The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 07, 1912, Image 1

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NO. 92.
Last Month One of Most Success
ful Since Superintendent Ab
bott Hass Been in Charge.
From Tuesday Dally.
The Plattsmoulh school hoard
met last evening in regular ses
sion and transacted quite a great
deal of routine business. Com
mittees were appointed to in
vestigate further into lire protec
tion for school buildings, manual
training and play ground ap
paratus. Superintendent Abbott present
ed his report showing the schools
to be in splendid condition, the
last, month having been one of the
most successful since Mr. Abbott
became superintendent. Teachers
have been earnestly at work,
pupils have been generally in at
tendance, the weather has been
conducive to study and there has
been but slight interruption
through sickness, and in almost
every room and in every subject
has the work called for in the new
course of study been finished for
the lirst quarter and the three
remaining days of this quarter
may be spent in review.
The superintendent and sec
retary canvassed the teachers of
the city on the subject of attend
ing the State Teachers' associa
tion meeting at Omaha, and they
were unanimous in a desire to at
tend, so, in according with the in
structions of the boardthe super
intendent has derided to dismiss
school on November 7 and 8.
The superintendent also report
ed that the preparations for the
art exhibition at the High school
November 14, 15 and 10, have
been completed and give promise
of being one of the most interest
ing events in the history of the
school. The pupils have made
arrangements to give a program
on different days.
The condition of the schools
should be a matter of gratification
to the patrons of the schools and
speaks well for the splendid work
of Superintendent Abbott and his
excellent corps of teachers, both
in the High school and the grades
From TueHrtay'a Dally.
Miss Marie Kaufman of this
city is the inventor of a mos
beautiful, as well as useful article
in the Kaufman Nurse Pin. This
pin is to be worn by the trainei
nurses when not in uniform am
will make a badge that will be neat
and at the same lime serve as the
emblem of their profession. The
pin is of a very unique and hand
some design and is surrounded by
a gold border intertwined with a
red enameled line encircling an
engraved portrait of the nurse in
white and blue. Thus the national
colors are employed in the de
sign of the pin. The pin combines
great simplicity and strength, as
well as beauty. This emblem Jills
a long-felt want and should be
adopted at once by the trained
nurses throughout the country as
a badge of their noble calling.
Residence Nearly Completed.
The residence of Mrs. Handley
on Elm street is rapidly Hearing
completion and will soon be ready
to (ccupy. This house will be one
of the prettiest in that part of
the city and will make a most
beautiful home for the Handley
For Sale.
12 horse power engine and elec
tric pole wood saw, at a very low
price if taken soon.
, I. T. Roycr, Murray, Neb.
W. C. T. U. Weets.
From Tuesday's Dally.
1'he members of the W. G. T.
I', held an excellent social meet
ing yesterday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. Jennie Schildknecht,
which proved a most enjoyable
affair. Mrs. Stephen Davis of
Lincoln, a former member, very
pleasantly surprised the ladies by
her presence, as she had not made
it known that she would be there.
She made a very charming talk.
Mrs. C. E. Wescott of Los Angeles,
California, another former mem
ber, was also present and gave an
excellent talk. These talks were
most interesting features of the
occasion. iMesuames A. J. neeson
and S. E Kerr favored the ladies
with-some readings, which were
most thoroughly appreciated. Dur
ing the course of the afternoon's
entertainment light refreshments
wer served. mere was a large
number of the ladies in attendance
and they had a most delightful
More Particulars Regarding Death
of Mrs. Charles F. Neill at
Port Arthur, Texas.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Mrs. Charles F. Neill died
shortly before 5 o'clock this
morning in Mary dates hospital,
death being due to complications
setting in after an operation for
appendicitis. Her illness was but
of short duration, manifesting it
self Tuesday. She was taken to
the hospital Wednesday evening
and an operation performed, from
which she rallied for a short time
and then sank rapidly.
The body has been prepared for
burial by the Adams company, but
the date of interment will not be
determined until answers are re
ceived to telegrams sent relatives
last night. It is believed, how-
ever, tnat interment win ne maae
Tuesday in the cemetery at Gal
veston. Ilev. J. A. Thome, pastor
of the Presbyterian church in
Galveston in which Mr. and Mrs.
Neill hold membership, is in the
city today, and leaves this evening
for Galveston, where he'll attend
to matters connected with the
church service there.
Sammie Gertrude Neill, daugh
ter of S. M. Hopping, was born
December 23, 1878, in Bastrop,
Texas, and spent the early years
of her life in Mexico, to which
country the family moved in 1880
She was educated in St. Joseph's
convent in New Orleans, and her
marriage to Mr. Neill took place
in Galveston twelve years ago
Previous to locating here ihey
resided in Spofford, Texas, and in
Sabine, where Mr. Neill was locat
ed in government service. It is
given to few to gain a higher place
in public regard than that held
bv Mrs. Neill in this city, her
rharm of personality combining
with a depth and beauty of char
acter to win for her a high place
in the esteem of even the most
casual acquaintances, while to the
friends of the family her loss is
irreparable. In addition to de
voting much time to church and
charitable work, she was also in
terested in the more stable socia
organizations, and held member
ship in the Col. Geo. MofTett Chap
ter D. A. R., of Beaumont, the Kate
Dorman Chapter tl. D. C, of this
city, of which she was president
the Port Arthur Reading club am
the Galveston chapter of the East,
ern Star.
Mrs. Neill is survived by her
husband, her father, who is at the
hospital suffering from a recent
paralytic stroke, a sister residing
at Mission, Texas, and her mother
living at Plaltsmoulh, Neb. The
two latter were advised by wire
yesterday evening that her condi
tion was serious and are en route
to this citv. Arrangements for
the funeral will not be complete!
until they arrive. Port Arthur
(Texas Evening News.
Wood Wanted.
Those of our subscribers who
desire to pay their subscriptions
in wood are requested to bring it
in before the roads get bad, as
we desire to place it in the dry
Come in with it. boys, right away
The Sooner the Soldier Boys
Learn They Must Obey the
Law, the Better.
From Tuesday's Daily.
There was considerable trouble
caused by the soldiers again last
night in this city. There were a
number of the soldiers in the
saloon of Peter Goos, and one of
the men tried to pick a quarrel
with the proprietor, who paid no
attention to him. The man took
a pair of brass "knucks" out of
his pocket and laid them where he
could reach them in had
an oportunity to use them on Mr.
Goos. Another party standing by
picked them up and placed them
in his pocket and later turned
them over to Sheriff Quinton, who
had been summoned by Mr. Goos.
The soldier left before the ar
rival of the sheriff, and entered
Ed Donat's saloon, where he was
soon involved in a mix-up with
two other soldiers. Chief of Police
Ben Ilainey, assisted by Policeman
Trout and Sheriff Quinton, took
them in hand and escorted them
to the jail, where they remained
until the authorities from the rifle
range called for them.when two
of the men were turned over to
them, but the man who had want-
d to use the "knucks" was held
The chief of police and sheriff
showed the proper spirit in check
ing the matter right at the- start,
and in enforcing the law as they
did. There are always a number
of men in any body of men who
delight in making trouble, but
they must be brought to under
stand that the city and state have
laws that they must respect and
County Attorney Taylor this
morning tiled a complaint against
the soldier, named Dennis, who
had the "knucks" in his posses
sion, before Justice Archer,
charging him with threatening to
provoke an assault. After the civil
authorities get through with the
man he will be delivered over to
the military authorities for pun
ishment, according to military
From Tuesday's Dally.
The High school conducted an
election this morning, starting at
9 o'clock, under the supervision
of Principal Larson. The general
result was a sweeping democratic
victory. Each class appointed a
member of the canvassing board,
which counted the votes at Super
intendent Abbott's ofllre. The
result was as follows:
President Tafl, 10; Rosevelt,
50; Wilson, 1)0.
Senator Shallenberger,
Norris, 07; Ferguson, 2.
Governor Morehead, 81) ;
rich, (53.
For jail proposilon,
135; against, 10.
The principal tried hard to se
cure sample ballots for the elec
lion, but being unable to do so,
they were written on blank paper.
The canvassing board was com
posed of Reuben Saxon, senior;
Waldeniar Soennichsen, junior;
Clifford Cecil, junior; Paul Hand
ley, junior.
Entertained by Mrs. Johnson.
Mrs. J. W. Johnson delightfully
entertained t he members of I ho
Ladies' Aid society of the Presby
terian church yesterday. A por
tion of the afternoon was devoted
to the business session, which the
ladies bold at these meetings, af
ter which the ladies participated
in social conversation and other
amusements calculated to make
this occasion a most enjoyable
one. The hostess provided some
excellent refreshments, Mrs. John
Chapman assist ig in serving.
FOR SALE An organ. Ha
solid walnut case. Inquire of
Ralph Haynie, Route 2, Paltts
moulh, Neb. 1 0-28-2wks-wkly
Gave Entertainment In Glenwood.
From Tuesday's ally.
Yesterday afternoon Professor
and Mrs. II. S. Austin were in
Glenwood, where they gave a most
delightful program before the
Woman's club of that city, which
greatly pleased the audience. Both
Mr. and Mrs. Austin are gifted
with splendid voices and it is al
ways a pleasure to attend an
entertainment in which they take
part, and the Glenwood ladies
should feel well pleased that they
secured them for their meeting.
Mrs. William A. Robertson was
the accompanist for Mr. and Mrs.
Austin, and as she is one of the
most accomplished musicians in
the city, she made a strong im
pression on the Glenwood ladies
who attended the recital.
State Fire Commissioner Calls At
tention to Danger of Ac
cumulated Rubbish.
, Chief Deputy Fire Commission
er Randall has issued a circular
letter to city councils and citizens
generally in which he calls atten
tion to the danger caused by the
accumulation of rubbish at this
time of the year.' In this connec
tion, Mr. Randall says:
I desire to call your attention
to the necessity of removing
everything of a combustible na
ture from basements, outbuildings
and lots so that a disastrous fire
will not be caused by spontaneous
combusion or from sparks from
chimneys coming in contact with
combustible material that is be
ing permitted to accumulate in
alleys,, and on lots in the several
yvns in trie siaie. it. is.surpris-
ing how many business men seem
to lose sight of I he fact that this
worthless accumulation of trash
may be the cause of great damage
to them and possibly their neigh
bors, when a little care and small
amount of labor will entirely re
move a possibility of a loss from
this source.
In several cases in going into
the various towns of the slate we
11 ml excelsior, paper, hay, straw,
rags and other accumulations
mixed in with grass, weeds nnd
sunflowers; the weeds and sun
flowers have been killed by the
frost and are as inllammabln as
I he material that has accumulated
in and around them, and it hiakes
the conditions very dangerous.
City councils and citizens should
see to it at once that, all danger
ous and inflammable rubbish is
cleaned up, removed and destroy
ed before they have brought about
the destruction of a large amount
of valuable property and possibly
human life. Do not forget that
"procrastination may cause a
conflagration," ami that it is bet
ter to spend a few moments in re
moving the cause than to spend a
life lime of regrets for neglect
ing it.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The . society of the Pres
byterian church will present Mr.
Carl Frederick Steckelberg, violin
ist, and Mr. Freisinger, pipe or
ganist, at a recital at the Presby
terian church Tuesday evening,
November 12. Mr. Steckelberg is
one of the most noted violinists of
the west, while Mr. Freisinger is
one of I he famous musicians of
the pipe organ. It has been se
veral years since the people of
this city have had the pleasure of
hearing an excellent pipe organist,
and many have heard Mr. Steckel
berg, the violinist, and the more
they hear him the more they want
to bear him. The Q. . is a new
society which nas recently iieen
organized ami this is the first time
they have solicited your patron
ago. They expect to sell tickets
at HO cents each, and we hope that
everybody will purchase one. You
will sure miss a rare treat if you
do not allciyl Ibis recital.
Thomson, Dentist, Wescott Blk.
The Entire County Democratlo
Ticket Elected Senator
Banning Is Defeated.
From W'euncsday'ii Dally.
Yesterday was certainly a day
of triumph for the democracy of
the whole nation from the Atlantic
to the Pacific, and Nebraska was
one of the foremost in the ranks
of the state contributing to
democratic success.
John II. Morehead for governor
is running like a race horse all
over the state and his plurality
will be 20,01)0 or better.
Congressman Maguire has re
ceived a magnificent vote
throughout the First district and
will be returned to congress by
a majority of from HOO to 1,000,
and it is a most just, approval of
the splendid record made by Mr.
Maguire in congress.
One' matter of regret is the de
feat of Senator Banning, as he
was one of the strong men in the
last two legislatures and filled the
position of state senator with
great credit, to himself and to Cass
county and deserved to be return
ed to the ofllce which he had filled
so well. He received a very flat
tering vote in the county, but
could not overcome the majority
against him in Otoe county.
In the county results the. demo
crats can be greatly gratified over
the outcome, as they made almost
a clean sweep or the ollices, the
only two offices won by the repub
licans being that of senator and
the county nttorney, upon the lat
ter there being no contest.
John J. Gust in of Murdock has
a safe lead over Riehey for rep
resentative and is very probably
a winner by a small majority.
For county assessor W. R.
Bryan is running ahead of L. A.
Tyson and will have a majority of
good diminsions.
Julius Pilz for commissioner
will have a large majority, leading
the ticket in almost every pre
cinct. The length of the ballot made
the counting of the voles very
hard and it was daylight before
many of the election boards fin
ished Iheir tasks and no informa
tion could be secured last night
in regard to the outcome in the
A wire from Lincoln this morn
ing states that Clarence Barman
is Heeled railroad commissioner
without doubt and that the whole
stale ticket is running strong and
will probably win out.
Outside of Wilson, Morehead
was the strong man on the demo
cratic ticket, running ahead of
'e ticket all over the slate, and
the people of the stale can rest
nssurred that there will be a busi
ness administration installed at
Lincoln after the first of January
Charles 11. Busch, the candid-
ale for float representative, had
an overwhelming majority, having
.'8T majority in this county and
over !)00 in Otoe county.
P. Runner and A. 1). Despain
were elected assessors in the city
by a large vide over their oppon
Following is the total unofficial
returns of the county as received
so far:
Congressman Paul F.
1,1)53; John A. Maguire,
For Slate Senator Henry II
BarlUng, 1,870; W. B. Banning
For, Stale Representative
Seventh District C. A. Richey
1,71)8; John J. Gustin, 2,178
For State Representative
Eighth District Oliver C. Dovey
1,810; C. II. Busch, 2,05.
For County Assessor L. A. Ty
son, l,H 1 ; W. R. Bryan, 2,130.
For County Commissioner
William Weber. 1.731; Julius A
Pttz, 2,275.
hollowing was the vote re
ceived from Otoe County
For Stale Senator Banning
1,722; llartling, 2,0 I.
For Slate Representative
Busch, 2.271; Dovey, 1,329.
A Want Ad In the Journal wil
bring what you want.
St. Mary's Guild Meets.
From WednoHday's Dally.
The St. Mary's Guild held a very
pleasant meeting with Mrs.
George Falter at the home of Mrs.
George E. Doyey yesterday after
noon. There were a large num
ber of the ladies in attendance,
who brought their needlework
with I hem and whiled away the
hours in a very industrious man
ner. During the afternoon a
business sesshm was held, at
which time the ladies decided to
have a Christmas shop during the
first week of December. De
licious refreshments were served
by the hostess, .she being assisted
in serving by Misses Fditli Dovey
and Marie Donnelly.
Sales Are Absolutely Necessary at
Least Once a Year to Clean
Up Stock.
From Tuesday's Dully.
The country merchant who
watched the advertising of the city
stores is impressed with the fact
that it is almost entirely made up
of "special sales." The ads an
nouncing new goods or inducing
trade on any other basis, all put
together, are fewer than the
"sale" ads.
In the first place a country mer
chant knows he has to run his
store on a little ditferent basis
tUan the city stores, a basis that
makes special sales of cut prices
ess practical. In I he second place
such rank exaggeration of his
sale prices and qualities would be
fatal to the success of the sale
and his reputation for truthful
ness and honesty.
However, Ihe fact that the big
city stores make such wholesale
and continuous use of sales leads
the country merchant to the con
clusion that there is a real trade
value there, and one that he may
well use, if only occasionally, to
We all know country merchants
who never have special sales,
never cut prices or make any at
tempt, to clean up Iheir slock by
any general trade inducement. If
(here are any considerable num
ber of such merchants in one
town if will be found that there is
a town falling behind its neigh
bors in mercantile business and
letting a lot of business gel away
to mail order houses and larger
Sales are absolutely necessary
to clean up stock, lo keep custom
ers trading at home, in fact, there
are loo many good reasons for
sales to innumerale here. The
main point to be made here is
that, the merchant should always
remember I hat a sale is n sort of
purt and needs extra effort, in
preparation of stock, in handling
the trade and in advertising.
From Tuesday' Dally.
There was a good-sized audi
ence present at, 1,'ie rarmeie
theater last evening to witness
the presentation of the Lyman 11.
Howe moving pictures and there
was not a person in the audience
who didn't feel that Ihey had wit
nessed Ihe best picture show ever
given in the city. The Howe pic
tures embraced every subject
from the development of the
flowers and nature studies to the
most laughable comedies, and all
were presented in a manner that
pleased the most exacting. These
"talking" pictures have a peculiar
facination for the audience and it
was with great regret that they
saw the last picture shown on the
screen, but departed with the
hope that the company would re
turn again this season. One of
the most inspiring pictures shown
was that, of the raising and Ihe
final burial of Ihe Maine, off the
coast of Cuba.
Forest Roso Flour guaranteed
to bn as good a9 any flour on the
market. Sold by all leading deal
ers. Try it.