The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 23, 1912, Image 5

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ver lniven tit -FALL millinery!
i nn F-i n
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MM - -- " lJ L J I J Will 11 Mi J llll I
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n 1 i i
low going on at M. Fanger's De
had this season to buy new Fall and Winter
nd careful buyers of Plattsmouth and vicinity, in fact all Cass
efore making their numerous Fall selections of wearing apparel
;ks until all our patrons have an opportunity to visit the store and
preparing for this first Fall Sale, have been receiving new Fall
ieve that we will be able to show a line of goods in every depart
ed we are in a position to even challenge them to produce such
ries of sale events, and as all former occasions have proven so sue
e than anxiously waiting the announcement of our Fall Sale at
ime for the Fanger Department Store than it ever had before fo
lty. Greater Values is all that can do this and we believe that
amine the goods and we will guarantee their value and the price
Style is Known to Every Well Informed Woman J
In Our Misses' and Jun
iors' Section
Special section, with hats for girls in ages 8 to 16 years
the new plushes and cordury effects, the silk Tyro
leans, etc., at
$1.50 and $3.98
Large Line of Stunning Fancy
Scores and scores of strictly new and fashionable fancy
feathers, many hand made and and at a very low price.
Ladies' and hisses' Dresses!
lie Serge Dresses, in both Ladies' and Misses' sizes, worth and regu-
, larly sells for $8.50, that we are offering in this sale at
rge Dresses in the very latest styles, neatly made and are the very best grades and
regular sellers at $14.50, which will go at price ranging from C Q Ok .C
$6.95, $7.95 and
autiful silk dresses, worth up to $15.00, which will go during this CZGk OK
sale for
rl's and Juniors' Fall Dresses, made from high-grade materials, and
are bargains at
le from high-grade materials, and 0 EZd
.65c, 95c, $1.48, $1.95 Up to SO.OtJ
Ladies' Waists!
dies' new Fall Styles in Waists, that we are sell- JIJ 73ailCi83C
A fine line of silk taffeta waists, that are worth from $6.00 up, that we have placed
this sale at prices as follows:
$1 .97, $3.95 and $4.95
Corsets! Corsets!!
In this line we have placed many bargains, and making a general reduction in all
leading brands, as follows:
45c, 79c, 98c, $1 .38 and $2.65
j Ladies' Shopping Bags, Children's Bags, Bar Pins, Belt Pins, Side Combs, Back
is, Hair Rolls and Fancy Hat Pins and a good many other things that we cannot
ition in this space all these will be sold at a very low price during this Fall Sale-
'sjpi- Manager.
Ladies' Cloak and Suit
In this department we are showing one of
the greatest variety of Ladies' and Misses' Tail
ored Garments evor shown in this city, and we
believe we are selling them right:
We are offering ladies' $12.50 long coats, hand
somely tailored, in all the new 07 7 C
styles for u 1 1 1 J
$14.00 Black Novelty Cloth and Car- PQ QC
aculs UuiJJ
$18.00 Novelty and Fancy Coats, go- fQ QC
ing at OJiOO
$24.00 Novelty Cloth. Silk Plush, and fine im
ported black broadcloth, Skinner CM QC, '
satin lining 01 Hi 00 j
$29.00 Novelty and Plush Coats, Jg 7 jj
1. mlics' Cravenelle Coats, worth fr
x'.UH). Sale price UTilD
Children's and Misses' Coals, j nr
worth $3.00, Sale price IIUJ
Ladies' Fur Scarfs. Sale n nn
price ' ZldO
Ladies' Kimonas, well worth OQn
' :'.0il, Sale price U jQu
Silk Tall'eta Ribbon, worth 15e in
and L'Oc per yard. Sale price. . Uu
Ha by ear Skin Coals, worth $, n ftp
Sale price ZlZU
Hrass Itutlons, Cards of 1 and
dozen. Sale price' lull
I'ooks and F.ves, per n
doen UU
Women's Lisle IIo.e, in fa .-I n
Macks ami Ian vU
Hair Nets, with elastic, worth r
l(c, Sale price UU
Ladies' Messaline Silk Waists, 1 jq
worth (, Sale price T"l I d
Ladies' Messaline Silk Waists, ft "7ft
worth Si.on, Sale price Zl I J
Ladies' Fascinators, well knit
from liiiih quality am. worth Kn
or.c, for HOb
Suit Cases and Trunks
We have a large line of Suit Cases and
Trunk? thatlhave been bought right and will be
riirht. for nuirk- rhIp
t $1.50 Suit Cases will uo
1 at 98c
l.00 Suit Cases will go
at $3.95
M.OO Suit Cases will go
at $4.75
We are offering a fine line of Trunks from
$2.75 up.
Men's Sweater Coats
75c Men's Sweater Coats, in
plain and colors 48c
$1.25 Men's part wool Sweaters,
in grays and browns 69c
SI. 5(1 regular sellers, in part
wool, at 95C
:t.O0 Men's high grade Sweaters,
pure wool, with and without
collars $1.90
Comforts and Blankets!
Wool Blankets at
$1.85, $3.45, $3.95 and $4.95
Cotton Blankets 69c
Full Size Comforters
98c, $1.39, $1.89, $2.95
Up to $5.00
V.r: j !
m&l 1
if li
Fall Sale
Men's and
t A m
Wooltex Suits
W'ooltex Suits that are well
worth the selling price of
SWUM, that will he sold dur- CQ RR
ing this sale for OIUlJU
Ladies' and Misses' Suits, made
to sell up to .no, nil the
late styles nnd new weaves of
cloth, that we nre offering in
this sale for
Ladies' Hand Bags
We have just received a large
invoice of Ladies' Hand Bafs,
in leal tier, plush leather lined,
well worth 1.25 up I" S-'TiO,
that we have placed in tin's
sale for
All Kinds of Men's Shirts
(5c Men s Press Shirts, in pretty Cn
light colors, at tOC
s.5ii Men's Fine Kress Shirts.
er a I madras clolh and QRp
e Villi llnn, llialie WWW
St 1. 50 Men's Flannel Shirts.
nicely made, with full sleeves, QQp :il WWW
I'ins, paper 1c
Safely pins, per paper 3c
Hairpins 1
Needles, per paper 3o
Ladies' ltlack Hose, worth 1 5c,
Sale price,
Ladies' 50c Hells,
Children's two-piece Under
wear, ;t5(! and 25c values,
Sale price,
1 9c
Coales' and Chirks' thread, six
Ladies' Waists, great variety,
in new styles and Colors,
worth 75c to $1.00,
Sale price,
The large size. Ladies' Hand
Hags, velvet embroidered,
Sale price,
Children's Union Suits, flleeco
lined and ribbed, Sale price,
Ladies' Outing Flannel Night
(!own, made full, at
Ladies' Heal lierhloom Petti.
coats, worth $1.25,
Sale price,
Ladies' Kimonas, late patterns,
in colors and plain goods,
worth sjil.50, Sale price,
Men's Underwear
Ladies' House Presses, apron
combined, in colors and many
and 1 .75, Sale price,
Sale price,
SI .50 fleeced lined underwear
sj.oo wind underwear
Fleeced and heavy rihed two.
piece underwear, each
Hoys' tleeced union suits
. 45c
Ladies' Flannel Shirt Waists,
Just the garment for mid
weather, worth Ml. 75,
Sale price,
Sale Women's and Chil
dren's Shoes
Ladies' ltlack Taffeta Silk Pet
ticoats, worth i ,50,
Sale price,
A large line of flue Cotton for
Here here ia the smartest, finest, most at-ft comforts will he sold during
tractive Fall footwear made for women and! Ibis sale at a very low price.
children, for these are Genuine Sample Shoes '
made entirely by hand only the heart of theft Woolen Press (ioods, in all the
hide being used. Made to sell at $5.50, $1,001 I'luln ai"' '' i
and $1.50 a pair, on sale f.4 EZOil pauerns. ij
$i.ttr.S. .??.??: 30c,40c,55c,and65ci n
Coales' Spool Cotton Thread,
during I his Sale, per spool. . , .
Ladies' Hlack Hose, well worth
and ready sellers al 10c per
pair, Sale price
liT Buy early and thereby se
cure your choice of bargains.
Ladies' Silk Sc.arfs,
48c, 73c and 95c
Ladies' Handkerchiefs, whili
2c, 3c, 8c and 19c
Ladies' Cloves, Suedes, Chamois
and Coir,
20c, 35c and 48c ;
3 CT.-.T-? CI