at iinn ra II CH M'f fUnll rmn1 in DWUiiiuii 9 ran uuui ADMITS DEFEAT DON'T FEAR ANY SHORTAGE OF The more particular a woman is in U In P MJ regard to the sort of Shoe she wears, the more she will enjoy seeing the new styles we are now showing. Every Shoe is a masterpiece of the expert shoemaker's skill. The choicest of leathers, such as Tan Nubuck, Gray Nubuck. Suede, Patent Calf, Dull Calf and Tans. Porte Applies to the Powers tcr If Mediation. AUSTRIA IS HOLDING BACK. P, TO TURKEY AT LAST toTThen look at these prices and they'll at once convince you that with all our Shoe ex cellence we're not high priced. We have Shoes at S2.50, S3.00, S3.50 Upto S4.50 Declines to Accept Suggestion Made by French Premier Remnants of (SUCCESSOR TO JOHN BAUER) Nazim Pasha's Forces Falling Back to Defense of Constantinople. """"'.'1 is now prepared to sell the very BEST ' Come, see how much better Shoe Satisfaction your money will buy here than elsewhere. T2 zsr's Shoe iters AT THE ST. PAULS CHURCH Rev. J. II. Sieger was received by a large audience at I. lie morn ing service at SI,, Paul's church nu Sunday. 'I'lie liatlle liyinn of I lie, Reformation, thai much beloved poem written by the hero of Re formation, "Kin feslc Hurk ist miser (iolt," was sung by Hie con g regal ion, with the enthusiasm proper to I'rolcslanl (ierman services. The iiiinisler spoke a li ii 1 1 111 oMM'-blessed work of reformat ion, that glorious ami splendid achii'veinenl, ol llie re formers, which was the cause of civil and religions liberty, and o the sacred right of thinking and ' reasoning; and aiding to the con science of the individual. The reformat ion was a return to primalive Chrisianily and Pro testant ian stands Tor it. In ad vocating primal ive Christ iauily we are seeking to apply the Protest ant principle to its logical limit and we therefore repmlialc all doctrines and practices which rest Upon (radii ion or ectdeast ical authority. This leads ns to exalt Christ, as the only and all-suf-llcienl saviour from sins, and to reject all snbstilnles for a per sonal faith in Mini, as "The way, the truth, and the life." The collection taken up for tin educational institutions of the synod amounted lo .".'IS, To the Public. Having discontinued the de livery of meat, we will now be bet ler able to serve our customers, as to quality of meals and prices We are the only ones in the city Ilia!, slaughter their own cattle, and are therefore better enabled to serve yon with a better quality of meat, than can be procurred from the packers. We hanilel our meats in the most sanitary man ner, ns we are not Handling any oilier products, such as groceries, vegetables, fruits, coal oil and gasoline, and our meats do not become tainted with such articles, and we are able to give better CHIEF EVENTS IN THE WAFi.J t Oil. $ Montintgro declares .j, .. ur asuitiht Turkey. t. 1 -Monti iienrins invisi, I arabusch. x iil. 14 .Muniene;;! ins tako. i u.shi. (Jot. lo -Tun o -Italian wai ciiUr. 4 Oct. 17 S 'lvia and lireeeo de jj) ( line war u.vudsi. Turkey'; Turkej .. in.., j : ,, till! lill iil. ? l,.t 1'1 ! lie n hin j i.'ii.hil'. i" ' M in-.inpha I'iisliu. ' I Ocl. au Huk-nrlans attack Ad ?:inop! ! Out. 21 Turkish squadr. J ; . liqui ds Itulgariun ports. ! Oct. 22 Servians take I'rislin J ; Oct. 23 Servians take Novlp: 4j (ht. 21 Unitarians captu; Cirk-Kilisseh; Greeks captw - 2 nvn of Servla. ( ' T r Oct. Servians tal-p Kuniani 4 jva and other Turkish cities. t ! ()(t. i., .Servians Culture V. 4 , liiip; Montenegrins Invest Scutar. 1 Oct. 27 Unitarians capture Ei 4 I Uaba, near Adrlanople. 1 Oct. 30 Bulgarians capture Ltd 4 , Burgas. 4 Nov. 1 Bulgarians occupy L. "I !mot.lcn, cutting coninuinicntlon.iv 'between Adrianople and . tinople: T Turkish cruiser TP v,.. Greek torpedo boat sinks ii Nov. 2 Turks driven back in n n mm on the market and furnish you plenty of hard coal at the lowest market price. Remember we furnish you good coal with each $ and every Base Burner purchased of us. 1 1 If! Local News Kmil Ohm was down from Oma ha over Sunday visiting with his parents and other friends. Lyman II. Howe's Pictures, the talk of the town, at I'annele theater, Monday, November . W. W. Moore of Auburn came up Saturday evening and visited prices and (pialilv than can be $'nrceaayS nnu.e 10 icon., 1 . . 1 . . . X Vim 1 Tnrl.-u In full rr'tri procured elsewliere. Ilesiecl fully, Kunsinaun llamge. tl-S-lwkd for Ft TO KEEP FIRE FOB BURLINGTON PASSENGERS over Sunday friends. with relatives and Death of Little Boy. Friday evening Vernice, the lil lle 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Smith, passed away as the result of an attack of croup. The funeral was held this uiorniuk' at I he home on West Pearl street, beinn conducted by llev. J. II. Sieger of SI. Paul's church, and interment was made in the Rock Muffs cemetery, south of this city The IturlinKton freight shop de part men t sent 11 most beautiful remembrance, the father of the little boy being one of the em ployes in I hat department. There is one reform that should be instituted at the Rur liiiglou station in this city and Dial, is the heating of the depot. Passengers who are compelled to wait for the evening (rain, which arrives here at 11:45, or I lie early Chicago train, No. 10, have to shiver around in a cold room, as e tires are allowed to die out early in the evening ami none are started until the next morning. This road gels a large per cent of I lie travel out of Platlsmoiit h and I hey ought to try at least and fur nish the proper beating facilities for their depot, instead of leaving the parlies waiting for trains to either freeze or pace up and down the plal'orui in an effort to keep warm. Everything Journal office. in paper at the Is our husband cross? An ir ritable, fault-llnding disposition is often due lo a disordered stom ach. A man with good digestion is nearly always good natured. A great many have been permanent ly cured of stomach trouble by taking Chamberlain's Tablets. For sale by V. 0. l'ricke & Co. Frank (lobclnian, painting and paper hanging. 4- 3 1 8 Q VOTtiMKMJII r Uf.lerchanl Tailors: 1 are now ready for that new Fall and Winter Suit, also solicit all kinds of work in their line. LodiGs' and Kent's Tailors We are prepared to do all kinds of hulh-grade tailoring for both ladies and gentlemen. All styles and qualities of goods. Our prices are seasonable, and work guaranteed in every par ticular. See us for your satisfaction in clothing. Vejvoda & Kalcek, SIXTH STREET Plattsmouth, ... Nebraska 0 I 8 OonHtantlwr.lo. Porte asks T mediation by t tie powers. 4 Ixaidon, Nov. 4. The Turkish army s in i"U retreat on uohkuiuuiiwiu"- nnd Uia Turkish government has asked the powers to intervene.. An odieiid bulletin was issued hy the Kovernnient nt Constantinople ad niittlni? del'ent at the hands of the Hid garlnns in f!i" great hattlo on the Thrnrean plains. ' :. Application' was mndo to Uif mbu? sies In Constantinople for mediation by the powers to end the ho-st Hit nnd arrange a peace n&ref nient. TIip ambassadors, prior to this, had .inked the porte to grnnt permission lo each of the great powers to send ono warship through the Dardanelles md this reqeebt had been compiled with. The only guarantee of safety for the native Christians and perhaps foreigners In Constantinople Is to be found in the presence of the warships of the great powers In the harbor of the Turkish capital. It la th- general belief that Hill- gnrl.i will refuse to listen to anything the way of intervention until the Unitarian army Is at the gates of Con htantlnople and will insist that Tur key make au appeal direct to the allies without Interference from the powers The powers have not been able to agree upon tno trencn premier s tor inula of "territorial disinterestedness,' which ia not acceptable to either Aus tria or Germany. They are taking Btepa. however, for the protection of Christians and their own political in terests In Turkey. One warship In ad ditlon to the vessels already dls patched to ports will be sent through the Dardanelles by each of the powers. lleyond the statement that the Turkish army is retreating to the last line of fortifications outBlde Constanti nople, there was little news received from the seat of war. Fighting was reported alons the line from Tchorlu to Pearl, which was the outcome loulditless of the effort of the defeated Turks to retire within the Tchatalja lines, which the Bulgarians are doing their utmost to prevent. The besieging forces are tightening their grip around Adrlanople, and the bombardment U bocomlng more vigor ous. In other directions the allies are consolidating their occupation of Turk ish territory. The Greeks have taken Nlfopolls and Prevesa and have landed a division at Stavros, which Is march- Ini to attack Salonlkl. An uncensored dispatch from the latter town Intl mnt"s the likelihood of Its surrender without resistance. Kdvvard Kanka came down from Omaha Saturday afternoon and visited over Sunday with his rela tives in this city. (ius Olson was a business visit or in the metropolis this afternoon. To nite is the nite to see Lyman II. Howe's pictures at the Par mele theater. Owen Clifford departed this af ternoon for Weeping Water lo lowk after business matters. Misses Florence White and (iertie lieeson were visitors in I he metropolis this afternoon. Miss (ierda Peterson was a pas senger this morning for Omaha, where she visited for the day with friends. Oliver Edmunds departed this morning- for Glenwood, where he is employed on the state institute building. E. Ji. Thrall departed this, morn ing for Omaha, w here he will visit with Fred Denson at the hospital for the day. Mrs. M. llowland departed Ibis morning for Omaha to look after some business mailers for I lie day. Mr. and Mrs. C. 1. Ends of South Omaha spent Sunday in this city, visiting their many rela I ies ami friends. Joseph F. Iladraba. wife and little sou were visitors in the metropolis yesterday, spending the day with friends. II. N. ioey was a business visitor in tin metropolis today, being a passenger for that place m No. 1 5 this morning. I Take j friends I picture ! only. Miss senger w here short Mull's ing in at I lie the children and your to see Lyman H. Howe's ; at llie I'annele tonight Huhla Spahnul was a pas tliis afternoon for Omaha. she visited friends for a time. C. A. Hauls returned yesterday" from Illinois, where he had been for several days attending to some legal business. Mrs. Frank L. Cummins was a passenger this morning on No. ir fur Omaha, where she spent the day wiLli friends. .Miss Lucy Hnidway was a pas senger this morning for Omaha, after visiting over Sunday with relatives and friends here. Victor Sherwood and wife of (irand Island came in Saturday evening and visited over Minnaj wilh relatives in this city. Comforts tied at 50c. Uuills made at ibe lor earn spooi 01 thread used. Mrs. J. W. Thomas, 7 1 i Pearl street. 11-i-twk-d Harrison Smith of Rock was in I he city today, coin to hear Col. liryan speak court house. .-Mrs. II.. S. llarlliobl ; departed this morning for lenver, where she will visit her daughter, Mrs. Carl Halter, for a short time. (Hen Smith of Lincoln, the county bridge contractor, is in the city today looking after some matters of business. Miss Marcia Ethridge of Pleas antville, fowa, arrived this after noon and will be employed in the store of her cousin, P.. A. Mc Elwain, in the future. Miss Lillian Bookmeyer return ed to her home in Omaha this aft ernoon, after spending Sunday here with her mother. Do you remember Lyman Howe's pictures? It will be here again at the Parmele theater, one night only, Monday, .November 4. Miss Muriel Harlbold returned to (llenwood this morning, afler spending Sunday here with her parents, II. S. Rarlhold and wife. Countv Commissioner Jordan came in tins morning on o. o fiom his home at Alvo and will look after some county business here. Floyd Kuhney and wife of Have lock returned to their home this afternoon, after a visit over Sun day with relatives here. Richard Clark of Omaha re turned home this morning after enjoying a short hunting trip in this vicinity. He was quite suc cessful, securing quite a bunch of game. One of lite most interesting and entertaining programs at the Parmele tonite. It's Lyman II. Howe's Travel Festival. It is now time for you to plan lo attend the Art Exhibit at tnc High school, November 14, 15 and 10. IlenelU of the public schools. Admission, 10 cents. A. W. Crites of Chadron, Neb., was a visitor over Sunday in this icly, being a guest of his sister, Mrs. H. S. Ramsey and family. Mrs. Arthur Copenhaver and Miss Clara Copenhaver of near Murray were in the city today and were passengers 011 No. 15 for Omaha, where I hey looked after business matters for the day. Mrs. W. T. Scott en was a pas senger this morning on No. 15 for Omaha, where she will visit her daughter for a short time. The Helpers of the Christian church will meet with Mrs. II. C. Yanllorn on Wednesday after noon, November 0. at 2:30. Lunch will be served. All are invited. A. J. Tippens and wife of Lin coln, who spent Sunday in this city with Mr. Tippens' brother, W. C. Tippens and family, returned home this morning. Mr. Tippens is employed in the Burlington train service running from Lin coln to Ravenna. Mrs. Earl Blish was taken to the hospital at Omaha this aft- Mont Robh, steward of the peni- ernoon, where she will take treat- tentiary at Lincoln, came down ment. Mrs. Blish has not been in this morning lo look after busi-lvery good health for some time ness matters for a short lime. land had just gotten over an opera- 1 1 ion when she came from Montana John Orandoville of Lee, Neb., 'and finds (hat it will be necessary who has been here for a few days, for her lo again enter the hos- visiling his brother, Charles and pital. family, departed this afternoon 1 New Mate for Taft Not Selected, New York. Nov. 4. After a confer ence between President Taft and sev eral numbers of his cabinet and Re publican senators and representatives, It was officially announced here that no successor to Vice President Sherman on the Republican ticket would be se lected until after election. Governor Hadley of Missouri Is known to be fa vored by President Taft and many of tho leaders. Charles Chriswisser and family of Nehawka were in the city Sat urday, Charley visiting with his father, while his wife and Mrs. Bennett Chriswisser were visit ing in Omaha. Frank Itestor was a passenger yesterday afternoon for Omaha, where he visited for the day with his wife at Inimanuel hospital. Mrs. Bestor is improving every dav and will soon be able lo re turn home. Drug Trusty and Saw Through Bart. nakersflold, Cal, Nov. 4 After Jrugglng a trusty, sawing through two Iron barriers and scaling a Jail wall, four former Inmates of the Kern coun ty Jail aro flo Ing through the hills with two posses In pursuit. Pnul Morgan came in morning on No. 0 110111 Springs, Neh., lo make a visit with his mother, Mrs. this Hay short Cert rude Morgan. Paul is now en gaged in the real estate business at Hav Springs and is making quite a success in that line. for his home. Mrs T. II. Pollock and daughter. Miss Ellen, were passengers this afternoon for Omaha, accompany ing Mrs Pollock's sister, Mrs. King, that far on her homeward journey. Mr. and Mrs, were in llie city to hear Hon. W, were pleasant Frank Ploetzer today, coming in J. Bryan. They callers at this otllce while here and renewed I heir subscription to this paper for another year. Mrs. C. II. King and daughter. Mary, who have been visiting rela tives here, departed this after noon for their borne at Waukegan, Illinois. Dr. OHmon4 and wife and Mrs. J. A. Walker and Miss Margie Walker motored up from Murray with Mrs. King. "It is a pleasure to tell you that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is I he best cough medicine I have ever used." writes Mrs. Hugh Campbell, of Lavonia, Ca. "I have used it with all my children and the results have been highly satisfactory." For sale by F. C. Fricke & Co. Spends Day In Country. . Taking advantage of the nice weather yesterday, George Dodge and wife and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steinhauer and daughter, Miss Gladys, motored out lo the farm home of John Busche, near Cedar Creek, and visited for several hours. Mrs. Busche has just re turned from the hospital and is doing nicely and feels much im proved. The party greatly enjoy ed the ride, as well as the de lightful visit wilh Iheir old friends. A ...