The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, October 03, 1912, Image 3

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    TTttTttttI 4 i ri i
iTii'-'ntiiTi '.V.'.'i ......... JUJtJU
Miss Anna "Tijfli is visilins al
huine tliis week.
Tlfwa IJ, I i'u, ......I I,,
lo, UUULl t W IH Kill 1 II I ' '
Louisville Monday. j
Mrs. Hu:h O'Rrian visited with
her sister oMmhn .
Mr. Maylield of Louisville was
in town Wednesday.
Sunday was continuation day at
SI. Patrick's church. j
i. ...... .....i ;c. ;., I
l lillll ll'Mlt tlil'l Mi ll Jll
Mauley (radius Tuesday.
Airs, (leorue Reckard went lo
Weening Water Wednesday. ' '
Lucy Hoone and LilySleinramp
were Mauley iMlors this week.
Mrs. Fordyce was a passenger
to Omaha Wednesday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Sleincanip spent
Sunday with John lulls and wife.
Mr. EmliciTy and family spent
Sunday with (leorge Hickard and
Mrs. Jake Miller and children
visited with Mrs. (ieorge Wiles
... . ... . .
There was the usual son: serv
ice held at, Mrs. Allan's Tuesday
evening. " .
There will he preaching services
nt the Union church Sunday'
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Keckler, a big baby girl, on Sep
tember 25.
Miss Daisy Jewell was able to
come back to her school work
again this week.
Louie Steelmaker of Council
r.lijffs visited with the Slohlnian
families this week.
The Ladies' Aid will meet al,
Mrs. Lorren son's next Thursday
auernoon, ah luvneu.
Clarence Krhart and Lena
Hoone visited Sunday with the
Mockenhaupl young folks.
Miss Anna Haulh went to Oma
ha Monday to spend the week al
the Ak-Sar-Men carnival.
Mrs. (ieorgc Schatfer and Miss
Carrie SchafVer attended the car
nival in Omaha Wednesday.
Miss Jennie Carper, Mrs. llig
f: ins and the Misses Ford were
passengers (o Omaha this week.
Miss Maggie O'Learv is having
the Fleischman Brothers' put
cement walks around her dace. -.
Mr. King of West Side, Neb., the
man who bought the blacksmith
shop here, was in town Monday.
Messrs. Hau, Clyde Jenkins and
Miss Clara Jenkins drove to
Weeping Water Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Evans came home Monday
morning, after spending two
weeks' visiting with relatives in
Kansa. t
Mrs. Tom Keckler lias been
laid up with the rheumatism the
past, week, but is bet it at this
Milton Keedy and Charles Jen
kins, the Avoca section foreman,
came up and spent the day Sunday
in Man ley.
Fred Fleischman and wife,
Louise Fleischman and Mrs.
Mesiana went to Omaha Wednes
day tn attend the carnival.
Mrs. J. A. Keedy went lo Omaha
Wednesday morning and left al
(1:30 in the evening for Chicago,
where she will visit with her son,
Cal Miller and family of Weep
ing Water left for Oregon this
week, where I hey will make their
future home. Cal is a brother of
Jake Miller.
There was a dance at I tick
1 tonne's Monday evening, attend
October Rate Specialties
Low One Way Rates to Pacific Coast:
These are in effect only until October 10th-$30 to California. Oregon,
Washington, and $25 to Utah and portkiu of Montmia and Idaho. Re
serve your births early.
Tourist Rates South: ,
The usual winter tourist and burnt-seekers' rates to southern localities have
been nnr,nunced. The South is Rrowinsr in its attractions for northern
people. Ask for some of the attractive literature, descriptive of southern
resorts, hotels and tours.
Through Tourist Sleepers to California via Santa Fe Route: .
Commencing November 5lh. from Omaha every Tuesday night, at 11:35 p.
m . personally conducted through touiist sleepers will he run to Los Al
leles via Denver, then Santa Fe direct line GRAND CANYON ROUTE.
Trese sleepers may lie tHkcn from Omaha early Tuesday night, from Lin
coln at midnight, or leaving Denver Wednesday evening at 7:tr(p. m.
Winter Tourist Rates to California
are daily in effect. Free literatue, "California Excursions," "Pacific
Coast Tours," "Southern Tours" leaflet. Have your ticket read "Bur
linjrton." You will then have the broadest choice of diverse routes to and
from the coast.
ed by quite a crowd of young
folks, and all enjoyed the evening.
Coffee, sandwiches and cake were
A new section foreman . has
come to relieve Mr. Rickard, who
resigned a short time ago. We
hope Mr. and Mrs. Rickard will
continue to make their home in
Mauley. '
.Miss Ague.- O'Hrfun was taken
suddenly sick at her school Tues
day and was removed to the home
id' Mr. Slnhliiian and Mr. Fordyce
was called. She was later taken
to her home, north of town.
, Andrew Krecklow's Utile T-year-old
boy was bitten by a cross
dog Sunday afternoon, the wound
being quite serious. The child
was taken to .Weeping Water im
mediately lh wound. -
t . '
vWv KW! KiM H-M
Mrs. F.dna Jones was shopping
in Omaha last Thursday.
Miss (irayce Lavton spent Fri
day aiul. Saturday at Wabash.
II. M. Heall ami wife of Oinaha
.spent Sunday v il h .relatives here.
Ernest, Egbert of Ashland visit
ed friends here Saturday evening.
Miss Louise Swacker of near
Alvo was a guest of Miss Lola
VI t over Sunday.
Frank Coyne and family spent
Sunday afternoon wilh Oscar Mc
Donald ami rami!y.
Mrs. Jack Shank returned to her
home jn Lincoln Saturday, after
spending a week here with rela
tives. Two of our popular young
ladies, accompanied by a couple
of Ashland young men, auloed
over to Eagle on Tuesday evening
ami took in the dance.
Orandpa and (Irandma Heall
and Mrs. F. O. Heall and baby
daughter wen! to Omaha.Tuesday,
where they will attend the Ak-
Sar-Ben foe a few days.
Andrew McNamara, Mrs. W. O.
Gillespie and Miss Kale Aingwert
were among the many passengers
to Omaha Wednesday to witness
the electrical parade and other at
I racl ions.
Mrs. James Howell and daugh
ter, Blanche, of Burwell, Neb., and
Mrs. C. F. llile and children,
Lewis, Opal and Floyd, of Alvo,
were Saturday guests of John
Aingwert and family. .
William Monroe and family
.vent to Omaha Wednesday, where
they witnessed the electrical
parade, going to Fremont, Neb.,
Thursday, where they will visit
relaiives until Sunday.
It seems unnatural that a man
should overeat lo such an extent
as to die from the effects of it.
Still it happened. It is the sud
denness of such death which
shocks us, because overeating, is,
in this country, a very common
thing. Many former delicacies
not only do not, appeal to us any
longer, but we hale Iheni, because
we ale loo much of them. We
long for highly seasoned articles
of food and for sharp appetizers.
What we need is a course of
sensible eating. The restoration
of the old digestive power. We
need Triner's American Elixir of
Hitler Wine.. It will prepare the
body to accept, good, plain food
and to digest it thoroughly. It
will clean out the body and will
not allow the undigestible remains
of food to ferment in the in
testines and lo poison them. It
will relievo nervousness, will
clear the complexion, will in
crease strength. At drug stores.
Jos. Triner, 1333,311 S. Ashland
Ave. Chicago, III. '
R, W, CLEMENT, Agent.
General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Alvo News
H. Marios was in Lincoln Mon
lis. Morgan Curyea was in
Lincoln Monday.
Jacob Kanim was a passenger
to Lincoln Tuesday. .
Mrs. Lewjs Kamm went to Lin
coln Tuesday on No. 13.
Miss Marie Slroemer was in
Lincoln shopping Monday.
Charles Trumble of Eagle was
in town Tuesday on liusiness.
' Mrs. F. 11. Candy and Mrs. J. A.
Shatter were Lincoln visitors Fri
day. " ;
Miss Vema llyder of Lincoln is
visiting at the.S. Cv fioyles home
this week.
Hazel Foreman of llavelock
spent Sunday with the Misses
. Mrs. L. E. Mobbitt of Lincoln
came down Tuesday to visit her
parents a few days.
Sam Cashner returned Monday
evening on No. 17 from a week's
visit, at, Niobrara, Neb.
Mrs. K. M. Stone entertained
Miss Ruby Keefer. and Mrs, C. M.
Jordan al dinner Monday.
J. W. Manners of University
Place came down Monday for a
few days' visit with his son, Noel.
Mrs. James Howell of (larlielil
county, Nebraska, is visiting at
the bniiie of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
The recital given last Wednes
day by Miss Pearl Keefer and her
students was enjoyed by a large
John Murty returned home
Sunday from Clay Center, Neb.,
where be had been visiting for a
few days.
Sam liams of Lincoln was in
town Tuesday attending to the
settlement of the lute Henry Hard
knock estate.
Fred Iin-amcr has sold his resi
dence properly in Alvo to Miss
Alice Kellogur, the consideration
being Sl.OOO.
J. A. SlialTer went to Si mt h Bend
Monday on No. IK for a few davs'
outing. He returned on No. 13
l.'nefe Cenrge Foster, ret urned
to Lincoln Friday, after an ex
tended visit with relatives and
friends here.
Mrs. Fred Dreamer and children
of University Place Spent Satur
day and Sunday with Mrs. R. A.
Stone and family.
Joe Foreman spent a few hours
al home Wednesday, returning lo
his studies at the slate university
Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Kd Linch of Lincoln came
down Sunday afternoon to visit
her mother, (Irandma Foreman.
She returned home Monday even
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Skiles left on
oN. 13 Friday for a week's visit
with their daughter, Mrs. W. C.
Keefer and family, nt Litchfield,
. Mrs. R. I). Muir of Milford. Neb.,
came in Friday to visit her son,
I)r. L. Muir and family, for a few
days. She returned home last
Charles II. Suavely purchased
the meat market from Charles
Trumble Tuesday, taking im
inediate possession. Here's wish
ing C. II. success.
Mrs. John Murty returned homo
Monday from hev visit at Clay
Center, Neb., with her mother,
Mrs. K. J. I'rice, who returned
wilh her for a visit.
Mrs. Dewey and son of Lincoln
returned home Thursday, after
visiting a few days with her
mother, Mrs. Liza Craig, and sis
ter, Mrs. Dr. Muir.
Miss Ruby Keefer, who has been
visiting Mrs. (ieorge Curyea for
the past week, left Wednesday
morning for Valparaiso to visit
her cousin, Mrs. Oris Foreman.
Mrs. Charles llile and children
and her sister-in-law, Mrs. James
Howell, drove to Palmyra Tues
day morning to visit the former's
daughter, Mrs. Frnnk Maves and
John M. F.lliolt and family re
lumed Saturday from Wichita,
Kansas, where they have been
visiting relatives the pas! two
weeks, having made the trip in
their auto.
J. W. Manners moved his
household goods overland lo Uni
versity Place Friday, where they
will make their future home, Mrs.
Mariners and Miss Dorothy having
gone on No. 13 Friday morning.
At the Alvo hall on Saturday
evening, October 12, at 8 o'clock,
Charles Haflie, who was formerly
F. S. insular commissioner in the
Philippine islands, will speak on
the political ipieslions of the day.
Don't forget! Tne Journal
office Is prepared to do all kinds
of fancy Job work. Give us a trial.
Avoca Hews
- Dr. Jake Hrendel was over from
Murray Wednesday.
The Dr. (Jibson Medicine Co.
are here this week.
A new furnace is being install
ed at the Hank of Avoca.
Mrs. Ora K. Copes was at
Weeping Water Wednesday.
Charles Husch was over from
Nebraska City this week visiting
Fred Mclirady and wife were
Sunday visitors al Weeping
The work on the new opera
house is being pushed very
The new residence of John He
necke, south of .town, will soon
be completed.
The Ak-Sar-Hen was the at
traction for a number of Avoca
people this week.
Miss Mamie Norval and Miss
Winslow of Texas are visiting
relatives .and friends here this
Freddie Maseman, who has
been seriously ill for several
weeks, is reported as getting
He wilh the crowd and gel a
season ticket for the entertain
ment course this winter. Every
body is doing it.
Louis Spearhase met with a
very painful accident this week
while helping thresh. He was
struck in the arm with a pitch
fork, and which is causing him a
great ileal of pain.
The committee who have charge
of the entertainment course for
this winter are meeting with great
success. If you haven't already
got your name on the list for a
season ticket do so at once.
Special Train Filled.
The Burlington special to Oma
ha last night, consisting of some
nine coaches, was pretty well till
ed up, there being about 120
tickets sold, while almost that
number of passes were used by
tin; railroad employes, making the
total clo.-e lo 230. The train left
on schedule time and returned
about 12 o'clock wilh the tired
but happy sight-seers.
Wilt take your orders for the
follow ing 'varieties of winter ap
pies: Mamnioulh Blacklwig, Mo.
Pippin, (iano and Winesap. 'Phone
U3-Black. S. W. Ransom.
Danca on October 12.
i lie 1. J. ookol society will give
another of their splendid social
dances at their hall on West Pearl
street on Saturday evening. Octo
her 12. Music will be furnished
by the M. W. A. orchestra and a
most pleasant lime is assurred to
all who attend.
Local News
W. D. Smith made a business
trip lo the metropolis today, go
ing on No, 15.
(irovernor Knapp was a busi
ness visitor in the metropolis to.
day, going up on. No. 15.
A. (1. Bach was an Omaha pas
senger today, where he looked af
ter some business matters.
Frank Maurer, the blacksmith,
made a business trip to Omaha
today, returning on No. 2i.
Mrs. C. A. Marshall departed
this afternoon for Omaha, where
she will visit fur the afternoon.
Schuyler llackenberg was a pas
senger this morning for Omaha
to spend the day with friends.
W. D. Wheeler drove in from
the farm today and spent the aft
ernoon visiting with bis friends.
Miss Mamie Koehnke and Miss
Utile Scribner were Omaha pas
sengers this aflernoon to lake in
the carnival.
J. A. Kiser of near Mynard
drove up this morning and de
parted for Omaha to attend the
County Superintendent Miss
Mary Foster niolored out into the
country this afternoon to jsil
the various schools.
Just arrived, at Mordoek's
Racket Store, Sixth street, fresh
marshmallows, sailed peanuts
and candy. Have in slock line
line of I'lattsiuoulb and other
post, cards. Copyright books at
5iic each. School supplies and
hundreds of useful articles for
the home and to wear.
Kaiser's Heir, Who Is
Said to Have Displeased
His Illustrious Father.
. t M
' ' . ...' J
Three Pupils in High School
Stricken With Dread Disease,
CorrecttonviHe, la.. -Oct. 3. The
third case of infmitlle paralysis has
just developed at Pterson, six miles
wi st of here. Clarence Johns of U e
hlnh licliool football squad ts dead. He
was sick Imt lour days. Carroll, the
elulit-ycar-old son of Fritz Person, la
rot expected to live and Robert Rush,
aed fourteen, was stricken. All were
In school and the community Is great
!y alarmed. Physicians from several
different places have been summoned.
Iowa City, Oct. 3 Infantile paral
ysis has Invaded Johnson county
ai?atn and two more little girls In the
families of Fred Deard and Mrs. Mary
Welse have been stricken with the
disease. They may live, but their con
dltlor. Is grave. Their arms and legs
are paralyzed.
Rock Island Announces Purchase of
Eighty Acres for Buildings.
Des Moines, Oct. 3. Oneral Man
after Whlttenton of the Rock Island
j railroad announced the purchase of
eighty-eight acres of land here as a
site for mammoth shops and yards
which will be established when th
new Kansas City-Twin Cities Short
line of the Rock Island Is opened. The
land extends from East Twentieth
street eastward to East Thirtieth
street. Tho new yards will afford a
terminal for the St. Paul and Des
Moines until the new line Is ready for
trafPe. Repairs for all of the branch
lines In Iown will he made at the new
cliops, which will also handle nil the
work for the new line. These new
shops nndyards will In no way affect
ihe present extensive yards and shops
at Valley Junction, which serve the
main t'ne between Chicago and Oma
ha. PIhiis are even now under way
for an additional enlargement of thf
facilities there
Keokuk Canal Ordered Closed.
Ruillnglon, la., Oct. 3 The secre
tnry of war hns ordered thp closing ot
Hip Pes Moines rapids rannl at Keo
kuk at midnight, Oct. 31. This will
no doubt see the end of the old cnnal,
as the new lock In the Keokuk power
d im will be completed In the sprlns
of 1913.
Girl Vlcti-n of Tar Party Is Married.
Lincoln, Kin., Oct. 3. Miss Mary
Chamberlain, the school teacher who
last fall was the victim of the Slindy
Bend "tar party," In connection with
which n half dozen prominent Lincoln
county men were prosecuted, was mar
ried here to Homer J. Helfferlch. a car
Two Killed In Wreck of Auto.
Winnipeg, Man., Oct. 3. Ir. Will
lam II. Quirk of Calgary, Alberta, anil
William Ciiiy, paving Inspector of Corn
wall. Out., were killed here and Hall
Nye sustained Injuries that will provr
fatal when the steering mechanism ol
a motor car in which they were riding
George F. Consldlne a Bankrupt.
New York. Oct. 3. George F. Con
sldlne, proprietor of the Motel Metro
pole, scene of the murder of Herman
Rosenthal, the gambler, filed a ached'
tile In bankruptcy. He gives liabilities
of $2!$,MR and nssets of $0,213.
Two Simpson Players Injured.
Indlanola. la., Oct. 3. Two football
Injuries have been received at Simp
son. Mayes, end, has sustained a
broken collarbone, and CuMibertsoti
likewise had bis shoulder Isine thrown
oi-t J'dnt
Democratic Nominee
for Governorship of
New York State.
Paris Center of Activities of Ihe
Tarls, Oct. 3. The urgent necessity
of fliiulng a means to relax tension
over the Ualkan situation has awak
ened Europe to a display of nervous
energy uneqmlled since the last seri
ous trounle In the same territory,
when Austria annexed Rosnla and
Paris, for the moment, Is the center
of activity, the arrival of the Russian
foreign minister, M, Snzonoff, arousing
the expectation that his conference
with l'remlei Polncnre will rompleta
the wcik set on foot at Ralmoral and
enable the powers to make a Joint
pronouncement which will satisfy the
Ralknn states that this time there will
be no turning back until the wrong ,
of Macedonia are righted.
The conference between the French
premier and the foreign ambassadors
and inlnisterc culmlnoted with a pro
longed examination of the whole sit
nation by M. Polncare and M. Siuonott
at the foreign ctTice.
It will demand autonomy for Mace
donia, Albania, old Servia and Crete
within three days.
In event of failure to comply with
this demand, the Ralkan coalition will
repeat it, and at the same me ad
dress a collective note to the great
powers notifying them that after the
expiration of another three days Bait
kan states will enforce tb? demand bj
recourse to arms.
' Thus there will be a respite of a
week before hostilities open. Toll
respite will bo utilized by the power
to seek to arrange a compromise wltb
Turkey acceptable to the four states
which, It Is believed, would prefer a
way out without bloodshed.
The whole of the Balkan peninsula
is being rapidly transformed Into a
armed camp. According to dlspatche
from the capitals of the various state
upwards of 1,000,000 men have been
ordered to gather to decide for all In a
trial by combat the question of chang
ing the conditions of the inhabitants
of the FTuropean provinces of Turkey
Engineer Killed In Wrock of Train.
McFall, Mo., Oct. 3. One person
was killed when Wabash passenger
train No. 14, from Omaha, ran Into s
split switch near hero, overturnlnn .
the engine and the mall car. The
dead mnn Is Engineer fieorge W. Rich
ardson. None was Injured.
Suicide Pact at Centralis, HI.
Centralla, III , Oct. 3. Miss Bessie
Pavls ts dead and her sweetheart, Jo
seph Kelley, Is dying from gunshot
wounds at a 'oral hoxpltal as a result,
It Is sid, of a sulclilt fact. They at
tended a circus and both were latei
found wounded In an alley.
Judge Fines Railway $15,000.
New York. Oct. 3. W. O. Divlne
stite ugent for the Chesapeake and
Ohio railroad at Cincinnati, pleaded
guilty of giving rebates In the fed
eral court here. He was fined $15,000.
American League.
At rw.rolt: R U E.
Detroit 30 t 000 0 1 0 5 13 1
Chicago 0 2 1 0 2 3 0 0 0-R 14 3
.lenson-Koi'her; ClcotteiSulllvan.
At St. awv. R H B.
Cleveland 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0-4 7 3
St. t.ouls 0000 0 1)2 002 8 3
RlandliiB -O'Nell; Allison-Alexander.
National League.
At New York: R.H R.
Philadelphia ....000 2000002 C a
New York 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 5 0
Sea ton Kllllfcr; Ames-Hartley.
At Boston-First game: R.H.K.
Roston 000 0 0300 3 8 1
Brooklyn 1 0 1 0 0000 02 5 1
Tyler-Rnrlden; Allen-Miller.
Second game; R.H E.
Boston 3 0 1 0 1 00 2 7 12 2
Brooklyn 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 26 11 2
Perdi'v-Rinlden; Knetzer Erw In.
At CM en co : R HE
Chicago 2 00 002 0 0 1 1 11 t
Pittsburgh ..0 0 1 00 3 0 1 0 05 12 2
I-avender Archer Cnmnltz Glhsnn