The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 22, 1912, Image 1

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isiattemoutfa Soumal.
NO. 70.
No One WXo Seriously Studies the Change Being Wrauit in the
Educational Plan of the Country Will View the Coming of This
Larger and Better Country School With MuchJVery Alarm.
Only a short time now until the
old dinner pails will be scrubbed
up once more and filled with
bread-and-jelly, pie, apples and
perhaps a bit of cold chicken, and
the youngsters will trudge merrily
away 'to the llrst day of school.
The Jjy of the early days '-of vaca
tion ahree months ago, the hard
work of the- summer, and all the
pan-R's felt by those wtio believed
Ihey should have been allowed to
cal! iheir education finrfhed before
the beginning of this -school term
will be forgotten in the joys of re
Hiion, the securing of teat-males,
the perusal of the daily program,
the assignment to classes and,
la-t-t, but not leis't, the "sizing up1"
of the new teacher under carefully
critical, and frequently anylhirjg
'.but friendly, ryes.
Throughout the west, as iin
: other parts if the United Statr-s,
'the "little red sc'fclolhouse,', i-s
"rapidly disai.peai'bJ. The -cti--solidated
district, with a wide ter
ritory, modern, u-to-date sct-oo'l
"building ami force of wagons to
"bring the ynngs'ters to sehof.l in
Hhe morning: and take them Ljme
at night, is rapidly crowding out
'the district schools of foiTm-r
No one "who -seriously sitKlies
the chanpt being wrought in the
educational plan of the country'
will view tlie coming of this larg
er, better tioam'try school with very
jnuch alarm. Tk new arrange
ment meavrs more-comfort far the
youngster, 'both I school, and on
the road to and 'from home. H
means, as a rifle, 'bet I er tca-berr
and bellei facilities for teatlhing.
Moreover, 'it usually means a High
school cocr-se in connection with
the graded grammar school, wb'ieh.
will invariably raise the standard
of educatic n in the neighlniihouri
just that, much hi-rher. For the
average eft izen ' bases his eli-
males and 'edueiliional stanuirds
From Tuesday's Dally
Master Lei S. Atbott, si3i uf
TSuperiiiteudeut Abboi'l and wife,
celebrated bis fifth b.M'lhday t-:lay
by entertniiung a pirty of cbil
.dren numbering about twenty. The
parly would have occurred a few
;weeks ago, but Lea S.-'nd bis i
'lers wero wrestling with the
whooping eoug'Ji about that lime
and the matter was poiponed un
til this morning. To avoid the
rigors of the summer beat the lit
tle people were ejitertaii.ed at the
Ai'bolt home from 0 a. in. until
11:30 a. m. and had a rcyal good
tinw? romping on the 'lavn, and
woi") immensely interested, by Mis
sos Sexton and (irace Nevi branch
in 'kindergarten games and songs.
American Hags were recer.-ed by
the boys as favors, while tin- girls
received small but beautiful fans.
Ice oiHam, cake and candy were
served to the delight of the -Knall
From Tuosdav's Dally.
II. II. Kulmey js now the full
owner of the North Fiflh slreet
barber shop, Harry having pur
chased the interest of his parlner,
A. Dolson, last week. Mr. Kuhio'x's
son-in-law. Mr. Mayfleld, will
take charge of l.b' chair operated
by Mr. Dolson, and the latter has
entered the employ f Ward Clark.
Mr. Kuhney has improved the shop
by placing a line new barber pole
at I lie entrance. The pole has
just recently been painted and
striped and a marble base put. un
der it. Mr. Kuhney has one of Hie
most desirable locations in the
cily and is doing a good business.
WAN'TFI) A span of mares i
or 5 years old; gentle, well broke,
good pullers and weight l.ono to
J ,1 50 pounds. Win, Nickels,
Flu E
on the school will: which he is
familiar, whether 'it be the grade;
school or the university. Ccr
tainly the raislug of general
educational standards, along with
these other advantages, is de
sirable. Yet we "canriii. but feel a Jiang
of regret at the -passing of tt"i 'lit
tle red school l,ouse, which, iby the
way, i-s usually a litlle white
school house.. The and
rr-ady fhniil life of Ihosvdays,
when we a71 huddled tv.gcther
around the ne stove a cold
morning, :i.ayed town hall and
"puriaway" at recess mid noon,
fought the boys from t no other
end of district a the way
homy and plotted topCiher Ions
arid eartt'stly on Trivans for
"cleaning up" the teavher,, wil
pas with' the district school. Per-1
inrps the?.; may be "spiling bees'"!
stfil, but' ihey will befrgnitled aT-,
fairs, probably with err h contest-!
aril writing the words in a Utile
'Wine book and subrnWiing his
'to be corrected at leisure and re
ported'cn perhaps hi two or throe
weeks. 'The old fhrfl.s of rivalry
and ner.r hero wors'lrip when littlt
"Mary Smith finally "-fipelled dora-if
Itig, awkward Jim Jones, after "ilie
'dictioirary had been almost fx
"hau.Md, will be tio more. A-rvd
never again will everyone Tor
milesmround gather' 10 the annrad
"enterlainmenr' iVf the district
literary society of thv winter siip
ing s'.'iinol.
. The passing of 12'e old co.i'ury
cboo; house, whir'k will be alro.fst
entirely accomplished in a few
years more, mea.: I he blo&mg
out of -an instilTAion which lias
been -a' dirge factor inltie
lives .of million, of American
citii-ns fur generi iiuns past. So
j it it with just a patrw of regret
we realize thai thei-dd order mr.Kt
chaurr' in this a, in everylhiTig
!Fr'in day's DaiJ.v.
Three or four J've-passenger
car automobiles lojitn d with mem
bers of the Platter; louth Oinu
merciabJrih, went air 'oss the I'ol-locl-DufT
bridge ll).i iiiorning and
circu.lalii';j among the Sarpy eouiv
ty fanneiv;, formed IVir acquaint
ance and -invited then, to come to
Palltsiiiou'Lh and try '.trading with
the nirchu its here. .1 he boosters
took alonf some bnlge tickets,
which they expected I o leave with
the fanners who wodil agree to
come try the,-xperiment.
If will h,- rip to the men hants now
to make lhe-,prices so it will be an
object to eorre to this chy to shop.
Nebraska Stats Fair.
A week of nmping dtring lh
week of Septftiber 1 lo , olferff
an opporlunily for entire fam
ilies to not onV take a fme out
door vacation, Jut lo e(! the
greatest exposition ever 'kld in
Nebraska at 'Jie state, fair
grounds, , Lincoln. Tenls, cots,
tables, chairs, bUnkets and pil
lows can be rented tn the grounds.
No charge is maie for tenting
space, but each p:'son over 12
years of ajte must, h.ive n seiuon
ticket, which costs Cihildren
free. The attractions are the het
ever rdTered at. a Nebraska fair,
and that is "going some"' when we
consider Hie splendid program of
lat. year. No progresjt family
should fail to attend.
Mr. Baughman In Town.
From Tuondny'n Daily.
II. W. lUoigliniau, who is farm
ing (he Jiovey section, was in town
today and took out three (1 fly. gal
lon metal tanks of gasoline for
Mr. Sagoon's gas threshing ma
chine. The gasoline engines fur
power dues away with hauling
coal and water, and by those who
have tried this inelhodl it is liked
ery well.
Operated on Yesterday.
From Tuesday' i-ally.
Hazel Clugy, the adopted daugh
ter of Mr. und Mrs. Fred Clugy,
was operated on yesterday at St.
Joseph's hospital for appendicitis
and came out from under the
anesthetic very nicely. Her con
dition at the time Mr. Clugy left
yesterday evening was very favor
able and the nurse and doctor was
very hopeful for her recovery, al
though her case was very bad.
Too Much of This Rind of Work
Being Done, and ft -Should
Be Stoppod.
From Tue9la.y'fl Dally,
Some misguided youth or niid-
dle-uged miscroKtnl, Saturday
night fore the awning in front of
J. S. Halfs store,. The same sort
of worli. Iba-s hortu going on for
sniue titive, and Sr. Hall is not thcj
only otm who lifts had their awn
ings Tipped otT 'by -some violalet
of the 'law. lie 'has a prelty pool
idea wko 'the jw-rson was and amy
lurthcr depredations will be fot-
lownd 7jy 'pi'ofo'ution.
Thre -seems to bo a bunch f
Imodiums wh niake a praclioe of
siiriiiing mnvard when pasisig
along the tdrntt, and grasping S he
Trim;' rif anvnerhead awnhig und
thi';wing 'tlw-ir weight on 'the.
awiiing, wlu.'ti ' generally prvei
way. The TuierMiants do not pirt
't'berr money .into this wrt oT im-
prwemeiit o ' have it ru't'li'lv'ss'ly
anil uselessly -'destroytfd, md ft
tln.'Te is mK "already an OTdirrarice
c(vi'ring'(lw! rtifense, Nr. TTutl aub'j
ofth'rs feel that there fdura'ld b';
oiif passed at once. Tbyre i
milling soralntary fur alhviirgiiU
les youth as he paymeiiV, of 'i
line. This 'does not res'ln're tlie.
ile!troyeir;whing, but Trin? deier
the youngsters from fnrrker (bv.
liredations arid be a waning 'is
his pals 'hat they will S .(Imi't
with accordingly.
Vtnm Tiif.l.iv'g Dally.
Ci"en Kliiott the, 12-ywnr-itiiil
Hon -of .'J. W. Klliiilt, reilriig a
milt north of this city; white
driving a joinig horse to tlo
pasture 'las. Friday nigbf., wis
kit.'k"! I on I)'. left linn, lainiti.g biio
considerably. The horse j; a
yeurdd has Iheen icorkud
some this season, :ind CAi-n iev
lieved it lo be perfect'.,)- gentle, and
While it was ftiling gnass went up
o it and slapjed it on: the hip rt'
wceiveil the ki'ck in i el urn. lhi,
ilkd not think he wis seriiiuslj
lojrt, atlhough the ki'r was p,jil(
ictiiifdl .-ait the lime antl since, bat-
ivsull(!din a sts'Tness f the jttTit..
Ajdiysicun was consulted yestVr
Front TiiesiliM'ihi lnily.
On Mondu afleriioon Iva
CiibtMiflu celebrated htr tenthibirllu
day am iversiwy by ivilertau ing a
numbei f playmates and friends
at a delightful Virtlnhiy party. The
children apent.k very tappy af ter
noon, pitying gmes, loth in.ind
out door.. Oik" of .the nust
amusing features offheafUr
noon's enUrlainmnl ws a gaue
in which thy flshhl for rjindy ai I
which the guests most th roughs-
enjoyed. A nice 'livnchem.i, con
sisting of saridwiciifs, frui, cake
and lemonade, was served, the
proper time, to which all did
ample justice. Miss Iva received
many beautiful irifls, which will
be constant reminders of (his oc
casion. Those in attendance wero:
Marguerite Wiles,
Wynn, Opal leiioii, Jo.;fpln'ne
Manners, Duras Winscott, Ethel
and Inas Stone. Edna and Mabel
llurbee, Alma Sloltler of Union,
llael and Tva tiibson. Floyd ami
Harold Piibson and f.ouix liiuiiee.
FOll KENT Furnished rooms.
With or without board. Prefer
students. Will furnish rooms
for light, housekeeping. Inquire
at Miss Myers' Millinery store.
Mr. Morehead Should be Willing
to Let Aldrlch's Tactics Go
on Undisturbed.
Frmn VVedncdilay'a Dally.
The following ironi the Lincoln
Daily Star, under the heading,
"(iootl Time to Let Well Enough
Alone,": strikes the Journal as
about the proper way to put it :
One has simon pure republican
precedent for it who is disposed
to insist that it is best to let well
enough alone.
In the matter of Ibe challenge
of cloveri-or Aldrich asking that
Lieutenai'4 (iovernof Morehead di
vido tniM with hii in the joint
discussion of each ol tier's record-
it is impossible le conjecture jvist
liat Mr. MoroheJ may determine
In It i very easy, kow
'ver, to conjecture what he Jiiight
answfV. .
lie might sa,v, for instance, that
the ramnaign us progressing in a
way f hat is perfect satisretory to
him and his (friends awfl that he
does not fee! 'at liberty to take any
acl.Mii that ir ight disluib its prog
ress in its present dii"Ttion.
vie might say that (lovemor
AUrich baf up to t fciM dale ltcen
t') assitbi' iisly enpHged in mak
lug tlemert' atic vohes to permit
itriy demo.v thinik of interfer
'tair. I
lie inlt'tit say LV'.d, he believofl'!
flovermt? Ablrich 'lias been mak
ing vote 'for MoitrHiead faster tlwini
'Mr. Mon lieatl eoiulld jiossibly mull
them himself, am,l that tb lutttrr
could im-l think ff doing; amyt.bii'K
that w ii 11 prufnt the'W
from working: Sill lime a l -every
meetiiv? that liytcan pet t.
He might say that he keer!hilly
conceces the i vernor su.perior
loquacity, anJ bs pt'rfe'lHy wilT.iiig
lo hcv. t'il, tlovs- 'in uniiilf-mriitedly
to thr eml ol t ; ho camftfiigi;., and
when-vcr it y,'umise.s .tie im
peded by the -Kilerposilijon ol lime
limiits, will -cheerfully Tiicrve that
the 'T.nvcrn''i4 lime ib ni'r ruled
surtkienlly v.. permit him 'i'j say
whrtver he- nay desir tottiy.
'lit niight-fl.y that ;it isibetler to
haw two -speaks engaged
sinHfllaneni:'.y in IS--o dTl'erent
meiings ijiaking t'i'iro('ral ic
voters frotn two svT".ara'te audi
ences llian'to have 5m h nil' them
working ai 'ihe sani'V 'taw upon
the same ivu lienee.
Mi. Morv' nuy se- lit In
tre.'lv sernv.isly lb- gtwrnor
blu-r'ry orti hurst, au1 aTiow it to
interi'ere Wiiti olh-r iilrrns that
have possiti'y
MorOiead bus
being a higMy
low. 'He my
enout'b alovjt-.
nialv.Tf(!. 'out, Mr.
the Tvpn't'dion of
lefl-lHin'(.i'd fel-
prefr 1o ii' m
i'rom V-'Hlnpda.v'8 Danjr.
Oislr.ic.l Maiager Xftwkiti.of the
i:irolh'ihootb? Auwriran Ha jmaii,
Hast nh,ht oTvrani.e) a "ionian
Elimesti'aid in thin i1y, with
luirleei iiuimiicrs. Jr. Jov.vkirk
tu.s wiIiVmi 4thirty-tvi am lica
1ins wrhin :ibe I lire- wWis of
b vist J ii tjMaltsmoulh, and
fsrleen f l.beiolicie.s have ?een
relnirned trom '.Uie head casC'o at
Muiius., Iowa, and it was
tbi.njght bet not to wait long lo
organize. ITie o her eighteen ap
plications a?' iiwiiting their turn
and will be a1o(l upon and the
polices relutrie-d as soon as po
sible. J'he will be held
open lor ninety days. All joining
the ord'r wilhiii Hs lime will ibe
charter ineniln-rs -f this home
stead. Mr. NfvLk is much
pleased at. the way the , work i
ipening ji and the prospect i
bright for a inemhenhip Hearing
lb- hundro-J mark before the limit
en;, ires.
A vast aim. nut of ill health is
due lo impnird digestion. When
I lie stomach fails to perform its
functions propet ly the whole sys
tem becomes deranged. A few
doses of Chamberlain's Tablets is
all oii need. They will strength
en your digestion, invigorate your
liver and regulate your bowels,
entirely doing away .with that
miserable feeling due to faulty di
gestion. Try It. Many others
have been permanently cured
why not you? For a!o by F. 0.
Fricko it Co.
Make a Run of About Fifty Miles
Sister County, Who Seemed Very Much Impressed With the
Inducements Advanced for Coming to Plattsmouth to
Trade More Such Trips Should Be Made.
From Wednesday' Daily.
The following twelve members
of (he l'lattsniouth Commercial
clvib, in three automobiles owned
by C. C. Parmele. T. II. Pollock
and J. E. Mclaniel. toured the
southeast part of Sarpy county
yesterday, returning about 2:30
p. m. Those who went were: T.
II. Pollock,' "tieorge Falter, (leorge
K. liovcy, vTohn Halt, J. P. Falter,
C. C. Parnele, J. K. McDaniel, Pol
lock 1'armele, Michael llild, J. A.
Chopi'evka, John McNurlin and
Sam Shoemaker.
TV parly made a run of about
fifty 'miles, and met one hundred
area twenlly-tlve farmers, all of
wh'iin were quite anxious to take
advantage of the proposition of
uniting Plattsmouth before Sep
'iomber llrst. The farmers inter
viewed were not backward in say
ing that they would prefer to trad
in a town the size of Platsmouth
(ban one the size of Omaha; the
reason given was that Ihey could
meet the merchant and deal with
linn direct, 'hile in Omaha they
never got beyond the clerk.
Each farmer's name was taken
Louis Kuhney and Art Jacoby Ar
rested as the Guilty Parties
to the Crime.
! Wibr'siliiy'g DaKy.
A Biew mtiuplcr was .added to the
crimiual annals of the county Ibis
illuming wilicii Sheriff Quinlon and
Chi-el' lUuivey went lo the habita
tions of .Art Jacoby and Louis
Km Lucy aod arrested bolh men on
suspicion thai they were the
pii.niies wauled for breaking into
the meal, market of Kunsmann it
Itaite 1;M! night and gelling into
the money drawer and extracting
1.'M in ali.
TV) eirokrii.Klnnres pointing to
the uill, ..if Kuhney were so
fdi'onvr IhaUhe oflio-r! went to his
jilae.e llrst. The strongest in
cident pointing lo Kuhney''s guilt
was bis frhocs, which were found
in I he mieal Market, aiwl when the mm firm led him with the
crrcuriKlance he Dually itdmilted
that be was one of the fellows
who bnke inb.i the marlet. His
crifessfli m alo implicated Ai l
Jai".oby.. When Jacoby wa con
f routed with the .circumstanccH he
slAitly 4-enied having had any
thing to cHo with the burglary.
Tlie building was entered from
the alley by pryiK oir the iron
bar at tb window, llcsides the
mori4y taUn the burglars had
colored the refrigerator and se
cured Home meat, n two packages
were wrapiwd up and laid careful
ly on the floor. Thin is about, the
Ihird time (he Kunsmann & llamge
market has Imvh broken into, and
Ihe occurrence is becoming a little
bit irritating to the ilnn, ami it
is probable that the accused men
will have a chance to reflect on
Ihe effects of their misdeed while
doing time in the penitentiary.
Moth men were taken before
Acting Counly Attorney Hale
Hovles and their statements taken
down. Complaints will be tiled
and the men charged wild break
ing and entering the market in
the night, season, inlending to
steal money and properly. Their
preliminary will probably take
place tomorrow morning.
Good Farm for Sale.
Eighly acres in same section in
which Murray is located; good
improvements; acres in native,
pasture, with plenty of water;
some alfalfa, and balance under
cultivation. Known as the Mor
row place. For particulars ad
Mrs. A. Morrow, SewnH, Neb.
and Meet Many Farmers of Our
down and he was given a two-way
bridge ticket for wagon and team
or auloiiiolnie, jusl as tie prelor-
red. Every farmer that the parly
met was enthusiastic over tho
prospect of visiting Plattsmouth.
Some of them had been here al
ready and liked their treatment by
the merchants splendidly. The,
party confined their visit to th-
territory nearest Plattsmoulli, the
furthest farmer called itpou be
ing not over twelve miles from,
this city.
The merchants in the parly ex
pressed themselves as well, pleas
ed with their day's work, and aro
firmly of the opinion that a lit He
time and effort expended in this
direction will create an interest
among the farmers of Sarpy coun
ty which will be mutually bene
ficial to them and the mercantile
interests of Plattsmouth.
These trips should be niado
every week in different directions.
Visit Mills county, Iowa, and go
out in the west part of our own
county. While the weather is.
good and the roads in splendid(
shape it is nn easy mater lo make
these trips, and the farmers will'
always be glad lo welcomo them.
Decorate Kenosha Church.
From (lnt!nilay' Daily.
Frank (lobelnian. und II. 11. Col-,
ton went down lo Kenosha last
night to begin pointing the Chris
tian church of that village this
morning. The building is to bo.
painted oiilside and , in and t ho
walls papered. They have just
recently painted (lewrge Hay's
farm residence, in Ihe same vicin
ity. Messrs. (lobelnian and Cot
ton will board with Mr. Wray
while painting Ihe church.
from Wednesday's liiilly.
The following is Ihe
paragraph in ihe speech
delivered in congress
John A. Maguire, when
proprial.ioi hill for Ihe
by Hon.
the ap-depart-
ineiit of agriculture was before,
Ihe house:
"We bear much of the 'back-lo-I
he-farm' movement, and while as
yet this is more of n hope than
a realization, still Ihe agricultural
betterment will do more than all
else to turn back the tide of those
who have their faces turned away
from the soil and toward the com
mercialism of the cilies. The
rush from the farms is due to tho
attractions of the cities, llefore
the restoration of the equilibrium
is approached Ihe allractions of
Ihe cily must be made in a larger
way the inducements of the coun
try. Menus of communication ami'
travel are doing much U improve
ami make more inviting Hie sur
roundings of rural life. The tele
phone, Ihe rural delivery, heller
roads, improved farm machinery,
heller sanitation, and the instal
lation of modern conveniences in
Ihe home and household, use of
iiiof or power, admission of coun
try children to village schools, are
all eliminating many of the objec
tions to country life nml con
tributing lo Ihe 'back-tu-the-farm'
movement. We also hear
much Ihese days about Ihe high
cost of living. This movement
away from Ihe farm has con
tributed no small amount, to (lie
cost of living, and it must remain
relatively high till the relation be
tween tho producer and consumer
is belter established, r am in
favor of liberal appropriations for
m-TicuIlure and feel ( Ibis con
gress is in full sympathy wild its
importance. An industry em
bracing, directly or indirectly, Ihe
welfare of every citizen of Ihe re
public I know will receive liberal
treatment at. your bands."
Home grown alfalfa
sale. A. L. Todd. 8-
seed for