The Plattsmouth Journal Published Semi-Weekly it R. A. BATES, Entered at the Postolfice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-clas matter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Democrats, gird on your armor and lit- ready for tin- fray November 5. The result of the election de pends greatly 1 1 1 m 11 the liiisliing qualities of the dciuorral .s. A .Missouri editor says that Wilson is standing on his record, Taft is silling on his, ami lloose ve!t calls you a liar if you men tion his. :o: As the veil is being lifted if be comes more and more a wonder I. hat. the democratic parly has survived I he crusade of corrup tion which it has heen compelled to meet, every four years. :o: What does Roosevelt think of ioernor Jladley of Missouri now? For lliplloppiiifx he is as well versed as our little governor, and one of the seven governors who in.-iled on Teddy coming out for president, at that,. :o: Senator Iturlon of Ohio is lu he in Omaha next Tuesday with Tail's parly of larilT oralors, and arrangement s ss 1 1 1 lie made liy the supporters of (he president to give them a royal welcome. In its onward course Ihe train slops at, no ol her point for speaking iu Nchra.-ka. There are no small men in the democracy of Missouri. They presented a strong front at Halli moi'e, fought the best llghl I hey knew, but when they lost, they stepped Willi slaiwart stride into .Ihe ialh made hy Champ Clark to Seagirt, ami today every man of I hem, each of w hom is an idol in (lis particular sphere, is on the llriiiK line, for Wilson and Mar shall. -:o:- If a gift of Mali was a recom mendation to a man for an olllre of trust, Aldrich would certainly "lake the cake." It is related that lie never opens his mouth hut that lie has something mean to say atbnut his opponent, lion. John II. Morchead. Hut Mr. Mnrchead's shoulders are broad and his record so clean that Aldrich s 1 villitlcat ions do not amount In anything to those who know Mr. Morehead, and also those who have had the pleasure of meeting him, 1 : :o: The democrat who lias partial ly made up his mind that he will not vole for Wnodrow Wilson, should take Ihe mailer seriously ami think think hard before he takes such a step. If you are vex ed at what some other democrat has done, don't pick your spile out on an innocent person. You know the democratic candidate is not responsible for Ihe acts of some member of Ihe ion. You should be brac and battle for your rights in the parly, where you have as good right to Mvvrll as Ihe man whom you claim lias done wrong. You cannot help the matter by doing what be lias done. That is not the way to gel, even. Slay inside the parly, and do your duly by helping to elect one of the best men that ever breathed the hrealb of life, presi dent of (lie rniled Slates. After Ihe battle is over, and Wood row Wilson has been elected, you can breathe easier, sleep and eat bet ter and hurrah as loud as any ol us. Throw aside your bitler nn. nimosities, pull off your coals roll up your sleeves and join the victorious hosts in their ouvvan inarch to that goal for which vou have helped usValtle for so long a triumphant democracy. Plattsmouth, Nebraska Publisher. Kvery democrat should get in line for Wil.-on and Marshall. They are the winners this time if every democrat, will only do his duty. - :o : Tall and Wilson meet, shake hands and enjoy a brief talk, hut we have heard of im such meet ing of either of these gentlemen with Roosevelt. :o: Some men are born poor, some hae poverty thrust upon them, while others gel acquainted with Ihe fellow who is working a get-rirh-quick scheme. A oc for W. H. Itryan for county assesor means a vole for a gentleman who is competent to transact the business of the ollice iu cery re.-perl. :o: Perkins says that. I lie trust is a development of nature (natural development ; on the contrary, it is the product of criminality. Kvery trust in the world was born of avarice. Kxlensive arrangement are be ing made for the reception of (lovernor Wilson iu Omaha Sat urday. Many will go from this city In Omaha, because I bey can see the next president in the day I hue, w hile I ho-e In he West part of Ca.s county will go o Lincoln in the evening. No man, who claims to' be a Iriii1 democrat, can possibly have any just reason for voting against Wnodrow Wilson, lie is one of Ihe ablest men in the tinted Stales, with a firmness that should recommend him to the American pie as one who will do bis duly as he sees it, irrespec tive of outride influences. If he is elected he will be president in person as well as in deliberations. :o : (Ileal preparations him been made filr the Oernian day celebra tion in this city next Saturday and Sunday, and it is expected the town will be alive with Hermans among the best people on earth. America is proud of its (Jennan citizens ami they are free to re joice iu their nationality in this land of liberty. Cass county pos sesses many Herman farmeis. who came here comparatively poor, and by hard labor in getting a start, are now among the wealthier class of our citizens. May they meet and enjoy Iheni seLes, is the wish of the Journal, who rejoices that it can count among these citizens many of its staunch friends. "Let them meet, eal, drink and be merry," is our prayer. :o: Paul (Hark, who would like to go to congress from the First listricl, to best serve the gang he has been serving for lo, these many years, is traveling over the district in a big red automobile telling the people, what few of I hem he can gel together, what be will do for them in the event he is elected. Paul is a smooth-bore politician, and on llrsl sight tin people readily perceive this. In the appearance of John Maguire they view a different personage a gentleman, whose countenance beams with intelligence, who has done all that he has promised, and the people know it. John Maguire has been tried and not found wanting in bis duties, and the voters, we believe, are so well salislled with bis stewardship in congress that they will arise en masses on the 5th day of Novem ber and re-elect hint by an in creased majority. Wilson and Marshall clubs are' looming up all over .Nebraska. :o: Rally round the llag of Wilson and Marshall and inarch in one solid phalanx onward to victory. : o: J. P. Morgan aided Hoo-eveU in his l'.ini campaign to the extent of t"jn.nm). and says so. What a great rcfinoer Teddy must be. (lovernor Wilson will be the first president in sixteen years who owes nothing to anyone ex cept Ihe people. :o: (eorge II. Sheirton says lloose velt got .V,fin,000 from the trust magnates, and the Lord only knows how much more. :o: . The last month in the cam paign is the lino.' when roorbacks are set afloat. The country will be flooded witli all manner of falsi; reports. :0: There is 110 doubt that the corporations and monied interests of the country are trying to throw lloosevelt overboard. Hut our opinion is they will have a hard lime doing it. Taft promises to make another revision of the tariff iu case he is elected, For heaven's sake, don't, elect him. Kverylhing is so high now that a man lias to go hungry half of the time. (,; Nn gelling around il I lie cor poralions and trusts furnished Hie money that elected lloosevelt in i'.mi, and Taft in l'.IOH. They are gelling themselves ready In repeal the dose for Taft in No vember next. I'mm what we are abb' to learn. Paul Clark'.-, campaign iu his big red automobile is md gelling him very much encouragement. His crowds are very small and 1 tit people do not seeni to lake to llip llnppei, anyway. The straw voles all over Ihe country are greatly iu favor of Wilson. Of course straw votes don't count for much iu the esti mation of republicans. Of course it makes a difference who's gel ling t hr voles. :: Judge l James Cosgrnve rules' against Morressey's application, and says the bull uioosers are en titled to a place 011 the ticket. Mux Hi Judge Cosgrove is a bull inooser himself. Now Ihe matter will go tht supreme court. It wilt lie well to do a little prying into the campaign donors of Hilly Tuft's campaign gifts i rom ute nnsis lour years ago. Taft is equally as guilty as Teddy in accepting large donations from the trusts who bought bis election four years ago. :o : The election this year is going to demonstrate that the people can no longer be hoodwinked and driven to ihe polls by threats of starvation which emanate from the council tables of those who are bcnellr iaries of special gov ernmental favor. F.veryone will- remember that before the primaries most of the republican papers could discern no democratic progressive can. didate except (lovernor Wilson Nobody can quite forget it now that these same republican papers are not salislled exactly with Mr. Wilson's views and altitudes. Lincoln Star. :o: . The democrats have the lies show this year to elect a president they have ever had, and it almost unnerves one who has fought for party success for II fly years to hear men, who we have looked upon as steadfast democrats, say that they cannot, nor will not sup port Wilson and Marshall. Several of them say they will vote for Tafl, while others say they will not vole for president at all. Shame I When Parker accused Roosevelt of accepting contributions from the corporations to help elect him, Teddy said il was a lie.. From the investigation of the committee selected for the purpose of in vestigating such charges, it is found that Teddy was the liar in more instances than one. F.x-dovcrnnr Shallenberger, in a speech at Aurora, Neb., a few evenings ago, tritely said: "The complaint that Morehead was not an orator would be good news to many voters. What we want in the governor's ollice is 'Morehead,' and imt so much talk, and that is why the democrats are offering Morehead." :o: When election day rolls round we want to see every voter who believes in tariff reform and wants to free themselves of till, clutches of those who have made it so hard for them to exist, get in line and march lo the polls Willi tin.' ban ner of Wilson and Marshall un furled to the breeze. Reports from over the slate would indicate very conclusively that Aldrich was a gone gosling. Those who hear him are not taken wilh his manner of speech to his auditors. His .speeches constitute principally of abuse of his oppon ent, 1 1 ii. John II. Morehead. ilis tirade of abuse is Ihe best evi dence in the world that the cute lillle fellow who occupies the chair in llic executive ollice senii occaional!y is staring defeat iu the face. The liioie We read of doveriior WiUnii, tie1 more we become im with liis makeup as a laleniau, scholar and genuine-lies.- a- a ma. 1 w Im w ill lill t he nlVce of president v. ilu liouor and I'l'i'il'l I'o tile American 1 people. I'i- speeches o not read like one sl;o likes i'aliery, bu! one who talks straight from the sln.uMer, and every word in utter.- i- with Midi force of meaning that we b- ii-'ve he will 00 just what, h promise the people. Since Jaumar 1, ID IL', a dento cralic hoiis' of representative ha passed l u, riff bills vvh'eli would hav rvuliiced the high, cost of living i;5ofl(M),nnu a year. President Taft v-loed every tariff measure pr smUd to him which iu the slighter! uVgrev pro bled relief for the many from extor- iiii. He useil his power lo per petuate prohibitive protect Lou ami trusts. HW any man who is (impelled, to live by the sweat of his brow car vole for Tafl tinder such circuinslances we ar unable lo perceive. R. V. Clark, democratic candid ate for superintendent of public instruction, is making a splendid impression everywhere he goes. He impresses those who meet him with his earnestness and his love for his chosen profession. Hav ing secured his education by hard work he knows the disadvantages hat many seekers after knowledge labor under, and fully realizes the need of progressive reform in educational mailers. He would make the public schools of more service to the average child in stead of making them of peculiar service lo the fortunate few. :o:-- The popular subscriptions for democratic campaign funds is be ing successfully carried out, and money from every uuarter is coming in. The usual contribu tion through the bevvspapers is from !?l to sM, but in isolated cases there have been sometimes as high as 100, and in one case a contributor gave ")()(). However, subscriptions as small as 25 cents have been received. These are not treated scornfully by the democratic managers, who go on the principle that when a man is induced to contribute even a small amount, he thereby not only be comes a friend but nn earnest worker for the cause. Ofc "-p - -Wm f 1 1 ;c Tour home can be perfectly heated with pure - healthful - ever changing - constantly renewed warm air-free from dust -gas and : u oke and the good dependable POUND OAK FURNACE and Round Oak tlzthods will do it. Investigate I The heating proposition is our specialty this Fall, and we now have the contracts for placing five heating plants before the Winter sets in. We also handle hot water and steam heating plants. See us now. mm tor Plattsmouth It is really wonderful the num ber of republicans in Cass county that are going to support. Hon. John A. Maguire for re-elecl ion. One republican remarked that, he knew right v. here lo liml Con greinan Maguire, which was nmre than could' be said in Ihe P' I'mmi of bis competitor, Paul Clark, 'who is any and everything lor the voles. And that kind of a man the people don't take to very muchly. - :o : The very word tariff is of un savory origin. II came' from the name of the town, Tarifa, on the Strail of (iibrallar, a strategic point where in ancient times the predatory Moors held up incom ing and outgoing ships and levied tribute. In our day, the "tariff wall" has been used by the pre dator interests to hold up and levy tribute on the American people. The tariff has been built up and prepctualed by the repub lican party under the specious guise of protection to American industries. The robbery of the ultimate consumer for years has been carried on under the cloak of protection. :o: The editor of the Aurora Sun says (tovernor Alilricli ollereit to give him the printing of constitu tional amendments at the expense of the slate for political support. lie refused it, but noticed that one of the others editors of Aurora went to Lincoln and upon his re turn became an ardent supporter of Aldrich and secured several hundred dollars' worth of print ing. In Fairbury nearly $500 of slate money goes to the Fairbury News for printing these constitu tional amendments. Editor Shel ley did not support Aldrich iu the lt)l(t compaign, .but visited Lin coln this summer and was closet ed with Aldrich for some time. Upon his return the attitude of the News toward Aldrich changed and the publication of the amend ments in that paper followed. These are merely incidents in the political situation, in which this paper is not particularly interest ed, but the voters are entitled to Iho facts. Fairbury Journal. :o: Fortunes In Faces. There's often much truth in the saying, "her face is her fortune," but. it's never said where pimples, skin eruptions, blotches, or other blemishes disfigure it. Impure blood is back of them all, and shows the need of Dr. King's New Life Pills. They promote health and beauty. Try them. 25 cents at F. (i. Fricke & Co. Marshall, Dentist, Coates block. r mi MS Nebraska Saved by His Wife. She's a w ise woman who knows just what to do when her hus band's life is in danger, but Mrs. II. J. Flint, Hrainl.i , VI., is of that kind. "She insisted on my using Ir. King's New Discovery," writes Mr. F., "for a dreadful rough, when I was so weak my friends all . t bought, I bad only a hort time lo live, and it com pletely cured me." A ipiick cure for coughs and colds, it's the 111111 safe and reliable medicine for many throal and lung troubles grip, bronchitis, croup, whoop ing cough, quinsy, tonsilitis, hemorrhages. A trial will con vince you. 50 cts. and, $1.00. (iuarnnteed by F. (i. Fricke Sc Co. For Sale. One team, 4 years old, coach colls, partly broken. Two 3-year-old coach colls. One 8-year-old mare. Can be secured at my home on Chicago Avenue. T. H. PoHock, Plattsmouth. Neb. 0-2f-3ld-2vvks-wkly Camffcfate for Assessor. William ft. Rryart has farmed for 23 years in Cass county and is offering to serve the people in the capacity of county assessor, and believes he is well qualified to lltr lh position to the satisfac tion of the taxpayers of Cass county. COAL and FEE We are now handling a complete line of coal. Call and let us quote you prices for your fall and winter coal. We handle wheat, oats, corn and chop of all kinds. Ind. Telephone 297 Nelson Jean & Co, FOREST EOSS WAH0OMILLCO WAHOO.NEB. FOREST ROSE TLOUR L Forest Rose Floor Guaranteed as Good at Any on the Market - SOLD BT LEADING DEALERS k