The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 24, 1912, Image 6

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EM tn m& ?
f u
Ycung White Girl. Aged 13,
Whom Jack Johnson Was
Charged With Abducting.
& a i
If ana of tlvi readers of the Journal kuo of a Mini event or an item of interest n this vicinity and will mad mine to this office it mil appear under this hcadiwj
'acant all items of Editor Jour ml. ,
Murray State B
Capital $10,000 Surplus $5,000 n
CHAS. C. PARMELE, President
F.L NUTZMAN, Vice-President
W. G. BOEDEKER, Cashier
We Solicit Your Banking
fcaTOur Deposits are protected by the Depositor's Guaran
tee Fund of the State of Nebraska.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
" Mrs. Thomas Slanle is reported
on t hf nek list this week.
Charles dreamer was looking
after luisiiii's.s in Plattsmoulh
The infant, daughter of Jdm
Vanllcni is 1 1 i t sick at, this
writ ins.
Han Chrislensen was Irans-
aclinp business in Plait- ulli
T. II. Pollock ami family of
IMatlsm.nilli were in Murray last,
I',. It. Queen was lunkiiiK iiflcr
business in Plaltsmoulli Friday
(irandma layis, who has been
miile sick for the past I wo weeks,
is improving.
Will Cross and wife of Union
spent Sunday with Wyall Hutch
enson and family. .
Frank Campbell and family
drove to Plat I sinoul h Saturday to
transact husiness.
The Kenosha choir will meet
with Mrs. Frank Camphell Satur
day evening, October '.Mi.
F.I la M. Nickels, the Spriella
corseterer, was I ransacl ins busi
ness in Plaltsmoulli Friday.
Mrs. .lot- Sands drove lo Plalls
month Friday afternoon and Miss
Iteulah accompanied her home. Nickels was visit ins with
friends and looking after busi
ness in Plaltsmoulli Saturday.
The nvsli'r supper served by
the Library Association last Fri
day 'venins, licit cil Hie associa
tion $1 i.-jr.
I.on Adams has moved to Mur
ray, taking- up his residence in
the Melianiel property on lower
Main street.
Mrs. William Mar low ir Chill
col he, Mo., arrived Sunday for an
extended visit with her sister,
Mrs. i. W. Shrader.
The services at Kenosha Sun
day were well attended and a
splendid sermon was delivered by
Rev. Taylor of I'nion.
(Irandpa Seybolt, who has been
suffering from an allack of
paralysis, is in about the saim
condition as last week.
R. R. Nickels is harvesting a
line crop of apples. Mr. Nickles'
orchard will have something like
a thousand bushels of tine apples.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes
auloed to Omaha last Saturday.
(leorge Nickels was calling on
Plallsmouth merchants Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Long were
Plaltsmoulli visitors Wednesday
William Hamilton was an Oma-
Wednesday of last
in 1'j's ht
Dr. J. F. Hrendel and wife have
moved into their new home, and
they truly have every reason to
be proud of it, for it is ono of the
prettiest homes in Murray. It is
modern in every particular, nice
ly located and presents a very
handsome appearance from both
interior and exterior views.
The repairing of the Lewislon
church is well under way. Mrs.
(!. M. Wiley and daughter, Mrs. J.
Asch have generously given the
material, workmanship in pulling
up n substantial porch, also had
side wall of interior beautifully
tinted and carpel cd the pulpit.
The community surely are deeply
indebted lo Mrs. Wiley and Mrs
Asch for their kindness.
ha vis
Mrs. Charles
visiting friend?
drove Ibis week.
Charles RalclilTe of Union at
tended the (iiddings' Concert here
Saturday evening.
Dave Campbell and wife of
Omaha spent Sunday at. the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walker.
Phillip Schairer and Miss Mat
lie 1,'rinh of near Cedar Creek at
tended the concert here last Sat
urday evening.
Joe West, who has been assist
ing in the harvest llclds of Min
nesota for the past few months,
returned home last Friday.
The (iiddings' Family Concert
company gave one of the best all
round entertainments that has
appeared on the Lyceum course
for some lime.
I.l e Madalene Dooley sings
Ihe solo parts in the small chil
dren's songs in Ihe play Saturday
evening. Madeline possesses a
wonderful voice for a child.
.1. v . Pitman, w ho was so
seriously injured a few weeks ago
is now recovering very rapidly.
We are indeed glad lo barn thai
he is improving so rapidly.
Miss Clara Young has been suf
fering for Ihe past few days with
a badlv burned hand, caused from
a hot, plate of taffy thai she hai
just made and was preparing for
The Musical Fairy Play next
Saturday evening will far exct
any entertainment given in Mur
ray by Ihe children. The costumes
shown will In? worth your while
to attend.
Miss Laura Puis, who was
spending a few days with home
folks, returned to Lincoln Mon
day morning, where she is at
tending the University Con
servalory of Music.
Most every one enjoys seeing
the work of children, and in the
spectacular play next Saturday
evening you will be delighted with
the pretty costumes and surprised
at Ihe wonderful talent of the lit
tle folks.
Mrs. Tom Slagle has been quite
ill for the past few days.
W. H. Virgin was a business
visitor in Ihe county seat Tues-
J. W. Thoinason was a business
visitor in Lincoln Wednesday of
Ibis week.
Mrs. Gapen, Mrs. Sporer and
Mrs. Williams were Plattsuiouth
visitors Tuesday.
Jeff Hrendel was a business
visitor in the county seat Thurs-
1 I v t
nay oi mis wee.
O. V. Virgin was looking after
some Business matters in uie
county seat last Saturday.
Mrs. Tonta Heich of Platts
uiouth is visiting; with Mrs. M.
Hiatt in Murray this week.
Mrs. A. L. Haker and Mrs.
Charles Carroll were Omaha
visitors Thursday of this week.
M. Ci. Churchill was looking af
ter some business matters in the
county seat Wednesday morning.
Mrs. M. Hiatt, who has been
spending a few days in Plaits
mouth, returned home Tuesday
Al Jones, who is making his
home with Jake Vallery, has been
on the sick list for the past few
Mr. and Mrs. W. (i. Boedeker
and A. M. Holmes and. Mrs. W. S
Sniilh auloed to Plattsmoulh
Wednesday evening
Park Chriswisser, the Flanders
aulo man, was in Murray Wed
nesday morning, making a drive
with an insurance man.
T. I). Brown, wife and daughter,
of Nebraska City, also Mr?
Thomas and daughter, were Sun
Fifty Years Ago Today A. M.
Holmes Departed for Denver
With a Load of Flour.
home of Mr.
Washington Delihi has been
suffering for the past few days
from nn injured jaw-bone, re
ceived while playing ball. The
little fellow will be compelled lo
have a portion of the bone re
moved. Mrs. F. M. Young, jr., who has
been living for the past few
years at lVgraff, Minnesota, will
move back to Murray, taking up
her residence in the Presbyterian
parsonage for the winter. Her
household goods have already
been shipped and she is expected
here within the next few days.
She has rented her farm.
ay visitors at tin
1 1 1 I Mrs. K. S. Toll.
Mrs. King of Illinois, Miss Til
ie Vallery, Charles Patterson of
rapahoe and Miss Ellen Pollock
were Murray visiiors 1 uesuay oi
Ibis week, guests at Ihe Walker
Mr. and Mrs. F.arl Jenkins are
rejoicing this week over uie ar
rival of a new cighl -pound hahy
girl al their home on the 18th.
Both mother and little one are
gelling along nicely.
J. C. Smith, who was injured
while attending Ihe Old Settlers'
Reunion this fall, is still sulfer
ing from Ihe effects of Uie same.
He is almost in a helpless con-
lit ion, and his advanced age,
makes his recovery very slow.
Mrs. Carroll, who was injured
bv falling a few weeks ago, is
lowly improving, ami gaining
Irensth as fast as could be ex
pected. She is slill compelled to
make weekly trips to Omaha for
treatment, but is gelling along
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Baker and T.
W. Fleming and family -were
entertained last Sunday at the
home of Mr. ami Mrs. Charles
Mul, north oT Murray. We are
positive thai I hey were treated lo
a bountiful dinner, for Arthur
Baker says so, and when he finds
a table that has plenty of good
things lo cat on it, I here is sure
some "eats." We know that
Arthur is (here and over when it
conies to eating.
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll of
Plaiuview, Neb., arrived in Mur
ray Monday evening and are
spending a week at the home of
Mr. Carroll's parents, Mr; and
Mrs. Charles Carroll is
looking hale and hearty and is in
every way prosperous in his new
northern Nebraska home He re
ports everything in thai locality
looking line. He expects lo return
home the latter part of the week.
Mrs. Frank Rhoden pleasant
ly entertained a company of
friends Saturday evening in honor
of John 11. Rhoden. The evening
was spent in various games and
pranks, music and singing. A
delicious luncheon was served al
a late hour. Those present were:
Messrs. and Mesdames Robert
Ciood, J. I). Tigner, I. Hosteller,
Frank Campbell, K. O. Lewis,
Arthur Copenhaver, (1 S. Ray,
Misses Bertha Nickels, Mae Lewis,
Willa Moore, Ktta Nickels, Mar
garet Moore, Rosemae Creamer,
Vera Moore, Francis Campbell,
Francis Moore, Klizabelh Camp
belf, Messrs. Lloyd Lewis, fiussie
flood, James Tigner, John Hob
schdiedt, Virgel Sedalh, Johnny
Medler, Fritz Tigner, Wes Copen
haver, Thomas Hosteller, Wayne
Lews, Levi Slagle, Roy Klien, Fred
Campbell. Joe Creamer, Dan
Mnlalh. Charles Wolfe ami wile.
Fifty years is a long time for
a man toremember a particular
incident, even to the day and hour
that certain business transaction
confronted him, some of which
might he very pleasant and some
very unpleasant. Nevertheless,
such is the fact with our excel
lent old friend, A. M. Holmes of
Murray, father of James Holmes,
Mrs. W. S. Smith of Murray . and
Mrs. C. A. Rawls of this city. Well
does he remember fifty years ago
today, at which time he crossed
the Platte river at Julesburg,
Colorado, with his freighting out
fit on the ice. At that time he
says there was twelve inches of
snow all over the country around
Plattsmoulh, which melted away
within two or three weeks. Dur
ing the remainder of which win
ter no more snow fell and the
weather was delightful all the
Mr. Holmes well remembers
this fact, for he was out most all
the time, as in Ihe fall of '02 he
made an effort to sell his crop of
wheat in this city, or ralher in
those days a village, or even posl
ollice, and boat shipping poiul.
and he was offered only Hi) cents
per bushel for. it. This offer was
made in trade al I hat, by one of
the general merchandise stores
here al that lime. Mr. Holmes
refused Ihis oiler and took bis
wheat to Ileisel's mill, bad il
ground into Hour and started for
Denver, with two Ions of flour on
bis freight wagon, drawn by two
yoke of cattle. The lirsl ?nil
miles of this trip was made by
Mr. Holmes alone, after which he
fell in with several other freighl-
ers ami the rest oi uie irip was
made with I hem.
On reaching Denver Mr, Holmes
sold his (lour for (.l!i li per
hundred weight, which netted him
a good profit for his trip of
seventy-five days, which was Ihe
usual time required for Ihe round
trip to Denver in those days, with
oxen and a good load.
The larger portion of the fifty
years since that Irip Mr. Holmes
has resided in Cass county, and
every man within his large pircle
of friends have looked upon him
in the highest esteem.
By 32 Children At Jenkins Hall
Saturday Night
8:15 O'CLOCK
Scene I.
A Wood at Night.
Dorothy Lost in the Forest.
No. 2.
Dance (,f the Will-o'-thc-Wisp
The Alluring-of Dorothy.
v i
Scene II.
A Wood Court of the Fairy Queen.
No. 3.
Hail to the Queen. Hy Chorus.
No. 4.
The Little Green Elves.
Rescue of Dorothy.
No. 5.
Knl ranee of Dorothy.
No. 6.
Princess Forget-Me-Not.
Polo, Queen Mab and Chorus.
No. 7.
Flower Song.
March of the Flowers.
No. 9.
Llf Motion Song.
Entrance of Dawn.
No. 10.
Finale Day Is Dawning.
Queen and Chorus.
'The play is under the direction
of Pauline Oldham.
The music is under the super
vision of Misses Harriet Adams
and Oula Minford.
Ax . ' , '
U ik-
Inquiry is Resumed Into Nep
Johnson's Case.
by Mrs. Grace
I'.enelit of the Public Library.
Admission, 25c
Chicago, Oct. 24. Nervous and
weakened after her collapse on the
witness stand, Lucille Cameron, the
Sir I wI'oph infatuation for Jack John
son led to a federal investigation,
attain ai)ciirei" Ihmoic the grand Jury.
TIip girl is said to have assured her
mother and the authorities that she L
now willing to aid the investigation in
every way.
After some delay the federal grand
Jury resumed its investigation Into
charges preferred against Johnson of
having violated the Mann white slave
law wilii .(se)h Lew, the negro's
secretary, on th stand.
Ievy, who Is nn Knglishman, Is ex
pected to toll of happenings in John
son's cafe on the south side. He Is he
!ii!ved to li- in possession of infortna
tion of importance to the government
A suit for 125.000 was begun in tln
circuit court here hy Willard Davis
against Jack Johnson for the alleged
alienation of the affections of Davis
wife. Davis and his wife are mulat
toes. The Davis woman Is a singer
formerly employed in the champion's
onto and Is snid to be the woman who
was reported to have shot the negro
in the foot in a jealous rage.
Injured In Engine.
Tom Smith, who was engaged
in running a threshing machine
engine at the home of Hert Lloyd,
was, Friday, caught in the engine
and quite seriously injured. His
left arm was broken in two
places, his back was very badly
injured and he was otherwise
considerably bruised up. His
clothing from waist up was com
pletely torn from his body. While
very seriously injured, he was
resting as well as could he expect
ed Wednesday evening, but will
he confined to his bed for some
Mrs. Dooley has been on the
sick liM for the past few days.
W. G. Itoedeker says he has
been avenged on the foxy canvas
hack bird that plays so frisky
down on the Hig Muddy. They
ran away from him on the first
visit lo Old King Hill,' but. he
slipped in on Iheni and gave them
a surprise a few days ago. In
company wilh Ted Harrows, Walt
Sans, Harry Creamer, Will Wehr
hein, Guy Recce and Guy Mc
Maken of Plattsmoulh, gave them
a genuine surprise, and nagged
if) of them nn their recent visit.
J. G. Criswell, a painter, living
at 540 North Mulberry St., Hag
erstown, Md., states: "I had
kidney trouble with a severe pain
across my back, and could hard
ly gel up after sitting down. I
look Foley Kidney Pills and soon
found the pain left my back. I
could get up and down with ease,
and the bladder action was more
regular and normal." Try them
For sael by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Little Falls Authorities Cease to Try
to Bar Oratory.
Little Falls. N. Y Oct. 24. A
week's resistance to the Invasion ot
Socialist rators from Schenectady,
who were arrested when they tried to
address factory strikers here, was
called off by the local authorities when
they allowed a number of prominent
Socialists to address the strikers.
For four hours the Socialists held
an open air meeting, which wns at
tended by several hundred strikers
from the local knitting mills.
The strikers were addressed by
Mayor Lunn of Schenectady and by
Charles Edward Russell, the Socialist
candidate for governor, both of whom
denounced the efforts of the authori
ties to curtail the rights of free
The concessions made by the loca'
authorities are attributed to the mes
sages sent by Governor Dix to Mayor
Shall and Sheriff Moon Inviting their
attention to the constitutional rights
of the people peacefully to assemble
nnd discuss public aiestlons.
In Bonds of Hymen.
Miss Sarah Roberts, a daughter
of R. D. Roberts, west of town,
sprung a surprise on her many
friends last. Monday when she
went down lo Wayne on the morn
ing train and was married in that
city to Mr. Frank Carol I of
ltloointleld. The newly married
young people, we understand, will
locale at Uloomflebl. Their many
Wausa friends offer congratula
tions and best wishes. Wausa
For Sale.
My eighty-acre well improved
farm, five miles southeast of Mur
ray. Nicholas Klaurens, R. F. D.
No. 1, Plaltsmou'h,' Neb. Tele
phone 3-M, Murray Exchange.
William Puis was looking after
some county seat business last
W. K. Shepherdson shipped a
car of hogs to the South Omaha
market Tuesday.
S. O. Pitman has been install
ing a heating plant in Wyoming
this week.
Henry Heebner was spending
Sunday wilh relative in Nehawka.
Rice llrothers of Plattsmoulh
have been doing some well busi
ness in Ibis locality for the past
few days.
General Blachsmilhing
and Vagon Work
Horseshoeing is Our Specialty
All Work Guaranteed
Murray, Nebraska
Transandean Line, Which Has Been
Tied Up Since May. Opened.
Santiago. Chile, Oct. 24. Train ser
vice on the Transandean railway has
been resumed The road has been
blocked since last May, at first by
snowdrifts, Mch in places were fofy
feet deep. Afterward tremendous
avalanches burled the tracks. At one
point there were fi.OOO tons of rock
on the tracks, and elewhere the road
b"d had been washed away altogether.
Some special construction work, which
Is now in course of completion, will
prevent such interruption hereaiter.
Berlin Women Attack Butchers.
Berlin, Oct 24. Hundreds of Berlin
housewives Joined In a wild riot be
cause the butchers in the municipal
markets refused to handle meat tm
ported so as to reduce the cost of liv
ing The women stormed the butcher's
stalls, seized all the native raised
meat, trampled it on the ground and
fought with the butchers. The police
were forced to close the market to
Vop the riot.
Rev. Jbei Ford Dies at Baptist Meet
Utlca. N. Y.. Oct. 24. After out
lining some of his experiences In thir
ty years of preaching the gospel, and
reiterating his love Of the service,
Hev. Jajicz Ford of Cnmilen died it
the presence of 1,000 delegates to the
Baptist state convention In Tabei
nacle church here.
v. I