The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 07, 1912, Image 7

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Did you receive one of the large yellow bills, announcing our big Winter Sale? Read
this announcement carefully it means a saving of money to you. Make an effort to call
at our store early, while the bargains are fresh and new. You will be surprised at the
offerings we are making in this sale, as the margin of all profits have boen for
gotten during these bargain days.
Our goods are all guaranteed, and should you buy here and not be thoroughly sat
isfied you are at liberty to return goods, either in exchange for other goods or your
money refunded. It is and always has been our earnest desire to make our business
transactions entirely satisfactory to all our customers. We are only looking for satis
fied customers.
Millinery at One-Half Price
-Fanger's Department Store -
V. ZUCKER, manager
"The Home of Guaranteed Values." PLATTSMOUTH, NEB.
reMJBgltt,!,'l 'M "J JgTEgT' ISM JgBBW
Files Complaint.
The county attorney today ti lot
a complaint in Justice Archer's
court against "John Doe," who is
charged with having torn up a
hayrack belonging to Robert
Propst, night before last. The
party in the case is known to the
interested parties and he will
doubtless be forced to answer for
the affair.
"The Penalty," a 101 Ranch Go.
picture, at the Oem tonight.
pending in the County Court of
Cass County, Nebraska, will take
notice that the administrator has
filed his final account and petition
for final settlement in said Court.
A hearing will be had upon said
account and petition at the office
of said Court,. at Plattsmouth, Ne
braska, on the 11th day of No
vember, 1912, at the hour of 10
o'clock a. m. At said time any
nnH nil ricrsims interested in said
estate may appear and contest ('l(1'ks mvc ,,mv" unfiay for an
said final account and petition. ""t- "'"1 incidentally reduced
Witness mv hand and the seal:,ll,' sinim-l population consnler-
! News. J
A baby girl arrived at the G. A.
Duckworth home on Tuesday
F. L. Nulzman shipped in two
cars of feeders Wednesday from
South Omaha.
Mrs. Lottie Shotwell, who has
been in the south for several
weeks, came in Wednesday even
ing from Lincoln.
Mrs. Fred L. Nutman and Mrs.
John Nutzman are at Excelsior
Springs taking treatment for
Mrs. L. (. Plybon returned
Wednesday evening from Jones
Springs, Mo., where she was call
ed by the death of her brother.
Otoe county is getting into lino
and petitioned to have a road en
gineer appointed. Lass county
I could lake a step forward along
the same line, and it might help
mad conditions.
II. T. (luinn, Missouri Pacific
agent at Lincoln, and four of his
from his nephew, Howard Duvall,
of Akersville, Pa. This is Mr.
Duvall's first visit to "the west"
and he is thoroughly satisfied that
Nebraska is a most desirable
slate in which to live.
Dr. and Mrs. Van Fleet were
called to Table Rock last Tuesday
to the funeral service of John C.
Wood, an old settler and special
friends of the family, who died in
Corpus Christi, Texas, last week,
and whole remains were brought
to Table Rock for interment.
Quartermaster H. W. Miller, of
the local fJ. A. R. post, has re
ceived from the U. S. treasury ten
bills of old confederate money ag
gregating $150. These have been
spread surrounding the letter
from the treasury department and
placed in a frame. It is intended
that the money be kept intact and
remain the property of Kenesaw
post so long as the old comrades
are here to see them.
Big Winter Sale Beginning Saturday, ! M i
November 9th
Plattsmouth Popular Priced Clothing
$10, $15 and $20
ej Overcoats and Suits -i-
of said Court this 21st day of
October, 1912.
County Judge.
D. 0. DWYER, Attorney.
I.K.OAI, XO'l'M H,
(lie DlMtrii't Court of ( linn County,
Frank Cluus, 1'lalntllT,
William Smith, et nl Defendants.
To W'llllnm Smith, Mrs. William Smith,
IiIh wife (first mime unknown).
Thomas O. l'nlmer, M. Jane l'alnier,
and the I'nknown Heirs nntl De
visees of William Smith, (Incensed:
You and each of you will hereby take
notice that on the 2nd day of November,
1912. Frank Claus, plaintiff In the fore
KoinK entitled cause, tiled his petition
In the District Court of Cass County,
Nebraska, against you, the object, pur
pose and prayer or which is to obtain
a decree from said Court removliiK
clouds from and (inietltiK the title of
record to lot five u) and three (A) feet
off of and nlonK the west side of lot
four (4), in block eighteen dm. In the
City of I'lattsmouth, Cass County, Ne
braska, In platntilT, as against yoii and
to exclude and enjoin you and each of
you from ever asserting or eiaimitiK i
any rlKlit, title or interest therein ad
verse to plaintiff and for such other
and further relief as may be Just and'
equitable. I
You are required to answer suldi
petition on or before the liitli day of I
December, 1912, or the alienations con
tained in said petition will lie taken as
true and u decree rendered as prayed
for therein. i
Dated: November 4th, 1912.
FKANK CUU'S, Plaintiff.
Wy .10IIN M. I,KVDA, Ills Attorney. !
ably. Otto Carrol look them out
in his car.
Word has been received here of
the death of I'M August at Jones
Springs, Mo., last Friday. He
leaves a wife, having been mar
ried last December. He has a
brother, W. If. August, and a sis
ter, Mrs. L. (!. Plybon, who live
near here.
The Pollards finished picking
apples lasi week and managed to
gel their crop in this year with
out a freeze. They shipped about
75 carloads, about the same
amount as last year, and as they
got about LT cents a barrel more
than alst year, the crop was a lit
tle more profitable. The cider mill
will run for some I ime yet. as long
as they can gel apples. Last year
I hey made more vinegar than this
because lliey had several thousand
bushels freeze thai had to be
made into vinegar.
Leader-Echo. I
In County Court.
Cass County, ss.
In the Matter of the Estate
Jacob llenrich, Deceased. j
Notice is hereby given to the j
j Miss Essie Sutherland was un-
able to return to her work at Lin
' rolu on account of sickness.
J Mrs. Thomas Perry, formerly of
Heaver City, is visiting her sister,
j Mrs. L. W'. Mvers. this week.
Mr. ami Mrs. C. D. (
lapp anil
a p
a uro I rip
creditors of said deceased 1 hat j -"'. Mliard.
hearings will be had upon claims "1,'r ,,;,r M"'
filed against said estate, before Minnas.
me, County Judge of Cass County,! Mr. nml Mrs. Waller Millr are
Nebraska, at the County Court1 he happy parents of a baby boy,
room in Platlsinoulh, in said! born Thursday, October 21.
County, on the tilth day of No-j M
vember, ilUii, and on the lfilh day'
ol .May, P.M. I, iit v o'clock a. in.
each day for examination, adjust-
ineiit and allowance.
All claims must be tiled in said
court on or before said last hour1
of hearing. 1
Witness my hand and seal of
said County Court, at Platts
mouth, Nebraska, Ibis 17lh day of
October, 1DI2.
(Seal) ALLEN J. 11IT.SOX,
County Judge.
loins nicely,
lite severely
moon while
.'ill friends.
niceh at this
it ami child are
Helen Lcller was i
injured Saturday aft
at play with some
Mie is improving
u ril i m tr .
Osear .Miller and Wallinuer
have each made (lie purchase of
brand new Overland lnurinir cars.
The gentlemen motored to Lin
coln t Wednesday with li. I. Clem
ents and transferred Ibe neces
sary cash at that lime.
.1. Hoover is enjoying a visit
! EAGLE. i
J. O. Johnson and wife are
entertaining a new baby daughter,
which arrived at their home Sat
urday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Harmon Frohlich Thursday. Mrs.
(iiiiiim is down from Lincoln car
ing for her little grandson.
E. P. Bells has commenced Ihe
erection of a new garage, 32x40,
on the west side of Main street,
which, when completed will be one
of the best in this part of the
A deal was made last week
whereby A. L. McDonald came in
to possession of Ihe. 1G0 acres of
land near Rocky Ford, Colorado,
formerly owned by Dr. I. C. Mun
gcr and August Bergman. Con
sideration, $18,000.
Oeorge Myers, our local station
agent, had the misfortune of
breaking several bones of his
right hand one day last week while
unlocking a window, Ihe sash
cords breaking, lei ting the win
dow fall on hisi hand.
W. (i. Jack is quite ill at his
home south of town. lie was
found unconscious Tuesday
morning and did not recover con
sciousnes until several hours
later. His son, Ernest, of Lin
coln, came within a short time
and Miss Maude, of Washington,
D. C, will arrive soon. Dr. Long
acre is Ihe attending physician.
The lawsuit, last Friday after
noon between Harry Craves, form
er editor 'of the Beacon, and the
Beacon Pubuishiug company was
decided in favor of the defendants
before Justice of the Peace d. W.
Peterson. Will Slambro of Syra
cuse was employed as Craves' at
torney ami W illiam Pelesiiernier
for the publishing company. The
jurors were: T. R. Crabtree, O.
W. Wall, C.'II. Hudson. Art. Re
inalcy and Will Sharp.
Mrs. K. T. Tool was
in ( Imaha Wednesday.
Mrs. Jack Shank of -Lincoln
spent Saturday with relatives
Mrs. Kmil Kuehn spent several
days last week with relatives in
Miss Marie (iieseker spent Sat
urday and Sunday with home folks
at Lincoln.
Earl and Elmer Howell of Bur
well, Neli., spent Saturday with
relatives here.
The stork visited Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Reickman last Saturday and
left a handsome Utile daughter.
Miss Bee Sisson of Ainsworth,
Neb., is here visiting her sister,
Mrs. Henry (iuthman and family.
John Aingwert and w ife went to
Elmwood Saturday morning to at
lend the funeral of the hitter's
William Weddell and family ate
Sunday dinner with W. O. dil
lespie and wife.
Tom Stout of near Alvo ale
supper with C. Moomey and fam
ily Tuesday evening.
Andrew McNamara and daugh
ter, Mrs. W. O. Gillespie, went to
Fairmont, Neb., Wednesday morn
ing, w here I hey will spend several
day?, visiting relatives.
Mrs. Louis Neitzel and grand
daughter, Catherine Neitzel, left
last Thursday for Chicago, where
they will attend Ihe sixtieth wed
ding anniversary of Mrs. Neitzel's
parents. They expect to be gone
a week.
Mrs. OuelislorIT went to iLncoln
last Thursday, where she was
married to a Mr. Gellys, now of
Central City, Neb., but formerly of
Elmwood. They are now at Cen
tral Cify, but will make their
future home on the bride's farm,
east of here.
The Royal Neighbors entertain
ed their families and friends at a
hallowcen parly last Thursday
night in Ihe hall. About 100 were
present and each one reports a
fine time. A short program was
given and various games and con
versalion helped to pass a few
very pleasant hours. A delightful
two-course luncheon was served.
Mrs. John Aingwert and daugh
ter, Marvel, spent last Wednesday
with Mrs. Herman Kuehn.
Last Wednesday afternoon, be
tween the hours of i and (5, Mrs.
I. D. Jones and sister, Miss
Georgia Moon, of Ashland, enter
tained at a hallowcen parly for
little Miss Ruth and Miss Mary
Jones. The shades were pulled
down and the only lights were
jack-o-lanterns. The decorat ions
were lovely and Ihe ghost in the;
hall actually winked as Ihe little
ghosts entered. The usual games
were played, after which a lap
luncheon was served, consisting
of cider, doughnuts, nut bread,
sandwiches, cranberry sauce and
pickles, apples and home-made
candies. The little ghosts present
were: Margaret and Marvel Aing
wert, Mabel, Mary and Leona
Rush, Naomi Coyne, Mela Reick
man, Helen and Elsie Bornemier,
Ida Gehrls, Marie Boelters, Mar
guerite McDonald, Catherine Neit
zel, Catherine Goehry, Catherine
and Margaret Tool, Lydia Wutch
ineck, Ruth, Gladys and Mildred
Sorick, Gertrude Rung, Rutlv and
Mary Jones, Hazel Bauer and
Ethel Stack.
TSf Remington Cub
deroratTite tht oniy
boson tjtciiig rmp Cm
Solid-Breech, Hammerless. Safe.
Bottom Ejection empty shells are thrown downward smoke
and gases must go the same way, too insuring uninterrupted
sight rapid pointing always.
Solid Breech Hammerless perfectly balanced a straight
rtrong sweep of beauty from stock to muzzle.
Three Safety Devices accidental discharge impossible.
Simple Take-Down a quarter tum of the barrel does it
canying, cleaning, interchange of barrels made easy your
hngers are your only tools.
For trap or field work Ihe fastest natural pointer.
Your dealer has one. Look it over today
Remington Arms-Union
Metallic Cartridge Co.
299 Broadway 5 ' Now York City
Well Drilling Machinery
To oh mata bia mtntr ihatiua walla. Thi i. nu f ih.
UnM ol ork IhM r Dot or trtdl. Th Jcinind foi alii
! Car (ntr than oas tx (apnlitd bi th machine! now at work
Wail lirUlar oomiaand thair own prlpat, Wa tiulld tha oala
bratad Uovcu.hna at Wall tot makina daap 01
hallow walla ot all alina. fnr all varptnaa and la all Uada of
ground Oar mhlM ara lha mini ap-io-data on lha nutu
contain all lha lataat Itnprotamanla, ara aitraanalj atrom and
Vv.'' -a' "Cv''.'. L ni'lw. iu l-rfacl work, ara aaiilr riiwrata.l and ara ari faaT tl
tiykSS'S -'? "0""- W'MwwxU far hi Ira Utulut A. M
Tuesday with Dan llourke and
ninther and sister.
II. II. ltarnes (if Cleveland, Ohio,
is visiting with his cousin, Aaron
Jenkins and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude llarrelt of
Prairie Home spent Sunday -wit h
James Carper and family.
Mrs. Jim Carper is staying in
the country lakinp; care of her
daughter, .Mrs. Eddie Sheehan.
Clyde Jenkins and F.d Fleisch
inan drove to Avoca to attend u
band concert Tuesday evening.
Lillle Miss draco Jenkins of
Avoca is spending the latter part
of the week with her grandparents.
duy Hahhvin and wife, nephew
and niece of Alex Miller, spent.
Tuesday afternoon with Alex and
John Tighe and Albert Tighe
went to Omaha Wednesday morn
ing lu have A. Tighe' hand ex
amined. Miss Carrie Schall'er went down
Wednesday evening to visit iinlil
Sunday with her sister, Mrs. F.d
Pankonin, of Weeping Water.
Mrs. Hessie Tighe Cowan and
children and Master John Cowan
returned lo their home in Dakota
Monday. Paul Tighe accom
panied them home for a visit:
Miss Mary Ann Murphy, Mrs.
Jim Murphy and Mrs. Charles
derlax and little daughter, Vera,
drove out Sunday afternoon lo
see Mrs. Kddie Sheehan, who is
improving very slowly.
Mean Piece of Work.
William lleil and two daugh
ters, Misses Helen and Annie, and
two sons, Willie and duy, were in
the city a few hours last Satur
day visiting and trailing with
county seat, friends. While here
Mr. Ileil and daughter, Miss Helen,
paid Ibis olllce a brief call, lo re
new his subscription for another
year. In conversation with Mr.
lleil he tells us thai for the first
time in the history of (heir com
mounily there was some very
mean work done on hallowcen
evening. At the home of his son,
1,. II., they lore up a new power
plant that he had just installed
for farm work, and lost a number
of Ihe castings. The damage cost
Mr. Ileil several dollars to replace.
Such work is indeed dangerous,
for just as sure as Mr. Ileil had
been wakened from his sleep a
Irille earlier someone would have
been hurt, lie shot at them as
they were leaving his premises.
Fred Palterson departed yester
day afternoon for Cedar Creek,
where he will do some surveying
in that section.
On What Ticket?
Will Hummel was in receipt of
a card a ff'W days ago from his
friend, Henry llolVart, up in
Pierce county, announcing his
candidacy for the olllce of county
commissioner. Will says this is
all righl, and while he knows that
Henry would make an excellent
county commissioner, he would
like to know what ticket he was
running on. We trust that Mr.
Iloirart procs successful, no
mailer what the ticket is.
Hubert Mauy departed yester
day afternoon for Omaha, where
he will visit for a few days with
Thanks Ills Friends.
.Ililiu- Pit. Ihe newly elected
county commissioner, lias n
iii"Mei us, inroiiii (lie columns
of the Journal, to extend his sin
cere thanks lo the voters of Cass
county fur their excellent support
on election day. His friends were
luval anil lie nuiv appreciates the
excellent work done in his behalf
a a a a
day passed oil' very
Fleet ion
quietly in Manley.
Clarence Frharl's hand is get
ting better rapidly.
Leo Tinhe is visiting with the
home folks for awhile.
Tom Keckler and wife autoed
to Louisville Wednesday.
Ole Murphy spent Sunday with
his father, James Murphy.
Miss Sena Boone was a Manley
caller Wednesday morning.
Mrs. John Hauth spent Wed
nesday afternoon in Manley.
Alex Miller and family visited in
the country Tuesday evening.
Miss Fliza O'Brien visited one
day this week wilh Mrs. Fvans.
Mr. and Mrs. Turley Wall of
Klmwood spent Sunday wilh Mrs.
Mis Agnes Tighe accompanied
her sister as far as Omaha Mon
day morning.
There was soim practice held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Heckard
Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Waller Mockenhaupt came
home from Ihe hospital at Omaha
Sal unlay evening.
Billy Ash and family spent
A Thousand Miles
in An Snstant!
As the voice carries the thought and ns the
thought is THE MAN, the tel( phone actually carries
a man a thousand miles in an instant.
The man of to-day, sitting; at his desk can he
with his brain in a hundred cities in the course of a
jingle morning. The telephone forces men's minds
allows the thinking spirit 'to leave the body and
travel thousands of miles in endless directions.
Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph Company
J. K. POLLOCK, Local Manager