ALVO DEPARTMENT i temof Interest to Journal Reader Will Be Received at the Drufi Store Miss Lola Heid returned from Omaha Saturday. fieoigo Bobbitt was in Lincoln on business Tuesday. Max Jamison of Western, Neb., was in town lat week. Miss draco Buoknell returned from Lincoln Sunday. L. B. Appleman went to Lin coln on business Tuesday. Mrs. Morgan Curyea went to Lincoln Wednesday on No. l.'f. Mrs. (lullion and son of Lincoln were hero visiting relatives Sun day. Ten carloads of watermelons were side. I racked in Alvo Mon day. Mrs. Knott and son, Irvin, re turned from llavelock Monday morning. Mrs. Charles Kroft, of Lincoln came in Tuesday to visit, relatives until Friday. Mrs. Vannay of l'rairic Home visited her sister, Mrs. F. M. Grove, last. Thursday. (1. W. Cuiiglelon of Alego, Kas., visited Thursday and Friday with Fred Handy and family. Miss Flo Hoyles relumed from II li ica, N. Y., Sunday, where she attended summer school. (Hem Stevenson and family of Greenwood visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. J. 1'. House. John Hanson and Fmile Barry went. l,o Minnesota last week to work in the harvest fields. Dale Hoyles went to 1'latls rnotilh via Lincoln Monday and is noting as deputy county attorney. Mrs. K. M. Stone and son, La Verne, went to Lincoln Monday evening, returning home Tuesday. Mr. Higgins went to Lincoln Tuesday morning. His daughter, Miss Leila, returned home with him. J. K. l'arsell nnd P. J. Linen left Tuesday for San Juan valley, Colorado, where the latter lias land interests. Mth. Harry 1'arsel land sister, Mrs. Heatrice MoFarland, of Iowa, returned on No. 18 Tuesday from' Hastings, Neb. Mr. Huster of Ashland Aisiled several days last week with Thom as Stout, and ' family,', returning1 home Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. Isaac Holhmbeek left Monday for a couple of weeks Visit will) Mr, and Mis. Kd Hol lenbeck and family. Miss Helle Foreman returned home from Lincoln Tuesday morning, where she had lieen visiting, for a couple of weeks with relatives. Miss Herlha Alter and brother, Lester, of near F.agle, accom panied I heir cousin, Leftoy Lan )on, to his home at Logan, Iowa, for a week's visit. Mrs. S. H. Candy and children and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer were pas sengers for Lincoln Tuesday morning, where the former is having dental work done. Mrs. J. K. l'arsell entertained last Saturday from I to 8 p. in. in honor of the fourteenth birthday of her daughter, Laura. The hoid Mis Neb., form- mcinliers of two Sunday classes were present. Miss L. V. Harlan ami Huby l'aris of Valparaiso who have been visiting the er's brother, Mr. Harlan and wife, for the past week, returned to their homes Tuesday. Mrs. W. II. Ouders and chil dren of Cretonia, who have been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. II. Thomas, went to South Heml Tuesday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Dan Williams and family. J. W. Ileasoner and wife of Ashland, accompanied by friends from Illinois, visited at J. P. House's .Mnudav and called to see the fine flock of I horoughbred Molded Ancona chickens owned by J. A. Shaffer. K. M. Stone went to Omaha Sunday evening, where he is em ployed as traveling salesman for Hie Fmerson Plow Ho. of Omaha, with headquarters at Grand Is land. Here's wishing F. M. the best, of good fortune. Mrs. Joe Armstrong went to Lincoln Tuesday to meet her daughter, Mrs. Flmer Barrett, and children and Ivan Armstrong, who have been visiting relatives at, Hockeby, Neb., for some time. They returned on No. 1 i Tuesday. Mrs. Osborn and Mrs. Lewis, visiting their sis Jordan, for some Monday to their They were accoin as Omaha by Mr. 11. Jordan and Neb., Tool and daughter, she .will visit rela- fair and ha- ball tournament will 1 be tll'-le davs next Week, Auguti and 3o. F.veryoue plan to come, as it w ill be bigger and bet- ter than ever. j John Gustin and wife left, Sun-j day for an automobile trip to Colorado. They were accolil- , panied as far as SI rat Ion, by Mrs. Henry Marv. where lives. ! Several of our people have been enjoying a camping party at the river near Ashland for the past week. Among them are: John Schurin and family, Mrs. George l'ickwell and family, Miss Nora Fveland, Vera Fhcnhut, Mrs. W. O. Gillespie, Mrs. Finil Ktiehn, Miss Fva Sorick, Mrs. Harry Davis and Mrs. Shellon of Lincoln. They all report a line time. Last Wednesday onr base ball team went to the Fagle picnic, where they played ball, but the fain slopped them in the sixth tuning, when the score stood 3 lo 1 in favor of Fagle. On Friday they went to I he Louisville street fair, -where they palyed AVoca. Our boys only got two scores, but one of I hem was made by Lacey McDonald knocking a home run. Avoca made 12 scores. Our boys are having rather bad luck lately, but cheer up, boys, you have played good ball and can do it again. C. E. Wescott's Sons Bumper Harvest Sale Positively Closes SATURDAY NIGHT. August 24th! The Bumper Harvest Sale has saving advantages that appeal to all who are interested in getting the greatest possible returns for their Dollars. Here are goods of the highest quality and latest styles and at prices that cannot be matched in the State. CLOTHES that PLEASE Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Suits that never fail in their mission to please because they are "Quality Clothes," and that every dollar you spend in their purchase is returned to you in clothes value, which means that the clothes have a "classy" and neat appearance, and they will retain the same even under adverse circumstances. v ; '' . ; School begins September 9th. Why not take advantage of the Harvest Prices in our boys' school suit department? Knickerbocker Suits $1.69 to $4.90. Read our prices and come in and make your purchases, for our signs and yellow tag prices will disappear Saturday night, August 24th, at which time the Bumper Harvest Sale positively closes: who have been ter, Mrs. C. II. time, returned home in Iowa, panied as far and Mrs. 0. daughter, Miss Finiiia. Farewell Reception. On last Wednesday evening August 11, the Mothers' Counsel and their families tendered Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Dreamer a fare well reception. About 9 o'clock a knock was heard at, the door, ami on response in walked about flfly guests. It was a complete surprise. J lie evening was spent in games and guessing contests, Mrs. Dr. Muir and Mrs. T'. II. Dreamer winning the prizes. Ice cream and cake were served, which was enjoyed by all pres ent, and was first-class because furnished by Mothers' Counsel. In behalf-of the Mothers' Counsel Mrs. Dr. Muir, in a few well chosen words, presented Mr. and Mrs. Dreamer with a beautiful cut glass fruit dish as a token of the high esteem in which they are held. Mrs. Dreamer responded in a very appropriate litlle speech Mr. and Mrs. Dreamer have locat ed in University Tlace, where I hey will engage in business. The family will move at once, Mr. Dreamer remaining in Alvo until he disposes of his business. They will be greatly missed in business and social circles. Mr. Dreamer has been identified in business liere for the past ten years and was a partner of the firm of Dreamer Cashnor. Mrs. Dream er was very popular in social and church work. Their friends are very sorry lo lose them. We be speak for them success wherever I hey go. One Who Was Present. THE "PROGRESSIVE" PARTY. Is the individual, man or wom an, who uses Foley Kidney Pills for backache, rheumatism, weak back, and other kidney and blad der irregularities. Foley Kidney Pills are healing, strengthening, tonic, and quick to produce beneficial results. Contain no harmful drugs. Never sold in bulk. Put up in two sizes in seal ed bottles. Thi genuine in a yel low package. I'or sale by F. G. Fricke & Co. SHIRTS! Manhattan and Cluatt Included $2.50 quality. $2.19 2.00 .1.50 1.25 1.00 1.38 1.15 .98 .79 .63 Men's Suits! Our stock is complete, and we guarantee satisfaction in make, fit and quality of goods:- $35.00 quality now $24.79 27.00 25.00 22.50 20.00 18.00 15.00 23 75 19.89 16.69 14.95 12.48 10.98 UNDERWEAR! Hot Prices in Summer Underwear Union Suits $1.C0 quality... ....79c .75 " 59c Two-Piecs Suits 50c quality. .43c 50c (Special) 23c 40c quality 25c Children's Wash Suits JA Price! Furnishings Cut to the Quick! You will find quality, quantity, variety, courtesy, efficient service and fair dealing combined with our Harvest Prices. vjvj ALWAYS THE HOME OF SATISFACTION Avoca from Dr. Jake Bremlel.was over Murray Monday. For tan and sun-burn use AIS Peroxide Cream. Kelly Fox was over from Platts- niouth Wednesday. Mrs. Will Hose was at Omaha Thursday and Friday. Shock threshing is tiboul'coin pleled in this vicinity. J B. (i. Wurl was here from Plattsmbulh Wednesday Brendel was a i,v eening visitor e.iinesuay It. Tavlor 'was dow'n . from fr MAPLE GROVE. .J. J (Special Correspondence.) J Shock threshing is nearly all finished in Ibis locality. Scha fer Brothers delivered lings to the Murray market Tues day. (iansemcr it I.ulz delivered hogs to the Murray market last week. Hammond Heck and K. Young made a trip to Plattsmouth Saturday. Quite a number from this sec- don took in the sight s at the state llsliery Sunday . minis hisciioii oi rnunvicw is visiting relatives in this com munity this week. Charles lleuen, Fritz Lutz ami W. II. Puis made a busienss trip to die county seat Saturday. Mrs. I.ei Ituslerholtz and (laughter, Mrs. Will Patterson, made a trip to Murray Tuesday. Mesdames Charles Henen, Frilz I.ulz, Louis Puis and W. II. Puis auloed to Plallsniouth Saturday afternoon. Dr. C. 11. Fllsworth, Dentist. 1(5 Baldwin St., Rochester, N. Y., says Foley Kidney Pills gave him im mediate relief nnd strengthened him wonderfully. "I have been bothered with weak kidneys and bladder trouble and suffered much pain. Foley Kidney Pills gave mo immediate relief and strengthen ed me wonderfully. I am pleased (o recommend their use." For sale by F. 0. Fricke & Co. is at H-M-l "H-I-M h-h-H HI MURDOCH. (Special Correspondent.) 4 K-I-H MMv H-HH I-H K. T. Tool was in Omaha Tues day. William Weddell was in Ash land Monday. William Weddell was in Lincoln last. Thursday. Conrad Baumgarlnor was in Lincoln Monday between trains. Miss Hertha Ooehry of Omaha is visiting her parents for a short time. Miss Lola Brownoll and Charles Moon are guests of Dr. Jones nnd family. Several of our young folks at tended the dance at Klmwood Tuesday evening. Paul (ioehry came home from Omaha last Saturday, where he had been working since January 1. Miss Helle Davison returned Sunday from a week's visit with friends ami relatives at Weeping Water. Idr. and Mrs. John Amgwert and daughter, Marvel, spent Sunday with Hay Fidenmillor and family, east of Alvo. A few of Catherine (ioehry'. young friends helped her cole- brate her thirteenth birthday last Monday afternoon. The Clover club will give an entertainment' at the air dome on next Saturday evening, August 21. Program commences at 8:30 o'clock prompt. lleineniber the M unlock street Dr. Water F.' Weeping Water Tuesday Charles Jenkins enterlainei Mauley relatives Sunday. F,. It. Stone and son, Clement, were at Omaha Tuesday. Mrs'. Herde Woodson was here from Omaha over Sunday. ADS Peroxide root Powder just the tiling lor sore leei. Mrs.' Ora F. Copes was Weeping Wafer Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Knahe were up from iscrlin Minuay. Pele Jorgensen made (he trip with the Weeping Water boosters. The Misses Stella and Luella Opp were at Weeping Water Fri day. F. W. Hulige, wife and daugh ter, Louise, were at Omaha Tues day. Mrs. (ieorge Shackley visited Klmwood relatives a few days last week. T. W. Malcolm was at Central City this week looking at the country. The Avoca ball team plays at Union Saturday and Springfield Thursday. Mrs. Trook and daughters visited relatives at Nebraska City this week. Louis Ruhge, jr., has rented Ihe George Peters farm for the coin- ing season. Fred Hillman ami wife of Ber lin were visitors at the Huhge home Sunday. Miss Marie Rehmaier entertain ed a lady friend from Weeping Water over Sunday. Two nieces from the western part of the state are guests at the Sam Johnson home. Miss Marguerite Francis of Dunbar has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. Harry Marquarilt. Charles Shrader nnd family of Council HlufTs visited at the John Husch home a few das last week. Mrs. M. D. Marquanlt, Selma and Mrs. J. W. Brondel are visit ing relatives in the western part of Ihe state. Slraub Brothers left Thursday with their tine herd of Oalloways for Dos Moines, whore they will exhibit Ihom at. the state fair. W. M. ill in and Lloyd Graham lefl Monday for the wjld nnd wooly west. They expect to land in Montana if their money holds out. Mrs. James Young ' of Cook, who has boon visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. O. K. Copes, returned home Saturday. Charles Jenkins was on the sick list Tuesday. William and Charles Ilinze and John Schmidt were at. Hamburg, Iowa, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Hashford are en joying a visit from a brother and wife from Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. John Peckhani are rejoicing over the arrival of a fine baby boy, born Sunday morning, August 18. ..... Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Nutznian started for a trip to Colorado Fri- May everting. Mrs. Fillers, the grandmother, will care for the little (Hies during the absence of the parents. Word was received here Wednesday,'- of tin; .'death": of Mrs. Louise Shellon at the Soldiers' Home at. Milford. Mrs, Shelton 'was for ii number of years a resi ,lent here and was lalely taken to Milford, Mr. ami Mrs. John Weaver and Vera went to Palmyra Saturday evening, coining back Sunday evening. Mr. Weaver visited with a brother whom be had not seen for fourteen years. The Weeping Water boosters were at Avoca Monday afternoon. The peculiar feature of the trip was flu; absence of women in the crowd. , The Weeping Water boosters surely don't care to have their wives along;. COLLISION IN THE BURLINGTON YARDS No. C was thirty-five minutes late this morning and No. 29 left for Lincoln more than an hour behind the.,, schedule lime, one thjng and another interfering with the traffic.' The most serious difficulty .was ... when the. Hock Bluffs special, lo'itded'widi stoves, railroad iron and oilier freight fr the storehouse;-was bumped into by a full-sized freight car which had beep kicked in" .on the trnok behind' the 'special.'' There is a slight grade from the station toward the shop yards and the special was proceeding cautiously with a couple or three pushers be hind, when the freight ear Was seen bearing down upon them. The brakeinan was doing his best to get it stopped, but the brake appeared not to work and on' up the grade came the car. Th crew of the special abandoned (heir train and stood aside when the shock came. . Kverything movable on the special was deftly piled to one side of the track, but the amount of damage would probably not exceed 200 cents. , Avoca, 12; Murdock, 2. Avoca defeated the fast Mur dock tea mat Louisville last Fri day by a scoreo f 12 to 2. The Murdock loam was unable to connect with Kid Gruber's curves. The hitting and fielding of the Avoca team were the features of the game. Score: Murdock 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 02 Avoca ...0 1 2 0 3 2 2 2 -12 Base Hits Murdock, 2; Avoca, 15. Batteries Murdock, Thim gan and Kuehn; Avoca, J. Grubor and Mead. A Tired Man. Why is it that sometimes you can work all day without getting; tired, while at other times you feel fatigued very soon? Fatigue makes you despondent and nerv ous; it destroys your annetite. uf- sets your stomach, causes in testinal troubles. In such cases you need a remedy which-will, at the same time, create a healthy appedle and strengthen all organs of digestion. .; Such :a, remedy is only Triner's American Elixir !)f Hider Wine. It will celan out the intestines thoroughly and wjll strengthen them so .they can do their duly without pills' and salts. The body will accept fooij.; digest it and distribute it lof alli'organ.s. This-remedy is exceltenV in dis eases of Ihe stomach, the' liver and the intestines; in nervousness and anemia and in many diseases of women. At drug stores. Jos. Triner, 1333-1339' So. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. ' Hay fever and asthma make August a month of intense suf fering to many people. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound gives prompt ease and relief, and is soothing and healing to the in flamed membranes. Win. M. Merethevv, N. Searsport, Me., says: "A few doses of Foley's Honey nnd Tar Compound relieved mo of a severe attack of asthma and less than a bottle caused a complete cure." Refuse sub stitutes. For sale by F. . Fricke t Co. A. S. Jones, of the Lee Phar macy, Chico, Cal., who has handl ed Foley & Co.'s medicines for many years, says: "I consider that Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound has no equal,' and is the one cough medicine I can recom mend as containing no narcotics or other harmful properties." The genuine in a yellow package. For sale by L. G. Fricke & Co. Foot Not Operated On. The piece of broken 'needle was not removed from Miss Moore's foot yesterday, as had been ex pected. The wound was examin ed by the physician ngain, but the operation was deferred until Fri day, when it is possible that the young lady may go to a hospital at Omaha to have it removed. Most disfiguring skin eruptions, scrofula, pimples, rashes, etc., are due lo impure blood. Burdock Blood Bitters as a cleansing blood tonic, is well recommended. $1.00 at all stores. Home grown alfalfa seed for sale. A. L. Todd. 8-8-8twkly -New Arrivals!- D. C. Bybee, teaming contract or, living at 0(1!) Keeling Court, Canton, 111., is now well rid of a severe and annoying case of kid ney trouble. Bis back pained nnd ho was bothered with headaches nnd dizzy spells. "I took Foley Kidney Pills just ns directed nnd in a few days I felt much better. My life ami, strength seemed to come back and I sleep well. I am now all over my trouble and glad lo recommend 'Foley Kidney Pills." Try' them. For sale by F. 0. Frlcki' &'Co. ' ' aYPIS-8 We announce the arri val of the Fall lines, such as Comfortables, Blankets, Silkalines and other Comforter Coverings, Cotton Batts, Sweaters for Men, Women and Children, Etc. We invite yo.u to come in and see the new goods. Al so want you to see the exceptional low prices we are making on all Summer goods yt price and less. Many just suited for school dress and immediate use. Corner. Sixth and Main St. Jr-ric tones