The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 31, 1912, Image 2

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illie slate insane asylum ami the
authorities were ronipelled to con
Every Taxpayer in Cass County Is, lm). ,jm , t. ,.()Unly jail until
Indisputably Interested in l'"",n ,-,;u1,1 ,,,, M'nm"1 fur l,im at
I the asylum.
Jail Proposition. I
The voters of Cass county,
when they go to Hie polls next
Tuesday, should hear in mind to
cast their ballots in favor of the
proposition for building a new jail
and the heating plant of I he. coun
ty court house. This is a question
that is of vital importance to the
public of I his county and one that
they should give their attention
at the polls. The county lias need
ed the jail for years and now that
the opportunity is given the voters
they should vole for a proposition
that will place this county among
the, other counties of the state
that have modern places in which
the county prisoners can he con-
llned without danger of their
breaking out, or having the county
put to the expense of having to
send Ihem to some other county
for safe keping, as has been done
on several occasions in the past.
The county is in good financial
condition and as the outlay is not
great for the building of the jail
there is no good or logical reason
why the proposition should not
be given an enormous majority at
the polls next Tuesday. Turn out
and vol e for I he jail and heating
plant and then the county will be
able to care for any prisoner, no
matter bow dangerous, and not be
compelled to send them away at
the expense of the county and it
will only bo a short time until the
jail will have saved enough to the
taxpayers to more than pay the
cost of building it. The heating
plant at I he court house needs re
modeling and with the new build
ing it can bo fixed up without as
much expense as it would cost to
try ami install it in the present
cramped quarters in the court
The running expenses of the
present ramshackle structure has
averaged $1,500 per year, which
sum would more than pay the in
terest on the bonds and it is a
matter of economy for the taxpay
ers to vole for the jail and cut out
this useless expense.
Miss Opal Fitzgerald Does Honor
to the Bride-Elect at the
Fitzgerald Home.
Last evening Miss Opal Fitz
gerald entertained most charm
ingly at her home in honor of
Miss Fern MeHrido of South
Omaha, who is to be one of the
neason's brides. The Fitzgerald
homo was decorated in the most
elaborate manner with autumn
leaves, berries and Halloween
novelties nnd with the company
of happy young ladies made a
most joyous scene.
The chief feature of (lie even
ing's entertainment was progres
sive high live, in which Miss Kthel
llallaure carried off the king prize,
while Ihe consolation prize was
awarded to Miss Zora Smith. The
young ladies enjoyed several
musical numbers by different
members of the parly and then
Ihe was hlindMdcd
and showered wilh numerous
beautiful handkerchiefs by her
At an appropriate hour the
hosless served a most dainly two
courso luncheon, which greatly
added to the evening's enjoyment
if such was possible to do. The
guests present to enjoy Ihe de
lightful occasion were: Misses
Kthel Malanee, Margaret Scolten,
Theresa Droegc, Zora Smilh, Hess
Edwards, Helen Spies, Esther Lar
son, Barbara Clements, Florence
While. Madeline Minor, Marie and
Opal Fitzgerald and Ihe guest of
honor, Miss Fern McHride.
Fine Vaudovllle Team.
Slater and Finch, the vaudeville
learn that has ben showing at Ihe
Majeslie theater for Ihree nights,
closed I heir engagement there
last evening. These gentlemen
are very clever and I heir act is one
of the best that has ben sen in
Ibis cily nnd consists of female
impersonal ions and singing, in
which the, young men are very
proficient. During I heir engage
ment here I hey pleased all who
ntcmlcd the show.
Taken to Asylum.
Sheriff Oiiinton departed this
morning for Lincoln, taking with
liini VtTii Kiser, the young man
win) was ail.juili'il insane a few
I weeks ado. It was impossible at
I the time to accommodate him at
Succumbs to the Second Operation
at Imanuel Hospital This
Morning at 5 O'clock.
Grant Coiner, who had been in
a very critical condition at Iin
inanuel hospital in Omaha for
several days, passed away this
morning at 5 o'clock. Mr. Cottier
bad submiled to several opera
lions at Hit! hospital in an effort
to afford him relief, but the
doctors agreed several .days ago
that the end was only a question
of a short time, and the family
was summoned to Omaha.
The trouble started several
years ago, when he received an
injury to his head, and although
it bothered him a great deal at
times, he did not consider it as
serious until the pain became so
intense that he was forced to go
to the hospital to undergo an ex
amination and operation for what
was supposed to be an abcess in
his head.
During the operation Ihe
doctors discovered that part of Ihe
bone was in a decayed condition
nnd removed it, but Ihe patient
did not improve and was forced to
submit to two more operations,
tho last of which occurred two
days ago and from the effects of
which he never recovered.
Mr. Cottier leaves a wife and
two daughters, besides his mother
and several brothers. The de
ceased resided at Stella, Neb., and
it has not ben determined whether
Ihe interment will be made at that
place or not.
The Great Flipflopper Addresses
a Small Audience at the
Court House.
There was an audience of about
a hundred persons assembled at
Ihe district court room last night
to hear Mike Harrington expond
the doctrines of his latest political
fa it h that of the bull mosers.
Mr. Harrington devoted Ihe prin
cipal portion of his speech to at
tacks upon I ho democratic leaders,
charging them w ith fraud at their
convention, but he never enlight
ened his audience to the fact that
before Ihe primary election he
could not llrnl mean enough things
to say about Champ Clark, and
was one of Ihe loudest supporters
of (lovernor Wilson.
Mr. Harrington has had a very
much varied career in Nebraska
polities, being llrst a populist,
I hen a radical democrat, later
I supporting Ihe liberal element in
llhal parly, and now he has taken
j his clolhes and gone over to the
I parly of Teddy and Perkins.
f In Ihe election this year there
I are very few democrats who are
! not going to support the entire
ticket, ns it is the best, that has
1 ii offered Ihe voters for many
! years, and they cannot neglect
j this opportunity lo secure the re
1 forms the people have been de
manding, and they can be secured
by voting for the only parly rep.
resenlalives of Ihe common peo
ple the democratic party. Flip
flop Michael is one of Ihe greatest
political acrobats of the present
Inge, ami in all probability will be
mud lined up wilh the stamlpat
republicans in another vear.
Married Yesterday.
County Judge Beeson granted
a marriage license yesterday to
Theodore I) Sieck, aged 21, of
Pottawattamie county, Iowa, and
Miss Freda Peiu, aged 21, of Pa
ri lie Junction, Iowa. The young
couple were married yesterday
afternoon by llev. J. H. Sieger of
SI. Paul's Evangelical church.
They returned to Iheir home on
Ihe afternoon Burlington train.
Fresh Sauerkraut at Hatt A
Son's. 10-4-tfd.
S 1
The liurlingtoii Wednesday ap
pealed in the case brought
against it by Jesse F. Blunt, a lire
man who was injured at Plalts
inotilh ami got a judgment of $ ,
TtiiO damages in the federal court.
Blunt was a fireman on a switch
engine, and he fell off while tilling
Ihe sand box on the locomotive.
He alleged that his accident was
due to negligence, claiming that
the engine was started suddenly
without a warning signal being
given. The injuries received
were to one knee. The railroad
company introduced evidence to
show that. Blunt had formerly
served in the United Stales army
as a cavlaryman and while in the
service he sustained an injury to
the knee, ami because of this he
had tried to get a pension. The
railroad attorneys contended that
Blunt's disabled condition was
due to his accidents in the army
rather than because of the fall he
received while employed by (he
company. Lincoln Journal.
"The Wolf," that appeared at
Ihe Parmele theater last evening,
was greeted by a very fair-sized
audience, although not as large
as the company deserved, but. as
the attraction has appeared in this
city several times, most of the
play-going public had witnessed
it before, which accounted for the
attendance not being larger. Tin-
play is a story of the great
Canadian woods and is a most in
teresting one, and was well car
ried out by the company that ap
peared here last evening. The
play throughout was first-class in
every respect, and each one acted
I heir part in the most natural
The llnance committee of the
Degree of Honor, consisting of
Mrs. Harding, Hebron; Mrs. Hall,
South Omaha; Mrs. Thorpe, Oma
ha, and I). C. Morgan of this city,
are engaged today in checking up
the books of Miss Teresa Hemple,
the retiring grand recorder The
headquarters' of the lodgs will be
removed lo Lincoln in a few days.
The Degreo of Honor will be a
long time in (Hiding as capable
and well qualilled recorder as
Miss Hemple, and it is with regret
that Ihe people of Plattsmouth see
her retire from the olllce in which
she has made such a splendid
record in handling Ihe same.
The news has been received in
this cily of Ihe arrival Sunday of
a line new son at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Janda at
Lawrence, Xeb Mr. Janda is a
son of John Janda, formerly street
commissioner here, while Mrs.
Janda is a daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Jerousek of this city,
where both of Ihe young people
were born and reared. The
friends in Ibis city will extend
their congratulations lo the happy
parents and hope that Ihe young
man will grow up lo be as worthy
a cit izen as his parents.
In District Court.
There was tiled in the district
clerk's olllce today a suit for tho
partition of' the estate of the late
James Dysarl, who died intestate
in this county February 12, 1900.
The title of the case is Louise Bay
ami Albert M. Bay vs. Nancy J.
Dysarl, Flizabeth. Wolfe, Henry
Wolfe, Filen Kreiger, Adolph
Kreiger, fda Cline, Brunson Cline,
James A. Dysarl, Frank P. Shel
don, Kmma Sheldon, Thomas P.
Dysarl., Louise Dysart, Jesse II
Dysarl, Clara Dysart, C. H. Dysart
and Ogaretla Dysarl. The plain
tiffs in the case reside in the stale
of Kansas, while most of the de
fendants reside in Ibis couulv.
Wood Wanted.
Those of our subscribers who
desire to pay (heir subscriptions
in wood are requested to bring it
in before the roads get bad, as
we desire to place it in the dry.
Come in with it, boys, right away.
FOR RENT A (lve-rooni house.
Inquire of Mrs. T. K. Parmele.
Alvo Mows
day lo isil her mother, Mrs. M.
P. Stone.
Mrs. Liza Craig went to Lincoln
Sam Jordan was a Lincoln
isilor Wednesday.
Mrs. Belle Bennett was a Lin
coln isilor Monday.
Mr. Snaeker of Lincoln visited
friends here Sunday.
J. A. Shaffer went to Lincoln on
business Wednesday.
L. B. Appleman was doing busi
ness in Lincoln Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Foreman, jr, were
trailing in Lincoln Monday
Hoy Armstrong was at Prairie
Home on business Monday.
William Ijtlegrove went to
South Bend Monday on No. 80.
Mrs. Mont Baldwin of Uni
versity Place came to Alvo Mon-
C. C. Bucknell received two car
loads of baled hay from Kansas
J. A. Shaffer went to South Beiid
Saturday lo hunt He returned
home Monday
(ieorge Foster of Lincoln is
visiting with L. B. Appleman and
family lliis week.
Mrs. M. p. Stone accompanied
her daughter, Mrs. Mont, Baldwin,
to University place.
Mrs. Wesley Bird and daughter,
Mrs. Arl bur Friend, were Lincoln
visilors Wednesday.
Mrs. Ai l bur Bird went to
Waverly Tuesday to visit her
mot her, w ho is very low,
Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur Bird and
children drove lo Waverly Sunday
to visit (he latler's parents.
Mrs. Charles Busknell returned
Tuesday from Exter, Neb., where
she has been visiting for several
Charles Strong returned Friday
from a month's visit with his
daughter at Pogose Springs,
Mrs. Frank Davis went to
Lilchlield to visit her mother, who
returned home wilh her for a few
days' visit. 1
Mrs. Guy Ingwerson and chil
dren of Havelock were visiting
with her sister, Mrs. Lizzie
Lewis, this week.
Mrs. Will Lewis and her father,
Dave Bite, started for Dayton,
Illinois to visit. Mr. Lewis has
ben there for some time.
The Thorpe building has been
repaired by having a new stair
way built, on (lit! south side and a
new pavement on the north.
C. H. Jordan accompanied his
son, W. S., ami Dr. L. Muir autoed
lo W ceping ater, w here Mr. Jor
dan was looking after county in
terests. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Prouly
came in Sal unlay evening from
Falls City, Neb., lo visit his
mother, Mrs. Klla Prouty, for a
few days.
(ieorge Cook and sisler, Mrs.
Bina Ketzel, returned from
Beaver Cily, Neb., Wednesday,
where they had been visiting for
some time.
Miss Flo Boyles spent Saturday
and Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. C. Boyles, returning to
Lincoln Sunday evening, where
she attends the state university.
James Snoke of Alliance, Neb.,
visited Saturday with his cousin,
Mrs. Sam Cashner, and uncle,
Henry Snoke, Mr. Carr having
brought him down from Eagle in
his auto.
Mrs. Morgan Curyea, who was
visiting at Waverly, was taken
sick and Mr. Curyea brought her
and inspect the largest and most complete stock of
Heating Stoves H ilarsges
ever shown in Plattsmouth. Prices to conform with anybody's
Successor to John
Xy i ill ITifif':-1r'ii -vl--.i
1 'TE
Your home can be perfectly heated mih
pure - healthful- ever changing - constantly
I rcroed warm air-free from dust-gas and
! r-.diQ and the good dependable
Methods mil do it. Investigate !
The heating proposition is our specialty this Fall, and
we now have the contracts for placing five heating plants
before the Winter sets in. We also handle hot water, and
steam heating plants. See us now.
u 111
Well Drilling Machinery
,-"f Pi ,, "?
home the last of the week. She
is threatened with pneumonia and
is no belter at this writing.
Word was recived here last
Thursday of the death of A. M.
Prouly, formerly of this place, at
Los Angeles, California. Mr.
Prouly had been suffering for
years with kidney disease and had
gone there to regain bis health,
lie was buried at Los Angeles.
He had ben a resident of Alvo for
many years, where his family ami
other relatives now reside.
Without Pain.
Nearly every person is afraid of
pain ami tried to avoid it. Pain
drives a person to the physician
or lo such remedies which prevent
or shorten the pain. He expects
Ihe remedy to act promptly and
without any inconvenience. Such
a remedy is Triner's American
F.lixir of Hitler Wine in Ihe pain
ful diseases of Ihe digestive or
gans. It thoroughly cleans out all
these organs without causing any
discomfort. It strengthens them
nnd stimulates Ihem to their reg
ular activity. In cases of poor
appetite, bad odor of the breath,
constipation, headache and back
ache, in attacks of rheumatism or
neuralgia, in colic, vomiting and
eructations, in flatulence and
cramps, you should depend on
Triner's American Elixir of Hit
ter Wine. It will also bring quick
relief to ladies in Iheir distress.
At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 1333
V3 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, III.
IJ0U1J. a I 1 1 1 mi 1 "" B 1 1
" akinc ThU tiona oftha fiw
ar. dbi oar jrowiM. IB. datQiad rorw.lU
It . f ""s "PP'' ' mchia now l work.
Will Drill. command tba;r own prlc, W. build tka oala
bratad Howill liaa ( Wall Mackin.rj for mkio daap ar
hallow walla at all .Um. for all parpoMa and In all kladi of
ground. Oar maehtka. ar tba moil ap-to-daia an tha narkat
oontalnall IhalatMl Impretamanu. ar. .itrtnsl; atrana aad'
Impla. da prfct work, ara aaulr orxratad and an 'ur lui
WOKklBi. Wrlia to-dar fur tu (raa OiaIo.
&m OOWEUX CO.. Minneaoolis. Minn.
jgw,...-,,.,,. ju,.. i.M,..J
Cannot Open Safe.
County Surveyor Patterson has
been quite busy for the past
month and has not spent much
time in his oftlce, and yesterday
when he had occasion to use the
safe in the office he found that he
was unable to get into it. After
trying for some time Mr. Patter
son went to Omaha, where he se
cured an expert, who came down
this morning and succeeded in
opening the safe for the surveyor.
The expert, J. F. Stromburg, re
turned to Omaha this afternoon
on No. 23.
LOST On the Oochenour is
land, a shepherd dog, yellow with
white spots. Anyone knowing
as to its whereabouts please
notify Joe Libershal at Ed Donat's
saloon. 10-21-2wks-wkly
Miss Oreenwald of the Green
wald saudio, was a business visit
or in Ihe metropolis today.
Martin Ilouk of Omaha came
down th s noon on No. 24 to look
after business matters for the
Arthur Haker, the genial post
master of Murray, was in the city
last evening looking after some
business matters.
Her! Philpot, Ihe Weeping Wa
ter automobile dealer, was in the
cily yesterday afternoon attend
ing to some business matters.
Plattsmouth, fJeb.
r e i