The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, November 04, 1912, Image 1

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) St:.'? I'.is'-orical Sue
NO. 91.
Young People Have the Time of
Their Lives, but in Different
Manner Than Usual.
From Friday's Daily.
Last evening the classes of the
Platlsmouth High school took ad
vantage of the witching effects
that halloween is supposed to have
on the human race and pave their
different class parties, which were
productive of much enjoyment for
those participating, and an
agreobale feature of the evening
was the absence of any rowdyism,
as has sometimes been the case in
the past events of this character.
The members of the senior
class assembled early in the even
ing at the home of their class ad
visor, Miss Grace Newbraneh, and
the party chartered a large hay
rack that conveyed them to the
home of their class president,
Miss, Florence Richardson, at My
nard, where the class was most
royally entertained by Miss Rich
ardson and her parents. Games
and music furnished the chief
amusement of the evening, and
after enjoying the delicious re
freshments provided, the party re
turned to town, feeling that the
class of 1913 was the best bunch
on earth.
The juniors gathered at the
home of Miss Emma Cumimns and
accompanied by their advisor,
Miss Lillian Cole, drove out to the
home of Miss Mildred Snyder, near
Mynard, where they proceeded to
have the time of their lives for.
several hours, building a huge
bonfire over which they toasted
rnarshmellows, roasted wenies
and enjoyed one great big time
out in the open and in a good old
fashioned halloween parly until
the lateness of (he hour compell
ed (hem to return to (heir homes.
The Sophomore class partici
pated in a delightful halloween
party last evening. There were
twenty-seven members of the
class and their class advisor, Miss
Woblfanger, in attendance. Dur
ing the early hours of the evening
they indulged in a hayrack ride,
being driven in and about the city,
titer which they drove to the
home of Mrs. J. Stenner in the
west part of the city, where the
remainder of the evening was
wbiled away in a most enjoyable
manner. The rooms of the Sten
ner home bad been very at
tractively decorated in the sopho
more colors, intermingled with
decorations characteristic of the
halloween season. The young peo
ple spent some very happy mom
ents in music, interspresed with
all kinds of games. At a late hour
delicious refreshments, also char
acteristic of the halloween season,
were served, after which the
sophomores departed for their
homes, having most thoroughly
enjoyed themselves.
The freshmen of the High
school enjoyed one of the best
parties they have had in recent
years at (he home of Iheir class
mate, Paul Ilandley. Miss Maddox
had assisted the young people in
decorating and the Handley home
was made beautiful with the dec
orations of halloween and showed
great artistic ability on the part
of the members of (he class and
Iheir advisor. The evening was
spent in games and music and de
licious refreshments were served,
which were greatly enjoyed by
Hie young people.
"The Goddess of Liberty."
From Frldny's Dally.
11. M. Slilaes departed this aft
ernoon for Omaha, where he will
attend "The Goddess of Liberty"
tonight at the Brandeis theater.
Mr. Shlaes will try and secure this
at I ruction for the Parmelo theater
if it conies up to the standard of
Mr. Howard's other productions.
Joseph Howard, who appears in
the, leading role, is the author of
t lio music of "The Prince of To
night," which was such a success
here last Saturday evening.
A Winner Journal Want Ads,
Start New Blacksmith Shop.
From Friday's Dally.
Mike Rys and Frank Mailer, the
expert blacksmiths of this city,
have completed arrangements to
open a new blacksmith shop in
the building of Sam Smith, west
of the Warga it Cecil garage.
These gentlemen are both ex
perienced blacksmiths and will
give perfect satisfaction on any
job they undertake. Mr. Mauer
was formerly employed at the
William llassler shop, while Mr.
Rys has been running a shop at
The Hall Beautifully Decorated
and the Dancers Enjoyed a
Splendid Time.
From Friday's Dally.
One of the most delightful
dances given so far this season
was that given last evening at the
Modern Woodmen hall by the
Plattsmouth Players' club. The
decorating committee, of which
Miss Bernice Newell was chair
man, certainly ought to feel
proud of the beautiful appearance
of the ball room. The lights in
the hall were shaded with yellow
which cast a most beautiful gold
en glow over the gathering of
merry dancers and added greatly
to the halloween spirit that pre
vailed throughout the decorations.
The balcony of the hall was
draped with streamers of yellow
and from the four corners of the
hall streamers of paper bearing
witches and tiny paper pumpkins
were strung, as well as along the
sides of the hall making a scene
that was most pleasing to the eye.
The refreshments were in keeping
with the decorations-and consisted
of cider served from a barrel set
up on a three-cornered wooden
pedestal and which furnished
much fun for the young people.
There were about thirty-five
couple present and they enjoyed
the beautiful strains of the dance
music furnished by the M. W. A.
orchestra until a late hour. There
were a number of out-of-town
visitors present to enjoy the oc
The out-of-town guests were:
Miss Stamp of North Platte, Mes
srs. G. E. Dovey of Lincoln, Ben
Windham of llavelock and Vogel
Gittier of Lincoln.
From Friday's Dally.
The interior of the telephone
building on Sixth street is to re
ceive the finishing touches, as to
day Frank Gobelman and his
force of men started the work of
painting the rooms, which were al
recently remodeled and placed in
llrsl-class condition and a new
up-to-date switch-board installed
in the exchange. The wall that
was formerly papered has all been
cleaned off and will be painted
which is much more lasting am
sanitary than the wall paper
When completed the telephone
company will have as handsome
a home as any exchange in the
state and it will be well equippoi
for the comfort of (hose employed
in the building.
Death of an Aunt.
From Friday's Dally.
Mrs. T. B. Hates departed on
the early Missouri Pacific train
this morning for Omaha, where
she was called on account of the
death of her aunt, Mrs. Crosby
l he deceased resided on a ranch
in Custer county, Nebraska, am
the remains were brought to
Omaha, her former home, for in
terinenl. The decease! had been
ailing for two years or more am
her death was not a very great
surprise to her relatives am
friends. She went through the
ordeal of an operation a year ago
inn wiiicn uni not, seem to give
her only temporay relief. She was
a favorite aunt of Mrs. Hates, who
visited her frequently on the
Every Taxpayer Should Be In
terested In the County Having
a Safe Prison.
From Friday's Iaily.
Vote lor the new county jail
proposition; let that be your
watchword when you go to the
polls next Tuesday. The best in
terests of the county demands
that you cast your vote for the
jail and do away with the "old
shell" that has served as an ex
cuse lor a jail for all ttiese years
ind which has cost the taxpayers
more than a new jail would to
keep it in repair.
It costs Cass county $1,500 each
ear to keep the jail running, and
here is the economy of the tax-
ayers in pouring money into ine
Id wreck that is growing worse
year alter year, when it will cost
very little more to put up a build
ing that will not have to be re
paired two or Ihree limes a year
to keep it from tumbling down on
the jailor and the prisoners con
fined there.
The heating plant for the court
iouse-inust be fixed up and if the
new building is not put up it will
be necessary to tear out the north
end of t lie court house at great
expense in order to install new
toilers, which would cost as much
money as it would to put up the
oiler house in connection with
the new jail building. Grab hold
of the towline, boys, and give
Cass county a new jail and save
the taxpayers money.
From Friday's Dally.
The ignoranco of voters in re
gard to how to mark a ballot at
the coming election is shown in
many questions received by the
secretary of state. Instructions
to voters will be posted at each
polling place. These will show
that there are three ways to mark
a ballot.
The simplest way is to, make a
cross in a party circle at the top
of the ballot. This carries a vote
for every nominee of the party in
whose circle the cross is made.
The next simplest way is to
vole, a straight ticket with excep
tions. This is for the convenience
of persons who do not wish to
vote for all (he candidates of one
political party. It is done by
making a cross in a party circle at
the top of the ballot and then
making a cross lower down on the
ballot opposite the names of any
candidates of some other political
party whom the voter desires to
vote for.
If one desires to vote a party
ticket in the main and to vole for
eight presidential electors of
some other party, he ran make a
cross in Ins parly circle at the
top and then make a cross in a
small circle at the right of a group
of eight electors who represent
some other political parly. A
cross in the circle at the right of
a group of eight electors is not
a vole for any other candidates on
the ticket.
The third and most laborious
way lo vote is to make a cross in
a squaro at the right of each
candidate a voter desires to sup
port. Lincoln Journal.
Entertains at Dinner.
From Friday's Dally.
Mrs. James Allison entertained
ten guests last evening at her
beautiful new home at a dinner
parly. The table va9 decorated
with most appropriate Halloween
novelties and made a fitting set
ling for the most delicious and
enjoyable dinner. Mrs. Allison
and her daughter, Miss Eva, are
splendid entertainers and her
guests are always loud in Iheir
praise of the royal manner io
which they are treated at the Al
lison home.
FOR SALE An organ. lias
solid walnut case. . Inquire of
Ralph Haynie, Route 2, Paltts
mouth, Neb. IO-28-2wks-wkly
Here From Weeping Water.
From Friday's Pally.
Nicholas llalmes, the genial
miller from Weeping Water, was
in the city today looking after
some business matters. While
here he paid the Journal otllce a
brief call. He tells us that every
thing in the south Cass metropolis
is getting along nicely. He made
the trip in his auto, and it looked
for a while as though he might be
able 1o return in a sleigh.
From Friday's Dally.
The Ladies' Auxiliary of St.
Luke's parish met yesterday afl
ernon at the home of Mrs. J. H.
Donnelly and enjoyed one of the
inost delightful times in the his
tory of that organization. The
ladies brought their needlework
with them and passed the time
most delightfully with their work
and a general good time, such as
can only be enjoyed by those who
are invited to the home of Mrs.
Donnely. Delicious coffee and cake
was served by the hostess, assist
ed by Misses Dora Fricke and
Verna Leonard, and was greatly
enjoyed by the ladies, present.
This society meets once every six
months and Iheir meetings are al
ways greatly enjoyed. There
were twenty-two present yester
day and all regretted that these
enjoyable events did not occur
more frequently.
From Friday's Dally.
The Social Workers of tho
Methodist, church met yesterday
afternoon with Mrs. Frank Gobel
man at her home and enjoyed a
most pleasant afternoon. After
the business session of the so
ciety the ladies proceeded to en
joy a social afternoon. The rooms
were decorated with pumpkins,
witches and oilier novelties em
blematic of the halloween season
and showed great artistic taste on
tho part of the hostess. The
ladies spent tho afternoon in
playing games ami enjoying se
veral very fine musical selections,
following which I he hostess
served a most delight fill two
course luncheon in a most novel
and pleasing manner, which
proved one of the most pleasing
features of the afternoon's enter
tainment. ine attendance was
quite large, there being 27 ladies
present at the meeting.
From Friday's Dally.
The patrons want lo bear in
mind that the art exhibit Dial is
lo lake place in I be High school
on November 11, 15 and 1(5, will
be one of the best events held in
the history of I he schol. Thurs
day, November IS, the High
school pupils will give a program.
Friday, the l.rth, the seventh and
eighth grades will have charge of
the program, and on Saturday aft
ernoon the pupils of the lower
grades will entertain the visitors.
For this exhibit the small admis
sion fee of 10 cents will be
charged, the proceeds or the ex
hibit to be used in purchasing new
pictures to decorate the school
rooms. This is a laudable enter
prise and deserves the aid of
everyone who has the good of the
schools at heart.
Getting Along Nicely.
Frank Beslor returned last
evening from Omaha, where he
had been in attendance at the
bedside of bis wife, who was
operated on Tuesday at Inimanuel
hospital. Mrs. Beslor is gelling
nlong nicely, and it promises to
be only a short time until she is
able to return home, which will be
pleasing news to her many friends
in Ibis city.
When ordering flour ask your
grocer to Bend you a sack of
Forest Rose Flour the best flour
From Friday's Dally.
Last evening the teachers of the
Central building and a few iu
viled friends surprised Mrs. Mar
vella Howlaud at her home on
North Seventh street. The ladies
were all dressed as ghosts, and
when I hey filed in on their friend
they certainly gave her a surprise.
The visitors brought with them
pumpkin pie, apples and popcorn
and proceeded to enjoy a most de
lightful time and I he merrymakers
held sway for several hours.
Those who were present to enjoy
the occasion were: Misses Anna
Heisel, Clee Applegale, Kstello
Baird, Verna Cole, pearl Slaats,
Clara Weyrich, Esther Larson,
Amelia Martens, Hazel Tuey,
Ethel Ballanee, Hazel Dovey, Mrs,
Mae Morgan, Mesdames E. II.
Wescott, C. C. We scot t and John
From Friday's Dally.
The remains of the late Grant
Coiner were brought in this after
noon from Omaha, where he pass
ed away in one of the hospitals.
The arrangements for the funeral
have not, been completed as yet.
Mr. Coiner leaves, besides his
widow and three daughters, Mabel,
Hazel and Nellie, his father and
mother, J. B. Coiner and wife, of
this city; three sisters, Mrs. Park
Chriswisser, Mrs. George Lloyd
of Murray, and Mrs. Cora Maple of
Blue Hill, Neb.; eight brothers,
John, Dr. Washington Coiner of
Haskell, Texas; Lee, Walter, Ed
ward, Clarence, Albert and How
ard, nil of this city.
THE D. 0.
From Friday's Dally.
Wednesday afternoon Mrs.
Gertrude Morgan and Mrs. D. C
Morgan entertained a large num
ber of Iheir friends at the home
of the former on North Sixth
street at one of the most delight
ful kensinglon given so far this
season. The Morgan home was
made beautiful by profuse decora-
lions of autumn leaves am
chrysanthemums, making a very
beautiful scene. A delicious two-
course luncheon was served
which added greatly to the pleas
ures of I he ladies present. This
was also one of Hie largest socia
gatherings of the season, there
being forty-three invited guests
From Kuturday's Dally.
Mrs. F. L. Cummins entertained
most charmingly last evening al
a whist party in honor of her
guests, Mrs. Bert Shryock and
Mrs. Harry Chapman of Omaha.
The guests enjoyed themselves in
a most delightful manner, there
being several tables filled by the
jolly crowd, and it was quite lale
when the guests regretfully took
their departure. The guests pres
ent were: Messrs. and Mesdames
R. F. Patterson, G. II. Fuller,
Everett Eaton, N. C. Abbott, W. A.
Robertson. C. W. Baylor, R. W.
Clement, T. II. Pollock. In the
whist games Mr. Abbott carried
off the gentleman's prize, while
Mrs. Clement proved Hie most
successful lady present.
Return From Weeping Water.
The M. W. A. orchestra returned
Ibis morning from Weeping Wa
ter, where I hey played at the ball
given last evening al Ihe I'll i I pot
hall in lhatcily. Those compos
ing the parly were: W. R. Holly,
violinist; Marie Fitzgerald, piano;
E. H. Schulhof, cornel; Anton
Bajeck, drums. The orchestra
has made a great hit with the
Weeping Water people and have
a contract to play al all Ihe
dances there.
No Damage Done.
Halloween passed off in Platts
mouth wit bout any serious dam
age being done by those who
usually if lebrate I he day by tear
ing up all the properly they can.
Several pieces of walk were torn
up at the foot of Wintersteen Hill
ml in other portions of the city,
bill nothing of any great value
was injured.
The Lady Employes at the Court
House Tender Miss Teresa
an Entertainment.
Yesterday the young lady em
ployes of the court house got to
gether and decided to give a sur
prise parly in honor of Miss
Teresa llemple. the retiring re
corder of the Degree of Honor.
Accordingly last evening Miss
Mary Foster and Mrs. A. E. Gass
called at the llemple home and
chatted for a few minutes with
Miss llemple, when the other
ladies came filing in and the sur
prise was complete, as it was
several minutes before Miss llem
ple recovered from tho shock.
The parly came with well filled
lunch baskets and proceeded to
take possession of the houso and
had one of the most enjoyable
evenings that could possibly be
lad. Games of various kinds and
social conversation were enjoyed
by the merry party, as well as a
most sumptuous, "feed," which
added very much lo the enjoyment
of the evening.
There has never been anyone
in ttie court, House whose de
parture has caused as much re
gret as that of Miss llemple, as
she has made friends with every
one whom she has come in con
tact with and they will greatly
miss her smiling face and genial
greetings.' Those in attendance
at the surprise parly were: Miss
Mary E. Foster, Mrs. A. E. Gass,
Mrs. Virginia McVicker, Miss Mia
Gering, Miss Madeline Minor, Miss
Florence White, Miss Gertie Bee
son, Miss Nionia Pics! roup and
Miss Jessie Robertson.
From Saturday s Dall.
A very painful accident occur
red this morning at the home of
William Split), near Murray. Mr.
Splill, who had been engaged in
shucking a load of corn, came in
from the field about 11:30 ami
started to unhitch bis team, hav
ing put one of the horses up and
was unharnessing the other when
the coll belonging lo the mart1
came into Ihe stable and Mr.
Splill, deciding to leave it with
the mare, started lo climb into the
manger lo take oil' the bridle, and
had his hand on Ihe lop of Ihe
manger when the coll kicked him
on Die baud, breaking his little
linger. Assistance was hurredly
summoned and the unfortunate
man was brought to Plaltemoulh
by Ray Campbell in hi automobile
ami the injured band dressed. II
was thought at first I hat it would
be necessary lo amputate III
finger, but it was decided to Iry
and save it.
New Addition to Store.
From Saturday's Dally.
Walter J. While has just com
pleted a new 22x31 addition lo the
store ro'om of G. P. Kaslwood. The
new room will be used as a store
room for pari of their large stock,
as well as a work room for the
tinners. This firm is doing an
immense business and the new
addition will come in very handy,
as the slock carried by Mr. East
wood is very large and the firm
could use a room much larger
than this very readily. The new
building is covered with galvaniz
ed iron in conformity with the re
quirements of the ordinances of
the cily.
A large line of invitation sta
tionery is always carried nt the
Journal office.