The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 04, 1912, Image 3

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    Glimpses of the Life and Character
Of Vice President James S. Sherman
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Photos by American Vrcsa Association
1, the "Sunny Jim" smile; 2, on the street; 3, his home in Utica, N.
speaking pose ; 6, Taft and Sherman at a ball game.
IT In but rppi'nting the universal
Washington verdict to describe
Vice President James Schoolcraft
Sherman ns one of the most pop
ular men persoimlly who ever wielded
the travel in the United States Hctuite.
The sobriquet of "Sunny Jim" wu
given him an an atTectloiinte recog
nition of Ills gcui:i!lty and democratic
"Eloquent on the platform, forcible
and resourceful In debate, a master
f parliamentary tactics, able and ag
gressive aR a campaign manager, a
successful lawyer and business man
and possessed of winning peronal qual
ities." is the way one ef Ids friends
described hiui vl"n he was lirst nom
inated for th vice presidency In ISK)S.
The son of General I'. U. Sherman of
Utica, who was a prominent democrat
ffter the civil war a'ld held important
fate offices. .Mr. Sherman was born In
Utica. N V.. Oct. J . lie re
ceived an academic and cnllc-.-iate ed
ticatton. graduating r'.m Hamilton
college In the class of 1STS He was
admitted to the liar at Utim in ISSu
tho same year ttint young Will Taft
wns admitted to the Hamilton county
bur at Cincinnati
Young Sherman liegan his career in
politics with Ll( election as the Re
publican mayor of the Democratic city
of Utica In 1SM He was delegate to
the Republican national convention of
1802. by which jcar he had become a
familiar figure In national politics.
Mr. Sherman served as a member of
congress from the Twenty third New
York district from W! to 1S:1. from
the .Twenty-fifth New York district
from 1S!)3 to V.m and from the Twenty-seventh
district from l'.ta't up to
In 1S09. on the retirement of Speak
er Reed. Mr. Sherman was prominent
I 1 1l
s. wrn tk-?
KS ' "
ly mentioned for the speakership of
the house, and was said to have been
Reed's choice.
For ten years Mr. Sherman wan one
of the active Republican floor man
agers In the house. Enrly he showed
his genius In committee work In his
lalxrs ns chairman of the house com
mittee on Indian affairs, the head of
which he was for more than ten
years. He wns also an active member
of the committee on rules and that on
interstate and foreign commerce.
Three times lie was called to preside
over Ropubllciin state conventions in
New York state. In 1000 he was elect
ed chairman of the Republican con
grosional campaign committee, and It
was as manager of the Republican con
gressional campaign In that year that
he earned the title of "Dollar Jim." A
lot had been said about big campaign
contributions by coronations, and Mr.
Sherman set out to raise a fund for the
campaign by Individual subscriptions
of $1 each. So they called him "Dollar
.Ilm." The plan was successful, never
theless, and n handsome sum was real
ized. In l!MiS Mr. Sherman resigned the
chairmanship of the congressional
committee to accept tho nomination of
his party for the second office in the
land. It Is on record that when Taft
and Sherman met In Cincinnati a day
or so after their nomination the party
of the first part said to the party of the
second part of the ticket:
"Hello, Jim. old boy! Rully for you!"
Kings do not greet each other thus
at any rate not In public. It Is a tine
thing for republican Institutions when
the highest ollieera In the government
are human enough to talk like ordinary
Many stories are told to illustrato
Mr. Sherman's human qualities. On one
occasion n friend approached him, re
IP - .
i f
Y.; 4, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman; 5, his
calling the tragic death of Vice Presi
dent Hobart from too many rich din
ners, and dropped a hint that unless
Mr. Sherman reformed on the dining
out habit he might also fall a victim to
the hospitality of Ids admirers.
"Ah." exclaimed the genial vice
president, wagging his finger with a
knowing look. "I don't expect to follow
In the footsteps of poor Hobart I have
acquired the art of dining out and re
taining my health. You might almost
say that I dine without eating. My
dinner consists of three things. I al
ways skip the cocktails, hors d'oeuvres
and other preliminaries. I take a little
soup. Then I skip the fish and the en
tree and take a little of the game
course. 1 overlook tho punch, the salad
and other fancy dishes and take a little
Ice cream. That's the end f my din
ner. I never touch the wines. I always
avoid oysters and tervapln ond other
rich dishes.
"I5y eating sparingly I am able to
enjoy both the dintn. Jul the company
and uwake on the followln inoru'.ng
with a clear head and vigorous body. I
am standing the social campaign In
first claw shape."
Many Instances are recalled that
prove Mm deserving the nickname
"Sunny Jim." One morn'ng a
who remarked with feeling that he
was an honored memlwr of the down
and out club and that he had known
Sherman In days gone by asked "Sun
ny Jim to give him a Job.
"There Is no Job I can give yon."
said Sherman. "All the Jobs are tak
en." He went Into Ills private otllce
and reappeared, carrying a sealed en
velops. "I'm sorry." he said, "that I
can't help yui. but take this note home
to your wife."
When the wife opened the envelope
twenty five-dollar notes dropped Into
her lap
Officials to) ta Vole or to
Hustle tor Votes.
Adjutant General Wan: Armory tor
Storage of National Guard Supplies.
Rock Island Must Repair Line- Fees
Collected by Secretary Wait.
I.ln.oln, Njv. 4. There was very
little (l')liin u the state house today.
Several of the slate officers have i;o!i .'
heme to oU, many of them still
hoiilinn their h -vil residence in the
town it- whic'.: tin y res ided at tho time
they wi'-e elected. Governor Aldrich
u nt. to 1m id City,-Slate Ireasmcr
CiC-orne to P.rokcn Row, Land Commis
sioner Cowles to Falrbury and Attor
ney (i neial Martin to Fremont. Most
of (he deputies and u large perccnt-n-ie
of the male members of the differ
ent o'hoo forces also vote in their
home towns, and In consequence the
capitol building Is a very quiet place.
All kinds of opinions exist as to the
outcome of the election, most of them
based upon the political leanings of
the prosnosticator. Many of the state
nouse employees am shivering In their
r.hoes and will hardly draw a normal
breath until the reports are In. In
some of the offices, notably that of the
auditor and land commissioner, new
heads will be Recti, no matter what tho
result and In these Instances there has
been a congealed atmosphere abound
ing for monthF.
Bryan Winds Up at Lincoln,
V. J. Iirynn will conclude the cam
paign as far as the Democrats are con
cerned with an address at the city
auditorium tonight. Mr. Bryan has
spoken In twenty-nine states, having
b( en on the road continuously sinco
Sept. 15. He has run up a record of as
high as twenty speeches in a day and
most of the time getting In no less
than live. Many of th state candi
dates will close tho campaign here
with Mr. Bryan.
' May Ask for Arsenal.
Adjutant General Phelps Is consid
ering the matter of bringing before
the next legislature a proposition for
the building of an arsenal or armory
for the storage of the national guard
supplies. At the present time they
are scattered over the basement of
the state house and kept In eight dif
ferent rooms, besides being piled up
In the gangways. The ammunition Is
entirely unprotected In case of fire.
Should fire occur it Is easily to be
peon that much damage might result
(on account of this ammunition, besides
the less of the explosives themselves
and would cause n great expense to
the state.
Hock Island Must Repair Line.
Tho state railway commission has
notified the Rock Island Railroad
company that It has accepted the re
port of the examiners sent out to look
over the road and will expect the com
I r.ny to e.t once put to work two gangs
of men on Its line from Jansen
Ihroug'i Beatrice to the Kansas state
line for the per,ose of resurfacing the
roadbed and replacing the defective
ties on that line. It Is said that 11,000
new ties will be needed.
Fees Collected.
Secretary of State Wait makes the
following report of fees collected at
his ofOc for the month of October
Articles of Incorporation, $2,2 111. 45;
corporation permits, $5.35; penalties.
$310; notary commissions, $72; motor
vehicle licenses, $51; brnnds, $73.50;
certificates and transcriptions, $03.50;
a total receipt of $3,381.15.
Frank Murray, Who Broke His Back In
Omaha, Is Almost Well.
Omaha, Nov. 4 Frank" Murray ot
rerry, la., who broke his back in
Omaha three months ago, is recover
ing and Is now able to walk around,
almost us well as ever. Physicians
say his entire recovery Is now a mat
ter of a gain of strength only and that
his hack Is as well as ever.
After Murray's accident he was
paralyzed from his hips down and wan
unable to move a muscle below his
alst. An examination showed that
four vertebrae were crushed and brok
en. Surgeons removed the broken bits
of bone, cut a new groove for the
spinal cord, which was uninjured, and
In this manner removed all pressure
from the spinal nerves. Casts were
removed and Murray has recovered
the full use of his leg and other mus
cles. He Is able to walk and, but for
weakness, Is entirely well. He will
return to his home In Perry this week.
Motor Service on Stapleton Line.
Kearney, Neb., Nov. 4. Of special
Importance to Kearney's business In
terests and the convenience of the
traveling men making tho territory
along the Kearney and Rlack Hills
branch between this city and Staple
ton Is the announcement made by Gen
eral Manager Ware of the Union Pa
clfle thnt motor service would be rein
stated soon.
Omaha Ready for Convention.
Omaha, Nov. 4. Arrangements for
the reception of 5,000 Nebraska, Iowa
and South Dakota school teachers here
Nov. 6. 7 and 8 ar complete. Among
other things the visitors will br- taken
on thirteen separate excursions to
places of Interest In this city and
South Omaha.
Railroads Warned That Situation
Must Be Relieved Soon. ,
Commerce Commission Intimates It
Will Interfere If Necessary Higher
Rate Urged for Use of Cars Between
CarriersIncrease Speed of Trains.
Washington, Nov. 4. Shortage of
freigiit cars, the menace of a coal laiu
iue and industrial paralysis in sonic
parts of the country, has become so
serious that the interstate commerce
commission proposed, t shippers and
railroads drastic reconiuii ndatiens for
its relief, with a thinly veiled intinia-'
tlon that should they fail to remedy
Llie Fituation, the commission Itself
would llnd a way to do so.
"T110 condition Is acute," declared
Commissioner Lane, who for several
weeks has been conducting an Inquiry.
"Great institutions of the country
the University of Michigan nt Ann Ar
bor for Instance are practically out
of fuel and cannot get It lieeauso there
are no cars for Its transportation. If
an Immediato remedy is not found,
pro pie in parts of this country will bo
freezing to death becnuso of their In
ability to get coal."
The car shortage Is said to have
been found to be duo in part to delay
in unloading cars, tho slow movement
of freight cars and failure of railroads
to return cars to the lines owning
them. In the latter caBe It Is said rail
roads hold cars, paying a nominal
charge for their use. This the com
mission denounces as "nothing less
than theft." The investigation of slow
movement of freights developed that a
freight car averaged about twenty
miles a day and that while one was
moving, thirteen were standing still.
Suggestions for Relief,
Tho commission nukes Beveral sug
gestions for the improvement of tha
etliclemy of freight equipment and tho
relief of the car shortage:
"That a higher per diem rate shull
bo made to apply for tho use of cars as
between the carriers.
'That an Inspection service he at
'ince instituted which shall report to
the commission violations of tho rules
existing which are Intended to Insure
the return of equipment to the homo
"Thnt operating officials he Instruct
ed to make fuller use of locomotives
and ca's by Increasing the speed of
ii eight trains. An average movement
of less thau twenty-flvo miles per car
per day Is not adequate' to the need of
times such as these. An increase of
speed is tantamount to an increase in
The commission's recommendations,
sent broadcast us a circular to tho
railroads and shippers of the United
States, points out that the commerce
and industries of the United States
would suffer grent loss were a car
shortage to continue. It points out
that beside the suffering which would
follow a coal famine from lack of cars,
industries throughout the country
would b stopped by lnck of raw ma
terials and the people nt large w;uld
suffer serious embarrassments.
Man Who Gave Up Wife to Let Her
Marry Another Expires.
Wichita, Kan., Nov. 4. Tho doctors
said it was pernicious anaemia that
caused the death of Albert W. Luce,
fifty-five years old, but friends and
nelghhorn, recalling that Luce had sac
rificed his own happiness that his
young wife might be nappler as thfl
wife of another man, said he died of a
broken heart.
Living in the same house with- his
former wlfo, now the wife of another
man. Luce outwardly was resigned
and apparently rejoiced that by giving
her to another he had made tho su
preme sacrifice of love to make her
happy. But to his close friends Luce
sometimes confided his secret sorrow.
Gradually his health failed. His form
er wife nursed Mm eently, but in vain.
Jealous Boy Kills a Girl.
New York. Nov. 4. Maddened by
Jealousy and the taunts of his shop
mates, Walter Wbarby, eighteen years
old. shot and fatally wounded nine-tnon-yearold
Virginia Stelner and
then placed the muzzle of the revolver
to his forehead and pulled the trigger.
Tho bullet Inflicted only a flcRh wound.
The girl died In the New York hos
pital The boy and girl were employed
in the spme factory.
Strikebreakers Tell of Assaults.
Indlanipoli:!, Nov. 4 At the "dyna
mite conspiracy" trial James A. Wolf
and Frank Dcnk of Cle veland testified
that when they continued working
after the Iron workers' union had
called a strike they were assaulted by
gangs of men. Denk snfd one of his
assailants wns peter J. Smith, now a
defendant charged with complicity In
a dynamite conspiracy.
Clgarets Lead to Suicide.
Macon, On.. Nov. 4. Physicians de
clare that the Incessant smoking of
clgarets was responsible for the sul
cidw of jtm Fielder. depnrtnxTtt man
ager In Macon for the proctor-Gamble
company. Fielder shot himself. For
weeks Fielder's nerves had been shot
Thirty-nlr.e Members of State College
Faculty Will Take Part.
Ames, la.. Nov. 4. Dates for short
coursed in Iowa thij winter are an
nounced by Professor W. J. Kennedy,
head of the agricultural extension de
partment, of the state college here.
Thirty-nine Members of the college
faculty will he engaged In the short
course work. They will work In two
groups. They will include four spe
c'alists on farm crops and soils, three
animal husbandry instructors, two
teachers of home economics, an ad
vance man and a man to superintend
ia.l exhibits. Short courses one week
In extent will ho held at Cambridge,
Marengo, Onawa. Corning, Rem
brandt, Nashua, Malvern, Jolley and
Greenfield. IVites for these will be
fixed later, 'n addition there will be
thirty-five courses of from two to thr-s
days in iength Practically 'every
county in the state will be reached.
Dates for the regular length courses
of from two to three days are as follows-
p'.'c. 1 to 7, Eddyville pud De
corah; Dec. f) to 14. Oakville and Cres
co; Dee. If! to 21, Washington and
Tama: Jan. (1 to 11, Dcnlson and Ia
no'rr Jan. 13 to 1S, Losran and Perry;
Jan. 20 to 25. Council Bluffs and Glid
den; Jan. to Feb. 1, Shenandoah
and Webster City; Feb. 3 to 8, La
porte Citv and Humboldt; Feb. 10 to
15, Stangnst?'." and Pocahontas; Feb.
17 to 2?, Forest City and LoMars;
Feb. 24 to March 1, New Hampton ond
Emmeishurg; March 3 to 8, Waukon
and Germanla.
Mrs, Lesii Told Los Angeles Po
lice Had Murdered Two Women.
Los Angeles, Nov. 4. Declaring
that she is happier than she has been
in years because of her confession ta
having killed two women In Missouri,
Mrs. Pansy Hastings Liesh Is In tha
city Jail here awaiting the arrival ol
Sheriff Henderson of IVttus county.
Missouri. Sheriff Henderson tele
graphed Chief Sebastian to hold tha
woman until his arrival from Sedalla.
The caso is one of the strangest In
tho history of local police annals. Tha
police do net doubt the young woman's
sanity, although her husband, who
called at the jail, declared there was
nothing to her story and that she was
tcmpoiarlly Insane.
"He knows I'm not Insnne," said
Mrs. Lesh, after her husband's visit,
"because I told Mm nil about It before
I married him, five years ago.1 Ho and
Father Brooks, to whom I confessed In
St. Louis long ago, when I became a
Catholic, were the only ones who evet
Banner Given Countess Okuma by
Women's Federation of America.
Tokyo, Nov. 4. An American flag
was presented by Mrs. Illattner on be
half of the Women's Federation ol
America to Countess Okuma. On ac
count of mourning for the late emper
or, there was 110 public ceremony In
connection with the event. ,
Mrs. Blnttner delivered a speech, In
which she described in an Interesting
way the presentation of the Japanese
flag given by Countess Okuma at th
San Francisco woman's convention.
Both Count and Countess Okumr
spoke 1u response, feelingly express
ing the hope that the two flags would
always be Intertwined and that wom
an's Influence In both the United
States and Japan would continue a
controllng factor.
Bible Teacher Killed at Kansas City
In View of Bystanders.
Kansas City, Nov. 4. Miss 1311s
Perrlne, a toicher In a bible training
school acre, was shot to death by s
highwayman, who failed In an attempt
to rob her, Immediately after she had
alighted from a street car.
Persons attracted uy Miss Perrlne'
screams raw her struggling with hoi
assailant and snw him draw a pistol
and shoot her. The man escaped.
Miss Perrlne was killed within a fevi
blocks of the business center of the
city. Two weeks ago Al Hatch, a
wealthy saloon man, was shot and fa
tally wounded by four youthful hold
Fresh Blood Saves Woman.
Mount Klsco, N. Y., Nov. 4. An op
eration for the trunsfuslon of blood
wos performed upon Mrs. Charles Pin
kerton, daughter of tho late President
Chester A. Arthur, at her home here.
The operation lasted more than two
hours Two men, whose identity was
not disclosed, supplied the blood. XIrs.
PInkertcn had been suffering from
anemia. She Is said to have Improved
steadily since tho operation.
Standard Sells Waters-Pierce Holdings
New Y'ork, Nov. 4. Announcement
was made that the Standard Oil inter
ests had sold to Henry Clay Pierce all
their holdings in the Waters-Pierce
Oil company, thus ending tho litigation
that hns been In the courts for some
Quart of Whisky Fatal.
New York, Nov. 4. In whining a bet
thnt he could drink a quart of whisky
ot one pull Edward Kane lost his life.
He died at his hitue, to which he had
staggered from an enst side saloon
after downing the whisky.