The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 22, 1912, Image 7

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1 Auto and Wagon I
S lOP!' 1
r? v?
J Automobile and driver 50c fcj
j$ Motor Cycle " " 15c tt
$ Team, wagon and driver with load of garden truck, fruit, J
poultry, hogs, calves, grain, hay or any other merchan- O
S dise 50c S
Team, wagon and driver without load 25c
t& Horse and buggy 20c S
Horses or cattle led or driven 10c
Hogs, sheep or calves driven 5c
The above rates for team, wagon and driver are
ft basis of 75c for round trip loaded one way and empty one way. xi
$ Splendid roads to South Omaha exactly 15 miles from $
p Main and 6th St., Plattsmouth to 24th and N St., South Omaha.
C. E. Musicale.
The regular monthly musicale
of the United Brethren Christian
Endeavor society was held last
Tuesday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jean. The
evening was ideal and a large
crowd was present to listen to the
well arranged porgram. De
licious punch and wafers were
served. Misses Mattie flapen and
Lenora Snyder presided at the
punch bowl. Following is the
program as rendered:
Prayer . .Rev. Bailey
Piano Duet
. . .Elsie flapen and Rev. Bailey
Vocal Duet
' . . . .llarrietle and Mabel Adams
Piano Solo Miss Keifer
Reading Villa Gapen
Piano Duet
Mrs. Charles Barnard and Miss
De Ella Venner.
Vocal Solo Fern Long
Piano Solo Emma Cummins
Orchestra Messrs. Roy Sherman
and Carl Cole. Miss Keefer, ae-
Indian Killed on Track.
Near Roehelle, 111., an Indian
went to sleep on a railroad track
and was killed by the fast express.
He paid for his carelessness with
his life. Often its that way When
people neglect coughs and colds.
Don't risk your life when prompt
use of Dr. King's New Discovery
will cure them and so prevent 'a
dangerous throat or lung trouble.
"It completely cured me, in a
short time, of a terrible cough
that followed a severe attack of
grip," writes J. R. Watts, Floyda
da, Tex., "and I regained 15
pounds in weight that I had lost."
Quick, safe, reliable and guaran
teed. 50c and ?1.00. Trial bot
tle free at F. G. Fricke & Co.
One way to relieve habitual con
stipation is to take regularly a
mild laxative. Doan's Regulets
are recommended for this pur
pose. 25c a box at all drug stores.
Many States Within
Speaking Distance!
That's what the Lincoln lines mean in
Nebraska. Have you considered the quick
ness of telephone journeys and their tri
fling cost to you, the superior service over
the Lincoln lines and that hundreds of
towns may be almost instantly brought
within speaking distance?
Every Lincoln Telephone is a Long
Distance Station
Lincoln Telephone and
Telegraph Company
J. K. POLLOCK, Local Manager
considered and that is that two
games in oiie day for green hands
who play but one game a week, is
a great handicap. Score by in
nings: Louisville ..'..0 1 0 0 0 4 1 0' G
Cedar Creek.. ..0 0 0 1 0 2 1 1 05
Batteries Louisville, Keckler
and Keckler; Cedar Creek, Mc
Keag, Conner and Wolff. Hits
Louisville, 5; Cedar Creek, 0.
Errors Louisville, 3; , Cedar
Creek, 8.
Secretary Marshall of the state
board of horticulture has samples
of freak apples that grew in an
orchard near Weeping Water,
says the State Journal. They grew
on suckers or water sprouts that
came out of the sides' of large
trunk limbs on two trees of the
American summer Pearmain
varretyY'" The 'sprouts were pur
posely allowed to grow. The tree
bloomed April 25 and bore fruit
which has matured and has been
picked. June 1 blooms appeared
on the sprouts anil well-formed
apples of large size arc the result.
They are still green, but will evi
dently mature, although much
later than the other fruit on the
same tree. Secretary Marshall
says this is the first instance, to
his knowledge, of apples on wood
grown the same year the apples
appeared. As a rule the wood
growth of one year never blooms
until the following year. There
are three pecks of the freak ap
ples on two trees. This is prac
tically two crops the same year
from the same tree.
Preliminary Hearing Tomorrow.
To enable the slate to procure
additional testimony, the pre
liminary hearing of Arthur Jacoby
and Louie Kuhney was postponed
until Friday morning.
Cedar Creek Don't Give Man ley
a Look-in at Big Game at the
Louisville Carnival.
One of the most enthusiastic
games of base ball ever pulled off
at the Louisville ball park was be
tween the two little burgs of Cedar
Creek and Manley. A ball team
cannot always be measured by the
size of a town, which was plainly
evident at this clash.
At the beginning Manley rooters
were strong in their belief that
Cedar Creek's machine would
crumble before such a lire as was
expected front the talented Mr.
Cunningham from Omaha, who
was on the mound, but when the
ever true Mr. Conner's south paw
got wound up and let loose of
some of his reserves of slants and
smoke it looked as though there
were others at their posts, which
fact became more evident as the
game proceeded. It was a pretty
battle from the mound until the
fourth inning, when, with two men
down and two and nothing on the
baiter, the famous Mr. Cunning
ham presented Wolff with a walk.
Conner was the next on the bat
ting order and he laced out a neat
little single, placing a man on first
and second with the big chief, Mr.
MeKeag, at the bat. True to his
name, the stalky Indian wcilded
his club with the accuracy of a
Roman and the ball went sizzing
through the opening between first
and second base and Wolff and
Conner both came marching
home "with the bacon."
There were two men down in
Mauley's half of the fourth in
ning, when Weeping Water's star,
Mr. Klipser, made an attempt lo
pilfer second base, but was caught
by four feel, when a very rank de
cision, which was later acknow
ledged by the umpire, game him
life and made it possible for Man
ley's only scores to come in. This
fact remains undisputed by all
fair-minded fans who witnessed
the game, and therefore they claim
it a shutout in reality. There was
never another chance for Manley
to score.
v. Mr. Durkee, an ex-Storz
Triumph, was there and over on
the shortstop line for Manley, but
he, too, humbled himself before
the slants of Mr. Conner. The
Cedar Creek machinery was work
ing so smoothly that even the
fleet-footed Mr. Routh and Mr.
O'Hrien were slabbed by a good
margin in I heir attempt lo steal
second base.
The whole team played a won
derful game and without the ex
cusable errors in the out field it
would have been without) a lainl
Again in the seventh the first man
up hit for two sacks and was fol
lowed by the topnolchers on Cedar
Creek's batting list with bingles
until the bases were choked, with
the little 18-year-old Walter Sal
berg at the bat. Well, he just
slipped a beautiful one over Ihe
infield and scored two, making his
second hit in the game and bring
ing in three runs in all, which Is
not so bad for a minor.
There were but seven of Man
ley's men who were allowed a
berth on the initial bag, and three
of this number were caught at
second attempting to pilfer. Score
by innings:
Manley 00020000 02
Cedar Creek ..1 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 00
Hatlcries Manley, Chamber
lain and O'Hrien; Cedar Creek,
Conner and Wolff. Hits Manley,
2; Cedar Creek, 9. Errors Man
ley, 4; Cedar Creek, 2.
There was plenty of Irish coin
behind the famous aggregation
and the Louisville sports were
loath to get it covered, as their
judgment, as usual, was very
good and a neat little wad was
cleaned up. There are two yital
points to beware of before enter
ing into a real battle over-confidence
and underestimating Ihe
enemy's strength.
At 2:30 the Cedar Creek ag
gregation went on the field for the
second encounter of the day and
were represented on the mound
by the big chief, Mr. MeKeag, who
hurled beautiful ball for live in
nings, that being all he would go,
as lie had a game to pitch Ihe fol
lowing day. The sixth was where
Ihe youngsters went to pieces,
when the locals, with but one hit,
put four scores across the platter.
Two liils in the seventh allowed
the second earned run for the
locals, the first earned run being
a homer by Ossonkop In the sec
ond inning. Cedar Creek played
a hard game after Ihe bad inning
and scored in every inning but the
There is one thing that must be
Local News
W. M. Crahani and wife of near
I'nion changed cars here yester
day, en route to (Ilenwood to visit
Miss Pauline Davis and Miss
Barton of Lincoln are in the city,
having come to attend the Hrooks
Crabill wedding last evening.
Mrs. James Johns left for Red
Oak, Iowa, on the morning train
today, where she will visit friends
for a few davs.
Ouy McMaken was a passenger
to (ilenwood on the morning train
today, where he went to look after
business matters.
Mr. and Mrs. 11. S. Crabill of
Lallarpe, lllinosi, accompanied by
Miss Crabill, his sister, arrived
yesterday afternoon to attend the
lirooks-Crabill wedding.
J. W. Harwick, wife and grand
daughter left for (ilenwood on the
morniiig'train today lo visit their
daughter, Mrs. Allbe, for a lime.
Fritz lleinrich, wife and son, of
Havelock, spent the day with rela
tives in this city yesterday, re
turning to their home on No. 33.
Oscar Larson went to Weeping
Water on Ihe morning train today
to participate in Ihe ball game lo
be played at the fraternal picnic
Mrs. Alice of Omaha,
who has been a guest, of the Harry
Kuhney home for a few days, re
turned lo her home this after
noon. A party composed of II. 1).
Shultz, Miss Lyda Towle, Mrs.
SehilTel and J. C. Mickelwait,
motored over form (Ilenwood this
The Helpers of the Christian
church will give an ice cream
lawn social at the home of A. L.
Zink Friday evening, August 23.
Everybody invited.
Mrs. John Nenietz and son and
two daughters; accompanied by
her mother, Mrs. Fiala, left for
Omaha this afternoon, where they
will visit relatives for a time.
Mrs. Rover and son, John, of
near Murray, departed for Down
ing,' Missouri, on the morning
train today, where they will visit
her parents, whom she has not
seen for several years.
J. C. Peterson is in receipt of a
card from Hon. F. K. While, grand
secretary of the Masonic order,
written from Skagway, Alaska,
where he is rusticating in a ('ord
er climate.
Lig Wrown of Kenosha and his
niece, Miss Kit tie Tucker, were
passengers lo Omaha on Ihe aft
ernoon train today, where they
went lo consult Dr. Owens, the eye
specialist, and have glasses fitted
for Miss Tucker.
Home-made pies, cakes,
cookies, bread, doughnuts and the
like at the niarket conducted by
the ladies of the M. F,. church in
the vacant room in the Riley block
all day Saturday.
The Hurlington Route band left
for Weeping Water this morning,
where I hey will furnish the music
for the fraternal picnic today.
From there they go lo Ihe Old
Settlers' reunion at Union, where
they play Friday and Saturday.
James Terryberry and children,
John Oauer and wife and John
Wolf and wife passed through
Plattsmo'uth this morning in Mr.
Terryberry's seven-passenger
car, en route to Lake Okoboji,
Iowa, lo hunt and llsh for a week.
Miss Marie Douglass departed
for Cortland, Neb., this afternoon
to visit her uncle, Dr. O. (I. Doug
lass, for a couple of days, and
also to give readings tomorrow
and Saturday mornings at the an
nual fall festival given by that
Mrs. J. It. Vallery, accompanied
by her daughter, Martha I.enore,
was a passenger for the soul li
Tuesday. They will spend some
time visilinp nt. the home of John
Vallery and lookinp over the land
interests of Ihe family near Mon
liccllo, Arkansas.
Mrs. (lass and her si.-ler-in-law,
Miss (lass, holh of Columbus,
IS'eb., who have been quests of
Mrs. H. A. Schneider for a few
day, departed for Weeping Water
yesterday afternoon, where they
will visit friends for a few days
before returning lo their homes.
Execution of General
May Cause deposition
of Chinese President.
Bfor Bun "Vat Bon left BhanKhal for
Peklnii to demiinil nn iiccouiitlnK from
lYetlilent Yuan Slilh Kal for the shooting
of his frtund General Chung Twn Chu and
other repiibllrun army oflWri he left or
der for nn Immediate mohlllxntlnn of the
mllltury force In (out horn China. Tlte
picture la that of I'reMJnnt Yuan.
Crisis in Chinese Affairs Is Now Con
sidered Over.
Peking, Aug. 22. President Yuan
Phi Kal sent a dispatch to the Chinese
national assembly declining to nccedo
to Its dmiaiids that the president and
the minister of war attend the session
of the assembly und further explain
their reasons for the execution of Gen
eral Chang Chen Wu and General Feng
Wei, members of Dr. Sun Yat Sen's
party, mho recently were summarily
put to death. The president suggested
that the Hup' h members of the assem
bly visit him.
Later they met the president, who
explained the government's attitude
bo effectively that his visitors volun
teered to persuade the house not to
Impeach the government unless fur
ther reactionary acts were committed.
The crisis Is considered over.
Body of Dead General to Lie In
State a Week.
London, Aug. 22 William Bram
wcll Booth, eldest son of the late
William Itoolh, commander of the Sal
vation Army, has been appointed head
of tho Salvation Army to succeed his
Ttmituil nrll rt folotrn ma 9 etm
aawitu o j i hi ""in VI P J 111"
pnthy with them In the loss of their
loader. Oonornl Willi. mi liooth. worn
vv,viv.u uj kJniMtuvu 41 1 in jr iivulin.
Several rulers of nations and scores
... . ... .
ot men and women,
ana women, worhi-rnmous in
many different lines, expressed their
grief at the general's death and their
appreciation of his greatness.
Lawyers Oppose the Recall.
Minneapolis, Aug, 22. By a vote of
60 to 11. recall of Judges was ormosed
by the Minnsota State Par assoclik-
t!on In session here and by a vote of
a vote of
rt t 'e it. i ., .
61 to 8 the association wen on record
as opposed to the recall of Judicial de-
National League.
II r-k t ........ . r 11 YT
m,ii.nn n ft n ft ft i n i i irt o
ni. niLuftu. it. li. iv
"""'s" wvvwvuw
New York 0 00 0 0 000 00 1 1
tihu A.t,.... f., .
l.ll.MI:-nM.IICI , IIOI t. U II" illl J IT I n.
At IloHton: R.II.E. ;
Boston 0 0400000 37 9 5
Cincinnati 001 000 3004 7 4
Perdue-Kling; Frill Mclean.
At Pittsburgh: R.II.E.
Pittsburgh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 4 1
isrooxiyn u i uimmiuii i 8 v
AdnmsOlbson; RuckerErwIn.
American League.
At Washington: R.H.E.
Detroit 0 00 1 00000-1 7 2
Washington 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 8 0
liako-Kocher; Groom-Henry.
At Now York: R.H.E.
Chicago 00000 10 001 8 2
New York 0 0 0 2 1 0 3 0 6 9 1
Ben t. Schalk ; Cald well-Sweeney.
At Boston: R.H.E.
noston 200 1 1 00004 8 6
Cleveland 3 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 1-9 15 0
O'Brien Nnnamaker; Illandlng O'Nell
Western League.
At Omaha: R.H.E.
Omaha ....... .3 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 6 12 0
Wichita 00 00000000 G 1
Robinson-Johnson; Scott Clemens.
AtTopcka: R.H.E.
Topeka 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 03 10 4
St. Joseph 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 04 7 0
Brandom-Smlth; Crutcher-Oossctt.
At Des Moines: R.II.E.
Des Moines....0 00000 0 1 0 1 4 1
Denver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 14 12 0
Rogge McGrnw; Ilealy-Block.
At Lincoln: R.II.E.
Lincoln 00 1 1 3000 5 9 1
Sioux City.. .....0 0 0 0 00 0000 4 4
- Wolvertcn Stratton; McAdams Chap
I u
Explains lo Senate What He
Did Willi $25,000.
Says Standard Oil Cave $150,000 to
Elect Roosevelt Asserts Flinn Of
fered Him Two Millions to Be Sena
torEditor Also Object of Attack.
Washington, Aug. 22. In a careful,
deliberate speech in the senate Sena
tor Penrose of Pennsylvania replied to
the charges made regarding a certif
icate of deposit for $25,000 sent hini by
John D. Arcbbold or the Standard Oil
company In 1904. ,
Senator Penrose admitted receiving
that sum from Mr. Archbold, but said
it was part of a collection of a con
tribution of $150,000 made by Archbold
to the Republican national campaign,
$100,0(10 of which amount he said went
to tho Republican national committee
and $50,000 to himself for use In Penn
sylvania. "Theodore Roosevelt had been ad
vised of the contribution," Senator
Penrose declared.
He said that later Cornelius N. Miss,
then treasurer of tho national commit
tee, asked for another contribution of
$150,000 from Archbold and his asso
ciates "Interested In the Standard Oil
"The demand was urgent, Insistent
I may say Imperative and It was re
ported It came direct from Roosevelt,"
declared Senator Penrose, forcefully.
William Fllnn, Roosevelt leader In
Pennsylvania, was scored by Penrose.
The senator charged that In 1904 Flinn
offered him and Israel V. Durham
"$1,000,0(10 or $2,000,000" If they would
favor his candidacy to the senate to
succeed Senator Quay. Senator Pen
rose read what purported to bo copies
of telegrams to show that Fllnn asked
John D. Archbold to assist him In se
curing the election.
( Editor Object of Attack.
Senator Penrose also attacked E. A.
Van Vnlkenberg, editor of the Pennsyl
vania North American, and referred
to the "effrontery, hypocrisy and men
dacity of the Van , Valkenberg Fllnn
The galleries of the senate were
filled In response to the announce
ment that Senator Penrose was to
upcak. He read his speech from print
ed proofB. At the 'conclusion or his
speech the senator promised further
disclosures. Senator , Stone (Mo.)
asked him If he knew anything or the
contribution of E. It. ilarrlnian to the
1904 Republican campaign fund.
"The papers are on file and letters
exist." said Senator Penrose, "which I
think during the campaign will see the
light or day. I think it would be very
beneficial to the country ir they should
become public." ' ' 1
"Where are they now?" asked Sena
tor Stone. j i i
"They are hidden in tho archives of
the campaign committee, In the cellars
and vaults or business men and In the
offices of lawyers," retorted Senator
j '
j Tenrosp
i when th
'I think the 'time has come
when theso charges should bo met and
" " I" ' I'" riiv'UHi illl IIJIl
i ,m gulled by answers which Insinuate
41... . 1 . .,
that another man is a liar,"
Quotes Roosevelt Interview.
Penrose hnd read by the clerk a
tiowspaprr Interview with Colonel
Roosevelt, In which the lntter was
quoted as saying that Penrose had
nothing to do with the presidential
campaign In 1304. , The senator said
be was a member of the n
... . ..
miner, ciiuirman or tne rennsy van a
sUfe (.ommlt,Pe nl)( condllc pd
Cttmi)alcn nKvIviinln
Mr. President, is this ingratitude.
mendacity or political aphasia?" he de
manded. A ripple of laughter greeted this
question and Penrose seized his big
... -
' rain lenf n and settled Into his seat
u... n .
L " i" wimm uie
! $2,000,000 was to be nald bv the "cltl-
' -
I ...kA M.....I...I I I . I ... .J . .
; uii wuu wuiiieu 10 ue eieciea 10 me
"I suppose
either Mr. Durham or
myself," responded Mr. Penrose "Wo
did not get that far In the consldera-
u,,u ""l ?11 u,iU
t,(,n of lhe buslm
Senator PuHie
Senator Culberson (Tex.), soelna:
pliRychologlcnl opportunity. Immedi
ately called up his bill forbidding cam
paign contributions by corporations
and limiting the amount to be contrib
uted by Individuals to $5,000.
A filibuster developed and after a
half dozen roll calls on It the senate
was forced to adjourn.
Warren and Mondell Renominated.
Cheyenne, Wyo Aug. 22. It Is con
ldered certain that Senator Warren
ind Representative Mondell were re
nominated by the Republicans and
John li. Kendrlcks for senator and T.
P. Fahey for congress were selected
by the Democrats In the primary.
Kansas Bank Defaulter Captured.
Topek.i, Aiiff. 22.;-John A. Hack,
wanted on a charge of having default
ed $75,000 of the funds or the Abilene
State bank, or which lie was cashier,
has been raptured In. Now York city,
according to information received by
J. N. Dolley, state bank commissioner.
Mrs. Bernstein Held Not Guilty.
Chicago, Aug. 22. Mrs. Florence
Dernsteln was found not guilty of mur
dering her husband, George Dernsteln,
last. May 4. The Jury was out twenty
flve btuirji.