The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 30, 1912, Image 8

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    u mi Tvi . .
n me riausmouui ijrctmge va.
WARGA & CECIL, Proprietors
Ready for Business!
Corner Sixth and Vine Streets,
We want you all to feel that we are going to look
your car's needs. Don't worry if you break down.
will deliver you Supplies
you will be absolutely guaranteed.
The Plattsmouth Garage Company
WARGA & CECIL, Proprietors
t3TAgent for the Inter-State Automobiles. PRESTOLITE AGENCY
Wilkinson & Hall
The holding of successful sales is
our line. Our interests are with the
seller when it comes to getting every
dollar your property is worth. For
open dates address or call either of
us at our expense by phone. Dates
can be made at he Journal office.
ta. - -
8 7b
Forest Rose Floor
Guaranteed as Good as Any on
the Market
When ordering Hour ask jour
grocer to send you a sack of
'Forest Rose Flour Hie best flour
in the market.
1 ,
Your home can be perfectly heated with
pure - healthful- ever changing - constantly
renewed warm air-free from dust -gas and
smoke and the good dependable
Ketliods will do it. Investigate !
The heating proposition is our specialty this Fall, ami
we now have the contracts for placing five heating plants
before the Winter sets in. We also handle hot water and
steam heating plants. See us now.
llreoblor EDreHiors
and Tires quickly and economically. Everything we sell
To Be Held at Alvo, Neb.,
Thursday and Friday, Octo
ber 10 and 11.
'I he program for the twelfth
iiinmal convention of tin; Cass
County Sunday School association
thai is to he held at Alvo on
Thursday and Friday, October 10
:ind II, is as follows, and is a
most excellent one airi should
have a large attendance of the
Sn elay school worker of l lie
county. .s will he ...een, Platts
loo.itb is well represented on the.
program by some of our ablest
church workers:
Registration ami Assignment, of
ii lings My the President
The Idea of this Convention. .
Margaret E. Mrown
The Home ldea..V. II. Kiinberly
tpi'ii Parliament.
Ideas in Song,
Sahilal ions . i. Foreman
Address I,. F, Townsend
A I l i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 of Coumiillees.
Devol ional.
A Pastor's Ideas.... V. I.. Austin
The Mii; Jlrolher idea
P. A. Jacobson
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
after the emergency end of
Our "Service Department"
A Musiness Man's Ideas
W. T. Richardson
Ideas in Chalk. . . .A. K. .Hash ford
Ideas for Next Year.
Reports of Nominal ing Committee
and Treasurer.
Our Next Convention.
Souk Service.
Ideas for the Elementary
Margaret Hrown
Exchange of Ideas. .. .Everybody
The Hoy Idea V. II. Kimberly
Your Ideas Everybody
Ideas at Work . L. Zink
The Oraded Idea
Margaret Hrown
Musical Ideas.
Address J. . Andress
Ideas to Take Home
Margaret Hrown
Reports of Committees.
On Sunday, September 22, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Cole entertained
in honor of their grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. llialt of Murray. Of
the IS grandchildren and 21
great, grandchildren, the follow
ing were present: Mr. and Mrs.
S. M. Cole, parents of Charles
Cole; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cole and
daughter of llavelock, Mr. and
Mrs Floyd Cole and family, Mr.
ami Mrs. licit Jackson and fam
ily, Mr. and .Mrs. Charles Gibson
and family, Mrs. Joy Embrey and
family of Louisville, Mrs. A I ford
Dean and little daughter. A tine
dinner was served and Grandpa
and Grandma lliatt say it, was the
best time they have hail for 20
years. Weeping Water Repub
lican. An article that has real merit
should in time become popular.
That such is the case with Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy has been
attested by many dealers. Here is
one of them. II. W. Hendrickson,
Ohio Falls, Ind., writes, "Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy Is the
best for coughs, colds and croup,
and is my best seller." For sale
by F. 0. Fricke & Co.
Glee Club Organized.
The young men of this city
have been contemplating' the or
ganization of a (Jlce club for some
time, and a meeting- for that pur
pose was held at the Y. M. M. C.
rooms at the Methodist church
Thursday evening and quite a
number of the young: men were
present. It is thought that the
services of Mrs. Mae Morgan can
be secured ns instructor, and an
other meeting of the club will be
held at the rooms next Tuesday
evening and every young man in
the city who is interested is in
vited to attend as this is not. n
sectarian organization and every
one is invited to join in making
it a success.
Running up and down stairs,
sweeping and bending over mak
ing beds will not make a woman
healthy or beautiful. She must
get out r.f doors, walk a mile or
two every day and take Chamber
lain's Tablets to improve her di
gestion and regulation her bowels.
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
If you knew of the real value of
Chamberlain's Liniment for lame
back, soreness of the muscles,
sprains and rheumatic pains, you
would never wish to be without' it.
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
kinds of typewriter supplies.
Charles Long, a young- man
employed at Cedar ("reek, yester
day concluded that In' would jour
ney to Omaha and take in the
glories of the'Ak-Sar-Hen fes
tivities, but in changing cars
boarded a train that brought him
to this city. Now, Charles, imagining-
that he had reached the
metropolis of the state, alighted
and proceeded to load up with
various brands of hops and dis
tilled drinks and became overcome
with the idea that he was some
singer and proceeded to the Bur
lington station last evening and
broke forth into song, but about
the second break Officer Trout de
scended upon him and took him
before Justice York, who, in con
sideration of the peace of the city
and outraged justice, fined him $5
and costs, which was suspended,
if the vocalist would shake the
dust of the city from his feet, and
dej art, which he promised to do.
The Man Who Succeed
:.s hearlj ui large enterprises are
men of great energy. Success to
day demands health. To ail is t.
fail. It's utter folly for a man to
endure a weak, run-down, half
alive condition when Electric Bit
ters will put him right on his feet
in short order. "Four bottles did
me more real good than any other
medicine I ever took," writes
Chas. H. Allen, Sylvania, Ga.
"After years of suffering with
rheumatism, liver trouble, stom
ach disorders, and deranged kid
neys, I am again, thanks to Elec
tric Hitters, sound and well." Try
them. Only 50 cents at F. (i.
Fricke & Co.
In Honor of Guest.
Mrs. Frank Gobelinan very
pleasantly entertained a large
number of lady friends at a de
lightful kensington yesterday aft
ernoon. The occasion was in
honor of Mrs. Barbara Carson of
Forsythe, Montana, a sister of Mr.
Gobelinan, who is visiting at the
Gobelinan home. The room had
been made very attractive with
decorations of pink and while
carnations. The guests devoted
most of the time to their fancy
needlework and social conversa
tion, which made the hours pass
all too rapidly. A delicious two
course luncheon was served, and
at a late hour the ladies departed
for their homes, having spent a
most enjoyable afternoon, and
thanking the hostess fur her kind
hospitality. Each guest was pre
sented willi a carnation as a
souvenir of the splendid enter
tainment. The implicit confidence that
many people have in Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy is founded on their
experience in the use of that rem
edy and their knowledge of the
many remarkable cures of colic,
diarrhoea and dysentery that it
has effected. For sale by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
In the ItlNtrlct Court In nml for Cnmi
ty, .-wiirnxkn.
Muiid Kan par, I'lulntllT,
Juniin v. KHHpnr. Defendant.
JO JlUlH'H V. KllHIIlir ll..C,n,1nnt
Vimi are lierpliy notified that on' May
T, V;,'". P'n"n- m'd her petition In
the llerk office of nald court pray-
iiik ror a decree or divorce upon the
Ki'oumi or cruelty, tie.vertlon and non
Kiipport, and asking that he be given
the ctiMtody of Helen Kaspar and John
Kaspar, minor children of mild mnr.
rlijfte. and for mich other and further
lenei u equity may require.
You are required to answer said
petition on or before the 2Sth dny of
wciuner, a. ii. ivi, or default will be
entered aKninxt you and a decree
granted as prayed for In ald petition.
..,MAn KASI'AIS. I'laintlfT.
In the County Court of I nn County,
In the Matter of the Kutate of Nicholas
Unimex, lieceaNed.
All pei-Hon Interexted In nuld estate
will tnke notice that a petition hag
been filed for the probate of an Instru
ment In writing purporting to be the
last will of Nicholas Halmes, deceased,
ami for the appointment of the ex
ecutor named therein. A hearing will
be had on said petition and proofs of
snld instrument will be made on the
Tith day of October. 1912 at 10 o'clock
a. m., In snld County Court, In the court
bouse in the City of Plattsmouth,
. . County Judge.
O. O. DWVER, Attorney.
In CiMinly Court.
Count v of Cass, ss.
Ill the Matter of the Kstate of Jacob
lien rich. I leceaseil.
To All Persons I nt ei-ext ed
You are hereby nolltled that there
nas neen nieii in mix court an In
strument purporting to be the Inst will
and testament of the snld Jacob llen
1' i fli. deceased, together with the peti
tion of Mary llenrlcli. widow of snld
deceased, alleging therein that snld
Jacob llenrlcli had departed this life
and praying that said proposed will
be probated ami allowed ns the last
will and testament of said deceased
ami that letters testamentary tie Issued.
That n hearing will be had thereon
before this court nt the Court House
In I'lattsmouth, In said county, on the
1st day of October. lli. at two
o'clock p. m. All objections thereto,
If any, must be tiled on or before said
dav and hour of hearing.
Witness my hand and the seal of the
County Court of said county this 11th
day of September, lU.
(Seal) AI.I.KN J. rtRKSKlN.
County Judge.
Here From Pekln, Illinois.
Geurge Hild, of Pekin, Illinois,
who has been here visiting with
friends and relatives, will depart
this evening for his home. Mr.
Hild has been here for the past
few days, coming in from Knox
county, where he had been visit
ing with some friends. He is a
nephew of our good friend, Uncle
Adam Hild, and was in the city
today with his cousins, George
and Mike. They paid this oilice a
brief call and we were much
pleased to meet one of the Hild
boys from Illinois, for we know
they are on an equal with the Ne
braska boys, who are top-notch-ers.
Mr. Hild has a great many
friends and relatives in this
county, and is a subscriber of the
Journal in order to keep posted on
the happenings of this locality.
Many Driven From Home.
Every year, m many parts of
the country, thousands are
driven from their homes by
coughs and lung diseases. Friends
and business are left behind for
other climates, but this is costly
and not always sure. A better
way the way of multitudes is to
use Dr. King's New Discovery and
cure yourself at home. Slay right
there, with your friends, and take
this safe medicine. Throat and
lung troubles find quick relief
and health returns. Its help in
coughs, colds, grip, croup, whoop
ing eopgh and sore lungs make it
a positive blessing. 50c and
$1.0(1. Trial bottle free. Guar
anteed by F. G. Frteke & Co.
Plattsmouth wants a new coun
ty jail and Cass county needs it.
It is said that $1J,000 will build
and furnish it and that we will
have enough left over to put the
court house heating plant in good
shape. We will have to come to
it sooner or later, so why not be
reasonable about it and vote for
the improvement ? At a meeting
of the commissioners, held on
Wednesday of last week, a resolu
tion was passed to submit to the
voters the proposition of issuing
bonds in the above sum. The
bonds are to be of $1,000 each
and two of said bonds are to be
retired each year. The work on
the jail is to be started on or
before the first (if May, 191.1.
Louisville Courier.
What We Never Forget
according to science, are the
things associated with our early
home life, such as Bucklen's
Arnaca Salve, that mother or!
grandmother used to cure our
bums, boils, scalds, sores, skin
eruptions, cuts, sprains or
bruises. Forty years of cures j
prove its merit. Unrivaled for
piles, corns or cold-sores. Only
25 cents at F. G. Fricke & Co.
For Assessor.
L. A. Tyson, republican can
didate for county assessor. Re
sided in Cass county 40 years.
County clerk of Cass county 4
years. Your votes solicited.
Your ideas
of economy prob
ably include value
as well as price.
What you pay is im
portant of course
what you get is more
so. And it is on a
basis of "what you
get" that we com
mend these over
coats at $15 and $20
to your attention.
Every good color
and style some
thing to suit all
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson Hats
The parlor nmsicale given by
Mesdanics A. J. Hen-son and John
M. Leyda at the Heeson home yes
terday afternoon was fairly well
attended, considered the disagree
able weather, many of the older
ones being kept at home on ac
count of the weather. This
musieale was given for the bene
fit of the M. E. church, and the
ladies in charge did not raise the
amount they fully expected to
had the afternoon been a pleasant
one, but are very well satisfied
over the results. The program
consisted of vocal and instru
mental music, interspersed with
readings, and was most thorough
ly enjoyed by those who braved
the elements, being especially de
lighter with the violin selections
rendered by Miss Grace McBride
of Omaha. In her playing Miss
McHride demonstrates much care
ful study and training. Following
this pleasing program the hos
tesses served delicious coffee and
cake. Misses Barbara Clement,
Edith Dovey, Lillian Dwyer and
Hazel Tuey contributed very
charming vocal solos, while
splendid instrumental solos were
rendered by Misses Virginia Mc
Daniel, Honor Seybert, Emma
Cummins and Violet Freese. Miss
Marie Douglass was unable, to Im
present and Mrs. Heeson favored
the company with a number of
excellent readings.
For Sale.
One team, years old, coach
colts, partly broken. Two 2-year-old
coach colts. One 8-year-old
mare. Can be secured at my
home on Chicago Avenue.
T. H. Pollock,
Plattsmouth. Neb.
Few, if any, medicines, have
met with the uniform success that
has attended the use of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy. The remarkable
cures of colic and diarrhoea
which it has effected in almost
every neighborhood have given it
a wide reputation. For sale by F.
G. Fricke & Co.
We are now handling a complete
line of coal. Call and let us quote you
prices for your fall and winter coal.
We handle wheat, oats, com and
chop of all kinds.
Ind. Telephone 297
Nelson Jean & Go.
j '