The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 23, 1912, Image 2

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Attends House Party at Omaha.
The Plattsmouth Boosters Win
From the Shamrocks by
Score of 5 to 3.
Tin.' Shamrocks have come and
gone and I In? Monsters haw. the
honor nf having won victory from
what seemed certain defeat. The
Shamrocks started in I ho llrst in
ning lo score. They maile a safe
hit to center field ami the next
man up hit one out to llasson in
the right, garden, who hecame ex
cited ami allowed I he hall to go
through his hands ami it hecame
lost in the. weeds. The Shamrock
boy kept right on running and se
cured a home run, giving I hem
two scores in this half, as Yost
and Fletcher hoh made outs.
Plattsinoulh was unahle lo con
nect with any god results and Ihey
retired in one, two, three .order.
The second innings also proved
lucky for Hie Shamrocks. The
first man up struck the air
violently Ihree limes and set
down, when ieorge Kennedy, the
veteran hall player, came lo hat
and placed one over I he left Held
fence for a home run. This ended
the Shamrocks' scoring and dur
ing the rest of the game Noah had
them ealing out of his hand, hav
ing them completely at his mercy
throughout the remaining in
nings. The boosters started the fire
works in the seventh inning, when,
with two out, Id Long hit safe, lo
right Held, llasson followed this
with another safe bingle, advanc
ing Long, and then Louie Smith
came forward with his little hat
and proceeded to nail one out to
left Held, scoring Long and llas
son and creating the wildest en
thusiasm among the fans present.
The Monsters, in the eighth. he
Kan to go after Hie game. .Mann
hit safe; Arries was out on a fly
to Kennedy; McCauley hit to May
Tleld at short, who was not nhle
to handle if and Mac was safe at
first, and Mann and McCauley
hold scored on llerold's drive to
right Held, llerold scored on ("!.
Smith's sacrifice, Smith heing
thrown out at llrsl, I,ong; was out
(7i1 Vfly lo center field.
The surprises of I he game was
the great wink of the recruits
with the stick at critical stages of
the game, Long ami Ifasson start
ing the hatting rally that won (In
game. The team has got a splen
did I li i t'd baseman in Arries and
you want to keep your eve on him
in the I'ul lire. Noah, who pitched
for the Boosters, was on the joh
all the time ami had the game un
der control all the lime, it was
unfortunate that liallance could
lint 1m' secured lo umpire the
game, as he has splendid judg.
i ii 1 1 1 and gives satisfaction to
everyone. 'The umpire yesterday
was in pooi' voice and depended
too much on the grandstand for
his decisions.
It is the intent inn to secure the
soldiers from Hie rille range for a
Kame next Sunday, and Ihey will
put up some game, too. The
game closed with a victory for Ihe
Monsters by a score to !" In .1.
The score by innings was as
follows :
Shamrocks ....2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 :t
llooslers 0 0 0 0 0 0 L 3 5
j Mi.-s Ida M. Johnson spent'
;Sr.i.ilay in Omaha, where she at-j
j tended a house parly at the home
of Miss l.illie Samuelson. A luve j
ly luncheon was prepared at the!
i home of Miss Mabel Miehelsen, j
jat which her sister. Miss Svea,
'was honor guest. Different and j
splendid amusements had been !
l m m
i planned for the aflenioun, which1 the democrats ot ttns city licM
displaved the talent and charm of !a nn-etin
Misses Miehelsen and Samuelson.
The entertainment given nn the
lawn in the early part of the even
ing was much praised and ap
preciated by all the guests, and at
which Miss Jennie Miehelsen
prnved herself a favorite by her
splendid acting and which speaks
well for her future success. Miss
Johnson returned on the late
train, accompanied by Miss Freda
Wallongren, who was also a
member of the house parly.
'Ihe committee from Hie Com
mercial club interviewed County
Commissioner Martin i'riedrich
this morning in regard to fixing
the road In the rille range, north
of this city, and the commissioner
notified the road overseer lo begin
work at, once on repairing the
road. The city is just linishing
the grading of the road from the
Masonic Home to the old lleeson
place north of the city. This is a
piece of road thai, has been in
dispute between the county and
the city, and now that the work is
done, it makes that piece of road
in very good shape. The roads
through this city will probably be
I raveled uile extensively during
the Ak-Sar-Men festivities and
Ihey ought, to be placed in good
condil ion.
Old-Fashioned Dance.
The Missouri Tribe of lied Men
have decided to give another of
their old-fashioned dances on
Wednesday evening, September
LT), a I heir hall. These dances
have proved lo be very enjoyable
affairs and always draw a fine
crowd, so be sure and attend.
at. the council chamber
Saturday evening and perfected
the organization of a Wilson and
Marshall club. The meeting was
organized by electing I). (). Dwyer
president, J. M. Roberts, treas
urer, and Frank Smith, secretary.
There was a great deal of en
thusiasm shown by the members
present, and plans were made to
enlarge the membership of the
club by (he appointment of a
rustling committee, and before
another week the club will prob
ably number several hundred. every voter who believes in
Ihe principles of justice and
eipiality, fur which the democratic
candidates stand, enlist in Ihe
battle and become a member of
this organization. The prospects
for a victory for Ihe democracy
will be brightened by Ihe or
ganization of these clubs, and the
work the individual members can
do to help the cause along is im
measurable. Another meeting will
be held Thursday evening at, 8
o'clock at the council chamber
and all friends of the Wilson and
Marshall ticket are urged to attend.
A Serious Time for Gus.
It will be remembered that
more than two months ago tins
I'ein cut or scratched Ihe index
linger of his left hand with a rusty
nail. The linger became very
sore and the pain extended to the
arm, making it quite serious for
Mr. I'ein, until it became neces
sary lo have Ihe first Joint of the
finger amputated. The finger still
became a source of annoyance to
him up to the present time, and
he has been unable to do any
work. Ous informs us that his
linger is improving nicely and
that he thinks he will be able to
go to work in a few days. We
hope for the best for "ius.
In County Court.
The county court was occupied
this morning in bearing the
claims against the estate of II. C.
McMaken, ami also in the estate
of Ihe late Francis M. Rirhey.
W. K. Fox In Lincoln.
W. K. Fox, county treasurer of
Cass coiinly, came up from l'latls
innulli Tuesday fni- a few days'
visit with relatives and friends,
and paid bis respects In this dis
seminator of brotherhood ami
nianlv decency. We took him out
for an auto ride ami showed him
some ot the iieaulies or tins great,
capilal city. "Kelly" is much
pleased with Lincoln and says it is
no wonder Omaha is boosting for
a new capilol building fnr us,
Lincoln Herald.
Mrs. I M. McVey nf near Union
was in Hie city today looking af
ter business mailers.
For Fall
For Fall
For Fall
Early arrivals in every
line. The man who likes
to be prepared will find
this early showing par
ticularly pleasing. Our
windows are expositions
of the latest things out.
Keep your eye on them.
New Stetsons
$3.50 Up
C. E.
Yescoll's Sons
The Home of Satisfaction
Has Leg Injured.
(Ieorge Verhule, who is em
ployed in Ihe boiler department of
the local shops, bad Hie misfor
tune Ibis morning to drop a large
llfty-pound piece of sleel on his
left leg, bruising it so badly that
it was necessary for him lo seek
a doctor, (ieorge. will be nil' the
jnb for a few days.
Tin- Rev. Allen (i. Wilson, the
new rector of St. Luke's, delivered
his first sermon to bis new parish
yesterday and a large attendance
of Ihe members were present to
welcome him to this city. The
Rev. Mr. Wilson expressed his
pleasure and delight at the beauty
of the city ami was glad that be
bad been chosen to make bis resi
dence here and fell the task would
be one hard lo fulfill, taking the
place so long occupied by the-lale
Canon Murgess. The Rev. Mr.
Wilson also touched on Ihe rela
tions of the F.piscnpal church as
lo nlher churches. The Rev. Wil
son is an excellent, speaker and
the parish is delighted to have se
cured him as rector. The choir
of the church rendered several
line musical selections.
Cedar Creok Wins.
The Sunny Side base ball team
came to Cedar Creek Sunday and
crossed bats with Ihe second team
of that place. When Ihe smoke
of battle rolled away the Sunny
Side boys discovered Ihey bad
been up against a fast learn, be
ing defeated by a score of 7 lo I.
The batteries for the home team
were Keil and Meisinger, and for
Sunny Side, Shafer and Yolk.
One of Ihe Journal Readers.
Go to Nebraska City.
The boosters for Ihe (lerman
day celebration, consisting of Walders, M. llild, Henry
Kaufman, Louis Lcnier, (Ieorge
Tains, A. Wesch and Adolph
(leise, visited in Nebraska City
yesterday and met, with a most
hearly reception from the (ierinan
! residents of that city and received
the assurrance of a large attend
ance from that place. '
ve Your Horses
in Time!
We Absolutely Guarantee the
Scientific om pound
-P3EW froiiSE
Money Refunded If Not Satisfactory!
2,000 bottles were sold in three days. 104 telegraph orders. The cure
is sure. The demand so great the amount is limited to us. Telephone or
telegraph your order at once.
Plattsmouth, Nebraska. Sole Agents for Cass County.
ii n
Arranging For a Big Delegation
to go From Cass County.
. : r
, .
There is a movement on foot to
send a big delegation of Cass
county democrats to the Wilson
meeting HI Lincoln M'plemiicr :y.
The Journal received a telephone
message from Lou l.aii-horsf of
F.lmwooil this morning, in which
staled that h" could get a large
number to go from Flmwood,
Lagle, Murdock and Alvo, and
wants all Ihe other towns rep
resented in this delegation to be
called I he Wilson and Marshall
Club of Cass comity. The idea is
a g I one and every democart in
Ihe county should help swell Ihe
crowd. It is the intention to go
in aulos and meet on the O street
road, near Kagle, and then all join
in a procession through O street
on arrival at Lincoln. .viurrav,
Fnion, Nehawka, Avoca. Weeping
Water and Wabash democrats
should bestir themselves and see
if they cannot prevail on as many
democrats as possible in their
vicinity to arrange for the oc
casion. See your neighbors, who
own a car, if you have not one
yourself, and prevail upon him to
lake a parly to swell Ihe crowd.
Ow ing to the large amount nf I
advertising matter that is being
carried in I be Journal, il becomes
necessary to crowd out a number
of news items, and Pastor llus
sell's sermon, which will appear in
Thursday's issue of the Journal.
Visits With Grandparents.
Attorney W. C. Hainsey, wife
ami little son, William Cook Hain
sey, came down from Omaha yes- ihe teil variety.
Sustains Internal Injury.
i.asi murstiay wnue i.naries
Swan, jr., was engaged in helping
lo put up hay on one of his farms
northeast of Union he had the
misfortune to fall from a hay
rack, striking the ground with
great force on his head ami
shoulders. The advanced agt
combined with the internal in
juries sustained bv Mr. wan
makes i a very dillieull matter for
mm o recover. .Mr. san is one
id' the pioneer residents of Liberty
preeinct and well known through
out Ihe county, and his recovery
is most heai lily wished for by his
numerous friends.
Team Takes Notion to Go.
Last evening while Mart Kut
tery ami Harney Miller were going
out Washington avenue they dis
covered a team and buggy minus
a driver, going out Ihe avenue.
The gentlemen secured Ihe team
and took it to the livery barn of
M. V.. Manspeaker. The owner,
Fred Kaufman, appeared later in
Ihe evening ami claimed the team.
It seems the animals bad become
untied and promptly started out
on a little trip of their own. '
In Hip Dlslrlet Court In mid for Can
Comity, Nebraska.
Maud Kaspar, i'laintlff,
.lames V. Kaspar, defendant.
To James V. Kaspar, Defendant:
You are hereby notified that on Mav
21 191:!, plaintiff ft I ml her petition in
the. Clerks otllce of said court pray
liiK for a decree of divorce upon the
Krouml of cruelty, desertion- and non
support, and asklnif that she he Riven
the custody of Helen Kaspar and John
Kaspar, minor children of said mar
riage, and for such other and further
relief as equity may require.
You are required to answer paid
petition on or before the 'JKtll dav of
October, A. 1). 181:!, or default will he
entered against you and a decree
pl anted as praved for In said pet II ion.
MAI D KASIWIi. Plaintiff.
K.vwi.s a- i;i)Hi;i:tson,
vhtk k or I'ltoniTi: ok vmi.i..
Ill the Ctiiuily Court of Chuh County,
In the Matter of the Kstate of Nicholas
Ma lines. Deceased.
All persons interested in said estate
will take notice that a petition has
been itled for the prolmle of an Instru
ment In writ Ins; purporting to be tlie
lust will of Nicholas llalmes, deceased,
and for the appointment of the ex
ecutor named therein. A liearlnir will
be l ad on said petition and proofs of
said instrument will be made on the
Mil dav nf October, 1912 at 10 o'clock
a m., in sabl comity Court, In Ihe court
house in the City of l'lattsniouth,
(.Seal I AU.KX .T. KKESON.
County J ml ire.
I , O. DVVYKl:, Attorney.
In Counlj Court.
County of Cass, kh.
In the Matter of the Kstate of Jacob'
llenrlch. Deceased.
To All I'ersons Interested:
You are hereby notified that there
has been filed in this court an In
strument purportiiiK: to he the last will
and testament of the said Jacob Hen
rich, deceased, tORether with the peti
tion of Mary llenrich, widow of said
deceased, allepiiiK- therein that said
Jacob llenrich had departed this life
and praying that said proposed will
be probated and allowed as the last
will and testament of said deceased
and that letters testamentary be Issued.
That a hearing will be had tlicroon -before
tills court at the Court Mouse
in l'lattsniouth. Hi said county, on the
1st day of October, i9-, at two
o'clock p. m. All objections thereto,
if any, must be liled on or before Haiti
dav ami hour of hearing-.
Witness my hand and Ihe seal of tho
County Court of said county this lltli
dav of September, 1H12.
i Seal I AhLKN J. TiKKSON,
County Judge.
Carter Albin
the city today It
ness mailers.
if I'n ion was in
iking after busi-
Mrs. Id Trilsch ami Mrs. John
1'. Trilsch were Omaha passeng
ers on No. ir this morning, where
Ihey looked after business mai
lers for the day.
II. M. ('.line drove up Ibis morn
ing from bis home near I'nion
ami departed for Omaha, where he
visited his wife at the hospital.
He reports Mrs. r.line as being
sli'-'hlly improved.
Wild Ducks Are Ripe.
Kdwin I'ricke, Ouy Recce ami
Henry McMaken were out yester
day along the l'lalle river in pur
suit of Ihe elusive wild duck and
succeeded in baguing twenty of
Flic bovs were
terday and were guests at Ihe
home of (iramlpa ami (iramlma
Ramsey, returning to Omaha on
Ihe evening Missouri Pacific train.
This was little William Cook
Ramsey's llrsl visit with Orandpa
ami Orandma Ramsey and most
certainly was very much enjoyed
by the latter.
tpiile lucky, as Ihey were Ihe only
ones of the numerous hunting
parlies Ihat were out that secured
any game. The hunters were very
much in evidence yesterday, as al
most everyone who possessed a
gun was out on the river bank
Irving to discover the ducks, but
were unsuccessful.
J. W. Vardley, residing south
of this city, was attending to
some business matters in town
today, and called at this otllce for
the purpose of renewing his sub
script ion. lie was accompanied
by Miss Rys. who is teaching
school in that district.
Mr. and Mrs. o. P. Newbrruich
have just returned from their
vacation trip lo Colorado. The
fore pari of their vacation Ihey
spent in the niounl ains. away
from Ihe crowd, and the last few
weeks in lloubler, where Ihey en
joet) avery fine visit.
You young men
and smart dressers
who are looking for the latest
styles in hats, are especially invited
to see our new advance styles of
We have the gingery stuff for young
men. Come in today.
Chamois $3.00
John B. Stetson Co. $3.50 to $5.00
M-j. JJtHl: : ft I,.1,1,1 1. J !"Vj
a it VMii i
Manhattan Shirts Stetson"JIat