1 BY CEOROt IIARR M?CUTC11E0N1 Vy come over and get the watch tf you're not afraid of me and I'll promlse" " Afraid? Denimlt. sir. didn't 1 say I was Lord Razelhurst? Of the guards, sir, and the Seventy-first! Conf- "You come over nnd pet the watch and then see If yon can pet back to the horse and mount liefore I pet to the log. If I bent you there, you lose. How's that?" "I decline to maUe a fool of myself. Either you will restore my watch to me or I shall Instantly go before the BY CEOROt IIARR PCU1C1IE0N Copyright. 1906. by Dodd. Mead O Company, CHAPTER II. In Which a Young Woman Trospassaa. It. SHAW was a tall young man of thirty or thereabouts, smooth faced, good looking and athlet i 1 ic. It was quite true that he wore a red coat when tramping through his woods and vales, not because it was fashionable, but because he had a vague horror of being shot at by somo nearsighted Nlmrod from Manhattau. A crowd of old college friends had just left him alone In the hills after spend ing several weeks at his place, and his 6ole occupation these days, aside from directing the affairs about tl.e house and grounds, lay In the effort to commune with nature by means of a shotgun and a fishing rod. Ills most constant companion was a pipe, his most loyal follower a dog. As he sauntered slowly down the riv er road that afternoon, smiling retro spectively from time to time as he looked into the swift, narrow stream that had welcomed his adversaries of the morning, he little thought of the encounter In store for him. The little mountain stream was called a river by courtesy because it was yards wider than the brooks that struggled lmpo lently to surpass It during the rainy season. Rut It was deep and turbu lent In places, and It had a roar at times that commanded the respect of the foolhardy. '. "The poor devils might have drown ed, eh, Ronaparte?" he mused, ad dressing the dog at his side. "Con founded nuisance, getting wet after all, though. Lord Bazelhurst wants war, does he? That log down there la the dividing line In our river, eh? And I have to stay 011 this side of it. By George, he's a mean spirited person, and It's his wife's land, too. 1 won der what she's like. It's a pity a fel low can't have a quiet, deceit sum mer up here in the hills. Still light ing his pipe "I dare say 1 can give as well as I take. If I slay off his land they'll have to keep off of mine. Hullo, who's that? A man, by George, but he looks like a partridge. As l live, Bonaparte Is. pointing. Ha, ha. that's one on you, Bony!" Mr. Shaw stepped Into the brush at the side of the path and watched the movements of the man at the "log," now less than 100 yards away. Lord Bazelhurst, attired In his brown corduroys and hia tan waistcoat, cer tainly suggested the partridge as be hopped nimbly about in the distant foreground, cocking his ears from time to time with all the aloofness of that wily bird. He was, strange to re late, some little distance from Bazel hurst territory, an actual If not a con fident trespasser upon Shaw's domain. His horse, however, was tethered to a sapling on the safe side of the log. comfortably browsing on Bazelhurst grass. Randolph Shaw, an unseen ob server, was considerably mystified by the actlous of his unusual visitor. His lordship paced back and forth with a stride that grew firmer as time brought forth no hostile impediments. His monocle ever and anon was direct ed Iwth high and low In search of Shaw or his henchmen, while his face was rapidly resolving itself Into a bloom of rage. "Confound him," his lordship was muttering, looking at his timepiece with stern disapproval, "he can't ex pect me to wait here all day. I'm on his land, and I'll stay here as long as I like!" (At this Juncture he Involunta rily measured the distance between himself and the log.) "I knew it was all a bluff, his threat to put me off. Hang it all, where Is the fellow? I won't go up to his beastly house. I won't gratify him by going up there even to give him his orders. Hemmed cad, blowhnrd! Five o'clock, confound him! I dare say he's seen me and has crawled off Into the underbrush. He's ' afraid of mo; he's a coward. It Is as I feared. I can't see the rascal. There's only one thing left for me to do. I'll pin a note to this tree. Confound him, he shall hear from me. He'll have to read it." Whereupon his lordship drew forth a large envelope from his pocket and proceeded to fasten It to the trunk of a big tree which grew in the middle of the road, an act of premeditation which showed strange powers of prophecy. How could he, except by means of clairvoyance, have known before leav ing home that he was not to meet his enemy face to face? As Mr. Shaw afterward read the note and tossed it Into the river. It Is only fair that the world should know ' Its contents while It hung unfolded to the bark of the tall tree. It said In a very scrawling hand: "Mr. Shaw, I have looked nil over this end of your ' land for you this afternoon. You doubtless choose to avoid me. So bo It Lot me state once and for nil that your conduct Is despicable. I came here personally to tell you to keep off my land henceforth and forever. I will not repeat this warning, but will Instead, If you persist, take such sum mary measures as would befit a per son of your Instincts. I trust you will feel tho linMrtance of keeping off." To this his lordship bravely signed himself. "There," he muttered, again holding his watch and fob up for close Inspec tion, "he'll not soon overlook what I've said in that letter, confound him!" He had not observed the approach of Randolph Shaw, who now stood, pipe In hand, some twenty paces behind him In the road. What the devil are you doing?" de manded a strong bass voice. It had tho effect of a cannon shot. His lordship leaped half out of his corduroys, turned with agonizing abruptness toward the tall young man and gasped "Oh!" so shrilly that his horse looked up with a start The next Instant his watch dropped forgot ten from his flngers.and his nimble little legs scurried for territory beyond the log. Nor did he pause- upon reaching that supposedly safe ground. The swift glance ho gave the nearby river was significant as well as appre hensive. It moved hltn to increased but unpolished haste. He leaped frantically for the saddle, icorning the stirrups, landing broad dde, but with sufficient nervous ener gy in reserve to scramble on and up ward Into the seat. Once there he ticked the animal in the flanks with both heels, clutching with his knees ind reaching for the bridle rein In Uie same motion. The horse plunged obediently, but came to a stop with 1 jerk that nlmost unseated the rider; the sapling swayed; the good but for jotten rein held firm. "Ha!" gasped his lordship as the horrid truth became clear to him. "Charge, Ronaparte!" shouted the man in the road. "Soldiers!" cried the rider, with a rlld look among the trees. "My dog," called back the other. "He charges at the word." "Well, you know, I saw service In the army," apologized his lordship, wit li a pale smile. "Get op!" to the aorse. "What's your hurry?" asked Shaw, grinning broadly as he came up to tua log. "Don't don't you dare to step over lhat log!" shouted Razolhurst. "All right. I see; but. after all. what's the rush?" The other was puz tled for the moment. "I'm practicing. Blr." he said un- "Afraid? Didn't I say Bazelhurat?" I wii Lord steudlly, "how to mouut on a run demmit. Can't you see?" "In case of fire. 1 Imagine. Well, you made excellent time. By the way, what has this envelope to do with it?" "Who are you, sir?" "Shaw. And you?" 'You'll learn when you read thnt document Take It home with you." "Ah. yes; I see it's for me. Why don't you untie that hitch rein? And what the dickens do you mean by hav ing a bitch rein anyway? No rider" "Confouud your Impudence, sir! I did not come here to receive Instruc tions from you. dem you!" cried his lordship defiantly, ne had succeeded at that moment In surreptitiously slashing the hitch rein In two with his pocketknife. There was nothing now to prevent him from giving the obtru sive young man a defiant farewell. "1 am Lord Razelhurst. Good day. sir!" ".lust a minute, your lordship," call ed Shaw. "No doubt you were timing yourself a bit ago. but that's no reason why you should leave your watch on my land. Of course I've nothing against the watch, and. while I prom ise you faithfully that any human be ing from your side of the log who ventures over on my side shall be ejected In one way or another, it would seem scuseless for me to kick this timepiece Into the middle of next week." "Don't you dare kick that watch. It's a hundred years old." "Far be it from me to take advan tage of anything so old. Don't you want It any longer?" "Certainty, sir. I wouldn't part from It." "Then why don't you come over and get it? Do you expect me to break the rule by coming over on to your laud to hand It to you?" VI shouldn't call that trespassing, don't you know," began his lordship. "Ab! Nevertheless. If you want this watch you'll have to come over and get It." , "Ry Jove, now, that's a demmed mean trick. I'm mounted. Beastly annoying. I say, would you mind tossing It up to me?" "1 wouldn't touch It for $10. By tho way. I'll Just read this note of yours." Lord Razelhurst nervously watched hltn as he read; his heart lightened per ceptibly as he saw a good humored smile struggle to the tall young man's fat e. It was. however, with some mis giving that he studied the broad shoul ders nnd powerful frame of the erst while poacher, "Very good of you, I'm sure, to warn me." "Good of me? It was Imperative, let mo tell you, sir. No man can abuse my servants nnd tsamplo all over my land nnd disturb my fish" "Excuse me. but 1 haven't time to listen to nil lhat. Tho note's sufficient. You've been practicing the running mount until it looks well nigh perfect to mo, so I'll tell you what I'll do. I'll step back thirty naees and then you authorities nnd take out a warrant. came to see you on business, sir, not follv. Ladv Razelhurst herself would have come had I been otherwise occu pled. nn3 I want to assure you of her contempt. You are n disgrace to her countrymen. If you ever put foot on our land I shall have you thrown Into the river. Demmit. sir, it's no laugh ing matter. My watch, sir." "Come and get it." "Scalawag!" "By George, do you know if you get too personal 1 w111 vomc over there Randolph Shnw advanced with threatening scowl. "Ha. ha!" laughed Ills lordship shrilly "I dare you!" He turned his horse' head for home and moved off a yard or more. "Whoa! Curse you! This Is the demdest horse to manage I've ever owned. Stand still, confound you! Whoa!" "He'll stand if you stop licking him." "Halloa! Hey. Razelhurst!" came a far distant voice. The adversaries glanced down tho road and beheld two horseman approaching from Razel hurst Villa the duke and the count. "By Jove," muttered his lordship, suddenly deciding that it would not be convenient for them to appear on the scene at its present stage, "my friends are calling me. ller ladyship doubt less Is near at band. She rides, you know 1 mean dem you! Wouldn't have her see you for a fortuue. Not another word, sir! You have my or ders. Stay off or I'll-throw you off!" This Inst tli rent was utmost shrieked and was plainly heard by the two horsemen. "Ry Jove, he's facing the follow." 811 id the duke to the count. "lOos eet Shaw? I'arbleu!" "I'll send some one for that watch. Don't you dare to touch it," said his lordship In tones barely audible. Then he loped off to meet bis friends and turn them back before they came too close for comfort. Randolph Shaw laughed heartily as he watched the retreat. Seeing the newcomers halt and then turn abruptly back into their tracks, he ' picked up the watch and strolled off into the woods, taking a short cut for tho dirt roud which led up to his house. "1 had him begging for mercy," ex plained his lordship as bo rode along "I was on bis land for half an hour be fore he would come within speaking distance. Come along. I need a drink." Young Mr. Shaw came to the road in due time and paused, after bis climb to rest on a stono ut tho wayside. Ho was Btill a nillo front home and in the loneliest pnrt of bis domain. Tho Ra zelhurst lino was scarcely a qunrtcr of a mile behind him. Trees nnd under brush grew thick nnd impenetrable alongside the narrow, winding road Tho light of heaven found It difficult to struggle through to the highway be low. Picturesque but lonely and som ber indeed were his surroundings. "Somo one coming?" bo said aloud, as Ronaparte pricked up his ears nnd looked up tho road. A moment later a horse and rider turned the bend a hundred yards away nnd came slowly toward bliu. He started to his feet with nn exclamation. Tho rider was a woman, and she was making her way leisurely toward the Razelhurst lands "Lady Razelhurst, I'll bet my hat,' thought be with a quiet whistle. "By George, this Is awkward! My first trespasser Is in petticoats. 1 say, she's a benuty a ripping beauty. Lord, Lord what do such women mean by giving themselves to little rats like Hazel hurst? Oh, tho shame of it! Well, it's up to me. If I expect to 'make good' I've Just got to fire her off these grounds." , Naturally ho expected to bo very po lite about It Instinctively so. He could not have been otherwise. The horse woman saw him step Into the middle of the road, smiling oddly but defercn daily. Her slim figure strulghtencd. her color rose, and there was a yes, there was a relieved gleam In her eyes. As she drew near he advanced, liat in band, his face uplifted in hjs roost win ning siuilo savoring more of welcome than of repellence. i beg your pardon." he said; "doubt less you are not aware that this is pre scribed laud." Then you are Mr. Shaw?" she ask ed, clun king her horse with premedi tated surprise nnd an emphasis that puzzled him. Yes, madam." he responded gravely. "the hated Shnw. Permit me," and he politely grasped the bridle rein. To ber amazement he deliberately turned and began to lead ber horse, willy nll ly. down the road, very much as If she were a child taking her first riding lesson. "What are you doing, sir?" she ex claimed Bharply. There was a queer flutter of helplessness in her voice. rutting you off." he answered la conically. She laughed in delight and he looked up with a relieved smile. I'm glad you don't mind. I have to do It These feuds are such beastly things, you know. One has to live up to them whether he likes It or not" So you are putting me off your place? Oh. how lovely !" "It Isn't far. you know Just down by those big rocks. Your line is there. Of course." he went on politely, "you know that there Is a feud." "Oh, yes; I've heard you discussed. Besides, I met Tompkins and James this morning. Pardon me, Mr. Shaw, but I fancy I can get on without be ing led. Would you mind" "My dear madam, there is no alter native. I have taken a solemn vow per sonally to eject all Razelhurst tres passers from my place. You forget that I am, by your orders, to be thrown Into the river and all that. Don't be alarmed! I don't mean to throw you Into the river." "Ry my orders? It seems to me that you have confused me with Lord Ra zelhurst" "Heaven has given me keener per ception, your ladyship, I have seen his lordship." "Ah. may I Inquire whether he was particularly rough with you this after noon ?" "I trust I nm too chivalrous to an swer that question." "You are quite dry." "Thank you. I deserve the rebuke. nil right." "Oh. I mean yon haven't been in the river " "Not since morning. Am I walking loo fast for you?" "Not at all. One couldn't ask to be put off inure considerately." 1 "Ry Jove." he said Involuntarily, his I admiration getting the better of him. I beg your pardon." with slightly elevated eyebrows Do you know, you're not at nil what I Imagined you'd be." Oh? And I fancy I'm not nt nil whom von Imagined me to be." Heavens! Am I ejecting nn Inno cent bvstander? You are Lady Razel- hurst?" "I am Penelope Drake. But," she ndiled quickly. "1 am an enemy. 1 am Lord Ruzelhurst's sister." "You you don't mean It?" "Are you disappointed? I'm sorry." "I 11 tn stagg'Tcd and a bit skeptical. There Is no resemblance." "I am n bit taller." she admitted carefully. It isn't dreadfully Immod est. Is it, tvf oue to hold converse with ber captor? I am In your power, you see. On the contrary, it Is qulto the thlug. The heroine always converses with the villain In books. She tells him what she thinks of him." "Rut this isn't a book.' nnd I'm not a heroine. I am the adventuress. Will you permit uie to explain Iny presence on youn land?" "No excuse is necessary. You wer caught red handed, and you don't have to say anything to Incriminate yourself further." "Rut it Is scacely a hundred fitt to our line. In a very few minutes I shall be hurled relentlessly from your land and may never have another chance to tell why I dared to venture over here. You see, you have a haunted houso on your land, and I"- She hesitated. "I see. The old Ren wood cottage on the hill. Boon deserted for years. Ren wood brought his wlfo up hero In tho mountains long ago nnd murdered her. She comes back occasionally, they say; mysterious noises and lights j and all that Well?" J "Well, I'm very much Interested In spooks. In spite of the feud I rode over here for a peep at the house. Dear me, It's a desolate looking place. I dldu't go Inside, of course. Why don't you tear It down?" "And deprive tho ghost of houso nnd home? That would bo heartless. Resides, It serves as nn attraction to bring visitors to my otherwise un alluring place. I'm terribly sorry the fortunes of war prevent mo from offering to take you through tho houso Rut as long as you remain a Razel hurst I can't neglect my vow. Of course, I don't mean to say that yon enn't come nnd do what you plense over here, but you shall be recognized and treated ns a trespasser." "Oh. that's Just splendid! Perhaps I'll come tomorrow." "1 shall be obliged to escort you from the grounds, you know." "Yes, I know," she said agreeably. no looked dazed nnd delighted. "Of course I shall como with stealth and darkly. Not even my brother shall know of my plans." "Certainly not." ho snld with alac rity. (They were nearlng tho llne.l "Depend on me." "Depend on you? Your only duty Is to scare me off tho place. "That's jvhnt I moan. I'll keep shnrp watch for you up at the haunt ed house." "It's more than a mflo from the line," sho advised him. "Yes, I kjmw.M said to, with his friendliest smile. "Oh. by tie" way. would yoa mind doing your brother a favor. Miss Drake? Give him this watch. He cr ho must have dropped it while pursuing me." "You ran?" Sho accepted the watch with surprise and unbelief. "Here Is the line. Miss Drake," he evaded. "Consider yourself Ignomln iously ejected. Have I been unneces sarily rough and expeditious?" "You have had a long and tiresome walk," she said, settling herself for a merry clip. 'Tlense don't step on our side." He released the bridle rein and doffed his hat "I shall bring my horse tomorrow." ho remarked significantly. "1 may bring the duko." sho said sweetly. "In that case I shall have to bring an extra man to lead his borso. It won't matter." "So this rock is the dividing line?" "Yes; you are on the safe Bide now and so am I, for that matter. The line Is here," and he drew a broad line In the dust from one sldo of the road to the other. "My orders are that you are not to ride across that line at your peril." "And you are not to cross it either nt your peril." "Do you dare mo?" with an eager step forward. "Goodby." "Goodby! I say, are you Buro you can And the Renwood cottage?" he called after her. Tho answer came back through the clatter of hoofs, ac' compnnied by a smile that seduced his self possession, "I shall find It in time." ' For a long time he stood watching her as sho raced down the road. "At my peril." be mused, shaking his head with a queer smile. "By George. that's fair warning enough. She's beautiful." At dinner that night the Hon. Pene lope restored the watch to her broth er, much to his embarrassment, for he had told tho duke It was being repair cd In town. "It wasn't this watch that 1 meant old chap," he announced Irreverently to the duke, qulto red In the face. "Where did you find it Pen?" She caught the plea in bis eye and responded loyally. "You dropped Jt, I daresay. In pur suing Mr. Khaw." Tho positive radiance which followed dismay in his watery eyes convinced her beyond all doubt that her brother's encounter with the tall Mr. Shaw was not quite creditable to Razelhurst arms. She listened with pensive Indifference to the oft repeated story of how he had routed the "Insufferable cad." en couraged by the support of champagne nnd the solicited approval of two eye witnesses. She could not repress the mixed feelings of scorn, shnnie and pity, as she surveyed the array of men who so mercilessly flayed the healthy, fair faced young man with n gentle strength. The house party had been augmented during the day by the arrival of a half VOICES And of Many Are the Voices Plattsmouth People. Thirty thousand voices What a grand chums! And that's the number of American men and women who are publicly praising 1 loan's Kidney Pills for relief from backache, kidney and blad der ills. They say it to friends. They I el I it in the homo papers. IMatlsmouth people are in this chorus. Here's a Plattsmouth case. Mrs. Aila 111 Kurt, one mile west of Plattsiuouth, Nob., says: "I have found Doan's .Kidney Pills good for aiy trouble with the kid neys ami hack. I was suffering intensely at the lime I got them ami I could not .sloop or stand erect. There was a dull, nauarinar pain through my hack that rob bed 1110 of energy. My sight be came affected and dark spots ap peared before me. I got Doan's Kidney Pills from Itynott's Drug1 Store and in a short lime they re lieved all my (rouble. Since then I have recommended this remedy to a number of friends." For sale by all dealers Prke fill cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Hufl'aio, New York, soli; agents for (lie United Stales. Remember the name Doan's ami lake 110 oilier. Market a Success. The market held in (he vacant room in the Riley hotel on last Saturday afternoon, under the auspices of Iho Sunday school of the Presbyterian church, was a decided success. They have con cluded to hold another market in I he same room, (he vacant room in the Riley block, on next Satur day afternoon, October 5. He- member the place and dale and lhat I here will be pics, cakes, bread and I he like for sale. Cedar Crook Sunday. Manager Johnson of the lioost ers has secured a game with the Ccilar Creek ball team for next Sunday afternoon on the local grounds. Cedar Creek is coming' down wilh blood in their eye and the slruug'e will be well worth going to see. Noah will appear in the box fop the locals. a dozen men and women from the city, brain fagged, listless and smart The big cottage now was full, the com pany complete for three weeks at least She looked ahead, this fresh, vigorous young Englishwoman, and wondered how she was (0 endure the stateness of life. There was some relief In the thought .that the men would make love to the good looking young married women -at least part of the time and but It Glee Club Meeting. The (ilee club held a mooting last -evening at tlie Y. M. H. G. rooms and completed arrange ments for organizing and will hold I heir first lesson next Tues day at Iho same place. Mrs. Mae Morgan will direct Iho singing, and under her export leaching it ought not to be long before the young men become quite pro ficient in I he art of singing, .t Notice to Red Men. Judge A. L. Sutton of Omaha, Oraml Sachem of Iho Nebraska Improved Order of Hod Men, will pay an olllcial visit lo Missouri Tribe No. C'J, Thursday evening, and a full attendance of Iho mem bership is desired, as Iho Orand Sachem would like In meet all members of Iho order. Mrs. A. J. Sclinetzky, who has been visiting her daughters, Mrs. Ira Hales and Miss Josephine Sclinetzky, near Rock lllulTs, for Iho past week or so, returned to her homo at SI anion, Nob., this morning. Mrs. Hales accom panied ber as far as Omaha. MHn is th tins, Mitt Draks." depressed her In turn to think of the leftover husbands wlio would make love to her. "Why Is It that Kvelyu doesn't have real men bero-llko' this Mr. Shrtw?" she found herself wondering vaguely as the night wore on. (To Ho Continued.) ( it'O says : T. Craddock, llubie, Ark., "I was bothered wilh lum bago for seven years so bad I could not work. F tried several kinds of kidney medicine which gave me little or no relief. Two bid lies of Foley Kidney Pills cured me and now f can do any kind of work. I cheerfully recommend I hem lo my friends." For sale by F. O. Fricke & Co. Don't forget! The Journal office Is prepared to do all kinds of fancy job work. Qlve us a trial. V. II. Itogard of Avoca was in tho city a short lime today looking after some business at the court bouse. Mr. llogard is a carpenler, and went from here to Council .Mind's, to look after some building material. While hero he made I he Journal a brief tall. OPPORTUNITIES - FOR INVERTMENT! - A line 8-rooin house for $2, 1 00, only about half its co.-l. A splendid 7-foom collage, in lino repair, close in, at only iM.I'iOi). A 5. room cottage, in the host resi dence district in Plattsmouth for only .H!i0. A 7-room cottage on one of our principal avenues for $1,0(10. A 7-rooin collage, very desirable, finely located, for $1, 500. A G-rooni collage with lots, $1,000. A few vacant lots for $100 each. Now is the time to buy, as IMaltsmouth property has boon growing more valuable for the past I wo years and is si ill advancing. WINDHAM Investment and Loan Co