The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 07, 1912, Image 2
HIE HYDRO-PLANE 1 E PASSES OVER CITY QUEER GAPERS Tony Jannus, the Aviator, Ex periences Some Trouble North of Town. Meet at H. C. VanHorn Home. J The Helpers of Hi" Christian church were enterlame in a inol ightful manner at the pretty oine or .Mrs. II. aniiorn in South Park yesterilay afternoon.; There was a large numlier in at- tendance ami during the huisncss Miss Olga Sattler and Mr. Harley Of DAN H'iO Tony Jannus, the aviator, who is traveling in his hydroplane from Omaha to .New Orleans, started from Omaha yesterday afternoon on scheduled time and passed this city about 1:05, sail ing several hundred feet in the air over the Missouri river, which is to be his guide in his trip to Kansas City. The. 'flight made a beautiful appearance from this city, flying high in the air like a great bird and heading for the southeast, he was soon lost from sight in the distance'. A large crowd gathered at. the Burlington station to witness the passage of the aviator and all were highly pleased with the flight made. The aviator met with a little difficulty several miles north of this city, when his engine did not work in good shape and he was compelled to float on the water for about 15 minutes until he could get the machine in working order. While giving an exhibition at, Ne braska City yesterday afternoon be ran his hydroplane on a sand bar and it was necessary to gel a motor boat to pull it oil". He left, there this morning for SI. Joseph, his next slopping place. THE PUniOUTH PLAYER'S CLUB MEET Large Attendance and Nice Social Time Will Give Minstrel Show Soon. session, which tin,' ladies held, it was derided to hold an apron bazaar on December I i. Follow ing the business session a few moments was then devoted to a very pleasant social time and then an excellent three-course lunch eon was served by Mesdames M .S. Briggs, (5. P. Kastwood, B. F. ('rook nnd Mrs Kastwood, which was highly appreciated by the large number present. At the hour of 5 the ladies dispersed, voting this occasion one of the most splendid they had participat ed in for some lime. "THE IN. IRE GIRL Eurdick United in Marriage Yesterday in Omaha. AND THE GAM E" Another Great Musical Comedy at the Parmele Theater Wed nesday, November 13. The Plattsmouth Players club met last evening at the M. W. A. hall and the meeting was largely attended and the members were treated to a jolly social gathering, as well as the regular business ol the club. The membership of the clut has grown so large that, it is im possible to meet at any private home, ho that it has become necessary to secure the Woodman hall for the llrst and third Wed nesdays of each month for the meetings, A most delightful program was given last evening after the busi ness session of the club, consist ing of vocal solos by Miss Zelma Tuey and Mrs. II. S. Austin, in a most charming manner, as well as two very pleasing readings by Misses F.llen Windham and Ber nice Newell, who are both pos sessed of great talent along this line. Following the program three new members were initiated into the mysteries of the club and then a delightful informal social lime was spent by the members of the club. The club is preparing for their new minstrel show, to be given soon, and have worked up an en tire new second part entitled "The (Colored Suffragette," and it prom ises to be one of the best at trac tions that has been produced in this city since their successful minstrel last season. New songs will lie secured for I hi' tuneful llrst, part, and with the talent late ly added to the club, it, ought to be an immense success. This is one of the greatest musical comedies on the road to day, and having an open dale, Manager Shlaes jumped at the op portunity of getting the company here on Wednesday night, Novem ber 13. The company is com posed of 'i people and every actor is an artist, in his or her line. This is said to be a greater amusement attraction than "The Prince of Tonight," which gave such great, satisfaction to our people a few nights since. The Journal desires to congratulate Manager Shlaes on bis good luck in securing such a noted ocmpany and feel almost assurred that bis efforts will lie rewarded by the presence of a large audience next Wednesday night. Having noticed in the papers the grand satisfaction "The Man, the flirl and the (lame" have been giving in other cities, we can truthfully recommend it in ad vance to our people as fine of the greatest musical comedies ever presented in this city. This com pany does not make a practice of playing as small cities as Platts, and therefore our people should appreciate Manager Shlaes effort in getting the best, to patronize them to the extent of giving him a big house, that other big shows may be induced to come to Plattsmouth. Ilemember the dale Wednesday, November 13 and don't fail to make your ar rangements to atlend. Another of Plattsmouth's charming young lady has fallen a captive of lan Cupid in the person of Miss Olga Saltier, daughter of Mayor and Mrs. J. P. Sattler of this city. The llrst, definite news of the wedding was the notice in the Omaha papers of the marriage license of Harley M. Hurdiek of that city and Miss Sattler, al though the family and friends have been expecting the wedding for some time, but, the young folks succeeded in putting a surprise over on their friends in this city. The wedding occurred in the me tropolis yesterday afternoon. The bride is one of the most popular young ladies in the city, where she was born and reared to womanhood, and their friends are legion among the young people of the city. The groom is quite well known here, having been a fre quent visitor here at the home of his brother, Hoy Uurdick and family. He has a very good posi tion with one of the leading wholesale houses of Omaha, and it is expected that the young peo, pie will make that city their future home. The. newly wedded pair are expected in the city this evening on No. 2 for a short visit with their relatives. The friends of the young couple in this city will join in wishing Ihem a wedded life full of sunshine and happiness. W. A. FIGHT'S PACING MARE Yesterday W. A. Fight received his line pacing mare, "Squaw," which has been out. on the racing circuit. This mare was on some of the best tracks in the country, and in every event was able to se cure some of the best prizes and purses. Mr. Fight is justly proud of this splendid specimen of horseflesh and hopes to see her carry oJT a great many more purses during the next racing sea son. The horso was taken to the farm of Mr. Fight, near Mynard, for the winter season. WILL AID SUED 0 Prominent and Woll Known Ne braskan Is Named In Suit ' By His Wife. PENNSYLVANIA EDITOR FILES HIS STATEMENT SHOULD BE TAKEN IN HAND BY AUTHDRETIES Several days ago ('.. C. Cook, who tries to observe the law in regard to running his automobile, win coming dowi, Chicago avenue at, a slow rate of speed when i couple of boys .jumped on Ihe steps and proceeded o bend tin guards mi thai it required con siderable 'rouble t . fel them back inlo shape. Anyone who will do an act of (his kind mil: lit to be taken in band and taught, to re spect the properly of other per sons. Mr. Cook is a very careful driver nnd is inl in the habit of speeding his machine and such acls as these very naturally cause him a great, deal of annoyance. If such things are continued the parlies ought to be turned over to the ii'ilhorilies, ns they are not only ininriivr the property of others, but also are endangering: their lives in jumping on these machines when in motion. William 11. Hayward of New York, formerly of Nebraska City, was made defendant, in a suit for divorce at Omaha on Tuesday by Mrs. Surah C. Hayward. The peti tion alleges extreme cruelty ex tending over a period of six years, but does not specify the acts which constituted it. Mr. and Mrs. Hayward are well known in I'lal tsnioul h. lie has been prominent in stale politic for a number of years, having served as chairman of the re publican slate committee twice, and I wo years ago he was the re publican nominee for congress in the First district. In HHI8 be was made secretary of the republican national commit lee, which posi tion he held up o a few months ago. Mr. Ilaward is a graduate ami a former fool ball slur of the Uni versity of Nebraska. He is lli son of M 1.. Hayward of Nebraska City, who was ejected United Slates senator i'i Si!, but died before taking his .veal. Mrs. Hayward is staying in Omaha with Mrs. Y. H. Wheeler. Whether or not her husband will conies: the cae is rol known. Fred Newell, owner of the Can ton, Pa., Sentinel, pokes fun at the new postal law in his state ment sent to the postolllce authorit ies at Washington. After giving the information that he is the owner, managing editor, busi ness manager and publisher of the Sentinel, Mr. Newell says: "It is not required by the act of con gress, but we do not mind telling the postmaster general that we also own a lawn mower, and have a limited amount of stock in two different telephone companies. A dog, locally known as Niggar, takes us around sometimes, but we disclaim all ownership or re sponsibility for him. Said dog sleeps on the mat by our front door w hen he doesn't sleep some where else, lie conies to our house when we have chicken for dinner, and he climbs up and licks our hands and face when he wants a favor. At other times he don't know us. Said dog is a pretty gooi) politician. We don't know what he is running for, but the last we saw of him he was running from a chunk .of wood which we threw al him because he played lag with our undershirt hanging on the clothesline. We are a Taft man and we wear false teeth. We used to go to Sunday school. If there is any further information that, the postmaster general wants in regard lo us or the Canton Sen tinel, he is respectfully referred to (he police." fiffit A I 0 ;:.;)c:. lies TT A T7 n U A A- I ' Hlncbrukair SATU FROM 7:00 P. M. TO CLOSING TIME Black Silk Petticoats Regular Price $3.75, $5, $6 and $7.50 c U L fl SALE PRICE $3.75 grade goes at $2.98 5.00 $3.48 6.00 " " " $3.98 7.50 ' $4.98 ISTPIease remember these prices are for Saturday Evening from 7 o'clock until closing time not before or after that time. SATURDAY 7:00 P. IY1. n 406 Majority Against Jail. The canvassing board, com posed of George L. Farley and Frank Bestor, are engaged today in making the official canvass of the vote cast in this county Tues day. The jail proposition was de feated by a majority of 406. Plattsmouth cily. Plattsmouth precinct. F.ight Mile Grove, East Hock Muffs and South Bend voted favorably, but the remaining pre cincts were against it, by large majoril ies. J. P. Falter was a passenirer yesterday afternoon for Omaha, where lie looked after business matters for the dav. Wedding at Court Hou3e. County Judge lleeson esenlay afternoon was called upon to unite in Ihe bonds of holv wedlock Shirley Maherry, aged l'J, and Finally worried over her cndil ion. Miss Fthel loran." aged 18. both of h111'1 '", llMP'd that she will Mrs. Bllsh Operated Upon. Yesterday Mrs. Karl It. Hlish was operated on in one of the Omaha hospitals, and although the operation was a severe one, she stood it nicely and came out from under the inlhience of the drugs in splendid shape. This will be pleasing news to Mrs. Wish's manv friends here, who have been Allan (1. Wilson, rector of St. Luke's parish, was a passenger Ibis morning for Omaha, where he will meet his wife, who has been visiting her parents at Clay Center. Kansas, for some time. Teachers in Omaha. The teaching force of the Plattsmouth schools were pas sengers for Omaha this morning to attend the session of the Stale Teachers' association meeting and the city schools will be closed for the rest of the week to allow the teachers to attend the sessions of the association. Tonight Hon. William J. Bryan will address the meeting and a splendid speech is anticipated by the teachers. Miss Myra F.d wards departed this morning for Florida, where she will spend Ihe winter. Miss Kdwards has been making her home here with her sister, Mrs. Charles Duncan, but concluded to seek a milder clrmate for the winter. Getting Along Nicely. N. W. Crissinger, one of the swilchmen in the local yards, re turned this morning from Omaha, where he had been paying a short visit to Fred Denson at Immanuel hospital. Fred is feeling fine and is looking well, having stood his injuries in splendid shape, and is looking forward to the time he can leave the hospital. He asked to be remembered to his friends in (his city, who will rejoice that he is getting along so nicely. Frank Nestor was in Omaha yesterday afternoon visiting with his wife at the hospital. Mrs. Hestor is now on the road to re covery from the etTects of the operation she underwent last week. -u ; . y - Cleuwood, Iowa. The ceremony was witnessed by the mother of the bride and Miss Gertrude llee son. The wedding party returned to Glenwood last evening on No. L w here I hey w ill make I heir future home. be able lo return home in a short time. Mrs. A. W. White and Mrs. .1. A. lionelan were in Omaha today, be ing passengers for that cily on No. I ." Ibis morning. P Sin (Successor to John Bauer) is CaosBig to foasnge His Advertisement mm us m I1U i E3 FOR THE f.3EXT FEW DAYS ,, l