The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 31, 1912, Image 8

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m m m ni m CrJ& J tt)""wS T ?t Vt S cttTw""
t i
p-r""3 is now prepared to sell the very BEST
Pi 111
on the market and furnish you plenty of hard coal at the lowest
market price. Remember we furnish you good coal with each
and every Base Burner purchased of us.
HElIi 111!
Hon. Cone Johnson of Texas De
livered a Masterly Speech at
the Parmele Theater.
The largest political iiwi'ting
that lias Immti hold here this year
was that held last evening at the
l'annele theater, the being
filled with the audience who came
to hear the discussion of the pub
lic questions of the day by lion.
Cone Johnson of Texas. Mr.
Johnson is one of the ablest
speakers that has appeared in
this city ami bis address was right
to the point.
The speaker was introduced by
1). 0. Dwyor, president of the Wil
Hon and Marshall club, in a few
brief remarks, and Mr. Johnson
at once proceeded to Ret down to
business, lie slated (hat the re
publican party had sold I he
privilege of making I he tariff laws
to the great interests that bad
contributed millions to the cam
paign funds of the republican
party. That these same interests
had been allowed lo grow and
flourish under the Hoosevelt
regime; that Ibeir violations of
law had been winked at by the re
publican president and in return
for (heir money in the campaigns
the common people bad been de
livered over lo I hem for I be purpose-
of taxing the many to benefit
the few. Mr. Johnson also staled
that the struggle in the republican
convention at Chicago was not
whether great principles should
be placed in their platform it
was not whether the people should
have relief from the high cost of
living through legislation by the
republican party but it was
simply a contest for the ofllce of
president between Taft and Hoose
velt, Roosevelt claiming be had
simply loaned the ofllce to Taft,
while Taft claimed Hoosevelt had
given him the ofllce.
Mr. Johnson pointed out the
position of the democratic parly,
which for all these years has con
tended for the right of the great
masses or tne people to nave an
equal voice with the great pro
tected interests in the affairs of
government that under the
democratic party no manufacturer
of an article will have the
privilege of writing a tariff lo be
placed upon that article, regard
less of the interests or welfare of
the great common masses of I he
people. The democratic party to
day stands between the country
and socialism; it represents nil
thai our form of government
si amis for, and if it is defeated
it will be but a few years until the
republican form of government
founded by Washington and Jef
ferson, will be forced lo give way
to one founded on ideas imported
from Kurope. If the socialists
have their way we will be swal
lowed up by a so-called co-operative
commonwealth, and if the
republicans or bull nioosers are
successful we will be swallowed
up by the great interests of mono
poly, and in oil her case the
citizens would lose their in
dividual rights and become mere
cogs in a great machine. On the
other hand the democratic parly
stands for I he rights of the in
dividual that he is entitled to the
protection of the law or to be
punished by the law, whether he
be president of the Steel trust or
a common chicken thief.
Mr.Johnson was greatly pleas
ed with his reception in this city
and w ell pleased w ith I he large
audience that greeted him. There
were a great many farmers in
from all sections of the county
and there was great enthusiasm
manifest for the principles of the
democratic party and for the
ticket headed by Woodrovv Wilson.
Cone Johnson is not only a great
orator, but also one of the lead
ing lawyers in Texas, and two
years ago was a candidate in the
primary for governor. He is very
popular, but failed of nomination
in consequence of the three
cornered race.
The committee in charge of the
meeting feel very grateful lo John
Hanoi', jr., for the courtesy shown
the committee by placing bis auto
mobile at their service for the use
of Mr. Johnson.
lilias. II. Busoli of Nebraska is llie nominee of the demo
cratic party for float represent
ative in the approaching session
of the legislature from the Eighth
district, comprising the counties
of Otoe and Cass. Mr. Busch
needs no introduction to the vot
ers of Otoe county, being person
ally known to almost every citizen
of this eouittv. As deputy in the
olliee of the late Herman 11.
Young, county clerk of Otoe coun
ty, and subsequently for two
terms himself county clerk of this
county, Mr. Husch discharged his
duties as a public oflicer in a
manner to win the unstinted
praise and commendation of (he
taxpayers of all parties, and few
men have retired from a county
office with so unanimous a feeling
on the pari of all citizens of the
is expressed in the
C. E.
Always the Home of Satisfaction
county as
Men's laundered percale shirts in
fancy patterns of Gar
ner's percale fast
colors, made with
starched neckband and
starched cuffs attach
ed, coat style. Ele
gantly trimmed and
matched. These are bran new goods
not old left-overs. We just received
a solid case of them. They sell any
where for $1.00. We intend to turn
them quick at
From Wednesday's Dally.
The funeral of the late Mrs.
Minerva Johnson was held yester
day afternoon from the late home
on South Fifth street and was at
tended by a large concourse of
sorrowing friends, who gathered
to pay last tribute to this most
worthy lady, whom everyone who
knew her had learned to love and
esteem. The services were con
ducted by Rev. W. L. Austin of the
Methodist church, Mrs. Johnson
having joined that church when a
girl. The music consisted of
some of the favorite hymns of the
departed lady, which she so de
lighted in while living. The floral
tributes were numerous and very
beautiful and expressed the sor-
Mrs. T. A. Town, 107 Cth St.,
Watt-down, S. D., writes: "My
four children are subject to hard
colds and I always use Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound with
splendid results. Some time ago
I had a severe attack of la grippe
and the doctor prescribed Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound and it
soon overcame the la grippe. I
can always depend upon Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound and am
sure of good results." For sale
by F. Ci. Fricke & Co.
familiar saying, "Well done, good
and faithful servant." At the in
sistence of many friends in both
parties, who recognize the value
of Mr. Itusch's splendid business
ability, his intelligence in the
handling of public business, and
his high personal character, ho
consented lo become a candidate
for the legislature, and in this
wider Held to represent the peo
pie of Cass and Oloe counties in
the important public duties con
nected with the making of pro
gressive laws for the -people of
the slate and the appropriation
of funds necessary for the con- row felt by the friends at her
duct, of the business of the state, passing. The pall-bearers were
For these duties no man is bettor selected from the Burlington store
equipped by experience and ability department force and were as fol-
ln Chas. 11. Husch, and a do- lows: Frank Warren, F. M.
served recognition of his previous Phebus, Kverott Ward, Ed Weaver,
public services to the people of Ed Roman and C. W. Hula
this county should give him the
i : II : . ...
priiciicuii.v unanimous support, ot FOP Sale
llie voters ot Otoe countv
My eighty-acre well improved
Profitable Farming
Irrigated land which produces
more than its cost in a single
year. Near railroad, which is no
being double-tracked in order to
handle the constantly increasing
farm business. Agreeable, health
ful climate. Buy now while prices
are reasonable for they will sure
ly increase four-fold in the next
live years. Local agents wanted
l or further lnlormation call on,
telephone or write C. L. Hochslet-
ler, Nebraska Cily, Neb
Geo. T. Craddock, Rubie, Ark.,
says: "I was bothered with lum
bago for seven years so bad I
could not work. I tried several
kinds of kidney medicine which
gave me little or no relief. Two
bottles of Foley Kidney Pills cured
me and now I can do any kind of
work. I cheerfully recommend
them to my friends." For sale by
F. G. Fricke & Co.
Wilkinson & Hall
farm, five miles southeast of Mur
ray. Nicholas Klaurens, R. F. D.
No. 1. Plattsrnouth. Neb. Tele
phone 3-M, Murray Exchange.
The holding of successful sales is
our line. Our interests are with the
seller when it comes to getting every
dollar your property is worth. For
open dates address or call either of
us at our expense by phone. Dates
can be made at f.he Journal office.
Buy your fancy
the Journal office.
stationery at
Harsh physics react, weaken llie
bowels, will lead to chronic con
stipation. Doan's Hegulels oper
nfe easily. -Tx; a box at all stores
These are stirring times in the political
world. It's been a long time since so many candidates, t
so many platforms, so many different and opposing ideas confronted the voter.
You men will soon go to the polls nnd vote some one way, some another. That's
the way in politics. But in the matter of clothes, you know our platform is based
on value giving that's the one best plank for you. There's no question of your
future gratification and satisfaction if you vote for this store. Polls are open now.
Ma nha tta n S h iris
Stetson Hats
P. Eastwood, Successor to
John Bauer.
To all old customers, as well
as to all new ones, I ask you to
call and get my prices. I have
the largest and best assorted slock
of Builders' Hardware;- also the
most completo line of Cook Stoves
and Ranges and Hard Coal, Soft
Coal and Wood Heaters ever
shown in Plattsrnouth. Also a car
of nails and a ear of American
Held fence.
We buy direct from the factory
and are in a position to make a
better price than you have ever
had. We solicit your trade.
"A square deal and prompt at
tention" is my motto.
In County Court.
Cnss Countv. ss.
In the Matter of the Estate of Nicholas
llHlmes, Deceased.
Notice Is hereby Klven that the
creditors of said deceased will meet
the Executor of said estate, before me,
County Judge of Cass County. Ne
braska, at the County court room In
l'lattsmouth, In said County, on the 0th
day of November, 1912, and on the tith
dny of May, 1913, at 10 o'clock a. m.
each day, for the purpose of present
ing their claims ror examination, ad
justment and allowance.
isix months are auowca tor me
creditors of said deceased to present
their claims, and one year for the
Executor to settle said estate, from the
5th day of November, 1912.
Witness my hand snn seal or paid
County Court, at l'lattsmouth. Ne
braska, this loth uny or uctoner. imz.
(Seal) AL.L,r;iN j. ukkmun,
i.ounty juuge.
D. O. DWTER, Attorney.
Real Estate
Bought and Sold
Insurance Placed in Best
Farm Loans and Rental Agency
- Virgil ftlullis -
Long Distance
The Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company's
long distance service puts a man in intimate touch
with the new resources and new possibilities.
It gives an added value to a man's minutes and
accomplishes business results which would be abso
lutely impossible without it,
All of our telephones are Long
Distance Stations.
r low
Forest Rose Floor
Guaranteed at Good at Any on
the Market
Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph Company
J. K. POLLOCK, Local Manager