The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 26, 1912, Image 4

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If the manager of the demo
crat ie campaign make no mistake
-The Plattsmouth Journal
between now ami the 5th day of
Published Semi-Weekly at Plattsmoutb, Nebraska CTT3
R. A. BATES, Publisher.
Entered at the Postotfice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-clas
I -un mtjiI if iclory is in I lit'
Tli" parly is united for Wilson
and Marshall.
Don't fail In allcnd Hit' Wilson
and Marshall Hub meeting to
morrow (Thnrsilay) night at the
council chamber.
As we undersland .it, Hit; bull
iiif rso HcHors in Kansas will
continue to be Ibt' republican
parly's stepchildren.
YVe all over-esliinate our
strength al times. Hrigham
Young oneo forbade the United
Stales (roups to enter Utah.
If the people were as rareful
about, their religion as Ibey are
about the Hollies I hey wear to
church, what a pleasant place this
dd earlh would be.
The Wilson and Marshall Hub,
organized ill, I he council chamber
Saturday night, starts olT in good
shape, ami the me mhcrship
should be greally increased at, the
Hireling Thursday night.'
In casting your vole for Julius
J'itz you will have Hie honor of
supporting one of the most enm
pelent ami ndiable men in Class
county for county coininissioner.
You can depend upon thai.
The. inaniifaclurers have waxvd
fat uinler the larilT which in its
original conception was designed
to "protect industries," but they
have not divided fairly with the
workinginon who helped them
linn. John II. Morebeatl is
visiting in the west part of the (his week, ami will meet with
warm greetings wherever be goes.
The people all know that he will
be the next governor and are
anxious to meet him. '
!V, :o:
' If there were less lalk about a
"square deal" ami other mean
ingless plalil tides and more about
reducing I lie lax on sugar, Holh
ing and other needfuls, n Irusl-
idundering public would be ready
lo listen more eagerly lo the bull
moose candidate. Ami rigbl here
is 1 1 10 reason why Wilson's say
ings are more eagerly sought
The great majority of Uit!
voters of Hie First congressional
district, arc very well salislled
with lion. John A. Maguire's serv
ices in congress, ami I hey are not
going lo trade him for one of
Paul Clark's caliber, whose record
is that of a tool of the corpora
tions. John A. Maguire is Hie
people's friend, while l'aul Clark
is a friend of the corporations.
:o :
The biggest crowd that has
been in Lincoln for u long time
al a political meeting will be
there on Sal unlay, October 5.
"No honest man can slay in the
republican parly," says Colonel
lloosevelt. Is this to be taken as
meaning that (lovernor Ablrich,
(leorge Norris and Paul Clark are
Hear out of the republican party?
Or ditl he mean the other thing?
Lincoln Star.
:o :
Some of our democratic friends
won bl like to know what the
county central committee is do
ing. They feel very much in
terested in the county organiza
tion, and the no doubt are
anxious in regard to the success
of Hit- ticket.
lloosevelt makes a practice of
abusing booses which he claims
belongs lo the old parlies. Hut
he carefully avoided saving a
word about such as Tim
Wooilruir, (leorge I'erkins, Cecil
Lyon ami Hill I'linn, because
they are the four bosses who are
furnishing him the money to ride
around in special trains. They
are four of the biuuol bosses on
earlh, except lloosevelt himself.
;o :
The newspaper all over the
country are denouncing I be new
postal laws recently passed by
congress in reference to news
papers. It is an outrageous
measuio, lo say the least, and the
papers in general should de
nounce it us simply a stepping
November the democrats will
carry Nebraska by such a majority
as will be surprising to the voters
of . all parties.
Iteinember there will be a meet
ing of the Wilson and Marshall
club at the council chamber to
morrow (Thursday) night, at 8
o'clock. I!eryone favorable to
this ticket are invited to attend
and join Hie procession.
Those newspapers who are
nearly worrying themselves to
death about a division of the
democralie party in Nebraska, are
republican, of course. They are
really worried about the division
in their own ranks and are only
trying to gel the democrats in the
same lix. Hut they can't come it
not this year.
In twenty years the democrats
have never enjoyed a more- oppor
tune time to elect a president. It
is a time when then; is less ex
cuse for a democrat to desert his
party and stray off after false
goods. There is no use of any
one even thinking of doing such a
thing, but perhaps there may be
one here ami there who have sonic
grievance against some member
of the parly and propose to vide
against some democralie candid
ate for spile-work. Now, that is
For (illy years I he American
people have been enslaved and
robbed by the Interests under I ho
false ami misleading belief that
"the foreigner pays the I arid" tax;
that without Hie protective tariff
business manufacturing would
not prosper nor wages be sustain
ed." All three of these arguments
are false in their very essence,
ami vicious in their application.
The people never did admire 1
"blower and bluffer," and that's
the reason Aldrich is not going to
stonejo censorslyp over tljo press
of the land. Senators anil rep
resentatives should be made to
promise to vole to repeal the law
at Hu very1 next session of con
The attacks of (lovernor Aid-
rich on the democratic candidate,
John II. Morehead, are losing the
governor friends every day. .The
governor, who has been sadly
deficient in many ways, apparent
ly hopes lo detract attention from
bis own inelliciency by creating a
biur smoke about the rival candid
ate. Mr. Morehead' candidacy
appeals to every voter who stands
for fair and open dealing and for
a businesslike ami economical
management of public affairs.
lloldrege Progress.
The candidate "who lias been
tried ami nol found wauling" is
Hie one that meets Hie approba
tion of the people, lion. W. H.
Manning's record in the state sen
ate is before the people of Otoe
ami Cass counties, ami not only
I hat, bill bis career in that body
is such as to give him a state
wide reputation as a gentleman
of ability ami one who has always
; stood up for the interests of his
constituents in a most masterly
'manner, lie should be returned
gel near enough voles to re-elect
him. Hut that's cause, jjuflicient.
Two years ago the republican
party was a great party, in the
estimation of that man Aldrich,
who was running for governor for
the first time. PI range isn't it,
thai there should be great a
change in two years as to be con
demned now by the same- man who
was so enthusiastic for it then?
Hut after he called on Ilosevclt,
in company Willi trie oilier six
governors, ami solicited him lo
run for president, thinking he
could be elected auain with Roose
velt at the head of the ticket, and
failed in defeating Taft, the abuse
for the laller has been profuse.
We wish to announce to the ladies of Plattsmouth and
vicinity of our great Millinery opening
Friday and Saturday,
September 27 and 28
Every effort is being made to show one of the swellest,
up-to-date lines of Millinery that has ever been display
ed by any first-class milliner, and the prices we are
charging for this class of high-grade hats are practically
the same as you will pay elsewhere for a cheaper hat. The only reason why
we defy competition when it comes to millinery is because we are in a position
to buy big quantities direct from the manufacturers and importers, being inter
ested in one of the large exclusive millinery houses of Omaha and a millinery
department in Missouri Valley, la., so our Plattsmouth millinery department
owns the gocds at the same low prices. Another reason why we can sell you a
hat cheaper than any one is because we do not depend on our millinery depart
ment alone, as we have thousands and thousands of items in this great Depart
ment Store. So don't forget the dates September 27th and 28th. Call in and
be convinced. Our force of clerks will be pleased to meet and wait on you
whether you wish to buy or not.
er's Department
"The Home of Guar
anteed Values"
The progress which John II.
Morehead is making in his guber
natorial ambitions is due childly
(o his well known ability as a
business man. There are no frills
about him. He is not an oratori
cal spouler. lie is a plain-speaking,
hunt-headed business man,
ami will conduct Ibe affairs of the
stale in an economical anil ofllci
viil manner. Fremont Herald.
Hon. John II. Morehead has a
large number of Hie very best
papers in the stale supporting
him for governor, ami he had no
50,000 of Hie stale money to di
vide among llieni for printing the
const itutional amendment, cither
lo the senate because he has been
true lo.lhe best interests of the
people of his district.
:o :
II looks to a man up u tree that
a ;erson Heeled to the responsi
hie position of county commis
sioner would certainly look out
for the interests of his district.
In many instances this is not
done. The voters of the First
commissioners' district, which in
cludes IMallsinouth, will have an
opportunity this fall to elect a
genUenmn who will be wide-awake
lo the interests of the taxpayers
of the district, if he is fortunate
enough to be elected. His name is
Julius Pilz, and he is just the
kind of a man that will give his
They are siipuorling Mr. More
head simply because they truly i direct attention to the welfare of
believe he is the best man for the ' those he represents upon (he
idacc. I board
-In the Hod ion of lion. John II.
Morehead as governor of Ne
braska, the people can depend up
on getting a square deal all
around, lie is just the kind (if a
man to carry out successfully
everything he promises. He has
a record for living up to his
promises, either in or out of office.
!.. I- I.imII nf Dm tin, I of lll.l-l
111 I I'lt I I I ,' "mil
lerial to adminsler the, affairs of
taft as they should bo admin
istered, without fear or favor, and
the people know it. This is tho
greatest reason why the great
majority of the people of the slate
propose to elect him on tho 5th
day of November.
:o :
Our friend, Hon. Dan Killen, of
Heat rice, was in Lincoln tho other
day, and according lo his interview
with a Journal reporter, he takes
a very gloomy v iew of the chances
of the republican candidates. Par
ticularly .does be llnd this true
concerning Aldrich. lan Killen
is quite a leader in tho repub
lican party of Nebraska ami has
been mentioned very prominently
several limes as a candidate for
governor. He was the minority
leader of the house of represent
atives, in which tho writer had Ibe
honor of serving, and we always
admired him for his honesty of
purpose. Pan Killen always
means what he says and is a
1 genuine, honorable genl Ionian.
There has not been a state
candidate in Plattsmouth this
campaign, so far. Snch a thing"
never occurred before.
John II. Morehead recently
angered (iovernor Aldrich very
much by declaring that if he
should be Heeled he would not
accept the biennial .M,0(0 for
traveling expenses, ami the $5,50(1
for maintenance of the executive
mansion. That declaration of re
spect for Hit" constitution must
have sunk homo to the hearts of
many honest men who believe in
obedience to law and are opposed
to graft in high places.
The cold wave which struck
this section last night reminds
one mat Old Winter m reality
is imt far in tho rear.
The very idea of l'aul Clark re
moving from the slate perman
ently and then returning because
he saw a show lo gel the nom
ination for congress, slicks in the
craws of a good many honest re
publican voters of the First dis
trict, who don't like Clark very
well, anyway. They will vote for
John A. Maguire, whom they
know to be a man, every inch of
An article that has real merit
should in time become popular.
That such is the case with Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy has been
attested by many dealers. Here is
one of them. H. V. Hendriekson,
Ohio Falls, Ind., writes, "Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy ts the
best for coughs, colds and croup,
ami is my best seller." For sale
by F. O. Fricke & Co.
For Sale.
One team, i years old, coach
colls, partly broken. Two 2-year-obl
coach colls. One 8-year-old
mare. Can be secured al my
home on Chicago Avenue.
T. H. Pollock.
Plattsmouth, Neb.
0-21-31. l-2wks-vvkly
I Do Not Claim to Have the Largest Stock
but I do claim that you can buy here more goods for less money, and the same good3 for less money
than anywhere else. Come in and let me prove it to you by showing you the goods. I have bought
twice the amount this Fall that I ever have before, and have added a new line of
Children's and Ladies' Long Coats,
Sweaters, Blankets and Comforts!
I am agent for the celebrated Chajina Swoka Underwear and Whit Leather Stockings. I have
about fifty pairs of heavy fleece lined shirts and pants that we are selling at
NorthSideof M A B RlTR J&U
4aua " f