fr fin Manhattan Shirts for Fall are finer than ever beautiful showing of new pat terns, either plain or pleated, SI. 50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.50. Stetson Hats for fall are ready for you. New soft felts with narrow bands and bindings they're right. We have them in Chamois at $3 and Stetsons at $4 and $5. Large showing of stiff hats in all the new blocks $3, $4 and $5. Manhattan Shirts X5I WEDDING OF POPULAR COUPLE A10UNCEDF0R OCTOBER From tintunlay'B Pally. Our friend, W. F. Gillespie, t lie local grain buyer, yesterday hand ed in the crop repent, like a so ciety reporter, as follows: "Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Mr. Jack Frost and Miss Good Corn Crop, the ceremony to he performed in the Garden Spot on Thursday, Octo ber 31, 11)12. "A few old fogies like Hicks and Foster rather predict frosts before that date, but if Jark'will restrain his ardor a little and wait until the time mentioned in the invitations, there will be a fine wedding and a three-billion- bushel corn crop, which will make Us dealer smile. "A good many nre telling us that there are fewer barren corn stalks in the Held and more ears to the stalk than usual. "Farmers are having a hard lime gelling oals threshed be tween showers, a good many oats nre showing up at the elevators in no III condition to ship, and a poodly portion of the crop yet in the shock is one grade lower in condition now than when cut. "Permit us lo caution dealers not lo load out damp oals. They will surely make you (rouble and lose you money under present conditions." WANTED TO HUNT ny a lady, an unfurnished room for light housekeeping; with private fam ily. Kit her up or down stairs. In quire at Ihe Journal office. 8-31-lld. Tnomsen, Dentist, Wesoott Blk. Examine Your House J At Cm. 1 ..... ..I II . I . . . . . At tllll time of jviui juui.cuy Bjr.nust uecay nua rust Uurinij the comiiiir ......v. iuuiiuia, ttviiui An cni mi I air .-tho nonstandard" kind i , I m r n '?? Totectlon Is ui:u hi . ""t turn ium eaten water troughs nnd drain pipes alt take money lo replace, lie of prevention Is worth a pound of euro. tho ' lliRh Standard" kind means protection as veil ns rimy. jucwe Drctners t "High Standard" Jiqrad Paint rivoi oru t nuns afford nr. toctlou while it takes less paint t j d- won:. W'c nvo tho fxch;lve nsea!". Mil viM over v.iUt you ns to colors, (;u.i;uit:, IVr Weyrlch & Hadraba Drugs, Kodaks and School Supplies Shifts Stetson Hats ANOTHER CHARGE OF VIO LATING AUTOMOBILE LAW From Saturday's pally. On complaint of Henry Trout, night policeman, a complaint was prepared by County Attorney Tay lor this morning, charging in two counts the violation of the speed limit law within the city of Plaltsmouth, on the day of August, IS) 12, by Ed Schulhof. The complaint in the first count charges that on the day afore said, in the city aforesaid, a motor vehicle was operated and propel led at a greater speed than twelve miles-an' hour and "at a greater fpeed than was reasonable. The second count charges (he opera tion of a motor vehicle over the intersections at, a greater speed than s'.v miles per hour and at a greater speed than twenty miles per hour. A warrant was issued and turned over to (he olllcers. Mr. Schulhof was out of the city for a few hours after the warrant was issued, but. inlimaled that he could prove by three occupants of his machine at the lime complain ed of that he was not exceeding the speed limit and that the county would lie given a chance to prove the case against him be fore he laid down any of his coin. Receives Sad News. Mr. Worth, who is the man ager of the "1'nrle Tom's Cabin" company, has just received a mes sage from his wife informing him of the death of their second daughter. Mr. Worth will have Ihe sympathy of the community in his sad bereavement. Ho has been bending every energy the past week cndeavoiing to assemble Ihe company, and the blow will fall on him with crushing force. vnu nlmnM thtnlr r,t ii:.. - r niMivii. roui'ii mm her nnii nus - means protectlr needed most. Tho use of cheat) or t; ,-. t,..M .i ( ,j ,, the v.-ork re. 4 co-.t :'k p.". mt pi- 1 e ; !.u! to U"; , vr fall . ; tte. ' ty THE "STANDARD BEARERS" HAVE FINEJl IN COUNTRY Mrs. George Kaffenberger Invites Them Out to Her Home, Eight Mites West of This City. From Saturday's Dally. The strictly girls' organization, known as "'The Standard Hearers" f the Methodist church, accepted an invitation from Mrs. (ieorge KafTenberger, living eight miles west of the city, to come out Fri day and frolic and gambol over their farm and eat a country din ner. Through the generosity of Mrs. Schoemaker, who provided a hayrack and team, the bunch of lassies were able to make the trip with little inconvenience to them. However, mention must be made here that a most capable and efficient chauffeur was secured to pilot said conveyance lo the ranch, that same chaulTcur being Jesse Perry, esq. Hayrack rides are an 'old story for said chauffeur, and the road being good, the distance between this city and the Kaffen berger home was quickly covered, 'arid the trip was without incident, but most, everybody along the route knew Jesse was coining. After a rambling, bumping and rollicking trip the party arrived at the fine county home of (Ieorge Kaffenberger x and his energetic wife and then things commenced. A horseback ride by the fear less just preceding Ihe dinner bell was an interesting feature. And' then the dinner yellow-legged chickens, pickles, tomatoes, cream and lots of other good things too numerous to mention that only the country housewife knows how to make. Everyone present says thai Mrs. Kaffenberger has cinch ed her reputation as a hostess and maker of pies. The cream listed above was not the solid, icy kind usually found at social affairs, but the real, thick creamy country cream that raises on the crocks. It is intimated that there will be "a back to the farm movement" soon as a result of this dinner. In the afternoon a yelling contest look place,- Miss Spencer being awarded first prize. Next was a plowing contest, first prize for plow girls being awarded to Mis ses Queen Handley and Wandra Ramsey. A watermelon eating contest followed, which was won by Mrs. E. C. Hill. A'biinrh of minor events were pulled off dur ing the afternoon. The crowd of girls and those in attendance voted Mr. and Mrs. Kaffenberger as big-hearted, hap py and entertaining folks arid that Ihe Standard Hearers would write lo Mrs. Elba Crahill ltrooks in Idaho, who was the former leader of the gang, a fourteen-page let ter, praising the entertainers and the affair in general. Those at tending were: Mrs. Hill, Misses Spencer. Ramsey, Saltier, Glenn, Adams, Jacks, Parker, Shoemaker, Handley, (iorder, Jesse Perry, Master Roscoe Hill and Earl Shoe maker. Returns to Hep Home. Knmi Saturday' Dally. Mrs. J. L. Young, who has been visiting her father, Charles JUted eker, in Murray, for a lime departed for her home this morn ing. Her brother, Glen Hoedeker, brought his sister and father to the station in his automobile. Mr. Hoedeker accompanied his daugh ter to Omaha lo assist her in gelling aboard the Northwestern train. A u toed to Omaha. From Saturday' Dally. Mr. and Mrs. William Ost and son, W. A. Ost , and Max Hal four, all from near Nehawka, passed through Platlsnioulh yesterday in their auto en route to Omaha lo spend the day. Mr. and Mrs. Ost are among the prosperous jind progressive farmers of Nehawka, and, of course, are subscribers of J I he Journal and stopped long enough in Plaltsmouth to pay us a brief call. Farmers Needing Rain. A. ,11. 1'ornolV, of near Cedar Creek, drove in this morning from his farm and looked after the week-end shopping. Mr. 1'ornolf reports the dry weather injuring corn very much, especially the late planting. The excessively warm weather of Ihe past week has dried the ground mil pretty thoroughly. The wild grass hay crop was nol as good this season as last and other grasses are be ing cut short by Ihe drouth. Auction Bridge, 500 and Bridge Pads at the Journal olllce. All kinds of fresTi candles nnd bulk ice cream at Bookineyr & Maurer's. J.- (i. llichey left for Leon, Iowa, on No. 2 last evening, where he will visit relatives for a few days. PLAnSMOUTH LADIES AT THE MEDAL CONTEST From Saturday's Daily. The medal contest Tuesday evening was so good that we can not refrain from feeling sorry for those who were mt there. Con trary to the usual program of what takes place at one of these contests the prize was battled for by grownup people and let us add, artists. There were nine numbers by matrons from differ ent parts of the county and the prize was won by Mrs. A. L. Zink, wife of the Christian minister in Plattsmoulh. lion. E. M. Pollard, who presented the medal to Mrs. Zink, took occasion to remark that the judges had made a mis take and instead of one should have given nine medals. To go into details would be superfluous, sullice to say that Mrs. Zink won by reciting "Little Blossom," and I hat it was handled in a manner that could have hard ly been excelled. Mrs. A. J. Bee son recited a selection after the contest was over that was receiv ed with applause. She had won a medal at Plattsmoulh some time ago and for that reason was bar red from this contest. There was a very fair attendance, but noth ing like lliere ought to have been in justice to the excellence of the entertainment. Following is a list of the con testants: Mrs. Marshall, Weep ing Wafer; Mrs. Copes, Avoca; Mrs. Thomas, Kerr, Wescott, Zink and Briggs of Plaltsmouth; Mrs. Stone and Mrs. Main of Nehawka. Mrs. Moore, county superintend ent of the Medal Contest Works, presided at the Matrons' Contest. Nehawka News. ' Entertains at Bridge. Frm Saturday's Dally. Mrs. II. S. Austin entertained a number of ladfriends at bridge yesterday afternoon, ami which was another delightful social function of the summer season. The guests filled six tables and most of the afternoon hours were devoted to this fascinating game. Miss lone Dovey won the first prize and Miss Florence Dovey second honors. Light refresh ments were served by Ihe hos tesses following the card games. Mrs. An.' I in was assisted in enter. Iainin;,r by Miss Mabel McBride oi Omaha. The (jut-of-town guests were: Misses Ciraec McBride of Omaha and Margery Kimball of Lincoln. Visitor From Oklahoma. . From Saturday's Dally. A. A. Schafer, an old resident of Cass county, who for the past few years has been living near Pocassel, Oklahoma, has been visiting relatives and friends in this county for the past week. He was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. M'i'garet Schafer, who has been visiting at his home. Mr. Schafer, in company with Louie Friedriek, from west of Murray, were Plaltsinoulh visitors yester day and made the Journal olllce a pleasant, call. Mr. Schafer reports everything in Oklahoma good this year, crops of every description being good, and the many people from Cass county in that locality are happy. SPECIAL THEATRICAL TRAIN VIA MISSOURI PACIFIC Effective Sunday, August 25, and each Sunday thereafter dur ing tho whole season, special theatrical trains will be operated between Kansas City and Omaha in each direction, leaving Omaha at 12:45 a. in., arrive Plaltsmouth i:'M) a. in.; leaving Kansas City 12:15 a. in, arriving Plaltsmouth 7:51 a. ni arrive Omaha 8:45 a. in. In addition to baggage cars and sleepers used by theatrical people, trains will carry coach for passengers, slopping at South Omaha, Plattsmoulh, Nebraska Gil y. Auburn, Falls City, Hia watha, Atchison, Leavenworth and Kansas City, Kas. Baggage not checked on these trains. 8-27-lwk ATTENTION A $4,000 home for .2,100. A JfliOO cottage for !f:i00. A !?C.'0 property for $325. Have other bargains. Easy pay ments. iYViidliaii! Investment & Loan Co. Everybody's doln' It. Doln' what? Smoking ACORNS, So cigar. Made by Ptak & Bajek. Room fop Ront. Large room, good ventilation, suitable for two persons; fur nished; second floo'r; brick build ing; opposite court house. Call at this office. ' a yt RZ' a o p :.; U'i Yoyr home can be perfectly heated yith pure - healthful- ever changing - constantly rer.cwcd warm air-free from dust-gas end 6i;icl:e and the good dependable ROUND OAK FURNACE and Rovnd Oak jYetliods will do it. Investigate I I The heating proposition is our specialty this Fall, and we now have the contracts for placing five heating plants before the Winter sets in. We also handle hot water and steam heating plants. See Plattsmoulh' HAVELOCK FOLKS PICNIC AT THjJpiC HOME The members of the Martha Washington Chapter, Order East ern Jstar No. 153, of Havelock, Neb., came to the Masonic Home yesterday in autos and brought I heir luncheons and enjoyed themselves hugely. Those com prising the party were: Messrs. and Mesdames F. H. Wheeler, Frank Wilcoxj Theodore Jacobs, C. O. Johnson, Mesdames V. F. Hoffman, II. F. Hecht, T. Davey, L. Wilhdur, L. S. Oilman, W. C. Piper, Harry Little, A. Miller, Mis ses Dewey Davey, Olive and Calra Johnson. After viewing the build ing, grounds and vineyard and spending several hours visiting with the members of the. Home, I hey returned to Havelock, well pleased with their visit. Felix Stepped High This Morning. Felix Sieczwoski stepped quite spry this morning and some high er than usual anil wore a broad smile when he entered Ihe shops for his usual day's work. When asked the source of his good cheer, Felix replied that the stork had left a fine ten-pound girl babe at his home yesterday. Mother and babe are doing well. Qets Finger Pinched. iid Archer had the misfortune to have the lingers of his left hand pinched this morning soon after starting to work at 7 o'clock. He was at the doctor's office be fore the doctor lo have his hand properly dressed. Gid will lay off a few days while the injury heals. OATS 1 Our new line of Sweater Coats has arrived. Call and look- them over. They are not the common kind there's quality knit into every garment the Penn sylvania Knitting Mills make. Look at the button holes they won't tear out. We have them in Red, Oxford, Tan and White IPRICEr 3.00 to r ?5r hi ICm.7.1 l;.:-:!i H r . i , t . ' 5 1--' us now. Nebraska BARN AND HORSES BURNED NEAR EAGLE A disastrous fire broke out yes terday afternoon about 5 o'clock at the barn of Fred Minchau, re siding two miles north of Eagle, which totally destroyed his line new barn, with contents, includ ing three head of horses and sev eral sets of harness. One of the horses ( was a valuable driving1 mare, which the family used frequently. The fire, after burning the barn, leaped over and destroyed two fine stacks of alfalfa and one slack of clover hay, then caught in the cattle corral and burned that and other buildings and cribs in the vicinity of the barn. There were some 300 neighbors on hand be fore the damage was all done, but nothing could be done to check the flames. The fire even burned the water tank. The origin of the fire is a mystery. A daughter of Mr. Min chau was in the garden when the lire was first noticed and it seem ed lo have spread throughout the barn, for it appeared to burst forth from all sides at once. There were children at the house, but the young lady was sure none of them had been in the barn yes terday afternoon. , The men working in the field had not been about the barn since noon. Mr. Minchau was not at home, being in Kansas, where he has been for some time. The los9 will be close to $2,000. The barn was insured in the Farmers' Mu tual Insurance company for two thirds of its value. Srofhers ion