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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1912)
The Plattsmouth Journal fD Published Semi-Weekly al Plattsmouth, Nebraska CUD R. A. BATES, Publisher. Entered at the Podtollke at Plattsmouth, Nebraaka, as second-clas matter. fl.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE is warming up lie up to fever The campaign and it will soon licat. ;o : WocmIi'oW Wilson lines not use the letter "1" as extensively as (lie lmll inoosi' cainliilali'. He thinks "we," 1 1 - people, deserve .sihih: credit for doing .some Ihings. It's always big 'T' ami liltli: "we" wild lloosevelt. J. M. Iixon, Hie general man ager of tlie lloosevelt campaign, is trying Mark Manna's plan of swinging around the circle and '" I lie lioys with campaign cash. Hut there is a sight of dif ference in Mark Manna's man agement and the man from Moli lalia. :o: It is pleasant to the people of Nebraska to see (he people of Omaha and Lincoln dwelling to gether so harmoniously, afler Ihe biller enmity lhat has cxislcd so many years. The Journal is glad la see this good feeling exist be tween Ihe two principal cities of the stale. lion. Julm A. Maguire arrived in Lincoln Monday from Wash ington. Hi; has mapped out plenty of work and will let no grass grow under his feet in get ting around over the district, to greet the people. It is safe to say lhat be will receive a warmer greeling than his cold-blooded op ponent, Paul (Hark. :o: Governor Aldricli wants the campaign between ,biin ami his opponent, to be a lalkfesl before Ihe people. That's what's the matter right now with our slate instil ut ions loo much talking and not, enough slaying on the job. The people will turn still more o Morehead for governor when they find he is not gifted jn the gab line. l-'airbury Journal. . ;o: The more one studies the record of VoodroV Wilson and also his very brilliant career as an educat or, together with his able admin istration as governor of New Jersey, the more he becomes convinced lhat Ihe democrats made no mistake in nominating him for president of the United Stales. :o: Jasper ('. Mcllrieii, once stale superintendent of schools, has become ipiite an enthusiastic and energetic worker in Ihe bull moose parly ranks, and figures out that lloosevelt will poll 100,(1110 voles, Wilson 75,000 and Tart Co, 000. We are. surprised that Jasper has given Wilson and Taft as many as he has, the estimate coming as il does from a man who pretends to know so much, and in reality knows so little about such mat. ters. :o: The parcels po.-t system will go into operation on the lirsl day of January, 1911). Not quite sunn enough for Christ mas. The way to get trade is to go alter it by every legitimate method. The way to hold trade is by giving good value's and better service. And also by letting peo ple know what those values are. :o: Church Howe has returned to Nebraska, which is a reminder to the pioneer republicans that there was a time when Church was a lower in republican caucuses in the dim past. Hut bis class of republicans have about all passed out of the shades of republican act ivily. :o: Harrow, the great attorney who defended the McNamaras, seems to have the edge on all the lawyers on the Pacific, coasl. They endeavored to place him behind the prison bars. Me defended him self and was acquitted, in spile of the array of talent that as sisted in his prosecution. :o: Let's not be too hard on Theo dore, boys. Aside from calling the convention, nominaling the candidates, writing Ihe platform, superintending Ihe lighting and sealing of Ihe hall, selecting the ollicers and a few other minor de tails, he let Ihe bull moose con vention do as it pleased. Hesides, isn't he dead against bossism? :o: Now that it lias been fully shown lhat lloosevelt was a tool of the Standard Oil, it is well enough to recall that he was re sponsible for the merger of the Tennessee Coal and Iron com pany with the United Slates Steel corporation and in collusion with the harvester trust. Teddy has too many trust tails attached to his kite ever to hope to win. The republican factions in Ne braska seem further apart than ever. The bull moosers want everything their own way or they won't play with the Taft people. Hut the regular republicans have come to the conclusion that they have some say in the matter which the bolters are bound to listen to or else paddle their own canoe, and they will do the same, let the result be as il niav. :o: W hen Aldrich and Paul Clark The lion. Odell spoke right out in meeting the other day on the llarriman connection with Ihe lloosevelt campaign fund. Me says Mr. lloosevelt sent for Mr. llarriman and promised to ap point Senator Depew ambassador lo France in return for a quarter of a million-dollar contribution lo the campaign fund. And this is the man who wouldn't sit at the table with Lorimer. Merely consigning Governor Odell to the already overcrowded Annanias club will hardly do. If Mr. Roose velt was doing things of that sort with the presidency when he ha it, what would ho do now with obligations to discharge running well up jnlo the millions of dol lars. And at that old Undo rdiauncoy got whipsawed. relumed from Ihe regular repub lican national convention they couldn't say mean things enough about Ihe president, and were not very choice in (he language they used to express their contempt Tor him. Now these two worthies are moving heaven and earth in an effort lo secure the support of raft's friends in their effort of lection. The Taft supporters are queer sort of fellows if they can ie induced to vole for Aldrich and Clark afler all the abuse thev have leaped upon the president. :o: Unrest among Ihe rank and lile of the people of Ihe United Speaker Clark, Congressman Underwood and Governor Harmon, who were opponents of Governor Wilson for tlie nomination for president, are all out working fur the successful candidate. That is the sort of party loyalty to dis play. -:o: Julius Pit, is a gentleman who understands the wants of the peo ple in the various sections of Cas count v. Me is a farmer him self and possesses the ability to look alter all matters of interest lo Ihe taxpayers. The position of county commissioner is a re sponsible one, and Julius Pilz is a responsible and reliable citizen to look after the affairs of the olllce. :o: Paul Clark is a man not popular wilh the people, and why? He cause he has had very little to do with the common people. Me has always been a high inuck-a-iiuick with the corporations, and in this position he generally had very lit tle lo do with the common voters. Remember, lion. John A. Maguire is always your friend, either in or Tiut of congress, and always gives you a cordial greeling. :o: From reports over the state democrats are subscribing pretty liberally lo the campaign fund. The only way democrats have for raising money. We can't com pel the clerks in Ihe various state departments to come forward with the cash like Aldrich has done. Hon. John II. Morehead has to pay bis own campaign expenses, while the wily governor makes the clerks in the various stale in stitutions pay his. Sleek, ain't he? :o: It is going to take i lot of cash to elect either Taft or Roosevelt. The Morgan combine will support lloosevelt, while the Rockefeller combine will spend money to re elect President Taft. Four years ago both Morgan and Rockefeller placed their money on Taft,, while; this year they are fighting one another. Which will get tho bet ler of Ihe fight is hard to con jeclure. Money has done the busi ness heretofore, bolh for Roose velt and Taft, but il will hardly do the work I his year, under ex isting circumstances. :o: The Weeping Water Repub lican has changed hands, the deal being made lasl Thursday I. N. Hunter ami son, K. E. Hunter, were the purchasers. The paper was owned jointly by J. K. Keath ley of Syracuse and George II Oliver, present postmaster of Weeping Water, the laller having had full charge of the paper for the past the years. The Repub lican was established in 1KSJ, and is considered a paying proposi lion, being the only paper pub lished in that thriving little city of I.50H population. Mr. Olive has had his hands pretty full look ing afler his duties as post master, while Mr. Kealhley is engaged in the publication of another paper Ihe Syracuse Journal. ' :o: W. T. Thompson, solicitor of Stales because of the great, cost of living has created a condition of political uprising. The growth of the trusts during the past four administrations and their ap parent control of the price of articles of consumption, make it appear that a change is needed in Ihe management of national af fairs. It is a well known fact that the Roosevelt and Taft admin ist rat ions have consistently fed Ihe trusts and given them en couragement in the nefarious business of plundering Ihe people, Ihe treasury department at, Wash ington, and former treasurer of Nebraska, while in Lincoln the oilier day said, in reference to Paul Clark, who is posing as a republican-bull moose-third party candidate for congress: "What kind of a progressive is Paul Clark, for instance? Hid he ever contribute anything in time, money or elTorl to bring about clean government in Nebraska? My recoiled ion is lhat he belong ed to the old Hurlingtou railroad machine and what lighting he did was on its side." 5Ir. Thompson has Paul sized up about right, and being, not many months ago, a prominent leader in the repub lican parly of Nebraska, Mr. Thompson ought lo know Paul Clark as well as anyone. FOR BULL MOOSERS. The following question have been propounded by William J. Hryan lo the bull nwose boosters, which seein to indicate that Roosevelt was more anxious to be nominated for the presidency than to have progressive principles win. The following are live of the most pertinent asked by Mr. Hryan: 1. Would a new parly have been organized at this time if Mr. Roosevelt were not a candidate for president? Would Mr. Roosevelt have favored Ihe organization of a new parly had any one besides him mfl'ered defeat at Chicago by President Taft? 3. Would Mr. Roosevelt have regarded the republican bosses as an insuperable objection to the republican party if he bad suc ceeded in seating enough or his delegates to give him a majority in the convention? S. If Mr. Roosevelt had con trolled the national committee by one vote and had seated enough of his southern delegates to domin ate Ihe convention, would he not regard the republican party as the people's party and the only organization to be trusted? 5. A third term an honor de lined by Washington and Jell'er on and withheld from Grant. opens ine door to any number of terms; what emergency rc- luires it? :o: CHESTER H. ALDRICH. The following is taken from the Tecuniseti Journal-Tribunal, ex- Speaker C. W. Pool's paper. Me was also prominently spoken of as a candidate for the. democratic nomination for governor. Mr. Pool is one of those fellows who fully understand what he is talk ing about: To those of us who have kept tali on the course of Chester II. ldrieh during the past few years bis challenge to Hon. John M. Morehead appears like a bid for some cheap advertising. In the lirst place, Mr. Morehead and the people of Nebraska learned long ago that Mr. Aldrich pays little heed to facts when he appears be fore an audience as was clearly shown by his ollieial conduct fol lowing his publie pledges in the campaign of 1910, and as Mr. Morehead long ag established a reputation for doing just as he says he will do, he or any other gentleman would be at a disad vantage in discussing matters of public concern with a man like Governor Aldrich. In 1 . 1 0 Mr. Aldrich talked long and bud about giving the people a chance to rule, stating upon divers and sundry occasions that be would sign such measures as Ihe people, through their chosen representatives the legislature might pass. In this as in other matters of public concern, Mr. Aldrich failed to keep his word, vetoing some fifteen or sixteen measures passed by the legis lature, thus saying in effect that he was greater than the power which created him, and that his promises to the peoplu were made only to secure votes. We are not advised as to Mr. Morchead's intentions concerning the challenge, but cannot see how a man who. has a reputation for truthfulness and integrity that he is credited with having could go upon the stump and debate ques tions of importance to the people when he knows from past ex perience that his challenger is led given to living up to his word :o: N 0W that we're showing the new Fall goods, we realize what a great opportunity we have to be of service to you well dressed men; we enjoy showing these goods, because we know how they'll serve you. Our guarantee of your satisfaction stands as long as you want it. Our showing of suits for men and young is complete; lively patterns, perfect tailoring, sty lish models. Suits ranging in price from$15 to $35. New Stetson Hats and Manhattan Shirts are attracting attention! Boys' School Suit Special ah broken lines from our regular $5.00 to $7.50 numbers, selling now at $3.00 and $ 1.00. Manhattan Shirts Stetson Hats B II 1 Jacob Henrlch, Pioneer Citizen, Passes Away After an Illness of Several Months. From Wednesday's Daily. Heath yesterday afternoon re moved one of Plattsmoulh's most reliable business men, in the per-a visit with friends and relatives son oi j aeon nenrien, who nas From Edgemont, S. D. From Tuesday's Daily. Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Ilezener of K.lsemnnt, ' s. , arrived in Plattsmouth Saturday evening on a fifteen-day vacation,. a portion of which will be spent with Platts inoutJi friends and relatives. Mrs. Ilezener is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tains, superintendent of the county farm, with whom they arS visiting. Mr. Ilezener holds a good position with Ihe Hurlington at Edgemonl, as car foreman, where he has been for the past few years, prior to which time they made their home in this city. After a few days here they will go to Mr. Rezener's old home in Mrkwood, III., where he will make loner been identified with the commercial life of this city, Jacob Ilenrich. first saw the light of day in Ilhirie Falls, Ger many, and vvheni but a youth of 11 years decided to seek his for tune in the new world and eame to America and located m Platts mouth in the year 1876, where he engaged in tho butcher business until he started lh restaurant some twenty-six years ago, and which business he engaged in until his death. Me was- married in 1885 in this city, and Leaves surviving him the following chil dren: John, Katie, Lena, Anna, Frances and Thomas, all of whom reside in this city. For a nuber of years Mr. Hen rich had been a sufferer with heart trouble, and yesterday morning he became unconscious and gradually sank into that sleep that knows no awakening on this earlh. Mr. Ilenrich was always pleasant and affable in bis treat ment of his fellow man and in his business dealings was upright and his word was as good as his ond. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon from St. Paul's Evangelical church, of which Mr. Ilenrich was a most de voted meniDer. Ice rrenr.i by tho pint, quart or gallon; fresh every day; at Hook meyer & Maurcr's. - The leading democrats in all sections of the country, as well as newspapers, are enthusiastic for Wilson and Marshall. Never before in the history of the coun try was the democratic parly so unanimous for Ihe national ticket This does not give-democrats a license to sit back on their oars however, and do nothing in the way of organization. We have got to be moving. Mark that! Attends Halmes' Funeral. From Tuesday's Daily. C. N. Hansen, W. Miller, C. H. Henry and Gus Meyer, from Weeping Water and Nehawka, were in the city yesterday, com ing up to attend the funeral of their uncle, Nicholas Halmes. While here they were pleasant callers at the Journal olllce. Card of Thanks. We hereby express our sincere thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors who so greatly as sisted us in the recent sickness and death of our husband and father. Also the Sons of Herman. Mrs. Nicholas Halmes and Children. "Paid In Full." "Paid in Full" a new play of contemporary American life, by Eugene Waller, will be played at Ihe Parmele Monday night, Sep tembers, by a company of ex ceptional merif. With the sixth commandment ns its moral theme, Ihe play is said lo get very close to life. It is written in the every day speech of the average Ameri can and is said to be bulb daring and deeply impressive. Autumn Special Rates! Low One Way Rates to the Pacific Coast Special colonist rates September 25 to October 10, $30 to California, Ore gon, Washington, British Columbia; $25 to Utah, Central Montana, Eas tern Idaho. Secure berths early. Tickets good in chair cars or through tourist sleepers to Salt Lake, Los Angeles, San Francisco, via Scenic Col orado, and to Spokane, Portland, Seattle, over the Great Northern and . Northern Pacific railroads. Round Trip, Pacific Coast The $C0 coast rate is in effect daily until September 30th, with special $35 round trip rate October 12, 14 and 15 to Portland and Seattle. Summer Tourist . September is the last month for these rates to Atlantic Seaboard, Eastern resorts, Colorado, the Black Hills, or other summer localities. Yellowstone Park rates expire September 12th. DRY FARMING CONGRESS At Lethbridge, Alberta, October 21-25. Spe cial rates available. bif Special free publications cover any journey you desire to make. Describe it to your nearest Burlington Agent, let him furnish you printed matter, or obtain the same from the undersigned. Marshall, Dentist, Coates block. Mm R. W. CLEMENT, Agent. W. L. WAKELY, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb.