heir lady friends at a Kensing
ton. Most of the guests brought
their fancy work, crocheting and
lulling ami whilod away some
very enjoyable moments as they
stitched, crocheted ami hemmed.
A guessing contest was introduced
during the course of the after
noon s entertainment. In this
contest each question was to be
answered by the name of some
kind of candy. This took some
time, as many were not so
familiar with the names of candy
as one supposost hey are. Mrs.
George Falter being; the best post
ed was awarded the llrst prize, a
handkerchief, while Miss Matlie
Larson carried off the second
prize, a small box of stick candy.
Mrs. George Falter then favored
the company wilh a very pretty
selection, after which the guests
wore invited to partake of a very
delicious three-course luncheon,
I he hostess being assisted in
serving by Mrs. Gertrude F,. Mor
gan, Misses I'd ill) Martin, Carrie
Oliver, Jennet te Morgan and
Catherine Shrank. Afler the
luncheon had been served the
guests dispersed, I hanking the
hostesses for the splendid after
noon's entertainment they had af
forded them. On this occasion the
rooms of the Morgan home were
made attractive with decorations,
consisting of huge chrysanthe
Saturday evening Charles Dear
moml and Morgan Cooper were
picked up by the police in a stale
of intoxication and were confined
to the lockup to await the open
ing of court Monday. Charles is
a t raveling corn doctor and claims
to be from Washington, while
Morgan slated that he was for
merly employed as a brakemaii in
the east and was en route to his
home in Colorado. Judge Archer,
afler deliberating over the offense
assessed a fine of $2 and costs,
which ho suspended, as the
parties agreed to proceed on I heir
way to their homos in the ureal,
west and to shake Hie dust, of our
lillle city from their feel.
The friends of Attorney Edwin
I). Criles will be pleased and
much gratified to learn that be
has boon re-eloclod county at
torney for Dawes county, Ne
braska, for the third consecutive
term, by a majority of 20!). Ed
win is a native born Plattsinouth
boy, a son of Judge and Mrs. A.
W. Criles of Chadron, Neb., and
is yet only about 29 years old. His
record as county attorney for Hie
last four years is such as to give
him for a third term 898 votes out
oT a total of 1,531. The Journal
extends oongralula lions.
Here From Havelock.
Messrs. Charles Cheney, Loon
Merry and Misses Fdith and Fdna
Kroehlor of Havelock motored
(low ii from I heir home yesterday
morning and spent the day with
Mrs. (i. P. Wiedinan and family.
Mrs. Wiedinan accompanied Ibe
party homo last evening, whore
she will visit for a few days with
her daughter, Mrs. Kroehlor.
"Custer's Last Fight."
Tonight at Hie Gem (healer will
bo shown that thrilling master
piece of moving pictures,
"Custer's Last Fight," produced
by the 101 ranch company, and
in which 1,000 Indians and 1,000
soldiers are used to take part In
the battle. This is given tonight
Held by Verner Perry at His Farm
Home on Wednesday, Octo
ber 30th.
V. K. Perry is comparatively a
young- man iu the Duroe-Jersey
hog business, but from the way
his offerings went at the sale held
by him at his home near Mynard,
on Wednesday, October 3d, he has
grown old as a breeder very rapid
ly. There were about forty head
placed iu the sale ring', as were
advertised in his catalogue, and
every animal found active bidders
from Iho start. This certainly
demonstrates that Mr. l'erry has
about the right, breeding, and his
herd is in excellent condition. The
top-notcher was the boar No. 10,
that, was bought by lloyor it Me
Cai'y of Glenvvood, Iowa, and was
sure a beauly, for he brought the
price of $81, ami by men who have
boon in the business long enough
to well know the value of such an
animal, and were satisfied that
they were getting a bargain at the
price. The balance of the offer
ings were bought by Cass county
breeders, Oscar Allen of Wabash
placing the top price on thirteen
head, totaling the handsome price
of $38 i. The balance were sold
to breeders from Nehavvka, Union,
Weeping Water and the farmers
nearby, ranging in price from
$18 to $50.
While this is only Mr. Perry's
second fall sale, he fools he has
about the right breeding to please
the buyers and breeders of this
popular swine, not only because
they find ready sale, but becauso
those who have bought once come
again, lie has exerted every ef
fort to secure the very best blood
known to the Duroe-Jersey fam
ily, which high standard be ex
pects to maintain as long as he
remains a breeder. When Verner
Perry announces a sale offering
in the future, it is safe to say
that in his herd you will llml about
Hie best.
Mrs. J, 0. Peterson entertained
the Past Chiefs of the Degree of
Honor in a most delightful man
ner at her home on Friday after
noon. Whenever invited to the.
Petersen homo the Past Chiefs
always anticipate a fine time, and
their anticipations were fully
realized in llie splendid entertain
ment afforded them on this oc
casion. The mil tire of those enter
tainments are in the form of a
Kensington, as most of the ladies
bring their fancy work and spend
the greater portion of the time
in plying a crochet hook, noodle
and the like. A most excellent
three-course luncheon was pro
vided by the hostess at the proper
lime, and the guests pronounced
it as being one which the hostess
only knows best how to prepare
and serve. At early candle light
the Past Chiefs wended Iheir way
homeward and report Mrs. Peter
son a most hospitable and charm
ing entertainer.
On What Ticket?
Will Hummel was in receipt of
a card a few days ago from his
friend, Henry lloffart, up in
Pierce county, announcing his
candidacy for the olllce of county
commissioner. Will says this is
all right, and while ho knows that
Henry would make an excellent
county commissioner, he would
like to know what ticket be was
running on. We trust that Mr.
Hnffarl proves successful, no
mailer what the ticket is.
Successful Cass County Boys.
The Journal is pleased to note
the fact thai, at I he late election,
three Cass county boys were elect
ed county attorneys for their re
spective counties in Nebraska.
Calvin II. Taylor for Cass county
by the remarkable vide of 3,590,
ho running on both republican
and democratic tickets. George
A. Maguey for Douglas county on
Iho democratic ticket, defeating
his opponent by 085 majority, and
Fdwiu D. Criles for Dawes county
on the 'democratic ticket, defeat
ing his opponent, by a majority
of 2C5.
The llrst. mooting of the Gor
man Verein will meet Tuesday
evening, November 12th, at Iho
home of Miss Lillian Cole.
Marie E. Kauffmann.