The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 22, 1912, Image 4

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    -The Plattsmouth Journal
Published Semi-Weekly at
Entered at the I'ostolfke at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as second-clas
For President
of New Jersey.
For Vict; President
of Indiana.
For United Stales Senator
For (iovernor
For Lieutenant (iovernor
For Secretary of Stale
For Auditor Public Accounts
4'or State Treasurer
For State Superintendent
For Attorney General
For Commissioner Public Lands
For Railroad Commissioner
For Congressman
For State Senator
For Representative
For Float Representative
For County Assessor
For County Commissioner
A disappointed candidate never
has much luck in concealing his
sore spots.
Tim slate fair begins Monday,
September 2. This is expected to
be Ihe best ever held in Nebraska.
- :o :
Teddv must be given credit for
some truths. What be says of
Woodrow Wilson being a splendid
man would denote that part.
' :0:
It looks lo n man up a tree like
the bull inoosers were deserting
Roosevelt every day and going
over to Tafl. Pretty soon you will
note them going in droves.
Will iMaupins Weekly is ar
ranging lo issu" its Annual Har
vest Home and Labor Day edition,
and you can bet your bottom dol-
Jar it will be a hummer. It will
appear on Labor day.
JSow I hat the regular republican
party has no candidate for gov
ernor, can the friends of President
Taft be prevailed upon lo vote for
Aldrich, after saying Unit Ihe
president, was a disgrace to Ihe
partv and that he could not and
1 'i
woultl net support him under any
J hero should lie a muzie
placed on those democrats up
around Lincoln who are talking
too much Willi Hieir mounts, x iu1
democrats never did have a good
show for victory lhat there were
not some professed democrats in
Lincoln that did not try to spoil
(he whole business.
The farmers will gel over so
much more money for bis whole
rrrm ibis vi.inv (l.oimh M.e nriee
per bushel may, on account of the
enormous yield, decline, in which
case the consumer should also
share in the blessings of the large
crop by obtaining a reduction in
I he cost of living.
When a man leaves his party
because, he is mad al someone
within the parly ranks, he is not
much of a politician. That is no
way lo do. You have as good a
right lo bo a democrat as your
enemy has, and maybe ho would
delight in seeing you leave. Stay
right where you are and "light it
out if it takes all 6ummer." To
leave the party is too much like
"cutling your nose off to spite
your face."
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
I'os.-ibly il is true that the stork
doesn't have to work as hard as he
used to, hut there are a number
of others in that class also.
When Aldrich remarked the
other dav, "It looks like Wilson,"
he might as well have went a lit
tle farther and said, "It looks like
Morehead," also.
Judge Holmes is not at all
meally-inoutlied in speaking out
in meeting and tells the bull
inoosers right where to head in,
and seems right hot under the col
lar, too, at their demands.
The Vermont election comes off
September 3 and it is going to be
quite a mixed up affair two re
publican candidates and one
democrat ic candidate for gov
Less hoi air in the governor's
ollice is what the neonle of Ne
braska are praying for. and their
prayers will be answered on the
51 h of November by Ihe election of
Hon. John II. Morehead.
The ticket should have been
lloosevelt. and Perkins. There
would have been no deceit in this
kind of ticket. It would have
" 1,um wv w
II. ........ ...It ..... .... II..
i i i r i . .- i i.. 1 1 .
" 1,1
even the hour, that the trusts did
not own him soul and body.
(Iovernor Johnson of California,
mull moose candidate for vice
president, will speak during the
stale fair at Lincoln. There is
lalk of 1,avin Mr' nryan tlp,'ak
on the same day and from the
same platform. That would make
it interesting.
Lincoln is big enough lo have a
half dozen Wilson and Marshall
clubs. Then what's the use of
cutting up about who organized
the first one? No matter who the
organizers are, so they are demo
crats anil are for Wilson and
Roosevelt says the bull moosers
must act independent of the Taft
followers in all the states, and in
Nebraska they nre paying but lit
t le heed lo his orders, and are still
at work trying to "rope- in" Ihe
Taftiles to support the stale can
didates, all of whom are afraid to
even say a good word for the
The democrats in congress are
to be congratulated upon their ef
forts to see (hat everything is done
up right before they adjourn. The
country is with I bent in this ef
fort, and while there has been
much good work done, there
would nave teen more had i not
been for the veto power of the
Roosevelt's bid for the labor
vut, is 1101 Koi,1 lo P't llim -
,llin ,f h, mn',1, hX'n tried
it mighl have worked. He has al-
hvays m'"v,,tl vmfail lif ill to Hit
'"''orors of Ihe country, in office
ami out of otlice. Did he ever
speak one word in their behalf?
Not much. They are getting too
wise to lie caught by "ehafi
thrown to them by such fellows
as Roosevelt.
Judge Holmes of Lincoln says
Unit if the Roosevelt and Taft
committees do not got together
the democrats aro assured
victory in Nebraska. The masses
of the party-are so split up that
simply the committees getting to
gothor is not going to get them
anything. Thero aro many dis-
guested republicans that will vote
the democratic ticket anyway.
The democratic state com
mittee will have headquarters on
the state fair grounds at Lincoln,
where all democrats are invited
who attend the fair.
If (iovernor Wilson does invite
the democratic editors to Sea
Girt we don't see how we can at
tend. We haven't the cash to pay
railroad fare ami it's too far to
There seems to be too much
talking in the democratic ranks,
and it is not among the rank and
tile, either. Don't do it unless it
is in tin; right direction. Let the
republicans and bull inoosers do
the talking and we'll do the vot
ing. R. L. Mel cat fe says he is
through running for ollice; that
no one ever asked him lo run for
governor on the third party ticket,
and that lie would not accept, a
nomination for office, at the hands
of any party. That ought to set
tle the question.
:o: :
Hon. John H. Morehead, demo
cratic candidate for governor, and
Judge Travis will deliver ad
dresses at the Old Settlers' re
union at Union next Saturday. If
you want to see the next governor
of Nebraska be sure to attend the
reunion on Saturday.
Congressman Maguire is slill in
Washington at his post of duty.
John has proved a faithful rep
resentative of Hit! people of the
First district and Ihe voters un
derstand his detention at the
capital ami will support him for
re-elect ion because of his ability
and faithfulness.
Paul Clark is not the kind of a
man that the people of the First
congerssional district want in
congress. He has always been a
tool of corporations, and if elect
ed, will prove faithful to them,
while the farmers and people in
general have been truly represent
ed by Hon John A. Magnire,
(Iovernor Hadley, right-hand
supporter to Roosevelt in the re
publican national convention, is
going to stump the country for
Taft. Next thing you know Aldrich
will make another flop ami go wvor
to Tafl. If he thought it would re
elect hiin there is no question
about il. He knows no parly
Medill McCormick, one of tli
brill moose ring-leaders, evident
ly does not intend to be ouldoite.
in claims. He returns to Chicago
from the fast with the claim that
Taft will not carry a single New
Fnglaml state, while Hilles says
Roosevelt will not carry a single
slate, (treat minds will differ, ytui
know. The democrats are making
no claims, but slill keep on "saw
ing wood."
One of the interesting problems
if our Nebraska political situa
tion relates to whether C. II.
Manuel, one of (iovernor Aldrirh's
non-polil ical appointees, and his
leam-mnte, J. L. MeHiieu, will be
able to so hobble the third lertn
mil moose party as to land it in
Ihe Aldrich stables. That is, of
course, their alloted job, and the
question is, can they do it while
the bull moose himself wants a
party ticket of his own in each
stale? Lincoln Star.
Fall t ratio promises to be belter
than for years. Will Hie increast
trade in your community go to
the homo stores or will it go to
the mail-order houses? Takes
bead work and lots of it to keep
trade at homo, but it can be done
Omaha Trade Exhibit. The
merchants of Plattsmouth
aro doing all in their power to
keep trado at home, and, to a great
extent, they are doing it, too. Am:
it is a fact worthy of note that the
merchants who offer inducements
through the porper channel, the
newspaper, are doing the busi
ness, also. ,
No, congress has not adjourn
yet, but it expects to before very
many days.
Prior to the bull moose national
convention it was proclaimed, and
never denied, that the Roosevelt
campaign had cost 3, 000,000.
Now be is going to take- another
trip covering pralically every state
in the union. Vet all George Per
kins wauls is a restoration of the
government to the people. Lin
coln Star.
The old saying that "misery
loves company" is evidently true
with the bull moose party in Ne
braska. Not satisfied with dis
rupting the republican parly, they
are now trying awful bard to get
up a muss in the democratic
ranks. Hut wei believe they are
losing some of their valuable time
in their efforts. While the demo
crats are pretty well harmonized,
they might be better.
The Lincoln Herald stands good
for this: "A movement is said to
be on fool in this district to put a
republican on the ticket for con
gress, by petition. This for re
publicans who want a republican
to vole for, since Paul Clark has
left the party and gone over to the
bull inoosers. The old line re
publicans are prelly sore on Mr.
Clark ami this seems to be one of
their ways of expressing them
selves." :o:
Charles F.lliolt, president of
Harvard university, is one of the
prominent supporters of Wood-
row Wilson. The noted educator
has usually voted the republican
ticket, but says lit! cannot support
Taft, and he believes the new
party to be a one man affair with
things and which would entail the
expenditure of a lot of money.
Some of the attractions would
alone cost the price of a season
The newspaper man that always
keeps his hands outstretched for
"pie" as a bid for support, wield
but very little influence among the
voters in a campaign. When a
candidate for ollice, be he demo
crat r republican, supports his
party papers instead of those who
are dimply "out for the money
there is in it," fare a great deal.
otter thiiii the candidate who uses
the "durreplive policy" in order to
capture- the unsuspecting voter
What is the difference who
I naiiage the democratic campaign
in Nebraska, so that the manage
ment i in the bands of reliable
lemocratit? We can't see any
eason for any muss on that score,
and yet there are some democrats
who fear smiie trickery may be re
sorted to. It is all tomfoolery to
be tM suspicious. If we canT
trust tour own parly friends, we
ire certainly in a pretty bad slate
f affairs. If democrats expect to
gam a victory m .ohraska trus
fall (hey have got l drop all these
illle petty jealousies ami go to
work, as one united party ought
to, witti a vim that means win.
All records for high-priced
steers were broken at the South
Omaha market last week, when
two lots' of Nebraska-fed steers
were sold for !?10 and .$10.35 re
spectively. Nebraska feeders
captured both prizes. J. Thorman
of Klgin sold a lot of forty-six
that averaged over 1,500 pounds,
for $10 Hat, and the next day an
other Nebraska lot went for
$10.35. The latter price was t
highest ever recorded, and con
sidering the differential in freight
rales, is 35 cents, higher than
feeders ever sold for on the Chi
cago market. Hoth lots were, corn
fed and had been in the feeding
pens. for ten months. The two
sales have made shippers sit up
and take notice all over the Uniter
Slates. , Although tweny-two
stales ship to the South Omaha
market, 'it remained for the No
hraskn farmers to capture both
prizes, another evidence of the
superiority of Nebraska products
Exceptionally Fine Boy's
Suits at
We're clearing broken sizes from our regular $5
to $7.50 lines. All the suits are splendid values for
boys 6 to 17 years. Just at the right time for school
Boy's Wash Suits, ages 3 to 8, worth
from 65c to $2.50 your unrestricted choice
Manhattan Shirts
Fine crops are reported from
every section of the country
regular Wilson crops. Well, it's
a democratic year, anyway.
All the political parties favor
good roads, but a road drag on
the highway is worth more than
two planks in a platform.
Frank Hitchcock has furnished
a private drinking glass to every
clerk in the postofllce 'department,
bul ho will make no real hit until
he supplies something to put in it.
The way to gel trade is to go
after it by every legitimate
method. The way to hold trade
is by giving good values and bet
ter service. Omaha Trade Ex
hibit. :o:
Somebody ought to invent an
insect powder that would be fatal
to republican 'tumble-bugs. Such
might be used with effect on both
Aldrich and Paul Clark. The7
keep tumbling first to one side and
llien to the other.
The news of the acquital of
Clarence S. .Darrow at Los
Angeles will be received by two
thirds of the people of the United
Slates with great joy. The com
mon people were greatly interest
ed in the acquittal of Mr. Darrow
because he has ever been their
friend. It proved a case of per
sedition instead of prosecution,
and would have proved a great
ictory for the enemies of common
labor if he had boon convicted.
W l i T -TO SUNxANDWAT E. R ;';.'v
You can leave your windows open and the shades up
day after day, yet the sun cannot fade ,flnD-1CT
Its colors are everlasting proof against UlUKf AM
both fading and water. No guessing if
about this-positively GUARANTEED instead. This is
only one of its many advantages over other mattings.
It has no odor at all, can be sewed like any carpet,
dirt can't sift through it sanitary beautiful dainty
patterns and colorings easy to keep clean and, best
of all, the price won't scare you.
Well cheerfully show you a nice assortment and
tell you more about this unusual low-priced Pw cov
ering when you're ready. Why not to-day ?
Price 40c per yard
Stetson Hats
W. J. Bryan and James C. Dahl
rnan are not issues in this cam
paign. Neither are running for
office, and for heaven's sake let
them alone. Thero is no necessity
talking over past issues. The live
issues, Wilson and Marshall, John
II. Morehead, John A. Maguire and
candidates oiuthe state ticket are
what needs, the attention of all
i i j .
io ai iieinocrais now.
The weakness of the now party
platform is in its absolute neglect
to slate any plan for accomplish
ing the desired end. All men
should be honest. Now tell us how
to make them so. The trusts
should bo good. Now tell us how
to make them good. In seven
years as president the author of
the bull moose platform did not
succeed in doing much to th&,
. V- . -fo: '' -
... Aldrich is so mad that he can't
even attend a social picnic with
out hurling denunciations at his
opponent. He even had the
audacity to attend the picnic down
in Richardson county, lion. John
H. Morehead's county, to un
burden himself, but ho done him
self a great more harm than he
done good. He knows he is star
ing defeat in the face and some
times he becomes so reckless in
his talk that you would hardly be
lieve he is the same man who
went back to his old home in Ohio
and told them there how he ex
pected to reform the people of Ne
braska. The people think now
that he should try a little reform
ing himself.