The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 22, 1912, Image 7

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Pastor Ruttall Correct n Errontou
Impulsion Salfiahness, Ignoranca
and Faulty Theoriaa of Craadi R-
apontible For th Belief That the
Dead Are Immediately Rewarded or
Condemned No Man Hath Ascended
Into Heaven.
' v 1
On the Atlantic,
July 21. Pastor
Russell Is on bis
way to the Conti
nent to serve his
pastorate at the
London Taber
nacle and to lee
ture twice euch
week day in many
of the principal
cities. Ills ap
pointments will
detain him abroad
until the forepart
of September. Ills text for today was:
"If 1 go and prepare a place for you. I
will come again and receive you uuto
myself, that where 1 am there ye may
be also." John xlv, 6. lie said in part
The error of supposing that men are
alive when they are dead lies close to
the foundation of every theological er
ror the world over. We have all erred
In taking the guess of Tlato instead of
the Word of God. and we can get rid
of our difficulties and theological en
tanglements only by retracing our
steps. Notwithstanding all that 1 have
said and written, calling attention to
the words of the Scriptures, the ques
tion frequently arises, Do you mean to
tell us that our friends do not go to
Heaven immediately when they die
That is exactly what we are endeav
oring to demonstrate to be the teach
lng of the Bible. The Hlble alone, of
all religious books, teaches that u dead
man is dead, and knows nothing, and
that his only hope is in the Divine nr
rangement through Christ, by a resur
rection of the dead "both of the Just
and of the unjust" Acts xxiv. 15.
When we remember that according
to nearly all the religious creeds and
theories of the world. 099 out of every
thousand pass immediately at death
Into most horrible sufferings, one would
think that all would be glad to prompt
ly acceDt the Bible testimony, that
death is a dreamless sleep until the
resurrection awakening. Why anyone
should prefer to think of his frleuds
and neighbors and the heathen rhlllious
as suCEerinir torture, rather than to
think of them as being asleep, is be
yond our comprehension. The fact
probably is that selfishness has 6uch
hold upon the masses that they care
and think little respecting others than
their near relatives and friends; and
the same sellishness Inclines them
with infatuation, to believe that they
and their relatives, though no better
than the rest of mankind, are special
favorites of Heaven, and will be grant
ed the reword of the salnU, however
unsaintly their lives may have been.
Some one has suggested that the ideal
prayer for such is:
"God bless me and my wife.
My son John and his wife;
Us four, and no more."
In harmony with this we And that
when death Invades a family circle
this selfish egotism assumes that the
deceased is acceptable to God as a
saint, and wafted immediately to heav
enly bliss regardless of how unsaintly
had been the life and how little of the
Spirit of Christ was ever manifested.
The deception Is reinforced by the
Christian minister, called to conduct
the funeral service. Whatever he may
read from the Bible to the effect that.
If there be no resurrection, they that
have fallen asleep hnve perished, his
sermon Is sure to give the Inference
that the deceased needy no resurrec
tion, because he has not died, but has
merely been transferred from a lower
plane of life to a higher one.
Troof of this Is not given and not
asked. The proof Is not given because
there Is no Scriptural proof to give
It Is not ask (Ml because the people are
not sufficiently intelligent on religion
subjects to deuinud a reason and a proof
for what Is presented to them. The
remedy for all this will come when we
become more intelligent, more reason
ing. No minister (f Christ should lie
nbnshed to bo asked the reason for his
faith. St. I'eter exhorted that every
Christian should be so thoroughly In
formed respecting the Divine Message
ns to be able to give a reason to who
ever would ask concerning his own
faith and his presentations to others.
Here note our text. In It the Master
says not a word about our going t
Him. but quite the eontrary-that h
would come again and receive us unto
Himself. This Is in full accord with
the teachings of tho Apostles. Do they
not tell that ot tho second coming of
Christ the resurrection of the Church
will lie the first Item In order; that
then that which was sown in weakness
will ,be raised In power; that sown In
dishonor wlil be raised In glory; that
sown an nnlmul body will be raised a
spirit body: and that ro we shall ever
be with the Lord? Do they not tell us
that this will be nn Instantaneous
change? Is it not styled an awaken
ing from the sleep of death?
nearken to St. Paul: "Behold, I show
yon w mystery; we shall not all sleep.
but we shall all be changed, in a mo
ment, in the twinkling of an eye. at
the last trump (seventh trumpet); for
tl trumpet shall sound." "and the
dead in Christ shall rise first; then we
hlch are alive and remain shall be
caught away together to a meeting of
the Lord in the air." (1 Corinthians
xv, 51. 52; I Thessalonlans Iv. 1G, 17.)
How plain, how simple! That will be
the first meeting of the Church with
her Lord. All of her members dying
before that time will "sleep," while
those dying since that time will not
need to sleep aud wait for the glorious
change. But. says one, does not me
second coming of Christ take place
whenever Ills holy ones die? Does lie
not immediately come to receive them
unto Himself?
Surely only a very lame theory could
geek to bolster Itself up by such & per
version of the Scriptures. If Christ
were to come every time one of His
saintly ones die, would It not mean
many comings instead of merely a sec
ond coming t And even if His faithful
were very few indeed, would it not
seem that tills would keep the Redeem
er busy coming and departing every
few minutes?
Only crass ignorance of the Bible
could excuse any such misapplication
of its teachings. Not merely one state
ment of the Scriptures bears upon this
subject, but hundreds of statements of
Scripture, by Jesus and the Apostles:
and all contradict any such thought.
"No Man Hath Ascended to Heaven."
nearken to Jesus' words, "No man
hath ascended up to Heaven.' Only
the Son of Man has ever been In heav
en. He nas ascenueu up wuere xie i
before, with additional glory and hon
or. He Is now preparing a place for
His Bride class and preparing the
Bride class for the place the place of
honor at His own right hand. He is
overseeing her experiences and causing
all things to work together for her
good, that she at Ills Second Coming
may be prepared and be accepted as
His Bride and granted a share in His
glory, honor and immortality.
It Is in full harmony with this that
a little later on the Great Teacher de
clared that all the dead are in the
grave, and that at Ills second advent
He will first call forth Ills faithful
ones to the perfection of life; and later
will call forth the remainder of man
kind, not as yet found worthy of life,
that they may have an opportunity, a
testing as respects their worthiness or
urlworthlness of everlasting life on the
human plane.
Hear His assurance again respecting
His faithful ones-that they shall share
in 7t resurrection, the Chief Resurrec
tion, to glory, honor, immortality, on
the spirit plane. He said, "Blessed and
holy are all they that have part in the
First Resurrection; they shall be
priests unto God and Christ, and shall
reign with IHm a thousand years."
Be it noted that in all these assur
ances the Church is spoken of as a
class, all of whom will enter into glory
together, at Christ's second coming,
and not separately, as each may die.
True, each has an individual trial or
testing to determine whether or not he
or she will be accounted worthy, or
fitted for a place in the glorious Body
of Christ, in the glorious Brido com
pany, but the statement Is repeatedly
made that we shall be glorified together,
shall have part in tho one resurrection
"David Not Ascended to Heaven."
In full accord with all the foregoing
Is St. Peter's statement on the Day of
Pentecost: "For David is not ascend
ed into the heavens; his sepulchre Is
with us unto this day." St Peter's
words imply that if King David had
ascended to Heaven he would have no
sepulchre on earth. Similarly, we
might say of all of the Prophets, and
of all other persons that, if once they
ascended to the heavenly plane, they
could not be said to have any sepul
chre on earth, for the very thought
connected with the word sepulchre ia
that of a personality awaiting a resur
rection, awaiting deliverance from the
state and condition of death. So the
Scriptures nlways refer, not to a resur
rection of the living, which would be
an absurdity, but to a resurrection of
the dead.
Note the connection In which the
Apostle Peter uses this expression:
"David is not ascended into the heav
ens." He had just called attention to
the fact that David prophesied of the
resurrection of Jesus. In tho prophecy
ho personated Jesus, and said, "Thou
wilt not Irnve My soul in sheol (hades).
nor suffer Thine Holy One to see cor
ruption." St Teter argues that this
was not true of David, that he did see
corruption, that his soul teas left In
sheol, and Is still there, nnd will not be
reclaimed until Messiah. In the resur
rection morning, shall call him forth.
"Be With Me In Paradise."
But. says some one, did not the dy
ing thief go with Jesus to Taradlse
the very day In which they both died?
And If so. does not this prove that nil
fti harmony with God go to heaven
when they die, whatever may be the
condition of others In death?
No. we have made n stupid blunder
and misinterpretation of our Redeem
er's dying words to the thief. The
wrong thought lelng in our minds we
misinterpreted In harmony therewith.
And our Interpretation has done nn
Immense amount of harm. Thousands
of people have been encouraged to
continue a' life of sin. trusting that
with their dying breath they may hnve
tho opportunity of saying. "God be
merciful to tne." and then bo Immedi
ately ushered Into glory, honor and
immortality, as Jolnt-helrs with the
Savior, nnd In as honorable a station
as those who "have fought to win the
prize, nnd sailed through bloody sons"
of trial, persecution and self d'nhl.
What a travesty of Justice to sup
pose such nn application of this prin
ciple! For instance, two ungodly per
sons quarrel. Both draw revolvers
and fire; one dies Instantly; the other.
the worse of the two, lives a moment,
in which he says, "God. be merciful to
me." Then, theoretically, he passes
Into glory, while his victim, not hav
ing the opportunity for a cry for uier
cv. we ure told by the same theory.
is doomed to endless torture.
Note the clrcumstauce. Jesus hung
between two thieves, one of whom
Joined with the multitude In nlliug at
Him as an imposter, crying otu. "lea,
if you be the Christ, save yourself and
us from death." The other, of better
heart, honestly admitted his own guilt
and the guilt of his comrade, but de
fended Jesus, declaring that ne was
Innocent Following this, he addresses
Jesus. We paraphrase his words:
"Lord, I have defended you against an
unjust attack; remember this poor
thief If you ever have an opportunity
to do a kindness to me in return. I
heard you before Pilate say that you
have a Kingdom, but not of this Age;
some heavenly Kingdom, I therefore
presume. I know little about such
matters, but from what I have seen
of you I can well surmise you King
of such a Kingdom. My request Is,
'Remember me. when Thou comest
Into Thy Kingdom.' "
To this Jesus replied, "Verily, verily
(so be it, so 1 it as you have asked)
verily, I say unto thee this day (this
dark dav, in which it would appear
that I have not a friend in Heaven or
on enrth this dark day in which I
am crucified as a malefactor, a falsi
fler and a blasphemer I say unto thee
this day), thou shalt be with Me in
raradlse." '
Taradlse has not yet come. Messiah's
Kingdom has not yet been established;
and it must come first before Paradise!
Lost can be restored ond the whole
earth be made God's glorious foot stool,
as He has promised. But when the
time shall come, when the Kingdom
shall be established, when Paradise
conditions shnll be introduced, the
resurrection of that thief will be In or
der; "for all that are in their graves
shall hear the voice of the Son of Man
nnd shnll come forth." The thief will
then find himself in Paradise not
merely because of the kindness done
to Jesus, but especially because his
kind words indicated a sincerity nnd
honesty of heart such as the Lord is
always glad to bless and reward.
On the day of their dying all three
went to hades, to sheol, to the tomb, to
the state of the dead. The two thieves
still remain there, and are amongst
those mentioned by the Trophet Daniel
when he refers to those "who sleep In
the dust of the earth," who will come
forth in the resurrection morning.
(Daniel xll, 2.) But Jesus arose from
sheol, from hades, from the tomb, from
the state of death, on the third day.
He had not been to Taradlse, for Tara
diss is not even yet in existence. He
had not been to Heaven, for He had
been dead. Let us hear His own
words to Mary on the morning of Ills
resurrection: "I have not yet ascend
ed to My Father, nnd your
Father, to My God. and your God."
John xx. 17.) Could nnything be
plainer, simpler, more harmonious?
Depart and Be With Christ.
Ah, says one, I have great faith in
St Paul, and I remember his words
"I am in "a strait between two things
having a desire to depart nnd to be
with Christ, which is fur better." If
St Paul expected to depart and be
with Christ, why Is it not rensonnble
to suppose that he did so, and that all
others, at least of the saintly, at death
so depart and pass at once Into the
presence and fellowship of Jesus?
Yet such a misunderstanding of St.
Paul's words and thoughts are excus
able in view of the general trend of
Christlnn thought on this subject for
centuries, and in view of the error
made in this case by- the translators.
We are not faulting the translators,
because they had the erroneous thought
firmly embedded In their minds and
presumably were trying to make the
Apostle here say what they consclen
tlously thought be ought to say, .
But what we are interested In know
lng is, What did he sag on the subject?
Let us read the Apostle's words crit
ically. He was In a strait between
two things whether he would prefer
to live aud suffer further for the
Truth's sake, nnd assist the brethren,
or whether he would prefer to die nnd
rest from his labors. Between these
two positions he had no choice. But
there was a third thing and if tills
had been u possibility he would hnve
had no difficulty in deciding he had a
real, positive desire respecting It; nei
ther of tho things which were possible
to him would have stood In comparison
at all. this third thing would have
been so desirable. .
Now what was that third thing? It
was not to live and suffer and help the
brethren, nor was It to die and be at
rest from his labor The third thing,
according to n literal translation, Is
expressed thus: "I have a desire for
the returning, and being with Christ,
which is far better" far better than
either living under the present trying
conditions or dying, sleeping, resting
and waiting for the Kingdom.
,But, says one. by what authority do
you render tho word depart by a word
of very opposite meaning, namely re
turn. We answer that we give this
rendering on the nuthorlty of tho
Greek txt The (J reck word Is analu
mi; It Is found In another place In
the Bible, and there It Is rendered re
turn, in this other enso there can be
no question as to the proper transla
tion. See Lnko xll, 30.
Lot us, then, dear fellow-Chrlstlnns.
turn from the follies of the Dark Ages
and take the Inspired words Of Jesus,
the Apostles and Prophets, and have.
Indeed, "beauty for ashes, tho oil of
Joy for the spirit of heaviness." In
respect to the understanding of the
Heavenly Father's Program. Thus we
will find fulfilled In us more and more
the Master's prayer: "Sanctify them
through Thy Truth; Thy Word is
Accident Occurred Near Pollock-
Duff Bridge, Where Number of
People Had Congregated.
Tom Quade, aired about ID, and
married, was accidentally shot
with a 22 caliber rille while bath
ing in the l'latle river, near the
Pollock-Dull" bridge, yesterday
Quade resides in South Omaha,
and with a number of companions
drove to the Platte river, where
they were having a Jolly time
with a few bottles of beer, target
shooting, bathing and the like. At
the time the accident occurred
Quade was in the water and his
companions, or some of them,
were, shooting: at a mark erected
above the water, when the bullet
is said to have struck the water
and glanced, striking Quade in the
wrist, inflicting a painful and
bloody wound.
His companions brought him to
Dr. Livinston's olllre, where the
wound was dressed. Quade was
suffering so intensely and felt the
need of a stimulant so much that
his companions attempted lo get
a half pint," at, Hie drug stores,
but failed. After the wound was
dressed the patient fell better and
was able to drive hack to South
Omaha, for which place
You are sure to
want this fine clothing we're
clearing for you when you see it; we're
still talking to you about it. The reductions in prices
are bold; they ought to be convincing; there's a' ma
terial money saving for you here if you'll come for it.
You get the same service and satisfaction guarantee
as if the prices had'nt been changed; our ideas about
that don't change.
We've divided these M ft. U11. CM Q
suits into three lots Mlv7, J)lfr, tj10
The Hart Schaffner &. Marx suits that we
have left are worth as high as $30,
now selling for
$10; $14; $18
the parly
When Plattsmouth Citizens Show
a Way
There can be no reason why
any reader of this, who puffers the
tortures of an aching back, the
annoyance 01 urinary disorders.
the pains and dangers of kidnev
ills will fail to heed (he words of
a neighbor who has found relief
Head what a I'lallsmouth citizen
says :
Charles L. Hates, farmer, Ninth
and Walnut streets, Plattsmouth
Neb., says: "Kidney complaint
seemed lo come upon me all of a
sudden. I attributed il lo a heavy
cold, which settled on my kidneys
and made them weak, causing- tin
kidney secretions to pass loo fre
qtlently. I often had pains across
Hip small of my back. When I
stopped sharp (wings darted
ffy-rdiph me.'.' I fell, .languid .and
I'li-.ii ....
mm nun' amnuion. unen some-i
A few left at
Society Brand suits
now at
Micheals-bterns & Co suits JjJJQ JjJJzJ.
Men's coat style neck-band shirts, "Tn
worth $1.25, now at DL
Regular 25c and 50c hose, now three PHn
pairs for . OUC
Manhattan Shirts
Stetson Hats
The marriage of Mr. Kddie L.
Fox of Waterloo, Iowa, lo Miss
Ethyl llaynie of this city, occur
red at 11:30 o'clock this morning,
I he ceremony being performed by
llev. W. L. Austin. The bride
looked a picture of beauty in a
white mull trimmed in Irish lace,
and the groom wore the conven
tional black. After the ceremony
and congratulations of the rela
tives and friends present, the
company was ushered to the din
ing room, where a three-course
wedding dinner was served. The
clipping following was lakeji from
the Waterloo paper of last week:
Mr. Kdwnrd L. Fox left yrstcr
one advised me to try Doan's Kid-' ,iav fnI' I'laltsinoulli, Net)., where
and Hev. W. I,. Austin and wife.
The happy couple departed for
Hot Springs, S. D., on the fast
mail today. The Journal joins tho
numerous friends of the happy
young couple in extending best
wishes for their future hamiines
and prosperity.
ney l'ills, I got a supply from
Hynott's Drug Store. They soon
benefited me and lvo boxes made
a permanent cure. I can certain
ly recommend this remedy to any
once who has kidney complaint."
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-.Milburn Co.,
IlufTalo, New York, sole agents for
the United Stales.
Remember the name Doan's
and lake no ot her.
Tin' (Ireenwald Studio will
01 h
1 from July 15lh lo August
FOR SAI.K The Walker farm,
soulh of IMallsmouth. Price,
$200.00 per acre. Time given at
7 per cent. Possession March 1,
11)13. For particularly address
Windham Investment & Loan Co.
Fritz Fricke returned from
Omaha on No. this morning,
wherclns had been on business for
a short time.
he. is lo be married Monday morn
ing at. t he home of the bride's par
ents to Miss Klhyl Haney of thai
city. Mrs. Delia Fox and Miss
I.'orena Fox, mother )nml sister
of the groom, will go Saturday
night to be present at, the wed
ding. Following the ceremony
the young couple are to go to the
groom's ranch near Mot Springs,
S. D., on their wedding trip and
will be at, home after September
1 at !Mir. Lafayette street.
Mr. l-ox spent his early life in
Waterloo, but was away for sev-.
eral years, returning about a year
ago to accept, a position as fore
man for the Dart Manufacturing
company. Miss Haney has been
recently employed as bookkeeper
in the bank at, Murray, Neb. The
friends of Mr. Fox will extend
good wishes on his approaching
marriage and will be happy to
welcome his bride to Waterloo.
Those present beside the im
mediate relatives of the contract
ing parlies were Mr. and Mrs.
Criswisser, Mr. and Mrs. Perry
A. E. Ililey and A. C. McOuigan,
doing business as Ihe Midwest
Carnival and Expos il ion Company,
will take notice that on the 10th
day of July, 11)12, M. Archer, a
justice of the peace of Cass Coun
ty. Nebraska, issued an order of
attachment for the sum of $r7.00
for work and labor in an action
pending before him, wherein
Stanley I,. Eaton is plaintiff and
the above named parlies defend
ants; that, property of the defend
ants, consist ing of awnings, stage
scenery, stages inside and out,
ticket booths, wooden seats and
other material, has been attach
ed under said order. Said cause
was continued to Ihe 21 III day of
August, I'll 2, at i) o'clock a." in.,
at which time trial will he had.
Stanley Eaton,
J 4
Tho readings below are tuKrn at the
Tturlliurton depot, where tlie ther
mometer Is placed under conditions
Klmlliir to theme uhimI by the United
States wenther bureu.u:
8 a. Ill 73 1 p. 111.
10 a. in 78 2 p. m,
At Ihe (iem
For Nebraska Fair
warmer in east, port ion,
(I. Larson is on the sick list,
having a touch of rheumatism.
The Plattsmouth Garage Co.
WARG A & CECIL, Proprietors
Ready for Business!
Corner Sixth and Vine Streets,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
We want you all to feel that we are going to look after the emergency end of
your car's needs. Don't worry if you break down. Our "Service Department"
will deliver you Supplies and Tires quickly and economically. Everything we sell
you will be absolutely guaranteed.
The Plattsmouth Garage Company
WARGA & CECIL, Proprietors
liTAgent for the Inter-State Automobiles. PRESTOLITE AGENCY