The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 07, 1912, Image 1

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    1. toC
NO. 83.
Charles Swan, Sr., Passes Away
From the Result of a Fall a
Short Time Since.
FrAl Friday's Daily.
Charles Swan, sr., one of the
pioneer settlers of Cass' county,
answered the final summons this
morning at 1 o'clock at his home
northeast of Union, the cause of
his death being the injuries he
sustained some two weeks ago at
his farm when he was thrown
from a load of hay. Mr. Swan
was one of the prominent men in
the county and his demise will fall
as a great shock upon the com
munity of which he has been such
an able and worthy citizen. Each
year sees the old settlers who
have tnadt the state of Nebraska
growing less and less, and it will
be only a few years until I hey are
all taken from our midst.
Charles Swan was born in
Green county, Pennsylvania, Jan
uary 7, 182'.), and after spending
his boyhood in his native slate,
followed the growing tide of
emigration and sought his for
tune in the west, sell ling in Cass
county, where he preempted the
farm upon which he resided until
the' time of his death. He was
married in this county lo Miss
Margaret, Allison, sisler of !.. Al
lison, residing near Murray. Mrs.
Swan died August (i, 1888, since
which time Mr. Swan had resided
with his children, four of whom
are living, as follows: Mrs. Mary
E. Davis, T. Winfleld Swan. Mrs.
Ada Clark, all of Union, and Mrs.
Clara James of near Nebraska
..The funeral will be held Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock from die
late home northeast of Union, and
will be largely attended on account
of the great esteem in which those
who knew him held him.
From Friday's Dally.
The defeat of Miss Teresa Hem
pie at Lincoln for grand recorder
of the Degree of Honor is to lie
greatly regretted, as Miss Heinple
has been one of the most faithful
workers the Degree of Honor has
had in the state and it will be
many years before they secure an
other recorder that will give the
otllce the care and attention I hat
Miss Heinple did. The vote was
quite close, Miss Hronks of Heat
rice having only live majority over
Miss Heinple, and had it not been
for the underhanded fight that the
supporters of the proposition In
remove the olllce to Lincoln em
ployed in their endeavor to hog
all the offices in the state, the
count would probably have result
ed in Miss lletnple's re-eleclion,
as her record in the olllce is some
thing of which she may be proud.
The Lincoln people seem to labor
under the impression that it is
impossible to have any kind of
a headquarters in any other city
of the slate, and the sooner they
are awakened the belter it will be
for the whole stale.
From Friday's Dally.
' I Ins is tne season or the vear
when it. is good to live in this
part of the country, in the beaut i
ful Indian summer. The bills
along the Missouri are Inking on
the myriad hues of autumn and
the sight is a splendid one from
the platform at I ho Hurlington
M.U ion o see Hie dlliereul shades
of red, green, yellow and brown,
making the trees and shrubbery
look as if touched by some paint
it's brush ami making a picture
that is worth going miles to see,
and makes one long lo set and
gaze upon the wonderful change
of nature from summer's green
to autumn's llery huc9.
Rule for Measuring Corn.
From Friday's Daily.
There are many rules for
measuring corn. Inquiries con
ducted by the Missouri state board
of agriculture show the following
to common use: Sixteen cubic feet
of corn in the shuck tor if evtra
wel settled, 15 feet) make a bar
rel. The. number of cubic feel
multiplied by the decimal A gives
bushcMs. Multiply together the
length, width and height of the
pen or crib, in inches, and divide
by 1,200 for old corn, or i,300 for
new corn, to get bushels. Where
it can be done corn should be
weighed, rather than measured.
The Remains Laid at Rest in Oak
Hill Cemetery Yesterday
From Friday's Dally.'
The funeral of the late David
F. Taylor was held yesterday aft
ernoon from the lale home on
Washington avenue and was at
tended by a large number of the
sorrowing friends of the good
man, who has been called away.
The music was furnished by a
quarlet, consisting of Mrs. drove
Livingston, Mrs. L. A. Moore,' H.
A. McKlwain and G. L. Farley, and
consisted of the favorite hymns
of the deceased. The pastor of
the Christian church, Hev. A. L.
Zink, delivered the sermon and
spoke on the text, taken from
Hebrews 1.1-1(5. as follows: "For
here we have no continuing city,
but we seek one to come." He
spoke of the frailily of life, tin
uneerfainif y oi what the morrow
may bring to us, and of the final
redemption winch awaits us in
the hereafter, and spoke consoling
words lo the sorrowing relatives
ind friends.
The pall-bearers were selectei
from among the comrades of the
Grand Army and they gently bore
e remains of their departed
comrade in uieir imai n-si m
beiuiliful Oak Hill ceinelery. Th
following served as active pall
bearers: J. II. Thrasher, Thomas
Wiles.. Robert Troop, Asbury
Jacks, Jesse Hines and William
From Friday's Dally.
Those Platlsinoulh people who
attended the presentation of "The
Hachelor's Honeymoon" at the
Hrandeis in in Omaha last week
had the pleasure or seeing a
young man who formerly resided
in this city, in the person of Mr
V. O. Rankin, who is one of the
leading characters in the play
and also I he musical director. Mr
nankin, when he was Here, was
employed in the Hurlington olllces
and only a few of his most inti
mate friends even knew of his
dramatic talent. Mr. Rankin is
making a great hit in the produc
tion, and we shall expect lo hear
more of the young man on the
stage. The home of Mr. Rankin
was at Heal rice, w here he lived
before removing to this city.
From Friday's Dally.
J. K. Wiles was in the city to
day wilh his new Hurg-Ci touring
car and it is one of the finest ma
chines in the county and Mr.
Wiles may be justly proud of it.
Mr. Wiles and the agent for the
machine, James M. Holmes, of
Murray, drove the automobile,
home from Dallas Cily, Illinois,
where the Hurg factory is located,
and hail a most enjoyable trip, the
roads for Hie most part being in
excellent condition. Mr. Wiles re
ports the corn crop through Iowa
looks tine and the prospects there
for a big crop are excellent. The
new machine is a beauty and cost
!?2,r00, and Mr. Wiles can now
travel whenever the notion lakes
him, regardless of the railroads.
From Friday's Dally.
The following appeared in the
Omaha Hep of yesterday:
"Weeping because of the in-
llilelily of Clarence Hay, a Grand
Island restaurant man, with whom
he had come to Omaha, Goldie
Van Cleve, a pretty 18-year-old
girl, reported to the police last
night that, he had disappeared, af
ter appropriating .f00 that bc-
onged lo her.
"The girl says they registered
at the Hotel Loyal, and acting up
on Hay's advice, she deposited the
money with the clerk in Hay's
name. During the night the man
called lor the money, and after
gelling it, disappeared."
The above Jias reference to
Miss Goldie Van Cleve. of Lexing-
on, Neb., who was here about a
week ago and . drew annul -f inn
from an estate, of which she is
one of the heirs, and shows the
folly of a young lady carrying
around this amount of money, and
then placing too much conlldence
in a young man she had probably
never mei mil a lew limes. Mill,
we cannot help but sympathize
with I lie young lady.
From Friday's Daily.
The development of this town
is no one man's duty; nor is it the
duty of any one group of its peo
pie. The individual must not hesi
tate to start the work; his neigh
bors should not hesitate to help it
No one element can accomplish
desired results alone; neither will
one element alone be benefited
It is lh. interest of all, ami the
business of all; one man may
originate, but, all men must ex
ecute. The first, duty of each is to en
list tin' aiil of all; the duly of all
is In promote the inleersl of eaeh.
The development of this town
is no one man's duly; this town's
development is the town's oppor
tunity. This town's welfare is the whole
town's business LKT US ALL
From Friday's Dally.
Judge A. L. Snl ton of Omaha,
grand sachem of I he Improved
Order of Red Men, was in the city
last evening and visited the local
tribe of the lodge. The judge
delivered a most interesting talk
and one that was greatly ap
preciated by the members of the
order. The judge is a very clever
speaker and one of Hie leading
orators in the city of Omaha and
it, was quite a treat for the Red
Men to have him address I hem.
Another New Auto in Town.
From Friday's Daily.
John Hauer, the Overland auto
agent in this cily, received a hand
some thirty horse power ma
chine this morning from Lincoln,
ami it is certainly a beauty, being
a 11)11 model and equipped with
the latest and most up-to-date
features. The machine is one of
Die best of Hie medium-priced
machines on the market, and a
great number of them are being
sold each year.
D. E. Seivers Returns Home.
From Friday's Dally.
I). K. Seivers of Marquette, Ne
braska, who has been here visit
ing his daughter, Mrs. Joseph
Thompson, ami either friends, for
a time, departed this morning on
No. 15 for his home. Mr. Sievcrs
resides em a large ranch, near
Marquette, and has been associat
ed wilh W. II. Newell of this city
in the cattle buying business for
the past thirty years. Mr. Seivers
formerly resided em a farm near
Cedar Creek and was engaged in
the cattle business there until his
removal to Marquette.
Closed for Short Time.
From Friday's Dally.
The "Wegnla" hotel went out of
business temporarily on Tuesday,
when Dmi Farnham's lease ex
pired and he and his wife moved
out. However, it is expected that
the place will be running again in
a very short lime, as parlies are
now on a deal to take charge of it.
In the meantime the house is open
to accommodate the public in the
way of rooms, and our two good
restaurants are able to feed the
hungry, -mo the conditions are not
so "wusser" as they might, he.
Union Ledger.
From Friday's Dally.
This village will have another
bank doing business fn the near
future, '-non as the organization
can be completed ami building
erected for I hat purpose. This
assurance was' given us Tuesday
by Thomas M. Patterson of Plaits,
mouth, who is the "moving spirit"
in this l ew enterprise. Mr. Pat
terson informed us that a num
ber of wealthy and Influential
citizens have Hiken a llnancial in-
l crest in llie new hank and that
there will be no unnecessary de
lay in gelling to business. The
plans lor building are under con
sideration, and may be dellnilely
sell led before this is printed.
J ins noes nui mean thai the
new bank comes here in opposi
lion In Hie Hank of Union, a solid
instil ul ion doing a good business,
but it does mean that men of good
.judgment see that the growth and
development of Union and sur
rounding territory makes a field
for the successful operation of
two good banks. Mr. Pallerson is
a banker of almost, life-time ex
periene" j" having been connected
wilh the Hank of Cass County in
Plallsnioiith, for a number of
years, and is cashier nT that bank.
Union Ledger,
Look Well to Your Chimney.
From Friday's Dully.
At. I his lime of the" year if is
usual for newspapers, firemen and
stale departments Lo tell house
owners to watch Iheir flues and
chimneys. Chimneys have, as a
rule, been unused during the sum
mer months. They may be slop
ped up with soot ami trash, a
brick or two may have come loose
ami fallen down ami the birds
have built nests in them. Unless
the chimneys are in good repair
w hen I he fall (Ires are started
trouble is quite likely to ensue.
Half of the llres start from de
fective Hues, nearly all residence
tires start from that cause. Watch
your chimney.
Brick Work Progressing.
From Friday's Dally.
The brick work on Hit) Leonard
building is progressing rn good
shape, in spite of the bad weather
vc have had for the last few days,
and il, will only be a short time
until the carpenters can begin
their job of finishing lh? work up
and placing the building in condi
tion for occupancy. The brick
porl ion tif the building is being
done by Km il Wallers, while the
carpentry is in charge of L. G.
Installs Electric Lights.
From Friday's Dally.
Airs. George P. Weidinan, resid
ing on North Seventh street, is
having her home equipped with
Ho' latest it lit most improved (dec
trie lights. Warga & Cecil are
doing the work and expect to have
Ihe house' wired In a few days.
There are some sixteen lights to
be installed ami it, requires a
good deal ofjime to place them
in Ihe workmanship manner thai
Warga it Cecil always give Iheir
conl racl s.
Mrs. Bestor Doing Nicely.
From Friday's Dally.
Friends who visited Mrs. Har
mon Hestor at Ihe hospital in
Omaha yesterday report her as
doing nicely and having come out
of the operation in good shape,
and Ihe prospects are that, she
will be able lo return to her home
in a few weeks in good health.
This will be pleasing news to the
friends of Ihe Hestor family
throughout the county.
Many of Them Foisted Upon the
People by Vultures Who Knok
' Remedies Are Worthless.
From Saturday's Dally.
There was never a lime when
misfortune overtook any part of
the human family that there was
not another part, veritable human
vultures, ready to use any means
to prolit by the dire necessity or
utter helplessness of others. They
rob the dead on the battlefields or
in the ruins left by tire or Hood,
or force the living lo pay tin in an
exorbitant tribute for small
It is from this genius that the
quack doctors come, and it is
through the ignorance or terror
of the troubled people that they
gain their foothold. When a
plague or pestilence is raging the
unscrupulous venders of worth
less curealls may be found on the
Held at once, reaping enormous
profits from the extremity of the
afflicted people.
Ravages of a mysterious and
deadly horse plague in Nebraska,
Kansas ami other parts of the
southwest has brought this same
army of vultures down on the
fanner people of that section.
Remedies for the dread disease
are heard on every hand, most ef
ineiu won mess. Mime oi uiese
are, of course, offered by those
who are ignorant, or really have
faith in their offerings, honestly
wishing to help check the plague.
Hut a very great part of Ihe
worthless remedies are knowingly
Ioislei) onio I lie people liy men
who care for nothing except Ihe
profit, lliey may cup from heir
useless, or worse Hum Useless,
concoct ions.
Scieolilie men from Ihe slate
agricultural schools, Ihe stale
veterinary departments and In
private HIV are making a close
sludy of Ihe disease to discover a
remedy. lialever I hey may oil er
may be partly an experimenl, but
il will not, be maliciously dancer
ems to use. Hut the farmer who
in terror turns to Hi" drugs offer
ed by .the unscrupulous emer of
cure-alls for this disease is in as
grave danger of losing his horses
from these remedies', probably, as
from the disease itself. Hewn re
of the smooth-tongued stranger
wilh a certain cure for the horse
plague, as yon would the vernier
of gold bricks or slock in Hie
"Get-Rich-Ouiek" mines at .'I
e-ents per share. They are all in
the same class.
From Saturday's Dally.
The lecture given last evening
at tin! Presbyterian church by
Rev. J. V. Clark was one of Ihe
most interesting that has been
given in litis city for several
years, and was attended by a fair
sized audience. Mr. Calrk de
scribed the various planels and
the sun ami moon and their ef
fects upon the earth life, telling
of numerous instances in which
he had foretold the condition of
the weiilhcr by the examination of
the planels ami Iheir effect upon
the earth. The lecturer was most
interesting and the audience
would have been glad to hear more
of Ihe interesting talk. At the
close of the lecture the audience
was given an opportunity to view
the various starts through a large
telescope and greatly enjoved the
opportunity, as il brought them
out quite clearly, and it, is lo be
regretted tint the moon did not
rise in lime In afford the crowd
a chance lo view it. Rev. Clark
departed Ibis morning for the
north, where he will lecture,
traveling into Canada.
Will take your 'orders for Ihe
following varieties of winter ap
ples: Maniiiinulh Klacklvvig, Mo.
Pippin, Gano and Winesap. 'Phone
ILi-Hlack. S. W. Ransom.
Entertains Social Workers.
From Friday's Daily..
The Social Workers of the M.
L church were most, delightfully
entertained in I lie church parlors
yesterday afternoon. The hos
tesses on this occasion were the
three retiring olllcers, Mesdames
Nellie Carlson, Pearl Heesoii and
Miss Jvlae Richey. The regular
business session was held, at
which time Ihe animal election of
olllcers should have been held, but
which was postponed. This is
the first meeting (he ladies of
this organization have held dur
ing the fall season and it was very
largely attended. At Ihe proper
time excellent refreshments were
served and a the usual hour all
dispersed, having spent a most
enjoyable afternoon.
J. C. Elkenbary, Former Citizen of
Cass County, and Deputy Sheriff
of Lancaster County.
From Saturday's Dully.
.1. C. Kikeiihary, day watchman
at the county jail, was struck by
an aiiloinobile driven by Dr. R. O.
Hum I last nighl at (lie corner
of Thirteenth and R streets. His
injuries, consist ing of bruises
about the left leg and arm, did
not, prove so serious but what he
could walk around afterwards.
According to Ihe story (old by
Kikeiihary, he was walking south
front his home to Ihe jail. As he
stepped off the curbing on R
street be noticed several men
across the road ahead of him, and
he fixed bis altenl ion pu I hem for
a moment. The llrst lie knew of
the presence of an aulo was when
il- Hi'in k him wilh some force, on
I he calf oi t he lell leg. Kikeiihary
was whirled around, falling mi his
arm against the front of the ma
chine. e Innl Ihe presence of
mind In lurk his arm about one
of the headliultls and allow him
self o be dragged along under
the enr imlll il could he slopped.
He I hen go up and placed I he
doctor under arrest. The two
proceeded to Ihe county jail,
where Hummel was released.
Mr. Kikeiihary thought thai tint
aulo must have been going about,
twelve miles an hour. Holh bead
lighls were burning, he said, but,
Ihe driver neglected to blow his
horn, as be (Kikeiihary did not.
hear any noise whatever. Dr.
Hummel refused In give his ver
sion of Ihe affair. Lincoln Jour
From Saturday's Daily.
The News-llerabl, which has
had a precarious existence for I ho
past few years, under numerous
owners, is finally closed. The
Hank of Cass County, which holds
a first mortgage on the plant,
started foreclosure proceedings,
closing the olllce up until the
mortgage can be salislled or the
plant sold to the highest bidder
in order to raise Ihe necessary
amount. K. O. Ma field, a form
er owner of the paper, also has a
mortgage on the plant and il. will
be sold some lime in November
In satisfy these claims.
Landseokers, Listen!
We are now able In deliver, for
around $-5. Oil per acre (should be
worth r0.0in, choice, level wheat,
corn, potato and alfalfa land, in a
country where crops have been
ery satisfactory for some llfleen
years, and where wheat yields up
lo 40. corn i to fid. potatoes iMlO
bushels per acre. We have only
a limited number of these line
non-resident tracts lo offer at the
"snap" figure, so if you are in
terested ask us at once about
them. They will sell for fc-J.'O per
acre very soon.
Reynolds Land Company,
Madrid, Neb.
Kczenta spreads rapidly; itch
ing almost drives you mad. For
quick relief, Doan's Ointment is
well recommended. 50c at nil