The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 18, 1912, Image 5

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' A young man and a beautiful
young woman, lost and alone in
a wilderness for months, half
starved and in daily peril of
death from wild beasts and still
more savage Indians this is the
central theme of the most fasci
noting romance that has come
from Emerson Hough's pen.
Head and you will learn how
'love came to them; how they
conducted themselves in this try
ing, unconventional situation;
how the man's chivalry and the
woman's purity held them stead
fast to the ideals of civilization,
and how the strange episode
brought tragedies, estrangements
'and happiness.
Thy Twain.
PVEN as we were putting together
our small belongings for the re-
I sumption of our journey I look
ed tip and saw what I took to
be a wolf stalking along in the grass
near the edge of our encampment I
would have shot It, but reflected that
I must not waste a shot on wolves.
Advancing closer toward it, as some
thing about its motions attracted me,
I saw it was a dog. It would not al
low me to approach, but as Ellen came
It lay down In the grass, and she got
close to It
"It is sick." she said, "or hurt." and
he tossed it a bone.
"Quick," I called out to her, "get it!
Tame it. It is worth more than riches
to us, that dog."
So she, coaxing it, at last got her
bands upon its bead, though it would
not wag its tall or make any sign of
friendship. It was a wolfish mongrel
Indian dog. One side of Its head was
cut or crushed, and it seemed that pos-
slbly some squaw had struck it with
intent perhaps to put it into the kettle,
but with aim so bad thut the victim
bad escaped.
To savage man a dog is of nearly as
much use as a horse. Now we had a
horse and a dog and food and weapons
and shelter. It was time we should
depart, and we now were well equipped
to travel. But whither?
"It seems to me," said I, "that our
safest plan is to keep away from the
Tlatte, where the Indians are more apt
to be. If we keep west until we reach
the mountains we certainly will be
above Laramie, and then if we follow
south along the mountains we must
strike the Tlatte again and so And Lar
amle, If we do not meet any one be
fore that time." It may be seen how
Tague was my geography in regard to
a region then little known to any.
"My father will have out the whole
army looking for us," snld Ellen Men
Ivether. "We may be found any day.
But for many a day we were not
found. We traveled westward day
after day. she upon the horse, I walk
ing with the dog. We had a rude
travols, which we forced our horse to
draw, and our little belongings we car
rled in a leathern bag slung between
two lodge poles. The dog we did not
vet load, although the rubbed biilr on
hla shoulders showed thnt he was used
to harness.
At times on these high rolling plains
we suw the buffalo, and when our
dried meat ran low I paused for food,
not daring to risk waste of our scanty
ammunition at such hard game as an-
' telope. Once I lay at a pnth neur a
water hole in the pocket of a half
dried stream and killed two buffalo
cows Here was abundant work for
more than two days cutting, drying.
scraping, feasting. Life began to run
keen in our veins In spite of all. I
beard her sing that day. saw her smile,
Now our worldly goods were increas
lng, so I cut down two lodge poles and
made a little travols for the dog. W
bad bides enough now for a small tent,
needing only sufficient poles.
"Soon." said she to me, "we will be
at Laramie."
"Pray God," said I to myself, "that
we never may see Laramie!" I have
Hald that T would set down the truth.
And this la the truth. I was becoming
a savage. I truly wanted nothing bet'
By Emerson Hough
Copyright, IV07, by the Outing Pabllsblaf
ier. i think tills might THippen lo
many a man, at least of that day.
We forded several -streams, one a
large o:ie, whlrh I now think must
have been the North Tlatte. but no
river ran as we fancied the Tlatte
must run. So we kept on until we
came one day to a spot whence we saw
something low and unmovlng and pur
ple far off iu the northwest This we
studied :ind so at length saw that it
was the mountains. At last our Jour
neying would change at least, perhaps
terminate ere long. A few more days
would bring us within touch of this
distant range, which, as I suppose
now. might possibly have been a spur
of what then were still called the
Black IIIlls. n name which applied to
several ranges far to the west and
south of the mouutalns now so called,
or perhaps those were peaks of tho
mountains later called the Laramie
Then tame n thing hard for us to
bear. Our horse, hobbled, as usual, for
tho night and, moreover, picketed on a
long rope I had made from buffalo
hides, managed some time In the night
to break his hobbles and in some way
to pull loose tho picket pin. When
we saw that he was gone we looked
at each other blankly.
"What shall we do?" she asked me
in horror. For the first time I saw
her sit down in despair. "We are
lost! What shall we do?" she walled.
I trailed the missing horse for many
miles, but could only tell be was go
ing steadily, lined out for some dis
tant point. I dared not pursue him
farther and leave her behind. An
hour after noon I returned and sullen
ly threw myself on the ground beside
her at our little bivouac. I could not
bear to think of her being reduced to
foot travel over all these cruel miles.
Yet indeed it now must come to that.
"We have the dog." said I at length.
"We can carry a robe and a little
meat and walk slowly. I can carry a
hundred pound pock if need be. and
the dog can take twenty -five"
"And I can carry something," she
said, rising with her old courage. "It
is my part." I made her a pack of
ten pounds, and, soon seeing that It
was too heavy. I took it from her and
threw it on my own.
"At least I shall carry the belt." she
said. And so she took my lelt, with
its flask and bullet pouch, the latter
now all too scantily filled.
Thus, sore at heart and somewhat
weary, we struggled on through that
afternoon and sank down beside n lit
tle water hole. And thnt night when
I reached to her for my belt that we
might again make our fire she went
pale and cried aloud thnt she bad lost
It and that now Indeed we must die!
I could hardly comfort her by tell
ing her that on tho morrow I would
certainly find it. I knew that In case
I did not our plight Indeed was serious.
She wept that nlght-wcpt like a child,
starting and moaning often in her
sleep. That night for the first time I
took her in my arras and tried to com
fort her. I, being now a savage, pray
ed to the Great Spirit, the Mystery,
that my own blood might not be as
water, that my heart might be strong
the old savage prayers of primitive
man brought face to face with na
ture. When morning came I told her I
must go back on the trail. "See, now,
what .this dog bos done for us," I said,
"The scratches on the ground of his
little travols poles will make a trail
easy to be followed. I must take him
with me and run back the trail. For
you, stay here by the water, and, no
matter what your fears, do not move
from here in any case, even if I should
not bo back by night."
"But what if you should not come
back?" she said, her terror showing in
her. eyes.
"But I will come back," I replied. "I
will never leave you. I would rise
from my grave to come back to you
But the time has not yet come to He
down and die. Be strong. We shall
yet be safe."
So I was obliged to turn and leave
her sitting alone there, the gray sweep
of the merciless plains all about her.
The dog was our Bavlor. Without his
nose I could not have traced out the
little travols trail, but he. seeing what
was needed and finding me nosing
along and doubling back and seeking
on the bard ground, seemed to know
what was required or perhaps himself
thought to go back to some old camp
for food. So presently be trotted along,
his ears up, bis nose straight ahead,
and I, a savage, depended upon a crea
ture still a little lower in the order of
life, and that creature proved a faith
ful servant
We went on at a swinging walk or
trot or lope, aa the ground said, and ate
up tho distance at twice the speed we
had used the day before. In a couple
of hours I was closo to where she bad
nken the belt, and so at last saw the
flog drop his nose and sniff. There
were the missing: rkbos, priceless be
yond gold-the little leaden balls, the
powder, dry in Its horn: the little rolls
of tow. the knife swung at the girdle!
I knelt down there on the sand. I. John
Cowles, once civilized and now heath
en, and I raised my frayed and ragged
bauds toward the Mystery nnd begged
that I might be forever five ot the
great crime of thanklessness. Then,
.laughing at the dog nnd loping on tire
less ns when 1 was a boy. 1 ran as
though sickness nnd weakness had!
never been mine nnd presently cania
back to the place where 1 had left her.
She saw me- coming. She ran out to
meet me, holding out her arms I
say she came holding out her arms to
"Sit down here by my side," I com
manded her. "I must talk to you. I
will I will."
"Do not," she implored. "Ah, what
shall I do! You are not fair!"
But I took her hands In mine. "I
can endure it no longer," I said. "I
will not endure it."
She looked at me with her eyes wide,
looked me full in the face with such
a gaze as I have never seen on any
woman's face.
'I love you," I said to her. "I have
never loved any one else. I can never
love a.ny one again but you." I say
that I, John Cowles, had at that mo
ment utterly forgotten all of life and
all of the world except this then and
there. "I love you!" I said over and
over again to her.
She pushed away my arm. "They
are all the same," she said as though
to herself.
"Yes, all the same," I said. "There
is no man who would not love you,
here or anywhere."
"To how many have you said that?"
she asked me, frowning.
"To some," 1 said to her honestly.
"But it was never thus."
She curled bee Hp. scorning the
truth which she had asked now that
she had It. "And if any other woman
were here it would be the same. It is
because I am here, because we are
alone, because I nm a woman ah, that
is neither wise nor brave nor good of
"That Is not true. Were it any oth
er woman, yes, what you say might be
true in one way. But 1 love you not
because you are a woman. It is Iw
cause you are Ellon. You would be
the only woman in the world, no mat
ter where we were nor how many
were about us. Though I could choose
from all the world, it would be the
sa me."
"It is the old story," she sighed.
"Yes. the old story." I said. "It is
the same story, the old one. There
are the witnesses, tbe hills, the sky."
"You seem to have thought of such
things." she snld to me slowly. "I
have not thought. I have simply lived
along, enjoying life, not thinking. Po
we love because we are but creatures?
I cannot be loved so 1 will not be!
I will not submit that what I have
sometimes dreamed shall be so narrow
as this. John Cowles, a woman must
be loved for herself, not for her sex.
by some one wbo is a man, but who
Is Inside"
"Oh, I have said all that. I ioved
you the first time I'wiw you-the first
time, there ot the dance."
"And forgot and cared for another
girl the next day." She argued that all
over again.
"That other girl was you." I once
more reiterated.
"And again you forgot mc"
"And again what made me forget
you wns yourself. Each time you
were that other girl, thnt other wom
an. Each time I have seen you you
have been different, and eneh time I
Uave loved you over again. Each day
I see you now you are different, El
len, and each day I love you more.
How many times shall I solve this
same problem and come to the same
answer. I tell you the thing is ended
and done for me."
"It is easy to think, so here, with
only the hills and skies to see and
"No; it would be tho same," I said.
"It is not because of that"
"It is not because I am in your pow
er?" she said. She turned and faced
me, her bands on my shoulders, look
ing me full in the eye. The act a
brave one.
"Because I am in your power, John
Cowles?" she asked. "Because by ac
cident you have learned that I am a
comely woman, as you are a strong
man, normal, because I am fit to love,
not ill to look at? Because a cruel ac
cident has put me where my name la
jeopardized forever in a situation out
of which I can never, never come clean
again Is that why? Do you figure
that I am a woman because you are a
man? Is that why? Is it because you
know I am human and young and fit
for love? Ah, I know that as well aa
you. But I am la your hands; I am in
your power. That is why I say, John
Cowles, that you must try to think,
that you must do nothing which shall
make me hate you or make you bate
"I thought you missed me when I
was gone," I murmured faintly.
"I did miss you," .she said. "The
world seemed ended for me. I needed
you, I wanted you" I turned toward
her swiftly. "Wanted me?"
"I was glud to see you come back.
While you were gone I thought Yes,
you have been brave, and you have
been kind, and you have been strong.
Now, I am only asking you still to be
brave and kind and strong."
"But do you love me, will you love
me can you"
"Because we are here," she said, "I
will not answer. What is right, John
Cowlos, that we should do."
Woman is strongest when armored
in. her own, wenknes. Myjian;ls fell to
the ground beside mo. I shuddered. 1
could not smile without my mouth go
ing crooked. I fear. But at lust I
smiled cs best I could, and I said to
her. "Ellon! Ellen!" That was all I
could find to say.
(To Ho Continued.)
Arthur Helps, Formely of This
City, Visits Palttsmouth .Girl
While in London.
Arthur Iblps, fonnelv a mer
chant of this city, now u resilient
of Long1 Hoaeh, California, on
route from London, Kngland, to
his homo, accompanied by his
wife, are visiting; friends in the
city. While in London Mr. Helps
and wife went to tho C.lobe theater
to see "Tho Pink Lady," in which
Miss Alice Dovey of lMatlsmoutli
plays a very important part.
Mr. Helps noted that Miss Dovey
was very popular with her London
audience and hor acting ami sing
ing is much superior to that of the
leading lady in the company. Her
voice has retained its smoothness,
richness and sweetness of tone
ami her nudiences were en
thusiastic in their applause when
ever Miss Dovey appeared upon
the stage. Her friends in this city
are much pleased to note hor suc
cess ami nre not at all surprised
that she should take tier English
audiences bv storm.
Dysentery is always serious and
often a dangerous disease, but it
can lie cured. Chamberlain's
Colir, Cholera ami Diarrhoe Rem
edy has cure it even when mali
gnant ami epidemic, For sale by
F. Ci. Fricke & Co.
Landed Valuable Timbers.
Charles McCatiley and Floyd
Kuhney yesterday afternoon land
ed several dollars' worth of valu
able timber which came flouting
down the river. The lauding was
effected below tho bridge. The
timbers were fastened together
and an ax was lying on the raft.
There were 2J timbers 12x18
inches and about 16 feet long.
Some days ago Charley caught a
row-boat floating down the river
nnd brought it in and chained it
to a tree. Today he had the
pleasure of turning the boat over
to the owner, who, with a large
raft, floated clown the river from
Folsoin, where he had been at
work on the dike. Charley re
ceived 20 per cent of the value of
I ho boat as salvage. Tho owner,
with his raft, expected to drift
down the river 75 miles below
Kansas City.
L. F. Langhorst Here.
From Tuesday's Dally.
We were most agreeably stir
prised Ibis morning when ou
good friend, L. F. Langhorst, Ih
merchant prince of Elmwootl
stepped in upon us. And we don'
know of anyone we could give
more cordial greeting. Lou is full
of energy and hustle and his great
success in mercantile pursuits is
duo to the fact, that lie possesse
(he qualities and is genial in man
nor of doing business. Mr. Lang
horst has one of the largest do
partmont stores in Cass county,
and we seriously doubt there be
ing an establishment of its char
acter in the county that carries a
larger stock of goods. 4 lie is one
of the best man In Cass county,
ami we nre pleased to note his
prosperity, lie auloed, over and
was accompanied by Mrs. Lang
horst.. Finds the Coin.
Asbury Jacks, while promenad
ing near the Japanese concession
Ibis morning, with eyes cast on
the pavement, happened upon a
piece of bronzo money, which he
says the owner may have by prov
ing the property." Asbury is an
honest man. Many fellows would
have pocketed the coin and said
nothing about it, but not Asbury,
as he was raised different. It is
not his fault that he is so honest,
but having been raised by honest
parents, he cannot help it.
Cuts Finger Off.
While operating a circular saw
Monday evening at his home, An
ton Svoboda had the misfortune
to get the index finger of his right
hand too close to the teeth of the
saw and it was drawn under it and
completely severed. A physician
was summoned and the injury
dressed and the hand made as
comfortable as possible. Anton
will have a few days' enforced
Mrs. Joseph Novolny and
daughter, Miss Rose, accompanied
by Gus Kopp, visited the me
tropolis this morning, going on
the early train.
Some of the Bargains
that can be found
A. G. BACH & CO.
on Seasonable Necessities
16 pounds of granulated sugar for $1.00
18 pound sack Plainsifteror Diamond Patent flour $1.40
Forest Rose, Jersey Cream or Premium Patent. . . $1.50
Fruit Jars, pints, per dozen 50c
Fruit Jars, quarts, per dozen 60c
Fruit Jars, half-gallon, per dozen 75c
3 cans of good sweet corn for 2oc
8 bars of Diamond "C" Lenox or White Russian
Soap for 25c
6 bars of good white Laundry Soap for 25c
at Main Street or South ParkJStorcs
Telephone orders receive
Prompt Attention.
Injured Hand With Hammer.
Anion Peterson, carpenter in
tho coach shop, had the mis
fortune to make a mislick Monday
morning, striking his finger a
blow with the hammer instead of
the nail aimed at. Anton sought
the surgeon's olllce ami had the
injured linger dressed and was di
rected (o take a few days' lay-off
until the injury recovered.
Freight Cars Burglarized.
Two freight cars standing on
the Duiiinglon track near the
freight depot, were burglarized
last night. A box of merchandise
billed from Omaha to Cedar Creek
was broken open. A pair of
garters and other articles of mer
chandise were missing. There
was no clue to the perpetrators.
Richard Cromwell of Weeping
Water returned to his home yes
terday afternoon, after visiting
the J. M. Leyda home for a few
days. .
You'd better make your
plans this week to get some of the ex
ceptionally good things we're offering for your benefit and
if you're wise you won't wait very long about it either.
A big out-clearing sale of good clothes; at big price
reductions; a clean-cut, straightforward sale of high-grade
goods, backed by this store of quality; with the same ser
vice and satisfaction, guaranteed as if the prices hadn't
been changed:
100 Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits
including Worsteds in fancy Blue Serges, neat
gray, tan and brown effects, in sizes from 33 to
42 regular prices from $20 to $30. Divided
into two lots- Now $10 and $14
25 Society Brand Suits, includ- j
ing grays, tans, browns, and two-piece Blue
Serges regular prices from $20 to $30. Di
vided into three lots
. Now $10, $14 and $18
25 Micheals, Stern & Co. Suits,
mostly grays and tans regular prices $15 to
$25. Divided into two lots
Now $10 and $14
High-Grade Shirts, made by Fer-
guson-McKinney and Wilson Bros., in sizes from
14 to 7li regular prices $1.25 and $1.50
Now 75c Each
VJIVl. VAVS1J. U11U I I 1 sl TV VUl KJKJA. Ill
sizes fromOtoll regular prices 25 and 50c
Now 3 Pairs for 50c .
tor This store will close at 6 p. m. during the rest of July and
August. Open until 10 p. m. Saturday nights, pay day and the
night following.
Manhattan Shirts
Injured Hand at Shops.
Al Reinackel, who works on the
rip I rack, had tho misfortune last
evening to get his fingers in to
close touch with the emery wheel
and it only look a second's titno to
grind off considerable skin and
llesh. Ho wont to the surgeon at
once and had his injuries dressed.
Al will lay off for a few days.
Elmwood Lawyer Here.
Attorney William DellosDornier
of Elmwood arrived in the county
seal from Omaha last, evening and
put up for the night, expecting to
attend the carnival during last
evening and look nftor some pro
fessional business today.
Miss Cladys Sleinhauer return
ed last evening on the Missouri
Pacific from Dunbar, Neb., where
she visited over Sunday with her
friend, Miss Mary florton.
A. J, Kanka was a passenger to
Omaha on the fast mail this after
noon. Stetson Hats