The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 18, 1912, Image 2

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IUm of lnteret to Journal Reader
Dale Buyles iih 1 nJ to Lincoln
Airs. Frank Dais was in Lin
coln Wednesday.
Mrs. E. M. Stone was shopping
in Lincoln Friday.
W. E. Casey went t Omaha
Saturday on business.
Miss Mae Prouty was shopping
in Lincoln Wednesday.
Sam B. Ianis of Lincoln came
3own on No. 14 Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Suavely
were in Lincoln Tuesday.
Dean Kaiiim lost 12 head of cat
tie Sunday from eating cane.
Frank Yacger was in Lincoln
Wednesday visiting relatives.
J. 1. House left last week for
Custer county to visit relatives.
Harry Appleman came down
from Lincoln Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Mary Skinner is staying
with Mrs. Art Bird for a short
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Prouty came
in on No. 1H Tuesday from Lin
W. O. Uoyles and son, Clyde, of.
Lincoln, came down on No. 18
F. II. Candy and Alfred Stroem
er were in Kaglo Saturday on
Miss Folfe of Smith Center,
Kansas, came in Sunday to visit
Mrs. Charles Strong returned
Friday from Lincoln, where she
visited her mother.
Clyde Iloyles of Lincoln came
in Saturday evening to visit rela
tives for a few days.
Miss Kate Hanson and Mrs. J.
A. Shaffer were Lincoln visitors
Wednesday of last week.
Margery Hall returned Tuesday
from Lincoln, where she has been
visiting for several days.
Dr. L. Muir, Charles Suavely
and J. II. Stroemer went to South
Bend Saturday for ah outing.'
Mrs. Mary Fry of Clay Center,
Neb., came in Friday to visit her
brother, John Murty and wife.
Miss Verna llyder of Lincoln
visited a few days this week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Iloyles.
Mrs. Joe Prouly returned
.Thursday from Sioux City, Iowa,
where she was visiting for a few
Mr. and Mrs. John Wood and
daughter, Miss Grayre, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Curyea Tues
day. W. E. Casey shipped cattle and ;
nogs lo uie miui.ii i Milium maiheii
Monday. Also John Murty a car
of hogs.
Eli Coon left Tuesday on No. 18
for Lima, Ohio, to attend the
funeral of his mother, Mrs. Henry
Mrs. (Ieorge Curyea and grand
daughter, Lillian, visited Wednes
day in Lincoln with Mrs. F. Carr
and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer visit
ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.
E. Casey. Jake has his Thanks
giving turkey spotted.
Harry Parsell was a passenger
to Omaha Saturday, from whence
he went to Tekamah on business,
lie returned home Sunday night.
Orion Haldwin went to Uni
versity Place Sunday to manage
the Dreamer & Cashner store at
that place while Mr. Cashner is in
Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Towle and
son, Henry, of Wabash, and Mi',
and Mrs. Jerry Mcllugh of South
Hend spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. John Murty.
M ism's
Whatever else you do don't miss this. We have
closed out all our 5 and $7.50 suits except a few
small sizes. We have taken all our other suits
and reduced them to a common level to close at
$10 $ot cash. It means a loss to us but a clean
stock. We are determined no summer suit shall
be carried over. Just now is your chance. Don't
miss it. Remember you are especially welcome to
look. It's your fault if you don't buy.
G. E. Ucscoil's Sons
Alwayi the Home of Satisfaction
Will Be Received M the Dru Store
Miss lirayce Foreman went to
Lincoln Sunday.
Charles lloelofez visited friends
in Lincoln Sunday.
C. M. Jordan went to Lincoln Sat
urday on business.
S. C. Boyles and family motored
to Lincoln Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs." Morgan Curyea
were in Lincoln Monday.
Sam Cashner went to Omaha on
business Tuesday on No. 18.
Fred Trout y lost four head of
cattle from eating cane Tuesday.
Frank Anderson of Weeping
Water spent Sunday at the home
of Mrs. Klla Prouty.
Charles Koscnow was on the
sick list a few days last week, but
is belter at this writing.
Mrs. Abbie Cook came in Sat
urday from Illair, Neb., to visit her
son, Perry Cook and family.
Mrs. W. K. Strain of Bethany
and baby visited her aunt, Mrs.
Vincent, Saturday and Sunday.
Orville Prouty returned Tues
day from Kansas, where he has
been working for a few weeks.
Wheat, is turning out quite
good, averaging from 12 to 25
bushels per acre in this vicinity.
Mrs. Curtis Ogle returned Sat
urday from Lincoln, where she
has been visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Hen Linch.
Mrs. Kniccly and children of
Omaha and Mrs. Johnson and son
of Lincoln visited (heir mother,
Mrs. Craig, Sunday.
Mrs. Itina KitT.el v entertained
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge
Swartz of Elmwood and Mrs. Lina
Cole and son of Mynard.
The Misses Vera and Marie
Prouty and Emma Sutton visited
last week with Miss Josephine
llitchrnati at Weeping Water
Miss Orpha Mullin returned
Sunday from a few weeks' visit
with her brother, John Mullen and
family, at Francellas, Texas
Horn To Mr. and Mrs. Perry
Cook, Tuesday, July 10, HM2, a
daughter. Also to Mr. and Mrs
Andrew Ghrislenson, Wednesday,
July 10, 11)12, a son.
Mr. ami Mrs. L. E. Hobbilt and
daughter, Hazel, are spending Mr
11, .1,1. II l'u lu.i vvi.oks' vncnllnll
from his clerical duties at the
Lincoln poslollicc with relatives
at this place.
Rev. E. L. Uptegrove and son
William, drove lo Eagle Monday
morning, where the latter will re
innin !i few ilavs nllcndmi? to
,)llsin,,MS nialt(.rs.
WonJ Wft9 m.(iv0(1 Mon-
dav morning from lima, Ohio
that Grandma Hardnock had pass
ed away. Eli Coon of this place
is a son of the deceased.
Miss Flossie Strain of Beth
any, and her cousin, Miss F.oline
Wilson, of Agra, Kansas, came in
Wednesday to visit their aunt,
Mrs. Vincenl, for a few days.
J. A. Shaffer received a postal
from E. M. Stone. They had
reached Arapahoe, Neb., 217
miles from Lincoln, Monday even
ing. They reported (he roads line
and no trouble.
Mrs. John Murty went to Lin
coln Friday morning lo meet her
sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary Fry of
Clay Center, Neb., who will visit
here and with relatives at Weep
ing Water for a few weeks.
Miss Kale Hanson, who has
been with her sisler, Mrs. F. H.
Candy, for the past three months,
returned Friday lo her home at
New Bedford, Illinois. She was
accompanied by her Utile niece,
Cecil Candy.
Mrs. Fred Dreamer and daugh
ter, Ruth, went to University
1'laee Friday, whence the latter
was accompanied In Denver, Colo
rado, by a friend, Mrs. Dutton.
Mis Hulh arrived in Denver Sun
day morning and will visit her
aunt, Mrs. Dean Stone.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stone and
son, LaVerne, left Sunday evening
in their auto fur University Place,
where they joined a party of rela
tives and friends, who left over
land in their autos for Denver,
Colorado, Monday. They expect
to be gone several weeks.
Summer colds are hard to get
rid of, and frequently leads to
asthma, bronchitis and hay fever.
Do not let your cold get a hold on
. an w
you, hut use or ley 8 noney ana
Tar Compound for quick relief. W.
H. Allen, Shelsea, Wis., says: "We
prefer Foley's Honey and Tar
Compound to other cough medi
cines because it quickly cures
coughs and colds. It will ward off
cold if taken in time." Con
tains no opiates. lor sale by F.
0. Fricke & Co.
-M-H- -HW-HH-K
(Special Correspondent.) n
Threshing is the order of the
day here.
W. A. Gillespie was in Lincoln
Monday night.
Miss Mary Miller was in Oma
ha last Wednesday.
II. M. Beall of Omaha was a
week-end visitor here.
Frank Coyne and W. C. Monroe
went to Lincoln Sunday.
Miss Opal Besack of Springfield
visited here over Sunday.
Mrs. Heddon is entertaining her
father from Missouri.
Mr. Lawson of Lincoln spent
Sunday with Lacey McDonald.
Mrs. Orley Jones and son of
Beatrice are visiting relatives
Miss Mina Goehry of Omaha
visit oil her parent s here over
Miss Erna Dunscome of Omaha
spent several days here last week
with friends.
E. T. Tool and wife and Harold
ate Sunday .dinner with Paul
Schewe and family.
Miss Etta Sorick and Miss Anna
Goehry of Lincoln spent Sunday
here with home folks.
Mrs. Henry West lake and chil
dren spent Tuesday at the Amg
wcrl home near Wabash. '
' (ieorge Hubble left last" 'Wed
nesday for Dakota. We under
stand he may locate (here.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McDonald
and daughter, Marguerite, were
Sunday guests of John Aries and
Willard McNamara and sisler,
Jeanette, went to South Bend
Tuesday for a short visit with
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thimgan and
children, Florence and Lester,
pent Sunday with Matt Thim
gan and family.
John Amgwert lias Commenced
the work of redecorating the in-
ide of the Callahan church, and
as usual, is doing a dandy job.
Henry Tool and family and
Harry McDonald and family, also
Miss Rose Worth, returned last
Friday from a fishing trip to the
Mrs. Louis Neilzel, Mrs. Clara
Hailing and children, Alice and
Paul, returned Tuesday from a
short visit with relatives at Have
lock, Neb.
Rudolph Kuehn and family of
Alvo and Frank Eveland and sis
ler, Mrs. King, of this place were
guests of Peter Eveland and fam
ily Sunday.
F. (). Bealls' general store is
the scene of a big July clearing
sale to be held from July 11 lo
27. Something doing every min
ute in the bargain line. Come and
. . . -
see lor yourselves.
An increasing number of peo
ple report regularly of the satis
factory results from taking Foley
Kidnev Pills and commend their
healing and curative qualities
Foley Kidney Pills are a carefully
prepared medicine, guaranteed to
contain no hanniful or habit
forming drugs. They can havo
only le beneficial effect when used
for kidney and bladder troubles,
fur backache, rheumatism, weak
back or lumbago. For sale by F
G. Fricke & Co.
Gus Peln Improving.
Gus Pein, who had the index
linger amputated al the firs
joint for blood poison some days
ago, is slowly improving. The
arm, which was badly swollen am
had to be lanced, is much better
and the swelling reduced.
Doan's Regulets are recom
mended by many who say they
operate easily, without griping
and without bad after effects. 2f
at all drug stores.
The Avoca Department j
News Item Gathered Each Week by
Odd Fellows' picnic at Avoca I
August 1st.
A booster trip is being planned
for the picnic.
Jack Belts was at Omaha a few
days last week.
Mrs. J. M. Dunbar was at Ne
hawka last week.
William Hinze is in western
Nebraska this week.
Dr. Tuck was down from Weep
ing Water Wednesday.
Carl Schroder and wife were at
Omaha one day last week.
The Royal Neighbor Circle met
with Mrs. Copes last Friday.
Mrs. Ora E. Copes was a Weep
ing Water visitor Wednesday.
Mrs. W. A. Rose was able to
come to town last Saturday.
Mrs. Harry Oaks is spending
the week with Strang relatives.
Miss Mabel Hanger returned
from Lincoln Tuesday evening.
Asa Johnson and wife are now
occuping the Mrs. Buss residence.
John Schmidt is again behind
Physical Exercise.
According to Dr. Durdik,
physical exeercisc should be done
for (he express purpose to
strengthen the mind so it could
dictate to the body. It is not an
easy matter to restrain the body
from enjoying what it likes, al
though knowing that such enjoy
ment is injurious. A sound mind
or good sense gives orders to the
body regulating its habits. Can
you prevent your body from over
eating, over-drinking and other
excesses? Try it and if you suc
ceed you will he pertect. Should
any disorder in the digest ion pre
vent you to do so, try Triner's
American Elixir of Hitler Wine. It
will strengthen your stomach and
your intest ines, will arouse I lie
appetite and increase the di
gestive secretions; it will clean
out the bowels and keep I hem
clean. It will relieve pain. At
drug stores. Jos. Triner, 1333
133H S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, III.
Motoring From Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Kanard, Dr. and
Mrs. Dodge, Mrs. Roscoe, Horace
and Sperry Ruffner and Miss
Violet Dodge, all of Omaha,
motored to Plattsmouth last
evening, remaining for a few
hours and taking supper on the
Dodge lawn in this city. They
started on the return trip about
10 o'clock. Miss Violet remained
in the city today for a visit with
In these days of high cost of
living, a medicine that gets a man
up out of bed and ablo to work in
a few days is a valuable and wel
come remedy. John Heath. Michi
gan Bar, Cal., had kidney and
bladder trouble, was confined to
his bed, unable to turn without
help. "I commenced using Foley
Kidney Pills and can truly say I
was relieved at once." This ex
ample is worth following. For
sale by F. G. Fricke & Co.
Qood Pasture.
91. (in per niontn. Horses or
cattle; on Platte bottom at south
end of wagon bridge.
T. II. Pollock.
For any pain, , burn, scald or
bruise, apply Dr. Thomas' F'clec-
tic Oil the household remedy
Two sizes 25c and 50c, at all drug
u mi
The Plattsmouth Garage Co. n
WARGA & CECIL, Proprietors
Ready for Business!
Corner Sixth and Vine
We want you all to feel that we are going to look
your car's needs. Don't worry if you break down.
will deliver you supplies ana uresquicKiy ana economically. r.veryuuuy wcu
you will be absolutely guaranteed.
The Plattsmouth Garage Company
WARGA & CECIL, Proprietors
J or
Agent for the Inter -
a Special Reporter for Thi Department of the Semi-Weekly Journal
the counter at the meat market.
Miss Rosa Peters of Eagle spent
several days this week visiting in
Opal and Ray Lewloii were at
Weeping Water several days this
Try the Sunday dinners at the
(ixford hotel. They are certainly
Mrs. Charles Woodsen of Oma
ha was visiting her parents here
this week.
Misses Eda and Selnia Mar
quardt are entertaining friends
from Lincoln.
Mrs. Samuel Johnson was at
Weeping Water the first of the
week on a visit.
Mrs. L. J. Marquardt and chil
dren arrived home Saturday from
their Utica visit.
Fred Ilamge arrived from Den
ver Sunday for a few days' visit
with his parents.
.J. C. Zimmerer, Gus Mohr, W.
I. Smoots and Fred Ramge, jr.,
Traveling Man Took His First
Trip Across the Plains From
Plattsmouth In 1858.
II. P. Dunkan, traveling sales
man for an Akron, Ohio, drug
linn, was in the city yesterday af
ternoon and called on the local
druggists. He has been making
Plattsmouth for the past twenty
years. While standing on the
Burlington platform waiting for
his train last evening Mr. Dunkan
recalled having landed from a
steamboat near where the station
now stands, in the spring of 1858.
He had shipped from St. Louis
on the boat. At the lime he was
traveling with his uncle, who was
taking a wagon train across the
plains. The train consisted of
thirty-two- head of cattle and
several teams of mules. The cat
tle, as well as the mules, were
used for hauling heavy wagons
loaded with freight, their destina
tion being Denver. At that time
there were but a few shantie be
tween Plattsmouth and Grand Is
land. Mr. Dunkan look that trip
to see w hat I he w est was like, and
while his home is still in Akron,
he travels by rail now I he trail he
went over with ox teams and
prairie schooners fifly-four years
George L. Higble, Manton,
Mich., used oFley Kidney Pills for
kidney and bladder trouble. He
says: "I find for my case no
other medicine equals Foley Kid
ney Pills for beneficial effect."
They are a safe and reliable medi
cine for kidney trouble and rheu
matism. Contain no harmful
drugs. For sale by F. G. Fricke
& Co.
Entertains for Guests.
Mrs. E. II. Wescott entertained
last evening in honor of her aunt,
Mrs. Lucy Tisdale, of Slayton,
Minn., a sister of Mrs. Wescolt's
father, the late William Street,
and also for Mrs. Mary Pritchard
of Red Oak, Iowa. Dinner was
served at C o'clock, covers being
laid for a number of relatives and
State Automobiles.
were at Omaha Tuesday.
Mint a and Frank Beckord of
Utica are here visiting at the
home of L. J. Marquardt.
Remember that August 1st is
the big day in Avoca, that date
being the Odd Fellows' picnic.
Mrs. Charles Marquardt and
daughter, Nit a, are here from
Scribner for a visit with relatives.
The Congregational Ladies' Aid
society served ice cream and cake
at Marquardt's store last Satur
day. B. G. Wurl was over from
Plattsmouth Wednesday selling1
the celebrated Wurl Brothers
Walter Mead and wife, living'
east of town, are the happy par
ents of a baby boy, born last
Jacob Opp, wife and Luella and
Mark, left the first of the week for
Beaver Crossing to spend the week
visiting relatives.
A Farewell.
The boys composing Miss Mat
tie Larson's Sunday school class
of the Presbyterian church
gathered at the home of their
teacher last evening to participate
in a picnic supper. The occasion
was in honor of Truman Waugh
and was in the nature of a fare
well. Truman expects to depart
for Lincoln today, where the
Waugh family expects to reside
in the future. Weinies were
roasted over an open fire, after
which all gathered about the
festive board and quite rapidly
devoured the piping hot weinies
and accompaniments. The boys
regret very much at having to lose
Truman from their class. Those
in attendance were: Truman
Waugh, Glen Thompson, Burdette
Briggs, Raymond Larson, Dewey
Zuckweiler and Blythe Rosen
crans. N. J. Jordan, Cashier Bank of
Woodville, Woodville, Ga., had a
very severe attack of kidney
trouble and the pains in his kid
neys and back were terrible. "I
got a bottle of Foley Kidney Pill
frojn our druggist and they en
tirely relieved me, I have more
benefit from them than any other
medicine." For sale by F. G.
Fricke & Co.
Candidate for Assessor.
The Journal is in receipt of a
letter from P. E. Ruffner, who,
with his wife, is sojourning in
Montana, in. which he says that it
was his intention to have arrived
at home in time for the city pri
maries, but owing to the sickness
of his sister, it will be utterly im
possible for him to do so. Mr.
Ruffner also says if his friends
feel like supporting him for as
sessor again he will gladly accept
the honor, and feel very grateful
lo the democrats for their sup
port. Mr. Ruffner has served
several lerms as assessor and has
always "filled the bill" in a most
capable manner.
Dyspepsia is America's curse.
To restore digestion, normaf
weight, good health and purify the
blood, use Burdock Blood Bitters.
Sold at all drug stores. Price,.
H 1 .00.
Frank Gobelman, painllng and
paper hanging. 4-9-
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
after the emergency end of fi
Our "Service Department" l
- : r