The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 18, 1912, Image 7
TELEPHONE RATES! The Constitutional Amendment aopt ed by the people of this State gives the State Railway Commission absolute power to fix the telephone rates, subject only to review by the courts upon appeals from this order. This Amendment supersedes all pro visions in franchises or contracts affecting rates, and it is the Supreme Law of the State. No rate can be established or changed until approved by the Commission. Notice of proposed changes is given and all par ties interested are accorded full hearings. Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company J. K. POLLOCK, Local Manager A. M. Nason, farming near Ca naan, Me., was badly crippled with siatic rheumatism due he says to uric acid in his blood. Foley Kid ney Pills entirely cured me and also removed numerous black specks that were continually be You're especially fortu nate right now in being able to get our good clothes at greatly reduced prices. You know how well these clothes wear; and know what they usually cost. The prices we're quoting on these, and all other goods for our Summer out-clearing are certainly worth noting: 100 Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits including Worsteds in fancy Blue Serges, neat gray, tan and brown effects, in sizes from 33 to 42 regular prices from $20 to $30. Divided into two lots- now and $14 25 Society Brand Suits, includ ing grays, tans, browns, and two-piece Blue , Serges regular prices from $20 to $30. Di vided into three lots Now $10, $14 and $18 25 Micheals, Stern & Co. Suits, mostly grays and tans regular prices $15 to $25. Divided into two lots Now $10 and $14 High-Grade Shirts, made by Fer- guson-McKinney and Wilson Bros., in sizes from 14 to 17 regular prices $1.25 and $1.50 Now 75c Each Gordon and Everwear Sox in . sizes from 9 to 1 1 regular prices 25 and 50c Now 3 Pairs for 50c This store will close at and August. Open until 1 0 p. the night following. Sulfa VJiwwB Manhattan Shirts fore my eyes." Foley Kidney Pills are a uric acid solcnt and are effective, for the various forms of rheumatism. For sale by F. i. Fricke & Co. Auction Bridge, 500 and Bridge Pads at the Journal office. 6 p. m. during the rest of July m. Saturday nights, pay day and Stetson Hats r II lil IN THIGREAT STATE Roosevelt Supporters Seem to Be In "Bad Row of Stumps" Re garding State Ticket. The provision relied on by the president's supporters in section 5t03 of Cobbey's statues, under the heading: "Division of Party." It is part of the original primary law enacted in 1907, but is under-; stood as applying to general elec tions. The section is herewith quoted: "In case of a division of any party, the secretary of state shall give the preference of party name to the convention held at the time and place designated in the call of the regularly constituted party authorities, and if the other fac tion or factions shall present no other name, the secretary of state shall select a name or title and place the same on the ballots be fore the list of candidates for such faction. The action of the pre ceding national convention of such parly, regularly called, shall determine the action of the sec retary of slate, or the court in its decisions. The secretary of state may be compelled by peremptory order of mandamus proceedings, to perform his duty in this re gard." It appears very plain that the slalute recognizes the national convention of a party as ils su pre i ne authority, wherever the right to use the party name is dis puted. The logical sequence of I his would be that any element in the republican party that declines lo accept Taft and Sherman as its nominees cannot establish its right to use the name. This part of the law is evidently intended to safeguard the rights of every political organization and compel ils members to respect I he duly constituted authority of the parly. - It apparently bars the Teddyiles from having a voice in g. o. p. affairs, because they have bolted I he aclion of the national convention I4J4 f? TENNIS NOTES. .M-M-I-M-I-MW-M-M- . The inter-county tournament will be held this year on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, August 5, 6 and 7. Everybody boost. Let this be the most successful tour ney ever held in the city. At the same time of the county tournament a city tournament for ladies will be in progress. There will be about sixteen entries and many good matches will be seen. Anyone wishing lo see some good practice matches can do so at Patterson's court every even ing, where good seats will soon be ready. . Watch Ibis column for results and pick your favorite for the city, county and girls' championships. Returned Lrom Perkins County. James Seivers and wife, who were called to Perkins county a coupel of weeks ago on account of the sickness of a relative, return ed Monday morning on No. 10. James was pleased at the wheat yield in lhal, county and for a long distance on this side. On the Holdridge ranch, where his son lives, the wheal will be good for 20 bushels per acre, and many places it will go more. The farm ers are having (rouble to get men lo care for the wheal already cut. lie saw a great many acres cut and lying in the swalh, it being loo short to bind. At many of the stations fanners met the Irain, offering .f.'J per day for wheat shockers. Mow the Weeds. According to the new law all farmers are compelled to cut the weeds along their line of road or the same will he cut, by the road ........ i t overseer ami cnargeq up m taxes lo land adjacent. Thereofre, it is my duty to nolify all farmers residing in Fight Mile drove pre cinct to cut tin- weeds on or be fore the l!jh day of August, or I will be compelled to comply with I he law. Frank PJatzer, lload Overseer. Keys Found. d. II. Meisinger found a bunch of keys on Hie public highway near the home of Hoy Howard yes lerday, which the owner may have by calling at I his ollice and paying for I his not ice. Itching, bleeding, protruding or blind piles have yielded to Doan's Ointment. Tide at all stores. BULL MOOSE PARTY LOCAL NEWS From Tuesday's Dally. Mrs. James llerold of Lincoln arrived today and will visit rela tives for a time. Mrs. Joseph livers went to dlenwood on the morning train today to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schwartz, for a time. John Tighe of Mauley motored to Plaltsnioulh this morning with Mr. and Mrs. Lanuhorst and looked after important business matters in the countv seat. Miss Angie MeCarrotl of Union pent Sunday in this city, the guest of Miss Mallie Larson, re turning to her home yesterday morning. Ir. J. M. Xeely and Attorney C. S. Aldrich of Klmwood visited the metropolis of Cass county today, having somei niportant business matters which demanded their at tention. . II. Manners, with his auto, met Van Hrunt's man at the Bur lington station when No. I ar rived this morning and whisked him off to Murray and was back in I he garage by 1 1 o'clock. Mrs. John Wiles, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert Knight, at Malvern, Iowa, since last Thursday, returned homo yesterday aflernoon. Mrs. Knight accompanied her home for a visit. Will Countryman of near Mur ray came in this morning and boarded the early train for Oma ha, going to consult an eye specialist concerning an abeess or something of the sort growing on his right eyelid. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wurl and babe arrived from Ouinry, Illinois, Sunday morning and will be tin guests of lMattsmoulli relatives for a time. Olio and Mrs. Wurl (formerly Miss Mable Hayes) are former residents of l'lallsmoulh, where their friends are legion. Miss Clara Domingo and Miss Anna Chrislenson of near Weep ing Water, came in last evening on Hie M. P. and visited Mrs. S. Hay Smith overnight. Mrs. Smith and her guests spent the day in Omaha, going on the early train this morning. Mrs. Fred Jones, nee Miss Flor ence liaird, departed Saturday aflernoon for Norton, Kansas where Mr. and Mrs. Jones will make their future home. Mr. Jones has been located in Norton for the past three weeks and his wife has visited her mother and sisters here while be has been be coming settled. From Wednesday's Dally. C. A. (lullion of Lincoln Irans icled business in l'laltsmouth to day. II. II. Swaslwood of Union was a Piatt sinoulli visitor yesterday and dined at the l'laltsmouth hotel. Meek Davis of near Murray drove in this morning to look af ter business mailers lor a few hours. Robert dood and wife of near Murray drove in this morning to look after business mailers at the county seal. deorge Meisinger was an Oma ha visitor Ibis afternoon, when! business matters demanded his personal attention. Mrs. Will Yallery of Havelock arrived today and will visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Warga, for a few days. W. A. Clcghorn of Louisville was a l'laltsmouth visitor today and registered at I he Perkins house at Hie dinner hour. Mrs. T. N. Julyan of Thomas, Oklahoma, returned lo her home this morning, after' a month's visit with her parents, J. W. liar wick and wife. Dan Burke of Mauley and Michael Simlli of Klmwood were l'laltsmouth visitors yesterday, having motored over to the coun ty seat with L. F. Langhorst. and parly. Samuel Cashner, the Alvo mer chant, has just ordered a line job of letter-heads from the Journal job department. - Mr. Cashner carries an excellent) line of hard ware, implements, queensware and cream separators. From Thursday's Dally John Seagrave was a pas senger to Omaha this afternoon on the fast mail. Charles Shoop transacted busi ness in Omaha Ibis morning, go ing on the first train. William DellesDernier,. the Klmwood lawyer, departed for his home veslerdav afternoon on No. 3.'). Andy Thompson of Cedar Creek was a Plaltsnioulh visitor lodav. having run down on No. for a few hours. William C. Ncwkirk and May bella P. Rouse, both of Oreen wood, were licenced t marry in Lincoln yesterdav. A. Dowers of Cedar Creek came town on No. i this morning and rough! with him a line basket of apricots for the market. James Terr berry of Kighti Mile drove came down on No. i this morning to transact business in the register of deeds' ollice. Fred Kehne, sr., was a caller at this ollice yesterday, renewing the subscription of the paper going to ius Heideman at Creighton, Neb. Loin Noel of Weeping Water slopped in Plattsmoutli for a few hours I bus morning, en route lo Pacific Junction, where he will work for a time. J. D. Winkler, the dlenwood real estate man, was in Hie citv today, looking after business mat ters in his line. He was accom panied by his wife, who was en- route to Auburn to visit relatives. A. V. Smith and wife departed for York, Neb., this morning, go ing by automobile, to visit their daughter, Mrs. drace Simpson. The distance is 120 miles and will make a fine trip Ibis season of the year. Joseph Fleck and son and Mr. llomola of Omaha were in lite city yesterday for a time and visited Kd Donat. They purchased 125 cords of wood from Charles F. Morion of near Union, to be ship ped soon. Miss Nellie Terr berry depart ed for Whiting, Iowa, on the aft ernoon train today, where she will visit relatives for a time. She was accompanied to Omaha bv Mrs. Henry Kaufmann and Mrs. Mary Kvers. James DellesDernier of Murray was a Plaltsnioulh visitor today, looking afler business matters for a short time. Mr. Delles Dernier was of the opinion that more rain fell here than in the vicinity of Murray last night. Thomas Roope oT Lincoln superintendent of mot ive power of Hie Burlington lines west, arrived in his private car attached lo No. 21 today. He was accompanied by Master Mechanic J. C. Morrison of Omaha. Holh gentlemen visited Superintendent liaird at the shops. Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Pitman and Mr. Pitman's sister, Mrs. (). A. Davis, autoed up from Murray last evening lo look nfler some matters of business. The Jour nal reporter, who was in Murray yesterday, had the pleasure of returning to Platlsmouth in Iheir company. James Hatched and family of Murray were in the city a short lime last evening. Jim took Iheni to Omaha in his auto in the early morning and they were on their return journey home. Mr. Hat chet! says the roads on the oilier sidetf the Plalle river bridge are not in very good condition for joy riding. Little Babe Passes Away. - Minnie, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank K. Warren, died flu's morning, after a brief illness, with cholera infinitum, and interment look place this aft ernoon. Margaret, the twin sisler of I lie little babe, died Monday and was buried Tuesday. The babes were five weeks old, but have not been perfectly well al any lime. Mr. and Mrs. Warren have the sympathy of the community in their sad bereavement. Great Opportunity to Secure Land in Famous Beaver Valley, Colorado Raises good wheal and alfalfa. Plenty of water can be secured by wells from eight to thirty feet deep. The land is about twenty miles from town, but a railroad survey has been made through it. These lands can be purchased for $ 1 0.00 per acre, one-half cash, balance at (5 per cent interest. Pumping plains nave ncen eslablUhed for irrigation pur poses on similar lands which are now worth $100 per acre and up There is only a limited amount of this land, so inquire al once. 00 acres in Loup Counly, Ni braska, fenced and cross-fenced, Iwo-room house, stable and catlli shed, well and wind-mill; lays rolling lo roug band is bay and grazing land. Price $10.00 per acre. This can be exchanged for other property of equal value. WINDHAM Investment and Loan Co. punn con in Peters & Richards Secure Big Job From State of Iowa and Signed Contract Yesterday. The contract for the llrt story and basement of the "dills' build ing" at dlenwood, Iowa, was sign ed up yesterday by Peters & Rich ards. The building is to be five stories, costing between $80,000 and $1)0,000. The contract of Pelers & Richards, for which tho appropriation is already available, is $1 D.OOO. This portion, base ment and first story, are lo be constructed this fall, work to bo commenced as soon as material can be gollen on the ground. Five bidders contested for the job and blue prints were furnish ed the contractors for their in spection before the bids were made. The building is to be con structed of reinforcde concrete, brick and steel. The contract for tho reinforced concrete founda tion will be sublet to H. C. Mc Maken & Son company. Pelers & Richards will take many of tho skilled workmen for the carpenter work and brick laying from this city and the job will give employ ment to a large number of men until the summer is over. Next spring new bids will be let lo finish the structure from ap propriations made this winter, and Peters & Richards will stand a very good chance o gel, Ibis contract also. The Journal is glad to see Platlsmoulli contract ors el the big conl racls ' in tho surrounding cities. This all helps lo attract people to Plaltsnioulh. Republican Nominate Assessors. After Iheir caucuses in the dif ferent wards last night, Hie re publicans of I he city held their city convention at the county judge's ollice. Dr. K. W. Cook was elected chairman and A. J. Iteeson, secretary. When tho call was taken up it was found that justices of the peace and constables were not up for elec tion Ibis fall, and the convention then proceeded to nominate as sessors for the city. M. M. Deal of I he Third ward and John C. Lindemann of the First ward were placed in nominal ion. The cen tral commit lee was given author ity to llll any vacancy that might occur. Marketing Wheat. A large amount of the wheat crop is being marketed and Iho yield is about 20 bushels per acre. Monday the Day elevator was re ceiving grain from John Burke, who sells 2,000 bushels, Charles Meyer 1,250 bushels, deorgo Tow le is selling at dill'ereiil places in town 2,000 bushels and Henry Meyer has delivered a portion of his crop. Ilert Jameson is one of e largest wheat growers in tho county, having an acreage of 2.10. Many of the farmers were not prepared lo care for Iheir crop and haul it lo the elevator for storage. Weeping Water Repub lican. Ward Caucuses. The democratic ward primaries, for the purpose of selecting dele gates to the counly convention, will be hebl at the following places: First ward, at the court bouse; Second ward, Turner hall: Third ward, Manspeaker's livery barn; Fourlh ward, council cham ber; Fifth ward, liach's store. Tho hour is 8 o'clock. Remember Iho dale and Ihe hour and be sure you allend. Afler Ihe ward nieelings Ihe democrats are requested to assemble al the council chamber and nominate two candidates for assessor of Ihe citv of Plalts- moul h. Mr. Leepor Promoted. D. A. Keeper, who has been second rick man at Ihe dispatch er's desk at the Burlington station here for the past six months, has been transferred to Denver, where be will have charge of the city ticket ollice. Mr. Keeper is a capable young man and niado many friends while in Plalts nioulh, who will be pleased to know of bis promol ion. His place will be filled for the present by Mr. Davis, who comes from Waverly, Nidi. Died at Franklin. Mrs. Mary Busier, formerly a resident on the farm where Mur ray now stands, died a few days ago al her homo at Franklin, Neb. Mrs. Buster, with her husband, resided in this counly before tho war, and for some time afterward. She was an aunt lo Jap Young, and many of the pioneer citizens of the city will remember her. Her husband died several years ago. TRACTORS LAND JOB