The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 04, 1912, Image 4

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    -The Plattsmouth Journal -
Published Semi-Weekly
Entered at the Postolfiee at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-clas
For President
(if New Jersey,
For Vice President
i of Indiana.
For United Stales Senator
For (lovernor
lor Lieutenant (lovernor
Vol-Secretary of Slate
For Auditor Public Accounts
4'or Stale Treasurer
for State Superintendent
'or Attorney (leneral
For Commissioner Public Lands
For Railroad Commissioner
For Congressman
For State Senator
For llepresenlal ive
For Float Representative
For County Assessor
For County Commissioner
The people want a change.
:o :
Me Mire j on are right, llien go
and vole.
Thanksgiving only three weeks
from next Thursday.
The demoeral ie slale l.iekel is
much lietter than the republican
slate ticket in every way con
sidered. : o :
( u r county I ickel is one of I he
best e.M'r placed before Ihe people
of the county.
The cold wave that til nick here
Monday night nave us a gentle
warning thai old Winter was not
very far away.
' :o:
Democrats, he up' and doing.
F.very (lenioeralic vole , in Cass
county should he counted for
Woodrovv Wilson.
When you vide for Wilson and
Marshall you w ill he vol inn for
what ymi have been clamoring
for a change in Ihe running af
fairs of this government.
John J. (iust in will make an
able represenlal ive of Cass coun
ty in the legislature, and should
he elected. F.very voter who de
sires n clear, level-headed man
to represent their interests in Ihe
legislature will vole for Mr. (Itis
tm. :o:
Bear in mind that V. R. Hryan,
the honest old fanner, whom you
should vote for, will perform Ihe
duties of assessor faithfully and
elllciently. He possesses the
qualifications to do the business
required of him, and Jus is one of
Ihe best men in Cass rounty.
(iovernor Wilson can be elected,
and he will be elected. Hut this
is not enough. He should be elect
ed by a majority so great I hat
(here can lie no mistake as to the
meaning of the people's mandate.
He will go into office with a
democrat ie house, and if his ma
jority is large enough he will have
n democraliee senate as well. This
will make President Wilson the
leader of a united parly in full
control of both branches of con
gress and in .a position to carry
nut nil the progressive policies to
'which it Is pledged.
at Plattsmouth, Nebraska f" 3
Remember next Tuesday is clcr
liun day. Don't fail to come out
and vote.
livery voter who desires a calla
ble man for county commissioner
will vole for Julius Pilz.
Senator Norris Uruvvn is now
proposed as fo successor to the
lale Vice President Sherman.
Norris is all right, if I hey w ant a
standpatter "from away back."
Pay no al lent ion lo roorbacks
on the very eve of the election.
There is no truth in them or I hey
would not wail till the last mom
ent to engae in such work.
Business men of Chicago are
not frightened by the republican
calamity howl, intended lo scare
Ihe timid. They realize that in
the .election of (lovernor Wilson
to the presidency lies the safety
and prosperity for all classes.
Who was Paul Clark before he
went west to make his home and
returned to Lincoln especially to
run for congress? A corporation
attorney, and he is running he
cause lliey have use for him in
(ieorge W. .Norris, bull moose
candidate for United Slates seu
alor, is so hitler against Taft and
his supporters that slale candid
ales on the republican ticket shun
his meetings as much as possible,
lie addressed about .0(1, reports
say, at the Auditorium in Lincoln,
ami the candidates refused to sit
upon the slage from which he
spoke. It looks like Norris "is in
I he soup."
:o :
In considering the qualificnt ions
of each of Ihe applicants for the
presidency of the United States it
behooves us to take care to select
a man who will his able to act in
harmony with his assistants.
Without, doubt (lovernor Wilson
will be able to bring about the
much needed reforms because he
will have the undivided support
of a democratic congress.
The "scarecrow" sent out from
Omaha under Ihe signature of
Nathan Merriam, president of the
Mcrriam Millard Co., is a daisy,
in Ihe way of an effort to in
limidate voters. Like evcrvune
else who sends out such balder
dash, he is a man who expects to
"feather his own nest" a lillle
more in case .Theodore is elected
for the third term. His tommy
rot will miss wide of its mark
as it should.
l.x- lovernor Shallenberger is
as good a man as there is in Ihe
slate for United States senator.
He is able and fearless, and if
elected next Tuesday the people
of Nebraska can always depend
upon their interests being well
guarded in Washington. Then
go to the polls next Tuesday and
vote for a safe and sane man for
Ihe United States senate, in the
person of Hon. A. C. Shallen
:o: .
Paul Clark, bull moose candid
ale for congress, had hard work
to get anyone to preside at one
of his meetings the other night in
Havelock. One man selected sail
that he was a republican, and as
lie was not going to support Clark
he could not preside. The scrum
one asked said the same thing
Two or three others were solicit
ed before one could be induced lo
preside. This carrying water on
both shoulders won't go with the
Be Sure and Read.
So much effort has been made
to bel'ou the fads relative to tho
submission of a workable initi
ative and referendum law that it
might be well to make them so
plain he who runs may read.
In the first place, there was no
division of sentiment upon the
one fact ttiat .Nebraska should
have such a law. Second, the only
division of sentiment was upon
the percentages that should be
lived for initiation, referring or
adopting constitutional amend
ments. is doubtless true, as
charged, I hat some reactionaries
sought lo minimize the good ef
Vct.s of the law by tixing the per
centages unreasonably high. II
is jul, as true that some over-en-lhusialic
advocates of the law
wauled to tlx the percentages so
low I liiil any fool proposil imi
could gel mi iiii' ballot. The
sensible Ihiug to do, then, was to
make I lie nerrculages reasonable.
-first, to permit of Ihe initiation
f good measures without too
much difficulty; second, to make
it reasonably dillicult to initiate
measures calculated to bring the
aw into ridicule; third, lo make
it reasonably easy to refer wit h-
nil. making it too easy and thus
leiinit the law to be brought into
disrepute. There was one ele
ment ostensibly enthusiastic for
the adoption of such a law. that
was so blindly partisan that il
sought, lo secure the enactment
of a measure that would he
ridiculous, thus enabling them lo
charge the democratic legislature
willi being incompetent.
The bill as inlrodiifvil provided
for a .r per cent pel il ion lo iuil iate
i law or to have a law referred.
I'he bill as finally enacted pro-
v ides lor a I (l per cent, petit inn.
l'liese amendments were support
ed and voted for bv Senator Skiles,
introducer of the measure, and
Senator Morehead. The confer
ence coinmil lee ol March l re
commended that Hie Mouse recede
from ils amendment providing
al initialed measures should
have only a ma.inrilv Of the voles
cast thereon, and providing for a
majority equal to ;t! per Vent of
the toal vole cast at the election.
also recomeinuded I hat Ihe
senale concur in Ihe house
imendinent requiring 15 per cent
of the voters to propose a con-
si it uiioiial amenilnienl. On the
same date tlircc-lirihs of the
members in both houses agreed
o Ihe report of the conference.
committee. The votes of Senator
Skiles ami Senator Morehead were
identical. The record shows that
every amendment adopted was
calculated to make what is admit
ted to be the very best measure of
its kind in any slale. It is so ad
mitted by the governor of Oregon
and the governor of South Dakota.
In view of the attempt to deceive
the voters as to Senator More
head's altitude toward the in
itiative and referendum il is only
necessary to refer to Ihe printed
record, which proves that the
voles of Skiles and Morehead
to he the same in every particular,
and that the amendments sup
ported by Morehead were support
ed by Skiles, Ihe introducer of the
Hon. W. It. Thinning should by
all means be re-elected to the
str.te senate, if the people of Cass
county desire an able and ener
getic worker (o represent them in
that body. The Journal appeals
lo its friends in every section of
Ihe county to be sure and vote for
Senator Dunning. Where will you
find another man who will serve
you better? No man can be elect
ed to either house or senale with
out making somo mistakes, but
Hill Manning has made less mis
takes than any man who ever
vtnt to the legislature from this
county. It is a duty that every
man owes to himself, to the
reputation of tho county and to
the honor of a faithful public
servant to go to tho polls next
Tuesday and vote for W. H. Manning.
and inspect the largest and most complete stock of
Seating Stoves e Ganges
ever shown In Plattsmouth. Prices to conform with anybody's
Successor to John Bauer PI4emAn4U Eiu
7,7 - JL5X.
The voters of the First con
gressional district, will return
John Maguire for another two
years because they know he has
done his duty and proved true to
ever proposition he has promised
the people.
:o :
Now comes Miss Henrietta Hod
man ami declares that the high
cost of living is largely caused by
Ihe lack of proper training of our
girls in colleges, (lirls learn more
about individual recipes for fancy
fudge than they do about making
a hatch of mullius for breakfast.
Remember how much more good
(lovernor Wilson can do for Ihe
common people as president of
Ihe United Steles if he can have
Ihe assistance of both a demo
cratic house and senate. Then how
necessary il is to vole for Shal
lei.l.erger for senator and John
for congress? I imi'l you
I'aul Clark does iml claim to hi1
a republican. lie says himself
l.lial he is out and out for the
I bird parly, and can never affiliate
with the republican parly again.
Then no Tall supporler can con
sistently support Paul Clark for
congress. When you cast your
vole for Congressman Maguire
you will have supported a man
who has served his constituents
faithfully and well, and you will
know right where to find him at
all times.
Flagged Train With Shirt.
Tearing h'is shirt from his back
an Ohio man (lagged a train and
saved il from a wreck, but II. T.
Alston, Raleigh, N. C, once pre
vented a wreck with Ulectric Bit
ters. "I was in a terrible plight
w hen I began lo use I hem," he
writes, "my stomach, head, back
and kidneys were all badly affect
ed and my liver was in bad condi
tion, but four bottles of Electric
Hitters made me feel like a new
man." A trial will convince you
of their matchless merit for any
stomach, liver or kidney trouble.
Price 50 cents al F. O. Fricke
d Co.
Petition In Partition.
From Saturday's Dally.
A petition in partition was filed
in the district court today entitled
Tahitha Thacker vs. William
Albin, incompetent.. The plaintiff
is a daughter of the late Henja
min Albin, who died in this county
in 1801, leaving as his heirs the
plaintiff, Frank Albin, Alice
Shrader, Carter Albin, William
Albin. The plaintiff has purchas
ed the interests of all Ihe heirs
except William Albin and asks
that the estate be divided between
plaintiff and the defendant, Wil
lian Albin.
"There could be no better medi
cine than Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. My children were all
sick with whooping cough. One
of them was in bed, had a high
fever and was coughing up blood.
Our doctor gave them Chamber
Iain's Cough Remedy and the first
dose eased them, and three bot
tles cured I hem," says Mrs. R. A.
Donaldson, of Lexington, Miss.
For sale by F. 0. Fricke & Co.
Buy your fancy stationery at
the Journal office.
Furniture and Undertaking
Carpets, Rugs and Linoleum
South Sixth Street
Plattsmouth, - Nebraska
Phonpc I Store 137
rnneS f Residence 247
V A. . ' -
V ' ' J V
When you go the polls next
Tuesday vote for Julius Pitz,
a farmer full of energy and
with a will to his whole duty
to the people of the whole
county. He is a young man,
honest as the day is long, and
will make a county commis
sioner, not only creditable to
himself, but one upon whom
every tax-payer can look with
pride. Vote of Julius Pitz
next Tuesday, and you will
be proud of your act to the
day of your passing from this
Sale Very Successful.
From Saturday's Dally.
The sale of line I Hiroc-Jersey
hogs held at the farm of Verner
Perry, near Mynard, Wednesday,
was largely attended by farmers
from all over the county and all
of Ihe animals offered brought a
good price. The receipts of tho
sale were over $1,500. These
hogs are the finest that are raised
in this part of the country and Mr.
Perry has always been very care
ful in selecting the animals he
has put on sale.
Funeral of Grant Cotner.
From Saturday's Dnlly.
The funeral of the late (irant
Coiner was held this afternoon at
the home of James Higley and the
interment was made in Oak Hill
cemetery. The pall-bearers were
selected from among the brothers
of the deceased. The family have
the deepest sympathy of the entire
community in this, their hour of
Rev. Ross Williams of the
Christian church of Murray con
ducted the services.
For Sale Cheap.
My residence, splendid, well
built house, in good condition.
Two full lots. Water in house,
Mrs. Kmily Dickson, Mordock's
Store, Sixth street.
Chas. 11. Husch of Nebraska
City is the nominee of the demo
cratic party for float represent
ative in the approaching session
of the legislature from the Eighth
district, comprising the counties
of Oloe and Cass. Mr. Husch
needs no introduction to the vot
ers of Otoe county, being person
ally known lo almost every citizen
pf this county. As deputy in the
office of the late Herman R.
Young, county clerk of Otoe coun
ty, and subsequently for two
terms himself county clerk of this
county, Mr. Husch discharged his
duties as a public officer in a
manner to win the unstinted
praise and commendation of the
taxpayers of all parties, and few
men have retired from a county
office with so unanimous a feeling
on the part of all citizens of the
county as is expressed in the
familiar saying, "Well done, good
and faithful servant." At the in
sistence of many friends in both
parties, who recognize the value
of Mr. Husch's splendid business
ability, his intelligence in the
handling of public business, and
his high personal character, he
consented to become a candidate
for the legislature, and in this
wider field lo represent the peo
ple of Cass and Otoe counties in
Ihe important public duties con
nected with the making of pro
gressive laws for the people of
Ihe stale and the appropriation
of funds necessary for the con
duct of the business of the state.
For these duties no man is better
equipped by experience and ability
than Chas. II. Husch, and a de
served recognition of his previous
public services to the people of
this county should give him the
practically unanimous support of
the voters of Otoe county.
Forest Rose Flour guaranteed
to be as good as any flour on the
market. Sold by all leading deal
ers. Try it.