The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 31, 1912, Image 4

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    -The Plattsmouth Journal -
r"- Published Semi-Weekly at
Entered at the Postolfice at Plattsmouth, Nebraaka, as eecond-claa
For President
of New Jersey.
For Vice President
of Indiana.
For United Stales Senator
For Governor
For Lieutenant Governor
For Secretary of Slate
For Auditor Public Accounts
or Stale Treasurer
For State Superintendent
For Attorney General
For Commissioner Public Lands-
For Railroad Commissioner
For Congressman
For Slalo Senator
For Representative
For Float Representative
For County Assessor
W. R. BRYAN. .
For Countv Commissioner
Only a few mure days till the
great battle. Democrats, are you
ready for it ?
When yon vote fur John J.
Gusliii ymi can lift your last dol
lar lhat you are vol inn' fur a goud
man for the legislature.
Much work can he accomplish
ed for the democratic ticket in the
next few days. Do your duty,
democrats, and all will be well.
Skinning skunks is nut a very
desirable business, but we may
be called upuii to skin one or two,
notwithstanding Hie mistiness or
the job.
Gome out tomorrow night and
hear the great Texas orator.
Texas has a great many noted
H'cakcps, but lion. Cone Johnson
leads the lisl.
John II. .Morehead is running
for governor on the record of
what he has done. Aldrich is run
ning on the record of what he
promised lo do and didn't do.
Of this you may be assured:
When John II. Morehead becomes
chief executive of this great slate,
visitors to the executive olllee
will not be compelled lo listen to
abusive language at polilical op
ponents. Mr. Morehead talks like
a gentleman and keeps his prom
ises. -:o:-
If a candidate is for Taft and
is a candidate on that ticket, can
he expect Roosevelt supporters to
vole for him? Or, if u candidate
is on the Roosevelt ticket, can he
expect a Taft supporter to vote
for him ? Now, there you are, and
you can take your choice. Hut
I ho best way out of the dilemma
is to vole the democratic ticket.
:o: .
Do the voters want a man for
state senator who is out and out
just what ho is, or do they want
a man who Is two-sided on mai
lers 01 public interest? Hill
1 1
canning tells the people just
what he is for, and he stands by
what he says not ono thing in
one section of the county and an
other thing in another section of
the county. Senator Manning lias
always proved faithful to tho
trust reposed in him, and the peo
ple can depend upon what lie says.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
Farmer Hryau, candidate for
issessor, is making friends wher
ever he goes. He is an excellent
man for county assessor.
livery anl i-republican admin
istration in Nebraska has reduced
the state's Moated indebtedness.
F.very republican administration
increased it. trial s I lie record.
:o :
II was a democratic legislature
that enacted the law which keeps
Nebraska money at, home by re
quiring that the stales perman
ent school fund be invested in
.stale and local securities.
- :o:
F.very straight parly ote cast
on election day, regardless of
which parly it, may be for, will be
an aHirmative vote of each of the
live constitutional amendments
submitted at the election.
"Give I hem rope enoug h and
I hey will hang themselves" will
apply to fellows who have come
to Ibis city to try to kill o(T busi
ness men. They are not worthy
of notice, and the best way to
treat them is with silent con
tempt. :o:
the voters are just, beginning
lo learn in earnest the deceit
ful policy of the Stale Journal. It
endeavors to lake the independ
ent, dodge when there is no cam
paigu, nut when uie campaign is
on there is nothing too mean for
it to say about democratic can
didates. Aldrich is hustling to win back
the Tafl vole, but he has a big
job on his hands. The president's
friends in Nebraska haven't for
gotten so soon his ranting and
"cussing" the president until he
saw he had to have the presi
dent's friends' support to elect
him. This he will never be able
lo get, and he knows it.
:o :
Aldrich has failed to take an
active part in the business man
agement of the stale n flairs, and
has devoted too much time up
and down the stale and out of the
stale making chautauqua lectures
to suit the people of Nebraska,
and they are going to elect a man
who will give them a purely busi
ness administration lion John
II. Morehead.
George V. Perkins, of Steel
trust and Harvester trust fame,
the angel of the third-term party,
told the senate investigating
committee lhat when election day
is over, all accounts between
Im 1 1 1 and I he colonel will be, "all
square." Well. Perkins admitted
that, it cost him $122,000 to
square Hie account. Prettv neat
sum, even for a former partner of
I lie opulent Morgan.
What do the business men and
all other citizens think of the
audicity of men coming into a
community, with not a thing on
earth to recommend I hem. and
endeavoring to run a newspaper
by running down the business in
terests of the city? IWt you
think they are deserving of con
demnation? Well, they are get
ting it, right and left.
If there is no other reason for
the defeat of that man Wait for
re-election to the office of sec
ii .
leiury oi state, tno manner in
which he has acted all along on
Hie matter of printing the election
ballots is enough to consign him
to private life after the Mrst of
next January. Hut there are many
other reasons why ho should be
overwhelmingly defeated at the
polls on November 5.
"Those who are not for us are
against us." is a good motto to
adhere to in the prosperity of our
Only a little over lour weeks
till Thanksgiving. Can we all
have .something lo feel thankful
Voters, don't get too much' in
terested in the national and state
ticket that you will forget the
county candidates.
Me on your guard, democrats,
and look out for roorbacks. They
are in tin- wind and will ma
terialize as election day draws
The laboring voters this year
ire more independent than ever
before in the history of this coun
try and they are going to volt! as
ey please.
Why does the progressive plat
form shy at the eight-hour day?
Why limit it to industries in con
tinuous operation? Will that
kind of dupe catch wurkingmen?
Nut yet.
A Chicago dispatch says the
leaders of the "progressive"
movement make no pretense of
concealing their elation over the
possible political effect of the
Milwaukee shooting. Is not that
making capital out of a crime, to
say nothing of gloating over it?
The same articles concocted
and sent out from Taft republican
headquarters will greatly miss
their mark this year. These things
were looked for a little earlier in
the campaign, but they failed to
materialize until a week before
the election. They are false
as h 1, and those w ho send them
out know it, and the honest voters
and laboring men in general
know they are false.
own ox is gored,
The bull moosers
When their
it is dilTerenl.
are making a geral, howl because
the supreme court of Idaho has
held that the new parly has uo
legal standing in that stale. It is
political robbery, they say. Hut
in California, where the court has
disfranchised the entire repub
lican parly, they say that it has
done only political justice. Ne- :
braska City News.
It is generally admitted lhat
.Morehead is going to get an im
mense vole in Lancaster county
and many men, both republicans
and democrats, predict that he
will carry Ibis former republican
stronghold. The majority of the
votes at the state house are for
Morehead, as t here I hey know
bold of the candidates very well.
The governorship is a very much
one-sided affair this year. Lin
coln Herald.
The only danger to I he success
of the democratic ticket is in the
possible failure of democrats
coming out to vole, the feeling of
certainty of t lie election of Gov
ernor Wilson may have a ten-
ency to cause some voters to
neglect to go to tho polls, in the
belief that Wilson is sure of elec
tion, and that their individual
ballots may not bo needed. Over
confidence is tho only thing which
can endanger democratic success
this year. Let every democrat
stand up and be counted and
share in tho great victory. Let
there be no laggards.
After the decision of the dis
trict court had been announced in
favor of the Taft electors, Mr.
Wait was notified by Tafl men
that it would be worth 10,000 to
20, (too votes to the republican
ticket if no appeal were taken.
The Roosevelt faction then served
notice that if the case were not
appealed, 50,000 lo 00,000 votes
would he lost. The secretary of
state took a day and a half to
think over the situation. Then
he decided to appeal. Lincoln
Wilson will win and we need)
every democratic vote to make
him win.
Vole for John J. Gustin for
representative and you will never
regret it. He is made of the
right kind of material to serve the
people rightly.
If you don't like this town
move out. There are no strings
tied to you. Hut if you like the
town and want to remain here
quit, your durned kicking.
Victory is within our grasp,
democrats, and only depends up
on you and every other democrat
getting out to the polls and doing
your duty vote for Wilson and
Marshall, Morehead and Shallen
berger, Manning and Gustin.
:o :
The bard limes scare trotted
out from Taft headquarters is the
last straw thai will break the
president's back. The people
have been fooled many times be
fore with eh a IV, but they won't be
fooled this time into voting for
Mr. Taft.
The great scare sent out to
laborers is ill-timed. The repub
lican party has use for the labor
er on election day, but that is the
only day in four years. The labor
ing voters understand this, and
they are not going to vote for
either Mr. Taft or Mr. Roosevelt
this time.
It is not good for democrats to
get loo contulent and remain
away from the polls. He sure to
come mil and vote and insist that
your brother democrats come with
you. This is the greatest epoch
in the history of the democratic
parly, because we have a great
opoprtunily to win. and win now
or never. Remember that.
Julius Pit, will make a splen
did coiinly commissioner. You
know this as well as anyone. And
why? Simply because be is alili
honest, and his inegrity will show
up willi any man in Cass county
Isn't that enough? Well, then
ask bis neighbors about hi in and
anybody who knows him will tel
you he is just the man for county
ldrirh was half as highly'
commended by his home folks as
John II. Morehead is by his home
folks he might possibly think
about being re-elected governor
of Nebraska. Hut it is an impos
sible caper for him to cut. Not
only is Governor Morehead in
dorsed at home, but he is so
highly endorsed at Aldrich's home
(Mutler county) that he will get
almost, two voles to Aldrich's one.
Notwithstanding I he many
false reports being circulated
about Hon. W. H. Manning, we be
lieve the people have sufllcient
confidence in him to throw these
lies by the wayside and go to the
polls on election day and cast
their votes for him. No jnan ever
done more hard work in tho state
senate for his constituents than
Senator Manning. He is a citizen
of which any community should
be proud, and he reveres the
confidence of the people too high
ly to commit one act that would
leave a stain upon his good char
acter. There are no better men
than Hill Hanning. His record in
Hie slate senate is as clear as to
doing a wrong act as any man
who ever had the honor of serv
ing in that body. You can't af
ford to vote against Hill Manning
and don't you do it. You will
regret it if you do.
Fortunes In Faces.
There's often much truth in the
saying, "her face is her fortune,"
but it's never said where pimples,
skin eruptions, blotches, or other
blemishes disfigure it. Impure
blood is back of them all, and
shows the need of Dr. King's New
Life Pills. They promote health
and beauty. Try them. 25 cents
at F. O. Fricke & Co.
Thomson, Dentist, Wescott Btk.
I ' ' v " V
of Holdrcge, Nebraska
State Railway Commissioner.
His Election Means Something to You
You need him he needs you. He is Pledged to You
Don't forget, the date Tuesday,
November T election day.
Look out for squalls. Wild
geese started on their southward
journey this morning before day
break. :o:
Vole for Julius Pilz for county
commissioner. He is the man
who will lill the position accept
ably lo every taxpayer in Cass
No democrat should be fooled
into voting for Tafl, now that
there is such a splendid oppor
tunity for a glorious democratic
Vice President Sherman is!
dangerously ill and is likely to die
I before election, and there is talk
. inD, gmilh ,., n
the republican ticket.
Democrats, every one of you,
have a duty to perforin. And that
duty is to go to the polls next
Tuesday and cast your votes for
Wilson and Marshall.
Manning for senator, Guslin for
representative, Julis Pitz for
commissioner and . u. Jiryan
fur assessor make up on of
the best tickets ever presented to
the voters of Cass county. Don't
you forget that.
Julius Pitz should be elected
county commissioner, because of
his excellent qualifications and
his genial personality. He is
honest, he is capable, a genuine
good citizens, and why shouldn't
he be elected?
Democrats have more en
couragement to get out and vote
this year than ever before. The
democrat who falls to vote next
Tuesday will lose the opportunity
of his life to help in the election
of a democratic president.
Charles II. Husch, democratic
candidate for float representative,
is a gentleman and scholar, and
one of the best men in Otoe coun
ty. Having served in one of the
most responsible positions in Otoe
county, and served with great ef
ficiency and with credit to his
friends, makes him very popular
in his own county. Charley Husch
will represent the people of Otoo
and Cass counties most accept
ably to the people of these coun
ties, and he should recive an
overwhelming majority over his
Nebraska City News: "William
llayward was in Omaha a few
days ago and neglected to run
down to Lincoln and congratulate
his friend (?) Paul Clark over
being the republican candidate
for congressman. llayward owes
Paul a debt that he should pay
with interest."
:o :-
F.x-G o v e r u u r Shallenberger
should be elected I'nited Slates
senator, because he will prove a
great man in that body. Nebraska
will be properly represented with
two as able and distinguished sen
ators as Hon. G. M. Hitchcock and
ex-Governor Shallenberger. Don't
fail lo vole for Shallenberger next
:o :
President Taft gave out a
cheerful statement the other day
in which he calmly announces to
an anxiously waiting people that
he expects to win! Alas! They
are deceiving him to the last. It
is really cruel and inhuman of
the estimable gentlemen who are
managing Mr. Taft's campaign to
lead the president thus blindly to
the slaughter.
Let every democrat stand up
and be' counted next Tuesday and
share in the great victory. There
is no danger of defeat if every
democrat does his duty. We want
to make our victory as sweeping
as possible, and to the end lhat
progressive democratic principles
may prevail every democrat
must vole for Wilson and Mar
shall. :o:
Here is another utterance from
that illustrious statesman and
democrat, Champ Clark: "I know
Woodrow Wilson. He brings lo
the discharge of his duties the
political vision of Jefferson and
I be strength and power and cour
age of Andrew Jackson. In the
White house he will be the ser
vant of the people, not of the pro
tected interests."
lion. Cone Johnson of Texas
delivered a great speech here last
night. The Parmele theater was
crowded to its utmost capacity
and everyone who beard his ar
raignment of the republican and
bull moose parties were more than,
pleased. Many were in from quite
a distance in the country to hear
the noted Texan. We wish Mr.
Johnson could speak in every
county in Nebraska before the
elect ion.
FOR SALFi Duroc-Jersey
boars. George A. Kaffenberger.
10-2 t-tfd