The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 26, 1912, Image 5

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t C G-
bo Tame!
We Absolutely Guarantee the
Scientific Compound
Money Refunded If Not Satisfactory!
2,000 bottles were sold in three days. 104 telegraph orders. The cure
is sure. The demand so great the amount is limited to us. Telephone or
telegraph your order at once.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Sole Agents for Cass County.
Mrs. J. N. Hill, Homer, Ga., has
used Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound for years, and says she al
ways recommends it to her
friends. "It never fails to cure
our coughs and colds and pre
vents croup. We have five chil
dren and always give them Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound for a
cold, and they are all soon well.
We would not be without it in our
house". For sale by F. G. Fricke
VCo. ' ' ' . ' '
If you knew of the real value of
Chamberlain's Liniment for lame
back, soreness of the muscles,
sprains and rheumatic pains, you
would never wish to be without it.
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Real Estate
Bought and Sold
Insurance Placed in Best
Farm Loans and Rental Agency
- Virgil Mullis
wIL4 "it J j
Revolver ThRemlnpmM.CCuIiitthtRevolvnMftk
and Pistol Cartridges
The red bull brand is chosen by the majority of revolver end
pistol experts because they know that
the ignition is prompt, uniform and lure,
the accuracy it guaranteed by records
WnrM'l Indoor Fifty-Shot f Record held hy Genrl Armitron. .cor. 4X2 500
World! Indoor Tw.nlyHv. Shot fmul Record held by George ArmMronl, too re
Wor'd'i Seveney-Five Shot Repid Fire Record held hy A. P. Lane, More 60S ei 750
World Outdoor Pocket Ktvolv.r Ktcord held by A. I .
Ijine. More 21 1 et Z50.
World's Grind Atrcite Individual Kecord held by A. P.
I .n. score 1 2 d.
World's Military Record held by annuel Peterson, score
115 250,
all maJe with Remington-UMC ammunition
Riming ton- VMC the shooting combination
Rrminjtoa Arms-Union Metallic Cartridge Co.
299 Brsidwif 3 Nrw York Citj
Your IHoirses
Mrs. Mary Motl, 65, assaulted
by Mrs. Hosa Wise of Weeping
Water, Neb., in a free-for-all
fight at the Mutt home, 1712
North Twenty-eighth, street, dur
ing an attempted kidnaping on
July L'J, js in a critical condition
and may not live. The serious
ness of the case' came to light
yesterday when Mrs. Wise was
called before Judge Foster to
answer to a charge of assault and
battery. The case was postponed
until October 1. The assault was
committed with a bast ball bat,
ays the Omaha Worid-llerald.
Mrs. Wise is the mother of Mrs.
Hert Molt, the woman who killed
Otis Hedy, a street car man, two
I years ago, because, as she al-
1 1 . . .1 I
iegeii, ue niuiii' iiHieeciii proposing
to her while she was alone in tier
house on South Nineteenth street.
She was later acquitted by a jury
in the district court.
Deputy County Atlmney Fitz
gerald declared yesterday that in
the event of the death of Mrs.
Moll. Mrs. Wise would be held to
answer a charge of manslaughter.
llutming up and down stairs,
sweeping and bendinir over mak
inar beds will not make a woman
healthy or beautiful. She must
get out of doors, walk a mile or
two every day and take Chamber
lain's Tablets to improve her di
gestion and regulation her bowels.
For sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
' sssia233SXB
The Building Declared to Be En
tirely Out of Danger From
The l'laltsmouLh postolllce,
that was threatened by the settl
ing of the ground, Seems to be
sale now from any further trouble
on that score. Superintending
Inspector Hichard Fourchy and
Major C. F. Creamer of Council
Mutt's were in the city yesterday
ami investigated the settling of
the building, and 11 is their
opinion that there is not much
chance of the building settling
any more. They took careful
measurement of I lie building and
arrived at the conclusion that the
po.sioilice building is all right, at
least nt the present time.
The site of the postnllice build
in,- was formerly the bed of a
creek, and it has always been a
dilncult matter to secure a solid
foundation to build upon. The
building bad only been occupied
a short time when several cracks
were noticed in the ceiling of the
lobby, and the matter was called
to the attention of the postollire
department, which at once began
to look into the matter. It was
thought at the time it would be
necessary to drive piling to pre
vent the building from settling,
lint as (here appears to be n
l further danger on that score, Hit'
j matter will not be pushed unless
there should develop further
danger to the building.
The Plattsmouth building is a
very handsome structure and it is
a credit to the city and to its
citizens, and that the settling
seems to be over will bit a source
of pleasure to them all.
Few, if any, medicines, have
met with the uniform success that
has attended the use of Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Ilemedy. The remarkable
cures of colic und diarrhoea
which it has effected in almost
every neighborhood have given it
a wide reputation. For sale by F.
i. Fricke & Co.
Restaurant for Rent.
Nicely furnish; everything new
and in good condition. All mod
ern, including steam heat. For
particulars call on F.d Donat at
the Peerless Saloon, Platts
mouth, Neb.
A large line or invitation sta
tionery is always carried at the
Journal ofllce.
Forest Hose Flour guaranteed
to be as good as any Hour on the
market. Sold by all leading deal
ers. Try it.
St Paul's Gospel, Which He
Was Nut Ashamed to Preach.
Pastor Russell, In Montreal, Say That
the Penalty of Sin Was Justly Im
posed The Redeemer Is Yet to Be
come the Great Deliverer of the
World Importance of Resurrection.
Montreal, Sept
22.-rastor Russell
gave two addresses
here today, one on
UK AVE," the other
on "St Paul's Gos
pel." America's Ubiq
uitous Preacher
comes quite fre
quently to the Prov
inces, and the Im
mense audiences
that everywhere
greet hlni are proof that the True Gos
pel which he preaches has to some ex
tent fouud a responsive chord In thou
sands of Canadian hearts.
We report the Pastor's second ad
dress, which was from the text, "More
over, brethren, I declare unto you the
Gospel which I preached unto you:
how that Christ died for our sins ac
cording to the Scriptures; and that He
was burled, and that Ho rose again
the third day." (I Corinthians xv. 1-4.)
So complete a statement of the Gospel
In so few words is wonderful. With
out Inspiration St. Paul, like the rest
of us. would have said more would
have said too much. Let us analyze
the text and see what it contains.
First of all. It teaches that we are
sinners and that our sins are beyond
our own power to wash away or eradi
cate. This Is a fundamental. Impor
tant mutter. Failure to realize that
we are Imperfect, horn In sin, "sliapen
In Iniquity," has hindered many from
seeing the necessity for a Redeemer,
and therefore from accepting Jesus as
their Savior. To say that we are sin
ners Implies a time when righteous
ness prevailed in our ancestry. We do
not speak of brutes as sinners, be
cause the Scriptures say that "sin Is
transgression of the Law," and God
would not give a law to a bruto,
which could not comprehend thnt law.
Similarly the perfection of onr first
parents was Implied In this term, be
cause God would not give a law to
being not sufficiently Intelligent and
capable of keeping that law. Thus
this very simple statement We art
sinners. Implies the thought of a fall,
Just as the Bible declares.
"Christ Died For Our Sins."
For Christ to die for our sins Implies
that our sins had a death-penalty at
tached to them. This again implies
that at the time that death penalty
was Imposed It was a Just one. because
a Just God would not punish unjustly.
The Justice of u death penalty implies
a high degree of Intelligence on the
part of the sinner and that he was in a
condition In which he would not have
needed to die If he hod not sinned.
This statement, "that Christ died for
our sins." further implies that Christ
was not of the fallen race, for had He
been n sinner, how could He have died
for sinners how could His death have
been of any profit or ndvontago to
them? Thus our text teaches that Je
8iis was indeed "the Lamb of God
which taketh away the sin of the
world." that God sent His Only Be
gotten Sou Into the world that we
might not perish but have everlasting
life. The whole force and Import of
this text Is that human salvation is
secured by the death of Christ and His
resurrection. Were we not sinners und
dying we would have needed no one to
die for us. Were It not to rescue us
from siu nnd from death God would
not have scut His Son.
The Death-Penalty Stated.
Here let us notico tho force of the
word death In our text. It did not
mean life In torment to our Redeemer,
for the Scriptures hear clear testimony,
not only that He died, but that He
arose from the dead on the third day.
And the Scriptures declare that He
was not alive anywhere during those
three days. This contradicts the
thought of some who claim that He
was the Heavenly Father Himself and
could not die that He merely got out
of the body on the cross ami let the
body die and afterwards pretended
that He had died, when Ho suld, "I am
He that llveth, and was dead, and he
boid, I nm alive forevermore." Rev. t. IS.
We have a genuine Redemption, a
real Sucrlflce, and the Redeemer Is yet
to become the Groat Deliverer of the
world, whose deliverance from death
by resurrection cost the Redeemer
His life. A by a man enme death,
by tho Mun Christ Jesus comes the
resurrection of the dead; "for as all In
Adam die. even so all In Christ shall
be made olive every man in his own
order."-I Corinthians xv, 21-23.
He Arose the Third Day.
Great importance attaches to the
fact that the One who died for our
(tins did not remain dead. He de
scended Into Noll Shool, Hades, the
tomb but His soul was nut left there,
a the Scriptures declare. God the
Father raised Him from the dead on
Hie third day. The Importance of
Christ's resurrection Is many-fold. It
hows that Fie did not die a sinner,
but on the contrary, maintained His
relationship with the Father "holy,
harmless, undetlled, separate from sin
ners." It shows that He kept the I-aw;
otherwise He would have remained
dead like the remainder of the Jews.
More than this, the fact that He was
raised from the dead to a higher
nature, a spirit being, "partake.- of the
Divine nature," proves that His sacri
ficial death was very pleasing and ac
ceptable In the Father's sight; hence
nis high reward. And all this proves
that the Heavenly Father's great
promise to Abrahuin is In process of
fulfilment. Our Lord's resurrection to
the plane of glory demonstrates to us
the greatness of this Seed of Abraham,
and Ills preparation for the great work
foretold the blessing of all tho fami
lies of the earth.
From this viewpoint we see tho Im
portance of Ills death and of His
resurrection, co-related. The death
was necessary as man's Redemption
price. Ills exaltation to power and
great glory was necessary for man's
deliverance from sin and death. Here
we have, then, the Gospel which St.
Paul received and which he, In turn,
dlspensed-the true Gospel of which
he was not ashamed. As he wrote
to tho brethren at Rome. "I am not
ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for
It is the power of God unto salvation
to every one that belleveth to the
Jew first and also to the Greek."
Gospel In a Nut-Shell.
As a great oak may be said to be In
an acorn, so tho great Gospel Message
may bo said to be in out text as St.
Paul declares. Every time we look
at It it seems a little larger and a
little more benutlful than before. We
can almost see It grow not that the
Gospel Is growing, for it Is the same
that God purposed in Himself before
the foundation of tho world. It Is
our appreciation of tho Gospel that
grows, In proportion as wo grow in
grace nnd In tho knowledge of the
Divine Plan nnd In tho Spirit of our
Lord; for without Ills Spirit the Holy
Spirit, to enlighten our understanding
and to enable us to appreciate the tes
timonies of the Word, we would not
be able to comprehend "the deep things
of God."
How plainly the Apostle states this,
saying, "The natural man recolveth
not the things of the Spirit of God,
neither can bo know them, be
cause they are spiritually discerned;
but God hath revealed thera
unto us by Ills Spirit, for tho Spirit
searcheth all things, yea, the deep
things of God."-I Cor. 11, 14. 10.
Pastor Russell's reputation for faith
fulness to the Divine Word, his cour
age to speak the Truth in Love,
and his power to hold vast audiences
In rapt attention for hours has spread
everywhere. Newspapers to the num
ber of 1,500 in the States, in Great
Britain and in the Dominion which
are publishing his sermons and also his
comments on the International Sun
day School Lessons are zealous in their
support of his excellent services and
are praying still more power to hi
Tolee and pen.
We have merely eeen the root of the"
Gospel, continued Pastor Russell, as it
centers in the promise made to Abra
ham and in the redemptive work ac
complished by our Savior. In Romans
xl 10 21 St Paul uses the illustration
of an olive tree, and doelnres the
brandies of tho tree to be the mem
bers of the Body of Christ which is
tho Church. From these branches will
come abundant fruitage by and by,
of "olive oil" for the light of the World.
St. Paul points out that the natural
Israelites wer? the natural branches
and that the Jews therefore had the
first right, privilege and opportunity of
becoming the members of tho Body of
Christ the Church. As a matter of
fact, all privilege nnd opportunity was
excluded from the Gentiles until Is
rael's time of favor was complete
three and n half years after tho cross.
During those years the Lord's provi
dence bo blessed tho Jews that they
were all brought In contact with the
Truth uuiler most favorable conditions.
We remember thnt thousnnds were
converted nnd blessed at Pentecost nnd
other thousnnds a littlo later on. We
may be sure that every worthy branch
In that tree was nceepted of the Lord
every "Israelite indeed In whom was
no guile." St. Paul tells us that then
the unbelieving Jews, tho natural
branches, were all broken off, separat
ed from the Divine favor In which they
had previously been. Then began the
work of calling, preparing and en
grafting Gentiles, whom the Apostle
represents n of n wild olive tree.
This work of engrafting the Gentiles
Into the Jewish stock nnd making them
fellow-heirs with the Jews of the orig
inal Divine promise made to Abruhnm
has progressed for now nearly nineteen
centuries. This Is the name Gospel,
because It nil springs from the same
gracious promise. It was "good
tidings" when as a message It was
given to Abraham.' Its value was in
tensified when God made oath to its
certainty of fulfilment. The fulfilment
began In Jesus, continued through the
Jewish disciples, nnd now has accumu
lated a considerable number of the
Gentiles probably the foreordained
number rs completed. When the Elect
number shnll hnve been tested nnd
proven and aholl have been accepted
In the resurrection change and passed
beyond the veil-then this most won
derful feature of the Gospel will have
been accomplished.
Jewish Share of Goepel.
The completion of Spiritual Israel
will be followed by the establishment
of Messiah's Kingdom nnd the begin
ning of the blessing of all the families
of the earth. We are to distinguish
here between the Church nnd the fam
ilies of tho enrth. for the Church in
their consecration nnd acceptance of
the Lord nnd begetting ?f the Holy
spirit become members or tne new
nation. ' They are no longer humans.
As St Paul declares. "Ye are not la
the flesh, but in the spirit if so be that
the Spirit of God dwell in you" (Ro
maus vlll, 9). The Church not only re
ceives eternal life, but that life Is on a
higher plane as spirit belugs. Theirs
will be glory, honor and immortality.
In Jolnt-helrshlp with their Lotf..
Amongst the families of the earth to
be blessed by Messiah's Kingdom the.
first place will be given to Natural Is
rael. In all things the Jew was to
have pre-eminence, for this is the Di
vine arraugement. As the Jew got the
opportunity of becoming members of
the Body of Christ before it was of
fered to tho Gentiles, so Fleshly Israel
will be tho first nation to be granted
the opportunities nnd blessings of Res
titution to human perfection under
Messiah's Kingdom. Provision has al
ready been made for this. Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob and all the Prophets
of old have the testimony that the
pleased God and thnt they are to bars
a better resurrection than the ordinary.
They cannot be members of the Bride
of Christ, nor sharers in the spiritual
privileges and the Heavenly Kingdom.
They lived before the High Calling,
before the neaveuly Calling was open
ed. Jesus was the Captain, Leader and
Forerunner in this, and Ills Jolnt-helrs
all follow Him. None of them pre
ceded Him.
"Princes In All the Earth."
But the Messlnnlc Kingdom, itself
spiritual, will need earthly Representa
tives, and they are provided for In thoss
Ancient Worthies. Their testing haf
lng been completed, they will be raised
perfect human beings, as Adam was in
his perfection, and Jesus in Ills, while
on earth. Their superior powers of
mind and body will soon grasp all the
wonderful things which Divine provi
dence has arranged for Hlnce their day,
nnd they will bo quite masters of the
situation. Naturally, perfect men will
be Princes amongst imperfect ones.
But those will hold the title from the
Great Messiah. This is prophetically
stated: "Instead of Thy fathers shall
be Thy children, whom Thou (Messiah)
alialt make Princes In nil the earth."
rs.ilm xlv. 10.
Assuredly the new order of things
will nppenl to the Jew first Ills les
sons under the Law will make him spe
cially amennble to the new condition,
of things, for during that thousand
years all mankind will be judged, not
according to their faith entirely, but
specially according to their works.
Faith will be easy when knowledge
will be so complete and so general.
Good works will be gradually more and
more possible as they shall be blessed
and restored to perfection under the
Kingdom arrangements. f
The Scriptures intimate that the)
world nt that time will be in a deject
ed condition. The great "Time of Tron
ble" with which Messiah's Kingdom
will be Inaugurated will cut a deep,
swath In earthly hopes and ambitions,
and all nations wtll be in the condition
to desire the Messianic Government,
and then, "The desire of all nations
hall come." nag. it, T.
, "Come, Let Ue Go Up.".. .
The Scripture prophotlcalT foretell
that as the Divine blessings of Mes
siah's Kingdom go more and more to
Israelites, other nations will take note)
of this and be Inclined to entreat a
share of tho Divine favors, saying,
"Come, let us go up to tho mountain
(Kingdom) of the Lord's house; lis
will teach us of Ills ways and we will
walk In Ills paths." Tho whole world,
every nation, people, kindred tongue,
needs Just tho blessings of healing
and life eternal which tho Messianic
Kingdom Is to offer them. And the
terms will not bo impossible, but quits
the reverse. Messiah Is to be, not only
a Great King to rule, but also a Great
Trlest and tho Church with Hlra la
promised to bo a Royal Priesthood.
However, God will not accept any
other nation than Israel. All of Ills
blessings nre to go to the Seed of
Abraham. And ns Abraham's Seed
spiritual in the resurrection becomes
"as the stars of heaven," so his seed
natural will Increase to fill the whole?
earth, and are compared to "tho sand
of tho seashore." Nor will this be an
arbitrary matter. It means tho great
est good to nil. Note that tho first
members of Spiritual Israel camo from
Natural Israel, and thnt the Gentiles
were grafted In. Similarly tho first
fruits of tho world will be Natural
Israel, but nil nntlons will hnve the
privilege and opportunity of being en
grafted Into and becoming members. of
Israel much nfter the same manner
that people of nil nationalities com
ing to Anierlcnn Canada mny enjoy
citizenship here under certain Coven
ant conditions. Tho Now Covenant
conditions Inaugurated with Israel (Jer.
xxxl. 31-31) will thus Ik open to all
mankind, because nil will bo permitted
to become members of Israel. Thus,
as the Scriptures prophesy. Abraham
eventually will be "a father of many
latlons." Romans Iv, 17.
Eventually, all the willing nnd
obedient will be glad to enter Into
this New Covenant relationship with
God through Christ nnd to bo counted
members of "the seed of Abraham."
Eventually, nil others will be destroy
ed In the Second Death, so that then
all the earth will be blessed as Abra
ham's seed. Here we have the Gospel
In Its fulness, expnnded from the
original promise made to Abraham,
and taking in nil the features of Di
vine grace and mercy and eventuating
in tho most wonderful blessings pos
sible for the human mind to Imagine!
And nil this centers in the work of
Jesus, In His death for our sins and In
nis resurrection for onr deliverance
and the execution of tho Gospel Pro
gram. Thanks bo unto God for Ills
unspeakable gift! Hallelujah, whnt a
Gospel! Hallelujah, what a Savlort
Hallelujah, whnt n God!