The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 25, 1912, Image 8

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    I Pollock-Putt 8
S makes possible a delightful Auto
distant from Plattsmouth.
A drive over Omaha's 25 miles of beautiful paved boule
& vards and park system will furnish a pleasant surprise and Q
Jj rwrontinn
Fort Crook's fine macadam drives and regular afternoon J$
and evening hand concerts are vprv eninvnhlp nnd nrp f tn W
the public.
fj Take a little jaunt over the
P You will like it.
4 Republican. j
Clarence I, an and wife of
Sutherland arrived last Friday to
attend the funeral of his sister.
William Foltz aulocd down
from South Omaha last week to
look ufter some business matters
on the farm.
Frank Throne mid his mother
went to Alvo Sunday evening to
visit Mrs. Throne's daughter and
a new son that arrived of recent
Herman Wegener had 50 acres
of wheat that average 22 Vj bush
els' per acre. He had 25 acres
rented to II. linker and that field
averaged 2! bushels per acre.
Last Sunday was the hottest
day of the year, Klti in he shade.
On Tuesday morning the ther
mometer registered within 13 de
grees of freezing, but that is con
siderable. Mrs. John McKay and son,
Merle, are visiting relatives in
Oral, S. !., and will spend (wo or
three weeks at different places
in the Black Hills and in Ne
braska. Karl Hunter spent a month in
north and eastern Nebraska on
business ami then took a short
vacation at Hot Springs, S. D. It
is quite likely that Mr. Hunter
will conclude to soon engage in
the newspaper business.
Mrs. Made Itarnes and son,
Ovid, went, to I tiller Tuesday on
receipt of the news that her
father, Mr. Hudson, was stricken
with paralysis. Mr. Hudson
died about half an hour after their
arrival. He was a former Cass
county farmer and about 79 vears
' A. K. Jameson's new house on
Kldora avenue is beginning to
look quite pretentious. It. is ready
for the roof, which is now being
put on. This eight-room house,
with an attic containing another
room, and every room in the
house lighted with large windows,
Will make a handsome ami sightly
residence. Mr, Jameson is go
ing to have everything modern.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob llygcmn
mourn the loss of their adopted
daughter of about three years
age. Mr. llygema was a former
pastor of the Mennonile church of
this place. Mrs. llygema was
visiting her folks in Milford when
the baby died. Tin' child was
buried July 7th.
Special Elates for
Summer Tours
TO THE EAST. Excursion rates to New York and Huston, via all routes go
ing one way, returning another. A moRt attractive tour of the Fast may
be made tat these rates.
TO ThT PACIFIC COAST. Ixw excursion rates every day; ssill lower rate
to . . xi cpocial dates; the greatest railroad journey in the world and at
Vf.' j .. -V v.
YELLOW ST Owi PARK. Special rates for any kind -of tour desired: go in
via Cody, the Scenic entrance, come out via Gardiner; personally conducted
camping tours; the Wylio camp tours. Ask agent for l'ark literature.
MOUNTAIN TOURS. Ask agent for handbook of Colorado resorts. lookup
Hot Springs, S. H., ank ask for l'.lack Hills booklet. You might like the
Dig Horn Mountains at the Shcridun and Hanchester resorts; ask for leaf
let. (Jet in touch with us. Ask for rates and publications for any kind of
a vacation tour.
R, W. CLEMENT, Agent.
W. L. WIKEU, General Passenger Agent, Omaha. Kit,
ride to Omaha only 19 miles J
new Auto and Wagon Bridge. s
& DUFF g
h News. j
Miss Irma Hunt, a niece of
Mrs. Kirkpatrick, has been here
this week visiting.
Mrs. B. W. Reed of Omaha is
here this week visiting her sister,
Mrs. E. A. Kirkpatrick.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reger
have a new baby boy at their
house, of regulation weight, born
Sunday night.
Vilas Spohn, who has been
visiting at the Sturm' home for a
week, returned to his home at
Superior Monday.
Mrs. J. M. Palmer, who went to
Omaha last week to consult a
specialist, has gone on over to
Oskaloosa, Iowa, where she is
taking treatment.
Bertie Trotter,' who has been
visiting his uncle, William Trot
ter and family, for several
months, left on the morning train
Saturday for St.. Louis on his way
to Inidana, where he lives.
Fred Rose is down this week
from Lincoln looking after his
threshing. The wheat on the hand
farmed by Martin and Hugh; is
going 33 bushels to the acre. Mr.
Hose came down in his new auto
mobile. A week from Sunday the much
louled bunch of ball players
from Cedar Creek will be over
here for a game with our local
gladiators. Cedar Creek is ad
mitted one of the best teams in
Cass county and we are curious
to see what happens when they
E. M. Pollard has built an ad
dition to their packing plant, en
larging tle building enough to
double the floor space and putting
in cement lloors throughout. This
extra track room will enable them
to handle their apple output with
out congestion or the vexatious
wait for cars. The crop promises
to he a large one and is in fine
J. W. Holmes of Murray, who
represents the L. lturg Buggy
company of Dallas City, Illinois,
was in town a few hours Tues
day afternoon with a six-cylinder
automobile made by the lturg
people, Mr. Holmes is very en
thusiastic over having the agency
for this car, as he thinks he has
for I he money one of the best
cars on the market todav.
f Beacon.
Max Spahnle and wife are the
proud parents of a line new son
whicti rcgi-terrd at their home
lat Saturday evening.
Homer Knight and family were
down from Walton Sunday even
ing: and made a short visit with
Charles Hen iter and family.
Mrs. A. H. Yanlandingham went
to Plattsmouth Monday afternoon
to spend a few days visiting with
her daughter, Mrs. Eugene Setz.
Mrs. Mamie Hudson and daugh
ters came down from Lincoln
Tuesday morning to spend a few
days visiting with relatives and
W. H. Jones and daughter. Miss
Electa, of Oskaloosa, Kansas, ar
rived last Saturdav evenine fn
make a visit with George L. Mvers
and family.
J. G. Johnson and Gilbert Pet-
tit departed Wednesday forenoon
for Superior, where the former
has several large contracts for
carpenter work.
Mrs. William Morrison of
Omaha and Miss Nora Jetes of Los
Angeles, California, arrived last
Saturday evening and are visiting
with Claude Henz and wife.
Mrs. Herman Swanson returned
to her home at. Julian SihiHmv
morning, after having spent sev
eral days visiting with her par
ents, Charles Henner and family.
Hev. A. J. Gumm and wife de
parted Monday afternoon for
Omaha, where Mrs. Gumm will
enter the Methodist hospital for
treatment and Mr. Gumm will
consult Dr. Gilford regarding his
Last week the livery barn
figured in two trades, the owner,
W. C. Gunn of Fort Scott, Kan
sas, trading the barn to George
West lake of Itofleby for t he Mc
Curdy 40 acres south of town.
Mr. West lake in turn sold the
barn to I. L. Creamer, who im
mediately took possession of the
barn and residence property. Mr.
Cremer informs us that he intends
to devote his personal attention
to running the barn and accom
modating the general public.
MalPCarriers WHMFIy.
This is an age of great dis
coveries. Progress rides on the
air. Soon we mav see uncle Sam's
mail carriers flying in all direc
tions, transporting mail. People
take a wonderful interest in a
discovery that benefits them.
That's why Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Coughs, Colds and
other throat and lung diseases is
the most popular medicine in
America. 'It cured me of a dread
ful cough," writes Mrs. J. F.
Davis, Stickney Corner, Me., "af
ter doctor's treatment and all
other remedies had afiled." For
coughs, colds or any bronchial
affection it's unequaled. Price
50c and $1.00. Trial bottle .free
nt F. G. Fricke & Co.
V Ledger.
Mrs. Clara Merchant of Elgin,
Neb., arrived Monday to make a
visit of several days with her sis
ter, Mrs. M. II. Shoemaker.
Miss Elma Jeroushek of Platts
mouth made a few days' visit here
with Mrs. Nettie Stanton, return
ing home Wednesday evening.
Matt McQuin and wife departed
Monday evening for the Pacific
coast, intending to spend several
weeks visiting at various places
in California. '
Guy Johnson of Elgin, Neb,, a
nephew of Mr. and Mrs. M. H.
Shoemaker, arrived Monday for a
visit of several days at the Shoe
maker home.
Mont Hobb, steward of the state
penitentiary, spent Sunday with
his son, Hugh Hobb and family,
southwest of town.
Lee Carper and family of Ne
Jiawka came down last Sunday to
spend the day with William
Porter and family, south of town.
Frank Smith of Plattsmouth
was down Sunday to spend the day
nt the home of bis mother, Mrs.
Claude Everett, northeast of town.
Fred W. Young ami wife, south
west of town, are the parents of a
tine new daughter that registered
at their home on Thursday even
iug, July tl, too late for mention
in the Ledger last, week.
James, p. Hainey was called to
Greenwood on Tuesday to attend
the funeral of his sister-in-law,
the wife of Floyd Hainey of Lin
coln. James received the news
Monday evening, which staled that
the lady died in a hospital after
only a few days of illness.
T t Ii .. ..1 . .
jeny ,. nuriow, a gentleman
employed on Waller Johnson's
farm southwest of town, suffered
a sunstroke Monday evening and
for a few hours he was in a very
critical condition and required
the attendance of a physician.
He recovered from the shock in
due time and is now about as well
as ever.
J. C. Thygesou and wife of Ne
braska City, Mrs. Douchm and
Miss Margaret Donelan of Platts
mouth. Mrs. Burgess and Miss
Hena Burgess of Cedar Hapids,
and Hobert Thygeson and Walter
Noelting of Nebraska City, were
out for a few hours' auto ride
Wednesday morning and stopped
here to call on some of their
Insect Bite oCtss Leg.
A Boston man lost his leg from
the bite of an insect two years be
fore. To avert such calamities
from stings and bites of insects
use Bucklen's Arnica Salve
promptly to kill the poison and
prevent inflammation, swelling
and pain. Heals burns, boils,
ulcers, piles, eczema, cuts,
bruises. Only 25 cents at F. G.
Fricke A Co.
HrSr -H-H-fr H-I-H-H-H-H'
4 Leader-Echo.
Mrs. Halph Keckler and son,
Richard, of near Manley, drove up
to Elniwood Wednesday.
W. 1'. Hosencrans and sons.
Clate and Wythe, motored out
from Plattsmouth Friday evening.
Mrs. J. U. DelesDornier was
taken to Lincoln Friday evening
for treatment in a hospital.
Mrs. William Ouinn went to
Lincoln yesterday to see her
mother, Mrs. Dunkle, who is in a
serious condition from an attack
of rheumatism.
Mrs. Loren Barrett and chil
en of Aldersyde. Alberta. Can
ada, came the first of the week to
sit, the former's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. M. W. Waltz.
Mrs. V. W. Loren z and daugh
rs, Marie and Catherine, and
Miss Emma Stirtz leave this week
or Council Bluffs and other
laces in Iowa for an extended
isit with relatives and friends.
Mrs. Sarah Burt and grand
daughter, of Aurora, Neb., visited
few days the fore part of the
week with Elder and Mrs. Myers.
Mrs. Burt and Mrs. Myers were
ormer close friends and neigh
ors in New York state.
William Caygill was the big-best
bidder on the Baker eighty Satur-
ay afternoon when that piece of
land was disposed of in front of
the American F:xchangc bank by
B. W ait, guardian of George E.
Baker, incompetent. The eiuhtv
was purchased by Mr. Caygill at a
consideration of $05 per acre.
The kensignton ladies met at
the beautiful home of Mrs. L. F.
Langhorst last Thursdav after
noon and spent the time in fancy
work and jolly conversation, also
enjoying I he kodak pictures Miss
Daisy look on her trip east. At
about 5 o'clock Mrs. Langhorst
cfreshed the company with a de
lightful lunch.
Will Sullerand wife of Golhen-
berg, Neb., and Dick Smith and
wife of Kenesaw, Neb., came Sun
day night in answer to a sum
mons announcing the serious ill
ness of Grandma Krull. The aged
lady is quite feeble as a result of
her illness, but she is improving
at this writing and fiopes are
entertained for her recovery.
The Choice of a Husband
is too important a matter for a
woman to be handicapped by
weakness, bad blood or foul
breath. Avoid these kill-hopes by
taking Dr. King's Life Pills. New
strength, fine complexion, pure
breath, cheerful spirits things
that win men-follow their use.
Easy, safe, sure, 25c at F. G,
Fricke & Co.
J Courier. J
I!!tJ JJJJ'J 'J!!!
Mrs. G. W. Mayfield, who has
been ill for some lime, is now able
to ln up again.
Henry Worthman of Seward
is here visiting with his brother,
Dr. E. II. Worthman and family.
Mrs. Joe Fitzgerald of Omaha
is visiting here with her mother,
Mrs. B. W. Tedorski.
Mr. and Mrs. F. II. llerr of
Cholsworth, Illinois, arrived Wed
nesday for a few days' visit with
Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Yant.
F. II. Nichols and family went
to- Mailland, Missouri, Sunday in
their automobile for a few days'
visit with Mrs. Nichols' parents.
Mrs. Frank Johnson and chil
dren relumed last Friday from
Denver, Colorado, where they had
been visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Philip Kahler.
Ditching for the water pipes
for the water plant is being push
ed rapidly. All the ditching is to
be done by hand and as there is
five miles of ditching to be done
it will furnish work for quite an
army of men.
DR. O.
Permanently located at the M. E. Manspeaker Livery Barn on and aftPr-
r iS 'wifi bGradUate f th.C KanSa8 City Vet lee- S 1 X
or night, will be given prompt attention.
Sam Edgerton is building a new
addition to his house on the east
side of the Missouri Pacific
tracks on Second street. The ad
dition will be 10x28 feet and when
completed will make them a neat
home. Sam is a hard worker and
the Courier is pleased to see that
his efforts are being crowned with
The board of education met in
Standee's store room Monday
evening and organized for the
coming year as follows: L. J.
Mayfield, president; P. A. Jacob
son, secretary, and P. C. Stander,
treasurer. A vacancy was an
nounced for teachers for the
seventh and eighth grades and
t he second and third. Lena Burns
of Murdock was elected for the
seventh and eighth at a salary of
$55 per month and Miss Josephine
Warner of University Place for
the primary at $15 per month.
Cass County, ss.
In County Court.
In the Matter of the Estate of
William M. Wiley, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
creditors of said deceased will
meet the Administrator of said
estate, before me, County Judge of
Cass County, Nebraska, at the
County Court room in Platts
mouth, in said County, on the 27th
day of July, 1912, and on the 27th
day of January, 1913, at 10 o'clock
a. in. each day, for the purpose of
presenting their claims for exam
ination, adjustment and allow
ance. Six months are allowed for the
creditors of said deceased to pre
sent their claims, and one year
for the Administrator to settle
said estate, from the 25th day of
July, 1912.
Witness my hand and seal of
said County Court at Plattsmouth,
Nebraska, this first day of July,
County Judge.
D. O. DWYER, Attorney.
A. I''.. Riley and A. C. McGuigan,
doing business as the Midwest
Carnival and Exposition Company,
will take notice that 011 the 10th
day of July, 19 1 2, M. Archer, a
justice of the peace of Cass Coun
ty, Nebraska, issued an order of
attachment for the sum of $57.00
for work and labor in an action
pending before him, wherein
Stanley L. Eaton is plaintiff and
the above named parties defend
ants; that property of the defend
ants, consisting of awnings, stage
scenery, stages inside and out,
ticket booths, wooden seats and
other material, has been attach
ed under said order. Said cause
was continued to the 2ith day of
August, 1912, at 9 o'clock a. in.,
at which time trial will be had.
Stanley Ii. Eaton,
The fine residence on High School
Hill known as the Mae Patterson
properly, can be bought, if taken
soon, at $2,200.00. A cottage on
Wintersteen Hill, city water and
cement sidewalks, for only $325.
The five-room cottage within two
blocks of Main street for $350. We
have many olhers for sale at bar
gain prices and on easy terms.
Mow the Weeds.
According to the new law all
farmers are compelled to cut I he
weeds along their line of road or
the same will be cut by the road
overseer and charged up in taxes
to land adjacent. Thereofre, it
is my duly to notify all farmers
residing in Eigh! Mile Grove pre
cinct to cut the weeds on or be
fore the 15th day of August, or I
will be compelled to comply with
the law. Frank Platzer,
Road Overseer.
Shetland Ponies for Salo.
I have an excellent team of
Shetland ponies for sale. Well
broke and at a price that is right.
Wm. Gilmour,
H. F. D., Plattsmouth.
F. R. Whitlaker, Burlington
traveling engineer, was in the city
today looking after company
Mr. and Mrs. William McCauly
and son, Charles, departed for
Monticello, Arkansas, last even
ing on No. 2 for the purpose of
taking possession of their farm,
build a house upon it and im
prove it. Mrs. McCaully and
Charles may stay several months,
while Mr. McCauly will stav for
a few weeks. They will leave
their dwelling here intact, to be
disposed of later should they like
the country well enough to make
their home there.
Stood Operation Well.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Dr. C. A. Marshall returned
from Immanuel hospital this aft
ernoon, where his son, Juno,,
underwent an operation for ap
pendicitis yesterday morning. The
doctor stated that his son came
through the operation in fine
shape, recovered from the ef
fects of the ether without any
serious symptoms and appeared
to be in good condition physically.
He saw him again just before
starting for the train this morn
ing and Juno was doing as well as.
anyone could under the circum
stances. Mrs. Marshall remained
in Omaha and will look after their
son for a few days.
State Fair.
The Nebraska State Fair, Sep
tember 2-6, would not seem
natural without the great Liberati
Military band and Grand Opera
Concert company in their daily
cooricerts. This band is without
doubt the peer of any like or
ganization in the United States
and music lovers look forward
with delight to the rendition of
favorite acts from II Trovotore,
Lucia, Cavalleria Rusticanna,
Rigoletto, Faust, Carmen and
other popular operas.
i mm ii
When Plattsmouth Citizens Show
a Way.
There can be no reason why
any reader of this, who suffers the
tortures of an aching back, the
annoyance of urinary disorders,
the pains and dangers of kidney
ills will fail to heed the words of
a neighbor who has found relief.
Head what a Plattsmouth citizen
says :
Charles L. Bates, farmer, Ninth
and Walnut streets, Plattsmouth,.
Neb., says: "Kidney complaint
seemed to come upon me all of a
sudden. I attributed it to a heavy
cold, which settled on my kidneys
and made them weak, causing the
kidney secretions to pass too fre
quently. I often had pains across
the small of my back. When I
stopped sharp twings darted
through me. I felt languid and
had little ambition. When some
one advised me to try Doan's Kid
ney Pills, I got a supply from
Rynotl's Drug Store. They soon
benefited me and two boxes made
a permanent cure. I can certain
ly recommend this remedy to any
once who has kidney complaint."
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Fosler-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, New York, sole agents for
the. United States.
Remember the name Doan's
and lake no other.
Ladies' and Misses' White
Dresses, worth from $3.50
to $18.00. Summer Clear
ance Sale price, $2.50 to
Will Play Baum Iron Company.
Secretary A. A. Dot son of the
Plallsinoiilh Boosters ball team
has canceled the dale with the
Dundee Woolen Mills team, as he
has been informed that the play
ers are all young:, and has secured
a game for next Sunday, July 28,
with the Baum Iron company
team. This leu mis said to lie a
strong one and will make n good
game for next Sunday afternoon.