The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 25, 1912, Image 2

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3 We want to reduce our Hardware Stock $12,000.00 in the next Sixty Days and are MAKING THE PRICES TO DO IT! i i
These Prices are Only for Stock
on Hand! '
341 kef's of nails, regular price
$3.00 per keg, now f 2.35
67 80-rod spools galvanized cat
tle wire, was $2.70 per spool,
now 2.2j
74 80-rod spools galvanized hog
wire, was $2.80, now 2.35
30 kegs fence staples, were $3.00
per keg, now .' . . . 2.35
All Carbonundum sharpening stones
25 per cent off.
All tin, granite and allumium ware
20 per cent off.
Galvanized iron ware 20 per cent off.
Ice Cream Freezers 20 per cent off.
Coffee Boilers 15 per cent off.
Having been fortunate enough to secure the agency for the Blau-Gass, we
are going to reduce our immense Hardware Stock and evenually close it out entirely, retaining only the
Heating and Plumbing end. In order to accomplish this quickly we are making the prices quoted in this
advertisement. This sale will coutinue uniil we find a buyer for our stock and will give you an opportu
nity to get goods at less prices than they were ever offered in Plattsmouth before.
It is impossible to itemize prices on every item, as it would take over a month to go through and ite
mize everything separate. We wish to state that outside of heating and plumbing material we are not
holding back anything, but will discount every article, as we are positively going out of the hardware end
ot our business. With the new line that we have taken it will take all the time we have to give it proper
attention, and if there anything you need in the hardware line you would do well to look over our stock.
We are going to advertise our stock for sale in the leading papers and very likely will have a buyer for
the entire stock in a very short time, so if there is anything you need it would be well to get it atonce.
These Prices are Only, for Stock
on Hand!
Tin Boilers 20 per cent off.
All Cutlery 25 per cent off.
Garden and carpenter tools from 15
to 30 per cent discount.
Any $10 Washing Machine at $8.00
Any 11 " " 8.75
3 No. 17 U. S. Cream Separa
tors, regular price $75, now . .60.00
One year guaranteed wringers,
were $3.25, now 2.35
Three year guaranteed wringers,
were $3.75, now 2.75
Five year guaranteed wringers,
were $5.00, now 3.50
Three year ballbearing wringers,
were $4.50, now 3.25
Five year ballbearing wringers,
were $5.50, now 4.00
The Avoca Department
Nwt Hams Gathered Each Week by a Special Reporter for Thl Department of the Semi-Weekly Journal
1 tul 1 Kami- Sunday.
Picnic day al Avoca August i.
Mrs. Charles Jenkins has been
on th(! sick list.
(J. M. Cotton was here from
Auburn this week.
Clyde Jenkins was down from
Manley .Tuesday evening.
L.J. Manpiardt, and J. W. Bren
del were al Murray Sunday.
James Everett was at Omaha
Saturday taking in the sights.
Avoca and Louisville- will play
ball here next Sunday, July L'HIh.
Mrs. William Thicle was visit
ing her parents at Merlin last
Asa J. Johnson was attending to
business matters al Klmwood
Mrs. James Trook and children
jpf Lincoln were visiting relatives
here this week.
A flue rain fell hero Monday
evening, which is a great benefit
to the corn crop.
'J. H. Schmidt went to, Omaha
Wednesday to get his auto.
Samuel Johnson made a busi
ness trip to Omaha Tuesday.
Henry Wulf and wife entertain
ed friends form Omaha last week.
Mrs. Ora E. Copes and Mrs. (1.
O. Harmon were I'lattsnioulh
visitors several days this week.
Mrs. M. O. Keedy left last week
for Kansas City, where she will
visit her parents for a few days.
Fred Huhge returned to Denver
this week, after having spent a few
days visiting relatives and friends
Mrs. Nels Sogard and children
were here from Weeping Water
severaal days last week visiting at
the Oxford.
(1. 1). Maseman, one of our
hustling young business men, was
attending to business matters at
Omaha one day last week.
One of the best, picnics ever
held in southeast Nebraska will
he. here on August 1st. We want
you to come and spend the day in
A booster trip is being planned
for next Monday. About twenty
live cars have promised to make
the trip. They expect to visit the
following towns: Berlin, Dunbar,
Syracuse, Tnadilla, Klmwood,
Murdock, Manley, Louisville,
Plattsmouth, Murray, Union, Ne
havvka, Weeping Water.
Al, the Presbyterian church at
Dunbar. June 18, occurred
the marriage of Harry Manpiardt
lie l'.olia Francis. Nearly 5m
were invited to witness the cere
mony, which began at 2:30 p. m.
Miss Eda Marquardt presided at
the organ, Mrs. J. W. Brendel
sang an appropriate song and at
the llrst strains of Lohengrin's
wedding march, played by Miss
Marquardt, the olliciating min
ister, Mr. Love, .was followed by
the groom, all ended by Fred
Huhge, of Denver, the ushers were
Harold Harmon and Lloyd Graham
of Avoca, Austin Aker of Dunbar
and James Eanies of Crete. The
bride, gowned in white chiffon
over white messaline, with tulle
veil, entered on the arm of her
father, Alex Francis, followed by
Miss Marguerite Francis in chif
fon over light blue messaline;
four bridesmaids, Miss Selma
Marquardt and Miss Nila Francis
in corn color and Miss Nell Fran
cis and Miss Cecil Mixon in pink.
Little Edna and Irene Francis
were flower girls. The bride is a
beautiful and charming young
lady, a teacher in the Avoca
school the past year. The groom
has grown to manhood in Avoca
and is a bright and promising
young man. Alter a wedding trip
the young people will be at, home
in Avoca.
for a week.
Miss Ethel Sybert of Cullom,
who has been a guest of Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Keil for a few days, de
parted for her home ' yesterday
J. A. Chopieska, the engine fac
tory man, was called to Omaha on
the morning train today to look
after business matters of import
ance. M. Fanger of Missouri Valley,
Iowa, arrived last evening on No.
2 and will look after his Platts
mouth interests for a short time.
Mrs. W. E. Hosencrans and
daughters, Nora and Mary, de
parted this afternoon for Denver,
Colo., where they will visit Mrs.
Hosencrans' parents for a time.
Mrs. Henry Steinhauer and
daughter, Gladys, departed for
Ruin, Neb., on the morning train
today, where they will visit rela
tives for 'a short time before leav
ing for Fortiscne, Mo., where they
will visit for several days.
John Cloidt, who has been
spending a ten days', vacation in
Denver and Colorado Springs, re
turned last evening on No. 2.
Mrs. O. P. Monroe was a pas
senger to Omaha on the morning
train today.
William Cook and son, Lynn,
were passengers to Auburn on the
(Horning train today.
Miss Ella Neuman was a pas
senger to Omaha on the morning
train today to spend the day.
Ed Donat, proprietor of the
Gund saloon, was a passenger to
Omaha on the morning train to
Mrs. John Berger was a pas
senger to Omaha on the early
train today, where she spent the
Miss Gertrude Dolson of Lin
coin arrived yesterday to be a
guest, of the I. F. Hates home for
a time.
Mrs. Julia Dwyer, who has been
visiting relatives and taking a
vacation of a few days, returned
las evening on No. 2.
H. A. Backmyer of Aurora, and
A. B. Nickson, officials of the Bur
lington, were in the city yesterday
and dined at the Riiey hotel.
Mrs. C. E. Martin and son, Hilt,
departed on No. 33 yesterday aft
ernoon for Lincoln, where they
will visit Mrs. Martin's sister,
Mrs. Anna Harvey, for a few days.
A. O. Davis, the Murray imple
ment dealer, came up from that
place this morning and boarded:
the early train for the metropolis,
where be interviewed the jobbers
u. his line.
Mrs. E. P. Graves of Green
River, Wyoming, who has been a
guest of the Fred Ramge home for
a time, departed for her home this
morning. She was accompanied,
to Omaha by Miss Edna Peterson.
Mrs. Mike Warga and children
of Havelock, who have been visit
ing her fattier, Andrew Matous
and family, for a few days, return
ed to their home this morning
Miss Georgia Matouse accom
panied her sister home.
Architect Guetli was a Plat I s
inoulh visitor today, returning lo
Omaha on the fast mail.
Floyd Pal ridge was an Omaha
visitor this afternoon, where he
went on a business errand.
C. II. Cohh boarded the fast
mail for Omaha this afternoon,'
where he was called on business.
Mrs. Mary E. Nicholson of Law
ton, Oklahoma, arrived today and
will visit the Campian home for
a time.
" Mrs. S. M. Bustard of Lincoln
arrived on No. 21 this afternoon
and vvill visit the II. McKay home
for a lime.
Mrs. Thomas Amick of Louis
ville whs in the eilv todav. the
guest of her daughter and family
for Hie day.
Sorin Andei'Min of Weeping
Water wax a county seat, visitor,
yesterday and registered at the
Perkins hotel.
. Mike Tritsch returned from
Louisville on the morning train
today, where he had been on busi
ness over night.
Mrs. Joseph Fitzgerald of Oma
ha arrived on the morning train
today and visited relatives and
friends for the day.
Mrs. A. L. Gass was a pas
senger to Glenwood on the morn
ing train loday, where she visited
friends for the day.
John Halt, the produce buyer
for the Halt & Son Produce cmn-
"53 TlffiS
We mean just what We say.
These are regular 50-cent values.
They come in Blues, Blacks,
Browns and Greys ami are strict
ly a high grade article. You can
buy them while they last at 93c.
Have you seen the new
Keeps the Sox up and tbe
Shirt down. 25 mid 50c.
(ill li
I i
Men's White Pop
lin Hats 75c
This is the lightest weight,
most clever article ever
put out for summer wear.
es. r? inr u9M o
V. Ed. UU CbUUU t o u 11 a i
Always the Home of Satisfaction B
pany, was a business caller at I
Omaha this afternoon.
Dr. G. H. Gilmore and son,
Walker, from Murray, were in the
city yesterday, coming up hi t lie
doctor's new Ford car.
J. P. Rainey, the genial livery
man from Union, was in the city
today, driving up from the south
Cass city Ibis morning.'
Attorney D. O. Dwyer boarded
the fast mail for Omaha this aft
ernoon, wiiere no was caiieu on
professional business.
Judge B. S. Ramsey was a pas
senger to Omaha on the morning
train today, where lie went to visit
his son, W. C. Ramsey.
Ed Schulhof was a passenger
1 ... It I..-. tl.n l..nit. !
IO Wlllilllil llll I III' IIM'llllllfi linui
today, where he looked after busi
ness matters for a few hours.
Mrs. Art bur Jackson arrived
from Omaha on the morning train
! today to visit her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. Slreight. for a time.
Mrs. J. V. Hobson and son,!
Wayne, left for Halfour, Iowa, on I
the morning train today, where
they will visit, relatives for a lime, i
Mrs. H. A. Schneider and chil
dren returned from Cedar Creek
on (lie morning train today, where
they visited relatives for a short
t into.
G. D. McMaken and Grovner
Dovey motored In Weeping Water
i this morning, where they were
delegates fo the republican con
vention. Miss Katie Hess, forelady for
the M. E. Smith factory, was a
business caller at the metropolis
this afternoon, going on (tie fast
Mrs. Maude Kaspar and daugh
ter, Helen, were Omaha passeng
ers on tbe afternoon train today,
where lliev visited relatives for a
Come to the Garden l ete given
bv the Melchizedee class of the
l'resbvterian church at R. B.
Windham's home on Tuesday
July HOlh.
Miss Gertrude Morgan and Miss
Crete Briggs returned from Lin
coin on the afternoon train today,
where ttiev have visited friends
Clearance Sale!
Wednesday, July 24
We are making A SPECIAL EFFORT to
make this the biggest and best SUMMER
CLEARANCE SALE we have ever held. We
have doubled our Dry Goods Section and
you will find it a much more convenient
place to do your shopping.
We do not buy JOB LOTS, SECONDS OR
SHORT LENGTHS to offer you at a reduced
price, but what is left of our regular Summer
Stock. Look for the yellow ticket and you
will find a SPECIAL PRICE.
Wednesday, July 24