The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 22, 1912, Image 2

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A General Cleaning Up of the Residence and Side Streets, as
Well as Cut the Weeds About Your Homes, Will Bring About
A Condition of Improvement in the City.
What is it that makes a town
attractive? A good place to live
in? A popular trading point?
Not necessarily the location, al
though that has something to (Jo
with it usually; at any rate, there
are undeniable advantages m
picturesque ami beautiful sur
roundings. We have seen some towns, how
ever, wilh excellent natural ad
vantages which wore a slovenly
and unkempt air, like that of a
woman of the slums; and we have
seen others located, perhaps, in a
flat and uninleresting country,
whose streets and yards and
houses were neat and tidy, with
an air of comfort am) prosperity
which reflected that of the busy
business streets.
It is unquestionably the busi
ness men who make the town what
it is, although it sometimes hap
pens that it takes the women of
the town to make I he start and to
stir up their consorts to furnish
the movement with money and the
needed legislation to secure the
desired results; but when it is
done it has to be done by I he busi
ness men themselves.
There is little excuse for any
town being dead or even dull, with
rare exceptions, truly says the
Implement Trade Journal.
We have known of business
men real merchants who have
succeeded in building up 'a really
splendid and prolllahle business
miles from any (own, simply
through their enterprise and push j
and hustle and advertising. We
have known of others who have
held back every effort to make
their town attractive, simply be
cause they were loo lazy, or
penurious, or short-sighted to
do their duly by their fellow
townsinen, even though it is
hound to help themselves.
One of the most profitable
things the business men of any
town can do is to gel together and
formulate ami push a plan for a
clean town good, smooth, pas
sable streets, concrete sidewalks,
neatly painted houses, neat fences
or, belter yet, Hie abolition of
fences and the grading. and sod
ding of lawns, the planting of
Annis Trilscli, son of Philip
Tritch and wife, .was operated on
last Wednesday at St. Joseph's
hospital for appendicitis, and for
a time the physicians, I u s. Alli
son and Cummins, despaired of
saving Ihe boy's life. The di-cast:
had developed so far that the ap
pendix had bursli'd and Hie in
flammation was severe. Ami
suffered wilh the disease several
days before he complained of
pain, fearing that he would have
to undergo an operation if he said
anything about it. lie worked in
the wheal Held shortly before be
ing taken to Omaha, and after he
Mr. Srrr Buyf.r We want to attract your attention to this ad.
We wan you to rend it mid believe it for every word is gospel
truth. Our CLEARANCE SALE has cleared out all but a few
sizes of our medium and cheaper priced suits. This leaves us
nothing hut the higher priced lines from $15 to $30. We realize
a sale price must be low to attract the cash buyer, so we have shut
our eyes to the cost and taken all our odd high grade suits and put
them in one pile to close at just an even $10 spot cash. This ad
may not reveal to you the extraordinary opportunity this offers
you, but if you will come in and look at the values you will be
glad to wear one of these tine suits at $10. You saw the suits we
sold for $10 at our Alteration Sale. These are of the same kind.
Don't spend a dollar for clothes till you see these, and the sooner
you come the better the pick.
0. EL Uoscott's Sons
Always the Home of Satisfaction
trees of permanent and attractive
habit of growth and upon a de
finite, plan; pure water system,
good drainage, and, where feasi
ble, a good sewer system; careful
disposal of garbage; keeping lit
ter of all kinds off the streets;
wiping out the breeding places of
flies and mosquitoes in short,
bringing the town up to the mod
ern ideals of sanitation and
To some these may seem trill
ing things to devote good white
paper to, or effort and money, but
these ideals are every year get
ting a firmer hold on the minds
and hearts of (he people, and the
communities which are recogniz
ing them at their true worth are
inevitably the ones which are
forging ahead in a business way.
We do not mean to say, that
the merchants of a slipshod town
cannot do a profitable business,
although even that extreme posi
tion might be susceptible to
plausible argument. We do mean
to say, however, that it pays for
business men anywhere to take
an active interest in I he improve
ment of their home town.
Such a cleaning up of the resi
dences and the streets will of it
self bring about a condition of
improvement in the appearance
of thi' stores, if, indeed, that does
not precede Ihe other. With the
movement general, and with
stocks well bought and attractive
ly displayed, and wilh live adver
tising by the merchants, it will
not be long before the good news
will spread far beyond the pre
vious bounds of patronage and
the people will come Hocking into
Spot lesstown to trade. They are
bound to be attracted to an at
tractive town; it's human nature.
This isn't mere theory; it is
sound, common sense and hard
fact, borne out by the happy ex
perience of many a live little town.
And, by Ihe same token, the (own
which follows this plan will not
long remain a little town, but is
as surely, bound Jo gcuw ' as a
sound treelet well planted ii! good
soil and carefully watered and
tended, (ii'owlh in such a case is
strictly according to the indexible
laws of nature and of business.
had put up a shock of wheat he
would have to lie down for a time,
and finally became so ill that he
was seized with vomiting, when
he'could conceal his sickness no
lonuer. Dr. Cummins and Mr.
Trilscli look him to the hospital
in Hie doctor's automobile Wed
nesday morning and the operation
was performed at once. For sev
ejitl hours it was a serious ques
lion whether Annis would pull
through, but he finally rallied.
Yesterday he was feeling better
and it, is hoped now I hat he w ill
Tom Smith was a passenger to
! Hamburg, Iowa, Saturday after
noon, where he expected to meet
his brothers from South Dakota,
one of whom he has not seen be
fore for eight years.
Visits Former Home.
Jacob Kurtz of Okoboji, Iowa,
arrived Saturday afternoon and
was taken, with bis luggage, by
the I :.! i-l transfer' line, to the
home of his lather, Adam Kurtz,
lie had not apprised his father of
his coming, and as he had been
away several years, Mr. Kurtz, sr.,
failed to recognize his son. Jacob
left l'latlsniouth twentv vears
ago and his visits home have been
at long intervals, so that it is not
strange that Councilman Kurtz
failed to recognize his son.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tarns Celebrate
Anniversaries With Assist
ance of Friends.
Yesterday at the county farm
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tarns cele
brated their birthdays by having
a party of their (iermaii friends
take dinner with them. The din
ner was a sumptuous one and
was served by Mrs. Tains and her
assistants at 5 o'clock p. m. Mr.
Tains celebrated his sixty-first
and Mrs. Tains her fifty-eighth
About thirty guests participated
in the enjoyable occasion, nearly
all of them being from Plalts-
inouth. Mr. Tains came in with a
couple of wagons fitted up as
carryalls and conveyed those who
had n'o conveyance to his home.
The afternoon was quickly passed
with games and social chat. Many
valuable ami useful presents were
received by this estimable couple,
including a line rocker from the
men and table linen and silver
from the women.
Those present to assist Mr. and
Mrs. Tains in (he celebration of
their birthdays were: l'eter (loos
and wife, l'eter Matsen and wife,
Hans Tains and wife, C. W. HafTke
and wife, M. Soennichsen and
wife, Louis Dose and wife, Hans
Seviers and wife, Fmil Wallers,
wife and daughter, from Wyom
ing; II. Hilbert and daughter,
Anna; Mrs. C. Wichmann and
daughter, Clara; Mrs. Peter
Mumm, Mrs. C. Reich, William
Wohlfarlh, H. Rothman, W. Tains
and P. Fvers.
On Friday morning the mem
bers and friends of the Sunday
school of the First, Church of
Christ Sicenlist, chartered Mc
Maken's big carryall and drove to
Swallow Hill, where they par
ticipated in a picnic. There were
some thirty members in attend
ance, who spent the entire day
picnicking, llshing, boating and
throughly enjoying many other
outdoor sports. At. Ihe noon hour
an excellent picnio dinner was
spread in a shady nook. All
kinds of good things to eat were
to be had, after which ice cream
and cake were served.
During Ihe afternoon many of
Ihe picnickers tried their luck at
fishing again and succeeded in
capturing a nice mess of fish. The
picnickers had intended to cook
the fish for supper, but the man
with the matches arrived too late;
in fact, everybody was so hungry
they could not wait, so had supper
minus the fish. In their hurry in
returning to their homes, the
string of fish were forgotten
and as far as they know are' still
on Mie string. For a time many
of this jolly company indulged in
swimming, wading and the like.
Dr. C. A. Marshall and wife, ac
companied their son, Juno, to Ini
manuel hospital this morning,
where it was expected that he
would undergo an operation for
appendicitis. Dr. K.W. Cook ac
companied them. Juno has been
suffering from appendicitis for
several days, but it was hoped
that he could escape an. opera
tion, at least for a time, but his
symptoms were of such a nature
that an operation was thought
advisable at once.
Misses Alice and Nellie Brink
man visited their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Brinkinau. over
Sunday and departed for Omaha
on the morning train todav.
Misses Anna and Margaret
Wohlfarlh accompanied their
guest, Miss Ratz, to Oinnlia on the
morning train today. Miss Ratz
later departed for her home at
Galena, Illinois.
Assessors Nominated and Those
Who Will Represent City in
County Convention.
The democratic ward primaries
were well attended Saturday even
ing, and after the seelction of
delegates to the county convention
those who took part in the pri
maries assembled at Ihe council
chamber for the purpose of se
lecting two candidates for asses
sor. The meeting was organized
by the election of Col. Bites as
chairman and Frank Libershal,
secretary. After the convention
was fully organized nominations
for two assessors were in order.
The names of A. I). Despain and
P. F. Ruffner were presented and
they were unanimously nomin
ated A. D. Despain for district
assessor and P. F. Ruffner for city
assessor. The following is the
list of delegal ,es selected from the
various wards to the county con
vention next Saturday, July 27:
First Ward J. S. Livingston,
Fred Patterson, Thomas Walling,
I). C. Morgan, D. 0. Dwyer, M.
Archer and F. F. Sclilaler.
Second Ward J. P. Saltier, A.
J. Snyder, I). B. Fbersole, C. G.
Fricke, Claus Boelel, James Re
nal, J. N. Wise, W. C. 'Tippens,
Joe Hadraba, William Starkjohn,
II. II., Danniher, Jacob Trelsch
and B. S. Ramsey.
Third Ward J. M. Roberts, W
K. Fox, A. I). Despain. P. II. Kin-
namon, J. R. Kelley, M. A. Bates,
Frank Libershal, It. Chriswisser,
(ieorge W. Rhoden, George Old
ham, Fred Morgan, John Fight
and II. D. Travis.
Fourth Ward Henry Ofe, John
Kopp, Pat Fgan, John Schulhof
and John Kirkham.
Fifth Ward John Lulz, J. M.
Vondran, William Shea and Aug
ust. Bach, sr.
The following members of Ihe
county central committee were
selected from Ihe various wards
First R. F. Patterson.
Second A. J. Snyder and J. P.
Third Frank Libershal.
Fourth John Schulhof.
Fifth J. F. Libershal.
The ball game yesterday was
well attended by the lovers of the
sport, but much to their chagrin
the visiting team, the Omaha In
diau Motorcycle Base Ball team,
did not put up much of a game
They were a good-natured bunch,
however, and enjoyed themselves
as much as if they had won. The
pitcher, Noah, was line, and did
some handsome twirling and if he
had had the support he deserved
the outcome of the game would
have been different. The score at
the end of the ninth inning stood,
Platlsmoulh 12, Indians, 0, or as
the tennis enthusiasts put it,
The battery for the Plattsmouth
Boosters was McKaigh in the box
and Mann behind the bat. The
visitors came to town on I heir
motorcycles over the "Scenic
Route." The boys are all right
as cyclists and it is a safe bet
that they have practiced Ihe rid
ing art more than the great
American game.
Next Sunday the Boosters will
entertain the Dundee Woolen
Mills team. This team is said to
be one of the fastest teams in
City Tournament On.
Drawings for the annual city
tournament were made last even
ing and regular play will start to
day, although some of th
matches were played yesterday
because of the great number o
entrants in the opening round
None of these matches proved to
bo very exciting. Ralph Larson
defeated Waldenier Soennichsen
0-0, (r0, and Paul Morgan defeat
ed Parmele in straight sets by
the same score. Below are given
the' drawings and the approxi
male time of the matches: O
Larson plays R. Larson at, It p. m
Morgan vs. Parmele, played
llerold vs. Mann, 5:30 p. in.
Wurl vs. Richey, S:."0 p. in.; Fal
ler vs. Patterson, Falter won by
default; Sluats vs. Dovey, 0:15 p
in; Larson vs. Soennichsen, play
ed; Cook vs. Ames, 7 p. in.
Gus Pine Improving.
Gus Pein, who had his tinge
amputated for blood poison a few
days ago, is feeling considerable
belter. The swelling in his arm
is very much less than some day
ago. The amputated linger is not
doing as well as he had hoped am:
does iot heal satisfactorily.
M. W. A. No. 332, Attention!
The regular meeting of Cass
imp No. 3:J2, M. W. A., will be
Id in their new hall on Wcdnes-
evening, July 2 4th. at 8
lock. It is desired that, all
mbers be present, as there is
siness of importance to be
transacted. By order of
Oliver Hudson, Counsel.
Last Sad Rites Over Remains of
Lorence C. Stiles of the
Masonic Home.
The funeral of Lorence C.
Stiles of the Masonic Home, who
died in an Omaha hospital last
Friday, occurred yesterday after
noon at the Home, Rev. W. L.
Austin, pastor of the Methodist
church, conducting the service.
The . funeral was under the
auspices of the Masonic order, Mr.
pines iiaving ueen a member oi a
Council Bluffs lodge for many
years. The deceased was born in
the state of New York eighty years
ago. He came to Nebraska and
settled in Plattsmouth almost 50
years ago, and for many years
was one of the leading printers of
this city, having been connected
with both the Herald and the
Journal. He removed from Platls
moulh some years ago, residing in
Kansas City and, in Council BlufTs.
While in Kansas City his wife
died. He came to 'the Home two
years ago last January from
Council BlufTs, where he had re
sided for several years.
Mr. Stiles is survived by one
son and three daughters, two of
his daughters reside in Kansas
City and Ihe son resides in Texas.
Mr. Stiles was removed from the
Home to au Omaha hospital three
weeks before he died, with the
hope that the care and nursing
ho would receive there would
benefit him, but nothing seemed
to do him any good. His remains
were brought to Ihe Home Satur
day, accompanied by his daughter,
Mrs. Van Gouton.
The pall-bearers were selected
from the members of the Masonic
fraternity and were: J. M. Rob
erts, A. D. Despain, M. Ilild, C. C.
Wescotl, C. II. Peterson and
Harry Barthold. Interment was
rnado by lhe)side. of his two chil
dren in Oak Hill cemetery. It is
intended by the children lo bring
the remains of (heir mother here
later and inter them by the side
of their father.
Yesterday morning a marriage
license was granted lo Mr. Robert
K. Towns ley, aged 20, of Union,
Neb., and Mrs. Kale Nelson, aged
20, of Nehawka, Nebraska. They
went immediately before Rev. A.
Allen Randall and were married.
The young couple are w'ell known
in Cass county, having been born
and raised near their present
homes. The groom formerly was
a brakeman on the Missouri Pa
cific, has been a soldier in the
Philippines for the past several
years, and has just returned
home. He stated in Ihe court
house yesterday that it had just
been two month since he was
pulling out 'of Nagasaki, Japan,
for home. The Press extends
congratulations. Nebraska City
If the carnival shows that were
closed Saturday night by Ihe
authorities for giving immoral
exhibitions, why were they not
stopped long before Saturday
night? They had given the same
kind of performances every night
during Ihe week. Some people are
free to express their opinions
that the "courni:eous" oflicials
were simply wailing until a big
crowd assembled on Ihe street lo
show their authority. And, then,
perhaps, they were afraid the
.show fellows might get enough
enough money to get out of town.
Charles Chancy and Leon Berry
and the Misses F.dna ami Fdilh
Kroehler, from llavelock, were in
the city a few hours yesterday
visiting the home of Mrs. George
Weidman and family, grand
mother of the two young ladies.
The trip was made in the auto
mobile. F.lmer Root of Lincoln spent
Sunday with his grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Wise.
Had a Very Bad Week and Were
Possibly Much Poorer Than
When They Started Here.
Amid much trouble, trials, law
suits and various tribulations, the
Twentieth Century Carnival com
pany closed their week's engage
ment in this city last Saturday
evening, the larger part of which
was closed by force on the part of
the city attorney, county attorney
and sheriff. All that remained
after the above oflicials made their
rounds was the few concessions
and two riding devices. The "Girl
in Red," the "Fairies in the
Well" and the "Old Plantation"
were among those that were re
quested to close, the exact cause
of which we are unable to state;
some say on account of an unpaid
board bill, while others say it was
on account of the immorality of
Ihe players; the latter, though.
does not, seem hardly possible, for
the shows were the same as had
been produced during the entire
week and they were permitted to
run unmolested for more than six
days, with the exception of the
"Fairies in the Well," which was
erected but two days previous to
Ihe closing.
At any rate, the best that can be
said of Ihe affair is lo say nothing,
and for the betterment of the
town, forget, it all as soon as pos
sible, for from an amusement
standpoint it was rotten from
start to the closing', but some of
the men connected wilh it were
gentlemen, simply in hard luck
and nothing more; they were try
ing lo keep themselves together
with the hope of making good, as
it is termed. They were not men
who wanted to beat anyone, but
wanted to pay their bills, and did
pay right up to Ihe last dollar
they possessed. They were con
fronted with attachments too
numerous lo mention, from Oma
ha, where they organized, and a:
large portion of their show ma
terial has been left here until the
legal question is settled, whichr
will be next month. Many of them
left town, going in all directions,
some south, some north, east and
west, and the week just closed was
a continuous effort to keep the
entire show from going to "h-l,,r
for the want of finance.
The Journal has been flooded
with all kinds of requests to
roast this man and roast that
man, and we understand that one
of our prominent business men
made the remark that he would
like lo have charge of the paper
this week, he would sure "shoot
it into" another one of our busi
ness men, and Ihe other would
"shoof it back at him, and thu
you have it. The Journal has
come lo the conclusion that the
best way out of this (rouble is to
not make more of it, and forget
the whole business just as soon
as possible, and for those who are
desirious of dishing up "roasts"
this week only, let them establish
a newspaper of their own and dish
up delicacies just to their own
J! -JJJt JJtJJtti tJ J
?J?4 ?
They're off! Watch 'em I
Eight entries have already been
made in doubles, which assures
us of a dandy little double tourna
ment. Don't, forget the tennis meet
ing at, Herold's store this evening
at H o'clock. It's important.
Word has been received from
Nehawka that, they will have at
least four and possibly five en
tries in the inter-county this
year. "Bud" Hall, from Ne
hawka, of whom much is expect
ed in Ibis year's tourney, admits
that they have been practicing for
two weeks preparing for it.
There will be one continuous
round from 3 p. in. lo 8 o'clock
this evening, sir put on your bon
nets and come out. Costs you
nothing. '
Good Farm for Sale.
Fiiilily. acres in same section in
which Murray is located; good
improvements; 20 acres in native
pasture, with plenty of water;
some alfalfa, and balance under
cultivation. Known as the Mor
row place. For particulars ad
dress Mrs. A. Morrow, Seward, Neb. .
Miss Olive Gass was a Glen
wood passenger on Ihe morning
train today.