o o ( The Honor PROLOGUE. Up in the "Big Snows," near the dome of the earth, lies the scene of this story of real men and real women, who have all of the virtues of their hardening en vironment and few of the failings of their mora civilized relatives. This is a tale for reading when one is tired of the artificialities of civilization or at any other time when a good story is appre dated. You will find in it ro mance and adventure and mystery mixed in such skillful manner and in such proportion that no ingre dient interferes with another. Yet all go to make fine reading for women who like to hear of brave deeds and sacrifice for love's sake and for men with even a drop of the spirit of adventure in their veins. And one thing more the author has lived among the people whose lives he de scribes, and he knows how to tell a story. CHAPTER III. The Caribou Carnival. THE education of the little Me - Usse began at once, while tbe post was still deserted. It be . gan, tirst of an, witb Maballa. She stared dumbly and witb 6battered faith at these two creatures wbo told ber of wonderful things In the up bring of a child things of which she bad never bo much as beard rumor be fore. Her mother Instincts were arous ed, but witb Cree stoicism she made oo betrayal of them. The leather tanned Immobility ot her face underwent no whit of change when Cummins solemnly declared that the little Mellsse was about to begin teething. She Bat grimly and watched them In silence when between them upon a bearskin stretched on the Boor they tried vainly to persuade Mellsse to use ber feet Weeks passed and Williams came tn from the southern forests. Mukee fol lowed him from the edge of the Bar rens. Old Per-ee, partly Eskimo, re turned from the Eskimo people, three quarters starved and with half of bis dogs stolen. From tbe north, east, west and south the post's fur rangers trailed back. Life was resumed. There was a softness in the air, a growing warmth in tbe midday sun. Tbe days or the big change were near. And when they came, John Cummins and Jan Tboreau, of all tbe factor's people, wore patches at their knees. One afternoon in the beginning or the mush suow a long team of rakish malemutes, driven by an Athabasca French-Canadian, raced wildly Into the clearing about tbe post Tbe entire post rushed out to meet the newcomer, lie was Jean de Gravols, the most 1m portant man In tbe Fond du Lac coun try, for whose goodwill the company paid a small bonus. That be bad made a record catch even the children knew by tbe size of tbe packs on bis sledge and by the swagger In his walk.' Gravols was usually one of tbe last to appear at tbe annual gathering or the wilderness fur gatherers. Ue was a big man In reputation as be wns small in stature. lie was one or the few of his kind who bad developed personal vauity along witb unerring cunning In tbe ways of the wild. Ev erybody liked Gravols, for be bad a big soul In blm and was as tearless as a lynx, and he liked everybody. Includ ing bimselt lie explain bis early arrival by an nouncing In a'oonchalant manner that after be had given bis malemutes a day's rest be was going on to Fort Churchill to bring back a wife, lie hinted with a punctuating crack of his whip that be would make a second visit and a more Interesting one at Just about tbe time when tbe trappers were there in force Jan Tboreau listened to blm. hunch tng his shoulders a little at the other's manifest air of Importance. In turn the French Canadian scrutinized Jan good naturedly. Every hour after the hnlf breed's ar rival quickened the pulse ot expectan cy at the post Cor six months It bud been a small and solitary unit of life in the henrt of a b!g desolation. The first snow had smothered It In a lone liness tbnt was almost the loneliness of desertion With that tlrst snow lie gan the harvest days of the trnppers. Now the chance was at band. It wns like tbe brent h of spring to tbe awakening wilderness. The forest people were moving. Trap lines were being broken, shacks abandoned, sledge dogs put to bnrness. Oo the day tbnt Jean de Urnvols left for Hudson bay tbe company's supplies came In from Fort Churchill seven toboggans drawn by Eskimo dogs. Inden with flour and cloth, fifty pounds of bends, ammunition and a hundred other things, to be exchnnged for the furs that would soon be In London and Paris. Fearfully Jan Thoreao ran out to meet tbe sledges. There were seven Indians and one white man. Jan thrust himself close to look at tbe whlteomu. Uc. jearewofvoljer Copurlflht. 1911, bu the Bobbs Merrlll Co. bolsters "and TarriecT" an automatic". Unquestionably he was not s mission ary. bot an aeent of the eon panv. well prepared to care ior tne company's treasure. Jan hurried back to the cabin, bis heart bubbling with a strange Joy. "There tea uo mlssloner, Mellsse!" he cried trlumpbautly. dropping be side ber. his face glowing with the gladness tf bis tidings. "You shall be good and beautiful, lak ber, but you shall not be baptize by mlsslonerl Be has not cornel" A few minutes later Cummins came In. One of bis bands was torn and bleeding. "Those Eskimo dogs are demons!" he growled. "If they knew bow to stand on their legs they'd eat our hus klcs alive. Will you help me witb this?" Jan was at work In an Instant ban daglng the wounded band. "It ees not deep," be said, and then, without looking up, he added, "Tbe mlssloner did not come." "No," snid Cummins shortly. "Nel ther has the ninll. Be is with tbnt." Be did not notice tbe sudden trem ble of Jan's Angers, nor did he see the startled look that shot Into the boy's down turned eyes. Jan finished his bandaging without betraying hi emotion and went back with Cummins to the company's store. The next morning twoChlppewaynns trailed In with a team of mongrel eurs from the south. Thereafter Cummin found but little time to devote to Me Ilsse. The snow wns softening rapid ly, and tbe daily Increasing warmth ot the sun hastened tbe movement ot the trappers. Mukee's people from the western Barren lands arrived tlrst. bringing with them great londs of musk ox and caribou skins and nn army of big footed, long legged Mac kenzle bounds that pulled like horses and walled like whipped puppies when the huskies and Eskimo dogs set upon them. From east and west and south all trails now led to the post By tbe end of the third day after the arrival of the company's supplies a babel or fighting, yelling, ceaselessly moving discord bad driven forth the peace and quiet in which Cummins' wife bnd died. The fighting and discord were among the dogs, and tbe yelling was a necessary human accompaniment Half a hundred packs, almost as wild and as savage as tbe wolves from whom half of them possessed a strong Inheri tance of blood, were thrown suddenly Into warring confusion. There was no cessation In tbe battle of tbe fangs. Balf a dozen battles were fought to the death each day and night Those that died were chief ly tbe south bred curs mixtures of mastiff, Grent Dane and sheep dogs and the fatally slow Mackenzie bounds Yet beyond all this discord and bloody strife there was a great throb blng human bnpplness a beating of honest hearts filled to overflowing with tbe Joys of the moment a weld ing of new friendships, a renewal ot old ones, a closer union of the broth erhood that holds together all things under the cold gray of the northern skies. There were no bickerings among the hunters. These were days ot unprecedented prosperity and triumph tor the buby. as they were for the company. The cabin wns hnlf filled with strange things, for all went to look upon the little Mellsse nnd gave something to her. There were polnr bears' teeth, brought down by the little black men who tn turn bad got them from the const people; strange gods carved from wood, bits of fur. bushy foxtails, lynx paws, dried fruits, candy bought at fabulous prices In tbe store and musk always and Incessantly musk from Mukee's people of tbe West Barrens. Jan bnd not played upou his violin since the coming of Jenn de Gravols, j but one evening be tuned bis strings and snld to Mellsse: "They have been good to you, my Mellsse. I will give them ze museek of ze vlolon." j lt.ygs.the. hlg.nlpfrt at hq post-tlje Bio Snows AMtoir If "Tfe Utoiw Trail" night that Is knowuTrom Athabasca fo Hudson bay as the night of the enrt bou roHSL A wefk bnd passed, and there were oo more furs to be disposed ot. In the company's ledger each tuiin bad received his credit nnd In the com pany's store tbe furs were piled high and safe. Three caribou had been kill ed by Per-ee and his hunters, and on this night wheu Jan took dowu bis violin from Its peg on the wnll, a buge fire blnzed In the open, and ou spits six Inches in diameter the caribou were roasting The air was tilled with the sound nnd odor or the carnival. Above the tight lng and suarllng ot dogs the forest people lifted their voices In wild cele bration, forgetting In this one holiday or the year the silence that they would carry back Into the solitudes with them Shrill voices rose In meaning less cries almve (he roaring of the fire. Caribou whips snapped fiercely Chip pewnynns, Crees. Eskimos and breeds crowded In the red glare. The factor's men shouted and sang like mad. for this was the company's annual "good tlrae"-the show that would lure many of these same men back ngniu at the end ot another trapping season Huge boxes of white bread were pluced nenr to the fire. A tub of real butter, brought fi.000 miles from across the sea for the occasion, wns set on a gun case thrown where the hent played npon It In yellow glory. Id a giant cop per kettle, over a smaller fire, bubbled nnd sieumed hnlf a bnrrel of coffee. The richness of the odors that drift ed in tbe air set tbe. dogs gathering upon their nnunches beyond the wait ing circle of muster, their lips drip ping, then fangs snapping in nn enger ness that was not ror tbe tlesh of bnt- tie And above It all there gleamed Sown a billion stars from out ot the ikies and the aurora flung Its banners through the pme titcht. Seated upon tne edge ot one ot the brend boxes, .Inn began to play. ' It was not the low, sweet music of Cum mins and the little Mellsse that be play ed now, but a wild, wailing song that he hud found in tbe autumn winds. It burst above the crackling fire and tbe tumult of man and dog in a weird and savage benuty tbnt bushed all sound, and life about him became like life struck suddenly dead. After a while bis violin sung a lower song, and sweeter; and still softer It became, and more sweet until be was playing that which be loved most ot ail tbe music that bnd tilled tbe little cabin when Cuuimlus' wife died. As be continued to play there came an Interruption to tbe silence a low re frain that was almost like tbnt of the moaning wind It grew beyond the tense circle r men, until a song of In finite sadness rose from the throats of a hundred dogs in response to Jan Thorenu's violin. Cummins saw the surrounding cor don become thinner as man crushed closer to man. and be saw strained faces turned from tbe player to where tbe docs sat full throated upon their haunches, with tbclr beads pointed straight to the stars in tbe sky. "For the love ot heaven, play no more or Hint!" be cried In tbe boy's ear. "Play something fast" Jan lifted bis head as if from s dream. In an Instant be perceived tbe strange effect of bis music, and bis bow ruced across tbe strings of bis violin In a rhythm swift and buoyant bis voice rising shrill and clear tu words familiar to them all: Oh, m carl boo-oo-oo, se cariboo-oo-oo. Ha roaa on high. lea' under te aky. Ze beeg whit carlboo-oo-ool "Oh, f carlboo-oo-oo, te carlboo-oo-oo. Ma brown an' Julo an' aweetl Ze carlboo-oo-oo ha ver pollla He roas on high, Jes' under sa aky, Me ready now to coma an' aatl" Witb yells that rone above tbe Inst words of tbe song Mukee and his Crees tugged at tbelr poles, and tbe roasted cariboo fell upon the snow. Jan drew back and, witb his violin hugged un der one arm. watched tbe wild revelers as, witb bared knives flashing In the firelight they crowded to the feast Williams, tbe factor. Joined blm. "Looks like a fight doesn't It Jan? Once I saw a fight at a caribou roast" "So did I," said Jan, wbo had not taken his eyes from tbe Jostling crowd "It was far to tbe west and north," continued Williams, "beyond tbe Great Slave country." "Far beyond," said Jan, lifting bis eyes quietly. "It was ver near to te Great Bear. For who yon fight at ze Groat Bear?" Tbe factor was silent and tbe tnus cles of bis arms grew like steel as he saw tbe madness in Jan'a face. Sud denly he reached ont and gripped tbe boy's wrists. Jan made do effort to evade the clutch. "For who yon fight?" he cried again. "For who yon fight at te Great Bear?" "We tried to kill a man, but be got away," snld Williams, speaking so low thnt only Jnn heard. "Be was" The factor stopped "Ze mlssloner!" panted Jan. The wild light went ont of bis eyes as he stared up at Williams, and the softer glow which came Into them loosened at once the factor's grip on the boy's wrists. "Yes, the mlssloner." Jan drew Imck. lie evaded meeting theeyes .ot Qimmln nstmado. bla way among the men. There was n new burst of song as Mukee and his Crees pulled down a second caribou, but tbe bov paid no attention to the fresh excitement Ue thrust his knife Into Its shi-ntb and rnn-rao swiftly through tbe packs of dogs fighting and snarling over the scraps that had been thrown to them, past Mnhalla. who was watchlnc the savace banquet around the tls fire, and Into tbe little cabin to Mellsse. llere he Minis himself upon bis knees. and for the tlrst time be caught tbe baby tn his arms, holding her close to blm and rocking her to and fro as be cried out sohhingly the words which she did not understand. 'An when I tin' heem an' kill beem I will come hack to you. my angel Mellsse." he whispered. "And then you will lut .Ian Thorenu for letting out the blond of s mlssloner!" He put her hack Into the little bed. kissed her nsaln and turned to the door For a few moments Jnn stood with bis back to Mellsse and bis eyes upon the earnlvRl hImmi! h grent fire. As be looked the third carilion wns pulled down from its spit, and the multitude of doss rushed tn upon the abandoned carcasses of the other two. He caught his brenth quickly as a loud shout nnd the walling yelp of a hurt dot rose for an-Instant above all other son nils. Only one thing wns wanting to complete auother picture In his brain a scene which had burned Itself Into his life forever and which be strove to tight back as he stood staring from the doorway, lie half expected It fo come -tbe shrill scream of !! boyish voice, nn instant's sullen qulei. ihi'ii the mw ihronted thunder of Impendlni: vengeance--nnd the tlgnt. With marvelous quickness his exclt ed mind reconstructed tbe scene he fore him into tbe scene thnt bnd been. He heard the scream again, which hnd twit bis voice, shw as If In a dream the frenzied rush of men and the finsh of knives, and then from where be lay, trampled and bleeding In tbe snow, tbe long, lean team of swift huskies that bnd carried In mad flight tbe one whose life those knives sought Williams had been there; be had seen the tight his knife bad flashed witb the others In Us demand for life. And vet he-Jan Thoreau-had not been recotmlzed by the fnctor ont there beside the rarlbon roast; He hurried townrd the Bra Halt- way across tbe open be stopped. From out of the forest opposite Cummins' cabin there trailed slowly a team ot dogs. In the shadows of tbe spruce, hidden from the revelers, tbe team baited. Jan beard tbe low voices of men, and a figure detached Itself from the gloom, walking slowly nnd In tbe manner of one near to exhaustion in tbe direction or the carnival. (To Me Continued.) Make I'lal tsmotil li and Cass county a better place to live in. How? My interest ing yourself in the Chopie (iasoline Engine Com pany -(Limited). (Jet in and boost for yourself by buying sonic stock in this plant. The man who really boosts is the one llnancially interested. My so doing you are helping to bring thousands of oilier dollars to remain here Dollars invested in foreign lands and stocks go out of the county never to return. Let's reverse this. The Chopie (iasoline Engine has proved itself in this county as a wonderful gasoline engine, so help us to send this engine nil over the world. Let's make our laud not i 00. but $500 per aero land. This plant is the founda tion that will get other industrial plants here. We are incorporated for 2in, 000. Most of this sdock will be sold out of Cass county, but wo want you all to take u small quant ity of our stock. It is issued in common and preferred. We think it as safe an investment as a government bond. Conn in nnd share the profits with us. Our preferred slock guarantees you seven per cent. Common slock shares in the further profits of the company. All stock is non-assessable and limited in liability to the money you invest. All slock is issued in share nt 10.00 each, and if you cannot lake but one share, take it now; we want your boost. We know we can make this community n big manufactur ing center if you help us. We know we have the best engine in the United Stales. John A.Chopiseka, President. Ed Ilynott, Vice President. If. M. Soennichsen, Treasurer. Sam fi. Smith, Secretary and Sales Manager. With the addition of A. (lejse, constitute the Hoard of Directors. "Dr. Thomas' Eclectic Oil is the best remedy for that often fatal disease croup. It has been used with success in our family for eight years." Mrs. L. Whiteacre, PLATTSMOUTH AND CASS COUNTY HufTalo, N Y. Local News From Wednesday's Daily. Sain (i. Smith was u passenger Ibis morning for Omaha. E. II. Schulhof was a business visitor in the metropolis this morning. C. E. Wescott was a visitor in Mm metropolis yesterday after noon. Nelson Jean was a business visitor in the metropolis this morning. C. J. Ooi'laeh of Mauley cam" in lliis noon with the returns from Center precinct. Mrs. Vomer Perry was a pas songer this morning on No. 15 for Omaha, where she spent the day. Frank Creamer came down this morning from South Mend with the returns from that percinct. For a mild, easy action of the bowels, try Doau's llegulets, a modern laxative. .Tic at all stores. I)r. J. M. llungale of Weeping Water was a visitor in this city today ami called at this olllce. Carl Kunsmann was u business visitor in Omaha this morning, going up on the early Murliiiglon train. Dietrich Kostor of near Weep ing: Water was in the city today, bringing in the returns from that precinct. A. S. Will was a passenger this imorning for Omaha, where iho was called to look after soma business matters. W. II. Newell departed last evening on No. 2 for St. Joseph, Mo., where he will look after busu ness matters. Carl Smith came down from Omaha last evening on No. 2 to cast his vote and visit his parents for a few hours. Miss timet; Newbranch return ed this morning from Omaha, where she had been for a short visit with relatives. Caiter Alliin and little son, from near Union, were passengers this morning to Omaha to look after some business matters. A h tearing was had on the claims in the Nicholas llalmcs estate in the county court, this morning before Judge lteeson. (iuy Kiser and wife were pas sengers this morning for Omaha, where they visited for the day nnd looked after some business mat l.rs. Frank Finkle, one of the good, reliable farmers of Union, was in the city today, bringing up the election returns from Liberty pre rind. Mrs. O. C. Hudson departed over the Missouri Pacific this morning for Cuinmings, Kansas, where she. will make a week's visit with her mot her. Em nk Nickels of (ireenwooc was a visitor in this city today attending to some business mat lers. While here Mr. Nickels call ed at this ofllce for the purpose o renewing his subscription to this paper. Nicholas llalmcs motored In this city this morning from Weep ing Water, bringing with him Charles Cherry and Dr. J. H. Hun gale with the election returns from that city. While in the city the doctor paid the Journal a pleasant call and visited for a few minutes. Misses Kaohel Livingston, Lu cile (iass, Matlie Larson and Clarence Meal, who an; attending school at Peru, arrived homo last evening for a visit with home folks during the vacation allotted to them on account of the Stale Teachers' association meeting. Miss Florence Kite of Peru ac companied Miss Larson 'ami will be n guest of the Larson home. Mrs. T. A. Town, 107 Cth St., Wntertovvn, S. D., writes: "My four children nre subject to hard colds and I always use Foley's Honey nnd Tar Compound with splendid results. Some lime ago I had a severe attack of la grippe and the doctor prescribed Foley's Honey nnd Tar Compound nnd it soon overcame tho la grippe. I can nlways depend upon Foley's Honey and Tar Compound nnd am sure of good results." For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION. Known All Men by These Pres ents, that we, Jno. A. Chopieska,' Sam (i. Smith, D. o. Dwyer, II. M. Soennichsen und John T. Lam bert, so associated ourselves to gether for the purpose of form ing and becoming a corporation in the State of Nebraska, for the transaction of the business here inafter described. 1. The name of the corpora lion shall be the Chopie Gasoline Engine Company (Limited). The principal place of transacting its business shall be in the city of Plattsniouth, Countv of Cass, and State of Nebraska. 2. The nature of the business to be transacted by said corpora tion shall be the manufacture and sale of gasoline engines, other engines, and machinery and the' erection and maintenance of such buildings and structures as may be deemed necessary, and to pur chase real estate for a site there fore, and to procure any and all necessary property, both real and personal, incidental to or re quired in the manufacture of gasoline engines. ;i. The authorized capital stock of said corporation shall be Two Hundred Thousand Dol lars, divided into shares of ten dollars each, to be subscribed and paid for as required by the Hoard of Directors. One-half of said stock shall be preferred, and which preferred stock shall draw seven per cent, to bo paid out of the net earnings of the company, per unnuin. The other half shall o common stock, on which dividends shall bo paid as tho Hoard of Directors might de termine. Only tho owners of the common stock shall be entitled to participate in the further profits," election of officers and manage ment of tho Company. All of sai stock shall be, non-assessable. . The existence of this corporation shall commence on the 5th day of October, 1912, and conlinuo during the period oi twenty-five years. 5. Tho business of said cor pornlion shall be conducted by a Hoard of Directors not to exceed five in number, to be elected by the stockholders of the common stock. The first election of directors shall take place at Plattsniouth, Nebrnska, on the day of October, 1912, and thereafter such election to take place at such time and be con ducted in such manner as shall be prescribed by the by-laws of said corporation. 0. Tho officers of said cor pornlion shall be president, vice president, secretary,, treasurer, and a general manager, who shall be chosen by the Hoard of Direct ors, and shall hold their office for the period of one year and until their successors shall be elected ami qualified. 7. The highest amount of in debtedness to which said corpora lion shall at nny time stibject it self shall not be more than Ivvo thirds of its issued and paid up capital slock. 8. The manner of holding the meeting of stockholders for the election of officers, and the method of conducting the busi ness of I he corporat ion, shall be as provided in the by-laws adopted by t he Hoard of Directors. In Witness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands this Oth day of October, 1912. Jno. A. Chopieska. Sam O. Smith. II. M. Soennichsen. I). O. Dwyer. John T. Lambert. In presence of , Hessie Shea. STATE OF NE Mil A SKA, Cass County, ss. On this 2nd day of October, 1912, before me, Hessio Shea, a notary public, in and for said county, personally appeared the above named Jno. A. Chopieska, Sam (1. Smith, D. O. Dwyer, II. M. Soennichsen and John T. Lam bert, who are personally known to me to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to tho above articles as parties thereto, nnd I hey severally acknowledged their instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. . Witness my hand and notarial seal nt Plattsniouth, Nebraska, this 5th day of October, 1912. (Seal) Hessio, Shea, Notary Public. My commission expires June 3rd, 1913. State of Nebraska, Secretary's Office. Received anil filed for record October 7, 1012, and recorded in nook ' 20, Miscellaneous Incor porations, at pngo 528. Addison Wait, Secretary of State. Hy Cioo. W. Marsh, Deputy. If you have a house for rent try a Journal Want Ad.