The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 29, 1912, Image 2

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3 Wc want to reduce our Hardware Stock $12,000.00 in the next Sixty Days and are MAKING THE PRICES TO DO IT! EI
These Price are Only for Stock
on 'Hand!
341 kef's of nails, regular price
$3.00 per keg, now f2.35
G7 80-rod spwls galvanized cat
tle wire, was $2.70 per spool,
now 2.25
74 80-rod spools galvanized hog
wire, was $280, now 2.35
30 kegs fence staples, were $3.00
per keg, now 2.35
All Carbonundum sharpening stones
25 per cent off.
All tin, granite and allumium ware
20 per cent off.
Galvanized iron ware 20 per cent off.
Ice Cream Freezers 20 per cent off.
Coffee Boilers 15 per cent off.
Having been fortunate enough to secure the agency for the Blau-Gass, we
are going to reduce our immense Hardware Stock and evenually close it out entirely, retaining only the
Heating and Plumbing end. In order to accomplish this quickly we are making the prices quoted in this
advertisement. This sale will coutinue uniil we find a buyer for our.stock and will give you an opportu
nity to get goods at less prices than they were ever offered in Plattsmouth before.
It is impossible to itemize prices on every item, as it Would take over a month to go through and ite
mize everything separate. We wish to state that outside of heating and plumbing material we are not
holding back anything, but will discount every article, as we are positively going out of the hardware end
ot our business. With the new line that we have taken it will take all the time we have to give it proper
attention, and if there anything you need in the hardware line you would do well to look over our stock.
We are going to advertise our stock for sale in the leading papers and very likely will have a buyer for
the entire stock in a very short time, so if there is anything you need it would be well to get it at'once.
Plattsmouth, JJIH1K 1MJJ HC Nebraska
These Prices are Only for Stock
on Hand!
Tin Boilers 20 per cent off.
All Cutlery 25 per cent off.
Garden and carpenter tools from 15
to 30 per cent discount.
Any $10 Washing Machine at $8.00
Any 11 " " 8.75
3 No. 17 U. S. Cream Separa
tors, regular price $75, now . .60.00
One year guaranteed wringers,,
were $3.25, now 2.35
Three year guaranteed wringers,
were $3.75, now 2.75
Five year guaranteed wringers,
were $5.00, now 3.50
Three year ballbearing wringers,
were $4.50, now 3.25
Five year ballbearing wringers,
were $5.50, now 4.00
j. union.
4 Ledger. 4
Jesse Pell mid wifi' art' parents
of a nice iifw daughter, horn on
Wednesday, July 17.
K. A. Waller ami wife, who have
been visiting Charley Downs ami
family, departed yesterday for
their liome at Crescent, Oklahoma.
Clara, Will ami Stanley Mueller
wont lo Klmwood yesterday for a
visit, of neveral days with relative
and friends at. their former home.
Mrs. Charles Frans, accompa
nied by her daughter Iteulah and
Hon Kemp, visited Saturday and
Sunday with I Mike Frans and fam
ily, near Auburn.
Miss Kdilh (iulick, of Council
Illuffs, made two weeks visit with
relatives and friends in Union and
vicinity, departing for home Wed
nesday evening.
Under an order that look effect
last, Sunday the new fast train will
stop here going south at noon, hut
passes us bv at full speed going
north at 7:15 In the evening.
V. It. Manning departed Sunday
evening for Minneapolis to attend
a meeting of the directors of the
Northwestern Coal healers' Asso
ciation, being gone only a few
Rnfus Taylor, residing south
east of low n, has been very sick
and conllncd to the bed the past,
few da.vs, requiring the attendance,
of a physician. lie is now re
ported to he improving.
Will C. Complon of Manning,
Iowa, was here Sunday and made
a few hours visit with his friends
for the first time since he and his
wife moved from here a year ago.
Hi; was accompanied by his friend,
Aniel Prighl of Manning.
Mrs. J. H. lloddy suffered a very
jiuinful , injury last Saturday
morning. While washing a
cream separator she had occasion
to step oil' the porch, and the
ground being muddy, caused her
lo slip and fall. In attempting (o
save herself her right hand struck
a tin can, cutting a deep gash al
most, the length of the index linger
and it was necessary to call a phy
sician, who had lo make several
Milches in dressing the injured
linger. ,
(icorgc, Reynolds, who moved to
Peace Valley, Mo., last spring,
came in Saturday for a short visit
here. Mr. Reynolds seems well
pleased with his new home and
says crops down there are
Mrs. I). C. West and aunt, Ona
Carper, came in on the midnight
train Tuesday from Albion, Neb.,
where they have been visiting for
several weeks. Mr. Stone went on
to Colorado for the rest, of the
Will Adams had Hie misfortune
Saturday of getting one of his
ribs cracked. He was working ai
the bench and in throwing a
stick of lumber over onto the
(resiles (he end Hew up and
cracked one of his ribs. He will
lay off from active work for a few
A crowd had gathered Monday
afternoon, prepared to go up to
the cemetery and do some needed
work as volunteers. Fortunately
about the time they should have
started it began to rain and they
were saved. There was a preach
er among llienit and as we have
been needing moisture lately it
is not unreasonable to suppose
that .. their is still elllcacy in
him going down and Uncle Sam
on coining hack. He thinks Long
I'.each is a dandy place. J. I. Cor
ley writes from the other side and
(ells of New Cork. Mr. and Mrs.
Corley are having quite a wedding
(rip and are not, missing much
that can be seen with eyes.
Frank Krhaeffer came in last
Saturday from Anamoosa, Iowa,
to visit his parents. Frank had
received word that his father was
quite ill, and was agreeably sur
prised to llnd out that the captain
was feeling better. Frank is an
engineer on the Chicago, Ana
moosa & Northern railroad. He
has a 37-mile run and makes two
trips a day. lie is feeling better
than for several years.
Republican. '
H-I-M -W-H -M-H-H M"K'
J News. 'I
Mrs. J. J. Pollard and haby,
who have been visiting in Parker(
S. D., for several weeks, returned
home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. (i. F. Switzer left
yeslenlay for Newcastle, Colorado,
where they will visit a son and
enjoy the cool breezes during the
healed term.
John Opp, who had his leg
broken several weeks ago, when a
load of hay overturned, has so far
recovered as to be aide lo get out
a little on crutches.
Sam Humphrey returned Sun
day from Savannah, Mo., where
he has been for the past, two
weeks, lie experienced lit It relief
from the treatment aken.
Mrs. C. N. Hansen, who has
been suffering Willi appendicitis
for the last two weeks, was taken
(o Omaha Tuesday evening and
may have lo undergo an opera
V. H. Reed, who has been visit
ing several days at I he Kirk
palrick home, returned lo his
homo at Omaha Tuesday. Mrs.
Reed remained for a longer visit.
Morn To Mr. and Mrs. Owen
McOrady, jr., an 8-pound boy,
July Mi, IDI2.
Mrs. W. A. Mavis has been
quite ick the past week. She is
now resting easier.
John Wade and family are now
al Springlleld, Mo., iunl will prob
ably remain in Missouri during
the sumeinr.
Mrs. A. U. Tieg ami two chil
dren of Truman, Minn., arrived
last week and will visit a inonlh
or six weeks with Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. Josephson.
J. F. Thorne has sold out the
Riverside hotel business lo his
mother and I lie latter has taken
possession. Mr. and Mrs. Thorne
expect lo locale in Omaha.
K. 1.. Holden ami family came
in last Wednesday and are visit
ing his sister, Mrs. S. J. Ambler,
and many friends. Mr. Holden is
principal of Hit; Murango, Colo.,
public schools.
Mrs. Lewi on of Avoca is lo be
matron at Hindlcy hall for the
next school year. Opal and Ray
I.ewton were in town last week
getting things ready at (he hall
for moving in soon.
Mrs. M. M.' Duller went lo Her
man Tuesday, called there on ac
count of the illness of her daugh
ter's husband, John Johnson, ami
two sons, Harvey ami Claire. All
three are very sick with typhoid
Miss Anna Jensen, after spend
ing several days visiting with her
friend, Miss I.ulu McMonald, who
has been very ill the past few
weeks, went o Lincoln to visit a
few days and (hen goes lo Kan
sas City lo visit Mr. II. Jensen ami
family. '
The funeral of Miss McMonald.
who died Tuesday at 7:IT, will
be held fiypi Hie M. K. church at
2 o'clock p. 111. Thursday, July
25, Rev. L.. F. Towsend has
charge of the service. Miss Mc
Donald's death followed 0 long
II. T. Wilson wrote us from
Long Ueach, California, last week
that he was down in Old Mexico
on a (rip ami a Orcaser searched
J Courier. 4
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. A.
Slyter, Sunday, a boy.
Twin boys were born to Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Hrimer July 25.
Miss Iva Seybert. returiicilJioine
from a two months' visit atstaiw
ton with her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Collieb Sprieck.' "
Mrs. Rentschler and her grand
daughter, Miss Florence Hurps,
arrived Monday to visit at Hie
home of Adam Rentschler.
Miss Aildie Nordell of Lincoln
returned to her home Tuesday
after a week's visit with the Mis
ses I.orean and Mabel Krecklow.
We are very glad to have our
pleasant and obliging M. P. agent, 1
(leoige Forcade and family home
again after a two weeks' vacation t
willi relatives and friends in
Scott McOrew is the proud'
papa of a black-eyed baby girl, Ihe
little miss having arrived Wed
nesday, July 2i, lit 1 2. Scott says
that he would not take a farm for
her, but wouldn't give a penny
each for a dozen more.
Roy Dringnian arrilTd "Monday
morning from Atchiiii,'1 Kansas,
for a visit here with the Courier
family. This is Roy's first visit lo
Louisville for three years. He is
employed as pressman for the
Daker-Yander Printing company
at Atchison.
"North" hill is attaining quite
a reputation as a slicker for
motorcycles and it is not an un
common thing to see a string of
riders trying (o climb (o Hie sum
mit. Last Sunday morning, how
ever, three strangers riding "In
dian" wheels, climbed (he hill re
peatedly. The recent rains have delayed
threshing. No one is complaining,
however, for the rain was badly
needed, and (he threshing will
keep. Those who have started
fall plowing report Hie ground in
splendid condition for Ihe work.
Owing to the large acreage of
small grain put in, there will be a
great deal of plowing to be done.
Miss Hertha Hryan of Ashland
came Wednesday evening to visit
her sister, Mrs. F. L. Wolcott.
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hart and Mr.
and Mrs. K. J. Jeary were pas
sengers to Omaha Tuesday after
noon. Mrs. Rosa Manning returned
Tuesday evening from a two
months' visit with relatives and
friends at Minneapolis, Minn. Mr.
Manning is expected in a few-
Threshing machines are kept
very busy in this section of the
country. Wheat is going as high
as 30 bushels per acre, testing
02 to 0i pounds, and easily grad
ing No. 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Saxton of
Pender, Neb., stopped off here
Monday to leave the two youngest
children with (Irandpa and Orand
ma Saxton while they are taking
a trip lo Yellowstone park.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott of Omaha
motored out Thursday evening of
last week and spent a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hoover
and wife, who were spending a
two weeks' vacation period.
Mrs. J. U. DelesDernier of Zion
City, Illinois, and daughter, Mrs.
Anna Ingwerson, arrived Satur
day morning for a visit with rela
tives and friends. The latter for
merly resided at Alvo.
The interior of the local post
otllce is undergoing a marked
transformation. The fixtures have
been nicely rearranged and new
plaster and a fine new dress of
wall paper put on.
Keep in mind the old settlers'
picnic at Klmwood August 21). We
wish to assure those who antici
pate a visit to Klmwood on that
day that an entertainment is be
ing prepared suitable to all fac
tions and a rousing big time is in
store for all.
Place Cards, Score and Tally
Cards of every description at the
Journal office.
There will be five sxouds EI
girls, each group trying to have
the most attractive place for you
to go, after the program at the
Oarden Fete tomorrow night.
Some will furnish refreshments.
others amusement. Some will ask
you for 5 cents, other for 10 cents,
which ever they ask you may be
sure (hat you will receive equal
value in candy punch, tea and
sandwiches, or good fun.
An increasing number of peo
pie report regularly of the satis
factory results from taking Foley
Kidney Pills and commend their
healing and curative qualities.
Foley Kidney Pills are a carefully
prepared medicine, guaranteed to
contain no harmful or habit
forming drugs. They can have
only te beneficial' effect when used
for kidney and bladder troubles,
for backache, rheumatism, weak
back or lumbago. For sale by F.
G. Fricke & Co.
Leader-Kcho. J
11. Deltnian has had a fine
monument erected at the grave of 1
his fattier, Ootlieb Deltnian, in!
Callahan cemetery. J
Dr. Hen Root of New York was
here a couple of days last week
paying' a visit to his aunt, Mrs.
Cyrus Alton, and other relatives
and friends.
Our High school is the best
equipped of any graded school in
(he slate, and there are but few
places of three (imes its size (hat
equal it.
Clearance Sale!
Wednesday, July 24
We are making A SPECIAL EFFORT to
make this the biggest and best SUMMER
CLEARANCE SALE we have ever held. We
have doubled our Dry Goods Section and
you will find it a much -more convenient
place to do your shopping.
We do not buy JOB LOTS, SECONDS OR
SHORT LENGTHS to offer you at a reduced
price, but what is left of our regular Summer
Stock. Look for the yellow ticket and you
will find a SPECIAL PRICE.
Wednesday, July 24