Lr -The Plattsmouth Journal I r Published Seml-Weeklj at i R. A. BATES, j Entered at tho Postolfice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-clas i matter. $1.50 PER YEAR What has become of I In; old fashioned politician who really was consistent ? : o : II. is referred l.i as I In- "steel trust." It should lie "steal trust," uinh r tin1 wings if I arid' prolec I ion. -:o: II. is a I most Mine for father to mane up his mind how lie is going In make that overcoat do through another winter. -:o:- (iovcriior Cole Mlease of South Carolina says, '"to hell with the const ilul ion," although he has shown no other tendency to join the hull moose pally, :o: Vv hy shouldn't, women have suffrage? We let men vole who can't, talk the Knglish language, and refuse the hallnl, to women who can talk enough for nil of lis! Iion'l. hile iT some one asks you this iueslion: "What, is the plural of hull moose?" This is the answer; "There isn't any plural. There's only one Teddy Roosevelt." When I'aul Clark comes into jour neighborhood asking for voles donT forget to ask him why he descried the regular repub lican parly and spends so much of his lime in abusing President Tan.? :n: "It is a horse of another color" now. Tln coal man is having his inning- now, while the ice man is gradually being shut nut. Hut don't worry, there will he many dayi yet in which the? housewife will liavc use for ice. r :o: "Speaker Clark is now demon strating his loyally to Wilson and Marshall hy campaigning- in his own slate of Missouri. Champ is a frreat favorite of Missourians, ;and the great crowds that turn tout to his meetings is suflleient evidence of this fact. :o: While cverjlhing political is on the quiet order in this im mediate "neck of the woods," the democrats seem to lie up and do ling in oilier sections of (he. slate. Maybe our fellows believe in "let ling well enough alone." :o : Morris, bull moose candidate for I'nited Stales senator, knew what was best for him when lie refused (o campaign with Paul Clark in the First district. ilenrge Rot wise to Paul's tin popularity at the last moment. :o; The assessor's ollicc is one of the most important, ami responsi ble positions in the gift of tin voters of Cass county. And it w ill be well for those interested to) bear in mind that W. 11. Mryan, J I he ilixinii'i'iil ie ciniil iilat e lor lis-I sessor, has always lived on the farm and understands fully the duties of the olllce. Ho has never held olllce, but his neighbors re commend him very highly for this position. () ; Two years hko Aldrich promis ed the people so many reforms that evidently he has forgotten four-fifths of them, and probably more than that. He was then running his llrst race for gov ernor and prointsed most any thing to be elected. Many of Iheso promises he never expected to fulfill. He is nf the same trick again this year. He should re member what Honest Old Abe Lincoln paid about fooling all the people all the lime. The people of Nebraska are onto his flipflops in treat shape. Plattsmoutti. Nebraska Publisher. IN ADVANCE Collier'.- is doing good work for Wilson ami Marshall. That is a heap, thank you. :o : Herman day is the next, import ant event to come oil' in Platls moulh Saturday, October 5. :o : The fellow who is empowered wilh a heap of conceit always thrives best in tin; limelight. :o: Tin' world is filled with both men and women who do in private those things they denounce in public. Thai, is what i.-. termed hvpocris . :o: The democrats of Nebraska City have organized a Wilson and Morehead club and they expect to boast of a large membership at the next uieeling. President Tail still figures out thai he is gull).' i h- rc-clcctcd. There will have to be consider able changing of seiilimeul be tween now and the TjIIi day of .No vember if he is. Our friend, lion. Jnhii Malles, of .Nebraska City, will be one of the orators at I lie Herman day celebration in this city. John is a good one, ami our Herman friends made no mistake in se curing him. ;o : (Iovernor Aldrich is opposed to Tuft, and yet he Is after Taft re publicans to vole for him. How a friend of President Taft can even think of voting for the great (lipflopper we are unable to per ceive. lion. I). It. Sutherland, demo cratic candidate for congress in the Fifth district, favors paying soldiers' pensions every month. A very good idea, and one which no doubt would meet with the ap probation of all thi1 old vets. :o: Tuft's veto of the wool bill is enough to defeat him if nothing more. It was u democratic con gress I Hal win ked to pass meas ures for the relief of the people, while the president used his veto in the interests of the trusts. See? :o: There is no comparison as to ability between cx-(iovernor Shal lenberger and (leorge V. Morris. The close friends of Morris ac knowledge this fact. Another fact Shalleuberger is honest in what he does and Morris isn't. He :o: Saturday, October 5, will be a rrd-leller day for the democrats of .Nebraska. (iovernor Wilson will speak in Omaha in the day time and at Lincoln in the even ing. Arrangements are being made for a large attendanci Ml" places. at In voting for ex. (iovernor A. I'.. Shalleuberger for I'nited Stales senator the voters can rest as surred . they are supporting a gentleman and scholar who will serve the people of Nebraska faithfully. He made one of the best, governors the stale ever had and will prove the same kind of a representative in the I'nited States senate. lined up with the common fellows in congress, and now he is trying to carry water on both shoulders by catering o the bull nioosers and regular republicans. Hut such politics will not work with the people. They want an honest man in the senate one that can be depended upon and they know they will have him in ex. (iovernor Shalleuberger. John I.. Sullivan has declared fur Roosevelt. Mow let us hear from Jack Johnson. :o: A man who loses his political prestige by lliptloping so much had better quit the game of oltice seeking. The voters will imt sup port a man for olllce who bears Unit sort of a record. :o: Two more republican papers the Dutte (ia.elle ami the Da kola CityF.atfe are 1ml h out for Wilson and Marshall. Tito ia.elle at first supported Roosevelt, the same as the Fagle, but both edit ors think they can better serve the common people by support ing the democratic ticket. (, Senalor Cure makes a sugges tion, which if adopted, would soon determine whether the tariff is oi l's not a cause of the high cost of living. Let every article, he said, be tagged with its price plus the tariff, and also with its Hat price without the tariff additional. F.verybody could then make his purchase according lo his politi cal convictions. :o: If the election of president should be thrown into the house, as there is a possibility it might, it is up (o the volers of the First congressional district, and especially President Tail's friends, to know, if I'aul Clark is elected, whether he will vole for Roosevelt or Taft? Put the ipies lion right to him. This deceit in politics is as bad as deceit in re ligion. There are many republicans in Cass county who intend to vole for John A. Maguire because they believe him to be a square man, and he has given his constituents a square deal, impartially admin istered to republicans and demo crats alike. In that respect he has proved one of the fairest con gressmen that ever represented the people of the First district, and should lie returned liv an in creased majority. He is far ahead of Paul Clark in ability, and never did fry to deceive the peo ple in order lo be elected lo the position he has so honorably fill ed. The people know right where lo find John Maguire, and that is the kind of a man they like. :o: Words of praise for lion. John II. Morehead come from every section of the slate. And in many instances they come direct from republicans who voted for Aldrich I wo years ago, but will vote for Mr. Morehead this time. A form er republican farmer, who re moved to the western part of the stale several years ago, and who is a subscriber to the Journal, writes as follows: "I see by the Journal you are a great admirer of John II. Morehead, democratic candidate for governor. I had the pleasure of necting him last week, and I want to tell you that I admire him to the extent that I am going to vole for him. As you know, I am a republican, but I prefer to vote for a man like Mr. Morehead than a straddler like Aldrich, who I voted for two years ago. :o :- To date John II. Morehead has conducted his campaiun on a high plane. He has taken the voters into his coulldeuce and told them plainly what he stands for. llillingsgale, obscure abuse and profane ejaculations he has left entirely lo his opponent. The editor of this newspaper has had Ihe pleasure of knowing every Nebraska governor since John M. Thayer. He has heard more profanity, obscenity and billings gale during the last eighteen mouths of the present regime than he heard during all the years of Thayer, Holconib, Crounse, Sheldon, Poynler and Shalleu berger. And if he remembers rightly none of Ihe above named gentlemen posed as moral pre. ceplors and exemplars of the righteous life. Will Waupin's Weekly. Often Buttered Never Bettered Every Sack of Gooch's Best Flour is GUARANTEED Use half a sack or more and if it does not make the best bread, cake, biscuit or pie crust you have ever made if it is not absolutely satisfactory in every essential your dealer will refund your money without argument. I - Buy the Finest -the Purest Flour You Can Buy That's GOOCH'S BEST FLOUR -1 GOOCH'S BEST FLOUR is made from the choicest Nebraska and Kansas hard winter wheat the finest grown. This means bread that is every bit pure every bit good, blood making food. Gooch's Best Flour makes more A. W. WHITE, Plattsmouth, Neb. W. T. There is no question about Perkins of the Harvester trust financing Roosevelt's campaign. Dues anyone believe Perkins is doing this for hi- heal lb? Wood row Wilson is a candid ate without cant. He does not merelyi preach Hie t n command ments: he practice them, and also that oilier commandment, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." He is batlliu? not only lor the l.ord, but also, for his fel b .which, All comiiiaiiilmenls are equally important to him, the tenth as well as trie eighth. "Thou shall not covet" as well as "Thou shall fiot steal." Thou shall noi covet t hy neighbor's ollicc. Our candidate is not tainted by Hie personal cant which makes a man pioclaim himself the only iighleous creature in a sinlul world and the only hope of an otherwise lost and desolated na tion, (iovernor Wilson is a straightforward American facing the future without apologizing 'or the past, justifying his faith by his words, not by phrases, free to serve the people and Ihe whole people. W HHBCZSE QVURIECZS : The prevalent horse disease it causing enormous losses to farmers In Nebraska and Kan sas, and Is now creeping over Into the Dakotas, Iowa and Missouri. We have just Issued a bulletin telling about the use of (iermozone for prevention of this disease, (iermozone has won fame in the prevention ati cure of disease of poultry and stock. Our dealers In the Infected territory have been selling tiermozonc to Stockmen and report that (iermozone In the drinking water for horses seems to render them singularly immune from the terrible disease. One thing certain, rush orders are pouring in hourly by mail, phone and telegraph for (iermozone from several hundred Kansas and Nebraska towns. Cures have also been reported but prevention is far hotter than cure. (iermozone given in the drink, kills germs in the water and alBO In the food. It is also used In case of sickness by nasal and rectal injection. Send for the now circular but save time by using Ciermozone In drinking water for your horses one or two tablespoonfuls to a patl of water. Give dally in all drinking water If con tagion nearby. Twice a week otherwise. (iermozone is antiseptic and a bowel regulator. lroparcl only in 12 oz. bottle at 50c earh Fifty tablet packages at 50c per package. We have 2,000 exclusive dealers in Nebraska, Kansas, the Dakotas, Iowa and Missouri soiling (iermozone. Omaha F. C. FRICKE & CO., Sole Agents TT"! FOR SALE BY I RICHARDSON, Mynard, Neb. HI ATT & TUTT, Murray, Neb. MRS. RUTH THOMSON, Cedar Creek, Neb. MANY THANKS. For the past week or so the Pluttsinouth Journal has been nmning editorial paragraphs like lb' following, clipped from a recent issue: "Paul Clark has not declared .yet which side of Ihe fence he is on. Will he sup port Roosevelt or will he smpport Taft Out with it, I'aul. There are a. great many regular repub licans who want to know and they propose to knew before- they will consent lo vote for you on the 5th day of November." This para graph, is referred to merely to point rmit that that kind of cam pa igniiwg by the newspapers, country and city alike, is almost a back number. The editor of the Plaits-mouth, paper can scarcely be igmurant of what, it may be safe ti say, half of the people in the dUtriet know, that Clark de clared for Roosevelt before the Chicago convention was at an end, ami has been hard put to it to secure enough adjectives to ex press his opinion of Marnes and Penrose. If the editor does not know this he is a blind leader of the blind. The chances are that he does know it, and living in the dark ages of politics, thinks mis Mid., . ..I GEO. . LEE CO, No Flour Equals II lighter, whiter, tastier loaves by actual baking tests than any other flour you can buy. No other mill grinds the same high-grade of milling mixture. Your Baking simply cannot fail with Gooch's Best Flour. Accept no substitute. 3 representation of a political op ponent is all right and proper. Lincoln News. While the editor of the Jour nal may be a back number, it will be seen he has been shrewd enough to make the annex of the Old State Journal print for once an acknowledgement that we have never before seen in print in that repeater of Ihe morning news of the Slate Journal. We do remem ber how Clark raved and tore armtinl and abused President Taft after his nomination at Chicago. We also remember that Clark used vile epithets in denouncing; the president and announcing the fact that he was for Roosevelt and would not support Taft under any circumstances. But we wanted to see the Journal or News ac knowledge the corn, for fear the Taft followers might forget the incident. We feel greatly relieved at accomplishing just what we were after an acknowledgement from the State Journal or its aft ernoon annex that Paul Clark is yet for Roosevelt. Many thanks! Forest Rose Flour guaranteed to be as good as any (lour on the market. Sold by all leading deal ers. Try it. I Nehr. j