The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 01, 1912, Image 2

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2 We want to reduce our Hardware Stock $12,000.00 in the next Sixty Days and are MAKING THE PRICES TO DO IT!
These Prices are Only for Stock
on Hand!
341 kegs of nails, regular price
$3.00 per keg, now $2.35
67 80-rod spools galvanized cat
tle wire, was $2.70 per spool,
now 2.25
74 80-rod spools galvanized hog
wire, was $2.80, now 2.35
30 kegs fence staples, were $3.00
per keg, now 2.35
All Carbonundum sharpening stones
25 per cent off.
All tin, granite and allumium ware
20 per cent off.
Galvanized iron ware 20 per cent off.
Ice Cream Freezers 20 per cent off.
Coffee Boilers 15 per cent off.
Having been fortunate enough to secure the agency for the Blau-Gass, we
are going to reduce our immense Hardware Stock and evenually close it out entirely, retaining only the
Heating and Plumbing end. In order to accomplish this quickly we are making the prices quoted in this
advertisement. This sale will coutinue uniil we find a buyer for our stock and will give you an opportu
nity to get goods at less prices than they were ever offered in Plattsmouth before.
It is impossible to itemize prices on every item, as it would take over a month to go through and ite
mize everything separate. We wish to state that outside of heating and plumbing material we are not
holding back anything, but will discount every article, as we are positively going out of the hardware end
ot our business. With the new line that we have taken it will take all the time we have to give it proper
attention, and if there anything you need in the hardware line you would do well to look over our stock.
We are going to advertise our stock for sale in the leading papers and very likely will have a buyer for
the entire stock in a very short time, so if there is anything you need it would be well to get it afonce.
Plattsmouth, JJ MM
p3 Nebraska
These Prices are Only for Stock
on Hand!
Tin Boilers 20 per cent off.
All Cutlery 25 per cent off.
Garden and carpenter tools from 15
to 30 per cent discount.
Any $10 Washing Machine at $8.00
Any. 11 " " 8.75
3 No. 17 U. S. Cream Separa
tors, regular price $75, now . -60.00
One year guaranteed wringers,
were $3.25, now 2.35
Three year guaranteed wringers,
were $3.75, now 2.75
Five year guaranteed wringers,
were $5.00, now.. 3.50
Three year ballbearing wringers,
were $4.50, now 3.25
Five year ballbearing wringers,
- were $5.50, now 4.00
Items of Interest to Journal Readers Will Be Received at the Drug Store
Mrs. John Murley went to Lin
coln Thursday.
Miss Grayce Foreman went to
Lincoln Monday.
II. Snoke relumed from Lin
coln Wednesday.
Charles Trumhle of Fagle was
in town Wednesday.
Mr. Knocker of Lincoln visited
Sunday wilh friends here.
Warren J. Linch of Lincoln was
in town Tuesday evening.
Miss Grayce Bailey went lo
Lincoln Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Morgan Curyea was a
capital city visitor Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Prouty moved
lo University IMace Tuesday.
H. A. Stone was in Omaha on
business the first of the week.
Charles Reolofsz went to Lin
coln Saturday, returning Sunday.
William I'ptcrgrove relumed
home fit 1 1 i Lincoln Saturday on
No. 1 1.
Jesse Stone and family spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Sain Hosenow spent Sunday aft
ernoon with his brother, Charles
and family.
Boosters for (lie F.lmwood
thaulampia were in town Wed
nesday morning.
(5. P. Foreman, sr., attended the
democratic slate convention at
(rand Island Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge F.llison of
Prairie Home visited Sunday with
bis mother, Mrs. Knott.
J. A. Shatter went to Sou) li Bend
Sunday morning lo spend a couple
of days with Fred Weaver.
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hoyles of
Lincoln came down Saturday to
visit relatives for a few days.
The Misses Cox and l'elersnu
of Lincoln visited here Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Casey.
Harry Appleman came down
Monday from his home in Lincoln
lo attend to his farm interests
here. . . ..
! Mr. mid Mrs. Jake Forsythe of
Lincoln spent Wednesday with
Mr. ami Mrs. Sam Cashner, having
driven down in their auto.
S. C. Hoyles, delegate to the
democratic slate convention at
Grand Island, returned home
early Wednesday morning by the
auto route. ,
Miss Addie llumpcs of Lincoln
came down to visit the Misses
Gladys Appleman and (irayce
Bailey Monday.
John Murly, our lumber, grain
and slock dealer, is a new sub
scriber to the IMattsinouth Semi
Weekly Journal.
Koy Cole and Miss Pearl Reefer
visited friends in Omaha Sunday.
Harry Linch of Lincoln visited
friends and relatives here last
Mrs. Aaron Paling of Green
wood visited home ' folks here
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cook spent
Sunday with Mrs. Cook's parents
at Weeping Water.
A. J. Foreman went to Have
lock Monday on No. 13, return
ing Tuesday on No. 14.
Miss Sarah Idemiller of Lincoln
came down Sunday to visit Miss
Dorothy Manners for a few days.
Kli Coon returned Friday from
Lima, Ohio, where he attended
the funeral of his mother, Mrs.
Henry Hardnock. ' '
Miss Nellie Mrcamer of Lincoln
and Orion Haldwin of University
Place spent Sunday wilh Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Dreamer.
Dab Hoyles, accompanied by
Sam lams of Lincoln and Isaac
Wolfe and nephew, motored to
IMallsnioiilh Wednesday.
Mrs. Mary Fry, who has been
visiting her brother, John Murtey
and wife, for some time, relumed
to her home at Clay Center, Neb.,
last Thursday.
Mrs. Nervia Knott and son,
Irvin, and little niece, Heulah
Manners, were passengers on No.
13 for Lincoln Wednesday morn
ing. Charles Suavely and J. II.
Stroemer and son, Alfred, were
passengers Monday night for
South Hend to spend the day fish
ing. Mrs. N. Lewis of Harlan, Iowa,
and Mrs. Osborn of New Sharon,
Iowa, came in Thursday for a few
weeks' visit with their sister,
Mrs. C. 11. Jordan.
John Armstrong, who haft
been visiting his brother, Joe and
family for the past three weeks,
returned to his home at (Hen
wood, Iowa, Wednesday.
The Misses Sylvia Hopkins ami
Alelha Alton of Omaha are visit
ing Miss Alelha House this week.
The aboe young ladies spent
Saturday and Sunday visiting iu
Mr. and Mrs. George Foreman,
sr., enjoyed the pleasure of hav
ing all Iheir children with them
last Sunday, with one exception,
as Oris and family of Valparaiso
could not be present. In the
afternoon Mr. and Mrs. G. P.
Foreman, Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Foreman of Texas, Mr. and Mrs.
L. L Babbit! of Lincoln autoed to
Valparaiso. Mrs. Foreman re
turned home Tuesday.
San Francisco from February to December, 1915
Complete first-dang tour, including round trin railroad ticket, Food on nnv
train, by any direct route, with stop over privileges, atandnrd Pullman sleeper
both WHys. transportation of self and baggage in San Francisco, 11 days ac
commodation in tirst-class Furopean plan hotel in San Francisco, Admissions
to Exposition grounds and attractions in the grounds, four sight-seeing trips in
ana urouna me my aim nay or. Min t rancisco.
Start in saving now for a visit to the greatest Exposition the work! has ever
known. $10.00 down, balance in weekly or monthly payments.
Charles Kleiser is the owner of
a new live-passenger Ford auto
mobile. Lewis Hite of AIvo ate supper
with relatives here Saturday
Miss Martha Coehry 'returned
last Friday from a trip to Denver,
Mr. Itickli was taken suddenly
ill Tuesday noon, but is a little
better at the present writing.
Mrs. W. O. Gillespie and Miss
Anna Amgwert spent last Friday
and Saturday in Omaha.
"John Hughe and family of near
Avoca, formerly of this pcc,
were in town Saturday evening.
Mrs. Henry Wesllake and
daughter, Vivian, were passeng
ers to Lincoln Monday morning.
Miss Kale Amgwert came home
from Omaha Saturday evening
and will remain at homo for some
time. ; '.' 1
George Hite and Mr. and Mrs.
John Amgwert and daughter,
Marvel, visited home folks near
Alvo Sunday.
About fifteen automobiles were
here from AvoCa Monday boosting
for the Odd Fellows' picnic to be
held at that place on August !.
The Royal neighbors will give
an "old-fashioned" entertain
ment in the air dome on Saturday
evening,. August 10. Admission,
10 and 15 cents.
The fifth annual sln'et carnival
and baseball tournament, will be
held here August 28, 2U and 30,
Everyone plan to come, for you
will have a good lime.
Word was received here last,
week that, Mr. and Mrs. David
Thimgan of Omaha were the
proud parents of a lovely baby
girl. Mrs. Thimgan was formerly
Miss Clara Branckle of this place.
Mrs. Lena Lett returned to her
home at Council Hlufl's on Wed
nesday, after spending the past
leu days with relatives here. .
Mrs. Harry Davis entertained
the Ladies' Aid society on Wed
nesday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Kd Thimgan dinner on Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams and
daughters, Helen and Cora, of
F.lmwood; also Mr. and Mrs.
Rudolph Kuehn and daughters,
Alice and Anna, of Alvo.
Miss Leal a McDonald returned
Tuesday evening from a short
visit with friends in Omaha.
Last Friday the Alvo base ball
team came down lo be defeated
by us again lo the tune of 7 to 2.'
Sunday a picked up team from
here went lo South Hend and won
from their team bv a score of 17
to 1.
Andrew McNamara was not so
Well the fore pail of this week.
Miss Frna Dunseome returned
to her homo in Omaha last Thurs
day, after a two weeks' visit here.
Mrs. W. O. Gillespie leTI Tues
day for Fairmont, Neb., where she
will visit for a few days. She
was accompanied by Willard and
Jeanelle McNamara, who have
spent the past Iwo months here.
O. V. Haily went, to Randolph,
Neb., last Friday to look after
some business matters, returning
home Monday evening. He found
crops looking fine up there, much
better than in Cass county, the
pastures being much greener than
Mrs. O. V. Hailey and children
went lo the county seat last Sat
urday and visited the former's
mother, Mrs. Margaret Seagrave,
for the day, returning in the
John Seagrave and brother,
William, went to Doland, S. D.,
last week. to take in the harvest
fields. They are making $2.75 a
day in the harvest fields there.
Fop Sale.
New comb honey. J. M. Young,
Sam Smith and wife and W. S.
Shera were Omaha passengers on
the morning train today, bent on
business missions.
Lloyd Gapen and Jacob Bengen
drove in from their farms this
afternoon and boarded the after
noon train to Omaha and Council
You will find the most complete
line of stationery In the city of
Plattsmouth at the Journal office.
The finest line of box paper,
visiting and calling cards.
Visiting cards, Invitations, pro
grams, and e!! other kinds of
fancy printing done at the Jour
nal office.
fs the individual, man or wom
an, who uses Foley Kidney Pills
for backache, rheumatism, weak
back, and other kidney and blad
der irregularities Foley Kidney
Pills are healing, strengthening,
tonic, and quick to produce
beneficial results. Contain no
harmful drugs. Never sold inr
bulk. Put up in two sizes in seal
ed bottles. The genuine in a yel
low package. For sale by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
A healthy man is a kiitg in his
own right; an unhealthy man an
unhappy slave. For impure blood
and sluggish liver, use Burdock
Blood Bitters. On the market 35
years, $1.00 a bottle.
Robert W. Herter, Lawrence
vine, Mo., who had been bothered
wilh kidney trouble for two years,
says: "I tried three different
kinds of kidney pills, but with no
relief. My neighbor told mo to
use Foley Kidney Pills. I took
three bottles of them, and got a
permanent cure. I recommend
them lo everybody." For sale by
F. G. Fricke & Co. .
For full particulars sec
San Francisco Exposition Tour Company.
San Francisco, Calf.
A. J. TRILITY, Plattsmouth, Nebraika.
J Queen Quality Oxfords for
I ladies, the $3.00 grade, at
H-M-i I-H-M vHH M-H
Reduced Prices on all
Our Childrens', Misses
and Ladies' Dresses
Ladies' Waists: You
Know We Sell Mendal
Brothers' and the Acorn
Brand. They fit. Big reduction in price
All Our Queen Qual-
ity $3 Oxfords at $1.98
A Good Lawn Kimono
4 this Week at 69c
E. & SOW