The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, September 05, 1912, Image 2
ANOTHER OF OUR E! E. F. Hyde Died at His Present Home at Seligman, Missouri, Last Night From Wednesday's lally. Hen Hyde of this city is in re ceipt of a message I his morning from his sister, Mis. L. C. Curliss, announcing the death of their father, which occurred at his farm home near Seligman, Mis souri, last night. Seven yearn ago Mr. Hyde suffered a severe stroke of paralysis, which, after long suffering and in almost a helpless condition, was the cause of his death. He was Hi years old and for the past live years, up to last spring, had made his home in this city with his daughter, Mrs. Curliss. Last spring they moved to Missouri. The deceased came lo Mills county, Iowa, in 185(5, and fol lowed freighting from Platts inoulh west for several years; later he secured a position with the Santa Fe llailroad company and remained in I he employ of that company up lo the time he was stricken with paralysis. For a few years they lived at Union, in this county. The funeral will be held at Seligman and the re main will he laid to rest beside his wife, who died live years ago. Twelve children were horn to Mr. and Mrs. Hyde, nine of whom are living, two of whom have been residents of Ihis cily for many years, Mrs. L. C. Curliss and Ken Hyde, the laller residing here at the present lime; three are living in Mills county, Mrs. Royal and Mrs. Kirk of Glenwnod; E. II. Hyde at Hastings, F.d and Elias Hyde and Mrs. Liggett of Clarks, Neb., and Henry of Coun cil Bluffs, Iowa. ANOTHER CHICKEN CASE IN JUDGE ARCHER'S COURT From WedncHclny'g Dully. Judge Archer's court was the "scene of another famous chicken case Ihis morning, when Anton Itajeck appeared and filed a com plaint against Tom ' Sedlock, charging him with allowing his fowls at large and that they had 'done considerable damage lo his properly. After hearing the evi dence in the case the judge im posed a line of fl and costs, amounting lo $ i, which was paid 'and peace 'again reigns slipreme' in the neighborhood. Tlie'part ies inihe 'case reside in the' west part of the cily, near the Mis souri Parillc tracks. $80,000,000.00 Lost Annually by Wage Earners. Dr. Sadler estimates (hat about $80,000,(10(1. 00 in wages is lost annually to I he American people as a direct result of colds. Lost time means lost wages and doc toring is expensive. Use Foley's Honey and Tar Compound promptly. It will stop the cough and heal and sooth the sore and inflamed air passages. For sale by F. (1. Fricke & Co. C C. Wescott has received a card from Mrs. " Wescott an nouncing that she and Mason de parted Monday from Los Angeles, California, and would Rtop over for a three days' visit at San Francisco with Mrs. Wescolt's brother, Hoy Eaton, and expect to arrive home either Sunday or Monday. Uncle Ezra Says "It don't take more'n a gill uv effort to git folks into a peck of trouble," and a little neglect of constipation, billiousuess, in digestion or oilier liver de rangement will do the same. If ailing lake Dr. King's New Life Pills for quick results. F.asy, safe, sure and only 25 cents at F 1. Fricke & Co. Dr. J. II. Martin is able lo be on the streets again today, after being confined to his home fur a short tune by sickness. The doctor is a very active man and does not often allow anything to interfere with the discharge of his duties. F.d Hummel of the precinct was ft passenger on the special for Lincoln this morning to take in the state fair. Team Work. Anyone wanting team work o any kind call on Tom Fry.. 8-30-2wks-d II. Spies, the smokers' friend lias the largest lino of pipes to lie found In Ihe city. PIONEERS PASSES AWAY The Men Who Succeed as. heads of large enterprises are men of great energy. Success to day demands health. To ;ul is I fail. It's utter fully for a man to endure a weak, run-down, half alie condition when Klectric Hit ters will put him right on his feet in short order. "Four bottles did me more real good than any other medicine I eer took," writes Chas. H. Allen, Sylvania, '(la. "After years of suffering with rheumatism, liver (rouble, stom ach disorders, and deranged kid neys, I am again, (hanks lo Klec tric Hitters, sound and well." Try them. Only 50 cents at F. (1. Fricke & Co. E I Robert Sherwood & Son Closing Out Stock With Determination of Quitting Business. From Wednesday' Pally. As will be seen from their ad vertisement, appearing on an other page of this paper, one of IMallsnionlh's pioneer business linns is about to close out their slock and retire. We speak of the firm of Sherwood & Son, which has been in the active business life of the cily for the past thirty live years. It was in the centenial year, 187(5, that Kobert Sherwood, sr., first started in the shoe business, locating in a building situated where the present meat market of Kunsmann & Hamge is located. Here he continued to slay for several years, then removed to a building then situated on the site of the Bookmcycr building. Mr. Sherwood stayed here until 18811, w hen a lire swept away I he build ing and Ihe conlents and it was then he erected the building at the corner of Fifth and Main street, now known as the Krug building, and occupied the same with his shoe store and, remained until 11)01, when lit" removed to the present location on Main street. In 181)5 Robert Sherwood, jr., was taken into the business and Ihe firm changed lo Sherwood & Son. This firm has had a great many hard experiences in its career; first, a lire in 1883, then on July 17, "'1902, a disastrous flood swept dow n upon I hem, causing Ihe walls of their build ing to crumble down, entailing the loss of several hundred dollars' worth of slock, and they had hardly recovered from this when on August 20, the same year, Ihey were again visited by a flood that lost them much properly' and goods, but with determination and grit Ihey continued in business at the old si ami, ami it is with re gret that we see them retire from the line of business in which Ihev have been so long engaged. It is Ihe universal wish that Ihev may be prosperous in whatever line of business Ihey may engage in, or wherever they may cast their lot. Many Driven From Home. Kvery year, in many parts of the country, thousands are driven from their homes by coughs and lung diseases. Friends and business are left behind for other climates, but this is costly and not always sure. A better way the way of multitudes is lo use Dr. King's New Discovery and cure yourself at home. Slay right there, with your friends, and take this safe medicine. Throat and lung troubles llnd quick relief and beallh returns, lis help in coughs, colds, grip, croup, whoop ing cough and sore lungs make it a positive blessing. 50c and 1.00. Trial bottle free, Guar anleed by F. G. Fricke & Co. J. W. Hiuwick, the veteran clerk at the superintendent's olllee at Ihe Burlington shops, has been confined to his bed for about a week with a severe attack of what seems to be rheumatism. It is to be hoped he will soon be able to be around again. What We Never Forget according- to science, are the things associated with our early home life, such as llucklen's Aruaca Salve, that, mother or grandmother used to cure our burns, boils, scalds, sores, skin eruptions, cuts, sprains or bruises. Forty years of cures prove its merit. Unrivaled for piles, corns or cold-sores. Only 25 cents at F. (i. Fricke & Co. Eugene Walter's .drama, "Paid in Full," will be given at Ihe Parmele next Monday night. The piece is carefully staged and per fectly played by an excellent company. PIONEER SHOE KOUS WILL Q LI 1 BUSINESS STRONG FIRM. IN THE AUCTIONEER BUSINESS From Wednesday's I)aily. While in the cily this morning Hubert Wilkinson, the Dunbar auctioneer, paid this ofllee a pleasant call, and in conversation with him he tells us that he has taken a partner, one who will be a valuable assistant to him in the handling of his sales, in the per son of L. J. Hall of Union. Mr. Hall has had a great deal of ex perience in Ihe stock line and his judgment as lo value is good. He has assisted Mr. Wilkinson in a number of large sales and has displayed great ability to the end of securing the top price for all properly placed in the ring. When sales are large enough both men will attend them, which will be worth 10 to 20 per cent lo Ihe parly giving the sale, as it has been demonstrated that two good men are capable of securing more money from the same amount of properly than one. This has been tried by all the leading auc tioneers of Ihe slate, and while Mr. Wilkinson has been among the last to take a partner, he has never before been able to find the right man. Willi Hie two men at Ihe service of the sale holder it does not increase Ihe price; the terms will remain the same as in years gone by when Mr. Wilkin son did all the work himself. Their territory will exlend over the en tire southeastern portion of Ne braska, and it has been almost impossible for one man to look after il. The Schulz sale was one of the best that has ever been held in this section, over $2,800 being taken in. Everything sold well and brought top-notch prices. The sale was clerked by H. F. Patterson of the Hank of Cass County. Briggs-Hyers Case Postponed. From Wednesday's Dally. Judge Travis went to Papillion Tuesday lo hear the arguments for a change of venue in the case of Chief of Police Hriggs of South Omaha and Sheriff Hyers of Lancaster county, charged with the killing of Hoy Hiunt, but Ihe hearing was postponed by agree ment. Ex-Senator Burkelt of Lincoln, who is attorney for Hyers, was unable lo be present.' The court later will set a date for hearing of the arguments. - "PAID IN FULL" AT THE PARKELE MONDAY NIGHT One of the Greatest and Most In teresting Plays Ever Presented In Plattsmouth. When a play not only grips Ihe heart-strings, but plays an inter mezzo on the tender chords, it bears Ihe hall-mark of a great success. It is not surprising. therefore, that "Paid in Full" has made an appeal which has been heeded. Eugene, Walter actually lived Ihe play. He breathes his very existence into it. It is al most unnecessary lo say at the very beginning that the play is not a sweet-meat. vlt is a very irti'nns food, and should onlv be taken by those who wish to har row their very souls by a chapter from Ihe lives of everyday people who are enacting the sordid tragedy of existence where sin is not so gilded that we are blinded by the glitter. It is the story of a sullen, vicious, resentful husband, who has become so embittered in Ihe daily grind that every spark of manhood and honor has been wiped out. lie finally sacrifices his wife lo smear over, if pos sible, wilh his employer his theft. The very goodness and innocence of the wife is her most effective shield. With a powrful cast of players, "Paid in Full" will be submitted for your approval at the Parmele theater on Mondav night, Septem ber 1. Freighted Out of Nebraska City. From Wednexilnv'n rtallv (ieorge Hay and w ife of Murray, M. Lymle and wife of Union and William Hay of Kelhanv. Mis souri, were here yesterday, the guests of John Clinkenbeard and wife. Mr. Hay was one of the freighters out of this city In the early days and this is his first isit here in something like forty ears. Nebraska Cilv News. "Paid in Full," which will be seen at the Parmele next Monday night, is an interesting play deal ing in a vein of grim veracity w ith a problem in the existence of an underpaid clerk and his wife. Hogs Have Ride in Automobile. From Wednesday's Dally. On -Friday afternoon the citizens of Avoca realized the fact that the automobiles made for passengers could be of other use than to joy ride or make business trips, when Eugene Stutt, one of nur prominent farmers, living about six miles from here, used his automobile to deliver hogs to our slock buyer, Peter M. Jorgen sen. We have seen lumber and a number of other freight articles hauled in automobiles, but this is the first one we have seen used in delivering hogs. Has any com munity of the state of Nebraska any more progressive methods than this? If so, please let us hear from them. This means of delivering hogs to market is certainly a good one in hot weather, as the shrink on the hogs should be very light, owing to the breeze that is created by the speed of the car, and also the short time en route. A Reader of the Journal. SOMETHING OF INTEREST TO BUYER AND SELLER Where Differences of Opinion Abound in the Application of the Principle. From Wednesday's Dally. All agree Ihat Ihe theory of home patronage is a splendid thing, but where differences of opinion abound is in the applica tion of Ihe principle, says the Oamha Trade Exhibit. Every man with anything to sell believes firmly that the peo ple of his community should pre fer lo buy of him rather than of any foreign competitor. The seller can see no good rea son for the failure to observe the home patronage principle in ten cases out of ten. Hut when the seller becomes a buyer, what then? Well, it seems to make all Ihe difference in the worbl whose ox is gored. Hankers, for example, are de pendent absolutely upon their home communities for the great bulk of their profitable business. And yet, as a class, they are the most flagrant violators of the home patronage principle. If everybody were to follow their ex ample,'' there' wouM be no banks outside of cities, because 'there would be no small business com munities on the map. Retailers, too, are often limes violators of the home patronage principle when buying, though ardently for it when selling. Many of them have not yet learned Ihat preaching home patronage is not one-tenth as effective as practic ing it. No one with anything lo sell should expect people lo buy merely because Ihe prospective buyer and seller happen to live in the same town. Of course there is a somewhat indefinite obligation resting upon Ihe buyer lo buy at home and thus do his part toward the upbuild ing of the community. Hut there is an even greater obligation resting upon the seller lo offer merchandise of such qualities and such values, and to render service of the proper character, so that the buyer will have something substantial to justify home buying. When both sellers and buyers respect and observe the home patronage principle, the results are naturally beneficial to the community in which they reside as well as to themselves. Hut there is much more involved than sending money away or keeping il at home. The distinct sides of the question the seller's obliga tion and the buyer's obligation bolh deserve most careful con sideration. CANDIDATES FOR THE STATE REFORM SCHOOL From Wedncxiluy'g Pally, Yesterday morning some parties entered Ihe switch shanty in the Burlington yards, near the depot, and slide a ticket, punch and a conductor's duplex from the coat of Yardmaster C. S. John son. This morning two boys were noticed and were apprehend ed and on being searched the missing articles were found on j their persons. 'The boys werej about 12 or l.'l years of age and, gave Ihe names of George Wan-J enlierg and Abe Savade and their homes at Omaha. On being captured the Kids stoutly denied committing Ihe offense, but they were taken to the jail, where the, missing articles were discovered. The duulex was found concealed in the trousers of one of the boys.1 $2.35 for either a gray mixture or a plain blue well made full Knickerbocker suit sizes 7 to 16. $2.90 for finely tailored, well lined, hand some mixture, or brown K n i c k e r bocker suit. C. E. Wescott's Sons Always the Home of Satisfaction Local News From Tuesday's Dally. Jack Macine and wife of Have lock visited in this city over Labor day. James Slander of Louisville was in Ihe city today attending to busi ness at the court house. W. C. Core of Louisville was a business visitor in the city to day, coming in on No. 4. Charles Freese and wife de parted Saturday for Havelock for a visit over Labor day wilh rela tives. James Hreckenridge and son, Mattis, of Weeping Water, were attending to business at the court house today. G. P. Meisinger of near Cedar Creek was in the city Saturday doing the week-end trading with our merchants. James T. Reynolds of Union was a business visitor in Plattsmouth last evening, returning home on Ihe midnight train. . Mrs. William fiillespie of My nard was a visitor in the cily last evening and was a guest at Ihe J. W. Johnson home. A. F. Seybert, a prominent farmer of near Culloin, was in the cily Monday transacting busi ness with the merchants. Frank Finkle of Union was a visitor in the city last evening on business, but took lime to attend the show, escorted by Editor Graves. Simon (iruber, the prominent Liberty precinct farmer, was a visitor in the county seat today, attending the commissioners' meeting. Paul Silzman, who has been working in Weeping Water fov the past six months, returned lo Plattsmouth last Saturday even ing and will make this his future home. Miss Ruth Helps of Long Beach, California, who has been visiting in this city for several weeks, a guest at the II. N. Dovey home, departed on No. 15 this morning for her home. G. O. Dovey accom panied Miss Helps as far as Omaha. The bargains in School Supplies from the Henry stock were snapped up in a hurry. We have nothing left from the Henry stock. Here are some money saving items from our regular stock: Lead pencils with nickled rubber tips assorted colors lc School pens, Spencerian pattern No. 5, per dozen 5c 9x11 noiseless slates at 10c Other slates . . 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30c Slate sponges, each 10, 5 and lc Rulers 10, 5 and lc The largest and best Jumbo slate pencil, each lc Another Jumbo pencil 2 for lc Ordinary Hag slate pencils, per dozen 5c Wood covered slate pencils, each lc 100 sheets history note paper 10c The largest tablet in town for 5c The MIETY STOfi Third Door East of the Bank of Cass County Special Low Prices for School Suits! Next week school begins. Start the boy in with a new suit. We have made some special low prices for this week. One lot Knickerbocker suits, double breasted at $1.99 cash. $3.95 for either a blue serge or fancy mix ture, pure all wool suits, worth at any store $5 or more. Mrs. (i. H. Hrinklow and son,, (ieorge, and (laughter, Margie, de parted on No. i this morning for their home at Van Doran, Texas, after a visit with Mrs. Brinklow's parents, William Wynn, sr., and wife. F. A. Finkle, Charles Graves and T. J. Reynolds of Union were in. the city yesterday evening, com ing up for a brief visit with coun ty seat friends and to attend the "Uncle Tom's Cabin" show at the Parmele. John Wunderlich and John. Whiteman, two of the substantial farmers from near Nehawka, were in the city a few hours last Sat urday, evening, coming up for the transaction of some business matters. Henry Sands, one of the good,, reliable farmers of East Rock Bluffs, was in Ihe city Saturday visiting his many friends. Mr.. Sands is a defler of time, as he carries his 75 years with the- air of a man of not more than 50. John Rough of near Nehawka was an over-night visitor in the city, departing on No. 15 for South Omaha, where he had busi ness on Ihe slock market. Mr. Rough is one of the largest stock 'feeders in the county and always takes the top prices with his ani mals. Barney Bardwell and wife of Lincoln arrived Sunday and will visit at the home of George Poisall for a week. Barney will pitch a ball game here either Saturday or Sunday and will then go to Bloom ington, Illinois, to make their home there. Mr. Bardwell and wife take the best wishes of a host of friends with them. Mrs. Henry Kaufman and little daughter, who have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Vallery in Havelock for the past week, returned home yesterdayv The little daughter met with quite a serious accident a few days ago, at which time she fell from the window, breaking her collar-bone, and she wanted to see her Grand ma Warga, who is also making her home in Havelock, with whom they were also visiting. Mr. Kauf man met them at Lincoln on the return trip. iipplios!