The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 16, 1912, Image 3

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True Message Almost Buried
Pastor Russell Says the Gospel of Poli
tics, of Social Uplift, of Wealth, of
Society, of Good Works, of Formal
ism, of Purgatory and Eternal Tor
ment Are All False, All Accursed or
Condemned Man's Duty to the Lord.
Providence, R. I,
Sept. 15. We report
ouo of I'nstor Rus
sell's discourses to
day from the text,
"I mnrvel that ye
nre so soou removed
from II 1 m that
called you into the
Grace of Christ uu
to auother Gospel,
which la not an
other; but there be
some that trouble
you and that would
pervert the Gospel of Christ; ,
let him be accursed."-Galatians 1, C-8.
When we remember that there Is but
the one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism,
presented in the Bible we are astound
ed to find so many faiths, so many
"Gospels," presented by so many de
nominations, all bearing the name of
Christ and all bearing marks of some
relationship to the Truth to the Di
vine Revelation.
St. Taul noted the fact that even in
his day the brethren in Galatla had
"so toon" turned away, in part at least,
from the true Message to another, a
perversion. No wonder, then, if during
fifteen centuries that Gospel was al
most buried under human tradition.
And need we wonder that we make
such slow progress since in getting
back to "the faith once delivered to
the saints," the Truth that Jesus de
clared to be the sanctifying power of
God working in Ills people?
It will not do to say that we have
many denominations, but only one Gos
pel. Denominations were not organ
ized for amusement, but because the
founders of each believed that they
saw a sufBclent reason, a sufficient dif
ference of Gospel, to Justify them In
forming a new sect We are bound to
admire their zeal for the Truth, which
Jed them often through severe persecu
tions and through martyrdom towards
the Light ' ' ' -
All the same each of us owea the
duty to himself, to his brethren, and
above all, to the Lord, to search care
fully for the original Gospel of the
Word of God no matter what it may
cost him to reject the more or lew false
Gospelg handed down by well-meaning
brethren of the past
The Galatians' New Gospel.
The new Gospel which the Galatians
were disposed to accept was one that
is very prevalent today, and Is as much
to be reprehended today aa when St
Paul wrote. Their new Gospel con
sisted of a mixing of the Jewish Law
with the Grace of God in Christ, as
the Apostle shows. They said. Believe
on the Lord Jesus Christ surely; He
Is the Savior, lie Is the Redeemer; we
must believe on Illm, but that Is not
enough. We must become Jews under
their Law arrangement, and between
the Law and Christ we will obtain sal
vation. Many Christians today are
making the same mistake of adding
something to the Gospel of Christ.
They hunger for some command, and
desire to be under a Law, as a dog
used to wearing a collar and chain feelB
not himself unless thus restrained.
Such dear Christian people, like the
Galatians, do not fully appreciate the
Master's statement, "If the Son shall
make you free, ye shall be free Indeed."
Such feel lost without Divine com
mandsThou shalt. Thou shalt not
etc. and rejoice specially In holy days
and Sabbaths, Church going and formal
prayers, because they do not under
stand that God is better pleased to
have us sous than to have us slaves.
The poet got the thought correctly
when ho wrote,
"We can no lotiRer llo
Like slaves beneath the Throne,
Our souls now 'Abba, Father,' cry,
-- And He the kindred owns."
A measure of 'bondage to forms,
ceremonies and commands is probably
reasonable to expert In Immature
Christians, whom St. Paul styles
"babes In Christ" (I Corinthians ill, 1.)
But growth In grace and knowledge
must bring such more nearly to the
stature of manhood in Christ and to
an appreciation of their relationship to
God as sons, else they will not tnako
their callln" and election sure to the
best things that God has provided.
The Social-Uplift False Gospel.
Prom the most prominent pulpits of
Christendom the Gospel of Christ re
specting the forgiveness of Individual
In, the reconciliation of the Individual
heart, the Individual legettlng of the
Holy Spirit, and the personal walk In
newness of life has been discarded
Inig ago this Message was considered
too personal. Many of the preachers,
having had no such experience them
selves, properly enough were chary of
talking about what they did not un
derstand. But salaries must uo on.
Sermons, therefor, must be prenehM,
and something must be said. The
' Social Gospel has been brought for
ward to fill the ran. The message of
the hour, according to this pseudo
Gospel, is not salntllness, not follow
ing in the footsteps of Jesus, not Bible
study, but athletics, manliness, posi
tion In society, attention to political
duties, attainment of honorable posi
tions In the world, and great names
which will make the Church register
Bhlue and money withal.
Far be It from me to temfe Inatten
tion to the duties and respouslbllities
of life. Nothing in the words of Jesus
or the Apostles admonishes or exempli
fies carelessness in respect to health,
manhood, womanhood, education, good
name and a proper provision of the
things needful to the present life. The
Gospel of Jesus and the Apostles, how
ever, tells us most distinctly impresses
upon all the followers of Jesus that
their consecration as disciples of Jesus
means their death to worldly ambitious
for wealth, praise of men, political
office and the giving of chief concern
to the preservation of their earthly
lives, it exhorts that these are all to
be considered quite secondary to the
new ambitions, the new ideals, set be
fore us in the Gospel.
The followers of Jesus are enjoined
to do good unto all men as they have
opportunity. This would include, of
course, everything akin to social uplift.
Indeed, we cannot imagine that any
one could be a Christian a follower of
the Lamb of God-without having a
deep sympathy with everything apper
taining to the welfare of humanity nud
a social uplift. But the Apostle's ex
pression, "as we have opportunity," Is
a limitation. The mission of the Chris
tlan is not social uplift That Is not
the work to which the Lord Jesus and
Ills followers dedicated their lives at
least not the kind of social uplift gen
erally understood.
A Social-Uplift That Will Succeed.
The whole work of God in connec
tion with human Redemption is to be
an uplifting work for Adam and his en
tire race. The uplift which God has
planned and which He has revealed in
the Bible is to be a most thorough one,
such as humanity has never conceived.
It Is to be an uplift mentally, morally,
and physically back to the Image and
likeness of God lost in Eden, redeem
ed at Calvary. This social uplift of
mankind which God Is Interested In
and of which God is the Center and
Fulcrum, is the line In which all the
followers of Jesus, rightly Instructed,
are more interested than any other
people In the whole world.
However, the followers of Jesus are
soldiers of the cross under Ills Cap
taincy, and they are not at liberty to
follow theories either of their own or
of other men respecting the way In
which the great work of uplifting the
world Is to te accomplished. They
are deeply interested In everything
which men and women can do for the
betterment of humanity In any and
every sense of the word. And, as
they have opportunity, they are glad
to give a word of encouragement and
appreciation, or occasionally a helping
hand. But theirs Is a far more Im
portant work. They are co-laborers
with God not with men.
God'B Plan is first to select the
Church, the Body of Christ to be nis
Jolnt-helM In the glorious Messianic
Kingdom. Then ne will use that
Kingdom for the thorough and com
plete social uplift, which all agree Is
so necessary. The world sees not the
Divine Tlan, and even the Message of
the Grace of God Is foolishness to
them; hence also the world may prob
ably think of Jesus and Ills followers
as chimerical. Their theory, God's
testimony, is foolishness to the world
and those who follow the Divine ar
rangement as St Taul says, are
counted fools all the day long !e
cause they are spending their lives for
the accomplishment of things which
the world cannot see, understand, ap
preciate "the deep things of God." (I
Corinthians II, 10.)
Forms of Godliness.
The Gospel of form and ceremony la
not always hypocrisy. If reverentlul
forms and chants and, printed prayers
always came from the heart and were
never merely forms, there would be
much In them to approve and enjoy.
Still, ceremonies ore no part of the Gos
)el of Christ, and to put them instead
of it Is to make of them false Gospel.
Who will say that either Christ or any
of the Apostles presented a Gospel of
forms and ceremonies?
The human heart is deceitful above
all things, say tho Scriptures. It likes
to delve Into worldllness and frivolity
and sometimes into sin, and then to de
ceive Itself Into believing that it is the
Elect of God and a special subject of
Ills care and sure of henvenly glory
I Many such appear to know nothing
whatever respecting the Gospel or
Christ Theirs Is a Gospel of good
works, donations to hospitals, to social
uplift and Church work and forms and
ceremonies. They feel a burden roll
away when they repent weekly the
phrase, "We have done those things
which we ought not to have done, and
oavo left undone the things which we
)ught to have done, nud there Is no
health In us. Be merciful to us miser
able sinners."
nut any suggestion tnut these are
miserable sinners and need to know
the way of the Iord more perfectly,
and to become Jnstilicd saints If they
would be heirs of God, they would re
lent. The Gospel of formalism tins dime
great Injury to such people, many of
whom, rightly Informed respecting the
Gospel of Christ, might be greatly
blessed, sniietllled. and made meet for
tho Inheritance of the saints in light
As an Illustration of the religious
stupor- produced by the Gospel of
formalism and ceromony, let me tell
you of a gentleman of prominence In
London whom I met recently. Ho
said, "I was out to hear you Inst Sun
day. I was one of thnt audience of
thousands, and I want to tell you that
you disturbed me grently. I did not
come away from your meeting happy
and contented, but the reverse. I was
disappointed. Why, the way you pre
sented the matter, showing the terms
and conditions of Uisclpleship In the
narrow way, and cross-bearing lu the
footsteps of Jesus, shocked me. I said
to myself. Then I am not a Christian
at all. I have not even taken .'he first
steps In the Christian way. ITjt when
I went home my good mother-in-law
said, 'Do not be alarmed at all stick
to your own religion.' "
The Gospel of Christ was waking
that man up out of his lethargy of for
malism. I told him that I sought to
do my duty In presenting the Gospel
of Christ In no uncertain terms and
thnt if he should profit by my message
and become a joint-heir with Jesus lu
His Messianic Kingdom as a result of
being waked up. he would thank me
for It to all eternity.
Gospel of Hell and Purgatory.
Of all the various things substituted
for the Gospel of Christ the most aw
ful perversions are the Gospels of Pur
gatory and eternal torture, let so
perverted is the human sensibility to
the Truth that If one said he "heard a
real Gospel sermon," the majority
would understand It to mean thnt he
henrd horrible misrepresentations of
the Divine character and purpose to
the effect that nearly everybody all ex
cept tho saintly are enroute for tor
ture at the hands of demons, and that
the saintly few are to get to heaven
and to all eternity look over its battle
ments at their brethren and sisters In
torture and to all eternity to hear their
wails of distress.
How terrible the perversion which
could call such stuff "good tidings of
great Joy which shall be unto nil peo
ple!" I am glad that the Bible Stu
dents, recently In Convention, repudi
ated such a Gospel as being the one of
the Bible. I was glad thnt they called
upon the ministers everywhere to de
clare themselves In no uncertain terms,
and I wns glad to note through the
newspapers a very general repudiation
of the torture Gospel. Nothing that
the heathen have Is as bad, and the
wonder is that missionaries have made
any progress whatever in heathen
lands. For the real Gospel, I believe
the renl henthon nre In readiness,
hungering the Mohnmmedans also.
The Gospel of Faith-Healing.
Falth-henllng is nuother of the
false gospels opposed both to the letter
and the spirit of Jesus' tenchlngs. Not
a single one of the Lord's disciples
was healed miraculously, nor a single
Trophet of old. Tho miracles which
Jesus performed were wholly upon
outsiders, not His disciples, and were
illustrations of how Himself and His
Church In Kingdom glory will bless,
heal, uplift and restore all the families
of the earth all the willing and obedi
ent St Paul blessed napkins and
handkerchiefs to be sent to the sick.
but never one of these was sent to
the brethren. When Timothy was
alck, St Paul Instead recommended a
change of diet
Many dear Christian people are mis
led by the spurious statement of Mark
10: "These signs shall follow them
thnt bellove," etc. They cling to the
passage even after being given abnn
dnnt proofs thnt It was added to the
Scriptures In the Seventh Century, and
thnt It was omitted properly from the
Revised Version. So deeply seated Is
the love for the Gospel of healing,
that this passage Is clung to by some
even nfter It Is pointed out to them
thnt they would not dare to eat and
drink poisonous things, as It mentions,
The Gospel of Christ as applied to
this Ago. Is the very reverse of the
gospel of healing. Jesus, who wns per
fect, laid down Ills life In doing good
for others. Ills Apostles did the same,
Indeed the stipulation of dlsclpleshlp
is, He that loveth his life and seeketh
to save It will lose It; he that loseth
his life sncrltlcially for My sake and
for the Gospel's shall find It. The Gos
pel of Christ Is tho Gospel of self-dental
and suffering and patient endurance-
Joy In tho Ixird and health of spirit
rather than Joy and health of the flesh.
True, godliness and contentment do
often bring to God's people an Increase
of health through their rest of mind.
But this Is neither promised to them
nor to be prayed for by them. On the
contrary, they nro to follow tho exam
ple of the Redeemer in laying down
their lives for the brethren.
The True Gospel of Christ
In combating the errors we have In
cidentally presented the Gospel of
Christ. It Is a Message that God pro
poses to bless the world through tho
Seed of Abraham, and that Jesus glori
fied Is that Spiritual Seed. It Is a mes
sage respecting His Kingdom which
shall shortly be Inaugurated with pow
er and great glory for the blessing of
Adam and all his race with human
Restitution, giving to all fullest oppor
tunity of return to tho Heavenly Fa
ther's love through the merit of the
great Sacrifice accomplished at Calvary.
It is a Message, too, that the Redeem
er, before taking tho Throne of His
glory, in harmony with the Divine
Trogram, is now railing, choosing, and
proving a "little Hock" of believers Jus
tified through faith in Ills blood.
These ore to be made perfect through
suffering, through sacrifice, by walking
in tho Master's footsteps. They have
the promise that If they suffer with
Him, they shall also reign with Him;
If they be dead with Illm, they Bhall
also live with Illm. Whoever sees,
hears, appreciates, this true Gospel of
the Graco of God In Christ finds in It
the power of God unto salvation. The
more fully he receives It tho more does
he possess tho power of tho Truth,
which, if co-operated with, will work
in Him to will and to do tho Father's
good pleasure and eventually make
him an heir of God and a Jolnt-helr of
Jesus Christ the Lord to tho Heavenly
Kingdom and eternal life In glory.
The Government Demands It and
the City and County Should
Accede to These Demands.
Paul Gets Twenty Dollars.
Paul Stadelman was the recip
ient uf a letter yesterday from the
i.urtis ruiiiiMimyr company en-
I'losinu a check for $20 as a
prize for the sale of the Saturday
l'Acning Post. This conies very
handy to' Paul, and allthough he
failed to land the firs I prize, he is
justly proud of the reward he. lias
ti'CeiMHl. Paul desire to extend
his thanks to his many friends for
their assistance to him in his
tit Is Well for Every Farm Owner
to Watch for the Defects
- In Roads.
The question of fixing the road
leading to the rille range, north
of this city, is one that is of ital
importance to every citizen in
the cily of Plattsmouth. If the
road over the hills to the range is
put in shape for travel it means
that thousand of dollars, will he
spent in this city that otherwise
must go elsewhere. To refuse to
make tho road (It for travel is to
say lhat; for the sake of a few
hundred dollars Cass county will
oppose the biggest, proposition
for the boosting of Plattsmouth
and Cass counly that they have
over had.
The United States government
has invested $25,000 in land for
the range and in a short time
proposes to put $20,000 more in
improvements on (he land. This
in itself is enough to entitle them
to have a road over which they
can travel put in. Ashland
recognized the importance of the
in go. (o their cily nnd continued
the fight to secure it until tho
ast. During tho time (ho ritlo
range was mamiainod at mat
place over $100,000 was spent by
(ho government there. Tho gov
ernment has favored Plattsmouth
wilh the location of1 the range
here, and are wo to lay down on
the proposition and refuse tho re
quest for a road? The idea seems
almost ridiculous.
Tho army wagons wore in the
cily today, and wore engaged in
tho loading of groceries, wood
and lumber for use at their camp,
and the drivers wore very much
disgusted with the make-shift
road (hat runs through tho boggy
land on (ho bottom oast of tho
cily. Captain Farnam, who is in
command al tho camp, was in
the city today to see what could
be done about giving them a de
cent road over which to haul their
supplies,""and the cily officials
agreed to place their part of the
road in proper condition for
travel, so (he road proposition is
now up to tho county commis
sioners to act upon.
Give the government what is
justly due (hem, gentlemen, and
they will do their part and make
this range one of the finest parks
in (his part of the country. The
permanent camp of the soldiers
will ho located on the twenty
throe acres . located west of the
track, and the road that is under
discussion runs along (ho site of
I he camp and will make one of the
most beautiful driveways that
anyone could desire. Let the
road be fixed up, and do it before
cold woalhor sols in.
Yoslerday while lonald Rey
nolds, the 10. year-old son of Will
lleynolds, of llavelock, and Wado
Hudson were engaged in play at
tho Oliver Hudson home in this
city, Donald had tho misfortune
to have two lingers cut off by a
hatchet in the hands of young
Hudson. Tho boy was hurired to
the doctor and the wounds dress
ed, and at las! reports ho was
resting easy, considering the
painful nature of tho wounds.
Tho combination of children and
sharp instruments generally re
sults in something like this and
it. is fortune it was no worse.
Dr. Francis II. Cochran, who
for several years has been ex
amining surgeon for the lturling
ton Ilelief association and has
boon making (his city as examin
ing surgeon at the local shops,
has resigned to accept a position
with tho United Slates govern
meu as assistant physician at (he
Omaha naval recruiting station.
Dr. Cochran, during the time he
has visited in this city, has made
many friends among the persons
with whom ho has come in con
tact and it is with regret they
learn that ho will no longer bo
able to visit among (hem.
("od roads and improved travel1
conditions are of much greater
economic importance llian has
heretofore boon realized. Thosft
who bae had the opportunity to
know are convinced that the
movement for good roads
throughout the country is one of
the mosl important, national pro.,
jecls of today, of as much vital
importance to the nation al large
as (he Panama canal.
And it is to be remembered
that no rad, even the best built,
will always slay in perfect con
dition without attention. The
lime is probably coining when the
stale will lake over much more of
road supervision and mainten
ance. Hut until that time comes
the farmers should see to il that
the work done in building a
stretch of good road is not wast
ed by lack of a liltlo repair work
now and then. The man who ne
glects to keep (he dirt hanked in
around a culvert, or leaves a
washout across tho road to en
danger his neighbors' auto
springs will some day soon come
to bo looked upon as much of a
detriment to (he community as
the man who lets his horses and
cows run loose to browse on his
neighbors' crops.
Boosters In Omaha Sunday.
Tho committee in charge of the
fiernian day celebration were in
Omaha yesterday visiting anion?
(heir German firends and boost
ing for the big event to bo held
in this city on October 5. They
report the prospects for a large
and enthusiastic doolgation from
the various societies in Omaha to
bo most excellent. Those in the
party were: Mike Hild, Claus
Model, Km il Walters, Henry
Kaufman, A. Wesch, George H.
Tains and Louie Liner.
The University School of Music,
Lincoln, Nebraska, takes pleasure
in announcing the opening of
Miss Kiltie Cummins studio for
the fall term, as well as Miss
Cummins continued connect ion in
the capacity of accredited teacher
in Plattsmouth for the University
School of Music. Miss Cummins'
splendid work last year is so well
known to the people of Plalls
nioulh thai it. only remains for us
to add our praises ami congratu
lations. Tho University School of
Music has now and very interest
ing plans for their accredited
teachers, as well as for matri
culated pupils this coming sea
son, which will bo mentioned
from time to time. II, is the in
tention to make the pupils feel
very much tho importance of be
ing matriculated with the Uni
versity School of Music. It is to
be hoped thai more pupils will be
interested in the scholarship con
test next year, tho conditions for
which will bo published soon.
Tho University School of Music
recommends without reserve Miss
Cummins' studio as the proper
place for systematic instruction
under the guidance of the greatest
music school in the west.
Saturday evening, while return
ing from the Fraternal picnic at
Nehawka, a driver of a car from
Omaha, belonging to the Taxicab
Delivery , company, ran into a
ditch near the farm house of
George Lloyd, south of this city,
and being unable to run his ma
chine out of the ditch he entered
the premises of Mr. Lloyd and se
cured a rope, cutting off one that
was fastened to a hay fork, and
promised to return it when he
had the machine out of tho ditch.
Instead of doing this he threw the
rope into the car and proceeded
on his way. When Mr. Lloyd re
turned homo and discovered the
loss of the rope he telephone to
Officer Trout lo apprehend the
man and make him disgorge tho
price of the rope. Mr. Troul se
cured the man when be arrived in
town, and he having no money
wilh him, ho left n new lire at the
llauer hardware store as security
for $.1, which was the value of
the rope which ho hail taken.
Chicken Pie Supper.
The ladies of Light Mile Grove
church will give a chicken pie
supper Saturday evening, Sep
tember 21, at the homo of
Charles Mntz, one-half mile south
of the church.
A special from Nebraska Cily,
under date of September 15, says:
John Lewis, a painter, 50 years
old, tonight shot and fatally
wounded his wife and killed him.
self. Some time ago Mrs. Lewis
filed suit for divorce, alleging
drunkenness. The case was to be
tried tomorrow. Lewis called at
his wife's home tonight and asked
her to have the case dismissed.
Mrs. Lewis refused ami Lewis
I hereupon shot her twice, fired
one shot al tier little girl, rushed
from the house, fired a bullet at
Joe Kramer, who was passing,
and then put a bullet through his
own head, dying instantly. Neither
Kramer nor the little girl were
For Sale.
Only three left of those fine
Poland-China boars. Also for
sale a number of Marred Plymouth
Hock eoekrels, 75c, if taken soon.
C. K. Mabbilt, Plattsmouth.
Will have a number of bushels
of peaches for sale.
II. L. Oldham.
Restaurant for Rent.
Nicely furnish; everything new
and in good condition. All mod
ern, including steam heat. For
particulars call on F.d Donat at
the Peerless Saloon, I'latts
moiilh, Neb.
Increase the value and improve
the appearance of your Barns, Roofs,
Fences and Outbuildings with
Commonwealth Barm Bed
An easy working, hard drying paint of
clean, bright color and handsome gloss. It
covers well, moderate In price, and ex
ceedingly economical. Will far more than
return every dollar paid In increased selling
or renting value of your property.
In gallons, five gallon pack
ages, and barrels.
Always Full Measure.