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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1912)
-The Plattsmouth Journal Published Seml-Weeklj at R. A. BATES, Entered at the Postolfice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, as eecond-class matter. $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE JT..j..jjj-j.JJTj..j? .J. BOOST, DARN YOU, BOOST v J. J When any fellow starts In J knock This town in any way, J J Our dads In dig, our maiils J In mock, J J Our government to Hay, J Just lake the knocking one J aside, J Ami ere your hold is J loosed, I Just whisper gently, "l)ani J your hide, J Now boost, you knocker, J boost I" .J. 4. HHI H-M-l H-MW vH :o: Tin- general impression is thai congress will adjourn about Aug ust 15. :o: Not long until tlu big battle will begin in earnest, and the democrats should all gel in battle array for tho great conflict. :o: Reports from sections of the slate where the republicans have held their county convent inns, Tafl followers seem to be ill I lie .saddle so far. :o: It seems very queer bow some fellows are so eager to attend their party caucuses when they think there is a show to advance their own selfish desires. :o:- It is said that Victor Rosewaler is slated for chairman of the re publican stale convention if Taft's friends are in control. Well, who lias a belter right to be? :o: The Hull Moose party in Michi gan have placed a full state ticket in the Held, greatly to the dis favor or Governor Osborn. There .will be two tickets in that state. -:o: Speaker Clark, followed by one luindred and sixteen members of the bouse, visited Governor Wil son Saturday. Champ Clark is right in harmony with Governor Wilson. -:o:- A great many republican coun ty conventions have already been held to select delegates to the state convention, and. a big ma jority of them have endorsed l'resident Tafl. :o: Teddy's convent ion comes off August 5, and the admission price will range from MO to $20. We liave no idea of attending', and then we think the price is rather high for a side attraction. :o: - ' The ward caucuses were quite well attended Saturday night. The i t " convention at the council chamber after the ward meetings was ulso well attended. Al Des pain and F.d Ruffnor were renom inated for assessors. :o: That man Dixon .of Montana, who has charge of the Roosevelt campaign, says that after the 5th of August, that being the date of the Hull Moso convention ut Chi cago, he, will see that a Roosevelt ticket will be nominated in every state in the union. :o: There is not a Harmon sup porter, a Clark supporter or a Wilson supporter but who is a progressive and every one of Ibein desire a progressive platform adopted al the Grand Island eon vent ion. They are nil for Wilson . md Marshall and victory. :o: The democratic county conven tion will be represented by full delegations from every precinct in the county. Much enthusiasm seems to have prevailed. We hope to sec every precinct rep- Pl.ttsmaiitli, Nebraska t a Publisher. resented by representative ijt-ii 10- cral s w bo are ager for if lory. -:o: ! nun reports from the various county deinocral ic conventions belli in the slate Saturday it seems that all the democrats are favor able to ruttim out all dissenlioiis that may arise at, the Grand Island convention. That's just what should be done. :o:- The Lancaster county demo crat ie convention Saturday seem ed to be a very harmonious affair and there were no sig.'S of a de sire to raise a rumpus at the Grand Island convention, in case some of the Lincoln high-steppers failed in having everything their own way. Suppose the republican state convention at Lincoln endorses the candidacy of Tafl, what will Aldrich, Norris and Haul Clark do then? They must step down and out that's all that is left for 111 10 do. :o: It is' rumored that Aldrich, Norris and Haul Clark will with draw from the race if the repub lican state convention endorses TaTt. Hut then, wo don't believe it, notwithstanding' they have made themselves very obnoxious to the Taft supporters. We are so anxious for harmony and good feeling at Grand Island that if every democrat who goes to that convention as a delegate feels as we do they can easily for give and forget what has pre viously transpired in our party ranks. It is an easy thing to do if you only think so. :o: Old Hen Haker seems to have everything to his liking among the republicans in Douglas county, and delegates were elected to the republican state convention all of whom are for Taft. John O. Yeiser held a little convention of bis own and selected Hull Moose party delegates. It looks like John 0. is in the soup. ' :o: Haul Clark seems to be in a ter rible bad fix. He has talked loo much with his mouth attempted a bulldozing method to make all the Taft supporters come his way. Hut he has failed in his ef fort, rind now, like Aldrich, has started in to hedge. The would be congressman has bitten off more than he can "chew," and the Taft people have him branded for slaughter in November. The governor has selected 155 papers in Nebraska to publish the constitutional amendments. In some counties the work is di vided between live and six papers. In Cass county the work is divided into four equal parts the Louis ville Courier, Weeping Water Re publican, Union Ledger and Platlsinouth News-Herald. The amount of $50,000 will be divided among 155 papers, and only one democratic paper among them the Riverton Review. -:o:- "The bouu' dog" did not win Champ Clark the nomination for president, but the writer still keeps an image of him sitting on our desk to remind us of years ago when we knew Speaker Clark so well down in Missouri. He is a gentleman every day in the week and a democrat who will do to lie to all the time. We knew there would he no "sulking in his tent from Champ Clark, and Woodrow Wilson will have his united sup port, and that means a whole lot It is never too hot to stand straight up for I'lattsmouth. :o: It looks now more than cer for a harmonious convention at Grand Inland. :o : The real progressive repub licans are all joining I ho Wilson and Marshall ranks. Wilson seems to be progressive enough for nio,t of them. Wil.-on and Marshall appeal to the average voter as being men who can safely be trusted in the highest position in the gift of the American people. :o: Make up your mind to attend the democrat ic county convent ion in I'lattsmouth next Saturday. Every delegate selected at the primaries should attend. :o: lion. John II. Morehead pays about as much attention to those newspapers who are hired by Aid rich as he does any other com mon curs that are always barking at one's heels. :o: The democratic political situa tion will settle itself along natural lines at the Grand Island con vention next Tuesday, and with cool beads in the lead, we do not look for anything out of the or dinary to occur. :o: The chaulauqua season will soon be on in good shape. Hy the way, why don't Hlaltsiuoul h try the chaulauqua plan of entertain ment? Too late for this year, but we can take plenty of 'lime to get ready for next season. :o:- Roosevelt, the bull moose can didate, says he will stand for no divided allegence. He says a man must be for him or against him. Candidates cannot get their names on the republican ticket and the Bull Moose both. So you can pay your money, gentlemen, and take your choice. :o: August 5 is the day the ''Bull Moose" party is to hold ' iU na tional convention at . Chicago. This will bo strictly a Roosevelt event, since the sting of defeat af fected the Rough Rider so that he stated a willingness to head a new party and still battle for the bal lots of the people. :6: It seems hardly worth while to "beef" at the high cost of living, but a union should be organized to cut down funeral expenses. There may be some excuse for robbing a live one, but when it comes to fleecing the dead, a sharp halt should be called on the undertakers. :o: The National Association of Physicians and Surgeons is send ing out a world of free advertis ing to the press of this country. Vnd yet the school that train these doctors lay great stress on the violation of the "ethics of the profession" a doctor is guilty of when he runs an advertisement and pays for it. , :o: . When Chris Grunther, the man who managed Governor liar mon's campaign, and Arthur Mul len, who was manager of Champ Clark's campaign in this state. say that John Byrnes is a lino campaign manager they ought to know what they are talking about They both have bad a great deal of experience themselves on this line. :o:- Aldrich, Clark and Norris will llnd out to their sorrow between now and election day that Ihe re publicans of Nebraska are not all boilers and that they are not go ing to quit Taft because they want them to. Taft is the regular nominee for president and honest republicans are not going to bolt him simply because a few olllco hunters flew ihe track. Not much :o: . Rudolph Spreckles, San Fran Cisco millionaire, who financed the graft prosecutions in his homo Every precinct should send a full delegation to the democratic county convention next Saturday. :o: It is a gross waste of time to be a Christian on the installment plan, yet there are hundreds of ttiein Irving it. :o: Teddy insists on having noth ing to do with the republicans, lie wants a party all to himself. Well, we don't object. :o: city and who supported the cam paign of Senator La Eollctte for the republican nomination for president, has gone on record in faor of Woodrow Wilson for president and sent a telegram as suring the New Jersey governor of his hearty support. :o: v Chris Guenther says that he is not seeking the chairmanship of the democratic state convention, and never did, but that he believes that John Byrnes has made as good a chairman as was ever in the state. If Tom Allen had not become so oflicious in sending out those circular letters there would not have been so much excitement over the chairmanship. Tom says be does not want the chairman ship, but his saying so does not bear washing with a good many democrats who have known him in the past. :o: The Journal believes from present judical inns that all bick erings and rivalries will have passed away by the time the Grand Island convention meets next week. Not in many years has there been such an opportunity for harmony ami good feeling among democrats, and we believe delegates to the state convention will be selected from the level beaded class who will attend the great gathering for the sole pur pose of bringing about the much desired peace and harmony, which all true democrats would like to see. -:o: Ex-Mayor Frank W. Brown of Lincoln is a man who would make a most eflicient chairman of the democratic state central com mittee.. If a new chairman is to be elected we know of no one who would fill the bill more satis factory than Frank Brown. He undoubtedly possesses the ex ecutive ability and he is a hustler when it comes down to business. We don't know as to whether our friend, Brown, would accept the position or not, but we know be is always willing to do everything in his power for the success of the democratic party, even as a private citizen. :o: A leader in ttie ranks of the prohibition party says Roosevelt's party nor the republican party has any right or title to the word progressive." Acocrding to this eminent authority, all progres- siveness is wrapped up in the prohibition party. We don't un derstand why anyone should think so. The prohibitionists are just whero they wero fifty years ago and we can't see where they have progressed to any great extent a9 a party. They harp on prohibi tion till election time, and then the most of them march to the polls and vote the republican ticket. :o: Paul Clark is awrut busy Just now in fixing matters to suit him in the republican state conven tion at Lincoln next Tuesday. But how Paul expects to come "out of it" is hard to tell. One thing is very certain, that he will never get the Taft support in the First congressional district. If be had returned from Chicago in a quiet, inoffensive manner and awaited developments he perhaps would have fared better, but everything had to go his way he was for Roosevelt and against Taft Taft stole the nomination, etc. That's the way he talked. Now, how ran he expect the Taft supporters to give him aid? Down this way the Taft men say, "Not on your life! Democratic Convention The deinucarts of Cass county are called to meet in delegate con vention in the city of Plattsmouth, Neb., on Saturday, July 27, 1912, at 2 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of selecting seventeen delegates to the democratic state convention to be held in Grand Island, Neb., July 30, 1U12, and to transact such other business as may legal ly come before it. Precinct Delegates Tipton Stove Creek Elmwood . . Weeping Water 2 Louisville 9 ML Pleasant 8 Nehawka 5 Eirst Rock Bluffs 9 Weeping Water, 1st ward. ... 2 Weeping Water, 2nd ward. ... 2 Weeping Water, 3rd ward .... 1 Greenwood 5 Salt Creek 8 South Bend 4 Center 7 Avoca 6 Eight Mile Grove 11 Liberty 9 Second Rock Bluffs 5 Plattsmouth 11 Plattsmouth, 1st ward 7 Plattsmouth, 2nd ward 13 Plattsmouth, 3rd ward 13 Plattsmouth, 4th ward- 5 Plattsmouth, 5th ward 4 Total 169 J. S. Livingston, Chairman. Earl It. Travis, Secretary. -:o:- Nebraska's Indian fighters may get a pension, if Congressman Sloan can have his way about it. There is no reason why they shouldn't have. :o: From present indications the contest between the bull moosers and Taftites is going to be very close in Nebraska, and there will be something popping in Lincoln next Tuesday. :o: Governor Deneen and the bal ance of the republican state nom inees in Illinois refuse to run up on any but the straight republican ticket. Now the Roosevelt bull moose party will place another state ticket in the field. And so it goes. Senator Dixon, Roosevelt's campaign manager, is emphatic in his determination to have Roosevelt stale candidates in Il linois, but he is also determined to have a Roosevelt state ticket in every state in the union. He says there is no monkey business in this campaign. A republican voter must show his color Taft or Roosevelt that's all there is to it. :o:- j'lane county republicans in convention side-slepped Aldrich and refused to endorse him be cause of his trying to be with both the Roosevelt and Taft forces. There will be lots more of such tide-stepping before the wily gov ernor gets through the campaign This thing of carrying water on both shoulders never would work successfully, in politics. especially. me newspapers who were favored by Aldrich in bis distribu tion of the publication of Ihe con stitutional amendments, will now break their necks for him and give him all the complimentary notices at their command favorable to the governor. But support thus got ten will not avail the wily gov ernor very much, as the readers of all those papers out in the state fully understand the proposition. :o: The newspapers of the country announce that Mrs. Hotly Green, the richest woman in Iho United States (aged 78), had "gotten re ligion" the other day, and became a member of a New York church. How she got it was not stated, but judging from the old girl's reputation for driving hard bar gains we are ready to wager that Lshe haggled a lot about the price before she colsed the trade. Before Roosevelt se.eures the nomination in Chicago August 5 he should make some reply to the charges made upon him by Sen ator La Follette. The senator de mands that he make a showing of the source from which his enor mous campaign fund came, which has the right ring to it. A bar rel of money was spent by Mr. Roosevelt and bis backers during the late unleasantness and it would be of interest to know just who was making "the ghost walk" and why. The accounting of cam paign funds and their disposition is one of the progressive prin ciples in politics today and in localities is enforced by law. If Mr. Roosevelt is truly progressive, as he claims to be, why not tell us about it? We have always admired John Byrnes, chairman of the state central committee. He has done good work during his incum bency and we believe he was ready to "step down and out" before Tom Allen sent out his circular letter. This very one act of Tom Allen has done more to raise a bitter feeling in the democratic auks than anything that could possibly have occurred at this time, and has not only incensed Chairman Byrnes, but thousands of other democrats. The Journal has always been friendly to Tom Allen. He is a nice fellow, and so is John Byrnes. We do not be lieve that either wants to break up the democratic party in this stale, but if either persists in their present- course and their tight is taken to Grand Island, there is no telling the result. They have both been chairmen of the state committee md the Journal has stood manfully by them in their administrations, and would do so again if either is elected. For the sake of harmony and peace both should decline to further the question as to who should have charge of the cam paign. They are both sensible men and we don't want to see a matter like this divide the demo cracy, which it surely will if per sisted in. We are not for Tom Allen for chairman, neither are we for John Byrnes, but we are heartily in favor of harmony at Grand Island, which will surely bring us victory in November. :o: Uncertainty seems to be all over now, a9 it appears that nothing can prevent the fulfillment of the promise for a bumper crop. :o: The world is divided into just two classes. The one that wor ries because it has too little money and the other that it has too much. :o: We hope to see every particle of soreness that has existed within the ranks of the democratic party of Nebraska in the past two year9 partially healed before the as sembling of the slate convention at Grand Island next Tuesday. All animosities can be thrown to the four winds if every delegate who attends will only make up their minds to do the right thing. DR Herman Grccdor, Graduate Vetineary Surgeon (Formerly with U. S. Department Agriculture) Licensed by Nebraska State Board Calls Answered Promptly Thone 378 White, Plattsmouth C.W.CHRISWISSER THE Live Stock Dealer Nehawka, Nebraska in ready to make you the most liberal offer on anything you have for sale in the stock line. Oet His Prices Before Selling 1