The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 07, 1912, Image 3

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Shalleiiberger for scrat'.ir Is a little
behind Morehead.
Owijig to the fact that Hie vote was
heavy and that the I,al!ot is over eight
foot long, the count Is necessarily
Central CMy Midland pree'net
gives: Taft. 20; Wi!;on, 7'!; Roos"
Figures in Doutilful States Give
Him the Advantage.
etate, so far as confirmed by nearri
complete returns.
The Democratic presidential pluraV
lty Is the largest New Yo-k state has
ever given that party. The totals ar
as follows:
For president: Wilson, 648,066;
Taft. 477.274; Roosevelt. 381,000. Wil
son's plurality, 200.792.
For governor William Sulzer (Dem.),
649,806; Job E. Hedges (Rep.), 444.
3S2; Oscar P. Straus (Prog.). 205,124.
Of the forty-three New York con
pressmen, thirty one Democrats and
twelve Republicans appear to be elect
ed. His Plurality in Stale Estimatsd
at 39,000.
Majority for Morehead for Governor
Outside of Douglas County About
15,000 Norris Is Leading Shallen
berger for United States Senator.
Omaha, Nov. 6. The success of
Woodrow Wilson in the Nebraska
presiiii ntial poll and the victory ot
iUon head for governor were indicated
h returns received this morning.
From .scattered returns Irom a ma
jority oi' the counties of tho state, re
turns from the eastern halt' prcdomi
lrUing. it. appeared Wilson's electoral
ticLc t would come to Douglas county
with a lead of over 35,000 over that of, who appeared to ho leading
President. Taft by CO per cent. Adding
his expected Douglas county plurality,
v 't V ' -. .
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he should receive Nebraska's electoral
vote by 39,000.
Senator M'ireliead's estimated plu
rality in the Ftate, outside of Douglas
county, was 15,000, a conclusion based
upon a far less complete count than
that for presidential preference.
For United States senator Shallen
Lcrgcr Is running behind his ticket.
Unless the trend of the returns
changes, he will be behind Norris
when the state votes outside of Doug
las county is compiled.
Returns on preside V- from 124 pre
cincts outside of Douglas county gave:
Wilson, 12,991; Roosevelt, 8,291; Taft,
The same precincts In 1908 gave
Bryan 15,400 and Taft 15,059. They
include 13.3 per cent of the vote out
side of Douglas county.
Returns from thirty-five precincts,
6 per cent ol the '-cite outride of Doug
las county, cave: Norris, 5.193; Shal
leiiberger, 5,172.
The same precinct in 190S gave
Taft 5.504, Hrvan 0,003.
In thirty-nine precincts outride of
1ott';las (o::!ity, ca'-tii,g slkht'y less
than F, p( r (tnt of the vote, Morohrad
.-ecclveil 5,(;i;2 voIm, to i.:;!i cast for
Aldrh-h. In 1'( S, in these precincts,
Dsyan ifcclved 5.729 votes to 5,2r,S
cast for Taft.
L'otmrepsionnl returns were extn me
ly maer. Six scattered precincts In
t'no Third district gave Stephens 323,
Cool; .120. In the same precincts in
i9')S, Lnttn. the successful cnndh!ato,
lereived 3"R and Iloyd 34S.
Dresldi nt Taft had hut. a single sup
porter at the polls In Westntnrk pre-d'-f
t of Plu-lps county. Roosevelt re.
I veil SO votes In that precinct, Wll
. on 22 and Tnft 1.
Wilson and Morehead In Douglas.
Omaha R. turns from ten scattered
precincts show these results on pre si
lent: Wilson. 1.18S; Roosevelt, 801;
Tnft. 577. Morehead for governor np
pears to be holding the Wilson vote
solid, and about half of the Taft vote
7 &V i
. :' ;.. - J : ' : ; ':
veil, 4t; Aldricu, G3; Morehead, 83;
Norris, SO; Shallcnuerger, 5S.
Lincoln Normal precinct (Bryan's
voting precinct) gives: Wilson, 77;
Roosevelt, 47; Tatt, 2ii. Same in 1908:
Bryan, 11; Taft, 52.
Two precincts in the city of IJn
coln give Talt 379, Wilson (i36, Roose
velt 236. Same lu 1908 gave Taft 582,
Bryan CG2.
North Dakota.
Grand Forks, Nov. 6. With the re
turns nt hand the indications are that
Woodrow Wilson has carried North
Dakota, but by what majority it is at
this time impossible to estimate.
Taft and Roosevelt are running
close together, but are far behind the
Democratic candidate.
At this hour the indications are that
the Republican state ticket, headed
by Congressman L. B. Hanna, for gov
ernor, has won the election by a safe
Returns are coming In slowly, but
those already received are from every
pait of the state.
Grand Forks Twenty-two precincts
In North Dakota give Tart 509, Wilson
832 and Roosevelt 043.
Scattering returns from thirty pre
cincts give Taft 822, Wilson 1,127 and
Roosevelt 882
Owing to a redlvislon of the state
since 1908, a comparison of the presi
dential vote that year Is impossible.
New Jersey.
Newark, Nov. 6. New Jersey has
given Wilson a plurality estimated up
on meager returns at 35,000 to 45,000
over Roosevelt. Returns showed Taft
r.i third place. His vote was less than
naif of Wilson's.
The heavlebt vote ever cast in tho
itat.e and a long ballot delayed the
count. But 127 districts of the state's
1,778 had been heard from. They gave
Wilson S,4ol, Taft 3,972 and Roose
velt, 5,818.
Ten of the state's representatives In
the next congress will be Democrats;
Vwo will be Republicans. The Demo
crats gain three over their present rep
resentation. A Democrat will likely succeed
Frank O. Briggs as United States sen
Whether the president of the state
senate, who will succeed Wilson as
governor, will be a Democrat wns un
determined hy early returns.
San Francisco, Nov. 6. Returns
from the largest three Calilornia cities
and from scattered precincts from ev
ery section . of the interior, Califor
nia indicates that the women's plural
ity In the presidential contest will be
shade down to a very narrow margin
wncn the complete count is made.
Roosevelt apparently has a plurality
in excess of 20,000 in Los Angeles
county and has carrk d Alameda coun
ty by a fair margin. V'llson, on the
basis of early returns, " ill have a plu
rality of 6,000 In San Kanclseo county.
Returns from a large majority of the
interior counties show large Wilson
pluralities and these, added to his
read In San Francisco, threaten to
overcome the Roosevelt plurality in
the Angeles and Alameda string
hold. The rituatlon was one in which tho
Indicated margin for either candidate
was so small that it would be Idle to
forecast tho final result.
Mllwpukeo, Nov. 6. Complete re
tunib from Milwaukee, county and
scattered precincts throughout the
Plate Indicate that Governor Wood
row Wilson has swept Wisconsin hy
from 20.000 to 30,000. The Democratic
enndidnle carried Milwaukee county
over Fivt ldrnt Taft by close to 10,000
and !ik meaner returns from upstate
show Ihnt W'.'son Is running oven la
strong Republican districts.
Roosevelt Is running behind Taft ex
cept In Winnebago county, which tho
Progressive candidate carried by a
small margin over Wilson.
Milwauket Sixteen precincts out (if
2,215 In Wisconsin give Taft 952, Wil
son 1,012 and Roosevelt 426.
Berger Is Defeated.
Milwni'kce, Nov. 6. Congressman
i Victor L. Bergcr of Milwaukee, the
! only Socialist In congress, was defeat
j d for reelection.
Kansas. '
Topcka The first five of the 2..100
Kansas iireclnets to report give
Roosevelt. 164; Wilson, 162; Taft, 102.
l A V- ' J
y : ' :.
. t
A ?' -
Returns From Southern Coun
ties Destroy Roosevelt's Lead.
t i
Republican State Ticket on Early Re-'
ports Appears to Be Elected by Gen
erally Good Sized Pluralities Long!
Eailot Ltldys Count.
Des Moinco, Nov. ti. Figures from
uooui jue-io..i tu oi tne precincts iu
l.iu siaij ii.n u court. a Unsoii anead
uf CoiOiifi ijLoeveit uy a plurality oi
4,COo to ti.otiy, H the puheiu ratio con
Karlior returns had glvtu lloosevelt
u bubstuntiul lead oi murly 25,000, es
iiniated. 'lhcse Usures were based ou
n j.Oit.s from the noitiiorn part of tuc
state, which had been conceded to be
the Roosevelt stronghold. Reports
from the southern counties, however
materially changed the situation.
Returns Irom 559 precincts outside
of Polk county, Des Moines, give:
Taft, 31,246; Wilson, 48,513; Roosevelt
47,561. Same precincts in 1908 gave:
Taft, 34 250; Bryan, 64,719.
Des Moines, Nov. 6 With consider
ably less than one-fourth of tho total
precincts in the state heard from
Roosevelt appeared to be leading Wil
son by from 24,000 to 26,000. Later re
Urns had a tendency to cut this figure,
but if the present ratio Is kept up the
colonel thould have a plurality of more
than 20,000.
Iate reports Indicate that George
W. Clarke (Rep.) had defeated his
Democratic opponent, K. G. Dunn, bul
definite returns were unavailable. Re
ports on congressmen were bo scat
tered ns to mean little or nothing
Congressman I. S. Pepper (Detn.) ol
the Second district, was tho only one
whose election was certain.
Des MoinoH, Nov. 6. The two first
precincts In Iowa to report, located In
Des Moines, cive: Tart, 90; Wilson
123; Roosevelt, 160.
Scattered estimates rrom fitx conn
ties in Iowa indicated that Roosevelt
had a slight lead.
Sixteen precincts In Des Moines
give; Taft. 10.11; Wilson, 1,581; Roose
veil. 1,827.
Fifteen precincts In Des Motnef
five for governor; Clarke (Rep), 1,
702; Dunn (Detn), 1,016; Stevens
(Pro?.'.), M.ifl.
Philadelphia, Nov. 6. Wilson nnf
R'Misevelt are running neck and ncci
in Pennsylvania. In 1,043 out of 5.37',
election districts In the state outsldt
of Philadelphia, Taft had 38,545 votes'
Wilson, 62.032, and Roosevelt, 62,04ii
In Philadelphia, will; less than half ol
the returns In. Taft leads Wilson bj
14,000 votes and Roosevelt by 11,000
Philadelphia Returns from elertlor
districts In wards In Philadelphia
usually carried by Republican organl
zatlon leaders show that Taft Is lead
Ing by nliout two to one over the com
blned vote of Wilson and Roosevelt
In the state outside of Philadelphia lh
first returns showed Wilson leadln
Woodrow Wilson
One hundred and fourteen election
districts out of 0.503 In Pennsylvania
give Taft 6,987. Wilson 5,496 ant
Roosevelt 4,735.
Denver, Nov. 6. Returns recelvo
from 378 precincts In thirty counties
including 174 In Denver, Indicate thai
Wilson has carried the state by a sub
stantial plurality. These reports on
straight ballets give Wilson 22,801
Taft 11,308 and Roosevelt 15,355.
Figured on an estimated total vot
of 270,(00 in the state, Colorado should
give Wilson a plurality of about 40,000
Wink' the Indicated WIIon lend
prol.nblj will carry through practlcall)
the entire Democratic stats ticket, the
Republican and Progressive leaders
have not conceded the election of 8
Democratic legislature, which will
elect two United Sttaes senators. Par
tlal returns from the city of Dcnvet
'ndicn'e that the state-wide prohl
uition amendment had been defeated
Indianapolis Twenty-seven pre
clnrts out of 3,172 in Indiana give:
Taft. 2.033. Wilson. 3,987; Roosevelt
2,314. Same precincts In 1908 gave:
Taft. 5.132, Drynn, 4,460.
Indianapolis. Nov. 6. Indiana appir
enlly went overwhelmingly Demo
Governor Wilson, on the basis of 511
precinct? out of 3,172 precincts in the
state, had almost as many votes as
Taft an.l Roosevelt combined.
For governor, Samuel Ralston
(DenO led over Albert J. Peverldgr
(Rrog.) jnd William T. Durbin (Rep.)
Portland, Nov. 6. Scattering return:
from the Ktate nnd Incomplete return.'
Irom Multnomah county (Portland'
Indlcn'o that Wilson hns rained Ore
gon hy a safe plurality, with Roosevcl:
sc. ond. Tl'c '-eiiatoi lal light appari nt
ly lies between lien Zallng (Rep.) nirl
Harry Ijine I'lem ). loniihan Bournr
(Rep.), Iik ur.-.l pnt, Is running third In
the early returns Women suffrage Is
running "vn, wh'lo single tax Is do
feated overv.he'iiiiiigiy.
Billings, Nov. 0 - m first two pre
cincts reported In Montana give; Wi!
' son, 343; P.ooevelt, 324; Tnft, 273.
Miss Ilallie l'annele wax a pas
sender lliis moriiiim: on No. 15 for
ffik '' )f &
Oinalia lo visit iliirinp: (lie day.
President Elect Has Lead of Two
Hurtdred Thousand Over Taft, and
President Leads T. R. by Sixty Thou
sand Women Win in Four States.
New York, Nov. 7. Only the uueer
tuinty of a few close states wnose elec
toral vote in no way ran affect tiio
election of Wilson and Marshall, spec
ulalion over tho popular vote of the
three presidential candidates and tho
complexion of legislatures that will
name United States senators, held In
terest In tho final returns or the gen
ual election.
The total of the Republican electoral
column apparently was fixed at the
twelve votes of Idaho, Utah and Ver
mont, but the footing of the Wilson
and Roosevelt columns flickered alter
natc'ly, as late returns from Kansas,
Minnesota, South Dakota and Wyom
ing gave indications of change from
the results previously accepted.
On the basis of the latest returns,
with tho vote of Kansuis, Minnesota,
South Dakota and Wyoming placed In
the "doubtful" column, Presidentelect
Wilson had 400 certain votes In the
electoral college, Colonel Roosevelt 7G
and President. Tart 12.
All of the doubtful states except
South Dakota gave more or less cer
tain Indications during the night ol
landing In the list of Wilson electoral
votes; while South Dakota's returns
showed a general trend townrd a
Roosevelt policy.
Woman Suffrage Wins.
A by-phaso of the general election
was the success of woman's suffrage In
four of the five states where constltu
lional amendments were submitted to
the people. The victory of the women
was complete In Kansas, Arizona and
probably Michigan; late returns from
Oregon Indicated they had succeeded
there also, while from Wisconsin
came return showing the decisive
defeat of the equal suffrnge proposal.
Assertions were made from several
quarters, where an effort had been
made to gather preliminary populai
vote figures, that Governor Wilson
had not secured a majority of the
totes enst throughout the country. Es
timates rnnged from a small majority
ol all votes to figures nearly 1,000,00(1
below a majority.
The popular votes, however, would
In no way affect his election, or his
complete control of the electoral col
lege, should It show his total to he less
than thnt of the combined vote of
Hoosevclt and Tnft.
Many Surprises.
There were many surprises. Early
In the day New Hampshire, first cred
ited to Taft, went Into the Wilson col
umn with a majority of about 1.5D0 for
the Democratic candidate. Returns
from Idaho, which came In scattering
form early In the day, fuvored WIIboii
80 strongly as to create the belief that
It would give him Its electoral vote,
hut later returns made It the third
state to go certainly for President
The Roosevelt forces, watching the
returns hourly as they came from II1I
nols, suffered a scare as the down
State Democratic districts reduced
Colonel Roosevelt's plurality from
Cools county until It promised to dis
appear. Later a complete report from
Cook county again swelled the Rcxrso
velt majority In the stato nnd seeming
ly made certain the control of Illinois'
twenty-nine votes hy the Progressive
candidate. Kansas, which had been
conceded to Roosevelt by all Interests
on the preliminary returns, gradually
slipped hack during the day until It
had become a question whether Wilson
or Roosevelt would control Its ten
Governor Wilson had the better of
the situation In Iowa and Minnesota,
where the counting still wns In prog
ress, with but a narrow mnrgln be
twecn the cnndldnteB, while South Da
kota, still a doubtful Ktnte. apparently
had turned toward Roosevelt on the
later returns.
Whether the Democrats, In the wide
spread victories of Tuesday, have so
cured control also of the United States
Bnnte Is a question that will not bo
BYttlcd for n dav or two. In many
MatcH where counting still was going
on the control of the leklslatures Is In
, In the twenty-nine states electing
governors, the Democrats not only
maintained their own, recording to
!ate returns, but overthrew majorities
lr. three slates Illinois, Missouri and
Nebraska In which Republicans were
the Ineu.nhei.ts. In ndditlon the elec
tion of a Democrat to succeed Wilson
In New Jersey was assured.
Frank J O'llalr (Dem.) Is victor
over former Speaker Joseph 0. Can
non for congress In the Eighteenth
Illinois district bv 011 plurality.
Wilson Gets Largest Plurality New
York Ever Gave Democrat.
New York, Nov. 7. A Wilson plural
lty of practically an even 200,000 vote
over Tnft, n Taft lead of OO.Ooo over
Roosovclt and a similar alignment ol
partita In the gubernatorial voto Is the
result of the election In Now York
They Are Sure ot Forty-Four
Ssats and Heed but Five Mere.
Washington, Nov. 7. With an over
win lining Democratic majority in the
house of representatives returns indi
cate a prohaMlity of tho success of
sul'ieieut number of Democratic sena
torial candidates to give the Denu
erats control of both branches of con
gress. There still Is sufficient uncer
tainty regarding new state legislature
to make the senate situation Indefinite.
In the present light forty-rour of tht
ninety-six senators may be assigned
definitely to the Democrats. Those ars
the thirty-holdovers, the five already
elected from Alabama, Kentucky, Lou
isiana, Mississippi and Virginia and
the nine to be chosen from southern
states in which Democratic legisla
tures are supposed to have been elect
ed. To Insure the forty nulne votes nec
essary to control there must be a fur
ther gaii of five senators, all of which
must come from states now represent
ed In the senate by Republicans, un
less West Virginia bo counted In th
list. The chances are believed to be
strongly favorable to the Democrat!
in Colorado (In which state two sena
tors are to be chosen) and In Montana,
nnd more or less so In Kansas, Nevada
and Oregon. Of these seven placet
Mill In doubt any five will give th
forty-nine votes necessary to a major
Says Honest Business Men Have Noth
Ing to Fear.
Princeton, N. J., Nov. 7. Governoi
Wilson Issued a statement, in which
ho diH'lared that "there Is absolutely
nothing for ttu honest and enlightened
business men of the country to fearfc
from the Democratic administration.
To President Taft nt Washington
Mr. Wilson sent the following tele
"I warmly appreciate your kind mes-'
sage and wish to express my slncers
personal regards."
To Colonel Roosevelt at Oyster Bay
he sent the following telegram:
"My sineerert thanks for your kind
messngo. Pray nccept my cordial good
Among the congratulatory telegrams
received were the following:
William J. llrynn: "I am glad to re
port that you have carried my state,
the city of Lincoln and my precinct
Your success here adds to my enjoy
ment of your national victory."
William Randolph Hearst at Madrid.
Spain- "Congratulations, both on yout
personal victory and on the fact that
you will have n Democratic house and
senate to support the policies of your
St. Inils, Nov. 7. Missouri, th
mysterious stranger" for eight years
In the Republican ranks, scrambled
back into tho "solid south" line. Rotn
national and Democratic state tickets
won by pluralities estimated nt 100,000.
For the first time in its history, St.
Iouls went Democratic on n national
ticket, electing Democratic national,
state and city officers.
Returns from 1,504 of the 3,300 pre
cincts in the stnte gave Wilson 15B,
846; Taft. 100,914: Roosevelt, 58,448.
For governor: Major (Dem.), 143,
155; McKlnlev (Rep.), 79,999; Norton
(rrog), 15,495.
Of the sixteen Missouri congressmno
to be elected, only two Republicans
were returned to ofilce. They were
Richarl Rartholdt In the Tenth and I
C. Dyer In the Twelfth (".tstrlet. The
First, Third, nighth, Ninth. Eleventh,
Fourteenth and Fifteenth, the only oth
ers from which definite returns have
been received, returned Democrats.
Chicago, Nov. 7 Roosevelt, accord
ing to the complete count In Cook
county, has a plurality over Wilson of
28,257, which, apparently, disposes of
any hope that Wilson adherents might
nave had that their candidate would
overtake Roosevelt In the Illinois
down-state vote. A total of 3,200 pre
cincts, including 1,498 in Cook county
out of a total numher of 4.286 precinct?
in Illinois, give: Roosevelt, 330,416;
Wilson, 305 169. This lenvca Roosevelt
a plurality, so far, of 25,277, which can
not be overcome In the remaining 1,
086 precincts vet to bo heard from.
Tnft's vole Is 185.5S2.
San Francisco, Nov. 7. Woodrow
"Wilson's apparent plurality of 12,000
in California dwindled rapidly as be
lated returns came In from the Pro
gressive strongholds of the southerr
part of the state. With nbout 800 pre
n plural
Itv over Roosevelt Is 5J93. . . 1 j