The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 22, 1912, Image 8

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V 1
The Plattsmouth Garage Co.
WARGA & CECIL, Proprietors
Ready for Business!
. U path
Corner Sixth and Vine Streets,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
We want you all to feel that we are going to look after the emergency end of
your car's needs. Don't worry if you break down. Our "Service Department"
J will deliver you Supplies and Tires quickly and economically. Everything we sell
you will be absolutely guaranteed.
The Plattsmouth Garage Company
WARGA & CECIL, Proprietors
UTAgent for the Inter-State Automobiles. PRESTOLITE AGENCY
, "; M-cf ',"v-.'r
m or ii m
n n
320 acres of fine Blue Stem Grass
farm, in Hemphill County, Texas. Can
all be put in cultivation. Black san
dy loam soil, fine water. Canadian,
the County Seat, a thriving R. R.
Town. Price $20.00 per acre. This
is a bargain. Will trade for a good
improved 1G0 acre farm, clear of in
cumberance. For further information
P. F. LAU,
Perry, Okla.
Mr. August Kopp and Miss Rose
Novotny United in the Holy
Bonds of Wedlock.
Costs You Nothing When Hie
Almost Nothing When It Runs
WHEN an I II C engine is at work, it is
the cheapest dependable power you ,
can use; when not working it costs
you nothing. It will work just as hard at the
close of the day as at the start will work
overtime or all niht just as readily. It is
ready to work whenever you need it; always
reliable and satisfactory. You can use an
I H C Oil and Gas Engine
to pump water, to run the wood saw, cream
separator, churn, urindstone, washing machine,
feed grinder, corn husker and shredder, en
silage cutter, or any other farm, machine to
which power can be applied.
I II C oil and gas engines are constructed of
the best materials; built by men who know
what a good engine must do; thoroughly tested
before leaving the factory.
, They are made in all sizes from 1 to 50-horse
power; in all styles vertical and horizontal,
air and water cooled, portable, stationary and
mounted on skids, to operate on gas, gaso
line, naphtha, kerosene, distillate or alcohol.
Kerosene-gasoline tractors, 12 to 45-horsc
Ask the 1 1IC local dealer to show you an
I HC engine and explain each part, or write
for catalogue and full information.
International Harvester Company of America
Council Bluffs lau
I It C Service UurtftU
The purpose of tins Huresu Is to furnish, free
of ctiame In nil. Hie best tnlormaiioii ohiin;tble
on belter farming. K yon have anv worthy ques
tion concerning soils, crop. land drainage, irrl
at Ion, fertilizer ). etc ,tmki. your inqulriesspecihc.
nil send them to 1 H C Survica Uureau, Harvester
building. Chicago, USA v
Krorn Wednesday's Dally.
A pretty church wedding oc
curred this morning, when Mr.
August Kopp and Miss Rose
Novotny were joined in the holy
bonds of matrimony, Rev. Father
Vlcek and Rev. Father Shine
olliciating. The solemn marriage
service of the church was most
impressive and was witnessed hy
a large congregation of relatives
and friends of the happy young
Tin; groom was attended by Ed
Skoumal of Omaha and Charles
Hula of this city, and the bride by
her sister, Miss Lillian Novotny
and Miss Mary Svoboda. The
bride looked beautiful in white
voile over niessaline, carrying
white rosebuds. Miss Lillian No
votny wore a champaign crepe de
client! and carried pink carnations.
Miss Mary Svoboda wore a gown
of white flowered voile and parried
while carnations. The groom and
his attendants wore the conven
tional ' black business suits and
white ties.
At 2 o'clock the wedding dinner
as served at Ihe residence of the
bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Jos
eph Novolny, and a reception ten
dered the happy couple this after
noon and tonipht.
This popular young couple have
the he! wishes of hosts of friends
in I'lallsnioiilh and elsewhere.
Uotli Mr. Kopp and his bride are
natives of 1'lattsnioulh and stand
hinh in the estimation of their
friends and acquaintances. The
Journal joins with their many
friends in wishing Mr. and Mrs.
Kopp long life and prosperity.
Kansas City Giants Cancel All
Their Cass County Dates, But
Baum Iron Co. Will Be Here.
From Wednesday's Daily.
That fast ball playing ag
gregation, the Baum Iron Com
pany, of Omaha, will play ball in
l'lattsmouth next Saturday aft
ernoon with the Boosters. The
game will be called at 3:30, and
will sure be a good one, and one
that will make the Boosters go
some to win. The Baum Iron
Company team is the one that
shut out the big South Omaha
Shamrocks last Sunday in that
city and are considered one of the
fastest teams in Omaha.
The Olemvooil team will meet
the Boosters on the home grounds
Sunday afternoon, which game
will be called at 3 o'clock. Here
is where the Boosters are looking
for revenge, occasioned by their
defeat in Glenwood a few weeks
Putting in the Heat
From Wednesday's Dally.
James Ault and James Johns
left for Pacific Junction this
im rning to finish putting in a
heating' plant in the hotel there
for John Bauer & Son. James
Bolin and Joe Hiber are in Union
for Mr. Bauer completing the V.
B. Banning heating plant, while
Frank Bestor is out at Mynard
completing one for W. T. Richard
son's fine new dwelling.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Guy 1). McMaken had the mis
fortune yesterday to get the mid
dle linger of bis left hand badly
crushed, so that it will probably
have to be amputated between the
first and second joints. At the
time the accident occurred he,
with the help of about thirty men,
were removing a small building
from the site of the proposed new
building at Glenwood. There was
no way to get the building olf but
to pick it up and carry it. The
men started, when it got
too heavy for them ami they had
to let it down, and instead of let
ting it down easy, as Guy had told
them, the men got from under too
suddenly and Guy's finger was
caught. The injury was dressed
by the doctor and Guy stayed on
the job, but he may have to lay
off later.
One of the most common ail
ments that hard working people
are afflicted with is lame bach.
Apply Chamberlain's Liniment
twice a day and massage the parts
thoroughly at each application,
and you will get quick relief. For
?ale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
For Sale.
100 acres improved land be
tween Murray and Nehawka.
Write Miss Gertie M. I'ittinan,
Fort Klamath, Greg mi.
For earache, toothache, pains,
ui rn s, scalds, sore throat, try Ir.
Thomas' Kcb'clic Oil, a splendid
emedy for emergencies.
Inmates of Buggy Thrown Out,
Vehicle Smashed and Oc
cupants InJuOred.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Sunday evening a very painful
and probably unavoidable accident
occurred near the Sherman Cole
home, south of Plattsmouth a few
miles. The result of the accident
was a collision between Mr. dole's
automobile and the buggy of Mr.
and Mrs. Johnson of Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were
driving to church in their buggy,
when at the point in the road
where the entrance to Mr. Cole's
premises strikes olT from the
road, they met Mr. Cole's auto
mobile coming from his house. It
seems that Mr. and Mrs. Johnson
could see the machine coming, but
Mr. Cole did not see them in lime
to check his machine to avoid the
collision, and although Mr. John
son did all he could to get out of
the way, the automobile crashed
into his buggy, overturning it,
throwing Mrs. Johnson out on her
head and Mr. Johnson was also
bruised up badly. The buggy was
reduced to a heap of ruins and
appeared to be fit only for the
scrap pile.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson were in
the city Monday to consult the
prosecuting attorney relative to a
remedy for their injuries, arid
were advised that their relief
would probably lay on the civil
side, rather than in the criminal
side of the court.
If you are a nousewife you can
not reasonably hope to be healthy
or beautiful by washing dishes,
sweeping and doing housework
all day, and crawling into bed
dead tired at night. You must
get out into the open air and sun
light. If you do this every day
and keep your stomach and bowels
in good order by taking Cham
berlain's Tablets when needed,
you should become both healthy
and beautiful. For sale by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Statements That May Bo Investi
gated. Testimony of PlatU
mouth Citizens.
When a I'luttsmoulh citizen
conies to Hi,. I: , ,nt , telling his
friends and neighhnrs' of ins ex
perience, you can rely on hjs sin
cerity. The statements of people
residing in fur nway (daces do not
command your confidence. Home
endorsement is the kimf that
backs Bonn's Kidney Pills. Such
testimony is convincing. in
vestigation proves it true. lVlow
is a-. statement of a Plattsmouth
resident. No stronger proof of
merit can be bad.
Louis Kroehler, proprietor of
hardware store, Elm. street,
Halt. smooth, Neb., says: "I know
that Moan's Kidney Pills arc
thoroughly reliable. ' I took them
about a year ago for pain in my
back. r was so lame that I
couldn't stoop and my kidneys
were weak. I had a tired, languid
feeling all the time and head
aches were common. I got Doan's
Kidney Pills from Rynott's Drug
Store and they soon relieved my
troubles. I am pleased to recom
mend them."
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, New York, sole agents for
the United Slates.
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
"Were all medicines as merit
orious as Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and iDarrhoea Remedy
Ihe world would be much better
ofT and the percentage of suffer
ing greatly decreased," writes
Lindsay Scott, of Temple, Ind. For
sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
'For Sale.
35 acres splendid hay land, i'
miles south of Pacific Junction,
Ta; one-quarter, mile from Hay
nie's switch on the K. C. R. R.
T. II. Pollock, Plattsmouth, Neb.
Real Estate
Good Pasture.
SI. 00 per month. Horses or
cattle; on Platte bottom at south
end of wagon bridge. Good water.
. T. II. Pollock.
Bought and Sold
Insurance Placed in Best
Farm Loans and Rental Agency
Virgil Muliis
From Wednesday's Dully.
J. R. F.nger, proprietor of the
Paragon laundry of this city, has
secured Ihe servict'3 of Mr. Caves,
an expert laundry engineer, who
has been employed at Nebraska
City for the past two years. Mr.
Caves is an all round expert man
in a laundry and is a valuable ad
dition to Mr. Knder's force of
workmen. The work turned out
by the laundry since Mr. F.nger
has had charge is very much su
perior to any ever done here be
fore, and it is but natural that the
business should pick up right
along. He expects to be in his new
building about September 15,
when he will be equipped for even
better service for small family
washings. He has been assured
a contract worth ?i00 per annum
to li i in just as soon as he gels in
to the new building. The outlook
for the laundry business here is
Very good indeed.
$1,200 IN PRIZE
Automobile, Motorcycle, Phonograph, Gold
Watches, Silverware, Etc., Given Away by
To Be Awarded in This Contest
first Prize, $625 Maxwell Auto
1! S
R '
3 Motorcycle.
3 Gold watch.
4 Ciold match.
.K 4iold match.
T Ciold watch.
8 4Jold watch.
0 tiold natch.
10 Gold natch,
11 Ciold watch.
12 Camera.
J 5 Camera.
1 Silverware.
IK Silverware.
Il Silver knives.
17 Silver forks.
IK Silver anoons.
Ml Silver spoon.
20 Fountain pen.
21 Fountain pen.
22 Fountain pen.
23 Pocket knife.
21 rocket knife.
23 Pocket knife.
if I
State Levy Received by Clerk.
From Tuesday's Dully.
(lounty Clerk l. C. Morgan yes
terday received from Ihe stale
board of eiiualial ion and assess
ment tlie levy for MM 2, ns fid lows:
Tidal valuation for the counly.
.S,8ti3.7L,.'t; general fund, I mills
on Ihe dollar, J?33.(H 5.80 ; uni
versity, I mill on the dollar, 8,
40:i.72 ; state and bridce, Lr mill
on the dollar, s?i80.75; total. 5 !-.r
mills, . I :i,f '.. no Valuation last
year, ?7,J77,oii'., wild a levy of
0 1-5 mills on the dollar.
will give away, almotutoly FREE, over $l,2nn.nn in
,1 Alil.l'.
I'lUZES In tills blcr popular
the successful candidates
31, 1S1J.
This contest starts Septomhc r 1 and clours October
31, and the candidate having the largest number of
votes to his or her credit on October 31 will bu
awarded the 6L'5 Maxwell automobile. The candidate
with the next largest number of votes will get the
K00 Indian motorcycle, and so on until the ttnllre
twenty-five prizes are awarded.
There are no complicated rules or conditions to
this contest It Is Jnnt a contowt to pee who can so
cure the largest number of votes by October 31.
All votes will be iiiven KIIKK with subscriptions,
and you win either of these viiluablo by v
ourltii? subscriptions to The FARM MAOA.1NK.
This content Is FUEH and costs nothing to enter.
Just fill out the entry blank and moll it today and
we will send you full Information and supplies by re
turn mall. . . ....
The names and stanJInKs of all who enter t his
contest will be published In The FARM MAI.AZ1M'.
the llrst time September 1. and evtiry Issue thereafter,
till the close of the contest. All who semi In the r
names on or before September 1 will be fc-ivon 10.00U
votes FllKE to start with.
Although this contest does not start until Sep
tember 1, vou should get your supplies and start
working At ONVH. You can send in your votes as
fast as you get them and have them credited to you
In the lirnt standings. .
We guarantee all candidates that this conrest
will be conducted fairly, and that the prizes ore
exnrtlv ai represented. An publishers of The 1AI..M
Klven awav thirty nutomubilcs In the last four years
Tho names" and addresses of these auto winners will
be sent you with your supplies.
Itrfrrruee Any llnnk or llunlnena Ilonsr la Omnlm.
Dua't Walt. Don't Hesitate Ilccaiise ll'a l'rre.
Any man, woman, boy or girl who lives In Ne
braska, Kansas, Missouri, Iowa, South Dakota, Wy
omtntr or Colorado w ho Is not a resident of Onviha,
South Omaha or Council Tiluffs and Is In no way
oonnoc.ted with Tho FARM MAGAZINE can enter
this contest absolutely FREE.
w Each suiwcrlber you send In will be mallwl a
s of 10 beautiful emboss-d birthday and greeting
postenrds promptly on receipt of your onler.
Mill. THIS i:VIKY lll.lMv TOIIW.
I'll E FAItn M tJA7.IM- Unmhn. Ncl.,
Enter nir name. Credit me with IO.IMMI votes l-'ISE:
anil send full Informntlun and Instructions at once.
..n. r. n..