The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 26, 1912, Image 1

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cin con GRINDS
Quit a Large Amount of Busi
ness Transacted, Including
Many Reports and Claims.
From Tuesday's Dally.
There was only one absentee at
the meeting of the city council j
when President I,ushinsky, in the
absence of Mayor Saltier, called
the meeting to order, Mr. Hichey
of the Third ward being absent
from the city.
After the reading of the min
utes of the previous meeting, a
petition from L. G. Larson, the
contractor in charge of the work
on the new Leonard building, was
read, asking permission to tap the
sewer and make connection with
the building, and the same was
granted, provided a satisfactory
bond was furnished.
A petition was read from H.
Rothman, residing in the Fourth
ward, asking the city to go ahead
and place a permanent walk along
his residence and waiving all
technicalities. The matter was
discussed and it was decided to
refer it to the judiciary com
mittee. There were not a great many
reports of committees. The lln
ance committee reported the fol
lowing claims against the city and
they were ordered paid: Hans
Rothman, street work. $12.50; V.
B. Rishel, street sprinkling and
street work, $38.15; James Rebal,
street work, $30; James Wynn,
same, $31.80; Mike McCool, same,
$21.40; Alvin Jones, same, $21.40;
Ed Snodgrass, same, $34.80; II. G.
McMaken & Son, same, $.).40; Sam
Gouchenour, salary, foreman
Wideawake hose cart, third quar
ter, $0.25; C. M.. Manners, salary,
chief lire department, S0.25; 1. 1!
Kinnanion, salary, foreman Ret
hose cart, third quarter, $(5.25;
Ray Sawyer, salary, secretary I'm
department, third quarter, $(5.25;
Will Mason, salary, foreman
White hose cart, third quarter,
$0.25; A. F. Hraun, salary, fore
man hook and ladder, third quar
ter, $0.25; Hugh 1. Stanley,
salary, foreman West Main street
cart, third quarter, $0.25; I. N
Cummins, burying two dogs, $1;
Hans Rolhman, work at cemetery,
$0; J. R. Jones, installing lavitory
and material, $15.50; Rasmus
Peterson, work, material at city
hall, $27.50; L. (i. Larson, work at
city hall, $50.70; Cass county,
judgments against city, $4(5.00;
William Hassler. repairing city
. tools, $11.70.
The claims committee reported
favorably upon the following
claims against the city: (i. Knapp,
repairing streel sprinkler, $1.20;
11. C. McMaken & Son, crossings
and sand. $101.89: Warga &
Cecil, one lamp at hose house, 2
cents; John Hauer, hardware, elc,
$1.25; John Hauer, twine to park
board, 20 cents.
The bids for the new paving on
Pearl slreet were opened and reai
and were referred to the st reels
alleys and bridges committee, in
order to consult with the property
owners in regard to whether I hey
wanted brick or concrete pave
men! before the contract was let
The bidders were (i. I. McMaken
and the Mid-West Engineering
The contract for grading at
Mrs. Dora Moore's residence for
permanent walks was awarded to
Tom Fry for 28 cents per square
yard, the contractor to furnish a
bond for $25.
The reports of the fire and wa
ter committee and police com
mit lee were found correct am
placed on (lie.
The ordinance defining the
boundaries of Lincoln avenue was
read for the second time and lai
over until the next meeting of tin
On the call of I he council for
slreet work there was a great dea
ordered done, as the recent heavy
rains had washed a great many
holes in the streets that made
I hem almost, impassible for (cams.
In the First ward (he slreet near
M. Mau.ey's residence was order
ed graded, as (here are several
ditches cut in there. North Fourth
street, from Elm to Day, was
ordered worked, as the residents
there cannot hardly get in and out
with a learn. Work was also
ordered done near the residence
of Dr. T. P. Livingston on Sixth
street. In regard lo the matter of
grading near the Perkins house in
order I hat the walk may be re
laid, the work was ordered done.
The residents on North Fifth
slreet have made complaint in re
gard to the water company keep
ing I he street in a closed condi
tion unnecessarily long, and the
city clerk, was ordered to notify
the company to finish their work
and also remove the dirt that had
accumulated on the sidewalks.
The Second ward also had quite
good deal of work needed on
their streets. Councilman Kurtz
informed the council that the rain
had washed out a filled place just
this, side of the school house,
about thirty feet deep, and unless
there was some steps taken-to fix
Ibis the city would be liable for
laniages. The council ordered
the street commissioner to build
a railing around (he place until it
could be filled. Work with (he
drag was also ordered on
"iffeenth slpeet, near Elm, and
die bridge repaired on Tenth
street leading to the High school.
The mailer of a permanent walk
on Ninth slreet was discussed and
the street commissioner ordered
to notify the property owners to
get busy.
The Third ward had block
crossings ordered on Hock street
at Ninth slreet; Lincoln avenue at
I he foot of Wintersl'een Hill and
at Lincoln avenue and Sixth
tree!. Councilman llollstrom
reported that the rains had wash
ed down (he center of Rock streel
from Seventh to Ninth streets,
and had closed up the waterways
on each side of the street, and the
commissioner was ordered to
grade the road up in shape.
The crossing on High School
Hill, near the residence of E II.
Wescolt, was reported to be much
lower than the street and was al-
ays covered with mud and dirt,
and the commissioner was in
structed to have thes I reel graded
lown. Mr. llollstrom asked that
the .street commissioner be in
truded lo use the street grader
on all streets that the commit lee
thought ought to be graded and
I he same was carried.
The Fourth ward asked I hat
tone grading be done at Fourth
street, between Rock and Gold, for
a permanent, walk, and that the
rader be used on Wintersteen
Hill, east and west from the
school house, as the roads there
are in bad shape.
In the Fifth ward, on Patterson
avenue, leading lo Lincoln avenue,
some tiling was ordered placed.
Councilman Shea asked that the
city clerk notify McMaken & Son
lo hurry the work of placing the
permanent walks that- had been
ordered and the same carried.
Councilman Yondran asked
that some engineer be sent out to
I tie riltli ward lo survey some
lots that they might construct
some walks, and the motion was
Councilman Patterson moved
that the council adjourn to meet
as a board of equalization.-
President Lnshinsky called the
council to order as a board of
equalization, ami after the read
ing of the notice, adjournment
was taken until Wednesday, Octo
ber !, as the hour was growing
late ami Die business of the board
would lake up several hours.
Dies in Idaho.
Albeit Totten, a former resi
dent of this city, died yesterday at
Rallidrum, Idaho, was the in
formation eonveyed lo this city
today. Mr. Totten removed from
here some twelve or fifteen years
ago. He was a 'member of the
Masonic lodge.
To Run Special Train.
The Hurliuglon railroad will
run n special train lo Omaha on
the evening of October 2, to give
the people an opportunity lo at
tend I he Ak-Sar-Hen electric
parade. Tin." train will leave here
at 7 o'clock, and returning will
leave Omaha at 1 1 o'clock.
For Assessor.
L. A. Tyson, republican can
didate for county assessor. Re
sided in Cass county 4(1 years.
County clerk of Cass county 4
years. Your votes solicited.
Miss Alice Dovey One of Featur
Ing Stars in the Opening
Theatrical Season.
From Tuesday-!! ially.
A recent issue of the Sunday
New York Times contained a
handsome portrait of Miss ALce
Dovey of this city. This issue had
a Hue illustrated supplement of
the opening of the theatrical sea
son in the metropolis, featuring
the stars of the opening perform
ances, Miss Dovey being included,
together wilh Miss Hazel Dawn,
her co-sar in "The Pink Lady,"
the musical play in which Miss
Dovey has scored her greatest
"The Pink Lady has just re
turned from London, where it re
peated its triumph of New York,
and where Miss Dovey added
laurels to her fame. Plaltsmoiith
will recollect that Miss Dovey
completed her musical studies in
London and had many friends
there who extended her a cordial
greeting. The London press, in
praising "The Pink Lady," cx
lended Miss Dovey high credit,
ranking her work as of I he high
est, order and as tuny equal to
that of Miss Dawn.
The likeness of Miss Dovey in
the New York Times is an excel
lent one, and her many Plaits
mouth admirers would have no
trouble in recognizing her without
the aid of the key which accom
panied the page of celebrities.
"The I'.nk Lady" will run some
lime in New York, there being no
indication of a let-up in its
popularity, and it is improbable
outside cities will have a chance
to see Miss Dovey this winter.
From Tuesdny'n Dally.
The Hurliuglon crop report for
the Nebraska district, issued Sat
urday, says there is now a prom
ise ot 70 per cent of a full corn
crop on the Lincoln division; IK)
per cent on the Omaha division;
80 per cent on the Wymore di
vision and 00 per cent on the Mr
Cook division. On a portion of
the McCook division it is slated
that I he dry weather of the latter
part of August seriously damaged
corn. West of Oxford to the end
of Hip corn growing belt the yield
is very good in many localities.
Thus far there has been no kill
ing frosts reported over the dis
Iricl and corn is getting the bene
fit of a long season. Local grain
men say that from 40 to 50 per
cent of the corn is now out of
danger. From 50 to GO per cent
is regarded as late. It is predict
ed I bat the bulk of the crop will
be all right if a killing freeze does
not come before October 1. The
report slates that the soil every
where is in the most, satisfactory
condition, there being plenty of
lain iver nearly the entire
The apple crop is reported to
be, large and' potatoes are listed
as an average crop. The favor
able weather in the last two weeks
has greatly improved the pastures
and meadows.
Holds District Court.
From Tuesday's Dally.
District court was held this
morning, with Judge Kennedy of
Omaha presiding, in place of
Judge Travis, who is at Papillion
holding court. The case on trial
w as I hat of Mrs. A. N. Sullivan
against Ihe judgment of Charles
lleckwilh against Hie C. S. John
son eslale for attorney's fees. A
N. Sullivan, Ihe husband of Ihe
plaintiff, was Ihe attorney f,,r
Charles H. Iteckwith, who had a
claim against Ihe Johnson eslale,
and died a few years ago, and
the claim is made that he never
received his fees in the case,
Former Resident Dies in Omaha.
From Tueday's Pally.
Mrs. R. H. Carlisle, who for
many years was a resident of this
city, passed away.yeslerday at her
home in Omaha. Mrs. Carlisle
had been in poor health for
several years, and her death was
not unexpected. She leaves sur
viving her husband, three daugh
ters and one adopted son. The
interment was made this after
noon in Omaha. She was a sister
of Mrs. Zurie Vosburg of this city,
and an aunt of Dr. Elster, former
ly of this city.
Two Former Plattsmouth Citizens
Recognized as Live Wires In
That Hustling City.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Denver, Colorado, is making
preparations for a revival of
their famous fall festival "The
Festival of Mountain and Plain"
which for years was a standard
attraction of that city. Promin
ent among the promoters of the
revival are two former Plaits
mouth residents Messrs. George
W. and John F. Vallery. These
two gentlemen are directors of
the big show, which is something
unusual, as two brothers are sel
dom chosen on a board of this
nature. The Messrs. Vallery are
recognized live wires of Denver,
and when the project to review
the famous fall festival was first
broached their names were in
stantly suggested as the right
men to boost the project.
Everyone knows that George W.
Nailery president of the Colo
nolo .AiA.and railway and one of
the leading railroad men of the
west. His rise in the railroad
world has been steady and the re
sult of untiring energy. He is
considered an expert, in many
operating mailers and il is prob
able he will eventually head one
of Hie many Ititr systems of Hi
country, lie has made I he Mid
land a leader in mountain trallb
and shown great skill in increas
ing Hie net earnings of that line,
w 'i m Ii is I he one essential in mod
ern railroading.
John F. Vallery is general agent
fif the Ilurlinglon at Denver, suc
ceeding his brother in that posi
tion. He has developed the same
rare ability whirii characterizes
George , and is in line for a
much better position at any time.
Denver business men recognize
these former Plaltsiuoulh men as
business builders, anil as such,
the right men to head great enter
prises. Their brilliant success is
in no way a surprise lo Plalts
iuoulh people who know them and
their worth. Their success is a
mailer of pride here, where they
received their early training.
From Wednesday's Dully.
A special from Sheridan,
Wyoming, under dale of Septem
ber 21, says: G. W. Holdrege of
Omaha, western general manager
of the Chicago, Hurliuglon &
Ouincy railroad, is snow-bound in
a cabin. on Dome, near Ihe sum
mil, of the Hig Horn mountains,
forty miles from Sheridan, and is
unable to get out, according to in
formal ion here. The snow on the
mountains is four feel deep and
it has been snowing all day.
Mr. Holdrege has been in the
cabin for a week and railroad
men say thai there is no telling
when he will lie able to get out.
He owns a summer cabin on the
banks of the lake. He went there
for a fishing trip and was caught
in Ihe early snow slorm. The
cabin is well supplied with pro
visions. Lost.
A pair of gold frame glasses
between Ihe hofne of Lloyd (iapen
and Mrs. Young's in Murray.
Finder please leave same with
Lloyd Gapen.
Miss Edith Atwood of This City
and Henry Thierolf of Star,
Joined in Wedlock. '
From Tuesday's Dally. v
The many friends of Miss Edith
Atwood in this city were greatly
surprised this morning to learn
of her marriage yesterday after
noon in Omaha to Mr. Henry
Thierolf of Star, Neb. The happy
couple certainly stole a march on
their friends here, as not even the
most intimate friends and rela
tives had been informed of the
dale for the ceremony. The couple
were passengers yesterday after
noon for Omaha, and they at once
secured a license and were united
in the holy bonds of wedlock. Af
ter the ceremony the newlyweds
were taken for an aulo trip over
Omaha by Mr. and Mrs. T. E.
Parinele and were then driven to
this city.
Miss Atwood has been a resi
dent of this city for a number of
years and has made hosts of
friends here by her charming
manner, and Hiey unite in wish
ing her all the happiness in the
world. The groom is a former
resident of this county and is now
a prosperous farmer, residing
near Star, on a large ranch, where
I he happy couple will make their
future home. The Journal ex
tends congratulations and best
wishes to the newly wedded pair.
Facts Can Be So Stated That They
Will Constitute a Com
pelling Argument.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Advertising a city is like ad
vert iing a store or any sort of
business enterprise, says the
Ileal rice (Neb. Express. Pub
licity is not necessarily what one
means by the term advertising in
its nest sense. To put Ihe name
of a store in big black letters on
a billboard or in a newspaper is
publicity, but not advertising. No
d' libl it has a lillle advertising
value, but il is so light as not to
be worth counting, when the cost
is considered, in comparison with
real advertising.
All real advertising contains an
argument. Usually it is not pre
sented in an argumentative form,
although Ibis is sometimes useful.
Facts can be so slated that they
constitute a compelling argument.
Cleverness in Ibis is what puts
qualily into the work of an ad
vertiser. Real advertising is news. When
advertising possesses Hie proper
news qualily people will read it,
even when they are not in a posi
tion lo test the offers made in the
advertising. We know of a
lightning rod man who writes ad
vert ising that everybody in his
community reads. People who
need lightning rods are influenced
by reading the advertising I hem
selves and by the comments the
advertising elicits from those who
have nothing lo put lightning rods
on but who are convinced that if
they had they would palroni.e
Ibis advertiser without delay.
A newspaper can give a com
mercial club publicity by main
strength, but it can only give real
advertising to a commercial club
and Ihe (own il represents when
it has something tangible to pre
sent lo its readers.
One great difficulty in coninier
iral club work is the tendency to
I urn Ihe whole work of Ihe club
oer lo a board or coniinitee at
the annual nieeling, after which
everybody else in the city allows
the burden of responsibility to
slip from bis shoulders. The
hoard or committee is usually
pretty active for a time, but
frequently comes to the con
clusion soon that the people of
the city are lacking in interest anil
have no proper appreciation of
t he work being done, which is con
sidered reason enough for not do
ing anything.
If nobody remembers when the
time for the next annual meeting
conies the peopki of the city are
out of touch. If they go to the
annual meeting, which, naturally,
they frequently do not, they are.
not likely to lake much interest
in the proceedings. Unless the
retiring members of the board or
committee rebel they are all re
elected in a bunch and everything
moves along in the old rut. No
new responsibilities are created,
no new enthusiasms are engend
ered. Newspapers very much re
gret such conditions because un
der them they can be of little ad
vertising use to those city in
terests that ought to be in the
especial care of the commercial
A system of work that is found
lo lead in a wrong direction
should be studied with a view to
so modifying the system that
there will be greater continuity of
elTort, something tangible for
everybody to take part in, many
small accomplishments for the
newspapers to use. The big things
are less likely to be overlooked if
all of the little ones are taken
care of wilh energy and thorough
From TiieHday'a Dnlly.
The painters are finishing Ihe
work on the handsome bungalow
of Mrs. James Allison in Ihe Sec
ond ward, and it is one of the most
tasteful homes in Ihe city. The
exterior of Ihe bungalow is paint
ed a brown shade and I rimmed
wilh while, making a very artistic
coinbiiiafioii. "The inferior of flnr
bouse is finished in I be most mod
ern manner. I lie wooqwori. is oi
natural oak, which blends very
nicely willi Ihe yellow lints of Ihe
walls. The entrance ball opens
into the living room, between
which ami Hie dining room there
is a partition of handsome oak,
i xlcndiug up about four feel, and
which has two ornamental dosels
in them. The dining room is
equipped with most modern china
closets buill into Ibe walls. From
the dining room you can enter di
rect into the kitchen, or by going
through a small hall reach either
of Ihe two bedrooms or enter Ihe
hath i m, which is finished in
the most modern manner ami with
r.ll the latest in bath fixtures.
Mrs. Allison will have a home
of which she may truly be proud
when it is completed. The car
penter work was done by Iner , &
llitt, while the painting is being
handled by M. M. Heal, and is
certainly a satisfactory job in
every respect. The bouse con
tains seven rooms five down
stairs and two above.
From Wednesday's Dully.
John McNurlin. who was spend
ing a few days last week at Ihe
farm home of Will Seyberl, came
in last Saturday. In conversation
with him in regard to Ibe crop
prospect Ibis year, and especially
the corn crop, we asked him what
he thought il would make per
acre. In reply be asked if we
wauled the opinion of Ihe govern
ment expert or the farmer who
hail raised the corn for Ihe past
forty years. According to the
former gentleman's report it
might average about 200 bushels
per acre, but according to Ihe
farmer's estimate, it would bo
about 50, or a trifle less. He says
the average expert is good in
figures, but the average yield of
the farmers' crops very seldom
reach their figures. Hut I bey are
satisfied to keep on raising the
corn and let the other fellow do
the figuring, but do not like
have them make it loo large.
When ordering Hour ask your
grocer lo send you a sack of
Forest Rose Flour the best flour
in the market.