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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1912)
nc DC DC DC DC U n The Plattsmouth Garage Co. WARGA & CECIL, Proprietors Ready for Business! Corner Sixth and Vine Streets, Plattsmouth, Nebraska 0 0 We want you all to feel that we are going to look after the emergency end of your car's needs. Don't worry if you break down. Our "Service Department" will deliver you Supplies and Tires quickly and economically. Everything we sell Jf o .1 n you will be absolutely guaranteed. The Plattsmouth Garage Company A SQUARE DEAL TO ALL! UC WARGA & CECIL, Proprietors "Agent for the Inter-State Automobiles. . PRESTOLITE AGENCY DC OPPORTUNITIES - FOR INVERTMENT! - A line 8-rnuiii house for $2, 100, only about half it cost. A 6(lnl id 7-rooin collage, in line repair, close in, at. only sM,C00. A 5-ronin cottaKc, in the best, resi dence district in Plallsmoulh for only $850. A 7-room cottage on one of our principal avenues for $1,000. A 7-rooin milage, very desirable, llnely located, for 500. A d-room cottage with i lots, $1,000. A few vacant lots for $100 each. Now is the lime to buy, as Platlsnioulh properly has been prowiiiK more valuable for the past two years and is still advancing' BURDENS LIFTED WINDHAM Investment and Loan Co ROBERT WILKINSON DUNBAR L.J, HALL UNION Wilkinson & Hall -AUCTIONEERS- The holding of successful sales is our line. Our interests nre with the seller when it comes to getting every dollar your property is worth. For open dates uddiess or call either of us at our expense by phone. Dates can be made at Mie Journal office. From Plattsmouth Backs Relief Proved by Lapse of Time. Hackache is a heavy burden; .Nervousness, dizziness, bead ache. Itheuinalic pain; urinary ills; All wear one out. Often effects of kidney weak ness. No use to cure the symptoms, llelii-f is but temporary if the cause remains. If it's the kidneys, cure the cause. I loan's Kidney Pills are for kid ney ills; Head about your neighbor's case. Here's l'lallsinoutb testimony. The kind that can be investi gated. K. M. Multery, Tenth and Wal nut streets, IMattsmoulh, Neb., says: 'M still use I loan's Kidney Pills occasionally and recommend them just as highly as I did in Hiort, when I gave a public state ment endorsing them. I used I loan's Kidney Pills for pain in my back and hips and oilier symptoms of kidney trouble. The quick relief they brought, war rants me in endorsing them." l or sale by all dealers. Price rn cents. l-'osler-Milbuni Co., BulYal", New York, sole agents for Hie I'nileil Slates. Remember the name Jinan's and lake no ol her. Wilson and Marshall Club. From Wednesday's Dally. The Wilson and Marshall club will hold a meeting tomorrow (Thursday) evening at the coun cil chamber and every supporter if the ticket, should be on hand to assist, in the work of perfecting the organization and aiding in the carrying of Nebraska for the na tional ticket. The democratic candidate for president stands for the rights of the people and the people should stand by him. He member, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, at, the council chamber. Rushing the Work. From Wednesday's Dally. The work on the Leonard build ing is progressing nicely. The brick masons have the walls part ly up ami the carpenters have be gun the job of placing the frames for the windows, and in a few weeks the building will be com pleted and ready for occupancy This fills the place formerly oc cupieil by the unsightly wooden shacks and adds much to the ap pearance of the business street. L DESTROYED Bl FIRE School Children Escape With out Injury and Some of the Contents Saved. 9:0 MEETING OF THE COUNTY From Wednesday's Daily. Ibis morning about o'clock fire broke out in the High school building at Union and in a short time the building was a mass of ruins. The structure was a large two-story frame building, and fortunately was not near any other buildings or the result might have been more dis astrous than it was, as Union has had a number of tires that have wiped out whole sections of the town. The tire is supposed to have caught from the, furnace. Catch ing the floor of the furnace room and spreading to the primary room, which was situated just over the furnace room, and in a few minutes the fire spread over the entire building. The scholars w ere all got ton out safely and most of the books and the organ belonging to the school were saved by the heroic work of the pupils and citizens who respond ed to the lire alarm. It is most fortunate that none of the pupils were injured in the tire, and dem onstrates the benefits of the fire drills that are used in the public schools. The school building was erect ed in 1889 at a cost of several thousand dollars, and the school board has been contemplating the erection of a new brick building, as the old building was not large enough to accommodate the scholars. The school will be held in the M. W. A. hall and one of the churches until a school build ing can be erected in the village. rlattsmouth. Neb., Sept. 17, 1912. Hoard met pursuant to adjournment. Present, M. L. Frledrich, C. R. Jordan and C. 10. Heebner Count v Commis sioners, and 1). cV Morgan, County Clerk. Minutes of previous session read and approved, when the following business vus transacted in regular form: After passing a few of the more urgent bills the Hoard decided to jour ney to Kirn wood and appraise school lands. The following claims were allowed on the General fund: K. Itatnour & Co., burial of Brady child $ 12.00 M. L. Frledrich, salary and ex pense 25.50 Ambler Bros., merchandise to Mrs. Winchel 7.00 Weeping Water Republican, call for bids 2.00 The following claim was allowed on on the Road fund: J. C. Nlday, road work, road district No. 11 $ 96.00 rne following claim was allowed on the Bridge fund: J. C. Niduy, bridge work $ 32.00 Board adjourned to meet September "i. C. MORGAN, County Clerk. 1st day of May of each year, for which interest coupons shall be attached. Dav- ahle at the Fiscal Agemv. aforesaid, and shall the County Commisioner of saiu louniy or Cass, in additional to the annual taxes, cause to be levied annually a tax on all the taxable prop erty In said county, sufficient to pay the interest on all siiiil bonds as t tie same shall become due and pavabie, and also cause to be levied each' year upon the taxable property of said county, a tax sufficient to pay two of said bonds, or $2.UUU.00, of the prin cipal of said bonds, and at the tax levy preceding the maturity of paid principal levy a tax on all taxable property of said countv to an amount sufficient to pay the principal and in terest due on said bonds taking such action as the provisions of the Statutes and t lie interest of said county way demand, provided that proceeding shall be commenced for the erection of said county juil and repair of said heating plant of said county court house on or before the 1st day of May, A. D. 1913, or as soon thereafter as possible, and be continued without un necessary delay until the same bhall be completed. That said question and proposition shull be submitted to the legal voters of said Cass County In the following form and manner, that Is to say, the form of the ballots at such election in favor of such question and proposition, shall be as follows: "For the issue of the bonds of the County of Cass for the purpose of building a county jail and repairing the heating plant in the county court house, and the lew of a tax to pay the principal and interest of such Imndu " l'lattsmouth, Neb. Sept. 18, 1912. Board met as per adjournment. Pres ent. M. L. Frledrich, C. It. Jordan and C. K. Heebner, County Commissioners; I). C. Morgan. Countv Clerk. As advertised for, bids were received for furnishing coal to County as ioiiows: J. V. Egen berger. Coal to paupers, de livered $ 5.62 Hard coal to Jail 11.08 Hard coal to jail, de livered In bin 11.50 Illinois coal to jail, delivered 6.73 Illinois coal to jail, delivered In bin... 7.15 Colorado lump to Jail, delivered S.53 Colorado lump to jail, delivered in bin... 8.96 Sheridan lump to jail, delivered 8.00 Sheridan lump to jail, delivered in bin. . . 8.25 Centerville lump to court house, de livered 5.20 5.35 Bevler lump to court house delivered... 5,20 5.35 Illinois 'coal at yard 6.36 6.20 Commissioners decided to postpone the letting of coal contracts until the next meeting. Contract for publishing delinquent tax list awarded to the I'nlon Ledger. The following resolutions was unanimously adopted by the Board of County Commlslsoner: Be it resolved, by the County Com missioners of the County of Cuss, State of Nebraska, In regular adjourned ses sion assembled this 18th day of Sep tember, A. 1. 1312, that at the general election, in and for the County of Cass and State of Nebraska, to be held on the 5th day of November, A. D. 1912, there shall be submitted to the legal voters of said county the question and proposition of voting and Issuing the C. W. Bay lor & Co. $ 5.45 11.25 6.65 6.90 8.46 8.71 7.75 8.00 of such bonds.' And the form of the ballots to be used against said question and proposi tion shall be as follows: "Against the Issue of bonds of the County of Cass for the purpose of building a county Jail and repairing the heating plant in the county court house and the levy of a tax to pay the principal and Interest of such bonds. It Is further ordered that the above notice shall be given by publication thereof in the Weeping Water Hepub llcan, a newsnaner minted iiiiiiiiwiie.i 11.00 'and of general circulation in the said v ouniy or uass, ror four weeks next preceding the day of said election It is further ordered that at least one copy of the question and proposi tion, so to be submitted and above set forth, shall be posted up In a con spicuous place at each of the several places of voting during the day of such election. That at such election the vote shall be received and the returns thereof made In the same manner as required by law at such general election, and It Is further ordered that the County Clerk prepare and edllver to the proper PLEASANTLY ENTERTAINED AT THE J. M. ROBERTSON HOME WILKINSON & HALL- Gooch's Best Flour. The four-time prizc-wp.ner at the slate fair is for sale only in this city at the A. V. White store, with the price reduced to $1.1)0 per sack. fet the best for less money. Look Well to Your Flue. The present cold spell will sen e to remind our fit iens of I he necessity of basing an expert to examine the Hues, both at their place of business ami at their homes, before putting up their healers. And especially should the chimney used for furnace pipes be thoroughly examined be fore a big lire is started. Remem ber a litlle caution taken riht now may save you trouble later on and prevent a great disaster. Typewriter supplies, 9uci as paper, carbon, ribbons, oils and brushes, at tho Journal office. How About Summer's Wages? From Wednesday's Dally. Last night was a vivid remind er that the summer is a thing of III1 past and that Ibe lime for the selling tip of stoves is at band. The temperature sank as low as .')" above zero and the prospects are that it will lie even colder to night, as the western portion of Ibe slate was visited by a snow storm last night, which is work ins; ils wav eastward. For Sale. Forty-seven acres just south of Oreapolis, consisting of 13 acres of the best hay land in Cass coun ty; 3i acres of the finest farm land in Cass county. All level. No improvements. Price $150.00 per acre. Falter & Pollock. 9-2i-3td-2t-wkly. From Wednesday's Dally. The Ladies' Aid society of the Presbyterian church discontinued their meetings during the sum mer "months, but held their lirst meeting of the fall season yes terday afternoon and were very pleasantly entertained by Mrs. J. M. Robertson at her home on Vine street. A feature iif the afternoon was the regular business session, at. which time the ladies discussed some work which they intend to plan and arrange for later. Fol lowing the business session a most enjoyable social time was bad and delicious refreshment were served, fn spite of the ad verse elements the attendance was good. "I have been somewhat costive, but, Hoan's Regulets give just the results I desire. They act mildly and regulate the bowels perfect ly." (ieo. It. Krause, Altoona, Pa. 1 u W MMDIXSE ODVUNEIKS: The prevalent horse disease la causing enormous lonsea to farmers la Nebraska and Kan las, and is now creeping over Into the Dakotas. Iowa and Missouri. Ve have JuBt Issued a bulletin telling about the use of (iermoone for prevention of this disease, (ieriito.ono lias won fnme In the prevention arj cure of diseaso of poultry and stock. Our dealers in tho Infected territory have been selling to Stockmen and report that (ieriiioone In the drinking water for horBes seems to rentier them singularly Immune from the terrible diBense. One thing certain, rush orders are pouring in hourly by mall, phone and telegraph for (ierniozone from soveral hundred Kansas and Nebraska towns. Cures have also been reported but prevention Is fur better than cure. Ormozone given In the drink, kills germs In the water and also In the food. It la also used in case of sickness by nasal and rectal Injection. Send for the new circular but save timo by uBlng in drinking water for your horses one or two tnblesoonfuls to a pall of water. Give dally in all drinking water It con tagion nearby. Twice a week otherwise Ormozone Is antiseptic and a bowel regulator. I'repured only In 12 . iMittlea at BOc each Fifty tablet packages at - BOc per package. We have 2,000 exclusive dealers In Nebraska, Kansas, the Dakotas, Iowa and Missouri selling (iorniozonii. Winter Apples for sale. Any kind. Inquire of John Karvanek. U3-2td-ltwkly. . XOTICK. la the District Court In and fnr Cass 4 omit. Y, Nebraska. Maud Kaspar, l'lalntliT, vs. James V. Kaspar, Defendant. To James V, Kaspar, Defendant: You are hereby notified that on Mav 21. 1912, plaintiff filed her petition in the Clerk 8 oltice of said court pray ing for a decree of divorce upon the ground of cruelty, desertion and non support, and asking that she he given the custody of Helen Kaspar and John Kaspar, minor children of said mar riage, and for such other and further relief as equity may require. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 28th dav of October, A. D. 1912, or default will he entered against you and a decree granted as praved for In said petition. MAID K A SPA 11, l'lalntliT. KAWLK & ROBERTSON. Attorneys. MITICK OK l'UOHTi: OK WILL. In the Comity Court of ( ass County, Nebraska. In the Matter of the Instate of Nicholas II ii lines, Deceased. All persons Interested In said estate will take notice that a petition has been tiled for the probate of an Instru ment in writing purporting to be the last will of Nicholas llalmes, deceased, ami ror the appointment, or the ex ecutor named therein. A hearing will be had on said petition and proofs of said instrument win lie made on tne 5th day of October, 1912 at 10 o'clock a. m in said County Court, In t lie court house in the City of Plattsmouth Nebraska. (Seal) ALLEN J. PERSON, County Judge. D. O. DWYER. Attorney. Omaha GEO, H. LEE CO, Nebr. F. G. FRICKE & CO., Sole Agents OTICK. In Countv Court. STATE OF NEBRASKA, County of Cass, ss. In (lie Matter of the Estate of Jacob lleurich. Deceased. To All Persons Interested: You ate hereby untitled thnt there has been tiled In this court nn In strument purporting to lie the lust will and testament of the said Jacob Hen rich, deceased, together with t lie peti tion of Marv lleurich, widow of said deceased, alleging therein that said Jacob lleniicli had departed this life and pravlng that said proposed will lie probated ami allowed as the hist will and testament of said deceased and that letters testamentary he issued. That n homing will be hail thereon before this court at the Court Mouse In Plattsmouth. In said county, on the 1st dav of October, 1912. lit two o'clr.clt p m. All objections thereto, If any, must lie tiled on or before said dav and hour of hearing. Witness mv hand nnd the seal of the Countv Court of said county this 11th dav of September, 1912. (Seal) ALLEN 3. HEESON. County Judge. hinds of said Countv In the amount of S19.U00.00 for the hulldlnir of a countv Jail In the City of Plattsmouth, In the County of Cass, and repairing the heating plant in the county court house at Plattsmouth and fur tfie causing to lie levied annually a tax on all the taxable property In said county suf ficient for the payment of the interest on all Bonds and for causing t he levy ing annually or a tax on all taxable property In said Cass County sufficient to pay two of said Bonds, or $2,000.00 of the principal of such bonds; and at the tax levy next preceding the ma turity of such bonds levying a tax on all taxable property of said county of an amount sulllclent to pay the prin cipal and Interest due nn said bonds, anil thnt at such election so called and held the said question anil proposition to be submitted to the legal voters of said county Is in words and figures, following: Shall the County of Cass, in the State of Nebraska, Issue and put upon the market nineteen bonds of said county of the denomination of $1, 0011.(10 each, said bonds to be dated the 1st dav of May, 191:1, to he payable at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Ne braska, in the City of New York, the State of New York as follows: Two of said'bonds to be livable one year after date. May 1st, 191 I, and two of said bonds to become due each year there-: after until all become due and all of said bonds to lie redeemable' at any time on or after live years from the date thereof, at the option of the said County of (ass, and bear Interest at the rate of not more than five per cent per annum, payable annually on the 1st day of May of each year, for which Interest coupons shall lie attached, payable at the Fiscal Agency, aforc sa id. And shall the Board of County Com missioners of said County of Cuss, or other person or persons charged by law with the levying of taxes for said County, for the time being, In addition to t lie annual taxes cause to tie levied annually a tax on all taxable property of said county sufficient to pay the In terest on said bonds as the same shall become due and payable and also cause to lie levied each year upon the taxable property of said County a tax sulllclent to pav two of said bonds, or 12.000.00 of the principal of said bonds, and that the tax levy preceding the maturity of said bonds levy a tax upon all taxable property of said county to an amount sufficient to pay the principal and In terest due on said bonds, and take such action as the requirements of the law and the provisions of the Statute in such cases made and provided, and the Interest or said County may demand. Provided, That proceedings shall be commenced for the erection of the said county Jnll on or before the 1st day of May. 1913, or as soon thereafter as possible, and shall be continued with out unnecessary delay until the same shall be completed; and thnt at such election to lie held, the said question and proposition above set forth shall he submitted to a vote of the legal voters of said County In the following form nnd manner, that Is to say, the form of the ballot to lie used at such election In favor of said question and proposition shall lie as follows: ''For the issue of the bonds of the County of Cass for the purpose of building a countv Jail and repairing the heating plant in the county court house and t lie levy of a tax to pay the Interest and principal of such bonds." And the form of the ballot to be used at the election against said ques linn unit iironoslt ton shall tie as fol lows: "Against the Issue of bonds of t he Countv of Cass for t he purpose of building a county Jail and repairing t he heating plant In the county court house, nnd the levy of a tax to pav the interest and principal of such bonds." It Is further provided that the fol lowing notice of said election shall be made out by the County Clerk of said Cass Countv and Clerk of the Board, which shall be signed by the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of said Cass county. In the State of Nebraska, to-wlt: NOTIi'K OF PROPOSITION TO VOTE BONDS TO BUILD A COUNTY J AIL AND ItEPAIlt Tli r. PLANT IN THE COUNTY COURT HOUSE. Notice Is hereby given that at the general election to be held on the Mb dav of November, A. D. 1912, there will be' submitted to the legal voters of Cass Countv, in the State of Nebraska, for their acceptance or rejection by vote and ballot, the following question ond proposition, to-wlt: Shall the County of Cnss, In the State of Nebraska, Issue and put upon the market nineteen bonds of said countv of denomination of 11.000 each, said bonds to be dated on the 1st day of Mav, 19i:t, and to be payable at the Fiscal Agency of the State of Ne braska, In the Cltv of New York, State of New York, as follows, to-wlt: Two of said bonds to be pnvnble one year after date, or May 1. 1914. ami two of said bonds to become due each year thereafter until all become due, and all said Imnds to be redeemable at any time on or after nve years from the date thereof, at the option of said Countv of Cnss, and to bear Interest at ibo r't nf not more than Ave tier cent per annum, payable annually on- the) officers of said election duplicate poll books and necessary tally lists for use at such election. By order of the County Commission ers of Cass County, Nebraska, this 18th day of September, A. D. 1912. M. L. FK1EDHICH. Chairman of Board of Commissioners. C. It. JOKDAN, C. E. HEEBNEK, Board of Commissioners. Attest: Witness my hand as County Clerk and Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Cass County, Ne braska, and the seal of said County hereto affixed tills IStli day of Septem- oer s. u. isj;. (SEAL) D. C. MOKOAN, County Clerk and Clerk of the Board of -County Commissioners of Cass County, Nebraska. Commissioners reported they had viewed and apraised school lands NI3 of SE Section 36-10-10, at J79.33 1-3 per acre, and same reported to Board of Educational Lands ami Funds of the State. ' The following claims were allowed on t he (leneral fund: Fred Patterson, office work, month of August $ 36.00 C. M. Cherry, helping County Surveyor 4.00 Lars Nelson, helping County Surveyor 4.00 K. A. Schneider, postage 61.67 C. D. ynlnUin, boarding city prisoners and committments.. 9.25 C. D. Quinton, boarding county prisoners and salary and Jailer fee 289.80 Lincoln Telephone it Telegraph Co., rent and tolls 2S.75 Hammond A; Stephens Co., sup-' plies to County Superintend ent 2.6't James liobertson. Stae vs. Fred Patterson .75 Klopp & Bnrtlett Co., supplies.. 22.76 James Robertson, Oleson vs. Cass County 6. SO James Robertson, Olsen, Admstr., vs. Cass County fi.17 KemlnKton Typewriter Co., rib bon to County Superintendent .7." l. Knnpp, repairs to lawn mower .75 C. E. Heebner, salary 19.10 John Bauer Ai Son, repairs at court house 3.15 l'lattsmouth News-Herald, notice to cut weeds 1.20 C. It. Jordan, salary 28. ."i0 Phittsmoutli Journal, printing and supplies 15.43 lir. K. D. Cummins, insane case Mack Barger 8.00 J. M. Levda insane case Mack Barger . . .' 3.00 James Robertson, Insane case Mack Barger 6.25 C. 1 1. yulnton, insane case Mack Burger 7.15 J. II. Tarns, insane case Mack Barger 2.20 Hammond Ai Stephens, supplies to County Superintendent..... 90.70 Dr. E. D. Cummins, insane case Louisa Shelton 8.00 J. M. Levda. Insane case Louisa Shelton 3.00 James Robertson, Insane case Louisa Shelton 4.50 Fred Patterson, work on new roud Weeping Water Precinct 21.10 Liberty Drainage District, amount levied against Cass County 214.26 C. C. Baldwin, livery to County Surveyor 5.00 The following claims were allowed on the Road funds: Smith & Sons Mfg. Co., grader, Road District No. 11 $135.00 Perry Cook road work, Road District No. 6 S OI) John Bauer Son, merchandise to Road District No. 1 ' .25 M. II. Tyson, road work. Road District No. 15 14.00 J. W. Kell, road work, P.oad District No. 2 21.40 C. II. Spolm, road work, P.oad District No. 13 158.25 Joe Allen, road work. Road Dis trict No. 16 27.80 Turlev Wall, road work. Road District No. 16 25.60 Walter Bvers, road work Koad District No. 27 26.40 C. T. Richards, road work, Road District No. 4 111.25 Frank, road work. Road. District No. 2 R6.1!) Nebraska & Iowa Steel Truck Co., culvert, ltoad District No. 2 " 80 Russell (irader Mfg. Co., culvert. Road District No. 2 35.2 Ben Beckmnn, road work, Road District No. 10 73.95 Nebraska Construction Co., ma terial Road District No. ..,. .ut The following claims were allowed on t lie Bridge fund: Walter Myers, bridge work....$ 55.50 Nebraska Construction Co.. bridge work 2.000.00 Board ndlourned to meet Tuesday, October 1, 1912. , D. C. MOROAN, County Clerk. In District Court. In the ease, of Sullivan against. Charles Keckwith, whieh was nn trial in district eourt yesterday, the mailer was taken under ad visement by .ludire Kennedy and lie will aiinoiinee liis verdict later. i The implicit confidence that many people have in Chnmhcr lain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy is founded on their experience in the use of that rem edy and their knowledge of the many remarkahle cures of colic, diarrhoea ami dysentery that it has effected. For sgle by F. 0. Fricke & Co.