The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 26, 1912, Image 2

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    I? m....m,m mm mm m.-.m- jmmm mrnrn X "N. fl W ' PSTN fl fSTS. I" J T fl ""TS. N
in Cass county requires serious attention, and while you are liable to loose in one
way it will be to your interests to endeavor to economize in another and seriT
ously consider and attend
C f
1 1
B-p mm fm uji rai fr?r3i fl
Ac r, "nntnlr
X liie KnOWieage OI tne gOOU IlOIiesi values we are giving is Ucuuimiy aim &ciun& uuiiui&iuu: aim nunuicua aic v,aLv,n- g
8 ing on" and taking advantage of the Greatest Shoe Calamity in the history of Cass county Shoe Merchandising that is happening at our store. ft
Our display racks are groaning with a part of the weight of $10,000 worth of Biggest Values in Good Shoes ever offered at the price of actual cost of production C
K Our Going Out of Business Sale is putting to shame all others ever held. A shoe slaughter, never before equalled. Tis a volcanic eruption in Shoe Prices. N
V Our entire Shoe Stock to go out to all the people and not the favored few. A cyclonic destruction to cost and profit. Our 35 years dealing with the people behind 0
8 every sale and quality maintained unto the end. Terrific down-pour of wonderous Shoe Bargains, which you will never get again after we are gone. Buy now! Fo S
0 present and future use. Come now! Don't delay! Get in on the ground floor of opportunity of good pickings. Q
The Best
jj Shoe News
Ever Printed!
The Store With the Big White Sign is the Place!
mm mT mwmwmvm mm-wmw w - --- - -
Till 8 O'clock ft
Open ft
H-K -M-H-fr MM5
Mrs. John Tih .is improving
Dr. Fordyrc spout last Friday
in Omaha.
Mrs. John llaulli spent Mon
day in' Omaha.
1. I). Drain) is eeinenl i n k his
cellar this week.
Jake Miller and Mr. Kssiek went
to Omaha Saturday.
William Paukonin drove
Weeping Water Tuesday.
Omar Conn was a passenger
Omaha Wednesday morning.
Mr. Mayllehl, the Louisville,
editor, was in town Wednesday.
Tom Keekler has been out on
the farm busy working this week.
Mrs. Charles Colo visited in
town with the Long families lust,
Mr. Yates, the I.ineoln lumber
man, came down on the 8:15 t rain
Wednesday morning to see about
building n house fur Mr. Capron
to live in.
Alex Miller ami family went 4o
Weeping Water one day last
Week. '
.Indue Miller and I'.li Keekler
went 'o Auburn and goal a load
of pears Monday.
Mrs. J. A. Keeily has been visit
ing with her daughter, l'.lsie, in
Omaha this week.
(iraudnia Coon has been siill'er
ing w il h a bail cold.
William Deniiel, of Lincoln
visited his sister, Mrs. Pheobe
Coon, last week,
Mrs. Charles (ierlaek went to
Omaha Thursday morning and
done some shopping.
Mrs. Aaron Jenkins has been
suffering, will) a very bad cold on
the lungs this week.
The Ladies' Kensington club
met with Miss Maggie O'Leary
Thursday afternoon.
John Fleisrhnian and family
motored to Louisville. Sunday and
spent the day there.
The Ladies' Aid society met
with Mrs. John Fleischman last
Thursday afternoon.
F.d l'ankonin and wife of Weep
ing Water visited with the Schaf
fer families last Suu'lay.
Autumn Special Rates!
Low One Way Rates to the Pacific Coast
Sperinl colonist ratei September 25 to October 10, $,'10 to California, Ore
gon, Washington, British Columbia; $25 to Utah, Central Montana, Eas
tern Idaho. Secure hcrths early. Tickets good in chair cars or through
tourist Bleepcra to Salt Lake, Los Angele9, San Francisco, via Scenic Col
orado, and to Spokane, Portland, Seattle, over the Great Northern and
Northern Pacific railroads.
Round Trip, Pacific Coast
The $r0 coast rato is in effect daily until September :10th, with special $5.1
round trip rate October 12, 14 and 15 to Portland and Seattle.
Summer Tourist
September is the Inst month for these rates to Atlantic Seaboard, Eastern
resorts, Colorado, the lilack Hills, or other summer localities. Yellowstone
Park rates expire September 12th.
DRY FARMING CONGRESS-At Lethbridge, Alberta, October 21-25. Spe
cial rates available.
Wr Special free publications cover any journey you desire to make. Describe it
to your nearest Rurlington Agent, let him furnish you printed matter, or, obtain
the same from the undersigned.
R. W. CLEMENT, Agent.
W. L. WAKELY, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.
lite 1
Howard Johnson "and'' family
visited in the country Sunday will)
lluuh O'Hrian and ' wife. '
Mrs. Holism) and Mrs. Fisher
of Weeping ..Water' visited with
Mrs. (ieorge fleekard Wednesday,
Mrs. Laura ltuckleiiian. for
merly Laura Rockwell, is visiting
her cousin', Mrs.' Howard Johnson.
The baby of Mr. and Mrs. Oeo.
Hei'kard has been sick with ulcers
in I lie moutii tor i fit! last two
Walter Mockcnliaupt went to
Omaha Wednesday morning to
see his wife, who is improving
very slowly.
Virgil Miller is attending the
academy at Weeping Water, driv
ing down in the morning and back
home at night.
Mrs. Kleathch of Weeping Wa
ter spent Thursday afternoon
with Mrs. Tom Keekler.
Mrs. Tom Kecklar.
Mrs. Tom Keekler went to
Council Muffs Saturday morning
and will visit until Monday with
her brothers and sisters.
Ilev. Lambert was called back
from conference to preach the
funeral sermon of Mrs. Fitzpat-
rick, who died Tuesday evening at
Weeping Water.
There was a wreck with the
sand train Sunday forenoon be
tween Manley and Louisville, and
Mr. Heckard and men were called
out to help clear up.
)r. William Carlyle. of Han
over, Kansas, and F.d Carlyle of
Heat rice. Neb., old-timers of
Manley and vicinity, visited with
old friends Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Capron went to
Lincoln Tuesday evening. Mr.
Capron canie back Wednesday
morning, but Mrs. ('apron will
spend a couple of weeks there.
Miss Daisy Jewell took sick and
left for home Wednesday even
ing and her sister, Miss Stella,
will take her place the remainder
of the week.
The Hoyal Neighbors met Wed
nesday afternoon in the hall, and
after the meeting was over were
invited over to Mrs. Tom Keck
ler's home and served will) a
la inly lunch.
Sunday school Sunday morning
at K) and preaching service at 11
o'clock. Prayer meeting at 7:30
p. in. There was quite a crowd
Sunday evening and hope they will
continue so.
Mrs. Weldon tin 1 children of
Western, Kansas, who have been
,'isiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. I.orm, nnd'-ol her-relatives
lit summer, leit 1 ituiMlay lor
Hurwell, Neb., to' visit with her
brother. Charles Long, before re-
rniiig to her home.
There was a surprise and fare-
wen pnriv given on rariey i'iii-
maii last Thursday evening and
there was a large crowd present
in spile of the rain. A dainty
four-course lunch was served at
II) o'clock and games were played
until 12 o'clock. Farley expects
to leave soon for his new home
in Oklahoma. All present wished
him a safe journey.
Team Runs Away.
The team of Andrew Krecklow,
not willing to stand without be
ing lied, took their flight Saturday
evening while Mr. Krecklow was
in the store doing some trailing.
When Mr. Krecklow discover
ed the team gone he railed on
Jake Miller to help him hunt the
runaways, and they hunted until
past midnight, but rould find no
trace of the team, so came back
to town and started out again
Sunday morning and found the
buggy along the road and I he
team at Frank Slander's farm.
Warga & Cecil, the electricians,
bae just completed the job of
wiring and installing seventeen
Mazda electric lights in the cloth
ing store ot escoll s Nins.
These lights are equipped ' with
the new l'heiie shades, which adds
greatly to the amount of livrht
furnished, and are the latest thing
in electric tlxtnres. The linn of
Wescott's Sons are installing
these lights as part of their plans
of improvement, which they in
tend will place their store among
the llnest in the slate. The lead
ing stores of the country, includ
ing the Hrandeis! store of Omaha,
are installing inese ngnis anu
shades, and Plattsmouth is not
going to he left behind in this
$80,000,000.00 Lost Annually by
Wage Earners.
Dr. Sadler estimates that about
8(), (Kid, (10(1. 00 in wanes is lost
annually to the American people
as a direct result, of colds. Lost
lime means lost wages and doc
toring is expensive. Use Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound
promptly. It will slop the cough
had kidney trouble for years, and
inflamed air passages. For sale,
by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Anloine Deloria, postmaster at
Garden, Mich., knows the exact
facts when he speaks of the
curative value of Foley Kidney
Pills. He says: "From my own
experience I recommend Foley
Kidney Pills as a great remedy for
kidney trouble. My father was
cured of kidnety disease and a
god many of my neighbors were
cured by Foley Kidney Pills." For
sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Pleasant Surprise Party.
The friends' anil neighbors of
Mrs. Frank Ronev gathered at her
home Monday evening and gave
Mrs. Honey a pleasant surprise,
it being her birthday. There were
forty present ami all enjoyed the
evening very much. At 10 o'clock
ice cream and cake were served.
Those present were: Frank Mc-
Nurlin ami family, John
Gregory ami family, F.d Huby
and family. Fail Wiles and wife,
M. C. Walker and wife. Frank
Johnson and wife. Jake Miller and
family, and Mrs. George Heckard
of Mauley. The evening was
spent in social conversation, and
all present wished Mrs. Honey
many more happy birthdays.
Public Mind Demands
Universal Telephone Service
"I have been somewhat costive,
but Doan's Hegulets give just the
results I desire. They act. mildly
and regulate the bowels perfect
ly." Geo. R Krause, Altoona, Pa.
For dyspepsia, our national ail
ment, use Hurdoek Hlootl Hitters
Recommended for strengthening
digestion, purifying the blood. At
all drug stores. 91.00 a bottle.
That is the secret of the remarkable growth of
the Lincoln Telephone Company System, demon
strating the people's appreciation of the tremendous
value of a system that is truly comprehensive and
More than keeping pace with the commercial
growth of the city and state, the long distance lines
of this Company are being steadily extended into
every locality where economic heed requires them
and new lines, new exchanges and new subscribers
are being steadily added to the system, to the end
that the service may be worth more to every subscriber.
Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph Company
J. K. POLLOCK, Local Manager